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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Links - 10th July 2024 (1 - Joe Biden: Debate Fallout)

New York Post on X - "Jill Biden’s ex-husband slams first lady for apparently encouraging prez to stay in race after debate disaster: ‘I don’t even recognize her’"
Mark Hemingway on X - "This would be the husband she was still married to when Biden started seeing her. I won't begin to defend Trump, but does having an affair with a woman and breaking up her marriage also mean Biden has the morals of an alley cat?"

John Hudson on X - "Biden’s aides “did not understand why he gave an entirely different answer on the age question than the one they spent more than a week perfecting,” reports @tylerpager"
Biden aides plotted debate strategy for months. Then it all collapsed. - The Washington Post

Richard Hanania on X - "Biden team is blaming CNN for makeup that made him look too pale. That’s the secret of Trump’s success in these debates, the networks bringing out his orange glow."

Cenk Uygur on X - "Everyone on the Biden campaign will be out of a job when there is a new candidate. That new candidate will pick their own team. So, the Biden campaign has an enormous incentive to lie to you and pretend Biden is fine. Their jobs depend on you believing that lie."

Bianca A GoldenRuleLover 🇺🇸🇺🇦 #StillNeverTrump on X - "It’s more than the debate. Biden shortened his hours. Used debate prep to practice walking on stage. Didn’t do a superbowl interview. Missed G7 events & had to be corrected by Blinken in front of Zelensky re 🇺🇦 aid. He’s using cue cards & prepared stmts at small donor gatherings."

Cenk Uygur on X - "George Orwell was an unmitigated genius. Tell me this line from 1984 isn't absolutely perfect for the Democratic Party right now: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”"

Vogue Magazine on X - ""Every campaign is important, and every campaign is hard,” shares Dr. Jill Biden, the first lady and Vogue’s August cover subject. Whatever happens between now and November, it is Jill Biden who will remain the president's closest confidant and advocate."

Bill Ackman on X - "I no longer blame @POTUS  Biden for not stepping aside. He no longer has the mental acuity to make important judgments about himself.   It is becoming increasingly clear however that the fault lies with @FLOTUS  Jill Biden.   FL Jill Biden becomes irrelevant the moment her husband is no longer president. No more Air Force One. No more glamorous life. No more White House dinners for dignitaries. No more being treated like a queen when traveling the world.   I am sorry to be harsh, but what has become entirely clear is that the First Lady values what is best for herself over her husband’s health and the safety and security of the country at large.   Stress is a contributor to neurological deterioration and the doctors must have told her so. Think about how much stress she is putting Biden under by making him continue.   Now in public appearances she treats him like an infant (‘You answered every question!’) or an old man as she walks him off the stage. And she gets the crowd wound up and cheering at events. Perhaps she thinks the crowd is cheering for her. Her power has clearly grown as he gets weaker. And she likes the feeling of power. She speaks for the president when he can’t or when he is napping. She tells his team and staff when he is available, and when he is not. She likes being in control. We all do.   Which begs the question, how many decisions of the president are actually made by the FL?  Her ‘friends’ likely don’t tell her the truth as they want to continue to be invited to the White House and to be able to say that they are friends with the FL and the president.   Jill Biden is destroying her own legacy along with the president’s. The whole thing would just be a tragedy for the Biden family if it didn’t put the country at greater risk in a world in turmoil.   Perhaps she didn’t understand what ‘in sickness and in health’ meant."

John Hasson on X - "Holy crap what a story from WSJ
-At the EU-US summit, Biden’s mental ability varied EVEN WITHIN MEETINGS
-Biden needed Antony Blinken to help him read his talking points
-Biden was the only world leader who missed the G7 dinner"
Biden Age Concerns Have Been Apparent to the World. Democrats Ignored the Warnings. - WSJ (aka "The World Saw Biden Deteriorating. Democrats Ignored the Warnings.")

Meme - Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze: "This seems more relevant now I guess.   Remember when it wasn't a media scandal that Biden was answering presubmitted questions during press conferences from journalists that he knew were coming.  And journalists all just buried their heads because they were all in on this act."

