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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Links - 24th October 2024 (2 - General Wokeness: Sex Education in the UK)

Kemi Badenoch says people are 'scared to have families' after maternity pay row - "Earlier in the CWO event, she made the bizarre claim that children were being taught about the sexual act of fisting in schools – but did not make clear where she had heard about it... ‘I remember someone sent me this unbelievable example, I know it’s not 9pm but this unbelievable example, of materials for children that had fisting in there.’ These topics are not typically included on the curriculum for sex education at any age."
Of course, they're pretending that this is fake news, as usual

Breast binding at Nonsuch High - Safe Schools Alliance UK - "Safe Schools Alliance has reported Nonsuch High School for Girls to the Department for Education over very worrying safeguarding failures and breaches of the 1996 Education Act. Our concerns include its promotion of the damaging practice of breast binding, as well as providing children with links to adult sex education sites describing fisting and chemsex... Both of the above links give very little detail on the negative side effects of binding, such as compressed or broken ribs, punctured or collapsed lungs, back pain, compression of the spine, damaged breast tissue, damaged blood vessels, blood clots, inflamed ribs, and even heart attacks. The third link, to https://prideinpractice.org/articles/chest-binding-physician-guide/… acknowledges that there are side effects, but goes on to suggest that the solution to this can be to remove the breasts entirely... If “curious” 11-year-olds click on the links on this page, they will find details of ChemSex and guides on how to have anal and vaginal sex. The anal sex guide gives definitions for fisting and rimming. It is deeply concerning that this school allowed this sort of material to be sent out. For a child in year 7, a newsletter sent to their school email address will be read as if the contents are authorised and recommended by the school. In addition to all of the above, the page contains a long piece about the difference between bisexual, pansexual and omnisexual in which sexual attraction is described entirely in terms of attraction to people on the basis of ‘gender’. It is made clear that there are more than two of these (“all genders”) and therefore this is not the same as sexual attraction. This description has no basis in scientific fact and is homophobic as it erases same-sex attraction. It goes against DfE guidelines on the responsible teaching of RSE which state that schools should ensure that all content is “evidence-based and contains robust facts and statistics” and is from a credible source."

