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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Links - 26th October 2024 (3 - Star Wars)

Jamsheed Motafram on X - "Star Wars was always political since 1977. While the prequels went too far in the rabbit hole and the sequels didn’t give too much subtext, the originals found the perfect balance."
Left wingers like to claim that Star Wars has always been political, but there's a difference in how they do it now. Having political themes is different from putting politics front and centre and lecturing the audience within the product and scolding them outside it. It's telling that George lucas was criticised for the political allegory in episode 3 and it was already more subtle than the bs we have today. We can see how Tolkien criticised CS Lewis for being too obvious with the Christian allegory in the later Narnia books and how distasteful it was. Also if your product is good you can get away with more

Meme - Anakin: "You're not actually flying to Italy to find the exact field just for a cosplay, right?"
*Padme cosplay*
Anakin: "Right?"
*Padme cosplay*

Obi-Wan Kenobi Writer Reveals Original Plans For Scrapped Film Trilogy - "writer Stuart Beattie originally approached Lucasfilm with an idea for an entire movie trilogy. During an interview with YouTuber Star Wars Theory, Beattie revealed his core concept: Obi-Wan and Vader had to have met between Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and the first Star Wars film, later retitled A New Hope. Dialogue in Return of the Jedi supports his theory – at one point, Vader tells Luke that Obi-Wan once thought he could be redeemed too, but this was never covered in the prequel trilogy. So when did Vader and Obi-Wan meet, and how did that affect his journey as a Jedi?  Unfortunately, after the relative failure of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lucasfilm decided that movies focused on characters we know will survive aren’t workable. Once Disney+ arrived on the scene, only a year later, Lucasfilm pivoted its strategy towards creating live-action TV series. The bare bones of Beattie’s story treatment were used for the Obi-Wan Kenobi show instead. In Beattie’s original concept, Obi-Wan is in a much darker place than he appears to be in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Beattie argued that Obi-Wan would have been weighed down by his guilt, infecting his two most important relationships: his relationship with the Force and his relationship with Luke Skywalker. In this version of the story, Obi-Wan would not have kept a watchful eye on Luke from afar; instead, he moves in with the Lars family, training Luke from a young age. Then, when Luke is four years old, it’s clear that the training isn’t going well. Obi-Wan is frustrated, and he’s lost his connection with the Force. This story is about Obi-Wan learning that forcing someone, namely Luke, to connect with the Force is impossible. He needs to learn to trust himself and the Force once more – he has to let go, take a step back, and trust the Force to bring Luke back to him when the time is right. That’s where A New Hope comes in. Before Luke can be reunited with Old Ben, though, Obi-Wan has to face his demons. The plot finally kicks off when the Empire arrives on Tatooine. Clone Commander Cody has reconnected with Obi-Wan, and various hilarious shenanigans involving the Sarlacc pit occur, but the Empire discovers Obi-Wan is on Tatooine, and he is forced to flee. He ends up on a space station with refugees, all of whom are being held prisoner by a corrupt administrator. These refugees have their own connection to the Force – though they may not call it that, just as other Star Wars cultures have been known to give the Force a different name – and they teach Obi-Wan an important lesson about Luke’s destiny. Obi-Wan has a vision in which he sees himself confronting a dark figure on Mustafar. Though he surmises it must be Vader, it turns out to be 19-year-old Mark Hamill instead, and Obi-Wan realizes he’s pushing Luke down a dark path. Vader has tracked Obi-Wan down to the space station, and they are the last two figures there as it falls into a gas giant. They duel, Obi-Wan still slashes Vader’s mask and his eyes, and he says he believes there’s still good in him – everything in Beattie’s story leads up to that moment. In the end, Obi-Wan manages to escape. Interestingly, Reva is there, too (though she isn’t mentioned anywhere else in the interview), and claims to have killed him. Vader, angry that he wasn’t the one to kill Obi-Wan, kills her instead, and she dies with the knowledge that she saved Obi-Wan’s life. It’s an interesting glimpse at what could have been. Many viewers, myself included, have found issues with the final Obi-Wan Kenobi product, arguing that it was too slow, too focused on his relationship with Leia, and that it took too much from other Star Wars stories (the escape sequence at the Inquisitors’ Fortress is very reminiscent of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s climax). Obi-Wan’s dynamic with Luke in Beattie’s script is undeniably compelling, as is his fractured relationship with the Force."


Meme - "Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi *Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker standing over Mickey Mouse on the floor with a lightsaber (killing Disney)*"

Meme - Darth Vader: "Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father."
Luke Skywalker: "He told me he was a whiny little bitch that cried about sand."