Meme - wanye @wanyeburkett: "You’re allowed to do the most insane racial psychologizing, just so long as you make it clear while doing so that white people (especially men) are bad"
Jen "we will not be ruled by a king " Rubin @JRubinBlogger: "gobsmacked by the hysteria of the get out of the race crowd? Let me explain. 1. refusing to leap to an impossible non-solution does NOT mean you think the debate went well. It was really bad. 2. white males tend to publically freak out when things dont go just so. Women cope. Nonwhites don't have the luxury of melting down. 3. a serious contingent of pundits and pollsters insisted Biden shouldn't run and are now playing the I told you so game. They want him out or to lose so they can be right. 4. many of #3 predicted the red wave and have been scrambling to save face. 5. many policy wonks brilliant on econ or foreign policy have no fucking idea how politics works. the idea of dumping Biden and bypassing Harris is political suicide."
Brendan on X - "Casual racism and sexism no longer offend me But Jen Rubin's formatting is a hate crime 🧐"

Meme - *Arya being forced to stare by The Waif meme*
"The debate"
"People who voted for Biden"
"Trump supporters who told you he was senile in 2020"

Bill Ackman on X - "I keep finding articles today which say dismissively that Biden had a bad debate, but, the articles go on to say, so did Obama and others and they were able to recover and win the office.    The issue, however, was not that @POTUS  Biden had a bad debate. Rather, in just a few minutes, the entire world, including all of our enemies became definitively aware, if they were not already, that the President of the United States is not fit for office, let alone a second term.    This is not just an issue of Biden’s  fitness for office. It is an issue of national security.   We know from the rally the day after the debate that Biden is still capable of reading from a teleprompter. But being president of the United States requires more than reading words written by others. Leadership requires world class executive function, which in Biden’s case is clearly profoundly impaired.   If China invades Taiwan tomorrow, how comfortable do you feel with our Commander in Chief?  I would not be surprised that the DNC called for an early debate because it was concerned that Biden was deteriorating rapidly and sooner was better than later. It figured that with a friendly moderator, no @RobertKennedyJr , no audience, silenced microphones, and six days of prep at Camp David, he could make it through, or as @FLOTUS  Jill Biden explained:  ‘Joe you did such a great job! You answered every question!’  Some of a president’s most important decisions must come when he is awakened at 3am when disaster or a threat emerges suddenly. Our enemies will strike when we are most vulnerable.   How is this not incredibly frightening?   Now explain to me how anyone can continue to support Biden for a second term."

Bill Ackman on X - "I just spoke to one of the most respected doctors in the world. He says that it is eminently apparent that @POTUS Biden has lewy body dementia, Parkinson’s and/or Alzheimer’s and that his decline will not be linear. It will accelerate."

Collin Rugg on X - "NEW: Nancy Pelosi claims ‘healthcare professionals’ say Trump is actually the candidate with dementia before having a senior moment of her own.  This gaslighting is crazy.  During an interview with CNN, Pelosi gaslit the American people before she was seen seizing up, appearing to forget how to talk.  “There are healthcare professionals who think that Trump has dementia. That his connection, his thoughts do not go together.”  “So in any case, it was a bad night. Let's not…” *mental breakdown* “…sugar coat that. It was a bad night. It was a great presidency.”"

Melissa Chen on X - "Don’t forget that one of the major reasons the Democrats are in this bind is because of DEI.  Instead of being responsive to the desires of ordinary people, Biden unnecessarily hamstrung himself - and the rest of the country - by announcing the criteria that his VP will be a BIPOC woman.   Yes this was 2020 when everybody was trying to outperform everybody else on how anti-racist they were. Crazy times.  We ended up with an inauthentic world salad VP whom no one likes. And the Dems are finding themselves paying the price for not bothering to listen to the people.  The stakes are high for the choice of who gets to occupy the highest office in the land. They used DEI to pick a VP, and they eschewed the normal primary process which allows feedback from voters.   What we got was a sanitized, highly managed political process, where the candidate of choice was foisted upon us.  It’s not just the Dems who are mired in a full-blown crisis. We’ve just advertised our weakness to Russia, China and Iran. They know without a doubt now that America is leaderless and that the internal chaos of party politics is a huge distraction.   Buckle up it’s going to be a wild ride till November."
Gary Carpenter on X - "DEI has resulted in mediocre people in all the positions of power in the Biden administration. They were not chosen for competence but for the color of their skin, gender and LGBTQ status."
Terry Van Loon on X - "@MsMelChen Another way to look at it is that Biden may only have been given a "pass" because he was smart enough to appoint a Vice President he knew would be even more unpopular than him."
Danny Lucas on X - "When you prioritize identity politics over merit, you end up with leaders who can't lead, and enemies who are ready to exploit the chaos. Buckle up, indeed."
Piping Hot Centrist Takes on X - "Honestly it's good that DEI has them in this situation. If they don't experience the negative consequences of DEI first hand, they have no incentive to get rid of it."