Bad RSE in schools: where is the evidence? - Safe Schools Alliance UK - "In the wake of the dossier compiled by Miriam Cates MP on unsuitable Relationships and Sex Education delivered by unaccountable external providers, there is now a long-overdue focus on the quality of RSE provision in schools... there still seems to be an unwillingness on the part of too many teachers and teaching unions to acknowledge that allowing a range of so-called experts with ideological agendas into schools to teach children about sex has had disturbing consequences... three quarters of British children had been exposed to some kind of critical social theory (including gender identity) and 68% of those questioned had been taught those views as fact. We have a very considerable amount of evidence to back this up. A lot of our information comes from parents and teachers emailing us directly. Some have written personal testimony for the Our Stories section on our website, such as this one: “I am utterly horrified at what was taught at a PSHE lesson at my school recently. It was to a group of children, most are 11-12 years old. It is so, so much worse than I thought.” As mentioned in the Times article above, we were recently contacted by a parent who was very upset that her daughter had been told to create a model of a Play-doh penis in a mixed-sex classroom. This was conducted by the School of Sexuality Education (SoSE), who say that they work with schools and universities across the UK. We have already written about our view of this exercise. The below resource was shared by a parent after it was used in a sixth form in Cambridgeshire. Children who pointed out that ‘non-binary’ was not a protected characteristic and that Miss Green and Adam’s classmates also had rights were told that their concerns were not valid. Last year we were contacted by a distressed mother whose 11-year-old was shown this Stonewall video at school. It features the homophobic, misogynistic and sexist concept of a ‘trans lesbian’ (1:35 onwards), teaching children that lesbians must accept males as partners and have no right to sexual boundaries. Lesbian teens deserve better. Thankfully with our help the mother was able to get this withdrawn from the school’s resources, but it has already been shown to 11-year-old children. This video that claims sex is fluid and that circumcision can change your sex was shown to year 7s. When a parent challenged they were told it was from ‘a well known PSHE resource body’. One mother has shared a detailed account on Twitter of what happened when she challenged her daughter’s school over RSE resources. We don’t share this to put others off challenging: quite the opposite, we share it so you know you’re not alone and support is out there. It is however extremely concerning that it is currently being left to parents to raise formal complaints over these issues. When pupils are being encouraged to transition by staff and enabled to do so in secret by schools, tighter regulation is clearly needed. We have many more examples of resources like the one below, sent to us by parents asking for support in challenging their use in schools... Another parent sent us a resource, linked to by the DfE, that defames J.K. Rowling, comparing her to anti-semites and celebrators of sexual violence. The parent who sent this was both concerned and angry that it had been used in her child’s school. This is a breach of 1996 Education Act... Liz Truss had to instruct Equaliteach to remove the Government Equalities Office logo from their misleading RSE resources when she was Women and Equalities Minister. We have reviewed some of their resources and have found they promote gender ideology and misrepresent the law... We have been sent a link to the school newsletter showing that King Edward VI Five Ways School in Birmingham are using the tried and tested (and illegal) method of the older students indoctrinating the younger ones on the subject of male-born athletes competing in women’s sport. It is concerning that so many schools appear unaware of, or unwilling to apply, the 1996 Education Act. Ernulf Academy in Cambridgeshire has recently received a poor Ofsted rating with the observation that “some pupils receive homophobic comments“. However, the reports we have from parents are that the school has employed activist staff and that the ‘homophobia’ is in fact parents and pupils reacting to their attempts at indoctrination via the Kite Trust’s rainbow flag award. Many of our template letters were developed in response to specific incidents reported to us by parents, such as the Genderbread Person being used in their children’s schools... Womens Rights Network said that the charity “promotes highly contentious theories about gender identity to children of primary school age and above, teaching them that human beings can change sex and that sexual orientation is just a matter of choice.”... these homophobic and sexist resources have been and continue to be used in schools... The original version of the BBC Bitesize article – on the website and promoted via Twitter – showed a cartoon image of three children sharing a changing room, with each child labelled either she/her, he/him or they/them... CBBC have also been actively promoting gender ideology to children, with shows such as ‘When Mum becomes Dad‘ and ‘First Day‘ that emotionally manipulate children into supporting an agenda pushed by trans lobby groups... His focus on examining paedophilia through a ‘queer lens’ echoes the approach taken by those responsible for the Welsh RSE code... a book called ‘Being an Ally’ is being promoted to girls as young as 11 by their schools as part of World Book Day. This seeks to normalise medical procedures with irreversible effects such as breast amputation and testosterone injection... The School of Sexuality Education are actively campaigning to get their book, ‘Sex Ed’ into 1,000 schools and have a fundraiser on their website to support this. We have recently written about our view of this ideologically-driven book, which promotes risky sexual behaviour to children while failing to identify which sex is which. Earlier this month our spokeswoman was quoted in an article in the Daily Mail which described school library books available to pre-pubertal children that cover injecting hormones, meeting strangers for sex, and six-year-olds performing fellatio. Tanya Carter talked about how parents objecting to this are accused of censorship; of wanting to ban books. But there is a world of difference between censorship and safeguarding... Split Banana embrace queer theory and teach children that there is no such thing as virginity and that heteronormativity must be challenged. By Matilda’s own admission she is alienating boys, who dominate her classes, make jokes and mutter things under their breath... The organisation in her children’s school was Enrich RSE, which at the time was promoting ‘World Hand Job Day’"
If you question RSE, you're outdated, a bigot and want children to be misinformed
The US exports their poison as usual: sex education as sex instruction (and much worse)

BBC withdraws educational video that said there are 100+ gender identities after backlash

TES sex education lesson plans include pro-life and polyamory - "One of the biggest providers of school lesson plans sold resources for children as young as 11 referencing sex toys, anal sex and masturbation... Campaigners have accused Tes, the publication aimed at education professionals, of running a “Wild West marketplace” after The Times found it did not vet the hundreds of thousands of teacher resources available for download on its website... One resource available for download on the site offered information on polyamory — the practice of having more than one intimate relationship at a time among a group of consenting people — aimed at 14-year-olds. Another included 125 lanyard designs for children aged seven to 11 showing which pronouns they preferred to use. Choices included “my pronouns are zie, zir and zirs” and “I identify as” with options including “non-binary, a-gender, gender-fluid, gender-neutral, androgyne, and omnigender”... One game advertised to teachers as being suitable for children aged 11 to 14 described activities including “anal sex”, “sending a nude selfie or dick pic”, “vaginal intercourse with a sex toy”, “watching pornography”, “sharing a sex fantasy” and “masturbating in front of someone”. During the lesson, titled “Pleasure and masturbation explored — delaying sexual activity”, children were invited to assess the level of risk attached to each activity... A worksheet provided by EC Publishing featured inaccurate material about a medical condition called epididymal hypertension, or painful testicles. The leaflet claimed the condition was caused by a build-up of semen rather than blood. It has been changed following The Times’s inquiry. A resource on polyamory asked: “If polyamory and homosexuality is natural, could you class paedophilia as a sexuality?”"

