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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Links - 24th February 2022 (1 - Covid-19: Canadian Truckers)

Truckers: RACIST
Truckers: RACIST
Truckers: RACIST

GoFundMe asked to testify at Parliament over trucker convoy money raised - "The motion calls on the committee to invite representatives of the company to “appear as soon as possible to answer questions,” including how it prevents the influx of foreign funds, and what it is doing to ensure that the $1 million that it has already released isn’t being used to foster hate"
Foreign donors opened wallets to ‘hurt’ Alberta energy sector: Report
Foreign money is only a worry when leftists disapprove of the cause

GoFundMe cancels Freedom Convoy and will distribute $9M in donations to charities - "Tesla CEO Elon Musk accused GoFundMe of hypocrisy after the company canceled the Freedom Convoy fundraiser on Friday after it actively supported a campaign for the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest in Seattle.  The crowdfunding platform claimed the convoy fundraiser - which raised $10million Canadian dollars ($8 million USD) in support of truckers protesting against COVID-19 vaccine mandates - violated its terms of service 'which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment.'... GoFundMe also allowed numerous BLM-related fundraisers, some of which still remain active, that strived to raise funds for protective gear and medical supplies for protesters in the Pacific Northwest... GoFundMe suspended the Freedom Convoy fundraiser for internal review on Wednesday after it had accrued more than $10million in donations."

Police chief: Freedom convoy's funding 'cut off'
From 6:15 left - admitting they told GoFundMe to cut off the funding
Imagine the cries of "fascisms" if they cut off funds and cracked down on leftist protests

'Pipelines will be blown up,' says David Suzuki, if leaders don't act on climate change - "David Suzuki, the godfather of the Canadian environmental movement, warned over the weekend that if politicians don’t act to reverse climate change, there could be attacks against oil and gas infrastructure."
Time to crack down on the truckers because they are "violent"

Dustin Walper on Twitter - "I've come to know a lot of working class folks since moving to rural Alberta, and I've never seen the kind of solidarity I'm seeing right now. Politicians are acting *incredibly* recklessly if their aim is to de-escalate the situation."

Facebook - "This is what a true state of emergency and terrorism looks like. Change my mind. *Bouncy castles and carnival atmosphere*"

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson Says It’s ‘Disturbing’ To See Kids Having Fun In Bouncy Castles At Trucker Protest

Facebook - "Watching Canada’s ACAB/Abolish The System crowd cheer on Trudeau invoking martial law is funnier than any CBC comedy special.
(ACAB = All Cops Are Bastards)"

Rocky Wirtz Must Go on Twitter - "BLM Riots: “Fringe members committing looting and arson do not represent the movement!”
Vaccine Protests: “Fringe members represent the entire movement and everyone involved!”"

Dr A+ on Twitter - "It's funny how's there is only 2 pictures circulating of 1 Confederate flag and 1 nazi flag. And the protestors got them to leave. 1 represents the thousands and the other is ignored. Wonder why mainstream media is hated so much?"

WATCH: Canadian trucker convoy protesters confront masked man with Confederate flag, tell him to leave | The Post Millennial - "the Canadian trucker convoy protesters confront the man, who then fled the scene. Legacy media has published multiple headlines suggesting the man with a Confederate flag is representative of the entire group... The Post Millennial secured an exclusive interview with Indigenous activists who are participating in the convoy. "I'm a 60 year-old grandmother. I have two beautiful grandchildren and this is not the Canada I want to leave with them," said Linda Audette, an Indigenous woman from Sudbury, Ontario."

'This could cost him his job': A blockaded Canada turning on Trudeau, poll finds - "Although Canadians sympathize with the anti-mandate demands of Freedom Convoy, they increasingly hate the protests themselves...   But Canadians are also turning their ire on a “weak” government response and an intransigent prime minister whom they blame for “inflaming” the situation. The Maru poll, which was conducted from Feb. 9 to 10, found that only 16 per cent of Canadians would vote for Trudeau based on his actions of the last two weeks.  “The last time I’ve seen numbers even close to this were in the final days of Brian Mulroney,” said John Wright, executive vice-president of Maru Public Opinion and a 32-year industry veteran. “I think this could cost him his job.” Before the first anti-mandate protesters had even rolled into the capital, Trudeau was branding the protest as a “fringe” and “unacceptable” minority with whom he refused to meet. Following the convoy’s arrival in Ottawa, Trudeau stayed the course, saying he was “disgusted” with demonstrators, who he charged with being in the thrall of “conspiracy theories.”  At the same time, the prime minister has largely avoided any direct role in countering the blockades.   For the protest’s first weekend, Canadians didn’t even know where Trudeau was...   Trudeau’s uncompromising stance on Freedom Convoy has also drawn criticism from the Bloc Québécois, itself no fan of the protest. Earlier this month, Bloc Leader Yves-François Blanchet urged Trudeau to “put on his prime minister suit” and refrain from “provocation” in the face of a growing national crisis. A theme among Maru poll respondents was that whatever Trudeau’s actions these last weeks, they haven’t looked particularly prime ministerial...   In the background of all this is a simmering frustration that the Trudeau government continues to hang onto harsh COVID restrictions even as governments around the world declare an end to the pandemic... Just last summer, an incredible 69 per cent of Canadians still favoured lockdowns as an appropriate response to rising COVID cases.  Recent days have seen COVID strictures lifted across the country, with premiers and provincial health officials now openly saying that many restrictions have lost their utility in the face of mass-vaccination and the Omicron variant, which has been less deadly...   Nevertheless, the Trudeau government has resolutely refused to offer anything but minor relaxations to federal strictures. Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos signalled Friday that mandatory PCR testing at the border could soon be abolished for vaccinated Canadians. But Canada’s 3.7 million unvaccinated remain banned from air travel, rail travel and government employment, with no hint from Ottawa on when those strictures might end. Blockades aside, Trudeau is now facing a joint House of Commons motion from the Conservative Party and the Bloc Québécois calling for an end to COVID-19 restrictions by the end of this month. He is also facing opposition to COVID strictures from within his own caucus"

