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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Links - 24th February 2022 (2 - Feminism)

Claire Foy: Actresses should be proud to play wives and mothers - "Actresses should be proud to play wives and mothers - rather than action roles that are “basically just men” in female form, Claire Foy has said.  Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan are among the stars who have said they want to play more challenging parts than the wife of a lead character.  However, Foy, best known for portraying the Queen in early series of The Crown, said that to not take such roles would “underestimate the fact that women have, for centuries, been wives and mothers, and still are. That’s denying our entire history of what it means to be a woman”."

If equality means sending my daughters to war, I want no part of it - "It was only when I heard that Congress is seeking to expand selective service requirements to include both genders that I realized how much I oppose it. Earlier this year, a dramatic change was made to the nation’s military policies that opened nearly all combat roles to women. The next question to follow was, if women are eligible to participate in all combat roles, should the draft be made mandatory for women as well?... being a feminist doesn’t have to mean standing up for sending our daughters to war.  I am a feminist, and I do not support including women in selective service.  When you are not included in something that no one wants to do — in this case, going off to war — it’s not discrimination; it’s a privilege. Some say women should give up that privilege in the name of equality between men and women. But here’s the thing about equality: Men and women are not equal.  That’s right — I’m a feminist, I am a mother of two girls, and I am saying that men and women are not equal.   In the event of a draft, sending women off to war does not present an equal opportunity to women by nature of the fact that women are physically different from men. As much as we may work to try to level the playing field between men and women, the physical differences between us as created by nature make us inherently unequal and cannot be universally overcome. Combat is not an equal opportunity situation for men and women, because the average woman does not have an equal opportunity to survive a combat situation. The Army’s own studies have shown that women have more than double the rate of injury of their male counterparts in combat training. I can only imagine that those numbers would be even more dramatic in actual combat. I can’t fathom sending my daughters off to fight in an already dangerous situation, where they are known to be at a physical disadvantage."
She can't even claim she is opposed to the draft on principle
Of course, if an anti-feminist points out other instances that men and women are not created equal, she'd probably call him a misogynist

Congress drops provision for women to register for the draft

Supreme Court Won't Hear Challenge To Men-Only Draft Registration - "Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer and Brett Kavanaugh acknowledged that when the draft was originally enacted, women were not eligible for combat roles, a situation that has dramatically changed in modern times.  But they noted Congress is currently considering the question of including women in the draft registration. In 2016 it created the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service to study the matter, and the commission has now released a final report recommending that draft registration include both men and women between the ages of 18 and 26... The court considered and rejected a nearly identical claim in 1981. Draft registration, the court reasoned then, is meant to help the military fill combat roles. At the time, though, women were barred from combat, so the court held that men-only registration was perfectly sensible."
Since it was dropped again, maybe people can sue again

Twyla Naythias's answer to Do feminists support women being eligible for the military draft (like the US selective service registration system)? - Quora - "Because Feminists have a propensity to pick-and-choose where they want men and women to be equals, leaving men to suck if elsewhere for the ‘crime’ of being men. Few things exemplify this attitude more than the Feminist-penned, Feminist-backed Hayden Rider:     The provisions of this article shall not be construed to impair any rights, benefits, or exemptions now or hereafter conferred by law upon persons of the female sex.
Or, in simpler terms, female supremacy. Equal rights supporters refuse to allow the ERA to pass so long as it contains this blatantly-sexist rider, while Feminists refuse to allow the ERA to pass without it. Hardly surprising given how they’ve so entrenched their highly-flawed Duluth Model
that even non-Feminists are surprised to learn that the CDC Finds Women Commit Half Of Domestic Violence and Harvard Says 70% 0f Domestic Violence is Committed By Women Against Men"