If you don’t know who you fancy then you’re queer, schools tell children - "Scottish children as young as 11 are being taught in school that they are “queer” if they do not yet know their sexual orientation... Teaching materials at Boroughmuir High School, Edinburgh’s top state school, also claim that there are three biological sexes and suggest that highly controversial concepts around sex and gender are facts. A presentation prepared for classes in the first year of high school is now being "reviewed". It follows a backlash from parents who fear the lessons have been taking place without their knowledge for several years. A separate “gender neutral language guide” prepared for staff at another Scottish school, Wick High in Caithness, tells staff not to use terms such as mother, brother or sister to avoid upsetting pupils who identify as trans... It tells children they are born as “one of three things, male, female or intersex” and “this is your biological sex”. Intersex is a term used to describe people with rare genetic conditions causing differences in sex development (DSDs) but it is not a distinct biological sex. It also urges children to refer to each other as “they” if they are “not sure what gender someone identifies as”... In 2021, the SNP Government issued guidance to schools which told them to always “be affirming” if a child wanted to change gender at school and that parents should not always be told. It has refused to withdraw the guidance despite impartial expert evidence in England emerging to suggest that taking an exclusively “affirming” approach could be harmful to some children."

Hull school 'sorry' after pupils researched porn homework on web - "A head teacher says he is "sorry" if homework asking pupils to define types of hardcore pornography led them to undertake inappropriate web searches. The work was given to children, aged 11 to 14, at Archbishop Sentamu Academy in Hull... The students were asked to "define" topics including hardcore pornography, soft pornography as well as female genital mutilation and breast ironing. They were also asked questions about alcohol, drugs and smoking, as part of the homework... Mr Bell said: "I am genuinely sorry if parents or students have unnecessarily researched any of these phrases and for any offence caused by this mistake."... The work was in line with government guidance"

Dad isn't happy about leaflet given to daughter, 14, detailing 101 ways to 'show someone you love them' without having sex... some suggestions are 'quite niche' - "A dad has slammed his 14-year-old daughter's high school for 'promoting fetishes' after she came home with a sex education leaflet advocating 'toe sucking'. The pamphlet - titled '101 ways to show someone that you love them, other than having sex' - lists 'suck their toes' at number 26. At number 36, bizarrely for schoolchildren, was 'propose marriage', with 'nibble their ears' listed at number 96 and 'buy them some nice underwear' at 98. Security worker Carl Lawrence, a father-of-five, said his daughter Emma was given the booklet at Shevington High School in Wigan last month - and told to 'discuss it with a parent'... Spectrum Community Health CIC, which provides healthcare services on behalf of the NHS, defended the leaflet's contents and said they helped young people make 'safer choices'."

