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Friday, February 25, 2022

Links - 25th February 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest: Kyle Rittenhouse)

Meme - ">l never chased Kyle house
>okay, I mean I chased after people about to harm Kyle Rittenhouse
>okay, I did chase Kyle Rittenhouse
>but I didn't have a gun
>but I didn't mention the gun
>okay, I had a gun but it fell out
>okay, I had a gun but it fell out into my hand
>okay, I had a gun but it fell out into my hand but I didn't do anything with it
>okay, I had a gun but I pulled it out on purpose and chased Kyle Rittenhouse and pointed it at him
>okay, I had a gun that I pulled out and chased Kyle Rittenhouse with and pointed at him and it was illegal for me to have

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "I want to live in a country where Colin Kaepernick is seen as a hero and Kyle Rittenhouse is seen as a terrorist"
"They really do live in an alternate universe, as this IS basically the mainstream view in our culture.
▪️Colin Kaepernick is widely celebrated in the media, pop culture and has deals with several large companies. He has a multi-million $ sponsorship with Nike, which had a prominent ad series showing him as a hero (“Believe in Something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”)
▪️He also has several other deals showing his life in a heroic context; a multi-book deal with Scholastic on his childhood, a partnership with Disney/ESPN Films for a docuseries about his last 5 years as an activist, and a current Netflix show dramatizing his early life.
▪️Meanwhile, the government has Kyle Rittenhouse on trial for a charge that carries a mandatory life sentence. Not only does no major company support him, even right wing-friendly Black Rifle Coffee went out of their way to reject any connection to him after he wore one of their shirts."

WATCH: Kenosha Detective Admits Kyle Rittenhouse Only Shot People Chasing Him - "Kenosha Police Department Detective Ben Antaramian, a prosecution witness, admitted under cross-examination Monday in Kenosha County Court that Kyle Rittenhouse only shot people who chased him through the streets during Black Lives Matter riots last Aug. 25... Chirafisi systematically worked through the other possibilities: “You’d agree there are multiple times, based on the surrounding circumstances, that he doesn’t pull the trigger, right?” After Antaramian seemed reluctant to agree, Chirafisi cited an example in which an unarmed person ran up to Rittenhouse, and then stepped back, and the latter did not fire"

Meme - "Borders are just imaginary lines on a map!"
"He crossed state lines!!!!!"

Meme - "He crossed state lines!"
"He lives 25 minutes away and regularly goes to the area"
"He fled a crime scene!"
"He turned himself in once he got back home"
"He was only there to murder protestors!"
"Pictures of him cleaning graffiti hours before"
"He killed innocent protestorst!"
"He killed a registered sex offender and shot two felons, one of which was illegally carrying"
"He instigated the violence!"
"Have you even watched the video for yourself?"

1/1024th Liberty Memes - Posts | Facebook - "Kyle Rittenhouse murdered two people in cold blood just because they were chasing him and trying to kill him. Aside from chasing him, cornering him, threatening him, and lunging at him while trying to take his gun (as another mostly peaceful protester fired into the air nearby), the first victim (Rosenbaum) did almost nothing to provoke Kyle. The other man he killed was mostly peaceful when he interacted with Kyle, aside from hitting him over the head with a skateboard and trying to take his gun. Both of the people killed, and the person injured, had been mostly peaceful towards Kyle aside from briefly assaulting and trying to kill him right before he shot them. I'm outraged at this cold blooded murder against mostly peaceful protesters."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The Washington Post has a great article on the people shot by Rittenhouse. The article would have been a more complete recounting of the night if they had included a similar treatment for Kyle Rittenhouse.  The Post appears to give an accurate accounting of the night based on what is publicly known. The first person shot, Kyle Rosenbaum, was a just-released psychiatric patient who couldn’t get his meds that day. He was highly agitated that night and was chasing Rittenhouse. He was shot when he tried to grab Rittenhouse’s firearm.  Anthony Huber was a friend of Blake’s, whose shooting by police had triggered the riots. Huber had two stays in prison as well as mental health issues. He gave chase when Rittenhouse passed him after shooting Rosenbaum.  When Rittenhouse had fallen, and was almost hit by a flying kick by an unknown assailant, Huber swung his skateboard at Rittenhouse’s head and tried to grab the rifle. That’s when he was shot in the heart and quickly died.  The third man, Gaige Grosskruetz, closed in on Rittenhouse with a pistol in his hand and was shot once. Like Rittenhouse, he also came to the protest with a medical bag to help those injured in the protests, as well as carrying a firearm for protection. Earlier in the night he had helped a woman who had been shot by a rubber bullet fired by police.  In sum, the first two were shot when they attempted to take away Rittenhouse’s rifle as he was running away. The third was shot while closing in on him with a gun in his hand."

