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Sunday, July 07, 2024

Links - 7th July 2024 (1)

What Is Sugar Really Doing to You? - "JENA: They saw that the prevalence of diabetes was about 50 percent higher in that group that was exposed to more sugar when they were young. And, it wasn’t just diabetes, they found elevated rates of cholesterol arthritis. And they also looked at measures of laboratory markers of chronic inflammation. and levels were about 33 percent higher in people who had been exposed, to more sugar. And the other thing that is interesting is they didn’t find much difference in the total caloric intake of these individuals much later in life. This is people who had similar total calories, but more of those calories were coming from sugar. So it does speak to this broader question which is, what is the composition of calories that we get as opposed to the total number of calories, that we take... they also looked at, measures of human capital accumulation. We can think of that in economics as how much education you get and economic wellbeing. What they found there was that on average, the cohorts who were exposed to this period of greater sugar, they were less likely to complete post-secondary education by about 20 percent. They did not find any effect on the probability of being employed, but that exposure to sugar was associated with the reduced likelihood of working in a skilled profession and having above median wealth by the time you were, let’s say 50 to 65. If you believe these results as being causal, the argument would be that it’s related to the health behaviors that develop, the health outcomes that then develop, and the effects of health on education and wealth."
So much for a calorie is a calorie

Meme - Joseph Bronski @BronskiJoseph: "How does personality effect income? Contrary to popular belief, conscientiousness and extraversion don't have much of an effect. Agreeableness is harmful to income, and openness matters the most, because of its correlation with IQ.  Smart, disagreeable people make the most."

Meme - Timothy Snyder @TimothyDSnyder: "6/11. Once named, fascism can be defeated. Indeed, once named it can be easily defeated."
Jesse Singal @jessesingal: "This is such a good tweet"
Quetzal Writes @QuetzalThoughts: "What's funny about that thread is at no point does he give even a remote outline of what Fascism is. So per his terms, he failed in even this meager endeavor of definition"
JamesT @jamespthomas92: "It needn't be defined, only named. Disagreeing with this tweet is fascism. Named and defeated. Check mate."

Jade Hamnett's answer to During the Holocaust, is there evidence of even a single SS soldier who stopped and said: 'This is immoral, I can't do this'? - Quora - "My Grandad was held as a prisoner of war in Germany and spoke highly of a member of the Nazi party. While being held as a prisoner local Germans of high regard could take prisoners out for the day to use them as labourers. This one particular man often took my Grandad and over time they developed a kind of friendship. When meeting other Germans in the street it was customary to say, “Heil Hilter.” This man instead responded with the usual German greeting. My grandad eventually asked him why he was one of the first to sign up to the Nazi party in his town, but didn’t use the greeting. He explained he could see what was coming. Eventually he began to tell my grandad small details like to watch out for certain birds in the woods that made a lot of sound, and gave him a compass. He never said it was to help him escape, but it was clear what the intent was.  Later my grandad managed to make an escape"
So much for all "Nazis" being bad

Meme - "r/SingaporeRaw
lol was banned from ask Singapore when I asked why new citizens don't serve NS
So I posted this today morning, it got a lot of comments & then got banned lol. Is there anything wrong with my post ?
Why Male new citizens & PRs are exempted from NS
So I saw this Reddit with regards to why SG needs conscription with so many people supporting NS. In that case why not enlist well bodied new citizens & PRs. After all they are two years ahead meanwhile locals need to defend them. Worst is they get to enjoy freebies as someone who has served this country. It's seems like people who contributed to the previous Reddit article have no skin in the game ( don't need to serve NS/ no reservist To me that's free riding. Prove me wrong
PS : I was a second gen PR who served & got citizenship"

One Night Cough Syrup: Most Dangerous Ingredients & Why - "More than a hundred years ago, cough syrups were an unregulated industry, which meant manufacturers could (and did) add just about anything to their cough remedies...