From Play-doh vulvas to polyamory, what your kid is learning at school might shock you - its time the Govt got a grip - "The names of three intimate male and female body parts — plus “Mouth”, “Hands/Fingers” and “Object”. Roll two of these dice then discuss what a sexual activity involving the two words that come up could look like... Is this game for a bored couple looking to spice things up in the bedroom? Or for drunk women having fun on a hen-do? No. This is a school sex education class and the participants are just 13 years old. It is a lesson devised by a group called The Proud Trust. This is not a rogue organisation that has infiltrated schools under false pretences but a charity that has received Government funding to develop sex and relationships lessons. By the time children get to the dice game, they will have already discussed whether certain variations of sex are pleasurable... Today’s curriculum covers every single sexual practice and position from masturbation, oral sex and rough sex to gender queer and polyamory, as well as some acts too graphic to mention in this newspaper. When school lesson plans read like the drop-down menu from a pornography website, we know something has gone very badly wrong... Even young children can spend lessons drawing penises and ­crafting vulvas out of Play-Doh... Sex education has become a vehicle for activists to push their views about sex and relationships on to a captive audience of children. It is no surprise that controversial LGBTQ+ charities such as Stonewall and Mermaids are keen to be involved in training teachers to deliver sex education classes. They want children as young as 11 to be taught that sex is just a label randomly assigned at birth, with pupils able to pick their own gender from dozens of different choices. Perhaps they might be non-binary, agender, a demigirl or boi. Global organisations including Unesco and the World Health Organization have also been influential in pushing for a shift from sex education, which focused on facts and biology, on to sexuality education, which covers a much broader remit. So-called “sex-positive” classes cover relationships and gender identity. Teachers are encouraged to get children to question anything they might think is “normal”... It became against the law for parents to withdraw their children from certain classes, even when they worried that validating all forms of identities, relationships and practices was being prioritised above child safeguarding. So the Government’s review of sex education is to be welcomed. Let’s hope it signals a return to teaching children science over fashionable ideologies and a focus on values that parents share. But, incredibly, the review is already being met with opposition. Teaching unions, as well as a number of organisations and charities, have accused those backing the review of being “politically motivated”. These people are happy for children to be taught age-inappropriate, highly sexualised, unscientific nonsense as long as it is in keeping with their own woke world view. But when more sensible people raise concerns, we get branded “political”. How dare they!"

'I've been threatened with kidnapping and acid attacks for reading children story books in drag' - "Halfway through my interview with Sab Samuels, also known by their drag persona Aida H Dee, they receive a message from the police asking to contact them for personal safety and home security advice. This isn't out of the ordinary for the 28-year-old author and drag queen from Cardiff who tours across libraries and venues including Tate Britain with their company Drag Queen Story Hour UK. Dressed in a rainbow, sequined jumpsuit and tall red wig, Aida H Dee has read books to children and their families since 2017 when they became the UK's first full-time drag queen storyteller."
Drag queen who posted about 'orgies' invited to school in 'spectacular safeguarding fail' - "A drag queen who posted on social media about "orgies" and said that "love has no age” was invited into a school in what campaigners labelled a “spectacular safeguarding fail”. Aida H Dee, the persona behind Drag Queen Story Hour UK (DQSH), was invited to lecture 11-year-olds at Lewis School Pengam in Wales about the practice and “queerness”... After the sessions, the DQSH Twitter account posted three photos of the children watching the classes, which were then deleted. In 2020, Estyn, the Welsh government’s Ofsted, hailed Lewis School Pengam, founded in 1729, as an example of best practice on LGBT issues in a guide for other schools on “promoting inclusion”... “Our children deserve far better than to have a known highly sexualised and biased individual coming in to indoctrinate them and talk about delicate subjects, such as suicide and sexuality.”... Tanya Carter, spokesman for Safe Schools Alliance, a group of parents and teachers, said: “Schools have a duty to ensure they do not invite in groups and individuals which when children google them, they will encounter unsuitable and adult content... Unsuitable visitors to schools will only ever push children to even darker corners of the internet.” The Wales-Women’s Rights Network said it was a “safeguarding fail on a spectacular level”. Cathy Larkman, of the UK-wide Women’s Rights Network, said: “Are we really telling young men that this is what it means to be gay? That it is fair game to represent women in this way? “Schools, and our children, would be far better served by bringing in strong aspirational gay role models for their pupils, such as lesbian fire-fighters or gay barristers.”"

