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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Links - 20th February 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Banned Books 2021 - To Kill a Mockingbird - "2021: Banned and challenged for racial slurs and their negative effect on students, featuring a “white savior” character, and its perception of the Black experience. After parent complaints about the use of racist epithets in To Kill a Mockingbird; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; The Cay; Of Mice and Men; and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, the Burbank (CA) Unified School District superintendent issued a statement removing the books from the district’s required reading lists for its English curriculum and banned the use of the N-word in all school classes. The books will be allowed in classroom libraries, but no student can be required to read them. At a board meeting, the superintendent stated, “This is not about censorship, this is about righting the wrongs of the past.” 2020: A white substitute teacher at the Mustang (OK) High School read the N-Word aloud from To Kill A Mockingbird. The only black student in the class recorded the reading, notified the teacher that she was offended, and brought the matter to the attention of the principal. The district adopted a new policy stating that “racially charged language will no longer be spoken” in classrooms. The status of the substitute teacher is not known. 2019: A parent requested that the novel be removed from the 9th-grad curriculum at Monona Grove (WI) High School. The parent, who had two children in the district, complained about the book’s use of the N-word, the portrayal of Atticus Finch as a white savior, the absence of other works representing people of color, and the deep racial divide in a student body that is 83% white. Following a review process, the district decided to retain the title, stating, “The committee recommended MGHS English teachers carefully consider [the book’s] place in the curriculum, the context in which it’s taught, other equivalent options or other ways to use the book that might include using [it] as a choice rather than as a required text.” Citing the use of racial slurs in the books, Duluth (MN) school district administrators decided to remove Lee’s novel and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the curriculum “to protect the dignity of our students” and not require them to read books that marginalize them. The titles remain in the school library, and can still be optional reading for students. 2018: After a mother complained to the superintendent that her son was uncomfortable with the N-word, the novel was removed from the 8th-grade curriculum at Biloxi (MS) Public Schools in the middle of teaching it, without following policy. After national outcry, the book is available to be taught as an optional assignments with the written permission of a parent. At Hamilton (AZ) High School, parents expressed concern over a school assignment addressing the use of the N-word in the classic novel.
2017: Retained in the Accomack County (VA) Public Schools. A parent objected to racial slurs in the book. After being temporarily removed on Nov. 29, 2016, the book was reinstated on Dec. 6 by the school board.
2012: Banned or challenged for offensive language and racism.
2010: Removed from the St. Edmund Campion Secondary School classrooms in Brampton (Ontario, Canada) because a parent objected to language used in the novel, including [the N-word]*.
2009: Retained in the English curriculum by the Cherry Hill (NJ) Board of Education. A resident had objected to the novel’s depiction of how blacks are treated by members of a racist white community in an Alabama town during the Depression. The resident feared the book would upset black children reading it.
2008: Retained in the English curriculum by the Cherry Hill (NJ) Board of Education. A resident had objected to the novel’s depiction of how blacks are treated by members of a racist white community in an Alabama town during the Depression. The resident feared the book would upset black children reading it.
2006: Challenged at the Brentwood (TN) Middle School because the book contains “profanity” and “contains adult themes such as sexual intercourse, rape, and incest.” The complainants also contend that the book’s use of racial slurs promotes “racial hatred, racial division, racial separation, and promotes white supremacy.”
2005: Challenged at the Stanford Middle School in Durham (NC) because the 1961 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel uses [the N-word]*. Challenged, but retained in the Normal (IL) Community High Schools sophomore literature class despite concerns the novel is degrading to African Americans.
2004: Challenged in the Normal (IL) Community High Schools sophomore literature class as being degrading to African Americans. Challenged at the Stanford Middle School in Durham (NC) because the 1961 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel uses the N-word.
2002: Challenged for profanity and racial slurs.
* Words in brackets different in original sources."
When a classic anti-racist text has been racist for 2 decades. And liberals will still mock the "myth" of the slippery slope. Amusingly someone claimed that these were conservatives - pretty sure this same person mocks conservatives as racist