AJ+ on Twitter - "The judge in Kyle Rittenhouse's trial says lawyers cannot call the 2 people he killed "victims." Rittenhouse killed 2 people and wounded another with an AR-15 style weapon. The judge says "victim" is too "loaded" but will let lawyers call them "rioters, looters or arsonists.""
The replies are hilarious: "None of the victims were rioters, looters, or arsonists. At this point, the anti-blackness in this country isn't surprising." (none of the 3 people who attacked Rittenhouse and were shot by him in self-defence were black)

'His word is final.' Judge in Kyle Rittenhouse trial is viewed as tough jurist - ""He has a reputation for doing what he believes is the right thing and being an independent thinker," said William Lynch, a retired attorney who served on the board of the ACLU of Wisconsin at the time of Schroeder ruling about the AIDS tests... Schroeder's no-nonsense reputation was evident when Rittenhouse took the stand on Wednesday.  On cross-examination, Schroeder twice asked the jury to leave the room before admonishing prosecutor Thomas Binger for his line of questioning.  Defense attorney Mark Richards threatened to call for a mistrial with prejudice.  "This is ridiculous," Schroeder told Binger at one point.  Defense lawyers and Schroeder took issue with Binger's questions about Rittenhouse's silence after his arrest -- a right guaranteed under the Fifth Amendment.  "I was astonished when you began ... by commenting on the defendant's post-arrest silence," Schroeder told the prosecutor.  Schroeder called it "a grave constitutional violation for you to talk about the defendant's silence."  "You're right on the borderline, and you may be over, but it better stop," the judge said.  The judge later admonished Binger after the prosecutor asked the defendant about an incident two weeks before the Kenosha shootings that Schroeder has said would not be allowed into evidence.  Binger said he believed Rittenhouse's testimony opened the door for the questioning but Schroeder was adamant and again spoke sharply to the prosecutor. Schroeder told Binger he should have asked the court for permission first and said the evidence would not be allowed.  "Don't get brazen with me," Schroeder said. "You know very well that an attorney can't go into these types of areas when the judge has already ruled without asking outside the presence of the jury to do so, so don't give me that."... A seasoned southeast Wisconsin attorney who has appeared before Schroeder many times described the judge as "someone who has studied the Constitution and the enumerated rights for criminal defendants and... respects the right of the defense to put on a defense."... "I would say his overall career as a trial judge I have found to be one which I find fair to the defense in the presentation of evidence and at a trial," Kenosha defense attorney Terry Rose said of Schroeder."
He's independent. No wonder the left hates him

Facebook - "Many till now do not know that the 1st rioter to attack Rittenhouse was a convicted sex offender of young boys and a felon, and the 2nd also had a felony for threatening his own brother with a knife. The guy who prevented this from being known by the jury? The judge being falsely accused of bias by the far left."
Bias is anything the left hate

Giving Kyle Rittenhouse Basic Due Process Is Not a Scandal - "Andrew Fleischman, an Atlanta attorney at Ross & Pines LLC who specializes in appeals, tells Reason the request is fairly "boilerplate," and the decision to grant it is "not necessarily a sign of favor." The Kenosha News reported earlier this month that disallowing the term "victim" is Schroeder's "standard practice in criminal cases and is not unique to his handling of the Rittenhouse case." Anecdotally, other defense attorneys have weighed in that in their respective jurisdictions, it is perfectly common to disallow the term "victim." The Chicago Tribune explained that such rulings were "not uncommon in self-defense cases where there is a dispute over who bears responsibility."  There is also an uproar over Schroeder allowing the defense to refer to the alleged victims as "rioters," "looters," and "arsonists." However, as the Chicago Tribune reported, Schroeder "cautioned the defense team against using pejorative terms during opening statements, but he said they could use them in their closing arguments if the evidence suggested the men engaged in criminal acts.""

