That was one of the stupidest things
That I’ve ever seen
Anybody post on the internet before
The bar is high
Cuz people post lots of stupid things
But your stupid thing
Was somehow the leader of the pack"
Sadly, the full song is actually pro-trans shit - the original seems to be Austin Archer's Congratulations!, from Now That's What I Call a Bunch of Austin Archer's TikTok Songs Compiled Into an Album Vol. 2:
That was one of the stupidest things
That I’ve ever seen
Anybody post on the internet before
The bar is high
Cuz people post lots of stupid things
But your stupid thing
Was somehow the leader of the pack
You just said
I don’t know what pronouns are
And I won’t learn cuz learning’s hard
Instead I’ll regurgitate a half-baked stolen
People like you make me sad