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Monday, February 21, 2022

Links - 21st February 2022 (2 - Trump)

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "More FBI notes have been released to the Flynn defense team. These appear to show Biden suggesting Flynn be investigated for violating the Hatch Act, which then happened. Other notes showed the FBI Director saying that Flynn’s interactions with the Russian ambassador seemed “legit“. This is more evidence that those in the Oval Office were involved in the decisions to use intelligence resources to find out what the incoming administration were saying to other countries. And they were involved in looking for crimes with which to charge the new administration’s members."

Leftist Small-Time Social Media Influencer Goes Into Hiding After Threat to GOP Senators Who Acquitted Trump - "You may not have ever heard of Rob Gill. He’s a “progressive” influencer and comedian who joined the unhinged left in the wake of the U.S. Senate acquittal of President Donald J. Trump.   While Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer took to Twitter for incoherent rants after Trump’s acquittal, one of their followers, Gill, took to Twitter to threaten every Republican who voted to exonerate Trump. “PSA: Everyone MUST go after every senator who voted “Not Guilty”,” Gill demanded. “Go after EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES!”  Shortly after posting that tweet, Gill went into hiding, making his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook profiles private as he faced backlash for his comment."
"The irony that this is the exact incitement to violence on social media that they accuse Tump of is lost lol"

Hotep Jesus on Twitter - "Look at this deep-fake video of Trump condemning white nationalists. Those tech geeks sure are getting good at this. #Debates2020 😂"

Abigail Marone 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Currently speaking: Chen Guangcheng. He was persecuted, beaten, and put under house arrest by the Chinese Communist Government for speaking out against their injustices. MSNBC & CNN didn't think his story was worth airing. #RNC2020"

Opinion: The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare - The Globe and Mail
Amazing leftist spiel. Pretending that all the problems are on the right. No mention at all about the George Floyd riots or how the left championed them, how the left is constantly playing the race card and trying to stir up hatred against cis white straight men, how they wanted to pack the Supreme Court etc. Demonising your political opponents is a good way to jack up polarisation and inflame your base. Also he's trying to rewrite history - in 2016 the left called Trump Hitler and predicted war, civil war, genocide etc. Obviously none of that happened so they're trying to same playbook again, knowing that the base won't care. It's hilarious that one of them alluded to "mass delusions" when the establishment is trying to pretend that mass delusions aren't a thing (with respect to Covid - they're censoring mass formation psychosis)

Facebook - "How is fake news created? Well, you start with an attention grabbing headline and mental image that appeals to average-IQ Joe. For instance, a vain orange man concerned about his hair creating a childish fuss over why his showerhead isn't providing enough water, during a time when thousands of Americans are dying from Covid-19. Then, you publish it under the guise of an allegedly reputable news outlet, like the Associated Press (AP). Finally you omit the information that the initiative was really started not because of a petulant rant by an orange man during a pandemic, but by dissatisfied customers of modern products that don't work as well due to Obama imposed restrictions, and which need to be run longer / multiple times (consuming additional electricity as a result)."
Comment: "US faucets/mixers/shower heads are all low quality over-regulated junk. Most showers don't even have the ability to regulate water flow and water temperature independently. Most of them are fixed and don't have a flexible hose. Thermostatic mixers are about as common as induction stovetops, i.e. I've never seen one in the wild. And yes, the water flow is often absurdly low. First thing I do when moving into a new place is to buy a shower head from China."
There're so many upset people with TDS on NPR. Weird. In other contexts we're told that you're allowed to care about more than one thing at once. But that only applies for causes liberals approve of

Make Dishwashers That Clean Again - WSJ - "The political campaign to use less fossil-fuel energy has real-world consequences, and one is that modern appliances don’t work like they used to. The Trump Energy Department wants to let manufacturers make better dishwashers, and consumers are welcoming the idea. Manufacturers, not so much.  The dirty little nonsecret for years has been that modern dishwashers don’t clean dishes well. The culprit is federal efficiency standards, which have been tightened to use less energy. Dishwashers that once took an hour from wash to dry now average two hours and 20 minutes, and even then they don’t always do the job. A GE survey of 11,000 dishwasher owners reports that having to wait for hours for dishes to be done is a major consumer annoyance... Judging from the more than 2,700 comments already received, a great many Americans are not happy with what’s happened to their dishwashers... the existing one-hour cycle works only with dishes that are lightly soiled. And for all the worries about environmental impact, there’s no consideration for the double washing that goes on because dishwashers are so lousy...   The proposed new rule would not force anyone to change current dishwasher models. If the machines are as good as the industry and environmentalists claim, consumers will stick with them. If not, why not give the American people the chance to buy dishwashers that actually clean dishes?"