Pizza delivery driver shoots, kills man after robbery attempt: Reports - "Police said that two people, including the armed victim, tried to rob the driver at gunpoint, ordering him to hand over money...  his brother, Ameer White, confirmed with WTHR that it was 21-year-old Areyeh. White said that he and his brother are residents at the complex, and his brother was at his girlfriend's apartment at the time of the incident. He questioned why the delivery driver was armed in the first place.  "If you were the pizza delivery guy... why were you armed?" White asked."
If you have a defense against thugs trying to rob you, you are a bad person

Hypocrisy and Public Life - "La Rochefoucauld famously said that "hypocrisy is a tribute vice pays to virtue." This is often understood to mean that the hypocrite who says one thing but does another, says what he says because he knows it is right. The hypocrite possesses the knowledge that his behavior is wrong or sinful, and so speaks the truth, even while not living it... But is hypocrisy really nothing more than the inability of persons to live up to their own moral code? No. Hypocrisy does not just involve disconnect between word and deed; it involves dissimulation, falsity in how one acts. The hypocrite does not merely make assertions he believes to be true about morality while failing to abide by them. He also makes false assertions, often by his deeds. He deceives others by creating the appearance of virtue while succumbing to vice. Creating this appearance may, of course, take a great deal of work; consider what is involved in maintaining the illusion-to one's spouse, one's children, and others-that one is being faithful in marriage, if one is actually having an affair.   This makes hypocrisy, just in itself, morally bad for the hypocrite... The form of hypocrisy that seems most especially egregious is that in which the "tribute" paid to virtue is entirely specious. The agent simulates virtue in this case not because of a recognition that the appearance of vice can corrupt or harm others, or because he is still somehow allied with virtue, but because the appearance of virtue brings with it certain rewards."

Meme - "Most to Least Common 4-Digit PIN Numbers
3.4m analysed from multiple data breaches
*common numbers* people using the same two pairs of numbers
using their birth year (19xx)
using their birth date in MM/DD or DD/MM format

Meme - Woman: "Promise me you'll never change"
Man in red vest, white tee and blue pants: "I promise"
*Woman in wedding dress at wedding, Man in red vest, white tee and blue pants*

Meme - "There will be no "collapse" the way some of these people think of it. It's not going to be like the movie "Dawn of the Dead" or whatever where one day suddenly shit hits the fan and prices skyrocket and everyone begins to riot and the SS comes marching down the street to kill everyone. There will be no "happening." It's far more insidious than that. Read the poem "The Hollow Men" by TS Eliot and you'll understand. You'll just notice that every day simple things will become a little more expensive. Everyone's homes and apartments will start to get smaller. Your work hours will get longer, but your pay will decrease. You'll see family and friends less, and find that in time you care less about them. Every day you'll find yourself lowering your standards for everything: work, food, relationships, etc. Job security will no longer exist as a concept. You'll notice houses and apartments shrinking. People will start hanging on to clothing longer and longer. Less people will get married, even less will have children. People will engross themselves in technological distractions and fantasy while never truly experiencing the real world. Whatever dream people used to have about what their lives were going to be will become for them a distant memory. The only thing left for them will be the reality of their debt and their poverty. And every minute of every day they will be told, "You are stupid, ugly, and weak, but together we are free, prosperous, and safe." That is the collapse. The reduction of the American man into a feudal serf, incapable of feeling love or hate, incapable of seeing the pitiful nature of his situation for what it is or recognizing his own self worth."