The trouble with sex education | The Spectator - "Drawing penises and making vulvas out of Play-Doh might not be the reply most parents expect when they pose the question, ‘What did you get up to at school today?’ But with even the youngest children now encountering explicit content and bizarre teaching methods in mandatory sex education classes, it is an answer more might come to hear. Masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, fisting, rough sex, gender queer, polyamory. When the school curriculum can be confused with the dropdown menu of a pornography website, something has gone wrong. But it is not just highly sexualised content that is concerning parents, they are worried about ideologically-driven and scientifically-inaccurate lessons in gender identity, too. Children are being taught that people have a gender identity distinct from their sex and that – despite what their biology teachers may have said – sex itself is just a label randomly assigned at birth. This allows pupils to be introduced to dozens of gender identities: from non-binary and agender, to demigirl and boi. Lessons reiterate the importance of respecting someone’s gender identity, including their preferred pronouns... The New Social Covenant Unit has compiled a dossier of evidence setting out the content of so-called ‘sex positive’ relationships and sex education classes. Activities involve children ‘stepping away from heteronormative and monogamy-based assumptions’ in order to appreciate that ‘there are a variety of sexual preferences and practices – we’re all a little different’. Following an intervention from Miriam Cates and 50 other Conservative MPs, Rishi Sunak has now announced an urgent review into ‘age inappropriate’ sex education... The expansion of sex education into the area of relationships further complicated what for many teachers was already an awkward subject to have to teach. As a result, they readily gave ground to activist teachers who sought to carve out a niche role for themselves within schools. Alongside this, professional ‘sex educators’ began to emerge, selling their services to schools confused about how to meet the new guidance. Until a few years ago, the only real concerns voiced by politicians and campaigners were that sex education did not go far enough and that parents were able to withdraw their children from classes. Both were answered by new statutory guidance introduced in 2019 which came into effect in 2021. Backed by Theresa May and implemented under Boris Johnson’s premiership, the new curriculum was influenced by groups like Stonewall as well as international organisations such as the United Nations Children’s Fund and UNESCO. Its driving principle is to help children discover and celebrate their gender identity and sexuality. This is less about education and more about socialising children not to assume that cis-gendered people, heterosexual relationships or the traditional family are, in any way, considered ‘normal’. Three things have consistently occurred in parallel: the expansion and over-complication of sex education has paved the way for activist teachers and politically motivated campaigning organisations to enter the classroom before, ultimately, their ideas have been enshrined in law. At each turn, progressive posturing about identity and a liberal approach to validating every conceivable sexual practice has won out over safeguarding children. Indeed, we need only look to the promotion of secrecy to know that this is the case. Once a child protection red flag, now secrecy is all the rage in schools. Parents report being refused requests to view the resources and lesson plans that are used in their children’s relationships and sex education classes. Companies argue copyright but the suspicion is they do not want their practices to be subject to the scrutiny of parents or even other teachers. Secrecy again comes into play when schools allow children to socially transition – changing their name, pronouns and uniform – without ever informing their parents."

The warping of sex education - "The assumption that even the youngest children have a sexuality leads UNESCO to claim they have ‘sexual rights’. The SSAUK review spells out what this means: ‘The child is considered to have a right to sexual “pleasure” and the same sexual knowledge as adults.’ Here UNESCO is eroding the boundaries between childhood and adulthood. This has the potential to expose children to serious harm. For sexuality education to be considered fully ‘comprehensive’, it must cover gender identity. The SSAUK review explains that UNESCO and the WHO promote ‘the social construct of gender identity over and above the physical reality of biological sex and propose the medicalisation of children as a necessary response’. Clearly, UNESCO and the WHO are engaged in political activism masquerading as scholarship. No thought is given to the damage transitioning can do to children. The SSAUK review argues that comprehensive sexuality education has sexualised children and undermined child safeguarding. The counter-argument repeated time and again by the WHO and UNESCO is that sexuality education empowers children. They claim that giving children a vocabulary to describe bodies and sexual behaviours enables them to speak out about sexual abuse. But, as the SSAUK authors point out, this shifts the burden of responsibility away from adult abusers and on to child victims. The onus is placed on children to say no. This shift in emphasis is compounded by UNESCO’s framing of age-of-consent laws as ‘restrictive’. Comprehensive sexuality education teaches that consent is key to all decisions around sex. In the context of lessons normalising a wide range of sexual practices, this implies that the young can consent to behaviours far beyond their comprehension. Children are similarly trusted to declare their own gender identities, even though it is impossible for them to comprehend the long-term repercussions of this. As the SSAUK review notes, adult judgements and responsibilities are being pushed on to children. SSAUK shows the extent to which the policies shaping sex education in UK schools are intended to undermine parental authority. According to UNESCO and the WHO, parents are not just lacking in knowledge – they also pose a threat to their own children. The WHO asserts that shame associated with sexual activity is often the result of ‘family background’ and ‘moral development’. Rather than leaving childrearing to parents, these global organisations want to shape the personality and behaviour of every child."
So much for it being a myth that the left wants to sexualise children

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