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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Links - 23rd February 2022 (1 - Biden-Harris)

BREAKING: Biden administration creates commission to explore packing Supreme Court | The Post Millennial - "Joe Biden will be signing an executive order to create the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States, a commission to study a potential expansion of the Supreme Court... Biden continuously refused to answer questions regarding his opinion on court packing during his 2020 election campaign, receiving intense criticism from Republicans as a result.  The last President to attempt to pack the court was Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937 after the court ruled a number of New Deal policies as unconstitutional. Roosevelt's expansion plans ultimately failed, with members of his own party playing a major role in defeating the proposal."

Supreme Court confounding its partisan critics - "The Supreme Court this week continued to disappoint congressional Democrats and activists with a long line of embarrassingly unanimous, nonideological rulings. After all, the court is supposedly (to use President Biden’s words) “out of whack” due to its irreconcilable ideological divisions. Indeed, the court is allegedly so dysfunctionally divided that many, including Democratic leaders, have called for sweeping changes — from packing the court with new justices to changing its voting rules or even creating an alternative court... Liberal Justice Stephen Breyer recently chafed at the claim that the court is “conservative” and condemned the calls to pack it with a liberal majority. A liberal group, “Demand Justice,” responded with billboard ads calling for Breyer’s resignation and warned him that he was risking his legacy... The call to pack today’s bench was never about reforming but about rigging the institution... Harvard professor Michael Klarman and others have not been subtle about the need to pack the court to guarantee an immediate liberal majority. Klarman has said the court must be changed to enact the Democrats’ sweeping agenda — and Democrats shouldn’t worry about Republicans responding with their own court packing if they return to power. Indeed, he explained, the point of changing the system is to guarantee that Republicans “will never win another election.” Klarman conceded that “the Supreme Court could strike down everything I just described,” so the court must be packed in advance to allow the desired changes to occur... The justices will continue to divide on some cases along ideological lines, particularly on constitutional cases. That is because these are principled jurists who view core jurisprudential issues differently. Americans themselves are equally divided on issues ranging from abortion to gun rights to race-based college admissions. Yet although Democrats cry foul when five conservative justices vote as a bloc, they are entirely supportive of the liberal justices voting as a bloc on the other side of those decisions. One side is denounced as biased while the other is celebrated as enlightened. Even so, there have been a number of major cases involving constitutional issues where justices have crossed the ideological line. Indeed, under Chief Justice John Roberts, unanimous opinions have continued to rise in number.  Of course, reality is rarely a barrier for politicians or pundits, particularly if news outlets distort the actual voting records of the justices. Moreover, President Biden has lacked the political courage or principle (that he once had as a senator) to stand up for the court against his own party. Instead, he has created a lopsided commission to appease the hard left. Yet even with the Democratic members and an obliging media, the Democrats are facing a public that continues to overwhelmingly oppose packing or changing the court. And the court is not making this easy by speaking inconveniently as one. These politicians and pundits are in the same position as the coroner who was about to perform an autopsy a couple of years ago when the dead man began to snore. It is hard to ignore. Before we do an autopsy on a still living judicial body, the public may want to listen to the court rather than its critics."
Of course liberals seize on one decision they don't like (e.g. not immediately blocking Texas's abortion law) and start spewing fake news about a corrupt court ruined by Trump (when it's actually the liberals who always bring their ideology in)
Even liberal judges who disagree with the liberal mob are targets

Why the Left Is Wrong to Attack Justice Breyer on Court-Packing - "he argued not as a progressive but as a judge. He showed his own institutional formation by calling to preserve, against court-packing, certain traits that attended judgment’s exercise. At their core, these traits emphasized the judiciary as the branch that exercises reason in a distinct fashion. We can see this point in Breyer’s concern that courts should not be seen as “political.” It is fine for Congress or the president to act in a partisan manner, as the Constitution envisions them acting in part based on their will as an expression of the people’s will. Judges, by contrast, exercise their own reason to apply the will of another — the legislature and ultimately the people — not their own. Judges, tasked with applying laws passed by others, should seek at least the appearance of being disinterested in policy outcomes.  Moreover, Breyer drew on Federalist 78 to make the case that the court relies more than other branches on how its use of reason is perceived by others. Lacking power over money, like Congress, or violent force, like the executive, the court must persuade other institutions to follow it by the seeming legitimacy of its reasoning about the law, especially the Constitution.  Breyer claimed that adding justices in reactionary partisanship would undermine the perception of the court so vital to its effectiveness. In so doing, he argued against actions that would aid progressive causes in favor of ones that would preserve the court."