School cancels To Kill a Mockingbird over ‘white saviour’ narrative - "To Kill A Mockingbird will no longer be taught to pupils at a secondary school after teachers claimed the book promotes a "white saviour" narrative.  The seminal text is to be excluded from classrooms at James Gillespie High School in Edinburgh as part of wider plans to decolonise the curriculum amid concerns over its "dated" approach to race... John Steinbeck’s classic novel Of Mice and Men will also be phased out over its use of the N-word, according to Allan Crosbie, the school’s head of English.  The proposals are part of a wider initiative to “decolonise” the curriculum, with greater emphasis placed on works from non-white authors with less Western-centric viewpoints to better reflect a diverse range of experiences...   Mr Crosbie, in an online meeting with the Educational Institue of Scotland (EIS), Scotland’s largest teaching union, said: "Probably like every English department in the country, we still have Of Mice and Men and To Kill a Mockingbird [on] the shelves.  “They are now taught less frequently because those novels are dated and problematical (sic) in terms of decolonising the curriculum. Their lead characters are not people of colour.   "The representation of people of colour is dated, and the use of the N-word and the use of the white saviour motif in Mockingbird – these have led us as a department to decide that these really are not texts we want to be teaching third year anymore."  But critics of the proposal say it is wrong to judge literature by today’s standards, with the focus instead being upon their literary merit.  Calvin Robinson, a former school governor and policy advisor to the Department of Education, said: “We can contextualise them. Teachers are not just reading the books, they are teaching English literature.   “We can talk about the use of the N-word and why it is not appropriate for anyone to use. I think it’s ridiculous to cancel the books because of it.  “It’s very sad we are scraping through old texts and judging them by today’s standards rather than teaching them for their literary value.’  In 2015, James Gillespie was awarded the Sunday Times accolade of being the top state secondary in Scotland. "
Presumably texts written by black people which use "nigger" are still okay

I’m a Black Doctor. My Mom Still Won’t Get Vaccinated. - The Atlantic - "She’s well aware of my credentials. I’ve been a medical doctor for more than 30 years. I am a member of the National Academy of Medicine. I run an award-winning hospital and health system serving 1.5 million residents of South Los Angeles.  Mom lives with us. She listened closely and sympathetically over the past year and a half as I talked about COVID-19’s devastating toll on our largely Black and Latino community. She knows that my hospital was at one of the epicenters of the pandemic. She knows that COVID-19 would almost certainly kill a woman of her age. And yet, in spite of all this, something is still keeping her from getting her shots.  Before you judge her, consider this: What’s driving my mom’s refusal is stronger than even the threat of death. I think there’s a connection between Black vaccine hesitancy, how Black people are treated within the existing health-care system, and the need for a more diverse workforce that will treat Black people with the respect and compassion that builds trust. And I think my mother’s story illustrates this connection... Last week, when my mother’s arm pain flared up again to unmanageable levels, I decided to take a different approach... she was treated with kindness and compassion. What made the difference? Her medical team looked a lot more like her than the team at the other hospital had. That’s because 89 percent of our staff are people of color."
So... no to covid apartheid because that's racist but yes to medical apartheid because that's anti-racist?

