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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Links - 13th July 2024 (1 - Women)

Meme - Link (alt) @linktwo_alt: "all the women have smaller watermelon slices and have their knees together what is this game bruh"
Baked Turbo Flash @BakedTurboFlash: "Women eat less (well, not American women) and don't have testicle (well, not American Women)"

Meme - "J'accepte ta proposition, mais à une seule condition"
"Dis moi c'est quelle condition cherie"
"OK pas de sexe avant le manage"
"Et pourquoi ?"
"Parce je garde ma virginité pour I'homme de ma vie"
"OK, mais à une seule condition aussi"
"Laquelle ?"
"Pas de dépenses inutiles avant le mariage"
"Je garde mes économies pour la femme de ma vie"

Meme - Roro @Lerasko_: "We are SO sorry that the guys your age want us young girls. SO sorry." - 2015
Roro @Lerasko_: "hai kabi but as a 31 year old what are you doing dating a 22 year old?" - 2024
The cope is that this is not hypocritical, because they used to be young and naive and don't want young girls to be groomed and preyed upon. Of course when it helps the left wing agenda, you're not learning from your mistakes but pulling up the ladder behind you

Meme - Hot Takes Nobody Asked For: "a woman records herself walking in spain and complains that people are staring."
"Malaga Centro. El centro de Malaga. went for a little stroll this morning to get my coffee and when I have never realised how much people fckn STARE"

Pregnant woman, 19, surprises her husband with Lamborghini - "A pregnant woman surprised her husband with a £160,000 Lamborghini as a reward for his help with their child after giving birth.   Malaysian cosmetic guru Anes Ayuni Osman, 19, is due to give birth to her first child with her entrepreneur husband Weldan Zulkefli, 20, in late March and will enter a 100 day confinement period.   The traditional practice sees women limit their movement after birth in order to reduce the risk of postpartum complications and help rebalance hormones.    As a reward for his help during the period, Anes surprised her husband with a Lamborghini Huracan Evo and shared a video of the moment to TikTok.

Companies run by women with a 'bit of an ego' are more successful - "Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark examined the personality traits of chief executives and found that a higher level of narcissism in women CEOs was associated with improved company performance. The same effect, however, was not found for narcissism in male bosses."

Meme - "Me at 13 *kid going down playground slide*
13-year-olds today *hot selfie*"

Why do I pick fights with my husband? Because I want a happy marriage
... women

Meme - Robert F.Kennedy @sexyR...: "MEN, which do you prefer? The aristocratic elegance of the small breasted woman, OR The Nietzschean pro-sex, pro-beauty large breasted woman? *Emma Stone, Sydney Sweeney*"

Meme - "WHEN YOUR GIRL IS CRAZY AND SHE FINDS YOUR SIDE CHICK *Tied up woman and another woman taking wefie with her*"

Meme - Crying soyjak woman: "I DON'T FEEL SAFE IN MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD"
"Leopards ate my face" only applies if you thwart the left wing agenda

Meme - "100% True
Wife: *9/10 cupboards*
Husband: *1/10 cupboards*"

-is NOT a woman
-No interesting personality/hobby besides being a trans
-End of your bloodline
+Will get you laid a lot because being a girl is their biggest fetish (Freaky sex addicts)
-Bad cook (Microwavable food/ Uber eats only)
-Don't want children
+Will bring money to the table
+Not required to marry to have sex with her
-Protest ALOT
-Dry humor
-Start an argument without reason
+Come back to a warm home cooked meal everyday
+Religious & Traditional minded
-Raise children that aren't yours
-Only here for your financial support
-comparing your small shrimp to her ex giant sausages
+N word pass"

Meme - r/EntitledPeople
"Karen complains about having to pay for pizza after answering her door naked.
This story happened to me, personally, in 2004. I was working for Pizza Hut. Mind you, at this point I had been dating my son's mom for six months, so I was appaed that a customer would answer the door in her birthday suit. I, choosing to remain professional, tell her the price of her order so she can pay.me and take her pizza. Karen, let's call her Alishia (Ironically, not a fake name, though it was meant to be), says "I gave you a free show, I want my pizza for free." I tell her "I am, not, at liberty to give her the pizza, for free. I am, not, a manager." She calls my manager, and asks to.get the pizza for free, for giving a free full body show. The manager calls my phone and says "bring the pizza back and call.the cops for indecent exposure. I call the cops, in front of Karen, who tries to tell the cops I sexually assaulted her. I left, the cops.came.to.the restaurant asking for a sworn statement on my side, which I gave. After Karen heard I gave a sworn statement in front of my son's mom, then girlfriend, she admitted to perjuring herself when she gave her statement."

