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Sunday, July 07, 2024

Links - 7th July 2024 (2 - Pro-Crime Policies)

Why the Media Are Mum About White Flight 2.0 - "It’s no secret people have been fleeing America’s cities for the past three years. According to the Economic Innovation Group, a bipartisan public policy organization, more than two million people left our cities between July 2020 and July 2022. In the year since, the exodus seems to have slowed but continues.  However reluctantly, the media have acknowledged the flight. What they have not acknowledged is its “whiteness.” Yet, “white” it has overwhelmingly been... Sixty or so years ago, the media showed no such restraint. Writ large, they were eager to define that first great urban diaspora with the pejorative “white flight.”... One reason he and his fellow travelers can smear less righteous whites so casually is that they know little, if anything, about the people who fled... Every one of the fifty or so people I interviewed for my book, Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities, knew precisely why he or she left.    To my surprise, many of the Times readers reacted to this op-ed much as I did. Said one, “I suppose I should be used to it by now, but I still find it kind of astonishing to read an analysis of white flight which doesn’t even mention the word ‘crime.’”   At least twenty respondents shared their own personal stories of flight. These people were able “to articulate exactly why they moved” — brother beaten, sister’s hair set on fire, neighbor shot, grandmother threatened, kids bused and bullied. The imagery is precise, and it comes from experience, an experience about which Boustan, like Wise, seems oblivious.    “I see that the author studied/worked at Princeton, Harvard & UCLA, all located in exclusive areas that are primarily white,” observed one reader. “So if she is claiming to be an expert on white flight, I wonder … has she actually LIVED somewhere deeply impacted by white flight?” For Boustan, and for other great minds of the genus “antiracist,” the answer is almost surely “no.” That first great wave of “white flight” is likely something they read about in Sociology 101. They don’t know the neighborhoods involved or the people affected and, more to the point, they don’t care to know.   Now the second wave, the ongoing one, that’s a different story. The fugitives are their friends, neighbors, co-workers, and maybe even themselves. In the 1960s and 1970s, blue-collar workers were the ones forced to move, usually with great reluctance. In the 2020s, blue-collar workers were the ones forced to stay. Plumbers and pipe fitters and policemen cannot do their work “remotely.”   A constant in the discussion of white flight, then and now, is the disingenuousness of the chroniclers.  In his analysis of the phenomenon for the liberal Brookings Institution, William Frey concedes that the cities suffering the greatest numeric losses “aside from Chicago … tend to be coastal or near coastal cities.”   Frey cites New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, Philadelphia, Washington, and Boston, but he shies from asking what these cities have in common. Yes, Virginia, they are among America’s most proudly blue.    True, COVID-19 was the primary driver of population loss, but it was not the disease itself that caused people to leave. Nor was it the density of a given city’s population. People fled Los Angeles just as readily as they fled New York City. On the COVID front, what drove people from these leftist strongholds were two related phenomena: the hysteria generated by the liberal media and the draconian response to that hysteria by local authorities. Those who can flee oppression, flee. Even the woke.   To anyone paying attention, which excludes most of the major media, crime was also a driving factor. With the police in blue cities handcuffed during and after the George Floyd summer of 2020, murder rates shot up at a pace not seen since the 1960s. For the woke to protest crime, however, was to sound altogether too MAGA. Better to just add a wing to that summer cottage and call it home.   Despite the evidence, analysts such as Frey and Benzow and journalists of all stripes have buried the natural lead — the progressive response to crime and COVID is what caused white flight 2.0. Tampa and St. Petersburg are coastal cities, but they gained population each of the last three years.   In a textbook case of willful blindness, the reporters responsible for a February 2022 New York Times article refused to notice the elephant poking through its very subhead: “Although some of the fastest growing regions in the country continued to grow, the gains were nearly erased by stark losses in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.”  As is obvious, of course, these were their own people hightailing it out of Dodge. Given their affinity with the fugitives, the Times reporters can only extend their sympathy. They decline to use the term “white flight,” let alone “racist” or “racism,” and, in a shocking turn of events, fail even to remind us that women and minorities must surely have suffered most...   If nothing else comes from their self-inflicted misery, young progressives should gain a better understanding of the proverbial crazy uncles, the ones who famously haunt their Thanksgiving dinners. Maybe, just maybe, they weren’t such racists after all."