Race Relations Commissioner criticised over defending 'Black Pete' character - "A leading academic has criticised the Race Relations Commissioner for defending the use of Dutch Christmas character Black Pete.  Donning black face paint with an afro wig and colourful medieval attire, Black Pete is a Dutch Christmas tradition spanning back more than a century. Black Pete, or Zwarte Piete, first appeared in Dutch literature in 1850 as a companion of Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, and is traditionally black because he is a Moor from Spain... The character appeared this month at the St Nicholas Day celebrations in Christchurch run by the city's Netherlands Society...  Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon however said he did not have an issue with it.  "Well, whether it's appropriate or not, it is part of their culture it's centuries old, this celebration of St Nicholas. Obviously, it's nothing to do with what people perceive it to be - black people in slavery," he said.  Foon said acknowledging St Nicholas Day is important to Dutch people.  "Black Pete is part of the generosity of singing, jovialness, gifting and so it's all part of the Dutch culture which is great that they are celebrating the event.""
Cultural imperialism and ethnocentrism is good when liberals do it

Mark Manson on Twitter - "People get addicted to feeling offended because it gives them a high—that sense of moral superiority, even if caused by anger, secretly feels good."

Meme - Amnesty India @AlIndia: "Introducing the death penalty in child sexual abuse cases "is likely to send more poor, lower caste and religious minority accused to death row""
Is this tweet classist, casteist and religiously offensive?

Meme - "Pedro L. Gonzalez @emeriticus: In the United States, social workers can decide your boy is a girl and have him castrated without your consent. In Australia, the government slaughters rescue dogs and deploys the military to keep people in their homes to "fight COVID" But at least they have "moral freedom""

Auschwitz Memorial on Twitter - "When we look at Auschwitz we see the end of the process. It's important to remember that the Holocaust actually did not start from gas chambers. This hatred gradually developed from words, stereotypes & prejudice through legal exclusion, dehumanisation & escalating violence."
Damn snowflakes at the Auschwitz Memorial. All these goyims and conservatives with their inappropriate Holocaust comparisons!

Trans history month - Posts | Facebook - "This is NOT okay. The Taliban paraded two men in nooses after they were accused of stealing. To add further insult, they painted heir faces black. Now I understand that the Taliban operate in a different culture, but every one of them have smartphones they could have used to google 'blackface' before carrying out this punishment. Everyone on this page knows that blackface has historically been used by white Americans to demean and ridicule African Americans. Today this practice has thankfully been relegated to the scrap-heap of history in the West. I understand that the Taliban are anti-American, but they are not insulting America by using blackface as punishment. They are specifically insulting African Americans, who have suffered just as much at the hands of cis-het white men as the Taliban have. The Taliban need to understand the concept of BIPoC solidarity. As Muslims are minorities, it is in the Taliban's own interest to form strong bonds with other minorities like the black community, and using blackface as punishment doesn't help them in any way."
Is Trans history month a piss take?

Chloé S. Valdary 📚 on Twitter - "Those who claim that the very idea of achievement & literacy standards are bad for black life are continuing the work of slave owners. When you stop to think of slaves who risked their lives to learn how to read when it was illegal, what’s going on today should make you shudder."

Meme - "Kyle Becker @ @kylenabecker: I'd have to guess about 95% of Americans who mainstream media call "far right" want only to work for a living, keep most of their money, raise their kids in peace, get them a good education without left-wing indoctrination, own a nice home & be left alone. You ow, "extremists.""

Facebook - "WHY JAPANESE NAMES ARE OKAY TO USE made by a Japanese person as well.
1) You cannot use your nationality to generalize our country having the same mindset as you. “You’re using our culture as a trend,” but why are the rest of us literally NOT complaining? It’s not being used as a trend, there are many people who find the names interesting and beautiful.
2) Do not pull the racism card on this. It’s true Asians also face racism and are referred to by racist slurs, but the fact you’re normalizing prohibiting the use of Asian names make you an idiot because you’re coming to terms with the racism in the world. Additionally, there are literally AMERICAN, EUROPEAN, and OTHER COUNTRIES’ names that are the same with Japanese names (ie Yumi, Mei, etc)
3) They are LITERALLY JUST names! If you’re going to bring up the “samurai and emperors“, after Meiji Restoration, the names were modernized and WESTERNIZED. NOT ALL the names actually have meanings. During this period it was stated that “others simply made names up, or chose names through divination” What are you even on about the samurai, it’s not even closely related to the names and disrespecting them. Going by this logic you should also cancel Japanese teachers because they write their students’ foreign names in Katakana. Japanese tutors even encourage Japanese names because they have trouble pronouncing foreign names.
So many Japanese people love it when people embrace our culture, even going as far as overpraising people when they speak our language.
AND REMEMBER, legal name change exists. If you’re fighting for this so badly that you don’t want non-Japanese people to use Japanese names, then why does the government allow foreigners that are Japanese residents to change their legal name to A JAPANESE ONE? That is our law here!
You can’t speak for everyone, especially because you grew up in the West and not HERE where you see things for yourself, and how we see foreigners.