Kyle Rittenhouse judge slams 'vast amount' of 'irresponsible and sloppy journalism' surrounding case - "Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder said that those selected for the task may need to disregard much of what they have heard in the media about the case.  "This case has become very political. It was involved in the politics of the last election year," Schroeder said in the court session, adding, "To this day, you can go out and read things from all across the political spectrum about this case, most of which is written by people who know nothing."... "It can be frightening," he added while urging jury candidates to abandon their presuppositions and focus solely on the evidence presented at trial. He reminded them that the right to a fair trial is an important right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution."
Liberals are going to get even more upset, and demand he be taken off the case

Why Kyle Rittenhouse’s Crowdfunded Legal Defense Shouldn’t Be Controversial - "Few would argue against the idea that Rittenhouse deserves competent legal counsel, a fair hearing, and his day in court like anyone else. In some ways, these efforts are already being frustrated because of the current politicized environment.  A GoFundMe campaign launched to raise funds for Rittenhouse quickly disappeared from the platform, and officials from the crowdfunding platform confirmed they terminated the campaign and returned the donations to the contributions.  Precisely why the campaigns were deleted remains unclear.  According to a Washington Times report, GoFundMe officials said the campaigns violated the companies terms of service but did not specify what terms had been violated...   A campaign for Rittenhouse then appeared on Fundly, a rival crowdfunding site. More than $50,000 was raised in a span of hours before that page also disappeared...   I personally think crowdfunding platforms should permit people to donate to the legal defense of accused criminals regardless of their crimes because it helps ensure the accused will receive effective legal counsel and a fair trial. (Patriot and future president John Adams famously defended British soldiers who participated in the Boston Massacre because he believed the same.)"

GoFundMe on Twitter - "Here is the verified GoFundMe to support the family of Anthony Huber—the hero who gave his life attempting to take down a gunman in Kenosha & save others. All funds will be sent to Anthony's partner & stepdaughter."
GoFundMe Website Lifts Ban On Rittenhouse Fundraisers After Acquittal

Kyle Rittenhouse made reasonable decision to shoot: expert testimony | The Post Millennial - "At a pretrial hearing on Tuesday, a use-of-force expert stated that Kyle Rittenhouse's actions during the riots in Kenosha, Wisc., in August 2020 were justified. Rittenhouse shot three men during that rioting, two of those men, Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, died from their injuries. Expert John Black testified that video shows Rosenbaum chasing Rittenhouse before reaching for the defendant's gun, Huber attacking Rittenhouse with his skateboard and attempting to wrestle away the gun, and Gaige Grosskreutz, who was injured, running at Rittenhouse armed with a pistol... Black reportedly testified that he has extensively viewed and studied bystander video from the three shootings.  Black noted that Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse, threw a plastic bag at him, then attempted to reach for Rittenhouse's rifle."

Licensed Memes: The Banterbury Tales - Posts | Facebook - "A lawyer for Rittenhouse repeated the N-word twice in his opening statement while quoting Joseph Rosenbaum, who his client is accused of killing."
"1. Based gamer lawyer
2. How are the media trying to make his lawyer out to be the racist when it was R o s e n b a u m he's quoting."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Yesterday may go down as one of the worst days ever for a prosecutor. It wasn’t bad luck, it was malpractice. The prosecutions witnesses ended up supporting Rittenhouse’s claims of self defense while humanizing him and describing him as someone there trying to help injured people.  The prosecutor was undisciplined from the start, asking questions and pursing lines of thought that had no application to the guilt or innocence of Rittenhouse.  On more than one occasion it was going so bad for the prosecution that the prosecutor attempted to impeach his own star witnesses."