Half of Canadians think the trucker protest is behaving badly, but understand their frustration: Poll - The Hub - "Fifteen percent of Canadians strongly agree and 33 percent somewhat agree that they don’t like the protesters’ behaviour but understand their grievances, according to the survey designed by Public Square Research and Maru/Blue. Canadians are also getting frustrated with the public discourse on the restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Sixty-five percent of Canadians agree that “it’s been hard to have a conversation about COVID-19 without people getting mad.”... Forty-six percent of Canadians say they no longer feel the same sense of pride about being Canadian, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.  One thing Canadians agree on is that it’s time to pump some money into the health-care system.  Eighty-three percent of Canadians agree that the system needs more money for beds to care for cancer and heart patients and that politicians should “stop using COVID-19 patients or protesters as an excuse.”"

Joe Rogan Rips Into Justin Trudeau For ‘Demonizing’ The Unvaccinated - "Popular podcast host Joe Rogan slammed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for “demonizing” the unvaccinated, referring to recent comments the prime minister made that described those who have not had the COVID-19 shot as “very often misogynistic and racist” people who “don’t believe in science [or] progress.”... “You are deciding — you’re taking people that have a perspective on a medical intervention, and you’re deciding that you’re gonna demonize them in the worst possible ways, with no evidence”"

Funding site linked to Canadian trucker protest hacked, donor info leaked online
"GiveSendGo was breached and full details of donors were leaked, but only to journalists and government agencies"

Threats close Ottawa café after owner's name appears in GiveSendGo data leak
Of course, it's the truckers who are the hateful ones despite this only happening to those who support the protests, not those against them

TerryNeudorf🎵 on Twitter - "3 weeks in. Not one store looted. Not one business burned down. Not one murder. Garbage is all picked up, streets are cleared of snow. If these are terrorists and insurrectionists, they’re TERRIBLE at their job. #Truckersforfreedomconvoy2022 #FreedomConvoy2022 #ottawaseige"

LILLEY: Liberals in no position to give lessons of what's acceptable | Toronto Sun - "dejected Liberals didn’t get the riots or the Jan. 6th moment they were hoping for... These barbarians may not have rioted, they may not have stormed Parliament to try and overthrow the government, but they did put a Team Canada hockey cap on a Terry Fox statue, near Parliament Hill, and someone made it look like he was holding a sign saying “mandate Freedom.”  That was enough to get Liberal Twitter acting as if the world was upside down... didn’t you see the people who danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?...   Such acts are always universally condemned, which is the good part, and after this video circulated, organizers of the convoy put their own guards at the tomb to prevent any further issues and laid flowers in an act of respect.  That’s not how things go when progressives get near statues and monuments during a protest. When statues are toppled, Liberals nod in agreement or remain silent. While they wail about Nazi flags — always despicable and to be denounced — they say nothing as their supporters compare every conservative leader to Hitler. They also say nothing when communist flags appear at progressive protests, despite the murderous and oppressive nature of that global movement.  In fact, Fidel Castro has been praised by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who once said he admires China’s basic dictatorship.  You’ll forgive me if I don’t want to take lessons on what is acceptable, at a protest or otherwise, from a movement whose leader defends church burnings as understandable — something Trudeau and his sidekick Gerry Butts did this past summer...   The Trudeau Liberals love to throw around terms like racist, sexist, and misogynist at anyone who opposes them, yet they are led by a man once accused of groping a woman and who has worn blackface more times than he can remember."

Thread by @bungarsargon on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "After decades of being abandoned by the Left, workers across the world organized the most effective working class protest in recent memory demanding the right to work on their own terms. The response from liberal elites like this Harvard prof/CNN contributor? "Slash their tires."
For elites who work in knowledge industry jobs at Harvard and CNN, the economy is about trade. For working class people like the protesting truckers, it's about jobs and the right to work. That gap explains a lot about why the Left abandoned the working class.
The entire pandemic has foreshadowed this, but it's just remarkable to see liberal elites gleefully thinking up ways to destroy working class jobs. Truly, a mask off couple of years.
If you want to know who the ruling class is, look at who is freaking out about a worker revolution.
The truckers are going to win because they have nothing to lose. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for everyone in power to totally exploit and demean and develop contempt for the people we actually need for literally every facet of our lives! 🙃
"Slash their tires" is psychotic! Calling them fascists is psychotic! Seeing a single Nazi flag as evidence that they are all white supremacists is psychotic! The liberal media is pushing this not because it's true but because they see in the truckers' power a threat to their own
"We hate you and look down on you because the economy we built made us so much richer than you, now do everything we say right now or starve.""