Meme - Prof. Grace Lavery @graceelavery: "I don't think *anything* should be a crime. I think prisons should all be opened, everyone set free, and cops abolished. I don't think the criminalization of harm helps anyone heal, and I don't think it can produce anything like justice."

Meme - iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno: ""Men did nothing" Because men know what happens when they do something."
Caryn ann Harlos @carynannharlos: "On train again, abusive drug addled bum started yelling at a woman. Men did nothing."
*Daniel Penny in handcuffs*
This is some level of entitlement

Meme - "So, while we give our heartfelt thanks to the NSW Police Inspector who single handedly shot and killed the Bondi attacker, the NSW Greens are out calling for disarmament of frontline NSW Police. You can't make this stuff up!"
"65. Ensure that general duties police do not have as part of their standard appointments either Tasers or guns with these weapons reserved to specialised units and teams who can deploy as needed.
66. Remove Tasers from the NSW Police Force until additional safeguards are in place, for Taser use to ensure that only specially trained squads can use Tasers, that they only use Tasers as a substitute for firearms in situations of serious threat of violence to a person, and that Tasers are not used to enforce compliance in non- serious situations. Safeguards should include:"
When you don't even want the police to have tasers. Telling.

Gwynne Hogan on X - "Speaking of NYPD's reluctance to provide basic info, like the reason they started chasing a driver that ran later into woman in a crosswalk killing her. "The driver make an unspecified traffic violation, cop sources said, declining to go into detail.""
Rafael A. Mangual on X - "Person decides not to pull over for police. Takes off. Loses control and hits pedestrians. NYC reporters: “How can we blame the cops?”"

wanye on X - "A group of people went running around Chicago to beat up random strangers in unprovoked group assaults, but nobody reported it, so good news for the crime stats!"
CWBChicago on X - "Video via @CitizenApp shows a group jumping a man at 39 South State yesterday afternoon. Several people reported being randomly attacked by the group along Michigan Avenue and near Millennium Park. No arrests, no formal police reports located. #Chicago"

Dane on X - ""He had been arrested and released over 67X for violent crime in Texas and was currently out on (no bail) with 2 violent felonies still to be adjudicated"  "My mom was 80 years old," said Rosalie's son, Chuck Cook. "She was disabled. She shuffled with a cane. She was the prototypical grandmother, reading glasses down on her nose, knitting needles by the side of her rocking chair."  "If I could sue a judge, I would do it," Cook's son, Chuck Cook, told Fox News. "There is no accountability."  After being arrested for violent crimes at least 67 times in the past, on May 16, 2020, a total stranger, Randy Lewis, saw Rosalie Cook from across a parking lot and made a decision to fatally stab her outside a Walgreens as she was about to return home with some birthday cards.  Lewis tried to steal her car but was shot and kiIIed by a police officer. Rosalie is survived by 10 grand and great-grandchildren.  I'm going to say it again, WHERE'S ROSALIE'S GOLDEN CASKET, STATUES,  A NATIONAL DAY TO REMEMBER HER FATE, WHERE IS IT? WHERE'S THE STREET NAMED AFTER HER, WHERE'S THE GOFUNDME WITH MULI-MILLIONS FOR HER SURVIVING FAMILY, WHERE IS IT?"
Curtis Howell on X - "Think about that!! 67 times! At what point is enough, enough? Once, twice, 10 times?? SIXTY-SEVEN TIMES! If that’s not an indictment of a broken justice system, I don’t know what is!"

LILLEY: Trudeau Liberals trying to scare voters to protect convicts - "Should Canada be tougher or more lenient on those who commit heinous crimes? Ask most Canadians, and they will have little sympathy for Paul Bernardo, Russell Williams, Luka Magnotta or Alexandre Bissonnette who carried out the Quebec City mosque massacre. Yet, if you ask judges, the people who run Canada’s prison system or the Liberal politicians who appoint these folks, the answer is always that we should be more lenient... The latest message is that Poilievre wants to strip you, the average Canadian, of their Charter protected rights and freedoms. Now, unless you are someone convicted of killing multiple people, you don’t have to worry."