Harry Reid warns Democrats to be 'very, very careful' in pushing Biden's proposal to pack the Supreme Court | The Post Millennial - "Harry Reid, the Democrat who infamously failed to heed Mitch McConell’s warnings not to change the Senate rules to eliminate the need for 60 votes to end debate over judicial nominations, admits that President Joe Biden is taking things too far with his plans to pack the Supreme Court."

Democrats falsely claim Republicans 'stole' Supreme Court seats, pledge to pack the court to 'save democracy' in trainwreck press conference | The Post Millennial - "Sen. Markey has been called out on the fact that, three years earlier, he was firmly against adding more seats to the SCOTUS, and now that his own part holds both the House and the Senate, he appears to have had a change of heart:
'Can you imagine if Trump had attempted to add seats to the court? They lost their minds when he filled vacant seats, I can’t imagine the liberal meltdown if he attempted to pack the courts. Why even have rules when democrats will just change the ones they don’t like?'
At issue as well is the Senator's choice of language. As critics have pointed out, filling a vacant seat on the Supreme Court does not equate to "stealing" a seat."

. on Twitter - "folks voted for biden as harm reduction but so far syria has been bombed, jackson mississippi is going on a month without water, he bombed somalia, deported thousands of haitians, rewarded police with $750m and named it after the man people died protesting for.
biden is a white supremacist. his job is to maintain u.s empire and expand its imperialist capabilities. just like all past/future u.s presidents, he works not for the american people but for capitalist elites. all the celebrities that shamed folks into voting blue been mad quiet"

Team Biden Asks Americans to Report Radicalized Friends and Family - "Biden described the threat from “white supremacy” as the “most lethal threat to the homeland today.”"
New government program helps you snitch on your family members - "even basic truths about violence are completely tainted by ideology and politics.  Angry, menacing rioters rampaging through the streets, torching cars, looting stores, and destroying property? They’re “mostly peaceful”, hence this White House program doesn’t apply to them.  But the man who grabs a weapon to defend his family against those angry, menacing rioters? He’s a violent radical who should be reported.  Then there’s Dr. Aruna Khilanani, who earlier this month lectured at Yale University about her fantasies of killing white people.  Again, though, she’s neither considered radical nor potentially violent… so she doesn’t fit into this new White House program.  Saying, however, that “a man cannot get pregnant,” which was enough for Twitter to ban a Spanish politician recently, is absolutely considered radical.  The rules are terribly confusing. Fortunately the US government will be bringing in the Big Tech companies to monitor our behavior and keep us all in check.  It’s also notable that the federal government is spending boatloads of taxpayer dollars teaching US government employees about Critical Race Theory, which asserts that everyone is racist and that you are either a victim or an oppressor based on your skin color.  I say this is notable because they don’t spend those same taxpayer dollars on the principles taught by Martin Luther King, i.e. that we should strive for a society where people are judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.  But MLK’s view is now considered outdated by the woke progressives in charge.  And they even have ‘science’ to back up their assertions.  For example, the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association published an article last month explaining that whiteness is “a malignant, parasitic-like condition”.  And as we’ve all been told, you gotta trust the science!  This is rapidly becoming the accepted social view, and any departure from this thesis is considered ‘radical’.  It’s ironic that most of the bureaucrats and politicians mandating this training don’t have the first clue what they’re talking about.  Recently General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress that teaching Critical Race Theory and “white rage” to military cadets at West Point (my alma mater) was important.  Yet he simultaneously acknowledged that he doesn’t know the first thing about Critical Race Theory, referring to it as “whatever the theory is. . .”  And that pretty much sums up institutional leadership these days in the Land of the Free.  Politicians in government, business executives, and now even military generals, are only concerned about appearances, not substance.  They know nothing about Critical Race Theory. They just want to give the appearance that they’re doing something… especially when everyone else is doing the same thing.  Just about every big company and organization, from Coca Cola to Disney to Major League Baseball to the Central Intelligence Agency, has jumped on board the Woke train and embraced these idiotic principles.  Hardly a single so-called ‘leader’ has stood up to say ‘I agree there are problems to solve, but this approach is totally absurd and I’m not going along with it.’  These executives have too much to lose— power, prestige, paychecks… so they fall in line and do what everyone else is doing.  Standing apart from the crowd, risking your reputation, and raising a voice of dissent takes courage— something that is sorely lacking in political and corporate leadership.  This weak, pitiful leadership is the reason why the entire woke movement has snowballed out of control: no one with any real power is willing to stand against it anymore.  It’s also the reason why looting Nike stores and rioting in the streets is seen as ‘mostly peaceful’.  Yet anyone with conservative views is considered “radical”, worthy of being committed to modern-day digital insane asylum (i.e. censored by the Big Tech platforms)."
The Stasi worked for the left wing after all