Meme - "Libs in Dec 2021: Make life as difficult as possible for the unvaccinated. Don't let them work or go out in public. Make them feel pain.
Libs in Feb 2022: Why won't they stop honking!!"

Meme - "My business got looted"
"Protests are meant to disrupt your life, cope"
"Stop it I can't sleep!"

Johnny Future 🚀🛸🤖 on Twitter - "Working class? Each one of those tractors costs at least $250,000. These aren’t workers. They own capital. They are small businesses owners."
Facebook - "The modern-day communist is no different from the communist of the past who still has it out for the Kulak."
Carl Benjamin - Posts | Facebook - "Lauren is right; the farmers doubtless take out huge loans to buy the tractors that they spend decades paying back. This makes them enterprising, which is a virtue."

Isaac Young on Twitter - "BREAKING: Biden Administration urges Canadian counterparts to use ‘federal powers’ to end truckers’ convoy"
"Foreign interference in democracy is good again"
"It's only foreign interference when it hurts the agenda."

The trucker convoy and the potpourri of Canadian political hypocrisy - "Jagmeet Singh, NDP leader, champion of the workingman, does not particularly care for this group of workingmen. Too many untoward opinions in that group, he huffed... Winnipeg NDP MP Leah Gazan denounced Canada’s modest economic aid for Ukraine as supporting an “anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi & fascist militia,” and characterized Ukraine as a “horrifying” bastion of “white supremacy and fascism.”  If the whole is to be condemned for the part, then the entire NDP federal caucus should be confined to rhetorical quarantine on foreign policy matters. Then there was the matter of Singh’s brother-in-law, Jodhveer Singh Dhaliwal, being one of the largest donors to the trucker convoy. He gave $13,000 to the GoFundMe campaign. It was nice reminder of the wealth of the Singh family, champions of the downtrodden; Jagmeet of the bespoke suits and his education at a very expensive private school in the United States...   Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in a rather serendipitous COVID isolation for a few days. Whether he will really be at home or in Tofino, B.C., remains to be seen, as PMO press bulletins on such matters are notoriously duplicitous. Before disappearing from public view, Trudeau made it clear that the truckers were a “fringe minority.” Which would usually be a compliment, as Trudeau’s entire approach to identity politics is to celebrate the minority, the tinier and fringier the better. Some fringes are apparently more equal than others... when almost exactly two years ago the Ontario Provincial Police were out shutting down transport corridors to accommodate Indigenous blockades of railways and such, no explicit disclaimer was issued that the police did not condone or approve of the protesters’ actions. A blockade, by the way, is against the law. A convoy is not. It might not make a difference politically, but it should to the police... It is extremist to impose a workplace vaccine mandate, at pain of dismissal, upon workers who never visit the workplace, as they are mandated to work from home. And it is regulatory extremism to impose a vaccine mandate — on both sides of the border, by the way — upon truckers who have been happily crossing the border for two years with no evidence of causing outbreaks, at a time when 90 per cent of them are already vaccinated and supply chains are stretched thin.  Should it escape the regulatory overseers, truckers are likely the least in need of a vaccine mandate on public health grounds. They spend more time alone, in isolated cabs across the vast Dominion, than perhaps any other occupation in the land, save for the RCMP detail guarding 24 Sussex Drive, where, evocative of our national leadership class, no one is home."

Those involved in trucker protest hope to spawn dialogue | Toronto Sun - "how did a vaccinated individual (like Andy) end up in a caravan of anti-vaxxers? Her: “It’s complicated. I cherish my freedom. I’ve played by the rules. I’ve done as I was told. I got my shots, my passport. I got my children vaccinated too. The issue with me arose with the never-ending shifting goalposts.”  She adds: “Reward-based behaviour modification is not novel nor new.”  So what was she promised as a reward for being vaccinated?  Andy: “A return to normalcy. [But] I didn’t get that. My children didn’t get it either. ”  She goes on: “(People) very quickly stop performing the behaviour if not rewarded. This is why vaccinated people like myself are going to support the truckers in droves.”...   “I only got involved once they hit Edmonton. No one was covering it in (mainstream media). So I showed up and met them at their Calgary check stop to see what it was about. They were very welcoming.”  But what about the racists who started showing up, too?  She doesn’t argue: “The protest from what I have seen is largely white people. That being said, the crowds are still diverse … and the organizers and truckers themselves have been denouncing bad actors from the beginning.”... “The only thing I can hope for is a dialogue. Many other countries are dropping the mandates and masking. I would like to see a dialogue opened. Part of that I think will depend on this (weekend) being peaceful.”"

Should Justin Trudeau be deciding what views are 'acceptable'? - "have those who rule us forgotten the basis of their rule? The leaders of a democracy do not have “excommunicatory” competence. They do not get to declare what is a “fringe minority.” Nor do they have their vassals — I think of Trudeau’s former adviser and close personal friend Gerry Butts — sprinkling Twitter with slurs regarding the integrity and purpose of a large-scale, grassroots reaction to this government’s extended and flawed response to the COVID pandemic, pumping vitriol on its behalf...   This is a 33-per-cent-minority prime minister."

