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Monday, July 08, 2024

Links - 8th July 2024 (2)

Meme - "My husband saw a rabbit in our yard eating grass and said "That would be like sitting in a field of french fries.""

Grooming gang 'took girls to restaurants and lined them up for sex' as ringleader jailed for further 12 years - "The ringleader of a grooming gang that lined young girls up to be sexually abused has been jailed for a further 12 years.  Mubarek Ali, raped, violated and pimped out the girl over several years after "charming and sweet talking" a victim.  The 41-year-old was jailed 12 years ago for his part in a paedophile ring uncovered in Telford as part of Operation Chalice... The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, would be bombarded with phone calls from random men asking: "How much do you charge?" They told her that Ali had put them in touch with her.  Ali, aged in his 20s at the time, "befriended" the girl, supplied her with vodka and Red Bull and made her "fall madly in love" with him.  Perian said: "He charmed her and got her to fall in love with him to the extent she was besotted with him."  The court heard how, not long after they started getting to know each other, Ali told her he would '**** you when you turn 16."  However, Ali did not wait until she was of legal age to use the girl for his sexual gratification, taking the girl to various places for sex himself and to pimp her out to others, including hotels, his mother's house and takeaways, reports Stoke-on-TrentLive."

Gang of women jailed for kidnapping and beating innocent stranger - "Bitterly jealous Nadia Gubran, 21, plotted to kidnap a nursery nurse after she suspected she had been exchanging Snapchat messages with a man she herself was interested in.  Gubran recruited best friend Alya Dahshan, 21, and Layla Obad, 20, to carry out the ambush at around 6pm on March 21 last year.  The gang tracked the 23-year-old victim to her place of work, and followed her in Gubran’s Volkswagen Golf as she made her way down Hartington Road, Liverpool. They grabbed her from behind and pulled a hood over her face before dragging her into the car and pinning her to the back seat.   Her phone was seized and she was interrogated by Gubran, who forced her to hand over her PIN.  Prosecutor Michael Scholes said: ‘Gubran in particular was aggressive, calling her a sket and a slag, and she warned her she shouldn’t associate with Arabs, as well as interrogating her about the nature of her relationship with a man called Sol, who she was in contact with."

Millionaire gives up everything he owns and makes himself broke to show it's possible to make $1,000,000 from nothing - "millionaire Mike Black decided to take himself back to square one and start from 'nothing' to then try and build a $1 million business from $0... He not only started without a penny in his bank account, but left his seven-figure business behind, changed his name to Scott - taking on the identity of an 'aspiring videographer' - left his house behind, cut off all family, friends and work friends and only took a phone, pair of clothes, some Covid PPE and camera equipment along with him.  The rules as per his website state: "The $1 million in 12 months can ONLY come from revenue generated from businesses I start during the project or money I make working... Black explains he 'messed up a lot' during the one-year experiment but notes 'it's okay to mess up' and he wanted people to see 'even someone with experience was messing up'.  In a video on May 2021, he explained despite going from being 'homeless' to then making the first $350,000 profit, living out of an RV, signing a contract and then getting a house, ultimately by nine months in the project had 'derailed'.  By week 43, with just two months left, Black explained his 'personal health' had 'declined' so much he had to end the project early.  In a final money tracker report, from 10 July, 2020 to 10 May, 2021, Black revealed his total revenue was $64,158.95 - a far cry from his goal of $1 million. "I still think if the cards fell a little bit different maybe I could have," he notes.  "But it's still pretty cool to go from absolutely nothing to $10,000 in monthly revenue." Black explains the goal wasn't ever really about 'making a million dollars' but more about 'reinventing yourself' and 'persevering through challenge'.  And after bringing the project to an early close, he noted it'd made him realise what 'truly matters' - 'health and gratitude'."