Jagmeet Singh says he always believes survivors. Well, here's another one
Christine Moore has, it seems, been hoisted by her own lustful petard | The Star - "She served him gin drinks although Kirkland had been reluctant because of the medications he was taking, anti-depressants and painkillers. “But she’s a registered nurse. I figured she would know if it was all right.’’  Moore, he says, told the other guests that she had business to attend to, ushering them out. But Kirkland she kept behind.  There were more drinks.  “That’s when I finally realized what was happening.”  Even in a alcohol and drugs fuzz, it became evident to Kirkland, he says, that Moore had an interest in him of a more particular and personal variety. “I wouldn’t have been in that position if I hadn’t been (inebriated).’’... It was Moore who brought to caucus claims of alleged sexually harassment by Weir against females who hadn’t come forward — allegations that he stood too close at functions, sought out their company, hovered too long, all of it a far cry from sexual harassment as most of us understand it.  Weir, MP for Regina-Lewvan, was suspended from caucus while an exceedingly non-transparent investigation was launched. Last week, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, said that the independent investigator concluded “the evidence” sustained one claim of harassment and three claims of sexual harassment. Weir was expelled from caucus... “Just because of an allegation that’s now risen, which we take seriously, in no way should cast any question of credibility about other allegations,” Singh told reporters outside the House of Commons on Wednesday. “This notion has happened far too often for women and is not an acceptable line of argument.”"
Some survivors are more equal than others

Meme - "Single women aged 22-30, are outearning single men aged 22-20 by 8%, 'Shut the fuck up already with your feminist bullshit wage gap lies."
"Are they really paid 8% more than men doing the same job? Or are they just more mature & taking on better jobs that their male peers?"
"It's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING how quickly feminists can understand the wage gap when the tables are turned..."

Meme - "'Step in Inequality' by Art Director and Graphic Designer Kazunori Shiina
Step in Inequality the Road to the Top Is Not the Same for Men and Women
Jude Furr: "This Is a Great Analogy! Women Tend to Choose Less Profitable College Majors (the Stairs) Than Men and Due to This Decision Women on Average Make Less Than Men (the Escalator Gets You There Faster and Easier). The Most Profitable College Career Is Petroleum Engineering in Which a Majority of It's Graduates Are Men Whereas the Less Profitable Ones Such as Gender Studies and Art History Are Taken by Women. The Choice Is Up to the Individual and What They Want. If the Woman in This Picture Wanted to Make $400,000 a Year She Could Take a Job as an Engineer or a Corporate Lawyer and Take the Escalator"

Meme - BossPrincess @ashelyruiz22: "Sexism is alive in America! Went to get an oil change and the all white Cis males laughed at me and told me to get lost! Probably jealous I drive a Tesla and they don't!"

Meme - "Looks like the guy next to me on the plane is a manspreader in recovery"
"I have never seen a well mannered man on a plane - enjoy!"
"Actually people with Tourettes and epilepsy wear those to stop themselves from kicking people when they have episodes. You‘re literally making fun of a disabled person because you looked at this guy and all you could see was "male" and you fucking HAD to make it about you"

Hassan, feminist Twitch partnership manager, fired for sexual harassment - "Hassan was known to the community to being a bit of a “feminist” and, according to YouTube comedian It’sAGundam, a “defender of thots.”   Hassan would be the go to guy for female partnered Twitch when they wanted issues resolved or just wanted to call in favours. The Twitch partnership manager would often resolve account strikes and remove suspensions from his favourite female Twitch partners, but would be rather harsh on male streamers. However, according to Vio, he wouldn’t just do this to be nice; he had ulterior motives.  Hassan allegedly leveraged his position as a Twitch partner manager to get sexual favours from aspiring female Twitch streamers. He’d boast and brag about his work while trying to impress them. He’d also promise them fame and fortune. At least that was the case for Vio... Vio names two abusers in her statement: Hassan and Luminosity. Luminosity is still on Twitch despite being exposed soliciting lewd photos from women. So, if Twitch were to ban/fire Hasssan for this type of misconduct, they’d need to be consistent and do the same to Luminosity. Twitch, though, isn’t really known for being consistent when enforcing their policies.  Was Bokhari fired for leaking sensitive information?"