Why disruptive protests are the protests we need - "“Why do protests need to disrupt society?”  “Would a protest not be more effective if it was respectful and quiet?”  “If a movement has something to say, it’s making no friends by inconveniencing people.”  These are the kinds of statements which have often been levelled at recent Wet’suwet’en solidarity demonstrations in Victoria.   From climate change activism to pipeline protests, people seem to question why a protest group would seek to make enemies of the public through actions like blocking bridges at rush hour instead of trying to win them over.   If there is one straight answer to that question, it is this: asking nicely does not work...   An act of protest must directly speak to the act of oppression or violence which precipitated it...   At the end of the day, how could a protest – at least one meant to make real change – ever be anything but disruptive? How can the status quo be challenged with a smile and a bend of the knee? Protests aren’t for making friends, they are for making voices heard. They are for giving visibility to the invisible. Those who disagree with a peaceful protest are not doing so because the protest in question isn’t doing its job. In fact, naysayers are angry because the protest is doing exactly what it is intended to do: amplifying voices, taking up space, and exposing unjust, undeserved privilege."
From 2020. This only applies to liberal-approved protests, naturally

Rupa Subramanya: Freedom Convoy dismantles stereotypes about who is opposed to vaccine mandates - "We were told it would be a small number of disgruntled middle aged, far right, potentially violent, old stock white Canadians, but walking around the protests over the weekend in Ottawa, one saw people in large numbers of all ages and ethnicities, with no violence so far reported by the police. Some estimates place the number of people on Saturday between 8,000 and 10,000, remarkable for a day with an extreme cold warning and in the midst of a lockdown, where you couldn’t even sit down at a coffee shop to warm up... All weekend, the atmosphere was festive, with an obvious sense of catharsis after two years of heavy restrictions and repeated lockdowns. The protestors comprised both old and new Canadians, young and old, of all political persuasions. What’s more, while the convoy’s stated objective is to oppose federal vaccine mandates and other restrictions, like lockdowns and mask mandates, two of the leaders and some of the protestors are in fact themselves vaccinated, but believe vaccination should be an individual choice... One myth that was busted right away was the striking diversity of the protestors starting with the two main organizers, Benjamin Dichter, who is Jewish and Tamara Lich, who is Metis. Far from being a uniformly disgruntled group of white Canadians, not that there is anything wrong with being that, one saw Indo-Canadians, Arab Canadians, Chinese Canadians, Black Canadians and just about every other ethnic Canadian under the sun.  People had different reasons for joining the protests. One couple from Cambridge, Ontario, whose nephew died by suicide due to depression during the lockdown, said that they were here to make their voice heard for kids, including for their daughter, who was with them, locked out of schools, physical activity and social life. Recall, as I’ve written about earlier, Canada has had amongst the harshest of all restrictions among advanced rich nations, and Ontario has been harsher on average than the rest of Canada, especially for children. One Indo-Canadian trucker, Kamal Pannu from Montreal, I spoke to, was bemused that the protestors were being bracketed as white supremacists when so many of them including he himself are ethnic minorities and people of colour. Some Sikh Canadians who represent a large percentage of truckers in Canada appeared to be out at various transit points on the trucker’s routes to Ottawa to share food and blankets with the truckers... As vaccines were being rolled out, recall that surveys told us that vaccine hesitancy was highest among Black Canadians and other racialised groups that, for entirely legitimate reasons, have fraught relationships with authority. Perhaps that’s why there were so many Black Canadians at the weekend’s protest? Of course this doesn’t necessarily imply they’re unvaccinated, but certainly oppose government imposed vaccine mandates. How did elite Canadian opinion go from compassion for marginalized groups fearful to be vaccinated, toward hate and vitriol, that such people should be ostracized, imprisoned or fined, in just a few months? This increasing extremism among the ostensibly mainstream should give us reason for pause. What many observers have missed is the clear class divide that’s been exposed by the protests. While public servants and others who can safely work from home on a series of endless Zoom calls are largely unaffected by lockdowns, the impact on blue collar workers has been devastating. For them, the restrictions on their freedom emanating from lockdowns and mandates is existential, literally relating to losing a job and not being able to pay rent or put food on the table... Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has derided the protestors as a “fringe” whose views are unacceptable, but it’s clear the protest movement is much more than that. Tell the guy who lost his job or the family that lost their nephew to suicide that they’re just a fringe."

Ottawa police decree is illegal, Justice Centre warns - "The Justice Centre today warned that Ottawa police would be breaking the law if police attempt to intimidate or arrest people who bring food or other supplies to truckers who are peacefully exercising their Charter rights and freedoms in Ottawa."

FIRST READING: Military tells Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers - "Despite the Ottawa Police briefly raising the possibility of a military intervention to clear a stubborn holdout of Freedom Convoy truckers blockading their downtown, the Canadian Armed Forces have been quick to say they will be doing no such thing... There have only been two prior incidents in modern times of the Canadian military being called in to quell civil unrest. The first, the 1970 October Crisis, actually worked great at stamping out Quebec separatist terrorism. But the sight of armed soldiers detaining even peaceful Quebec nationalists en masse has always been a mark on the legacy of then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau. The second, the 1990 Oka Crisis, had a much more checkered legacy. The military did eventually compel a Mohawk-led protest to stand down their blockade of a disputed golf course expansion, but the whole thing was so messy it’s mostly become a template for what not to do. The experience of Oka is arguably a key reason why Canadian law enforcement is hesitant to bring the hammer down on blockades of any kind – even when they completely seize the country’s rail lines for days on end... Freedom Convoy is technically polling higher than the Liberal Party of Canada right now. A new Abacus Data poll found that 32 per cent of Canadians “have a lot in common with the protesters and how they see things.” That’s not a lot, but the latest Nanos poll had the Liberals polling at just 28.2 per cent if an election were to be held tomorrow. Another interesting takeaway from the Abacus Poll? Of Green Party supporters, 57 per cent are on board with the truckers."