Zachary Elwood on Twitter - "I mean, there are a lot of Trump supporter nuts who want to start a civil war. Have you not been watching the news much? Give it a try."
"I don’t watch the news. Don’t have TV. I’m often critical of the news and extreme liberal stuff. You’ve gone to a weird place where you just see normal things as indicators of what you want to see. It’s called bias."
Literally not just on the same day but in the same conversation

Facebook - "Despite the unsavoury nature of Trump's personal character, he delivered exactly what he said he would do:
1) Trump moved manufacturing jobs back to America, especially the Rust Belt
2) Trump reduced taxes for everybody particularly the middle class
3) Trump reduced expensive security subsidies which US had been bearing for Nato, UN, Japan, South Korea for 50 years. He pulled out of follies in Iraq and Afghanistan
4) USA became energy self-sufficient due to fracking and local investments
5) The US stock market boomed under his American first policies
6) Trump redefined the Supreme Court's conservative mix for the next 10 years specifically for his base
7) Trump put America first by correctly diagnosing and handling its primary competitor aka China
8) Trump did not get embroiled in stupid wars and Middle Eastern 'problems', i.e. Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria
9) ISIS did not make a single dent in the US under his watch. It fizzled out. Fewer US soldiers died fighting foreign wars with no victory in sight
10) Trump recognized Jerusalem and helped put some peace deals on the table for Israel
11) Trump didn't take shit from anyone as long as he does what he thinks puts America first and tore up 'unequal treaties' such as NAFTA
12) Trump upended the Establishment by being a complete Washington outsider
If I were centre right or right-leaning American, I would have said thank you President Trump, for putting America first for 48-49% of the voters. Though a wildcard on Twitter, Trump was consistent and consequential in delivering exactly what he promised for the American people.
Perhaps, US history would look at him differently beyond his name-calling on Twitter and volatile press briefings. For sure, he was utterly divisive with his ego. He also screwed up badly in handling Covid. And he didn't care much about inherited problems of BLM and immigration control. He scored a D- for civil rights and the environment. He was also a sexist and disrespectful and certainly not Presidential in conduct. However, if we push all of his lying aside, and the negative sheen coming from his bullying behavior, one can conclude that Trump had been consequential and governed as a man of action. At least, he had the backbone to pursue his vision for the American people. He certainly was a hell of a lot better at keeping promises to his electorate than Tun M. I would still have cheered for Biden to win, but Trump's Presidency is likely to be looked at differently in history and in hindsight. Perhaps, Trump's 4 years would have more strategic ramifications down the line for the preservation of American hegemony, at least for a little longer. President Trump created another version of American Exceptionalism that runs contrary to Obama's inclusive, centrist Trans-Atlantic vision but it still is a valid choice for nearly 50% of the electorate. Thank you Donald, for being such an outlier and such a fascinating case study for the years to come. You will be missed by the 48-49%. And I will miss your tweets on social media."

Facebook - "Anyone thinks it’s a bit odd that Trump isn’t on Twitter but the Taliban are?"

Claire Lehmann on Twitter: Mozilla: "This week we saw the culmination of a four-year disinformation campaign orchestrated by the President. We have to acknowledge how the internet was misused to get here.  And we have to change it."
"Many people already see a number of large legacy media orgs as de facto mouthpieces for a particular political faction inside the US. And the infrastructure of the internet has mostly appeared relatively neutral. Until today."