Wildwood on X - "What do you mean by DEI? Is that the new codeword for a Black person? Is it interchangeable with CRT and BLM? My God, you people are ridiculous. Your actions and rhetoric are so insulting and bigoted."
Jesse Matchey on X - "What I mean is that she wasn’t chosen for her political prowess & leadership acumen…  I’m flatly telling you she’s unlikeable, detested, and ill-equipped for the position she was chosen for. She wasn’t chosen because of her *fitness for the job*, as she was chosen to “check blocks”.  I’m, simultaneously, telling you that the DEI complex is faux concern for minorities/underprivileged…it’s a sham.  Your inability to see through the sham is what the establishment relies on, in order to sucker you into giving them more power, under the guise of “solving” problems that they use people, such as yourself, to get emotionally charged by.  Doesn’t it grow tiresome, repeatedly falling for the same grift?"
They're still playing the "DEI means nigger" game

Ro Khanna on X - "Rocky wasn't the most eloquent in speech. But he was a fighter. His character conveyed his eloquence. Our message: Biden's character is his eloquence."
Scott G on X - "They’ve dropped the “he’s never been sharper” argument and now we have to move on to the fact that his character has never been that great either. The folxy Joe from Scranton bit is bogus. Sure, you could argue that his character is preferable to Trump’s, but it’s not some ace in the hole"

Meme - Mark Hemingway @Heminator: "Behold, the most remarkable sentence in the annals of polling."
""President Biden was hurt badly by the debate, but Donald Trump didn't benefit on any measure, except the vote," a summary of the findings reads, referring to its measurement of which candidate voters would choose on a ballot before and after the debate."
Democratic-leaning voters less likely to choose Biden after debate, survey finds

Kyle Martinsen on X - "Joe Biden was using a teleprompter for his live interviews in 2020 Anyone pretending like Biden's decline is some new thing is full of it"

Meme - Licensed Memes: The Banterbury Tales: "Can't believe his interns did the leftoid tome meme."
Joe Biden @JoeBiden: "Donald Trump set a new record for the most lies told in a single debate.
ALL 50 OF TRUMP'S LIES *wall of text*"

End Wokeness on X - "Huffington Post says the Biden campaign should deceive the American public into thinking Biden is healthy by using AI. Yes, they actually published this."
Opinion: It’s Time for the Biden Campaign to Embrace AI | HuffPost Opinion
It's only dangerous misinformation when it threatens the left wing agenda

Brennan Murphy on X - ""We would invite the President to tell us directly"
"If he's awake"
"That's innapropriate""
Faye Hausendorff on X - "Hey, remember that whole “speaking truth to power” thing we used to have in this country?"
It's only speaking truth to power when you push the left wing agenda

Stephen L. Miller on X - "I kind of think a sitting President forgetting on a debate stage that he met with Gold Star families, who gave congressional testimony about their Service member dying during the Kabul withdrawal, has more journalistic weight than an anonymously, and unfollowed up Atlantic story about "Suckers and losers" that just became canon because it was aired on MSNBC.   But here, @JeffreyGoldberg  is nowhere to be found. Gone. No story. No interest.   Where is their Atlantic story? Exactly nowhere."
Burt Macklin on X - "I have watch the CNN clip where they say Kelly confirmed the losers and suckers story and I swear, to me, be never confirms. He said it sounds like something DJT would say."

Meme - Damaan, AKA "Philly's Finest"! @Damaan4u33: "Who else besides me???? 😠😡😠"
"I'm so tired of him. I'm tired of people pretending he's not an idiot. I'm tired of his lies. I'm tired of his sickening amorality. I'm tired of his face, his voice, his smirk. I'm tired of his inability to say even 1 thing remotely kind or humble or appropriate, ever. So tired."
Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630: "I'm sick of Biden too.  After the debate slaughter of an 81 year old, legendary corrupt, pol whose senior son just caught a felony....that HAS to be who this is referring to?"