Ottawa City Official: Contracted Tow Trucks Refuse to Remove 'Freedom Convoy'

NYT editorial board backs Freedom Convoy's right to protest - "The New York Times Editorial Board has taken a stance in support of Canadian truckers' right to protest, saying that peaceful demonstrations are a vital part of democracy... The essay compared the current Freedom Convoy protests to the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in 2020, saying that in both cases, public officials had to balance public safety concerns with the right to free expression.    'Entertaining the use of force to disperse or contain legal protests is wrong,' the editorial board wrote.  The essay noted that in November 2020, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed support for farmers in India who blockaded major highways to New Delhi in protest over new laws to remove price floors on crops."

Elon Musk Mocks Trudeau After Massive Trucker Rally: ‘Fringe Minority’ ‘Is Actually The Government’

Only In Canada | THIS NOT A COPY AND PASTE POST | Facebook - "What was it really like in Ottawa this weekend? I just spoke with 2 friends that were there in the middle of it all. Here's what they told me
1. Very peaceful and hippy like, arm and arm with strangers singing oh Canada.
2. One friend was in a group of people that ordered food, they had way too much. They went to give food to the homeless shelter that wouldn't take it, they proceeded to find homeless people in the area and gave them the extra food
3. Truckers giving full submarine sandwiches to people protesting. Flat bed trucks full of food for everyone
4. Both people told me, the people or person that had the confederate flag was told shortly after raising it to take it down because it didn't belong there.
5. After the monuments were tampered with the organizers and protesters surrounding them to make sure nothing else happened.
6. Fist bumps and good vibes from all the police and security.
Both friends I spoke with told me it was extremely patriotic and peaceful. Please don't let a few bad apples distract you from what actually happened in Ottawa."

Meme - Mandi @mandi_pn: "Trucks and horns will be the new traumatic reminders and triggers for folks. The "horn" sound is imprinted and stored in our bodies and minds. A new formed connection created to remind us of feelings of unsafety. Plz do not take minimize the collective trauma of this protest."

Meme - "Reddit during 4 years Reddit after 1 week of of
"Fiery, but mostly peaceful protests"
"Reddit after 1 week of trucks honking, making them tired and irritable."

Calling Ottawa protests 'peaceful' downplays dangers: critics - "Police haven't reported any physical violence at the ongoing Ottawa rally against vaccine mandates and other government-imposed COVID-19 restrictions, but critics warn that conflating the absence of bloodshed with "peaceful" protest downplays the dangers of the weekend demonstrations."
The amazing reach. Of course "mostly peaceful" (i.e. violent) protests are good for leftist causes

Justin Trudeau on Twitter - "When a government starts trying to cancel dissent or avoid dissent is when it’s rapidly losing its moral authority to govern -Harper in 2005" - Trudeau in 2012

EDITORIAL: Democracy and the right to protest | Toronto Sun - "This is not the Justin Trudeau of 2013, who warned us not to “point fingers at each other and lay blame for personal ills or societal ills on a specific group … That’s something no society in the world that is healthy, regardless of ideology, will accept.” Nor is the Justin Trudeau of 2017 who said:  “The measure of a society, a just society, is not whether we stand up for people’s rights when it’s easy or popular to do so, it’s whether we recognize rights when it’s difficult, when it’s unpopular.”"

Justin Trudeau’s crackdown on protests could make things worse | The Economist - "the truckers have every right to express their disagreement. A wise government would listen to them and respond politely, taking their complaints seriously and patiently explaining why covid restrictions, though onerous, are necessary for the time being.  Justin Trudeau has done the opposite. First, he refused to meet them. Then, seizing on the fact that a few of the protesters appear to be bigots, he attempted to put all of them outside the boundaries of reasonable debate by condemning “the anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days”. The police already have ample powers to quell disorder. Yet on February 14th Mr Trudeau invoked emergency powers under a 34-year-old law that had never been used before. It would allow the government to declare protests illegal and freeze the bank accounts of protesters without a court order.  Meanwhile, his Liberal government is mulling two worrying changes to Canada’s already illiberal hate-speech laws. One would allow Canada’s Human Rights Tribunal to impose large fines on those it deems to have used hateful language. It has in the past taken an expansive view of what counts as hateful, and defendants would enjoy fewer safeguards than they do under criminal law. The other proposed change would let individuals file legal complaints against people pre-emptively, if they fear that they may be about to say something hateful. These are both terrible ideas. The Economist has long argued that free speech should be restricted only under exceptional circumstances, such as when the speaker intends to incite physical violence. Canada’s laws are already more restrictive than this, and the country’s illiberal left would like them to be still more so. Academics have been suspended or disciplined for writing that Canada is “not racist” or for holding gender-critical views. The proposed amendments would give illiberal activists legal tools to harass conservative religious folk, traditional feminists and many more besides, simply for holding views that the left finds offensive. Worse, it would allow some to be gagged before they speak.  Canada is not yet a rancorous or bitterly divided society. If Mr Trudeau wants to keep it that way, he should stop trying to police Canadians’ thoughts."
Sadly, even the Economist is promoting the myth that the vaccines reduce transmission. So much for the media condemning "misinformation"