Meme - "Chad Felix Greene  @chadfelixg: Why the left is winning:
- They are relentless and passionately driven by religious fanaticism.
- They bully and intimidate so effectively people just comply to make them stop. (They never do.)
- They have absolutely no opposition.
- They cannot be shamed."

Facebook - "It is time to stop laughing at the left and start LEARNING from the left. They are kicking everyone’s ass right now. They are winning. That is an objective fact. If you don’t like that fact, then step up and let’s change it. Because as of now, there is NO serious opposition.  I am in AWE of the left. Their will and their commitment is awe-inspiring. When they want something, they damn well get it.  They take to the streets. They mobilize. They all get on the same page. They get people fired from their jobs. They burn shit to the ground! It took them 3 DAYS to get everyone on board with abolishing the police. They bend reality to their will. I would be THRILLED if we had 1/10 of their energy and dedication! Okay, not the groupthink and burning shit, but definitely the rest! What does the opposition do....? No, seriously. I’ll wait.... Where are the marches for free speech and for not judging people by their race? I’ll wait.... In Kentucky, the governor wants laws determined by race. Free health care — but only for black people. Did Republicans say “This is America. We don’t do that. And the VAST majority of people are tired with your manipulative identitarian snake oil so go back to the 1950’s!”? Nope! The Republican leader in Kentucky responded by saying “Well I’d be concerned about the cost... Not because it isn’t worth it!!!” They are USELESS!!! Why do we even bother having two parties?! We might as well just skip the formality and live in a one-party state, because that’s what we have right now. We are living under total cultural communism, and that is heading towards total and full communism. The right doesn’t fund anything. They don’t invest in anything or anyone! They complain that the left dominates culture, but where are they doing anything to change that? The deep pocket “conservatives” only care about continuing illegal immigration so they can get their cheap labor, and that their taxes remain 2% lower than they would’ve been otherwise... Leftists spend millions of dollars to bail leftist radicals out of jail... meanwhile, the right can’t be bothered to write a tweet or try to win elections!... I was talking about this on Twitter yesterday. Multiple people said “it’s not worth the fight”, “they’re too powerful”, “people have families and can’t be bothered”... and that mentality is EXACTLY the problem. That is why half the people you know pretend they want to abolish the police and pretend that there are 97 genders. That is why the left is winning. And half of you posting the same far left garbage don’t even actually believe it! I know because you told me so. You know who you are. You’re just that afraid of not being in the in-group. Stop being afraid!! Stop cowering!! You have thousands of people right here who support you and will have your back, and there are MILLIONS more just like us!  16% of people support defunding the police. 16%!!!! We are the majority!! YOU are the majority!!!! Start fucking acting like it!! The racial left is NOT most people!!! They are a paper tiger. They would be powerless if nobody would capitulate to them and kiss their ass. What would happen if every single person who wasn’t a radical leftist, would stand up and speak their mind? This would be over and done with in a day. The media and corporations have convinced everyone that the radical left is 99% of the country and we’re just being inconvenienced by this crazy little fringe 1% of nazis and grandma killers. And we ALLOW them to!!! We are the majority. We need to start acting like it."