Meme - "All of those groups voted majority for Biden. They're getting what they voted for."
"Under Donald J. Trump, unemployment rates for Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians reached record lows. Under Joe Biden, the labor force participation..."


Joe Biden on Twitter - "Paying off your kids' student loan debt can feel overwhelming. We need a president who understands that."
Forbes on Twitter - "#BREAKING: Biden won’t extend student loan relief"

‘Hidden rainbow’ hair is the perfect trend for low key pro-Biden rebels - "Finally, a socially responsible hair trend for those of us who want to stand with what's right but who also risk retaliation. We are the Rainbow Rebels."
Major case of projection going on - they fear what they want to do to others will be done to them
“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”

Joe Biden Attempts To Take Credit For Osama Bin Laden Raid That He Opposed - YouTube

Pollster McLaughlin: Trump Beats Biden by 5%, VP Harris by 11%, Hillary by 10%

Meme - "Your post goes against our Community Standards on nudity or sexual activity. No one else can see your post. Our standards apply globally and are based on our community"
"Find someone who kisses you the way Joe Biden kisses his granddaughter"

Meme - Alex Cole @acnewsitics: "DAMN.... FUCK DONALD TRUMP"
"Fuck Donald J. Trump!"
"Trump can go fuck himself."
"If you are the kind of person who tells the President of the United State to go F himself after he just took time to wish your kid a Merry Christmas, you really are exactly the kind of deranged loser everyone says you are."

U.S. Political Party Preferences Shifted Greatly During 2021 - "On average, Americans' political party preferences in 2021 looked similar to prior years, with slightly more U.S. adults identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic (46%) than identified as Republicans or leaned Republican (43%).  However, the general stability for the full-year average obscures a dramatic shift over the course of 2021, from a nine-percentage-point Democratic advantage in the first quarter to a rare five-point Republican edge in the fourth quarter...   Shifting party preferences in 2021 are likely tied to changes in popularity of the two men who served as president during the year...   Democrat Joe Biden enjoyed relatively high ratings after taking office on Jan. 20, and his approval stayed high through the early summer as COVID-19 infections dramatically decreased after millions of Americans got vaccinated against the disease. A summer surge of infections tied to the delta variant of the coronavirus made it clear the pandemic was not over in the U.S., and Biden's approval ratings began to sag. Later, the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan caused Biden's ratings to fall further, into the low 40s. His ratings remain low as the U.S. battles rising inflation and yet another surge of COVID-19 infections, tied to the omicron variant of the virus...   In the fourth quarter, party support flipped as Republicans made gains, from 44% to 47%, and Democratic affiliation fell from 45% to 42%. These fourth-quarter shifts coincided with strong GOP performances in 2021 elections, including a Republican victory in the Virginia gubernatorial election and a near-upset of the Democratic incumbent governor in New Jersey. Biden won both states by double digits in the 2020 election... The political winds continued to become more favorable to Republicans in the fourth quarter, giving the GOP an advantage over Democrats larger than any they had achieved in more than 25 years."