Nayib Bukele 🇸🇻 on Twitter - "Are these the people who like to give lessons to other countries about democracy and freedom? This is one of the top ranking countries in the “democracy index”? Your credibility on these topics is now worth 0."
From the President of El Salvador

Opinion: How truck convoy supporters like Pierre Poilievre have weaponized ‘freedom’ - The Globe and Mail - "As Elisabeth Anker, a professor of American studies at George Washington University and author of Ugly Freedoms recently wrote in The New York Times: “Today, more and more, laws, caucuses, rallies and hard-right movements use the language of freedom as a cudgel to erode democratic governance and civil rights; these laws expand the creep of authoritarianism.”... Poll after poll has shown little appetite in this country for Mr. Trump’s divisive, anti-media, autocratic style of leadership."
When the left is very open about being anti-freedom. I like how freedom is authoritarian. Freedom is slavery indeed
Ironically, poll after poll also shows little appetite for Trudeau's divisive, anti-people, autocratic style of leadership

Bill Maher Torches Justin Trudeau For Attacks On Truckers: ‘Now You Do Sound Like Hitler’ - "“It’s like, tolerate them?” Maher added. “Now you do sound like Hitler. And recently, he talked about them holding unacceptable views.” Maher’s remarks about Trudeau came immediately after Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy told the HBO host that the trucker protests in Canada were not a Left or Right issue, and that it was about everyday citizens rising up against overreaching governments... “This is about an uprising of everyday citizens in democracies around the world. It’s not just Canada, it’s not the United States, it’s western Europe, too, rising against the biggest threat to actual democracy, which I think is the rise of this managerial class in democracies around the world that are crushing the will of everyday people through bureaucracies.”  “And it’s the same people, by the way, Bill, who staff corporate boards of directors, who end up as associate deans of universities, who then end up being appointed as diplomats abroad,” he continued. “These are the unelected class of leaders that ultimately, I think, are using their bureaucratic power to supplant the will of everyday, not only Americans, but Canadians and western Europeans, too. And that’s why we’re seeing a fusion of both the Left and the Right here saying that actually, we want our voices heard. We want to be able to speak without fear of putting food on the dinner table. And you know what? The beautiful thing about a democracy is that so far, thank God, this has been a peaceful set of protests. I hope it says stays that way. That’s part of the messiness of democracy. That’s part of what makes it beautiful.” “And so, I was a biotech CEO after the George — when the George Floyd protests played out in 2020,” he later added. “I was still a biotech CEO back then, back then, every institutional elite in America, in other countries around the world, but especially in America, would step up and say what we need to do is we need to listen and open our hearts and minds. And I think those same institutional leaders would now do well to take a page from that playbook and listening to these truckers.”"

Downtown Toronto trucker convoy keeps calm, carries on | Toronto Sun

Stress of trucker convoy protest in Ottawa may have long-lasting effects on residents’ health, experts say - The Globe and Mail
Of course, the left don't care about the harms of 2 years of covid restrictions

Meme - Harsha Walia: "The far-right convoy's use of freedom discourse against vaccines is deliberate. It's a refraction of specific settler-colonial logic of *frontier freedom* - the colonial expansionist & capitalist fascism of enacting violence and violating others without consequence. #FluTruxKlan"

Rex Murphy: A Canadian insurrection? It is to laugh - "No vulgar harassment of police — no “All cops are bastards” signs. Breaking down the Canada-USA Olympic women's hockey gold-medal match   Tracker dslogo  No rocks for every Starbucks window and those of small businesses. No blizzard of break-ins, no store owners standing guard on their shops. No arson or looting.  Jan. 6 insurrection Canadian edition? Ha! It is to laugh. I’ve seen more threatening picnics thrown by a few nuns... they did not cover this protest in the gentle, generally approving manner they have covered so many others, from the Summit of the Americas demonstrations in Quebec City in 2001 to Black Lives Matter in 2020. I believe that Justin Trudeau joined that one.  The contributions over the course of this protest from the prime minister and the NDP’s Jagmeet Singh were viciously demeaning... Of Mr. Singh let us say it must be very hard to have the instincts of a demagogue without the talent to carry it off. But to give him credit, he does try...   Was not the NDP once, of all parties, populist in a positive sense, more tuned to the “working man and woman” than any other? Those days are obviously long gone and the dimmest memory...   Mr. Singh: “Conservative MPs have endorsed a convoy led by those that claim the superiority of the white bloodline and equate Islam to a disease.”... Singh is either desperate to out-Trudeau Trudeau in demonizing the truckers, or there is a serious wobble in the runners on his cushioned rocking chair."