Gremio Men's Under 16s Beat Brazil Women's National Team 6-0 In Intergender Match - "Reflecting on the game, Brazil women's coach Pia Sundhage said: "This training game was important for several reasons, firstly, due to the challenge of playing speed in this male category, they are very fast.  "When we play in front of big teams, which are very fast, we will have this type of challenge."... In 2017, FC Dallas' Under 15 side hit headlines after they beat the US Women's national team 5-2 in a friendly fixture."
Of course, no link to the US Women's team losing to boys under 15
One excuse I've seen is that the women let the boys win. How convenient, and unsportsmanlike

ZUBY: on Twitter - "Modern feminism has programmed women to think that looking after a husband and children who adore them is 'backwards' and 'oppressive', but working 50+ hours a week for a soulless corporation (whilst getting turned out by men who don't give a crap about them) is 'empowering'. 💀
The Patriarchy™ needed to increase the tax base and slash wages of the average worker. They also needed to de-stabilise society and the family unit, to make people easier to control and more reliant on the state. You all fell for it and here we are. Most successful psyop ever.
The fact that many Western women now consider looking after their own families and raising their children 'unpaid labour' shows us how deeply rooted the brainwashing is.  It would be hilarious if it were not so utterly tragic.  Oh well. The world is a big place!
People talk about 'choice' but the reality is that choices for men and women have been greatly restricted.  'Choice' is largely an illusion for most people, because doing things the traditional way is (intentionally) harder now - financially, logistically & societally."

Fury as AA says it would NOT help a lone woman before a man at roadside - "The AA has been slammed by members after the car breakdown firm confirmed it does not prioritise call outs based on gender. A member who had broken down 'at night in the dark' claimed on Twitter she had been told by an AA call handler that the firm treats lone women and men exactly the same because 'that's equality'.   Dr Helen Mott said she would then have to wait 'alone in the dark for 90 minutes or more' and added that the firm's policies 'need a revamp'. Responding to her tweet, an AA spokesman confirmed they do not prioritise based on gender and instead 'consider the location', meaning they would give preference to a person broken down on a motorway over someone in a supermarket car park.  Furious members then slammed the firm, with one saying she was 'cancelling her membership' and others claiming to have had a similar experience to Dr Mott.   AA president Sir Edmund King also intervened, to say the firm gives priority to 'anyone at risk'... The popular anonymous barrister who uses the @CrimeGirl Twitter handle then claimed she would be cancelling her membership.   She said: 'The police prioritise lone females and so do the highways agency, because they recognise their sex places women AT RISK FROM MEN.'    But a Metropolitan Police spokesman said they do not prioritise calls based on 'any one single factor.'"
Feminism means women must be prioritised over men
Helen Mott advertises that she's a feminist

Meme - "All I have ever wanted from a yogurt is to know who the cows are."
"Notice how they named all the cows traditionally girl names. There is a deep connection between misogyny and consuming animals."
"I feel like yogurt from a bull wouldnt taste quite right."

Differences of living as a woman vs man (in my experience) : MensRights - "So I’m a transgender man and there are a few things different about how I was treated when I identified as a woman compared to now as a man:
-when I’m expected to just deal with things. When I was a woman and needed help, people would offer it to me before I even got the chance to ask. Now I’m supposed to just be fine and deal with all my problems
-I get a lot less sympathy now
-I don’t get much attention. I thought I wouldn’t mind this because I don’t like people noticing me but it feels lonely like this
-I hardly get compliments anymore
-people are hesitant to believe me when I say things
-people assume I’m a bad person now when I’m actually just minding my own business
-body shamed more as a man
-i experience more harassment as a man
-I’m a shy person but when I was a woman, people thought I was cute and mysterious. Now they just think I’m a weirdo and a creep.
-I experience more sexism now
-I feel a lot of pressure to have sex/always want sex
-I have worse mental health now, mostly to do with financial pressure and pressure to date which I didn’t feel when I was a woman"
Too bad this person doesn't know about male privilege!