Teen had been charged 84 times before murdering Emma Lovell outside her Brisbane home - "A teenager jailed for murdering a Queensland mum after breaking into her home north of Brisbane on Boxing Day had never spent a day in custody despite racking up an astonishing 84 convictions since he was 15.  North Lakes woman Emma Lovell was stabbed to death outside her home after the teenager, then 17, entered through the unlocked door before attempting to get away from a struggle with the mum of two and her husband Lee on the night of Boxing Day back in 2022.  In the ensuing scuffle, Ms Lovell suffered a fatal stab wound to her heart, while Mr Lovell was also stabbed in the back and kicked in the face.  That teenager, who has since turned 19 in custody, was sentenced to 14 years’ jail on Monday for Ms Lovell’s murder.  It can be revealed that this is his first stint in custody despite racking up convictions over a 2.5 year period in the lead-up to the North Lakes carnage...  the teenager had been convicted of 84 offences related to break-ins or attempted break-ins of homes or cars.  The first was committed in May 2020 – when the teenager was just 15.  Sixteen of them involved unlawful entry or attempted entry of premises – two of which involved homes with the families still inside.  “On one occasion, you were confronted by an owner and you fled,” Justice Sullivan said.  “On another occasion, you were confronted by a dog inside the home.  “Commonly, the purpose of your unlawful entry was to obtain car keys to allow you the use of cars which would then be stolen.”  Eleven offences in the teenager’s record were for unlawful entry or use of vehicles.  Despite the staggering number of entries, he was never placed in custody – instead being sentenced to probation orders lasting anywhere between three to nine months.  Justice Sullivan said those probation periods involved weekly meetings with a Youth Justice case worker that lasted from 45 minutes to an hour. “(You would) participate in a module-based program known as Changing Habits and Reaching Targets,” Justice Sullivan said.  “This was a research-based program, which sought to directly target your property offending behaviours with a view to reducing your future offending.”  The teenager was on one such probation order at the time he murdered Ms Lovell... the teenager was on probation and had arrived at the Lovells’ home armed with an 11.5cm knife... Justice Sullivan said the teenager lied that he had slept from 9pm that night, and told police: “My aunty lives in Zillmere. You go ring her, I’ve got a f**king alibi from 9’oclock to now.”  While detained outside the residence, the teen laughed... the teenager still attributed his offending to his substance abuse and the physical struggle. “This demonstrates, at least to a certain extent, that you lack a willingness to confront the consequences of your own actions,” Justice Sullivan said."

17yo teen had been charged 84 times in 2 years before murdering Emma Lovell outside her Brisbane home. : r/australian - "I've delivered Changing Habits and Reaching Targets (CHART) to young offenders as a social worker in a previous role. What a waste of time that was, I was so vocal about what a substandard resource it was."
"You fail to understand the real purpose of these programs   It’s to extract taxpayer wealth from criminal offenders and redirect it towards certain racketeering activities   Nobody really cares what happens to Tyrone Walker Boney after their ninth aggravated break enter and steal in company"
17yo teen had been charged 84 times in 2 years before murdering Emma Lovell outside her Brisbane home. : r/australian - "Haha, gaoling people is one thing but you could instead employ 4 or 5 parole staff to 'supervise' each offender while they're out 'rehabilitating' in the community before needing a conclave of clinical forensic psychologists to report on their progress, you need to think bigger!"
17yo teen had been charged 84 times in 2 years before murdering Emma Lovell outside her Brisbane home. : r/australian - "It's by design and intended. It's very simple, you allow crime to breed out of control, it destroys the social fabric of an area, people move out, property prices lower, certain people buy up all the property, start enforcing the law again, clear out the criminals, redevelop it with government grants for low-income housing, sell it as a boutique gentrified living  See: Redfern, Kings Cross, Newtown, Eveleigh, Newtown...
If a teacher does anything, they will get in trouble.  If the parents do anything, they will get in trouble - through DoCS, now FaCS.  Now? If the police do anything? They will get charged themselves by the innumerable charitable legal services who treat police as the criminals for attempting to enforce the law upon violent offenders..  So they have learned not to enforce the law and started resigning en masse around the COVID years, taking a nice little PTSD claim on their way out the door. Good on them. Have you noticed that the highways are a little different in the last few years?"