GUNTER: Canadians now realize our health enforcers have gone too far | Toronto Sun - "A full 54% favour letting Canadians manage their own risk levels...   That’s a big increase from just three weeks earlier when only 40% favoured easing mask mandates, vax passports and occupancy limits at public venues. Maybe it’s because of the Freedom Convoy, at least in part. Perhaps the spectacle of thousands of truckers converging on Ottawa from all directions prompted many Canadians to cast off support for restrictions and yearn for a return to semi-normal. The trend began growing before Christmas.  At Christmas 2020, most Canadians were prepared to obey public health rules against celebrating with family. Vaccines were just coming onto the scene.  However, for Christmas 2021, with most of us jabbed, far fewer were persuaded by official edicts to limit who they gathered with.  Despite the onset of the Omicron variant – or perhaps because of it and how mild it was – most people seem to have decided to just get on with their lives... We no longer welcome the “Teacher, Teacher” types telling us what to do.  Now, the longer the COVID Karens and Karls insist on continued restrictions (and deny us the promised autonomy for getting vaccinated and boosted), the more their credibility will drain away.  Like all good know-it-all, statists and safety freaks, today’s legion of “progressive” health enforcers have gone too far. And the Freedom Convoy is an example of just how far too far.  The overreaction to the truckers’ protest – from moving the PM to a secret location, to insisting the convoy participants are un-Canadian, to claiming (as one CBC host did repeatedly) that the Russians might be behind the protest, to insisting it was all a white nationalist conspiracy, to the Canada Revenue Agency falsely claiming truckers had ransacked downtown Ottawa offices (they hadn’t) – all added to the divide in this nation. (Of course, in their arrogance and smugness, the convoy’s critics think it’s the truckers doing the dividing, not them.)  What is the difference between people on the lib-left insisting every protest they disagree with is racist versus the Cold War McCarthyite assertion that every Hollywood screenwriter was a Commie subversive?  The problem with “progressives” – during the pandemic and in general – is that they don’t get out of their safe, sanitized, half-sweet oat milk mocha, bike-to-work, “woke” bubbles often enough.  They have no experience of the real world, except maybe to hire one of its denizens to come fix the furnace or repair the composter in their net-zero, solar-powered co-op.  So when they are confronted by legions of working-class Canadians converging on the nation’s capital, they descend into hysterics and insist on tightening their control when they should be loosening it."

Fairy Creek protest on Vancouver Island now considered largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history - "With 882 arrests so far, the old-growth logging protest at Fairy Creek has now surpassed Clayoquot Sound as the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history, according to B.C. Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau.  "The civil disobedience occurring at Fairy Creek is the public taking recourse against a government that refuses to act," said Furstenau in a statement calling on the provincial government to do more to protect old-growth ecosystems.   In 1993, 856 arrests were made during months of logging protests at Clayoquot Sound, which became known as the "war in the woods.""
From 2021. Only leftist protests are allowed

Andy Rakitai on Twitter - "I used to train the NYPD on mounted horse use in crowd control. I will say this. A lot happened in that video that requires expert knowledge. And in actuality, once you look at it with an expert eye, they actually did much worse than it first appears. This was a crime."

Meme - *Church on fire during residential school moral panic* Trudeau: "This is unacceptable and wrong but I understand the anger"
"MANDATE FREEDOM" Trudeau: "I need emergency war powers"

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "One possible, explicit punishment for participating in a peaceful protest in Canada -- beyond freezing your bank accounts -- is that the state will take your pet and, after 8 days, declare it "relinquished" if other "arrangements are not made.""

Dan Crenshaw on Twitter - "Justin Trudeau is living proof that annoying-but-harmless wokeism can quickly evolve into dangerous authoritarianism. Never underestimate the force with which the self-righteous will act to suppress the freedom of others, especially under the guise of compassion."

Meme - John Thibeau @JohnEThibeau: "Despite my firm belief that #acab, you're doing it right. We see that. We wish you'd done it sooner."
The left love the police when the police are following their orders

Adam Pankratz: Trudeau using Emergencies Act is the logical conclusion to his identity politics - "From riding into office on the promise of “sunny ways,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s embrace of identity politics has led to an incredible failure of governance, resulting in him becoming just the fourth prime minister to invoke the Emergencies Act (or its predecessor) and notably the first to do so outside an actual war or insurrection. It is a shocking fall, with a witches brew of wedge politics, incompetence and identity politics to blame. It didn’t need to be this way. The Liberal years from 2015-2017 broadly fulfilled the promise of the first Trudeau mandate. Syrians were pulled from an intractable war and given a new life in Canada. The census and science took a front seat once again in government action.  Great effort was put towards restoring a battered Canadian image abroad. An attempt the reset relations with our Indigenous population was in the offing. All were positive steps forward for Canada and its citizens. Canada and Canadians seemed unequivocally on the rise, together.  Then, imperceptibly at first, the great scourge of our political age began to make appearances within the Trudeau Liberals: identity politics. With astonishing speed, opponents of government action could quickly be labelled racist, misogynist, homophobic or any other of a litany of insults intended to personally scar opponents and discredit them as the worst society has to offer, without addressing the substance of their argument. The enlightened Trudeau showed the way, and no opposition would be countenanced. While Trudeau talked tolerance and openness, his actions were marching towards control and conformity.  When Jody Wilson-Raybould was unceremoniously fired from her post as attorney general and minister of justice, it was perhaps the first public realization that the actions of the government did not match its lofty words of inclusivity and progress. Power was what mattered.  For daring to push back against what she viewed as an underhanded deal for SNC Lavalin, Wilson-Raybould was shown the door. The message was that inclusivity and openness applied only to the “right” ideas. The 2019 campaign, which ought to have been a cakewalk to a second Liberal majority, was blown open by what many at the time believed would spell Trudeau’s political demise: an apparent propensity for blackface in his past... To deflect, the chosen wedge issue of 2019 then became abortion. Andrew Scheer was defeated, but recognizing the Liberals’ cultish, tribal hypocrisy was becoming unavoidable.   COVID-19 could have been a uniting opportunity and initially it seemed to bring out the best in all of us... Perhaps inevitably, hopes of unity were dashed when identity wedges again appeared for causes deemed more worthy than others. The summer of 2020 witnessed the protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. The ensuing public gatherings to denounce racial inequality — while no doubt necessary in myriad ways — violated every public health recommendation at the time.  We witnessed incredible logical contortions to justify these gatherings by those who had been unequivocal in their support of lockdowns and total bans on other public gatherings. Trudeau was no different and took a knee in a large gathering in Ottawa after having consistently admonished Canadians who gathered in other ways... Finally, we arrive at the truckers and the federal mandate that they be vaccinated to cross the border. Again, the prime minister decided this was an identity wedge issue to be used for political gain. Perhaps his logic initially seemed sound: the vast majority of Canadians are vaccinated and many support vaccine mandates... Invoking the Emergencies Act is ultimately an incredible admission of the failure of governance. This failure, however, can trace its beginnings back to the incessant identity politics and characterization of political opponents as not simply people who hold differing views, but people who are fundamentally evil and deserve to be demonized, shunned and shamed.   Since Wilson-Raybould was punted from the Liberal cabinet, there were ever-sharper turns towards party tribalism, until we reached what in retrospect is a logical end to the twisted logic of identity politics: the Emergencies Act and freezing banks accounts for anyone who might be on the wrong side of the government’s identity divide. Canadians deserve so much better."