Meme - "Laurence Fox @LozzaFox: Wokism is just presumed moral superiority. That's all it is. It's power dressed as compassion. It's a signal of virtue rather than the real thing. They are the exact thing thing they accuse you of."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - ""Crossword puzzles are racist" Being a Murican can really be sad existence... Even the most fundamentalist and extreme places, care fuck all about crossword puzzles. What does that say about you?"
The Atlantic actually published that

Meme - "One of my classmates called me a vamphobic slur today so I bit her hand. Turns out her parents are lawyers and they might sue bc she "contracted tetanus" ... sure she did. I'm effing sick of mortals"
"Bruh, I wanna know what a vamphobic slur is"
"Blood sucker, sun burnt bat, vigger (I have a v word pass}, and blood born disease vector."

BUSTED: Toronto mayor posts old photo of city to hide protestors' vandalism | The Post Millennial - "the "Toronto Sign" has banners cast over its letters by protestors who have been occupying the park. Graffitied on the sign are slogans like "genocide" and "defund," which are allusions to the protestors plans to defund the police and the statement that Canada has—and still is—committing genocide.  As well as this, the maple leaf that follows the O had been painted so that blood seemed to be dripping from its edges with "blood on your hand" written across it.  Not folks who appreciate nuance, the protestors also drew bloody hands on the leaf in order, presumably, to add emphasis."
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."

What It’s Like to Get Doxed for Taking a Bike Ride - "In his mentions, disaster was rapidly unfolding. People accused him of assaulting a child. Of being a racist. They shared a selfie he’d taken in sunglasses and his bike helmet and analyzed it alongside blurry images of another man in sunglasses and a bike helmet.  The other guy had been captured on video hitting children and ramming his bike into an adult after becoming enraged that they were posting fliers around the Capital Crescent Trail in support of George Floyd, the unarmed black man killed by white police officers in Minneapolis on Memorial Day.  Weinberg hadn’t seen the viral story about the trail where he regularly biked. He didn’t know that, for several days, the video had circulated online as law enforcement crowdsourced help in locating the suspect. Now that he had seen it, he didn’t think he looked anything like this guy. And he didn’t understand why anyone thought he was him... To his surprise, the app that he used to record his regular rides from Bethesda into Georgetown via the Capital Crescent Trail shared that information publicly, not just with his network of friends and followers. Someone had located a record of his ride on the path on June 2, matched it to the location of the assault from the video, matched his profile picture — white guy, aviator-style sunglasses, helmet obscuring much of his head — to the man in the video, and shared the hunch publicly...   His fiancée in New York, he spent the night alone, refreshing Twitter, watching helplessly as people tried to destroy his life. And Weinberg wasn’t even the only one: Another man, a former Maryland cop, was wrongly accused, too. The tweet accusing him was retweeted and liked more than half a million times...   As for the woman who shared his home address: She deleted it and posted an apology, writing that in all of her eagerness to see justice served, she was swept up in the mob that so gleefully shared misinformation, depriving someone of their own right to justice. Her correction was shared by fewer than a dozen people."
SJW Twitter mobs strike again

Facebook - "Microfiber L Shaped Sectional Couch w/ Storage Ottom...(Like New) $700"
"Is this item till available?"
"Would there be any way you'd consider donating it for free to a queer poc household?"
[In another version that's not public] "Jesus Christ"
Grievance mongering is a great way to get free money and stuff

Kenny Xu on Twitter - "The dominant response from liberals when I blast Harvard: "What, so you want Harvard to have 50 percent Asians?" My response: "Most universities are 75 percent white and you don't care! The NBA is 75 percent Black and no one cares! But now you care... because they're Asian?""

Dan Scanlan on Twitter - "White men are the demographic that most deserves to lose the right to vote. And since we were the only ones with the guaranteed right to vote for around 130 years, it only seems fair that we sit out for about a century."