President Biden mocked over fake White House set - "President Biden is being widely mocked on social media for running a “Truman Show presidency” after he was pictured speaking from a fake White House set that features a digital view of the Rose Garden in full bloom from a fake window behind him...   Some ridiculed Biden for using a “literal game show set” as president, while others accused him of deliberately trying to deceive Americans into thinking he was in the White House...   Stephen Miller, a former senior adviser of President Donald Trump, claimed Biden only used the imitation White House set so he could read a script directly from a face-on monitor.  “The reason Biden uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings — and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc. — is because it allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera)”"

Sam Harris on Twitter - "Feeling overwhelming gratitude for the adults in the room..." - Jan 2021
Sam Harris on Twitter - "Publicly eating these words... syllable by syllable." - Aug 2021

Biden Silent After Drone Strike Kills Children Instead of Terrorists

Biden’s Election Integrity Reply Puts WH In Cleanup Mode - "Less than 24 hours after President Biden told RealClearPolitics – and a national TV audience – he was not prepared to say that the coming midterm elections would be legitimate, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was saying the exact opposite... Before Psaki could do damage control, both Vice President Kamala Harris and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, the Democrat perhaps most responsible for making Biden president, seemed to amplify a message that the White House would have to disavow hours later."
Casting doubt on election integrity is only bad if you're a Republican

‘Simpsons’ moment comes to life as Biden turns to Tom Hanks to sell first year ‘progress’ - "President Joe Biden’s presidential inaugural committee is marking his first year in office by blasting out an ad featuring Academy Award winner Tom Hanks. It was paid for with millions in leftover inaugural funds... Hanks’ involvement, however, earned plenty of mockery and scorn as some recognized it as a ‘Simpsons’ moment “in real life,” referencing Hanks’ cameo in 2007’s ‘The Simpsons Movie.’ Hanks appears as himself in the cartoon and uses his charm as a star to make an informational video telling the characters their hometown will soon be destroyed by the government. Some even referenced Hanks’ opening line from the movie.
'Hello, I’m Tom Hanks. The US government has lost its credibility, so it’s borrowing some of mine.'"

Biden Admin Sued over Funding for Palestinian Govt. that Supports Terror - "Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT), a watchdog group comprised of former government officials, has charged the State Department of violating its Freedom of Information Act it its refusal to turn over documents relating to the administration’s decision to resume U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority. Former president Donald Trump stopped the payments over the PA’s support of terrorists and Congress passed the Taylor Force Act during his tenure. According to Palestinian government’s current policy, terrorists who are serving out sentences in Israeli jails receive stipends in accordance with the severity of their crime – the more Israelis they murdered, the more money they receive...   The report also noted the State Department’s own admission to Congress in March 2021 that the Palestinian government spent at least $151 million in 2019 on the pay-to-slay program. A further $191 million was spent on “deceased Palestinians referred to as ‘martyrs'”"

CNN's Van Jones: Biden Was 'Foggy and Meandering' During Press Conference

Tom Mulcair: Freeland should play role in finding peaceful solution - "  It’s also become clear that Joe Biden is no longer the man he once was. His handlers have been keeping him away from the media. When he does speak, like his recent incomprehensible statement on mild Russian incursions attracting no sanctions, it causes chaos. When Secretary of State Antony Blinken had to openly contradict and correct Biden, the Russians benefited."

Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ on Twitter - ""Oh good lord, here he goes again!" she muttered under her breath."
*Biden touching kid*

Brian Stelter on Twitter - "Calling a journalist a "son of a bitch?" It was wrong when Trump was just a candidate, and it's even worse now that he's POTUS..."
Brian Stelter on Twitter - "At the end of a Biden photo op, when reporters shouted Q's hoping he'd respond, Fox's Peter Doocy asked, "Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?" Biden deadpanned: "It's a great asset—more inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.""
Joe Biden on Twitter - "Decency, honor, respect, treating people with dignity, making sure that everyone has an even chance. I'm going to make sure you get that. You haven't been getting it the last four years."
"When they go low, we go lower"
The same people who get triggered by "Let's Go Brandon" are claiming the reporter deserved it

Reporters Used To Crucify Trump For Insulting Journalists, But Biden Keeps Doing The Same Thing - "the president lashed out with a Trumpian expletive after Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked Biden on Monday whether rising inflation increasingly represents a political liability for him... the exchange garnered a slew of headlines — all of which, by the way, come only a few days after Biden similarly insulted a separate White House reporter, Jacqui Heinrich, after the long press conference Biden held court for last week."

Pittsburgh For Progress on Twitter - "Jesus fell three times carrying the Cross while on the way to Calvary to save us. Biden also fell three times carrying the hardship America is going through on his way to deliver Hope. Today God looked upon Biden & said "This is my Son, the beloved, in whom I was well pleased.""