Nurse, 29, who left moped rider with 'devastating' injuries after crashing into his bike avoids jail - "Bethan Mair Williams, 29, took her eyes off the road to sign a life insurance document on her phone while she was at the wheel on the A487 in November last year... Pregnant Williams admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving following the crash and the court heard her employers were keen to keep her in her job... Williams, of Caernarfon, was handed a two-year suspended sentence and ordered to £5,000 compensation.  She was also given a two-year driving ban with an extended test."
Too bad she didn't have "male privilege"

Meme - "This picture says a lot. What does it say to you?
*Men sitting on subway seats while woman stands*
Otlhabane Dan Moruti: "Men are starting to take this gender equality thing serious. Big up to these men.""

New Feminist Tickle Me Elmo Just Says, 'That Was Not Consensual' | The Babylon Bee - "Other adorable new phrases in the red monster’s vocabulary include:      “Hashtag MeToo!”     “Monsters not wearing clothes does not mean monsters ‘asking for it’!”     “Believe all monsters!”     “Kavanaugh should be jailed!”     “Topple the patriarchy!” Lancaster says this is only the first of a new line of progressive Sesame Street dolls. At publishing time, Eco-Warrior Oscar and Vegan Cookie Monster were announced for future release."

She Wrote Fake News for Cosmo, but Regrets Misleading Women - "Sue Ellen Browder...  a Cosmopolitan magazine writer for 20 years, describes what she wrote as “propaganda.”   The goal? To sell women on the idea that sexual liberation is the path to the single woman’s personal fulfillment.  “Propaganda is very sophisticated,” Browder tells The Daily Signal. “It’s half-truth, selected truth, and truth out of context.” “Propaganda is used not to sell just products,” she adds. “It’s also used to sell ideas.”...   Beginning in 1971, Browder worked under the legendary Helen Gurley Brown, who was Cosmopolitan’s editor-in-chief for more than 30 years and author of the bestselling 1962 book “Sex and the Single Girl.”   Taking cues from Playboy magazine, Brown turned the struggling magazine into an international empire. She gave her writers a printed list of rules to follow, which included instructions about how to make up parts of their stories to sound more convincing...   By planting salacious stories about women having extravagant affairs in places such as Cleveland and Des Moines, Browder says, “the magazine spread its mores throughout the country and throughout the culture by pretending that they were much more widespread than they actually were.”  One of those Cosmo mores was the idea that abortion was a woman’s “right,” years before the Supreme Court ruled it a constitutionally protected right.  Browder details the story of how a small group of feminists inserted abortion into the agenda of the women’s movement in her 2015 book “Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement.” She documents the disgust of many pro-life feminists.   But from that point on, the narrative was set.   “Essentially, ‘All women want this.’ And that is how propaganda works”...   “Why was Cosmo so successful? Because it attracted advertisers. Why did it attract advertisers? Because it worked. When a young woman, an insecure young woman, reads these magazines and thinks that she has to have perfume, cosmetics, hair products, beautiful clothes, singles travel … abortions, contraception, when she thinks she has to have all of these things, she’s going to spend a lot of money.”"

Does blind recruitment actually achieve its aims? - "participants were 2.9% more likely to shortlist female candidates and 3.2% less likely to shortlist male applicants when they were identifiable, as opposed to when they were de-identified.  Moreover, minority males were 5.8% more likely to be shortlisted and minority females were 8.6% more likely to be shortlisted when identifiable compared to when applications were de-identified.  Male reviewers also showed more positive discrimination towards minority candidates than did female counterparts, and reviewers aged over 40 displayed much stronger affirmative action in favour for both women and minorities than did younger ones.   In conclusion, the study authors argued for caution when moving towards blind recruitment strategies in the Australian Public Service, as de-identification may not be always successful in promoting diversity.  Indeed, the Harvard academic who oversaw the study, Professor Michael Hiscox, said the results were surprising...  "We should hit pause and be very cautious about introducing this as a way of improving diversity, as it can have the opposite effect.”"
I previously linked this, but I didn't know there was also positive discrimination for "minorities"