California: Woman found dead in mountains was victim of state's first fatal bear attack - "Patrice Miller, 71, was originally thought to have died prior to the bear arriving at her property in a tiny mountainous town in Sierra Nevada, but a recent autopsy confirmed she was mauled to death."

Gen Z coin 'office siren' trend, but critics deem it inappropriate - "The 'office siren' trend is popping up on social media from creators across the globe, with influencers telling others to don fitted blouses, tight pencil skirts, kitten heels, and rectangular glasses, to their corporate workplace. The trend encompasses short and tight items that are unlikely to feature in many workplaces, and are instead, more suited to the fictional offices in The Devil Wears Prada or Ugly Betty. Perhaps like Betty would have thought in the hit show, many have deemed office sirens unsuitable for corporate environments, as reinforced by the trend using 'siren' in its name, which refers to women in Greek mythology that lured men to their death using sexual charm. The trend has attracted criticism online, and one person said: 'I frankly cannot believe that office siren has become a thing because who wants more attention in the workplace. Who are we dressing for girls?'... critics have been quick to counter the style and claim that tight clothing is unsuitable for the office. One said: 'Office siren aesthetic is definitely rooted in [the] sexualisation of women in office setting'. A second termed their own phrase for the office siren trend: 'I want HR to send me home today'-core'. A third agreed and said: 'Immediate call from HR'. A fourth wrote: 'I suddenly understand why they implemented work clothes etiquette training for Gen Z.'"

Meme - nikivincentia: "Me @ my cis guy coworker: "Did you like Taylor Swift's new album?"
Him, with a smile: "I don't really listen to Taylor Swift"
Men will smile at you because they're proud of their toxic masculinity and in that moment I felt a glimmer of misogyny, along with hurt because I love her. To mask how I felt, I said "oh no that's totally fine, I don't expect everyone to love her. I think her new album is really good though and I love her" and lifted myself up in doing so"
These are the same people who label others cultists

Meme - "My girl masturbating for her OnlyFans
Me filming her as she promised to buy me the Lego Star Wars set"

I make £5,000 a month on OnlyFans by pretending to have broken legs - I even make my own plaster casts and people love it - "Chloe Welsh, 36, from Wrexham, said she fakes the injuries - including a broken neck and legs - and dons leg casts in order to satisfy 'weird' requests from viewers... 'People seem to be into the whole MILF thing so in a way it's easier to make money the older you get now'.  Chloe's main bread and butter however comes from wearing stockings, tights, and pantyhose. From this she rakes in a whopping £40,000 a month.  She said she sees herself continuing to create niche adult content."

Meme - r/SingaporeRaw
"The current reality of dating in SG.
The one thing I'd love to know about you is
ur credit card details
22. Woman. 5'7. profesional future wife."

Meme - "Man goes viral after taking his opps girl on the FanBus when he refused to pay a debt
"Just gimme 5 more days. Please. Pleaaaaasseeee"
"No... I need dat today my boy. Or else ........."
"Or else what??? Ain't shit u could do to me Imaoooo"
"Bet! Say less"
*Pictures of blonde girl in shabby van with words written on ceiling with marker*
"See y'all took it too far"

Meme - Woman: "Now that I'm a powerful & successful boss babe I'm going to marry a rich, handsome man."
Man: "Now that I'm a rich, handsome man I'm going to date 26 year old hooters waitresses."

Woman: "I'm a strong independent woman. I don't need no man."
*Man finishing sex robot*
Man: "I made a sexbot. She's now my robo waifu. Her name is >>EVERPEACH 1.0<<"
Robot wife: "How can robo waifu please her master today, master?"
Woman: "You pathetic virgin, you can't handle a real woman!  You privileged cis scum! Patriarchy! Help! I'm being neglect raped!"
Robot wife: "Why is biocunt so angry, master?"
Man: "Because that offal just lost the only value it ever had, waifu."