Meme - "I need this burger skin care routine. *smooth bun*"

Trust in Science May Lead to Pseudoscience - "They wanted to see the effect of citing scientists and research on the acceptance of the false claims. As predicted, referring to science or scientists increased acceptance. They found that subjects who scored higher in terms of trust in science were more likely to believe false claims when scientists were cited – so trust in science made them more vulnerable to pseudoscience. For those with low trust in science, the presence or absence of scientific content had no effect on their belief in the false claims. These results replicated in the first three studies, using the fictional virus and the GMO claims.   In all these experiments there was a negative correlation between belief in the false claims and “methodological literacy” – which is the ability to critically analyze data... What all this means (combined with other research, which the article reviews), is that trust in science itself, while a good thing overall, makes people more susceptible to pseudoscientific manipulation. All you have to do is make a claim seem sciency by quoting an alleged expert or citing a study (regardless of the quality, relevance, or representativeness of that study), and those with trust in science will see that as a cue to trust the claims being made.  Overall I think this means that when dealing with noncontroversial claims by legitimate scientists, trust in science is a good thing. It makes people more likely to accept claims and conclusions which are likely to be true because they are backed by legitimate science. But when dealing with pseudoscience, science denial, or claims that are controversial because they have political or ideological implications, this trust in science can be exploited to increase belief in and dissemination of false claims.   This effect, however, can be mitigated in a number of ways. The study focuses on methodological literacy, which is one aspect of critical thinking. This is the ability to read scientific information and evaluate it for quality and relevance, to see if the conclusions flow from the data, and to see if the conclusions actually support the claim for which it is being cited. There are obviously levels here, from basic understanding to deep technical expertise. But having even a basic methodological understanding can be helpful  Other aspects of critical thinking (not looked at in this study) include understanding the nature of bias, cognitive styles, and heuristics and understanding logical fallacies and the structure of sound arguments. It also involves knowing the nature of pseudoscience and science denial, and how they distort the process of science in order to reach a desired but unreliable conclusion."
If you don't Trust the Science, you are a Denier. Only dangerous far right conspiracy theorists who believe misinformation critically analyse data instead of listening to elites

7 Reasons Child Stars Go Crazy (An Insider's Perspective) - "7 Their Parents Won't Help Them ...
Kids whose parents pushed them into acting often grow up to resent them. They never had a choice, and worse, they never had the chance to be a kid. When one of my preteen co-stars didn't seem that into acting, I asked him why he even bothered doing it. "For the money," he said. I hadn't considered that. My own money was an abstract concept: locked in a bank somewhere, to be used only after I turned 18. I was just acting because I liked it. But this kid was supporting his family...
6 ... or Their Parents Can't Help Them
5 They Get Used to Love and Attention, and Then Lose It
4 They Have Been Sexually Exploited
3 They Need to Rebel, But Can't...
 Look at when most teen and child stars committed crimes and had breakdowns. Most were in their late teens, or even well into their 20s. When everyone else their age was getting detention for flipping off teachers or getting grounded for breaking curfew, Disney and Viacom and Fox were doing everything they could to ensure that their adorable little props weren't causing trouble and costing them millions of dollars. But when they get older, they have more freedom. They also have money and little to no experience making decisions for themselves, so their rebellions are going to be on a much larger scale. The whole world will see it.  And if there's one thing the whole world loves, it's a public breakdown.
2 They Don't Know What Else to Do
1 They Can't Escape It
People who meet me as an adult are often surprised that I'm alive and have never been in prison or rehab. Sometimes they're disappointed I'm not cooler: I'm a normal-looking woman living in a two-bedroom apartment in one of the less cool neighborhoods of New York. I write stuff and tell stories, but I'm not a celebrity and wouldn't want to be one. I'm much more "reformed drama nerd" than "former child star," and I like it that way...   It's a constant damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation: If former child actors bring up their past, they're washed-up opportunists shilling for attention. If they never do, they're clearly in denial. If they say it was fantastic, they're full of shit. If they acknowledge that it wasn't always fantastic, they're bitter."

Thread by @cremieuxrecueil on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Over a decade ago, researchers started a trial to see if they could prevent peanut allergies  They gave a few hundred kids peanuts from ages one to five and told parents of another group to have their kids avoid the stuff  Peanut consumption reduced peanut allergy rates by a lot:  The initial trial and assessment (ages 1-5) was called LEAP. The follow-up at six years of age was called LEAP-On, and it involved asking kids to abstain from peanuts for a year to see if allergy rate differences persisted.  As you can see above, they did. By the long-term follow-up, we still see a roughly 70% reduction in rates of peanut allergy.  So this annoying condition (for both sufferers and those who have to accommodate them) can be mostly eliminated by mere exposure. Unless they're starting off allergic, exposing your kids to peanuts seems like a good idea.  And to preempt a concern: No, the results were not driven by mortality among the exposed."