'The Simpsons' Producers Remove Classic Michael Jackson Episode - "The Simpsons episode “Stark Raving Dad” is considered one of the most iconic episodes from the show’s early run — but it will now be harder for fans to view.  Michael Jackson infamously provided a voice for the episode, which aired as the show’s Season 3 premiere on Sept. 19, 1991. His involvement was uncredited, and only rumored to be Jackson’s voice until it was finally confirmed to actually be him, years later. But now, following the extensive allegations of sexual assault by Jackson as chronicled in the HBO documentary “Leaving Neverland,” “The Simpsons” producers have decided to pull the episode from rotation... Jackson voiced the character Leon Kompowsky, who meets Homer Simpson in a mental institution. Simpson brings home the character, a large white man who claims to be Michael Jackson. Ultimately, Leon helps Bart Simpson celebrate his sister’s birthday by singing one of the show’s most memorable tunes, “Happy Birthday Lisa.” Jackson didn’t actually sing on the episode; Kipp Lennon mimicked Jackson’s voice on all of the episode’s songs."
Michael Jackson Didn't Sing In The Simpsons - "Michael Jackson was refused permission by his label Sony Music to sing on ‘The Simpsons’... the iconic singer handpicked an impersonator to fill in his parts. Kipp Lennon recorded the track, and later went on to provide Jackson’s singing voice in the Stateside mini-series ‘The Jacksons: An American Dream’."

Has anyone ever gained superpowers in real life after an accident? - One place-1 - Quora - "Jason Padgett. He was a party guy who hated school and got really bad grades. One day, two men savagely attacked him and robbed Jason outside a bar, leaving him with a severe concussion.  This damage turned him into a math genius and made him learn fractal geometry, which he had never learned before. He then became a renowned mathematician.
Derek Amato. At 39, he hit his head after diving into a pool. He was diagnosed with a concussion and 35% hearing loss. After that Derek started seeing black and white keys on his head and out of nowhere started playing the piano like an expert and eventually became a composer.
Ben McMahon. He was in a car accident in 2015 and was in a coma for a week. When he woke up, he spoke perfect Chinese, even though he had only learned the basics in childhood.
Tony Cicero. He was struck by lightning while making a call in a phone booth. Within days, he became addicted to music, which wasn't the case before. After experimenting with the piano, he became a musical artist who composes his own music."

The Supreme Court’s Surprising Term | The New Yorker - "During a time when the country has been starkly divided on matters ranging from the pandemic to the Presidency, the Court has largely avoided partisanship."
From 2021. But despite the fact that the liberals vote in lockstep, the left still claim that this is fascism, ideological bias and imposing conservatism on the country

Meme - "PILOT LOUNGE *Braille translation*"

Meme - "Kids imagining what life would be like at 40. I am forty. I have wrinkles and grey hair and I would have a walking stick to helo me walk. Rita Monaghan, 9
l am forty. I am turning old. I just left work because I cannot manage going up and down hills. I know I will soon die. Jennifer Turner 8"

Meme - "东北冷面 Northeast cold face"
Meme - "紅油抄手 Red oil is copied by hand"

The Australian town where people live underground - "as you venture further along the highway, more of these mystery constructions emerge – piles of pale earth, haphazardly scattered like long-forgotten monuments. Every now and then, there is a white pipe sticking up from the ground next to one.   These are the first signs of Coober Pedy, an opal mining town with a population of around 2,500 people. Many of its little peaks are the waste soil from decades of mining, but they are also evidence of another local specialty – underground living... In the winter, this troglodyte lifestyle may seem merely eccentric. But on a summer's day, Coober Pedy – loosely translated from an indigenous Australian term that means "white man in a hole" – needs no explanation: it regularly hits 52C (126F), so hot that birds have been known to fall from the sky and electronics must be stored in fridges... In Coober Pedy, subterranean buildings must be at least four metres (13ft) deep, to prevent their roofs collapsing – and under this amount of rock, it is always a balmy 23C (73F). While above-ground residents must endure oven-hot summers and frigid winter nights, where it regularly dips to 2-3C (36-37F), subterranean homes remain at perfect room temperature, 24 hours a day, year-round.   Apart from comfort, one major advantage of underground living is money. Coober Pedy generates all its own electricity – 70% of which is powered by wind and solar – but running air conditioning is often impossibly expensive. "To live above ground, you pay an absolute fortune for heating and cooling, when it's often above 50C (122F) in the summer", says Jason Wright, a resident who runs Riba's. On the other hand, many underground homes in Coober Pedy are relatively affordable. During a recent auction, the average three-bedroom house sold for around AU$40,000 (£21,000 or US$26,000). Though many of these properties were extremely basic or in need of renovation, there's a large gap between these valuations and those in the nearest major city, Adelaide, where the average house price is AU$700,000 (£361,000 or US$457,000). Other benefits include zero insects – "when you get to the door flies jump off your back, they don't want to come into the dark and the cold," says Wright – and a lack of sound and light pollution. Oddly, the subterranean lifestyle might also provide some protection against earthquakes... There are several reasons why making dugouts in Coober Pedy is uniquely practical. The first is the rock – "It's very soft, you can scratch it with a pocket knife or your fingernail," says Barry Lewis, who works at the tourist information centre... Furthermore, the sandstone is structurally sound without supports, so it's possible to make (literally) cavernous rooms with high ceilings, in any shape you like, with no additional materials. In fact, tunnelling in Coober Pedy is so straightforward, many locals live in elaborate, luxury dwellings, with underground swimming pools, games rooms, expansive bathrooms, and high-spec living rooms. One local has previously described his subterranean home as "like a castle", with 50,000 tumble bricks and arched doorways to every room... However, the feats at Cooper Pedy would not be possible everywhere. One major challenge with any underground structure is damp. Of the many rock dwellings that have been inhabited by humans, the majority are in dry areas"