‘Trump has taken the mask off the liberal establishment’ - "O’Neill: One of the striking things about the response to Trump’s diagnosis with Covid is that there is an element of schadenfreude, with people making fun of Trump and in some cases relishing in the fact that he was ill. I think that speaks to something about the Trump phenomenon, which is that he is very often seen as more than a politician, and more than a president. He is seen as an extraordinary force, usually for evil – certainly by the liberal and technocratic elites, to such an extent that people welcomed his illness in the hope that it might slay the beast or at least slow him down. What do you think about this view of Trump as a man around whom everything revolves, and as being the source of all rot, from certain members of the older American establishment?
McCarthy: He’s a living affront to a certain view of American politics. That view is a very pious one, which sees American government primarily as an exercise in goodwill, altruism and benevolence. Because Trump is not, plausibly, the most altruistic and benevolent individual in the world, the people who have a stake in this pious view of government see him as a repudiation of everything they stand for. That makes them very venomous towards him. It takes the mask off of them, and shows that they are not rational, benevolent, well-meaning, nice people who just want the government to do good things for the whole country. They are, in fact, a class of people who want access to power, and who are alarmed that Trump is revealing government to be shambolic. He is showing it is not an exercise in rationalism, but that it operates on the basis of hard decisions, which are not necessarily going to please people – and that it can be led by someone who is personally quite offensive to millions of Americans.
O’Neill: There are not many commentators who say that Trump’s presidency has been successful. But one of the things that you have written about is that if we scrape away all of the hysteria about Trump and the deranged response he provokes in certain quarters, he has actually had a palpable impact on the way in which certain political issues are understood. Two examples you have given are foreign policy and economic issues. Trump’s policies in those areas have been fairly distinctive. Could you explain what you think about them, and what makes you feel Trump’s presidency prior to Covid was successful?
McCarthy: Covid is an act of God and something I don’t think any politician has had a wonderful response to. But before then, Trump had presided over record low unemployment levels for the country as a whole, and for populations that the Democrats normally claim to be looking out for, such as African Americans and Hispanics. He is also the only American president in the last 30 years who has not started a new war, and has had success in his diplomacy in the Middle East. Therefore, I think it’s been quite easy to say that Trump is a success. When it comes to trade, or to American attitudes towards China, Trump has ushered in a quite distinct mentality, one that is no longer complacent in the way that Americans had been ever since the end of the Cold War. Previously, it was assumed that liberalism would just spread throughout the world and China would follow the same trajectory of modernity that everyone else would. But Trump has reintroduced us to the idea that there may be ongoing rivalries between nation states, and that the future may not be automatically inherited by some particular worldview... Trump has no deference to the priestly, clerical, opinion-moulding classes. That is a tremendously shocking thing to them. Trump seems to throw out the entire politically correct apparatus and instead simply say things that he believes, or even things that simply pop into his mind in an unfiltered way. That spontaneity represents the idea that someone can succeed in politics without having the kind of internalised liberal consciousness that is desired by our establishment classes.
O’Neill: One of the most significant areas in which the anti-Trump meltdown plays out is in response to the role of experts...
McCarthy: There’s a paradox or even outright fraud among the political class and among the people who claim to be the defenders of liberal democracy. Democracy means rule by ordinary people, and yet liberalism, as it is today, is often an expression of expert rule. Trump, because of his populist cast of mind and his lack of deference to the experts, is someone who reminds us what democracy is supposed to be. It can be a rough-and-tumble, and there should be differences of opinion. That is antithetical to the idea of rule by experts, where the patient isn’t meant to contradict the doctor, and the people are simply supposed to follow the directions of their betters."

A Thread from @jeitoapp - "For Sam Harris and the rest of the TDS crew
The man who spearheaded a global initiative to decriminalize homosexuality is a homophobe.
The man who negotiated 4 historic peace deals and managed to avoid having to go to war against a NATO ally is a warmonger.
The man who brought troops home does not value the US military.
The man who fixed the VA thinks people wounded or killed in war are "losers and suckers".
The man who increased funding for black colleges and universities and locked it in for 10 years hates black people.
The man who created Opportunity Zones to revitalize distressed communities hates minorities.
The man who champions school choice hates the poor.
The man who presided over the biggest increase in median household earnings in decades hates the middle class.
The man who began closing the wealth gap is only in it for his own financial gain.
The man who reduced our dependence on communist China hates democracy.
The man who reopened the Iron Range and created hundreds of thousands of high paying resource jobs hates the working class.
The first man in American history whose net worth went down while he was president is a greedy fat cat.
The man who instituted prison reform and criminal justice reform is a racist sociopath.
The man who had a record number of small donations to his campaign and funded much of it out of his own pocket is a Wall Street shill.
The man who doesn't take a salary as president is not paying his fair share.
The man who appointed the first openly gay person to his cabinet is anti-gay.
The man who wants to take his case to court and let the court decide is a dictator.
The man who followed the constitution and allowed the states to generate their own coronavirus policy failed on coronavirus.
The man who presided over the single largest quarterly rise in GDP is destroying the economy.
The man who told his supporters to vote in person so there'd be no cheating is trying to steal the election.
We are officially living in upside down land."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "You might remember the press and Democrats being upset about Republicans talking to countries before Trump was sworn into office. There were even calls for some to be charged under an old dubious law.  No charges were ever filed doe the conversations because the First Amendment protects the right of Americans to talk to foreign nationals and their leaders. The reality is that opposition leaders talk to the leaders in other countries all the time. One of the more famous cases was Ted Kennedy talking to the USSR in the ‘80s about helping defeat Ronald Reagan.  So, of course John Kerry was talking to Iranians before Biden was sworn into office. This should be about as surprising as the Inspector Renault finding gambling going on in Rick’s Café. You can bet similar conversations will be held around future presidential elections as well."

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "On Orwell and refusing to call a thing by it's right name, like rebranding Trump's executive order as though it targets "diversity" or "racial sensitivity" training. It's consonant with totalitarianism, the same kind of totalitarianism that would censor unwanted stories."