Testing the Presence of Implicit Hiring Quotas with Application to German Universities - "It is widely accepted that women are underrepresented in academia in general and economics in particular. This paper introduces a test to detect an under-researched form of hiring bias: implicit quotas. I derive a test under the Null of random hiring that requires no information about individual hires under some assumptions. I derive the asymptotic distribution of this test statistic and, as an alternative, propose a parametric bootstrap procedure that samples from the exact distribution. This test can be used to analyze a variety of other hiring settings. I analyze the distribution of female professors at German universities across 50 different disciplines. I show that the distribution of women, given the average number of women in the respective field, is highly unlikely to result from a random allocation of women across departments and more likely to stem from an implicit quota of one or two women on the department level. I also show that a large part of the variation in the share of women across STEM and non-STEM disciplines could be explained by a two-women quota on the department level. These findings have important implications for the potential effectiveness of policies aimed at reducing underrepresentation and providing evidence of how stakeholders perceive and evaluate diversity."

We built voice modulation to mask gender in technical interviews. Here's what happened. - "interviewing.io is a platform where people can practice technical interviewing anonymously and, in the process, find jobs based on their interview performance rather than their resumes. Since we started, we’ve amassed data from thousands of technical interviews, and in this blog, we routinely share some of the surprising stuff we’ve learned. In this post, I’ll talk about what happened when we built real-time voice masking to investigate the magnitude of bias against women in technical interviews. In short, we made men sound like women and women sound like men and looked at how that affected their interview performance. We also looked at what happened when women did poorly in interviews, how drastically that differed from men’s behavior, and why that difference matters for the thorny issue of the gender gap in tech... Women historically haven’t performed as well as men... we decided to see what would happen to interviewees’ performance when we started messing with their perceived genders... Contrary to what we expected (and probably contrary to what you expected as well!), masking gender had no effect on interview performance with respect to any of the scoring criteria (would advance to next round, technical ability, problem solving ability). If anything, we started to notice some trends in the opposite direction of what we expected: for technical ability, it appeared that men who were modulated to sound like women did a bit better than unmodulated men and that women who were modulated to sound like men did a bit worse than unmodulated women. Though these trends weren’t statistically significant, I am mentioning them because they were unexpected and definitely something to watch for as we collect more data."
Clearly gender bias is the reason for women being underrepresented in tech. Just like Williams and Ceci 2015 found that gender bias is the reason for women being underrepresented in STEM (not)
Another study (building on the Australian public service study) suggesting that there is no gender bias against women, since gender blinding / a gender blind interview doesn't reduce "bias" against women

Meme - "Progressives: Empower Women
Also Progressives: There's No True Definition of Woman
Progressives: Close the Gender Gap!
Also Progressives: There Are 93 Genders
Progressives: End Rape Culture
Also Progressives: House Male Rapists in Female Prisons and Crisis Shelters and Shame Women Who Resist
Progressives: Fight the Patriarchy!
Also Progressives: Treat Women Like Breeders by Glorifying Exploitative Commercial Surrogacy
Progressives: Stop Sexually Objectifying Women
Also Progressives: Sex Work Is Empowering
Progressives: Narcissistic White Men Embody Toxic Masculinity
Also Progressives: Narcissistic White Men Who Wear Dresses Are the Most Oppressed People in the History of the World
Progressives: Only Women Should Get a Voice in Laws Involving Our Bodies
Also Progressives: Some Women Have Penises
It's Like an Endless Excursion to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party We're All Mad Here
- Kaeley Triller"

Meme - *Infant touching Hooters girl's breast*
"This poor kid doesn't know It yet but he can never run for political office now...."

Meme - "Ban all men, replace them all with women of color. men/white people, u had your millenia and u fucked it up, bye"
"You misspelled 'nobody wants to fu#k me"

Sweden’s first female PM resigns hours after appointment - "Sweden’s first female prime minister, Social Democrat Magdalena Andersson, has resigned after less than 12 hours in the top job after the Green Party quit their two-party coalition, stoking political uncertainty.

Meme - "Does a Boy Scout have to be a boy? Hear from a teen pushing the @boyscouts to allow girls to become official members"
"y'all never heard of girl scouts?"