Meme - Emergent Perspective @_emergent_: "Kamala is the "unfireable #DEI hire."  Many of them would rather 🔥 cities, than give up the "representation" they were promised, through her.  Not to mention, alienating Jewish / Israeli voters with their pro-Palestine elements.  No matter what they do, it won't be pretty."
Venn Diagram: "UNINTELLIGENT. UNPOPULAR. UNELECTABLE. *Intersection*: Kamala"

The Question of Joe Biden’s Age May Be a Matter of Style - The New York Times - "In this respect, the president has something in common with Beethoven, Wagner and Martin Scorsese."
From March

Biden Tells Governors He Needs More Sleep and Less Work at Night - The New York Times - "President Biden told a gathering of Democratic governors that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, including curtailing events after 8 p.m... Mr. Biden’s comments about needing more rest came shortly after The New York Times reported that current and former officials have noticed that the president’s lapses over the past few months have become more frequent and more pronounced.  But Mr. Biden told the governors, some of whom were at the White House while others participated virtually, that he was staying in the race.  He described his extensive foreign travel in the weeks before the debate, something that the White House and his allies have in recent days cited as the reason for his halting performance during the debate. Initially, Mr. Biden’s campaign blamed a cold, putting out word about midway through the debate amid a series of social media posts questioning why Mr. Biden was struggling... After Gov. Josh Green of Hawaii, a physician, asked Mr. Biden questions about the status of his health, Mr. Biden replied that his health was fine. “It’s just my brain,” he added, according to three people familiar with what took place — a remark that some in the room took as a joke, including Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York, according to a person close to her. But at least one governor did not, and was puzzled by it... Multiple governors who participated in the meeting expressed dismay afterward that there had been little debate about whether Mr. Biden should continue his 2024 presidential campaign — a topic they discussed at length during a call the governors held among themselves... Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado, who attended virtually, told the president that he had heard a groundswell of wishes from various people that Mr. Biden would end his campaign, according to two people who were briefed on the call.  Two other governors, Janet Mills of Maine and Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, also voiced concerns. Ms. Mills said that people didn’t think Mr. Biden was up to running, and Ms. Lujan Grisham said she was worried that the president could lose her state... Speaking for themselves, some governors have been more vocal. Gov. Maura Healey of Massachusetts, though she did not speak during the Wednesday meeting with Mr. Biden, said during a Monday call with fellow governors about the situation that she had told Jeff Zients, the White House chief of staff, that the president’s political position was “irretrievable” after his disastrous debate performance... A White House spokesman, Andrew Bates, confirmed that Mr. Biden had seen the White House physician to check on the cold. But on Friday, the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, said the opposite, telling reporters that Mr. Biden had not had any kind of medical checkup since February."
Clearly, the President of the United States can sleep for as long as he wants
I saw left wingers upset that the New York Times isn't lying about Biden anymore and accusing it of ushering in "fascism"

Brian Stelter on X - "Axios: "Hell has no fury like a press corps deceived. Reporters feel duped — and some probably embarrassed —and are scrambling to unearth new evidence of decline.""
Auron MacIntyre on X - "Journalists knew Biden was senile, gaslight the American public on the fact for years, and now want to play the outraged victim Pathetic"

Biden's ABC interview flops with Congress' Democrats: "He's toast" - "Biden insisted he has the stamina to take on Trump and refused to take a cognitive test.     The president rejected polls indicating he's trailing his Republican rival and minimized the extent to which his Democratic allies have pressured him to withdraw from the race.     And Biden made clear he's not dropping out: "If the Lord Almighty came down and said 'Joe, get out of the race,' I'd get out of the race. The Lord Almighty's not coming down."... A fourth House Democrat said they were "shocked" by Biden's "refusal to recognize reality" in terms of polling and his "failure to make an argument about why he wants a second term.""

Growing number of Democrats want Biden to drop out by Friday - ""Every single person not named Biden," or paid by the president, recognizes how deep a hole he's in, said a top Democratic operative who's talking nonstop to elected officials... A front-page story in Sunday's Washington Post quotes an adviser to major donors as estimating that "for every 10 people who think he should exit, one thinks he should stay." The story says multiple people "publicly vouching for Biden, at the behest of the White House and campaign, privately say there's no path."... The issue is breaking through in Normal America: One swing-state lawmaker told us that a monthly forum back home is usually consumed by community issues. On Saturday, everyone wanted to talk about Biden's age."

Meme - John Macgowan @john_macgowan: "Anyone who’s ever worked in a big political office knows this specific guy actually writes all the content and the others are party appointments who sit around having bad ideas all day." *conventional-looking white guy in suit*
Revolver News @RevolverNews: *Women and minorities*

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