BrooklynDad_Defiant! on Twitter - "Scientists have to examine whatever the hell is in maga merchandise and figure out what chemical causes them to turn into idiot cult members."
BrooklynDad_Defiant! on Twitter - "Just got my badass Biden Harris Shades hoodie! I LOVE IT!!! ❤️"

Facebook - "Wow, amazing! The same people who were experts in Middle East affairs (Jan 2020), infectious disease (March 2020), racial discrimination and police tactics (Summer 2020), and SCOTUS nominations (last week) are now tax code experts!"

Leftists Violently Attack Trump Supporters In Nation’s Capital Following ‘MAGA March’

OC protest organizer who drove car into crowd is charged - Los Angeles Times - "The organizer of a Yorba Linda rally against police brutality and racism was charged with attempted murder Tuesday for driving her car into counterprotesters and running over a woman’s head.Orange County prosecutors allege that Tatiana Turner deliberately drove into a crowd of Trump supporters with the intent to kill the woman and also seriously injured a man, who suffered a broken leg."
Of course it's Trump's fault for inciting violence and the protesters are peaceful!

Matt Taibbi: Biden inauguration coverage shows why so many distrust the mainstream media - "The Edelman survey showed overall faith in the press dropping to 46 per cent... Media critics who work in the corporate press, like Margaret Sullivan of the Washington Post, seem determined to look everywhere but inward for solutions. The dominant legend in our business is that if Republicans believe in fairy tales like Q and “Stop the Steal,” the traditional press can do nothing but stand its ground. Sullivan’s reaction to at-times “embarrassing” inauguration day coverage was an injunction to reporters to resist the temptation to try to appear more balanced by showing “toughness” with regard to the incoming Biden regime. If anything, Sullivan said, the press should stand even taller in its opposition to red-state lie merchants like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, “without fearing that they’d be called partisan.”... It’s astonishing that after so many years of decline in trust in media — this phenomenon has been going on for over a decade now, something I first started noticing when I published “The Great Derangement” back in 2008 — media people still think the issue is a mathematical question of “sides,” with widespread audience revulsion a kind of reward for their unflinching correctitude.  Sullivan was a lot closer to the truth when she warned of being seduced by the return of a Biden administration that closely reflects “our values,” which she described as being like the world as represented in “The West Wing”: celebrating “multiculturalism, a belief in the principles of liberal democracy and a kind of wonky idealism.”... The coverage of Biden’s inauguration, another celebration of those attitudes, was an almost perfect mathematical inverse of late-stage Donald Trump reporting, a monument to groveling sycophancy... As these neo-Soviet ministrations spread across the airwaves, an opposite storyline was discarded. From the Capitol riot on, we’d been warned about a sequel act of violence by Trump supporters. On Jan. 11, ABC reported that an internal FBI memo had “received information about an unidentified armed group” planning a “huge uprising” if efforts were made to remove Donald Trump via the 25th Amendment, while protesters were planning to “storm” capitols in “all 50 states.”... Beyond the 50-state threat, what if Trump just wouldn’t leave? That was the subject of countless stories across all four years of the Trump experience, with Vanity Fair’s No One Knows How to Get Trump to Leave In January being a typical example. It speculated that the Secret Service might have to pull an old landlord’s trick... Should we worry about martial law? Before the inauguration, USA Today and multiple other outlets wondered what would happen if Trump invoked the Insurrection Act, especially after the CEO of My Pillow, Michael Lindell, was spotted entering the White House with a document full of notes that apparently contained suggestions for invoking military rule. On inauguration day these stories melted away in silence. Donald Trump and his wife Melania ditched the White House more or less without event, unless one counts the unauthorized use of Village People hit “YMCA” as an exit tune... Balance isn’t about giving credulous coverage or equal time to Donald Trump or Josh Hawley or Ben Shapiro (though I think it’s crazy for news organizations to cut off all conservatives), it’s about being consistent. If you tell us on Jan. 12 that all 50 state capitols are under serious threat — I was genuinely worried — you have to tell us what happens at the end of the story a week later. Was that threat real but deterred? Was it overblown? What happened to all of those warnings? This has been an ongoing theme of coverage in the Trump years: hyping a threat for a news cycle or two, then moving to the next panic as the basis for the first one dissipates. How many headlines were aimed at our outrage centres in the last four years that were quietly memory-holed, once they’d outlived their political utility? We read dozens of stories before the election warning that Russia was already interfering in the 2020 election... Like the wider Trump-Russia story itself, which magically vanished from coverage before both the 2018 and 2020 election seasons, audiences were asked for a time to care about certain things as if their lives depended on it, then just as quickly asked to forget the issues ever came up. And they wonder why people feel manipulated?  We went through many of these episodes, from Bountygate to the “mass hysterectomies” story to the recent spate of “What if Trump blows up the universe?” scare-o-grams (Forbes, echoing the famed “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead” construction, wrote the best of these, with Enraged and Isolated, Donald Trump Still Has Sole Control of America’s Nukes”).   We were repeatedly told that revealing the name of this or that patriotic news source would “risk lives,” only to have those sources turn out to be people like paid Democratic National Committee researcher Christopher Steele, the “informant” Stefan Halper (exposed as an FBI source in the press in the 1980s) or Brookings Institution fellow Igor Danchenko, who produced the pee tape tale over “beers” at a conversation made in “jest” with a pal in Moscow. Needless to say, no lives were ever threatened, and in many of those cases — Steele’s especially — the rationale for keeping the person’s name and employer a secret was clearly corrupt... People like Sullivan would have you believe that “balance” is a mandate to give voice to clearly illegitimate points of view, but it’s really about not falling so completely in love with your “values” that you stop caring to avoid mistakes about those who don’t share them, or even just mistakes generally.  By any standard, the press had a terrible four years, from the mangling of dozens of Russiagate tales to scandals like the New York Times “Caliphate” disaster and the underappreciated Covington High School story fiasco. Still, many in the business can’t see how bad it’s been, because they’ve walled themselves off so completely from potential critics. Coupled with the enhanced aggressiveness of Silicon Valley in removing dissenting accounts across the spectrum — Facebook is taking down six Socialist Workers Party accounts in Britain as I write this, a day after zapping a series of Antifa accounts — reporters at places like the Post, the Times and CNN every day have less and less to worry about in terms of audience blowback, and they know it. Just in the first few days of the Biden administration, we’ve seen editorial decisions that would never have been attempted once upon a time.   The Post just tried to remove seven paragraphs of its own archived article about Vice-President Kamala Harris, which contained a cringeworthy scene of Harris and her sister joking about prisoners begging for water, only to restore it after an outcry. CNN meanwhile ran a story that incoming Biden officials had to “build everything from scratch” with regard to COVID-19 policy because the Trump administration had no plan for vaccine distribution at all — not a bad or even a terrible plan, but literally a “nonexistent” plan, despite the fact that 36 million vaccines had already been delivered. In this rare case, rival media organizations cried foul, with reporters from both Politico and the Washington Post blasting the report as untrue and a “gambit to lower expectations” by the incoming administration. In an atmosphere where editors really feared discontent from outside demographics or rival party politicians, a story like that, with an over-the-top-to-impossible premise, would never even be tried.   Competing voices and critics who’ll keep your newsroom at least theoretically honest are important, which is why the mass-deletions of alternative media accounts are so upsetting: it hugely enhances the likelihood of errors and cheap caricatures, as well as the belief in one’s infallibility. The fact that pundits and reporters are leading the charge for an ever-purer monoculture is beyond creepy. A tweet by Anand Giridharadas expressed what probably more than a few people in “West Wing” media-land are thinking these days: 'Should Fox News be allowed to exist?'...  It’s bad that trust in media is down, but even worse that so few in the business seem to think it’s a problem."