Can You Really Make Ice Cream Outdoors with Your KitchenAid Stand Mixer? - "This winter, TikTok user @salepepesalsaverde proposed an interesting idea: that if you live in a cold place and own a KitchenAid stand mixer, then you can use it outdoors as an ice cream maker. His video shows a mixer sitting out on a snowy porch, churning away at an ice cream base. It seems like a clever way to harness the power of Mother Nature, but does it really work? I consulted Amanda Neal, lead recipe developer in Food Network’s test kitchen, to find out...   Remember, though: Just because you can try this at home doesn’t mean you should. A KitchenAid costs hundreds of dollars, so you should think twice about testing its limits."

Jay in Kyiv on X - "How Russia used an erotic model to gain control of then implode Austria's intelligence agencies and recruit dozens amongst the German and French political class to do the bidding of Putin's regime."
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 on X - "China's spy model is basically "make all the stuff in the world and have it report on everybody" Russia's spy model is basically "hot chicks""

Computer Memory: 640K Ought to be Enough for Anyone – Quote Investigator® - "Bill Gates is the one of the richest men in the world, but that does not mean that he correctly foresaw the future. In the early days of the personal computer industry Gates supposedly said the following about the IBM PC:       640K ought to be enough for anyone."

Bill Gates Still Believes Speech Will Replace Keyboards - "Bill Gates has been an incredibly successful businessman, but that doesn’t mean he’s particularly good at predicting the future of technology. Remember his claim that spam would be gone within 2 years… which he made in 2004? However, if there’s one prognostication that Gates just can’t let go of, it’s his belief that speech recognition will replace keyboards as the preferred input device for computers. He’s been saying it for years and years and years, without much to show for it. I had thought (hoped?) that he’d realized maybe he was wrong on this one, but apparently not. In a recent speech, he’s insisting that speech recognition (and touch screens) will start to surpass keyboards as the input method of choice for many people. I was going to go back and put together a list of the times he had predicted that in the past, but it appears that Matthew Paul Thomas already did that a few years ago. Note that his earliest predictions (starting in 1997) were that speech would surpass keyboards within a decade."
From 208

Hold The Mayo: Town Changes Its Name To 'Miracle Whip' - "Mayo, Florida is a tiny town with less than 1,500 residents that sits between Jacksonville and Tallahassee. The small community drew national attention when town officials announced their plan to scrap their name and go with the Kraft Heinz-owned mayonnaise-alternative... The news shocked some residents, however that was the plan. It was all a prank the Kraft Heinz promotions team and Mayo's officials came up with as part of a branding campaign to reportedly raise money for the city's beautification projects."

Meme - Andrew Schiavone @aschiavone: "Eating alone in school: Wow I feel so self-conscious I'm miserable
Eating alone now at work: This is the most relaxing part of my day"

Bless Them! Why Do Dogs Sneeze When They Play?