Retailers use police-like investigation centers to fight theft. Shoppers pay the price
eigenrobot on X - "the substance of this article is "retailers are building private security apparatuses to efficiently counter organized theft operations" the tone is "won't someone please think of the thieves guilds""
If you don't let organised criminal gangs steal your stuff, you are evil

The Chicago City Council is pushing to keep ShotSpotter technology, despite Mayor Brandon Johnson's effort to get rid of it - "In a protest vote to curb Mayor Brandon Johnson’s power, the Chicago City Council passed a measure Wednesday aimed at saving a controversial gunshot detection technology contract Johnson plans to nix.  After the vote, Johnson was dismissive of the stunning rebuke of his authority — arguing the measure lacks clarity and doesn’t overturn his decision to end the city’s contract with the gunshot technology company SoundThinking, formerly known as ShotSpotter... The technology by the company SoundThinking, formerly ShotSpotter, was first piloted by Chicago police in 2012, and later greatly expanded in 2018. Johnson campaigned on getting rid of it, arguing it’s expensive, ineffective and leads to the over-policing of Black and brown Chicagoans.  But a coalition of some of the council’s more conservative members, along with some members whose wards have long been plagued by gun violence, led the charge for keeping the technology. Those council members argue it’s an effective policing tool Chicago needs, and beat back an attempt to send the measure back to committee. “This is something my community needs,” said Ald. Monique Scott, who said she’s had four mass shootings in the 24th Ward since being elected. “So this is safe for the DNC, but not for my constituents?”"

Meme - Josh Kruger @JoshKrugerPHL: "Today, I learned there is apparently a "crippling crime wave destroying all cities" according to Stephen Miller, which includes presumably Philly. My house is not on fire and chaos is not reigning in the street. I saw a man get a parking ticket yesterday. My trash got picked up."
"Philadelphia Journalist Josh Kruger Found Shot and Killed After Home Invasion. Police said Kruger was shot multiple times by a person with a gun who entered his home and opened fire in the early hours of the morning"

End Wokeness on X - "Homicides per 100,000 in El Salvador:
2015: 103
2016: 81.0
2017: 60.2
2018: 50.4
2019: 35.8
2020: 21.2
2021: 18.1
2022: 7.8
2023: 2.4
2024: 2.0
Crazy what can happen when the people doing the crime are taken off the streets."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Read this again. The decline - which occurred alongside no change at all to Internet-popular variables like "levels of racism" or "genetics of the population" or "GDP per capita" - was from 103/100K murders to year to TWO/100K murders per year. Common culturalist W. YOU CAN LITERALLY JUST ENFORCE THE DAMN LAW."
Why left wingers hate Bukele so much

Crémieux on X - "Thanks to its gang crackdown, El Salvador closed out 2023 as one of the safest countries in the Americas.  That safety hasn't gone away.  As of a few days ago, El Salvador is doing better than it was this time last year."