Trump’s census policy is both fundamentally fair and legally sound - "In Trump v. New York, the Supreme Court should be looking only at the constitutional and statutory issues: whether President Donald Trump was within his legal authority to direct that noncitizens in the country illegally be excluded from the population used for congressional apportionment. The policy issue is very important, of course. What the president did was fundamentally fair. And, under the Supreme Court’s precedent in Franklin v. Massachusetts, Trump was also within his legal authority to do so... As the Supreme Court said in Franklin, the president’s role in applying the “equal proportions” formula to the base population is ministerial. However, his role in determining what the base population is – the number to which the formula will be applied – is not ministerial. In fact, the court noted that 2 U.S.C. § 2a(a) does “not curtail the President’s authority to direct the Secretary in making policy judgments” regarding the conduct of the census... Noncitizens who are here illegally – like tourists or other temporary visitors – have no element of political allegiance to any state or the federal government. They cannot be drafted for jury duty or for military service (if we still had a draft), because they owe their political allegiance to the native country of which they are a citizen. Moreover, they have no “enduring tie” to any state since they are illegally present in the country. They can be picked up, detained at any time by federal authorities, and removed from the United States.Thus, excluding individuals who have no allegiance or enduring tie to a state is well within the precedent set by the court in Franklin – and well within the precedent set by prior censuses that have always excluded certain individuals. It is uncontested by the challengers in this case, for example, that the “Residence Criteria” established by the Census Bureau in 2018 for the 2020 Census – following the same rules used in prior censuses – excludes noncitizens who were lawfully “visiting the United States, such as on a vacation or business trip.” If we can exclude noncitizens who are here temporarily and legally from the census count, why can we not exclude noncitizens who are also here illegally and temporarily – that is, until they are caught and removed?... Including noncitizens living here illegally in the population used for apportionment makes no sense in a representative, democratic republic, any more than it would make sense to allow them to vote, make political donations or run for office... Eastman and Baker note that including noncitizens who cannot legally establish residence would be inconsistent with the Constitution since they are not “inhabitants,” the “term used in the Constitutional Convention, The Federalist Papers, and Census instructions for much of our history to identify those to be counted.”"