Meme - "Morgan Arielle. May the whisper of the ancients bind thee, In the night when no light dares to breach the dark, Upon thee and thine lineage so young, A shadow cast, a silence stark. Twice the children, twice the mirth, Stolen under cloak of night, Echoes of joy, now none to birth, In their hearts, devoid of light. This curse upon thee, bearer of hate, Until amends meet destiny's slate, In the absence of malice, the curse shall wane, Leaving but a lesson, in place of pain.
This person is unavailable on Messenger."

Meme - "He's real! *real life Pusheen*"

Cartoon woman: "DON'T PRESS THAT!"
*click* *11*
Cartoon man looking at photorealistic image of him: "AAGH!"

Meme - "Nobody Lives Here
Kaore tetahi e noho ana i konei
Parts of New Zealand with no inhabitants living per one square kilometre (78.21% of New Zealand's total area)"
I don't know how every small village in New Zealand can support a funky cafe

Spontaneous delivery is related to barometric pressure

Meme - Busty Necromancer: "Whew. Nothing like a HOT BATH after a long day of Dark Magic."
Busty Necromancer in underwear: HMM... Did I Put that SKULL there? Maybe I'm overusing BONES in My DECOR. I shouldn't be so repetitive with my furnishings just because I'm a Necromancer."
Skullless skeleton: "HQ!! Nipples have been CONFIRMED!! I REPEAT, NIPPLES HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED!!"
Skeleton: "Awwww Yeah BOI!!"
Skeleton 2: "Calling Dibs on next turn in the Bathroom!"
Skeleton 3: "Bruh, how are you talking with half a Jaw?"
From Baalbuddy

Police Horse: Why Do Police Use Horses In Some Cities? - "The primary reason that mounted police are still used in some big cities is for crowd control. Horses offer a significant height advantage, and move easily through thick pockets of people. Mounted policemen are found to be particularly effective in breaking up and dispersing unruly crowds... there are numerous real-life examples in the UK when 3-4 mounted cops caused a rowdy crowd to scatter swiftly, even after nearly two dozen riot-geared cops were unsuccessful in doing so. Horses can move and maneuver in tighter areas, such as shop streets, sidewalks etc. Although cars can also, technically, move through these areas, it’s not advised, as they may be too noisy or impractical to use in specific areas, and can lead to congestion on the streets. Horses can not only easily wade through such ‘tight’ areas, but can also do so pretty rapidly and efficiently (as people generally tend to move out of the way of a horse). In addition to offering great accessibility to tighter spaces, horses can also be used in places where cars cannot possibly go, such as through the narrow entrance of a park or in wilderness areas... Many people think that cops riding on horseback somehow appear to be more friendly, approachable and even personable than a cop riding in a metal box with its windows up. Many people are more likely to approach and speak to a mounted policeman than one who’s riding in a cop car."

An end at the Apostrophe - "The founder of the Apostrophe Protection Society, who in 2001 was awarded an Ig Nobel Prize for that achievement, has announced that the Apostrophe Protection Society will come to an end...   Retired journalist John Richards, 96, started the Apostrophe Protection Society in 2001 to make sure the “much-abused” punctuation mark was being used correctly.  But Mr Richards has now announced: “With regret I have to announce that, after some 18 years, I have decided to close the Apostrophe Protection Society.  “There are two reasons for this. One is that at 96 I am cutting back on my commitments and the second is that fewer organisations and individuals are now caring about the correct use of the apostrophe in the English Language.” …"