Meme *Bike fall meme*
Having a baby
I have no time for myslelf. I'm so tired. I dont even know who I am anymore. I can't do things I enjoy anymore. You can't imagine how hard it is"
Keywords: I have no time for myself

Meme - "Mom: Did you defrost the chicken?
Me and my siblings: *Lee Hsien Loong and PAP senior members looking stunned*"

Meme - "Cosplay = Free Sex
All female cosplayers at this year's New York Comic Con are prostitutes. They have been paid for with your admission fees and are free to use. Not all female NYCC Fans are prostitutes, so be respectful and only use cosplayers for sex.
Thank you, and have fun!"

2 S'pore men stalk woman at drinking place, tail her, offer to send her home, then sexually assault her - "Noticing two women were "very drunk" at a drinking place, two Singaporean men decided to follow them when they left — all the way to a bus stop and once even waited for them outside a restroom without their knowledge.  When they saw several taxi and private hire vehicle drivers refusing to pick the women up because of their drunken condition, the duo offered the women a ride home.  The women agreed after some cajoling.  One of the women was sexually assaulted by the men at her home... It took a while before Lee's friend realised he had dropped his handphone in the victim's apartment.  Fearing they would be identified, the men returned to the apartment to try and retrieve the handphone.  They were unsuccessful, as the victim had already called the police"

No clean getaway: Woman breaks into Ohio home, cleans, leaves, gets arrested - "Police in suburban Cleveland say a woman who owns a cleaning service broke into a house and washed the dishes, took out the trash, and vacuumed, before leaving a handwritten bill with her name on it.  Sounds like a case of OCD: obsessive cleaning disorder.  Police in Westlake say Sue Warren of Elyria broke into a home last week and began tidying up, but she didn't take anything. They say she then wrote out a bill for $75 on a napkin and included her name and address. One officer says Warren told him she does it all the time. Only now, she's in jail on a burglary charge."

Meme - "Rdj with different role in different movies  *looking different*
Rock with different roles in different movies *looking the different*"
The Rock always plays the same type

Younger generation of ABCs making being asian their entire personality. : r/aznidentity - " Has anyone noticed that now the younger generation of asians have started making being asian their entire personality?  I personally have a few theories on why this is but the main one is that i think as asians have become more popular more people want to “become” asian (e.g., RCTA and asian fishing) and its had a somewhat similar effect on young ABCs where they want to play into the “aesthetic” that comes with being asian.  I have started noticing it with my younger sister (14) especially who constantly posts about how nice it is to be asian and romanticising it. I’m in no way saying that we shouldn’t be proud of our heritage because we should be but the way she talks about only wanting asian friends and how she only follows asian influencers leaves a bad taste in my mouth as it feels like she feels superior to others because she is asian. For context, my sister has only been back to china 2x in her life and has never actually learnt to speak or write chinese.  I don’t think she’s alone in this either though. I’ve seen it in people my age too (20) but i’ve noticed it more in the younger generation.  Has anyone else noticed this?
edit: Someone in the comments described this perfectly, i’m saying that my sister is the “#Keshi #09 #Boba #Ulzzang” type of asian."

Meme - *original meme mocking commies who are made to shut up and dig instead of being a queer video game streamer*
American with "I love work" button and Overtime Application: "I don't understand, I thought I was going to be working 80-hour weeks to get ahead of my neighbors, in the rat race! I want to work more and get rich!"
French guard with French republic badge and rifle: "GO TO THE BEACH WITH YOUR WIFE"

Meme - "Roomba sitting in a chair watching a human sweep the floors in Roomba store. It's happening"

Meme - Ricky Gervais @rickygervais: "The world began to crumble when feelings started overruling facts."
Marc from Flint @mutt1126: "Fact: you're a millionaire who sits in his tub all day, tweeting in hopes of taking peoples tweets to use in your comedy because you haven't said anything funny in almost 2 decades."
Ricky Gervais @rickygervais: "*Multimillionaire"

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