Twitter blue check blames Myanmar coup on... wait for it... Trump! - "Brian Klaas, a professor at University College London and Washington Post columnist would never make such an incendiary suggestion if he did not have an unimpeachable source and credible evidence backing up his claim:An unnamed friend who happens to live in the capital... He thought better of his original take"

Donald Trump nominated for second Nobel Peace Prize - "President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for a second time this week — this time for brokering a historic peace deal between Serbia and breakaway republic Kosovo... On Wednesday, the president was nominated for the prestigious award by a member of the Norwegian Parliament for helping broker a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates."
Given that the 2 countries actually fought a war not too long ago, people with TDS can't dismiss this like they do the Middle East peace treaties

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "Imagine if Noble Prophet @BarackObama had brokered the normalization of relationships between Israel and the UAE, Israel and Bahrain, and the Kosovo-Serbia deal. Imagine how "progressives" and liberals would hail him. But since it's @realDonaldTrump, the silence is deafening."

CNN falsely claims Trump administration had no vaccine distribution plan in place - "The Biden administration may not like the rollout plan, which puts the onus on local governments to get the vaccines where they need to go and counts on each state to know how to best prioritize the rollout for their populations, but that doesn't mean there was no plan in place.Operation Warp Speed was intent on "leveraging existing networks, processes and partnerships," not remaking every network necessary, or funding that recreation, unnecessarily."

Meme - "Wow it's so scary to know we have this brutal dictator we can openly protest, criticize on social media and lie about without consequences"
Addendum: This works for him being a "fascist" too

Facebook - "As an American journalist, you never expect: 1. Your own govt to lie to you, repeatedly 2. Your own govt to hide information the public has a right to know 3. Your own govt to spy on your communications Trump's unAmerican regime did all of these. No one should accept this."
"This “journalist” is either
1 - 23 years old
2 - The most historically ignorant member of her own profession
3 - Only recently woken up from a coma she had during the Obama administration
If she though Donald Trump invented any of these things, she was literally born yesterday. The function of journalism is to literally hold government accountable for all of these things, none of which are new under the sun"

Michael Avenatti on Twitter - "Donald Trump Jr. will be indicted before his birthday on 12-31-18. If you doubt my prediction, please check my record over the last 7 months. #Winning"
Michael Avenatti sentenced to 2½ years behind bars for Nike extortion threat

Unbiased America - Posts | Facebook - "IT’S OFFICIAL: THE RECESSION UNDER TRUMP LASTED JUST 2 MONTHS, THE SHORTEST IN U.S. HISTORY by Kevin Ryan  The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the official arbiter of recessions in the U.S., has determined that the recession triggered by the pandemic was just two months long—the shortest recession ever—and has been over for more than a year.   The committee says the recession began in February 2020, and ended in April 2020, at which point the economy began recovering strongly. NBER says the short two-month period for a recession is unprecedented.  The previous shortest recession occurred in 1980 and lasted six months.   The news is not just academic: Today’s announcement means that the recovery was already well underway when congress passed two enormous stimulus bills in December 2020 ($900 billion) and March 2021 ($1.9 trillion).  And those were on top of the nearly $3 trillion spent earlier last year through the CARES Act and Paycheck Protection Program. While the earlier spending was justifiable given the fact that most of the economy was still closed, today’s revelation that the economy has been expanding since April 2020 provides evidence that the more recent spending packages may not have been entirely warranted. Worse still, they may have backfired, contributing to the inflation we are currently seeing.  And with the Dow tumbling more than 700 points today on inflation and pandemic concerns, another part of the NBER announcement seems very relevant: The committee says that today’s determination that the recession is long over means “that any future downturn of the economy would be a new recession and not a continuation of the [2020] recession.”"
Thanks Obama!
And of course any recession under Biden will be Trump's fault

martin on Twitter - "The cycle continues:
1. Democrats accuse @realDonaldTrump of XYZ
2. Evidence finds that not only is Trump innocent of XYZ but that Democrats are the ones ACTUALLY guilty of XYZ 🤡
3. Elected Republicans do absolutely nothing
4. Democrats move on to next hoax.