Virginia police lieutenant fired for donating to Kyle Rittenhouse fundraiser seeking due process - "The Virginia police lieutenant who was fired from the department in April after anonymously donating to a fundraiser to benefit Kyle Rittenhouse said his ousting came in only a matter of days, despite that the process typically takes months.  Norfolk Police Lt. William Kelly was only roughly 10 months from being a 20-year veteran of the department, at which point he would have been eligible to have received his retirement savings without a penalty. He was fired from Norfolk Police Department in April, when he was suddenly left desperate to find affordable health insurance for himself, his wife, who is sick with cancer, and their three kids.   "I thought I was a free man in America expressing his personal opinion to somebody, giving some words of encouragement and making a simple donation"... The grievance argues that his dismissal violated due process and Virginia code that does not allow immediate dismissal. It also violates the "Virginia Law Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act," which requires certain steps, including the ability to respond to formally alleged charges, to be provided to an officer before he or she is fired.   The termination was based on political affiliation, race and was "unjustified, excessive, arbitrary and capricious," the document further states.  The grievance also features a picture of Chief Boone holding a "Black Lives Matter" poster during a protest in the city. "

Gaige Grosskreutz Admits Pointing Gun at Rittenhouse Before Being Shot - "another witness testified Grosskreutz had a handgun in his possession with a bullet loaded in the chamber. The Daily Wire reported the witness, Jason Lackowski, aided Grosskreutz after he was shot by Rittenhouse... Grosskreutz admitted to “advancing” on Rittenhouse at a time when Rittenhouse was down on the ground and to pointing the gun at him.  Rittenhouse defense attorney Corey Chirafisi asked, “It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him … that he fired, right?” the Chicago Sun-Times observed.  “Correct,” Grosskreutz responded."

WATCH: Prosecution Appears to Fall Apart as Rittenhouse 'Victim' Admits He Pulled Gun First - "He also cleaned graffiti off buildings and offered medical aid to protesters, before being attacked during a riot. In the melee, he fired an AR-15 rifle in what his lawyers claimed was self-defense, killing two and wounding Grosskreutz.  Democrats seized on the event in an attempt to blame President Donald Trump for the Kenosha riots, which had been a serious liability for then-candidate Joe Biden, who was slow to condemn them. Biden claimed, without evidence, that the 17-year-old Rittenhouse was a “white supremacist” — a claim that led immediately to threats of a defamation lawsuit from Rittenhouse’s attorney...   During cross-examination, defense attorney Corey Chirafisi noted that Grosskreutz had lied to police about being armed... The prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Binger, appeared to rest his forehead on his left hand, almost despondent, as he composed a message on his phone with his right.   The defense ended its cross-examination when Grosskreutz admitted that he never tried to talk to Rittenhouse to stop the violence...   Last year, Facebook prevented users from defending Rittenhouse on the platform, calling the incident a “mass murder,” thus presuming Rittenhouse’s guilt. Twitter locked the account of a Rittenhouse attorney, and a police officer lost his job for donating to Rittenhouse’s defense.  President Trump said at the time that it looked as if Rittenhouse had acted in self-defense — for which CNN accused him of racism."

Ian Miles Cheong @ stillgray.substack.com on Twitter - "It’s over. Kyle Rittenhouse did not fire until a gun was pointed at him. The prosecutors literally facepalm."

Facebook Ban on Supporting Rittenhouse Wears Thin as Prosecution Stumbles - "Facebook decided last September to ban statements defending Kyle Rittenhouse as if they were support for “mass murder” — a decision that looks increasingly questionable as Rittenhouse’s lawyers make a strong self-defense case in a Kenosha court...   Some legal observers opined that Rittenhouse should qualify for a directed verdict — a legal finding by the judge that the prosecution has failed to establish the basic elements of the crime. But the establishment media continued portraying the teenager in the worst possible light"