Thread by @NeilPatelTDC on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "After just returning from Bukele's inaugural in El Salvador it's glaring just how truly dishonest the American coverage is. Here is the essential true story of what just happened in El Salvador. You will not find it in a single American corporate media outlet. It's a huge reason why they are failing. The US helped screw up El Salvador and all of Central America by ousting dozens of governments when it suited our interests. As a result of these and other forces, El Salvador was left in ruins and wracked by a 12 year civil war between communists and the government followed by more than a decade of dominance by rival gangs originally from the US with roots in satanism. These gangs terrorized the small nation for more than a decade. They use torture and dismemberment and even human sacrifice as a matter of course. They brought El Salvador the world's highest per capita murder rate. They took huge extortion payments from virtually every business crippling the economy. All this is our business because it resulted in a huge exodus of migrants to the US. Under new President Nayib Bukele virtually every gang member has been put behind bars in a brand new prison he built in only 7 months. He has the highest adult prison rate per capita in the world now. The murder rate went from a peak of 103/100,000 population per year all the way down to 2.4/100,000 population per year. This means El Salvador went from having the highest murder rate in the world to a lower murder rate than the US. Once the gangs were all locked up, the economy started coming back to life. The streets are now vibrant and safe. Most importantly for us, Illegal immigration to the US virtually stopped and in fact many law abiding Salvadorans who fled to America are returning home. The MS13 Salvadoran gang members still in the US prefer to stay in the US and torture our citizens rather than return to face actual justice back home. Salvadorans rewarded Bukele for saving their country with polls showing him to be one of the world's most popular leaders with high 80s popularity. He won reelection with similar numbers and now has virtually all of the legislature as well.  His inaugural address celebrated the victory and committed to focus on rebuilding the economy now that the multi decade crime problem has been fixed. His is the only solution offered to date that could actually help fix the immigration system of the US. Other countries are flying in to learn what he did and try to replicate it."

Meme - Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok: "A woman pulled up to a hospital in DC with her 55-year-old mom and went inside to get a wheelchair. 22-year-old Kayla Kenisha Brown then jumped in the driver’s seat, sped off, and crashed into a building. The passenger then died.  A DC prosecutor just dropped the m*rder and kidnapping charges.  No photos of the driver. I wonder why…"

Judge Finds Probable Cause in Fatal Carjacking, Defendant’s Release Denied - "Kayla Kenisha Brown, 22, is charged with unarmed carjacking for allegedly stealing a motor vehicle from a woman with the woman’s mother, 55-year-old Leslie Gaines, inside the vehicle on June 3 at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center on the 100 block of Irving Street, NW.   According to court documents, Brown crashed the vehicle into the United States Attorney’s Office on the 600 block of D Street, NW, and attempted to flee the scene with the vehicle’s keys in her hand. However, a Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officer was able to stop her, and she was placed under arrest.   Gaines, who suffered from multiple sclerosis, was found unconscious and unresponsive at the car crash scene, as per court documents, and was transported to a local hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries... Judge Raymond asked if the detective knew of any witnesses at the site of the car crash who were interviewed by the detective or any of his colleagues regarding whether or not the victim was alive. The detective was unsure, stating all he knew was that the victim was unresponsive and not breathing, requiring CPR.  Following the detective’s testimony, defense attorney Slyvia Smith argued that there was “very weak evidence” for this case to be considered a carjacking, saying that the vehicle was not taken in a violent manner.   Smith also argued that it could not be determined whether Gaines was alive when the car was taken. The prosecution disagreed saying, “If your mother had passed away in front of you, you would not get out of the car and wait in line.”   A June 4 autopsy was conducted, but the manner and cause of death has not yet been determined. Despite this, Judge Raymond told the parties she found probable cause for the carjacking and that the victim was alive when the car crashed.  Smith disagreed, stating “It’s incredibly weak with respect to a carjacking.”  She also argued for her client’s release, stating she has no criminal history, is a high school graduate, and is working on building a business.  “The jail is a dangerous place… [Brown] is not a person that needs to be detained,” asserted Smith."