Meme - "Slogans like "love wins" are kind of homophobic. Centring queer rights discourse exclusively on "love" slogans like "love is love", "love is not a choice", etc, seem to me to be a deliberate attempt to sanitise queerness to sidestep people's disgust at gay sex. We need explicitly sexual queer rights slogans that directly confront the disgust at gay sex that homophobia is often based on."

A social media post about a passenger on Rosa Parks’ bus is satire - ""The Rosa Parks story gets more complicated when we acknowledge that the white man who wanted her seat was suffering from ADHD and anxiety... Austin said he wrote the tweet to mock social media users who post these types of statements for real.  "The joke is ultimately about the tortured logic people use on social media to justify abhorrent opinions using language that is ostensibly inclusive and empathetic: we must ‘acknowledge’ the ‘suffering’ of the guy who's clearly in the wrong""
Good example of the poison of intersectionality

Professor allegedly fired for reading racial slur from Mark Twain book - "In a twist worthy of Mark Twain himself, a St. John’s University professor has been fired for reading a passage containing the N-word from Twain’s anti-slavery novel “Pudd’nhead Wilson” in her “Literature of Satire” class.  Hannah Berliner Fischthal, an adjunct instructor at the Catholic college in Queens for 20 years, uttered the N-word once during a remote class Feb. 10 — after she first explained to students the context of the word and said she hoped it would not offend anyone.   “Mark Twain was one of the first American writers to use actual dialect,” Fischthal said. “His use of the ‘N-word’ is used only in dialogues as it could have actually been spoken in the south before the civil war, when the story takes place.”...   “It satirizes the entire evil institution of slavery,” Fischthal told the Post. “The point of this novel was that there is no inherent difference between Blacks and Whites. Clothes and education are what distinguishes people.  Both the boys in the story look exactly the same, even though one is by law a slave, and the other one is a privileged white boy.”  Fischthal said she was unaware of how racial politics have exploded at universities around the country but said she was “horrified” by the case of another SJU adjunct instructor, Richard Taylor. Taylor was fired earlier this year when students complained that he was racist because of questions he posed during a lesson involving slavery. “I never thought that would happen to me,” said Fischthal, who is the daughter of Holocaust survivors. “I’m one of the last people who should be accused of racism. I know where it leads and I know where it ends. In every class I teach the evils of stereotyping.”... she was also criticized for mentioning her family’s experience in the Holocaust during class.  On March 5 she was suspended pending an investigation she had violated the university’s policy against bias. On April 29 she was fired.  Fischthal said she always received good performance reviews from both her bosses and students.   Attorneys for FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) sent the Rev. Brian J. Shanley, SJU president, a letter late Friday calling on him to reinstate Fischthal.  “Quoting (Mark Twain’s) work in a class on satire falls squarely within the protection afforded by academic freedom, which gives faculty members the breathing room to determine whether — and how — to discuss material students might find offensive,” the FIRE letter read."
What timeline is this? How far off is woke bowdlerization?
When reading an anti-slavery book gets you fired for racism
So much for satire

Millennials outraged over 'ageist' new label 'geriatric' - "Is this the new “OK, boomer?”...   Author Erica Dhawan coined the term to describe people born in the early 1980s, who are considered too old to be a regular millennial but still younger than any Gen Xers. This generationally homeless age group is often referred to as “cuspers” or “xenials,” the Independent reported... Gen Z sent 70-somethings into a tizzy in 2019 after coining the phrase “OK, boomer” to dismiss people they deemed old and out of touch."
They love to be ageist, but don't like it when they get ageism back