‘I Was Wrong’: Young Turks’ Kasparian Admits She Bought Into False Rittenhouse Narrative - "Kasparian said she thought Rittenhouse first chased after Joseph Rosenbaum, sparking the incident that ended with the teen fatally shooting Rosenbaum. However, it was Rosenbaum who chased after Rittenhouse. Moreover, a gun was fired from a third party just seconds before Rittenhouse fatally shot Rosenbaum... it was revealed during trial last week that Rosenbaum was “masked” when he chased Rittenhouse, and continued to pursue the teen despite Rittenhouse repeatedly yelling that he was “friendly,” Kenosha Police detective Martin Howard confirmed... Kasparian had a discussion with Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro, headlining the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry’s annual dinner. The progressive politico caught heat for the discussion, but fiercely defended the exchange and ripped the Left for “platform scolding.”"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The forensic pathologist really could only contribute useful new information on two topics — evidence of how close Rittenhouse’s rifle was to Rosenbaum when he shot and specifics about “shooting Rosenbaum in the back”. The short answer is that the doctor confirmed the testimony of the journalist — the shooting was consistent with the theory of self defense.  The rest of the trial was wild; perhaps because the prosecution is getting more desperate.  The testimony of the witnesses made it clear the car lot owners/sons perjured themselves on the stand. They did ask for help protecting their lot. They confirmed, again, that Rosenbaum was a maniac that night. He was even quoted as saying that he was “willing to go back to jail” when taunting.  The funniest moment of the trial was with the lone female property protector, armed with her might .380 pistol on her hip. She was asked what Rosenbaum had said. First she turned to Judge and apologized then rattled of a sentence involving several words not used in polite conversation.  What was perhaps most notable about the day was behavior of the prosecutors during cross examinations. They have a special gift of pressuring witnesses until they same something even more damning about the prosecution case.  The cross examination of a man, probably on the spectrum and with a speech impediment, who stated he believes the prosecutors were trying to get him to lie about his testimony. The prosecutor spent an enormous amount of time attempting to bully the witness into changing his statement. He not only didn’t succeed but managed to make the prosecutors look even worse.  The picture that emerging from this trial is of a police department that was overwhelmed and who did a poor job collecting evidence and statements. The riots created too much work for too few people. The prosecutors are coming across as sloppy, inattentive, thin skinned, poorly skilled, and poorly focused. The charge of violating the curfew was dismissed today because they didn’t introduce any evidence that a curfew had been ordered.  Anything is possible but I can’t imagine a scenario where Rittenhouse gets convicted on a felony at this point. It’s amazing the teenager was as restrained as he was. He used 8 bullets to stop four attackers in a chaotic moment. Six bullets hit their intended target and nobody was accidentally harmed. The officer that shot the man that started these riots used 7 bullets."

Meme - Tara Dublin: "We do not participate in #RoyMoorePickUpLines because we do not make fun of sexual assault, but extra especially when it's kids PM"
Tara Dublin: "And that's the same face Kyle Rittenhouse will make during his first time in the prison shower #KyleRittenhouselsGuilty"

Prosecution rests its case against Kyle Rittenhouse and judge dismisses curfew violation charge - "Judge Bruce Schroeder agreed to dismiss a curfew violation charge against Rittenhouse, ruling that prosecutors had failed to present any evidence a curfew was in place... the paramedic testified that his concealed carry license was expired that night. He also admitted he incorrectly told investigators his gun had fallen out of his pants earlier in the night... Other video from earlier in the night showed Rosenbaum yelling, "shoot me (n-word)." One of the armed men said Rosenbaum had acted "belligerently" and another said he had threatened to kill him and Rittenhouse. "He goes, 'You know, if I catch any of you guys alone tonight, I'm gonna f***ing kill you,'" according to Ryan Balch, a military veteran who brought his weapon into Kenosha that night... Richie McGinniss, a video editor with The Daily Caller news site, testified that Rosenbaum had lunged for the front of Rittenhouse's rifle moments before he was shot"