The last few weeks proved our justice system is a JOKE. Let's break it down. - YouTube -"First son Hunter Biden was found guilty on several federal gun charges of course folks on the left were pretty excited too because like CNN claimed it shattered Trump's persecution narrative. Now granted Hunter should have been on trial for money laundering and for tax evasion and for selling influence and for operating as an unregistered foreign agent and a few other things but hey I'm sure any of the rest of us would have been given a free pass on such things too... Washington DC. Robberies there are up 67%, homicides up 35%, vehicle thefts up 82%. So you got to figure that the police chief there is facing serious media scrutiny and a public pressure to resign. Or yeah starting around like a celebrity at the local Gay Pride Fest, that's totally reasonable too... in Washington state where three kids just got arrested for leaving skid marks on a gay rainbow flag that had been painted on a public road. Now while I might take the position that if you don't want your stuff driven on by tires maybe the middle of the road isn't the place to put it, who can blame Spokane for wanting to maintain Law and Order? I mean that's just who they are. It's not like this is the same city and state that recently let a bunch of leftwing folks stage a mini revolution and set up an autonomous zone in the middle of the city and go without bathing for months. That's free speech... US attorney Matthew Graves. He's serious about the rule of law. That's why he put this woman 71-year-old Rebecca the praying grandma Lavrenz in prison for up to a year. She entered the Capitol building unlawfully on January 6th. And Graves isn't putting up with outlaws like that. No, he'll only put up with outlaws like 22-year-old Kayla Kenisha Brown, who carjacked 55-year-old Leslie Marie Gaines and killed her... Grandma following a big crowd of people into the Capitol Building, off to prison. Young car thieves who kill Grandma after carjacking them, I mean, look, let's show a little grace. We all make mistakes
Crimes against the regime are serious. Prosecuting petty things like murder is racist

Innocence project legal director’s romance turned to blackmail threats - "A Bay Area attorney who works to free innocent people from prison is facing an extraordinary predicament after exchanging intimate texts and videos with a convicted murderer who then tried to blackmail her.  “I recorded every phone call, kept every text. And copies of every video. You can try to clean it up. But you’ll never practice law again. Your career is done,” Marritte Funches, who is incarcerated in Sterling, Colo., wrote to Paige Kaneb, legal director of the Northern California Innocence Project, in an email.  Funches demanded “2 million dollars. After taxes. In a trust that belongs to ‘me.’ ” If Kaneb didn’t comply, he said he would release the texts and videos to a news outlet — the San Francisco Standard. Additionally, Funches threatened to recant critical testimony in one of Kaneb’s biggest cases, according to Stuart Hanlon, a spokesperson who reviewed messages and audio recordings that Funches sent to Kaneb, and made some of them available to the Chronicle."

Tori Dunn killing: B.C. premier calls on Ottawa to review bail laws - "B.C.'s premier is calling on the federal government to take a closer look at how its bail law is being applied after a Surrey woman was killed in her own home earlier this month.  Premier David Eby spoke about Tori Dunn's death at a news conference Monday, calling her a "remarkable person."...  "Something went wrong here. Something went wrong," Eby said Monday. "An individual who was charged with a serious crime was brought in front of the court, the Crown said, ‘Please don't release this person, they're likely to offend, it will compromise the public's confidence in the justice system,’ and the judge applying the law decided to release that person where he allegedly went out and murdered another person. Something obviously went wrong here.""

Surveillance captures man wandering Surrey neighbourhood on night Tori Dunn killed - "While on bail on robbery charges, the 41-year-old is accused of stabbing a woman near a Surrey SkyTrain station three weeks before Dunn’s homicide."

Nearly half of 124 arrested by Ontario carjacking task force were on bail: police - "Nearly half of the 124 people arrested by Ontario’s carjacking task force were out on bail, police say, with many being released again after their latest arrest.  The Provincial Carjacking Joint Task Force, which operated from September 2023 until March, saw 124 arrests made and 749 criminal charges laid, police said... "law enforcement is just one part of the solution. It’s really concerning that 44 per cent of those arrested were out on bail at the time of their arrest, and 61 per cent were subsequently released on bail yet again.”       Johnson later noted that 36 of the 124 people arrested — around 29 per cent — were young offenders, with 47 per cent of them reoffenders... Johnson said that it’s a “complicated issue” as to why minors may commit car thefts, with one possible reason being the “low risk, high payoff.”  “There’s a lot of money to be made,” he noted, and said some criminals target young people who may want to make money.  “The lack of potential consequences might be a driving factor as well. And frankly our court system, rightly so, gives gives people second chances, and sometimes third and fourth chances. …  “Thankfully in this country, people are given a second chance. But when it’s when it’s multiple times, it is frustrating, for sure.”"
The fact that 100% were not let them out on bail again shows the power of systemic racism

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