Photographer Who Captured Migrant Photos Says Agents Didn't Use Whips on Anyone - "A New Mexico photographer who captured images of Haitian migrants evacuating a U.S migrant camp is addressing the controversy surrounding Border Patrol agents using whips on the immigrants while on horseback... President Joe Biden told reporters that "people will pay" as a result of Border Patrol using horses to block migrants from crossing the Rio Grande River.  "It was horrible, what you saw to see them treat people like they did," Biden told reporters. "Those people will pay, there's an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. ...It's an embarrassment, but it's beyond an embarrassment—it's dangerous, it's wrong, it sends the wrong message around the world and sends the wrong message at home. It's simply not who we are."  The Department of Homeland Security has since banned the use of horses in Del Rio."

Meme - "Kamala Harris has become the most unpopular US vice president six months into an administration since at least the 1970s So how did she get here? And how might she..."
"jamaican-indian woman not resonate with most american ? big surprise"
Facebook - "Who could have predicted this? She seems so charming and authentic."

Tulsi Gabbard Blasts Biden: 'He Has Betrayed Us All' - "“I supported Joe Biden, and millions of other Americans voted for Joe Biden because he promised to unite us,” she said in the video Friday, speaking of his lofty promises to “bring us together [and to] to end the divisiveness.”  “Sadly, not only has he failed to do this, he has betrayed us all by pouring fuel on the fires of divisiveness that are tearing our country apart,” Gabbard said. “Biden compares those who disagree with him to racist traitors, to enemies of bygone eras, and Biden now has his attorney general targeting millions of Americans as domestic terrorists,” she continued as her video cut to a clip of Matthew Olsen, Assistant Attorney General National Security Division talking about the U.S. facing an elevated threat from “domestic violent extremists, that is individuals in the United States who seek to commit violent criminal acts in furtherance of domestic social or political goals.”... Biden focused on the theme of unity upon taking office, mentioning it several times throughout his inaugural speech. However, he quickly shifted gears months down the road, most significantly during his divisive coronavirus speech in September 2021, where he warned that his patience was “wearing thin” with unvaccinated Americans"

Facebook - "Vice President Kamala Harris told allies that the media coverage of her would be different if she were a white man: report"
"The irony of this is… if she were a white man, she wouldn’t have any media coverage at all.  Because she wouldn’t be Vice President in the first place.  🎤 ⬇️"

A.J. Delgado on Twitter - "I have no doubt these poor Haitians were used as pawns to make Joe Biden look bad / create more of a "crisis" at the border"
BlueAnon strikes again

Maryland billboard calling Biden, Harris 's--theads' raises stink
It's only ok to make fun of those on the right

Meme - "*Joe Biden plays Despacito at a campaign rally*
*Realizing the lyrics translate to: "I want to breathe in your neck slowly. Let me murmur things in your ear.""

Joe Biden’s Pick For Department Of Energy Is Drag Queen Into ‘Pup Play’ - "The clown car known as the administration of President Joe Biden has a new, high level, hire to the Department of Energy. Sam Brinton, a drag queen and proponent of a sexual activity known as “pup play” announced his hiring on his Linkedin page."

Poll: 50% Of Likely Voters Support Biden’s Impeachment

Meme - @Lexialex: "Nobody will ever trick me into voting for a Democrat again. I don't care if the other candidate is Voldemort or his evil creator."

Thread by @IsaiahLCarter on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " I'm a registered Democrat, and someone who donated to Biden's campaign.  I supported Kamala Harris from the day she announced her run for President.  I was happy when Biden asked her to be her running mate.  A year later, I am FURIOUS with them BOTH. A lot of people in my replies are asking what my reasons are for stating this publicly, at a time when people are frightened, anxious, and content to silently remain in their tribes, or to even beindless defenders of this administration...
1. Let's start with the horrendous way Biden presided over the withdrawal from Afghanistan... He's gonna do Ukraine next, folks...
2. This administration (really, the Democratic Party in general at this point) love of condescension, and "talking down" to people with legitimate concerns and criticisms about the direction our country is going... You really think this administration is going to stop for five minutes, and maybe re-assess the direction they're going in, with polls showing this kind of clear political re-alignment?  Of course not.  They think they've got a Mandate from Heaven to force the country leftward...
3. This administration's push for Critical Race Theory, and the 1619 Project as the "One True Way" to educate our kids on America's racist foundations.  Gonna take a little bit on this one, and you'll see why in a bit. I'm speaking as a Black man, folks.  I'm speaking as someone who by most metrics, SHOULD be pushing CRT as the best way to teach kids about racism, but I don't.  Critical Race Theory is the most abominable, divisive form of postmodernist indoctrination I've ever seen...
4. These ever-present COVID mandates, and the abject cruelty that's come with them."