Defense Moves for Mistrial in Kyle Rittenhouse Case; Judge to Prosecutor: 'I Don't Believe You!' - "Defense attorney Corey Chirafisi asked Judge Bruce Schroeder to declare a mistrial “with prejudice,” which would prevent prosecutors from bringing the charges again. That provision, Chirafisi claimed, was necessary to prevent prosecutors from deliberately ruining their own case to get “another kick at the cat.” He said that prosecutors, led by Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger, had acted in “bad faith” — a key element of dismissal with prejudice... Judge Schroeder had admonished the prosecution that it had committed a “grave constitutional violation” by referring to Rittenhouse’s previous silence, which conflicts with his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent...   There was another interruption later, when the judge admonished the prosecution for discussing excluded evidence... Judge Schroeder berated Binger again, saying that he had been trying to find a way around his previous rulings. “When you say that you had been acting on good faith, I don’t believe that,” he said...   Later, when the prosecution argued for the admission of a photograph into evidence showing Rittenhouse wearing a shirt with an expletive on it, the judge noted that Rittenhouse is not on trial for “exquisitely bad judgment” or “behaving in a very offensive way,” but for murder."

Libertarian Party NH on Twitter - "You can make up complete lies about Kyle Rittenhouse and you won't get banned. But if you say Kyle Rittenhouse was innocent, you will be."
"Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.": "Violating our rules against glorifying violence"
Ayanna Pressley on Twitter - "A 17 year old white supremacist domestic terrorist drove across state lines, armed with an AR 15. He shot and killed 2 people who had assembled to affirm the value, dignity, and worth of Black lives. Fix your damn headlines."

Meme - ""Money doesn't matter" - Rich People " Looks don't matter" Attractive People
"Nothing really matters" Thomas Binger, prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial"

Media Pounce on Rittenhouse Judge's Ringtone During Trial - "Media figures went wild on Wednesday with accusations of bias on the part of Kyle Rittenhouse trial Judge Bruce Schroeder after his ringtone erupted in the courtroom — allegedly to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA,” though others heard “Southern Cross” by Crosby, Stills, and Nash.   The moment occurred as the Kyle Rittenhouse defense tried to argue that the prosecution was deliberately trying to cause a mistrial by breaking several pre-trial orders to cover up for their lousy performance in the hopes of a do-over."
We're still told that liberals don't hate their countries

Meme - "He's 17 he cant carry a gun that's illegal!" - Antifa with baseball bat and molotov cocktail

Meme - Sarah Beth Burwick: "I am highly educated and reasonably perceptive, and it was only today that I learned the Kyle Rittenhouse victims were white. My progressive bubble made this seem like a very different case than it is."
Hester P.: "Oh my. I did not know this"
GEM1963: "I assumed the same."
Billiam: "I was pretty shocked to learn many of the details over the past couple 'weeks too. Once I watched all the video footage & learned some other details. I was like *shocked*"
Comments: "If one isn’t racist what does it matter what race the perps were?"
"It's weird. It's almost as if their feelings for who is a perp versus who is a victim changes depending on the ethnicity of the people involved. There must be a word for that....."

Thread by @BillAckman on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Last night, Neri and I watched several hours of .#Kylerittenhouse direct testimony and cross examination. We came away believing that #Kyle is telling the truth and that he acted in self defense. We found him to be a civic-minded patriot with a history of helping his community as an EMT and fireman in training, in his removing hate graffiti earlier that day from a local school, and ultimately in volunteering to protect a business during the night of August 25th in Kenosha.
Our first hand impressions of Kyle were materially different from those we had previously formed based on media reports and opinion pieces that we had consumed. I have always been frustrated to read an inaccurate press report about a subject I know well, yet somehow I continue to believe other articles in the same newspaper about subjects I know less well. Media and political bias are dividing our country and destroying lives. While we have not heard the entire trial, based on our assessment of Kyle on the stand, we believe that he will be found innocent by the jury. Often times, communities react negatively and even violently after a jury verdict where they are surprised by the outcome based on what they have previously read in the newspaper, seen on TV or more likely been served on social media. I encourage you to watch the trial, or at a minimum his testimony and cross examination, before you form a view of his guilt or innocence. With respect to my own political bias, I am not a gun owner, nor a member of the NRA. On balance, I support stronger gun regulations and removing loopholes in the sale of guns. Unfortunately it seems that society’s view of #kyle ‘s innocence depends more on one’s views about gun control rather than on what actually took place last August.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s life is at risk. Justice demands a fair trial. Society would benefit greatly if politics did not enter the court room and convict innocent people.
Just got a call from the media asking if my Twitter account was hacked. That is, the reporter couldn’t conceive of the idea that I could believe that Kyle is innocent because I am not a right winger. Crazy."