Army Officer Suspended over Tweet about Friend's Bra Size - "An Army officer is facing suspension and an inquiry by his command for a tweet that left-wing veterans and service members claimed perpetuated a culture of sexual harassment and assault in the military.  Army Capt. Rick Dickson, a public affairs officer for 3rd Special Forces Group, had posted on his personal Twitter account last weekend, while not at work, a photo of himself and one of his best friends, a female Army veteran, in his car driving to his daughter’s cheerleading event... After some accused him of demeaning women in the military and one of his own best friends, Dickson apologized to anyone offended and he and his friend explained in a video that she was behind the mention of her bra size...   However, since the tweets prompted outrage by mostly progressive veterans and members of a small group of mostly progressive officers and enlisted on Twitter, Dickson’s commanders initiated an “inquiry” — which is below a full-scale investigation — into Dickson, and suspended him pending the results of the inquiry.... Some of those left-wing veterans and service members pleaded for senior military leaders to weigh into the matter, as they did after Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s monologue about the United States military focused on accommodating pregnant women while China was busy building ships... The episode is only the latest incident of left-wing veterans and service members calling for the punishment of a fellow service member whose they dislike or whose tweets they dislike, and only the latest incident of many incidents where they have attacked Dickson.  Many criticized Dickson in March after he pointed out that contrary to popular belief on the left, Fox News does not air 24/7 at all military bases and called for him to be fired. Some progressives also went after Dickson in 2019 when he criticized American flag burning."

Teens in Argentina are leading the charge to eliminate gender in language - The Washington Post - "Their efforts are at the center of a global debate over gender, amid the growing visibility of non-binary identities and a wave of feminist movements worldwide. A big part of the battle is being waged over language.  In the United States, the use of the singular “they” has become so common that Merriam-Webster in September adopted its use as a pronoun for non-binary people. In France, a school textbook promoting a gender-neutral version of French prompted the prime minister to ban the form in all official government documents. In Germany, dozens of influential figures protested local efforts to adopt gender-neutral language... Departments from at least five universities across Argentina have announced that they will accept the use of this “inclusive” Spanish in schoolwork. The gender-neutral words are splattered on banners and campaign fliers and graffiti in the capital. After a judge stirred controversy by using the form in a recent court decision, an oversight committee of magistrates declared that it is now permissible for judges to use the gender-neutral words... The Royal Spanish Academy, the preeminent authority on the centuries-old language, has said that such grammatical changes, are “unnecessary and artificial.” To many Spanish speakers, the gender-neutral form is an aberration... Hernan Semprum, a 77-year-old Venezuelan law professor who has lived in Argentina for 10 years, argued it is essential to preserve the purity of the Spanish language. “It is what truly unites all of the countries” in the Spanish-speaking world, he said.   In the same park, psychologist Agustina Taquini, 37, argued that women shouldn’t need to change the language in order to get ahead. “In the end, it makes women seem more weak than strong,” Taquini said...   “Mujer, escucha, unite a la lucha,” one chant went. “Woman, listen, unite with the fight.”  Mira wasn’t chanting. Neither was her friend Matilda Gonzalez, 18. “Tonight is supposed to be about trans and non-binary people,” Gonzalez muttered to Mira, “and all they’re singing are songs about women.”"

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "The following languages contain gendered nouns and are therefore sexist and transphobic: • Spanish • French • Russian • German • Greek • Italian • Bulgarian • Arabic • Polish • Czech We must force foreigners to speak English in order to put an end to this oppression."

Maximizing sleep with infants: parenting advice from Care and Feeding. - "My son is going into the seventh grade this fall, and apparently Spanish is required for him at his current school. He can also take other languages, but Spanish is required. My son is white, and I do not think white people should speak Spanish as it is cultural appropriation in my eyes. Latinx people have been mocked for speaking Spanish, and to congratulate a white child for learning it and speaking it doesn’t sit well with me. I would much prefer he take French or Latin, but apparently the district requires all students to take it. I want to protest this but my wife has asked me not to, and to let it go. I took Spanish when I was in school, but it was a different time and I definitely do not speak it now. I have already told him he is never to speak it out of class. The only other option I have is to put him in private school, but I am not a fan of privatized education either. Is making sure he never speaks it out of class a “good enough” solution or do I need to put my foot down with the school here?"
Wokeness strikes again

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