Do Kids Cause Divorce? - "JENA: Couples who had twins were more likely to be divorced by the time of the census survey. Among women who had been married the rate of divorce at the time of the survey was about 13.7 percent among women who had twins and 12.7 percent in women who did not have twins. So that’s roughly a 10 percent increase in the rate of divorce... If you look at the raw empirical relationship between couples who have kids versus couples who don’t, couples who have kids are less likely to get divorced than couples who don’t have kids. And, again, there’s a selection bias that really prevents us from saying anything causal about whether or not kids are protective of marriage. So in that sense, it was contradictory to what sociologists would’ve studied at that point. but it’s not surprising if you think about what twins entail. It’s not just the presence of an additional child, but it’s the presence of an additional child at the same time as another child. And, that period of time where you have two kids who are born versus separated by, let’s say two or three years probably matters a great deal for stress to the relationship... I looked at whether or not the sex of the twins mattered. And what you find is that couples who had at least one twin girl had higher rates of divorce than couples who had twin boys. And in fact couples who had twin girls had the highest rates of divorce compared to couples who had twin boys. And couples who had twin boys are pretty similar to couples who did not have twins. So there’s something specific about having a twin girl or two twin girls that is particularly destabilizing to the marriage. And the second finding was that the effect of twins on divorce was larger in, women who were less educated and had lower income. That maybe speaks to the stress associated with having to care for two kids or an additional child that you hadn’t planned on, that comes with having lower education and lower income, because children are expensive and they take time to raise.
KANFER: So there was also a 1988 study published in the American Journal of Sociology, just on the point of boys versus girls as part of the twin set. This study found that couples with sons were 9 percent more likely to stay together than couples with daughters. And the odds of staying married increased by 9 percent with each additional son that was born. And one of the theories is that for fathers, the obligations and attachments to children were greater if they had sons.
JENA: And so Julie, there have been a number of other papers that have looked at that type of question, and maybe that partly explains why we see that differential rate of divorce in couples who have twin girls versus couples who have twin boys. There is a famous economic paper called “The Demand for Sons” and it showed that shotgun marriages were more like, to occur if a couple had, a boy versus a girl. We do know that there is a preference for sons in other countries, and that’s been widely shown. It’s less clear whether we would expect to see that in the U.S."
The evidence is that in the US, people prefer daughters, so

Cate Blanchett slammed for describing herself as 'middle class' despite massive reported net worth

Meme - Don't destroy it: "A coffee shop in Kent, UK. has made the brave decision to only serve customers who. bring their own cup to the store, and to illustrate why they are doing this they filled their store floor with disposable cups. Otto's Coffee House & Kitchen hopes its new policy will inspire other coffee shops to follow suit around the world."
"Ottos Coffee House
Permanently closed
37 High St, Sevenoaks TN13 1JD, United Kingdom"

wanye on X - "For all the young kids out there: if you want a sense of what politics were like before our present moment, consider that I have never once voted for a Republican for any office at any level. If you look at me and think, “that’s what a right-wing reactionary looks like,” you should understand that I am basically what the median Democrat looked like in 1997. What makes this even funnier is that I wasn’t like the median Democrat in 1997. I was much further left. I voted for Ralph Nader. It took me like 25 years to get to the median Democrat in 1997."

Clifton Duncan on X - "Reading Vaçlav Havel's "The Power of the Powerless" sent a chill down my spine.   This excerpt (from Chapter 4) was written almost 50 years ago:  "The post-totalitarian system touches people at every step, but it does so with ideological gloves on.   This is why life in the system is so thoroughly permeated with hypocrisy and lies...  ...the arbitrary abuse of power is called observing the legal code...the lack of free expression becomes the highest form of freedom; farcical elections become the highest form of democracy; banning independent thought becomes the most scientific of worldviews...  Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything.   It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future.  It falsifies statistics.  It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus.   It pretends to respect human rights.  It pretends to persecute no one.""

Aldi shopper shocked by 'rude' find on a packet of red onions: 'What's going on?' - "An Aldi customer was left in disbelief after making a rude discovery while unpacking her groceries.   The Irish shopper discovered an insulting image of a hand with the middle finger sticking up on the label of a bag of red onions."