Sarah Beth Burwick on Twitter - "Let me add a few points-
1. All my friends/family are progressively and I recently woke up to their hyocrisy and msm BS
2. I admit I haven’t paid much attention to the case
3. If you hear someone called a white supremacist enough times, you believe it unless you realize you need to question everything you’ve been told, which is what is keeping me very, very busy of late."

Audrey 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "#kenosha shooting - #fact check, if Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum did not intervene, 17yo far right Kyle Rittenhouse would have killed more people, taking an assault rifle heading to a crowd of antifascists and black ppl is not to be taken lightly. They saved people. #BLM"
Kenosha is going to go up in flames when all these delusional leftists don't like the trial's outcome

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "With the news media’s shift to presenting the news like a soap opera, they are reluctant to shift the narrative when the facts change (assuming they notice). As I’m following the news coverage, those that lean left have not reported most of the problems with the prosecution’s case. This has created parallel world where many in the country are going to be shocked with an equal on the major charges.  There is a not insignificant percentage of the population that believes Rittenhouse will be freed because of racism, bias, or corruption in the system. In my experience these individuals haven’t been watching the trial."

Kyle Rittenhouse and Ahmaud Arbery: a tale of two trials - The Spectator World - "why is the national media almost singularly focused on fabricating racial components in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, and not at all in the trial of Gregory McMichael and his two accomplices, who stand accused of the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, a black man who was gunned down while jogging last February?  We are being fed the fantasy that Rittenhouse was a dangerous, mass-shooting, pro-Trump militia member, out for blood on the night of the Kenosha riots in Wisconsin. We are also being told, without evidence, that he is a white supremacist. This claim has been repeated on MSNBC, and even by members of Congress, such as Ayanna Pressley who tweeted, “A 17 year old white supremacist domestic terrorist drove across state lines, armed with an AR 15. He shot and killed 2 people who had assembled to affirm the value, dignity, and worth of Black lives.” Pressley neglects to mention the race of the Antifa activists shot by Rittenhouse: they’re all white...   CBS News framed Grosskreutz as a “lone survivor.” A Washington Post headline described how Grosskreutz “feared for his life” before he was shot by Rittenhouse, omitting the crucial self-defense elements that had been established in court. The Daily Beast wrote that Grosskreutz was trying to surrender to Rittenhouse, a claim directly contradicted by his own statements in court. There are almost too many instances of media malfeasance to count. What’s more, there is video evidence that disputes many of the media’s characterizations of what happened that night...   An acquittal cannot stand in the eyes of the national media, who have already all but passed their own verdict on Rittenhouse.  Across the country in Glynn County, Georgia, however, three white men are standing trial in the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Arbery was chased while jogging and gunned down in the middle of the street by three men in a truck, who claimed they thought he was a burglar fleeing the scene of a crime. Once again, based on video at the scene, and a history of McMichael’s own racially charged statements, there appears to be more evidence that Arbery’s targeting and subsequent killing was racially motivated. Yet the coverage in the media has been mostly muted, save for trial updates and recaps.  So why is the national press attempting to draw race into a trial where race played no part in the fates of Rittenhouse or his victims, yet simultaneously all but ignoring the implications out of Georgia that very well might see justice for a young African American shot dead in the street?  Could their framing be part of an attempt to force the political right to defend Rittenhouse and in doing so reveal the “structural racism” of the country as it exists on that side of the political aisle?  In the end, to our media, justice for Arbery does not matter, because his death is not a blunt instrument with which they can bludgeon their political adversaries."

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