Canadian Premier Suing Over Trudeau’s Use Of Emergencies Act: ‘There Is No Insurrection Or Coup’ - "Jason Kenney, the Premier of the Canadian province of Alberta, announced Saturday that he was suing the federal government of Canada and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for their use of the Emergencies Act, calling the move “unjustified in the circumstances.”... Kenney took particular issue with the coercive measures imposed on financial institutions by the federal government. Those parts of the Emergencies Act that have to do with banking were “designed to interrupt terrorism financing,” said Kenney, but they are instead being used to “seize and freeze” the assets of “people whose opinions they disagree with.”... Kenney also took issue with Trudeau’s personal conduct during the protests. He told the Edmonton Sun that during a teleconference with provincial leaders last week, six of the ten premiers pleaded with Trudeau not to invoke the Emergencies Act, but Trudeau did it anyway. Trudeau also “provoked” the truckers by implementing the cross-border mandate. “There was no defensible medical reason to require them to be vaccinated,” said Kenney. Then Trudeau made things worse by vilifying the protestors as a “fringe minority,” and as racists and sexists."

Woke Canadian MP claims Freedom Convoy's 'Honk Honk' catchphrase is a secret code for HEIL HITLER - "Canadian Liberal MP Ya'ara Saks is claiming that the 'Honk Honk' catchphrase used by Freedom Convoy protesters over the past few weeks is actually a secret code for 'heil Hitler.'   'Honk Honk' became an unofficial slogan in support of the truckers who blared their horns incessantly in protest of pandemic mandates during demonstrations that paralyzed the capital city of Ottawa for nearly a month... She quote retweeted a 2019 post from Gwen Synder, who has been described as a 'antifascist' and 'organizer' that claimed 'honk honk' actually means 'heil Hitler,' which is sometimes abbreviated to 'HH.'... Snyder had claimed that the phrase was explicitly chosen as a White supremacist symbol and posted a screenshot of a 4chan post without context as evidence... Saks, who is the first member of Canadian Parliament with dual Israeli citizenship, previously faced criticism from the country's Jewish community after being elected to represent York Centre, where 15-20 percent of the residents are Jewish. Saks gained approval for raising the issue of anti-Semitism in her first parliamentary appearance, but many were also upset by the government's decision several days earlier to vote in favor of a pro-Palestinian resolution... She had previously been blasted for her comments about Israel before she was elected.  In 2019, she published an essay on her personal blog, which also appeared in The Times of Israel's opinion section, where she depicted Israel as built on tropes of fear, protracted conflict and rising religious extremism... One of the incidents involved a 4foot-10inch great grandfather, Gerry Charlebois, 78, who was cuffed and shoved to his knees for honking his car horn in support of the Freedom Convoy - a day before a judge outlawed blaring horns.    Charlebois sustained injuries to his arms, hands, shoulders and knees. He was later fined $118 for 'unnecessary noise' but has not been criminally charged... Lawmakers in the House of Commons voted Monday 185 to 151 to affirm the powers, giving police the right to quell any potential restart of blockades by those opposed to Trudeau's Covid restrictions.  Trudeau said earlier that the powers were still needed despite police ending the occupation of the nation's capital by truckers over the weekend and police ending border blockades before that."
Truly clown world. Surely even the media won't seriously report this claim as fact
Yet another anti-Israel Jew (a group which supposedly doesn't exist)

Jonathan Kay on Twitter - "The CBC just asked if the PM would hold on to power for "2 to 3 months in case the truckers came back,"  Trudeau: "Indeed, that is what we are thinking about."  (Translated from French)."
"For non-Canadians, here's the situation: Trudeau invoked a law designed for wartime and/or mass-casualty terror attacks, so he could solve...a parking issue. Now he needs a few months to bankrupt the truckers & fry cooks who paid gas money. Anyone who disagrees is a swastika nazi"

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