YouTube Rejects Apparent Organized Cancel Campaign From Disney Star Wars Fans That Targeted Nerdrotic, Geeks + Gamers, And Ryan Kinel - "YouTuber rejected the apparent organized cancel campaign that was attempting to get the company to demonetize Gary Buechler aka Nerdrotic, Jeremy Griggs of Geeks + Gamers, and Ryan Kinel of RK Outpost over their criticism of The Acolyte, its cast, and Star Wars in general. Numerous individuals and Disney Star Wars sycophants participated in the cancel campaign with many of them sharing a letter to YouTube with their demands that aforementioned YouTubers and their channels be demonetized.  YouTuber Kyle Katarn participated in the campaign writing, “it’s time for you to be part of the solution Team YouTube. While you continue to allow these channels to be monetized, you are incentivizing hatred and racism.” Jarod The Dark Jedi, who runs The Nerd Academy YouTube channel, also posted, “The Fandom Menace has run rampant for far too long and now a flourishing cottage industry of thinly veiled bigotry has been able to thrive while making fandom spaces a cesspool of hatred. It’s time for Team YouTube to step up and enforce their TOS.” Mollie Damon, who co-hosts the Star Wars Explained YouTube channel, posted, “I’ve spoken at length about all this in the past but the only way things get better is if Team YouTube does something to discourage this kind of content – until then it will only get worse.” The Rewriting Ripley Pod account also posted, “A handful of YouTubers have jeopardized the safety of our community & the creatives we love for too long. The Star Wars fandom demands action. Team YouTube demonetize Nerdrotic, Ryan Kinel – RK Outpost, and Geeks + Gamers. Hate SHOULD NOT be a career path.”...   Following this organized cancel campaign, trial lawyer Robert Barnes indicated that Nerdrotic, Geeks + Gamers, and Ryan Kinel “have very good defamation claims against Mollie Damon & others. I hear they have good lawyers as friends.”...   The Rewriting Ripley Pod did not take YouTube’s response very well. It threatened, “Team YouTube, this is an admission that you have not reviewed our concerns, proven by saying ‘this video’ when there are 10+ videos in question. However, thank you for confirming your inability to take safety seriously. You & your advertisers will be hearing more from us soon.”"
This is the difference between left wing cancel culture and right wing alleged cancel culture - the right almost always just boycotts something instead of trying to destroy it for everyone else

StarWarsTheory on X - "Trying to deplatform anyone over not liking a form of media is the most vile disgusting act there is.   To coordinate an attack like this, taking the innocent and creative life's work of someone and twist it to slander them to YouTube, calling for demonitizatipn, so that they cannot pay for their life, their family's life they care for, their team's life and their team's family's...through a coordinated movement in bad faith is unbelievably evil.   I've fell silent for years. Today I speak. And if you come back with more, I have reserves that will devastate all of you.   God will handle it from here."
MasteroftheTDS on X - "As someone who’s been doxxed over opinions on TV shows and movies, I feel this. It’s not exactly the same thing they tried to do here, but the fact that doxxing and attempting to cancel people has become something people are comfortable doing is really sad. How did we get here?"

Meme - MasteroftheTDS @MasteroftheTDS: "Just archived this.   I would give you points for honesty, but the fact that you can admit it this with no shame is disgusting.   Seek mental help."
LastRoundGaming @LastRoundGaming: "I can admit I’m not a kind person, I just want Star Wars theory to die. The acolyte sucked, and I just like the idea of theory suffering simply because he comes off as a spoiled kid that would fake being a make a wish baby for the sake of attention. Just how I feel 🤷🏽‍♂️"
Damn toxic fans!

Meme - Qui-Gon Jinn: "I found the chosen one"
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "I trained the chosen one"

Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "And on top of that, somehow TLJ also manages to be really clichéd. Like the moment those bombers lumbered on screen, I knew they were all going to die stupidly. Or Snoke's rant in the throne room - yeah, exact words people.  I don't know how it's possible to write something that's simultaneously constantly subverting clichés and yet is clichéd, but RJ managed it."
"If the problem with NASCAR is all the left turns so you keep making right turns instead you haven't changed much..."
Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "The Last Jedi felt like a Marvel movie, and not one of the okay ones. Every fucking scene felt that was written into a somewhat cliche trope, then, by the end of it, the writer decided to do the oposite thing that the cliche do. For exemple, the first Luke scene: the cliche would be he taking the saber and saying something like "this was my father's weapon", but TLJ made him do the unexpected, and he throws it away. The same happens in that idiotic scene with Paul, the "yo mama" one. The cliche would be him saying some heroic stuff, but then he says some bullshit.  This movie tries to do this thing, this subverting expectations shit at every scene, every time it goes in a cliche area, then it changes in the end of it, then it felt like a comedy movie, where everything is light and inconsequential. But this not being a comedy movie, as soon as you notice it does thins subverting shit, it becomes sooooo tiresome and soooooo dumb, that it loses you completely. The worst part of it, is that the movie do this all the time, but by the end of it, it still feels like a rehash of older movies. It still have the bad guys losing at the end, Shitty Character Rey is still the one, Luke is still a hero, Paul is still a good guy, Kylo is still dumb as fuck, and there's still hope, exactly like Empire Strikes Back. It's the same movie, but shitty, exactly like The Force Awakens is the shitty A New Hope."

Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "Memes aside, I enjoy the Nostalgia Critic's reviews, and he brought up something in a video regarding one of the 'Mary Poppins Returns' movie. He argued that the original movie is the definition of 'simple and deep', while the sequel, as well as every live-action Disney remake in recent years, is just 'shallow and complex' in comparison.  That feels like the best way of describing so many of these 'Star Wars' projects: shallow and complex.  Moving around a lot and saying a lot of words, but not actually saying anything interesting or worth looking into. It's all just constant 'stuff happening', with fight-scenes between boring characters and cameos from familiar faces they bullied / blackmailed into returning to the roles. Lots of stuff happening in theory, but in execution, none of it matters or means anything.  'Shallow and complex' is how I'd describe them. Acting like they're saying something clever, important or interesting, but in reality they're just awkwardly stacking wooden alphabet blocks on top of each other and insisting it's a Shakespearean sonnet."
"It's insulting the audience. Trying to pretend to be smart hoping the audience doesn't notice with all the fan service and stupid jokes. I've seen a lot of stupid movies but I've never seen a movie that thought I was stupid. And the fanbase that keeps insisting it's some sort of misunderstood masterpiece is even worse. It's like people who insist Rick and Morty is really deep and philosophical when really it just puts some real science/philosophy in every episode to make stupid people feel like they're smart for watching it."

Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "That's another one of those things that messes with our suspension of disbelief. As far as we know getting sucked into space is a death sentence, now it's not AND you can just pull yourself back into a damaged ship's bridge if you're a force user. Hmm, okay I guess."
Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "My experience was entirely different. A big chunk (and I mean big, maybe 70%ish) of the audience let out an audible giggle/laugh. And that's the thing, as far as we're concerned, getting sucked into space was a death sentence in Star Wars just like falling out a window was a death sentence for Windu. It really served no purpose other than to establish her as a force user which could've been done in a myriad different and more believable (for the film) way."
Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "It's a general rule that, if you're going to have someone demonstrate a power or ability that isn't something everybody has, you have to foreshadow it a little. In this way, people don't feel cheated.  So if you're going to play hopscotch against the Devil, you don't necessarily have to foreshadow hopscotch abilities. (Although it might help to foreshadow childhood games, childhood stuff, blah blah blah.)  But if you're going to play concert piano against the Devil, you have to foreshadow that the character can play piano, and probably that they are good at it. Heck, you can even foreshadow some kind of problem ahead of time, by having the person break a finger. That way, when the scene happens, you have the audience wondering how piano guy will beat the Devil with a broken finger!  In Leia's case, it would have been pretty easy to insert a couple Force psychokinesis moments, and maybe a difficulty too. Then the scene wouldn't have felt fake and dumb. It would still have looked fake and dumb, but at least it would have some backing."

Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "Is it sincerity?  The prequels for all their faults and bouts of humour played the main plot for all the seriousness it was worth and took itself completely seriously  Luke throwing the sabre over his shoulder is done in a jokey over the top way that’s almost meant to elicit a chuckl…….or Finn confronting his abuser and shaking his head about going “ I’m in charge…I’m in charge!” Where Han tells him to calm down  Gine with the wind is over the top and dramatic but is treated seriously and that’s why it works…if it was made now it would be winking at the audience"
Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "Not that I know of any such term, but I'd say TLJ was pretty tone-deaf. Everything about it is insincere. Other comments here have already elaborated on that, and their points are well worded. Tone-deaf however is what I think best suits the movie."

Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "The last jedi picked subverting expectations continuously. It was too much.  I think the fans felt let down. No one goes to a Star Wars film to be told what you love about star wars dosent matter, the characters you embraced don't matter, and the lore of the franchise doesn't matter. Once you take all that away, it really isn't Star Wars anymore.  The acolyte wasn't well written, and for the life of me, I can't figure out what they did with 180 million dollars. Where did that money go?"

Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - "Lack of Verisimilitude / appearance of being true or real within the context of a story
Plot-Driven vs. Character-Driven Narrative prioritizing the progression of events over the consistency of character behavior or world-building
Narrative Incoherence that lacks logical flow, internal consistency, or clear cause-and-effect relationships.
"Postmodern Disregard for Metanarrative"
Subversion for Subversion's Sake
"Diegetic Inconsistency""

Is there a technical term or trope for the problem with how Acolyte and Last Jedi are written? : r/saltierthancrait - ""Later everything seemed okay "  That same thing happened in TLJ after the Holdo maneuver. Not only did hyperspace ramming break 40ish years of canon, but we see the shrapnel from the impact shred basically the entire First Order fleet. And then in the next scene, they've somehow managed to pull themselves together enough to launch an invasion force that dwarfed the one on Hoth."
"Yeah I don't understand the entire Holdo sequence. The spread bothered me too. Like how much of the fleet did it take out? They definitely took out the big command ship. Where'd all the AT-ATs come from? And the bunker buster thing? That should be on the ship that got absolutely fucked by Holdo, right? But a random surviving ship had one? Or they were able to get all that stuff from the wreckage within minutes or an hour or 2? How come Rose is so much faster than Finn? How'd they make it back? It's all so broken. Visually it's an A+. Everything else, WTF? Can the Millennium Falcon fly like that in the atmosphere of a planet? What about Tie Fighters? Why didn't they appear on Hoth? Why Fighters and not Bombers? Also, WTF was up with the Crait speeder ship things, why are they dragging that thing? Visually it was cool, but there'd been no evidence of them ever being used because everything was white, does the sun bleach the red to white? It's a cool look, but the base is abandoned to the point where there's no streaks, but the ships all just work???  Shit. The more I think about it the worse it gets."

Anybody else feeling incredibly vindicated right now? : r/saltierthankrait - "The Acolyte bombed.  Outlaws is looking like a failure.  The Rey show is MIA.  Rian Johnson’s trilogy is MIA.  Almost everything in modern Star Wars is a failure.  Years and years of being told, as a fan, that the franchise was no longer for me, that my criticisms stemmed from racism/sexism, that I was a bigot, a phobe, a Nazi.  My criticisms were never about women in Star Wars. It just so happens that most of the women in Disney Star Wars are poorly written, and I’d address the same criticisms at the male characters they fucked up too. Luke, Obi Wan, Darth Vader, Boba Fett?? All destroyed.  All I’ve been saying, since the word go, is that I want the characters to be treated with respect, to have obstacles, to show some actual fucking growth, a reason to be invested.  Apparently that makes me every nasty thing under the sun. Because Disney’s tried so hard to push women, when they can’t write women that are appealing to anybody, except the women who write them.  Well, to those who pushed to have Star Wars the way it is now; how’s that going for you?  To be inundated with mediocre product after mediocre product. Flop after flop after flop. The brand is a laughing stock. You had an open world Star Wars game, something people have been clamouring for for decades and it sold like shit.  You can’t hide behind your activism anymore; this shit is not appealing to anybody. The numbers are loud and clear. We are not the minority.  We were right. You were wrong.  Hand the keys back to fans, to actual decent sci-fi writers. To people who care, and have the experience and skill to justify having millions of dollars and free range to one of the biggest IP’s in the world.  Keep them away from the activists, people like Leslye Headland, who felt that her experiences were more important than ours.  It’s time to admit you lost."

Just watched Solo and I'm convinced that Star Wars fans are tripping. : r/StarWars - "Solo is like 7 different movie concepts stitched together and each one on it's own is a fantastic.  Put together it's kind of disjointed and rushed, but there's still a lot to enjoy."
"my hot take is that Solo would have made a killer Disney+ show. it'd take advantage of that fragmentation you refer to, give each part a little more time to cook, and feel more natural jumping around."
"Ironic, since several Disney+ shows should have very clearly been reduced down to a 2:15 movie. You're absolutely right though."

Meme - Kathleen Kennedy: "I have a brilliant idea! Let's turn our back on the target demographic that made Star Wars really successful and switch to a niche audience that couldn't possibly give us the same amount of success."

*Admiral Motti and Darth Vader stare at each other*
*Admiral Motti floating in space while Darth Vader looks out*

Meme - "If someone wore this to a date in a dark room with a fireplace, yet had no intention of doing anything physical, you'd slaughter billions too. *Padme in dress with circlet*"

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