Scott Dworkin on Twitter - "BREAKING: Trump is refusing to sign the Covid relief bill, because he’s a traitor."
Reply: "This you? "We should only elect people to Congress who know $600 ain't enough.""
Traitor: anyone who disagrees with a liberal

Liberty Hangout on Twitter - "Trump: "bans travel with China, bans travel with Europe, creates coronavirus task force, gives daily briefings, funds PPE production, sends Navy hospital ship to NYC* Democrats: "I can't believe Trump did NOTHING to combat coronavirus. He's responsible for 200k deaths!""

Jim Acosta on Twitter - "Trump condemns KKK and white supremacists commenting on Charlottesville: "Racism is evil.""- Aug 2017
Jim Acosta on Twitter - "Trump has finally condemned white supremacists... on Hannity." - Oct 2020

Damani Felder on Twitter - "The odds of recovering from COVID-19 are much better than the odds of recovering from Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Meme - "Amy Siskind @Amy_Siskind - Can't be said enough: we toppled a dictator." "All the best dictators are toppled by "checks notes* an election. Can I buy weed from you?"

Ashley St. Clair 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Vogue kept supermodel Melania Trump off of their covers because of her husband & put Jill Biden on because of her husband Remember ladies— your husband determines your worth in this new Leftist world!"

Thread by @danielsgoldman on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "A short explanation of my analysis of the Trump Org indictment...
c) I don’t think Trump will be charged and d) I don’t think the Trump Org will be charged with anything else...
A) insurance fraud, accounting fraud and loan fraud are very difficult cases to make. You need admissible evidence that proves every element beyond a reasonable doubt, including knowledge and intent. For someone like Trump who does not email, it’s even harder.
B) I’m no fan of Trump but I do not believe he should be charged with a crime because one doesn’t like him or his politics. If you objected to his attack on the rule of law during his presidency, then you must stand up for the rule of law now even if he benefits from it."

Donald Trump Is First President Since Jimmy Carter Not to Enter U.S. Troops Into New Conflict
So much for starting World War III

Trump’s anti-Semitism order is a Rorschach test for Jews - "In signing an executive order extending protections to Jewish students against anti-Semitic hate on college campuses due to vicious incitement and discriminatory actions promoted by the BDS movement, Trump has, in effect, provided us with a sanity test for Jews.  It consists of the following formulation: If you are so deranged with hatred of Trump and rabid partisanship that you are even prepared to denounce administration efforts to stop anti-Semitism, then you should immediately seek help... The notion that Trump was trying to redefine Judaism is just nonsense. As even the left-wing magazine Slate pointed out, Trump’s order was in line with past rulings by the George W. Bush Department of Education and Barack Obama Justice Department (in an opinion written by then Assistant Attorney General and current Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez) about extending Title VI protections... Trump’s effort orders that the government use the definition of anti-Semitism promoted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which is also the one recognized by the U.S. State Department and many other countries...   Moreover, this effort has long had bipartisan support, as both Democrats like former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republicans, sought to remedy the loophole in the law that got anti-Semites on campus off the hook... There is nothing new in Trump’s order. But the difference is that although the Obama administration was on record agreeing in principle to extending Title VI protections to Jews, it chose not to act, leaving Jewish students vulnerable. Trump’s Department of Education has reversed that policy, calling for investigations into anti-Semitic activity at Rutgers University, and  the University of North Carolina and Duke University to revise curricula that were anti-Semitic. Trump’s measure merely makes that shift official. Even those partisans whose bias against Trump has undermined their organization’s missions, like Anti-Defamation League CEO and national director Jonathan Greenblatt, recognize this and have endorsed the executive order.  Left-wing groups like J Street and the anti-Zionist IfNotNow oppose it. The latter is apparently worried that the thuggish behavior of their anti-Semitic allies in the ranks of Students for Justice in Palestine and on college faculties will now actually be held accountable for their actions."

Trump’s post-presidency makeover: Former president losing weight, cutting back on M&Ms and ditching spray tan, report says - "“The president is feeling great, Mar-a-Lago guests frequently comment about how good he’s looking over these last couple of months, and he feels great as well,” another associate told Insider. “I think there’s something to be said about no longer having the weight of the free world on your shoulders.”"

Opinion: Worst president ever? Donald Trump will always rank at the top of the list of all-time terrible U.S. leaders - The Globe and Mail
What an amazing crystal ball, to be able to make such a confident prediction about the future. Ironically he's a historian