Why So Many Men Are Threatened By Smart and Successful Women in the Dating World – According to Research
The framing of the article is interesting. There is no mention of female hypergamy, or how either sex treat potential partners who have less of a certain characteristic than them

Mum glassed man in face in 'random' attack outside Bridlington pub - "A young mother left a man with a "devastating" injury after using a glass in an "unprovoked" attack outside a pub.  Blaze Jessop, 21, had been drinking when she shoved a glass into the man's face as a group gathered outside The George pub in Prince Street, Bridlington... Jessop, of Annandale Road, Greatfield estate, Hull, admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm.  She had a previous conviction in 2020 for assaulting an emergency worker... Jessop was given a 16-month suspended prison sentence, 20 days' rehabilitation and six months' alcohol treatment"
Male privilege strikes again!

Who Is the Hawk Tuah Girl? She's a Viral Sensation - "The girl became a viral sensation thanks to her answer to a question on Tim and Dee TV, on which a pair of social media creators ask people questions out on the streets. They caught the girl and her friend on a night out in Nashville, Tenn., and the girl was so charismatic, charming, and attractive (according to the commenters) that everyone wants to know who she is... The first video of the now-viral “hawk tuah girl” was shared on June 11, 2024, in which they asked her, “What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?” She quickly responded, “You gotta give ’em that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thing!” with the most charming southern drawl... Tim and Dee even shared more videos with the hawk tuah girl so that internet sleuthers could help them find her. In one video, they ask her to “leave a message to [her] last body,” referring to the last person she had a sexual relationship with. Very sweetly, she says to the camera, “I love you pookie, forever!” showing the true love and hope that America’s youth has when out for a fun night … and hopefully deterring some of the creeps who just want to slide into her DMs by proving she has a special someone in her life. There are several other videos on Tim and Dee’s page with the hawk tuah girl and her friend, and everyone is obsessed with finding her. While the video has gained traction thanks to the memes of the hawk tuah girl against a green screen in hilarious situations, such as trying to impress the family, it seems like the internet has been taken in by her unabashed ability to be silly while talking about sex on camera. And now, everyone, from men who want to share a hawk tuah moment with her to women who are inspired by her fearlessness, is eager to find her."

Meme - Tradwife: "I choose the bear"
Man: "I choose hawk tuah"

Meme - "Taylor Swift has written 100's of songs about men leaving her, but none about Hawk Tuah. coincidence? I think not"


Meme - Karen Brice Clark: "Well, divorce has been final for one month. Got my first 1600.00 alimony payment and excited about taking a vacation! Got a call today from the ex, he has stage 3 liver failure. Guess I can kiss the alimony goodbye. Not good news for either of us!"

Meme - "This morning I saw a quote saying, "what a privilege it is to clean a house made dirty by healthy children playing, wash dishes because we were able to eat 3 meals today, and to do piles of laundry because we all have clean clothes to wear everyday.""

Meme - "This is Karen. She has a healing power on women. Since she moved into the neighborhood, no women have a headache anymore... *busty blonde*"

🛑🛑🛑 This sub is called FAUX Breastfeeding for a reason!!!!!!!!! : r/FauxBreastfeeding - "None of these “babies” are real.They’re all dolls, with most of them being the hyper realistic Reborn Dolls!"

Grandmaster Trash: Exact Trash Only on X - "No, I don't "make" her cum, she's her own person. She can cum if she wants to, which she doesn't I guess"

Meme - AI woman with lots of tattoos: "All my exes are Narcissists. Dating is tricky for us empaths."