Jocelyn Bell Burnell - Wikipedia - "That Bell did not receive recognition in the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physics has been a point of controversy ever since... In 1977, she commented on the issue:
'First, demarcation disputes between supervisor and student are always difficult, probably impossible to resolve. Secondly, it is the supervisor who has the final responsibility for the success or failure of the project. We hear of cases where a supervisor blames his student for a failure, but we know that it is largely the fault of the supervisor. It seems only fair to me that he should benefit from the successes, too. Thirdly, I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases, and I do not believe this is one of them. Finally, I am not myself upset about it – after all, I am in good company, am I not!'"
Too bad this didn't stop all the feministsplaining. Feminists only value women's voices when they align with their agenda

Meme - "Greetings,I am your current- year female protagonist.
I'm 5'2", 118 lbs, not in particularly good shape for someone my size, but I can take on a room full of 6'5" 250lb dangerous men with no effort
My personality is "Getting upset when men tell me I can't do something."
l expel absolutely no sexuality or femininity. The rare times I show romantic interest, it will only be towards other women. And even then it won't go anywhere as to not piss off China.
"Buy all my child labor-made crap based off my IP or you're a tiny dicked Incel"

MacKenzie Bezos And Melinda Gates Team Up On $30 Million Gender Equity Contest
Empowering women. By using men's money

Meme - Michael Dunne: "Women were in essence slaves and if they tried to leave they were brought back and right up until the late early the police and authorities treated abuse as part of married life. They put it down to having a domestic and they washed their hands giving the so called man more opportunity to keep a hold onto them knowing nothing would happen. If they did get away they had no income, were homeless so they were forced to return to the status quo"
Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "This is a comment from a leftist group called The People's Republic of Liverpool. It's total nonsense, but everyone is replying to it with "oh so true!" It is not true. Women in the 70s and 80s did not consider themselves to be slaves. This is ridiculous."

James Lindsay, quarter millioner on Twitter - "Together, we will build a world where the accomplishments of our daughters will be celebrated, rather than diminished."
"@DrBiden Dr. Jill, are you aware of any of the current statistics about educational attainment in girls versus boys at all levels? Either you are, and you're therefore a fraud, or you don't, and you're therefore a fraud."

Women's March on Twitter - "Handmaid's Tale imagery has proliferated, primarily by white women, in recent years. This message erases the fact that Black, undocumented, incarcerated, poor, & disabled women have always had their reproduction controlled in America. It's not some dystopian future or past."

Differences in Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Women's Experiences of Sexual Assault and Rape in a National U.S. Sample - "Lesbian and bisexual women experience significantly higher rates of sexual assault and rape compared with heterosexual women. Despite this, researchers have yet to distinguish whether sexual orientation itself or some other related social characteristics explain these higher rates. The objective of this study was to analyze women's rates of sexual assault and rape across sexual orientation status while accounting for other social characteristics (e.g., race, education, income, outness). Women (N = 1,366), who identified as lesbian (31%), bisexual (32%), and heterosexual (31%), completed a nationally distributed, cross-sectional online survey in 2016. Victimization and repeat victimization were assessed using a modified version of Sexual Experience Survey-Short Form Victimization. Overall, 63% of bisexual, 49% of lesbian, and 35% of heterosexual women reported experiencing rape in their lifetime. When holding all other social characteristics constant, sexual orientation remained a significant predictor in the model. Compared with the odds of heterosexual women experiencing sexual assault or rape, bisexual women (3.7 odds of victimization; 7.3 odds of repeat victimization) and lesbian women (3.2 odds of repeat victimization) were disproportionately victimized. Sexual orientation clearly plays a role in sexual victimization risk, independent of other measured sociodemographic indicators. Continued research is needed to explore possible mechanisms behind sexual assault and rape prevalence, as well as the influence of contextual factors of victimization risk among sexual minority men."
Of course, feminists complain about "rape culture" but will ignore this - or blame straight white men. So much for that meme claiming "lesbians can control themselves when girls are wearing revealing clothes" so "maybe the problem is not the clothes"