America's establishment still sneers at the Right - "Hillary Clinton’s book about 2016 was called What Happened — no question mark. As a standard of post-mortem incuriousness, it set the tone for what we’re seeing now...   In recent weeks, the big tech platforms have been trying to clear the underbrush of fake news. This time, the theory goes, we just need to get our message out. After all, Hillary only spent a billion dollars on hers.   What happened — the deep story of an America coming apart — should have been the point of departure for wide-ranging introspection from the losing side, yet from the New York Times down, many have instead become convinced that they alone hold the reins of decency, and that they will be judged by history simply on how well they re-state their class shibboleths to each other...   The implied premise — that racism is a contagion that is taking over America  — is not one Marantz wastes any time questioning. To the New Yorker set, the problem’s obvious: a bunch of yahoos got ahold of Reddit and Twitter accounts. Thus, America’s out of control id can only be contained by pruning the worst elements off the internet, because otherwise ordinary dupes will be dragged ever-rightwards.  Lately, this trope has become its own micro-genre. Who could forget the New York Times’ celebrated Rabbit Hole podcast, in which a young man watches some anti-feminist YouTube videos, then gets into Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern, gets a job, does nothing, harms no one, but is saved from his radicalisation by watching yet more YouTube videos — this time of hip young Marxists on ‘BreadTube’ (Communism never being responsible for any historical carnage)?... Four years on, it’s jarring how little has changed. Establishment political hacks are still regularly baffled to learn that intellectual and political lifeforms exist beyond reforms to Working Tax Credits and the pieties of inclusion.   Here, the gatekeepers must take their share of the blame. Marantz complains about the Overton Window shifting, yet within a few lines, he’s convinced that Jordan Peterson holding individual rights as cardinal over any form of collectivism is a racist dog whistle: “This is the sort of false equivalence [between collectivisms of the left and right] that would have been staggering just a few years ago.”  Would it? Or is it more staggering that institutionalist journalists have redefined perhaps the core Enlightenment value as a racist dog whistle? Or even that the neologism of the ‘racist dog whistle’ now allows them to claim things without direct evidence?...   The question of why Peterson has connected with so many remains as uninteresting as why Trump did, or Cernovich does. From start to end of Anti-Social, the answer’s obvious: because half the country is secretly racist and these people give them the cover to express that... Even back at Charlottesvile, “white supremacy” still broadly connoted hoods and crosses. Today, it means Tom Cotton and ill-advised H&M kidswear"

Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin calls to 'defund' Walter Reed after Trump announces White House return - "The MSNBC contributor was blasted for her tweet suggesting that Congress "defund" the hospital.  "Walter Reed is where our heroic military men and women go to get treated after getting wounded in combat, you vile human being"... "Great idea ... let's punish soldiers, physicians, nurses, and staff for the president's decision to return home and not allow his physician to reveal personal medical info. You're embarrassing your colleagues at the Post," Huffington Post contributor Yashar Ali told Rubin. "America’s Worst Columnist Has Opinion," New York Magazine columnist Josh Barro declared."

To Block Trump’s Troop Withdrawals, Congress Turns An Old Tactic Upside Down - "Congress historically has tried to force presidents to bring troops home. But in the last three years, lawmakers have repeatedly tried to make laws to do the opposite... Although there are a few cases where Congress voted to support a deployment, Lupton said, it was typically a friendly legislature acting symbolically to reaffirm the president’s foreign policy."

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "The woman in Red her shirt reads Biden Sucks. I protested verbally that she take it off or I would take a picture and post it so her grandchildren would see it. The six trump supporters complained and the police banned me from the pool"
"You yelled at a woman to remove her clothes in a public setting and you don't understand why the police banned you?"

Past Hillary Clinton tweets loom amid accusations her campaign paid to spy on Trump - "A motion filed by Special Counsel John Durham alleges Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid a technology company to dig for evidence to build a “narrative” tying then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia in the run up to the 2016 election. Durham filed the motion Friday, which focused on potential conflicts of interest stemming from Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann. Sussman was indicted by a grand jury in September, accused of “making false statements to the FBI in 2016 regarding alleged communications” between the Trump organization and a Russian bank tied to the Kremlin known as Alfa Bank.  The Clinton campaign lawyer was accused of representing himself "as a good citizen rather than a paid advocate or political operative" when approaching the FBI about a tip on Trump’s alleged links to Russia... Sussmann “assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive-1) at a U.S.-based internet company, and the Clinton campaign.  The filing also points out Sussmann’s “billing records reflect that the defendant repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work” on the Trump-Russia bank allegations... "Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank," Clinton tweeted in late-October, days before the 2016 election. Her tweet included a statement from then-Clinton campaign senior policy advisor Jake Sullivan, who now serves as President Biden’s White House National Security advisor.  “This could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow,” read Sullivan's statement. “Computer scientists have uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.” A second tweet from Clinton on that same day said it was "time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia." It also included a graphic stating Trump had "a secret server" which "was set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank called Alfa Bank.""

Meme - BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan: "I'll probably laugh uncontrollably for at least an hour on the day that trump is finally indicted. What will YOU do?"
BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan: "They will NEVER get over Hillary. Rent-free FOR LIFE."
This is especially funny given that they were posted 3.5 hours apart

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