r/relationships: My husband is already fine drinking the tarantula coffee - The Something Awful Forums - "My GF (27F) and I (28M) have been together for about 18-months. We don't fight often, but our biggest fight came earlier this year when I questioned what she wanted to wear to a groom's dinner at my friend's wedding. I was in the wedding party and we had spent the entire day setting things up for the wedding. The groom's dinner was that night and was going to be a very casual affair since everyone was sweaty and tired from working all day. My GF arrived later in the day and asked me if I could meet her at our hotel so she could change.  When we got to the hotel, she put on a pretty fancy dress. Kind of like a cocktail dress that she would wear to a club. I told her that the groom's dinner was going to be casual since everyone had worked all day and people weren't going to be dressing up. She scolded me and told me that I don't get to tell her what to wear. She said she will give me a pass that one time, but I should never again criticize or question what she wants to wear. I dropped it but when we got to the dinner and she saw how overdressed she was, she got embarrassed even though people commented on how good she looked.  This past weekend, we were invited to a pool party at my GF's friend's house. Since it was close to the 4th of July, I decided to break out my American flag speedo that I got in college as a joke. I was trying it on before we left to make sure it still fit OK and my GF saw me. She asked me WTF I was wearing and told me that I can't wear that. I asked her why not and she told me it's gross, revealing, and unattractive.  I told her the same thing she told me at the wedding, that she doesn't get to tell me what to wear. She told me that is not the same situation at all and I'm going to make a fool of myself. I told her that if I'm wearing this speedo, clearly I don't take myself too seriously and that I will bring a spare swimsuit if she's going to make such a big deal out of it.  When we got to the pool party, I took off my shorts to reveal the speedo and got a few laughs from my GF's friends. I started playing some pool volleyball with some of the other guys there and just went about my day having fun. My GF spent most of the day inside by herself or with a few friends, she barely came out by the pool.  One of the few times she came out, she pulled me aside and asked me to please change out of the speedo because I'm embarrassing her. I told her that she's the only one who is making a big deal out of this and that if I'm in the pool no one notices or cares anyway. She went back inside after that.  When we got home that night, she wouldn't talk to me so I gave her some space. She came to me a bit later and asked me if I was going to apologize to her. I told her I don't feel like I have anything to apologize for and she told me I embarrassed her all day even after she told me to take off the speedo. I told her she needs to loosen up because she's making a big deal out of a little fun joke but she thinks I'm an AH."
AITA For wearing an American flag speedo to a pool party and embarrassing my GF : r/AmItheAsshole - "And to be fair - OP wasn't trying to control what she wore in the first incident. He provided her information so she could make an informed choice and gf over reacted."
"Imagine if OP had described the girlfriend's dress as "gross, revealing, and unattractive.""

Meme - "When you meet a woman vs six months later *Britney Spears in 1999 with Compton Cheerleading outfit, Britney Spears with knives*"

Meme - "The women who say they wont date right wing men: *fat, unattractive, and one with blue hair*"

Meme - "Bryanna, 20
Liked you
420 friendly. Call me a happy meal bc i come with a kid and toys. My son comes first before anyone, you don't like that when swipe left. Snap banned, so ask for my number or my insta. For the people who have snap respectfully fuck you. Looking for someone who does tattoos so maybe we can date and I can get free tats. I need someone to teach me how to drive. I'm dating to marry"

Meme - Ben @benmenski: "Holy fuck... being a moderately attractive woman with big tits and no shame really does set life to easy mode, huh?"
DramaAlert: "Amouranth, the streamer who played the victim card regarding an abusive partner who allegedly forced unwanted sexualization on her, has made $57 million on OnlyFans. Was that drama all for show?"

4 wedding red flags that are telltale signs a couple won't last, according to a dating coach - "some of the least successful couples hosted elaborate weddings, which can come across more like spectacles than authentic celebrations of love. "A lot of brides really try to make the wedding as big as possible. And that is often a telltale sign that a bride is more focused on the wedding than they are on the marriage," White said. "What this means is 'I care about what other people think more than I care about the actual union.'""

Gilgandra High School students given free sports bras to boost participation in sport - "When leaders at a western NSW school heard that discomfort and pain was stopping female students from participating in sport, they stepped in to offer every one of them free sports bras.  It resulted in a 20 per cent lift in female participation at Gilgandra High School's athletics carnival... According to Sports Medicine Australia, 88 per cent of female adolescents wore a bra during sport that did not fit correctly... "They're talking about being more comfortable, having less back pain, all those little things they weren't aware of before but now they can see with the right bra, they're actually all OK."

Meme - "If she can push a baby stroller, she can push a lawnmower. Take the weekend off Kings."

Fake belly buttons sold as quick fix for women who want legs to look longer - "At the press of a button, you too can have longer-looking legs.  No need to visit some pricey Turkish chop shop to make one’s legs look longer. Cosmetics gurus have devised a much cheaper method of “lengthening” their stems — by applying an adhesive belly button.  The way it works is stumpy simply stick this faux umbilical cord remnant on their stomach above the real one and then pull up their skirt or pants to cover up the real one, as seen in tutorials blowing up online.  Voila, the wearer now has the illusion of legs for days... Initially started in China, this fad has metastasized to US with Ebay selling these “belly button tattoo stickers” for around $8 per sheet.  They even include pics of models before and after applying these stick-on stomach craters."

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