Joe Biden has issued more oil drilling permits than Donald Trump, despite gushing climate change promises

Joe Biden is so bad, he's making Donald Trump look good - "If I told you the leader of the free world was sowing division and insulting reporters, you’d think I was talking about Donald Trump – but Joe Biden is in charge (technically), and last week, the 200-year-old president, who appears to have had so much Botox he can no longer smile and open his eyes at the same time, called a journalist who asked him about inflation a “stupid son of a b----”. If Trump said that, it would be grounds for impeachment. In this case, the journalist laughed it off. “Nobody has fact-checked him yet and said it’s not true,” he joked. We’re one year into Biden having the nuclear codes (I’m not sure what’s more surprising: that he’s still alive or we are) and by almost every metric that he was supposed to be better than Trump, Sleepy Joe is making The Donald look the superior president. World leadership: Afghanistan, lost; Russia threatens Ukraine; and North Korea, which is so hungry that even Kim Jong-un has lost weight, has conducted perhaps its biggest missile test since 2017. The pandemic: 425,000 died under Trump without a vaccine, and it looks like Biden has surpassed that number with a vaccine. The economy: booming post-pandemic, true, but the recovery isn’t as strong as it could have been and prices are rising.Then there’s the easiest job Biden had to do, one almost anyone could do, which was to not be Donald Trump. Yet whether he’s mangling his words or being deeply unpleasant, Biden has provided a Left-wing variant of Trumpism. Trump said the electoral process was riddled with fraud. This was a vast exaggeration, justifying state-wide efforts by Republicans to make voting “secure” that Biden says are an attempt to suppress turnout. Maybe he’s right. But Biden has pushed his case too far, crying racism, which is insulting, and hinting that the outcome of the midterm elections could, if the Republicans get their way, be suspicious. Midterms that polls indicate he is going to lose. To fix the fix, Biden has floated reforms that were undermined by a Democratic senator from West Virginia, prompting the actress Bette Midler to denounce his state as “poor, illiterate and strung out” (she apologised)... Liberals think the culture war is a conservative invention. It rarely occurs to them that not only is it real and unavoidable, but they started it. Meanwhile (whisper this), some of Trump’s decision-making is starting to look prescient. He was right to push ahead with the vaccine. He made a curiously correct choice of head of the Federal Reserve in Jerome Powell: Democrats typically pick hard money advocates to placate the markets, but Trump, being in real estate, favoured soft money, and Powell helped keep the American economy going by flooding it with cash. At the border, Trump turbocharged Obama’s hard-line approach, resulting in a drop in apprehensions in 2020. Biden, who signalled that his administration would be more compassionate, oversaw a two-decade-high spike in illegal crossings – necessitating, now, a Trumpite reaction. After 14,000 Haitians entered the country, the administration, desperate to appear capable of doing something, sent about 8,000 home. The cultural battle is moving to conservative territory. Last Friday, several thousand cops lined the streets of New York to pay respects to an officer murdered in the line of duty. At St Patrick’s Cathedral, his widow criticised the Manhattan district attorney for a liberal agenda that includes – this is hard to believe, but true – reducing prosecutions for resisting arrest. This is what happens when the far-Left calls the shots under a lame administration. Realising that it ain’t popular, New York Democrats are turning rapidly anti-crime – and even the mayor of San Francisco has announced a crackdown on drugs, criticising white liberals who don’t care about violence because they don’t live with it. Hence the next Democratic presidential nominee will probably sound more like Trump on some issues."

Poll: Joe Biden's Job Approval Crashes to 36 Percent - "Just 36 percent of registered voters approve of President Joe Biden’s job performance, Civiqs polling revealed Sunday.  Biden’s approval has reached historic lows amid high crime, 40-year-high inflation, and Americans stranded in Afghanistan: 55 percent disapprove of Biden’s job performance."

'I like kids better than people,' Biden says as hecklers shout - "Biden made the trip to Connecticut despite no obvious strategic purpose as his legislative agenda stalls in Congress."

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