Cracker Barrel Stock Dips After CEO Says Restaurant Is No Longer ‘Relevant,’ Social Media Blames The Restaurant’s ‘Jim-Crow’ Vibe - "The chain’s stock plummeted by nearly 20% in the last few days, hitting a 52-week low and marking its lowest level in over a decade. Additionally, Cracker Barrel slashed its yearly dividend from $1.30 per share to 25 cents per share, further fueling investor apprehension.  This comes in the wake of Julie Felss Masino, the CEO of the 54-year-old eatery, acknowledging during a conference call that the iconic biscuits-and-gravy chain is “just not as relevant” as it once was"

Meme - "Fell years ago. Never gave up: *fallen tree with new growth*"

Meme - "Your follower is not always your fan *lioness chasing animal*"

A restaurant in Toronto called out Zachary Quinto for being a terrible customer : r/toronto - "Actor Simu Liu ( kims covenience, marvel) Is aparently really cruel and rude. My partner who is in the film industry was sitting down on set with sunglasses on, simu liu tried to get my partner fired, saying he was sleeping, upright, on a bench. (He was not sleeping obv. Hes a tech and was waiting for his que)"
"He argues with people online as if he's Azealia Banks, it doesn't surprise me he treats people like shit in real life, too."
"Yeah, I've got a couple of crew friends who've worked with Simu Liu. Dude's a grade-A douchebag. Every time I see one of his cringy commercials, I'm thankful to know his career's already peaked. He's Taylor Lautner 2.0"
"I've always wondered why the guy that played his Dad in Kim's would post photos on Instagram of him hanging out with the other guy that plays Simu's roomate. I just figured they had more in common (love of Star Wars for one) but I guess it could be something else."

Wilfred Pickles - Wikipedia - "He remained a proud Yorkshireman, and having been selected by the BBC as an announcer for its North Regional radio service, he went on to be an occasional newsreader on the BBC Home Service during the Second World War. He was the first newsreader to speak in an accent other than Received Pronunciation, "a deliberate attempt to make it more difficult for Nazis to impersonate BBC broadcasters", and caused some comment by wishing his fellow northerners "Good neet""

Meme - "miss ur loads
miss u loads**"

EPCM-psi advert goes viral thanks to busty presenter Juliana Morgan - "The presenter of the EPCM-psi commercial - a firm that project manages, consults and helps companies plan turnarounds - appears to be the reason for its popularity. Dressed in particularly tight clothes, Juliana Morgan - the face of the infomercial - outlines exactly what EPCM-psi do.  The glamorous presenter is very animated in her delivery and explains the process of a turnaround alongside some rather dull words that appear next to her on the screen. Since appearing online viewers have commented on the fact that the presence of Juliana makes what should be a fairly mundane topic a lot more interesting... 'The commercial was directed by Josh Harraway of Fair Exchange Entertainment.'"
Turnaround tutorial girl : r/2busty2hide - "And the girl they got to do the tutorial in Spanish"
"They made a series of 3 or 4 of these videos. Every single one has busty girl. All light from above so they have a strong shadow under the bust to emphasis it. It was so striking that it must have been deliberate."

Conservative attacks on Speakers in Ottawa, Regina a pattern, say Liberals and NDP - "The Conservatives argue that Fergus has proven himself to be biased, including ejecting Poilievre from the House of Commons last month for refusing to retract his comment calling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a "wacko." Fergus was forced to pay a $1,500 fine and apologize after he delivered a partisan tribute to an outgoing interim Liberal leader in Ontario on a video played at the party's leadership convention. The Liberals apologized to Fergus earlier this month after an invitation to an event in his riding was posted with language attacking the Conservatives. They said the invite was posted by a party staffer using boilerplate terms by mistake. It was replaced."

Loyalty at work no longer pays — and it's employers who are to blame - "Now, as I start to think toward retirement at age 52, I really get it. I have an uncle who'd worked for this same tech company who retired with his pension at a decent age and now spends his summers on his boat teaching sailing near Nantucket and his winters working ski patrol in Vermont. He gave them 40+ years of his life, and in return they took great care of him. It seems like those days are gone now — or only reserved for the fabulously wealthy. As I've gotten older, I'm sometimes jealous of friends who took jobs in public education or government. They haven't lived lavishly over the years, but with 30 years' experience can retire at full salary in perpetuity and sleep comfortably without the plague of questions like Will my 401(k) be enough to retire at 60? 70? Will the government move retirement from 65 to 70 and I'll have to work for nearly 20 more years? I also wonder how much I may have missed along the way because I've had to be so focused on my future, instead of the present."

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