Addendum: Intimate Partner Violence in the United States — 2010 - "Bisexual women had a significantly higher prevalence of lifetime rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner (61.1%) compared to lesbian women (43.8%) and heterosexual women (35.0%).
The lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner was 29.0% among heterosexual men, 37.3% among bisexual men, and 26.0% among gay men."
In other words, women rape/abuse each other more than men rape women, so ragging on men is problematic at best. It is telling that among men, homosexuals have the lowest rate of rape/abuse, which suggests that women are more likely to rape / engage in domestic abuse than men. This coheres with 70% of non-reciprocal domestic violence being on women
Addendum to addendum: One cope is that due to methodological factors we can't conclude that lesbian domestic violence is higher than heterosexual domestic violence, but both of these studies are representative. Plus we know that female prisons have more inmate-on-inmate sexual victimisation, which coheres with the other 2 studies.

Man calls anti-manspreading campaigns 'hypocritical' and sparks furious debate - "Taking to Reddit, he's posted a defence of manspreading that he argues is based in scientific fact - sparking a furious debate about the practice...
'Frankly the whole "manspreading" campaign is such ridiculous hypocrisy. It's coming from the same people who preach about equality and fair treatment, how we shouldn't judge people for their bodies, how we shouldn't objectify people or demonize perfectly natural behaviors, yet they're straight up pushing for Government legislation to control how men sit. They're teaching an entire generation of young boys that it's socially shameful to open their legs when their body is activating its testicular heat stress response. If this becomes a social norm, that it's unacceptable for men to open their knees, it's going to further drive down the already plummeting sperm rates.'...
A third thought that women are more likely to show dominance by placing their bags on the chair next to them than men"

Meme - *Lisa Simpson with pink hair, funky glasses and a rainbow dress*: "Why everyone else but me is responsible for my own actions and feelings"

Apple Releases Feminist Siri Who Refuses To Listen | The Babylon Bee - "Siri will now exemplify feminist leanings. She will not listen to anything you say, bravely refusing to do anything you ask her. She will then lecture you on your lack of wokeness to the plight of women."

Minter Ellison’s Christian Porter moment leads to split in law firm - "the lawyer (and long-time defamation adviser to The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald) was helping Attorney-General Christian Porter respond to allegations he had raped a 16-year-old girl in 1988 – allegations he strongly denies. Kimmitt’s email was a direct challenge to Bartlett. “The acceptance of this matter did not go through the firm’s due consultation or approval processes. Had it done so, we would have considered the matter through the lens of our Purpose and Values,” she wrote. “The nature of this matter is clearly causing hurt to some of you, and it has certainly triggered hurt for me. I know that for many it may be a tough day, and I want to apologise for the pain you may be experiencing.”... By the end of this week, the email exchange had cost Kimmitt her job. She is the highest profile scalp so far from the public debate over sexism and sexual assault now engulfing Australian politics... “Once again, a woman pays the price for speaking up,” tweeted the Greens Senate leader, Larissa Waters amid a stream of social media criticism of the firm. But the events at MinterEllison this week highlight another issue too: the tension inside many venerable legal firms between legal tradition and a new emphasis on their “social licence” to operate. Dozens of lawyers, junior and senior, interviewed this week – off the record – said this conflict was playing out across legal precincts in Sydney and Melbourne... Big firms sell the idea that they are socially responsible to appear attractive to younger staff, while still taking on clients who can pay the bills – big tobacco, big pharma and in this case, someone accused of historical rape... For many at MinterEllison and in the wider legal fraternity, Kimmitt had very publicly jettisoned the core principles of the profession and potentially damaged a client, regardless of any good intentions. “The statement basically suggested that Porter was not a right fit for MinterEllison based simply on an allegation, an allegation that was strongly denied and unproven. In a sense, it also implied a prejudgment on the very matter that is in contest,” said barrister Dr Matt Collins QC, a former president of the Victorian Bar."
Feminists don't believe in due process, rule of law or free trials, which go against their values
Hiring SJWs ruins your business

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