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Monday, February 21, 2022

Links - 21st February 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

NJ school under fire after female students Zoe Nelson, Jyckell Perez named homecoming king, queen - "A New Jersey high school sparked controversy after its students picked two girls as homecoming king and queen – and administrators reacted by adding two boy winners.  Some Passaic County Technical Institute students held a “sit-in” on Monday over what they felt was a slight on the females’ victories...   Seniors Zoe Nelson and Jyckell Perez had won the vote for homecoming king and queen, respectively"
I thought misgendering was a grievous human rights violation

University cancels homecoming king and queen in favour of gender-neutral titles | Toronto Sun - "Following the move of several schools in recent years, the University of Oklahoma has dropped the usual homecoming “king and queen” titles, replacing them with gender-neutral homecoming “royalty” titles honouring two students... The move to dethrone the conventional homecoming king and queen comes as several schools, colleges and universities across the United States have dropped those titles in favour of titles more inclusive for those who don’t conform to traditional gender identities. In 2017, Northwestern University opted to name one “Homecoming Wildcat,” who can choose to wear a crown, tiara or gender-neutral headwear at a pep rally.  That same year, the University of Minnesota joined nearby University of Iowa, University of Wisconsin-Stout and Winona State University in adopting gender-neutral homecoming titles.  In October 2019, Milford High School in Ohio crowned two female students “homecoming royalty.”"
Time for awards to be made gender-neutral too. So there will no longer be Best Actor and Best Actress awards. This won't stop the grievance mongers of course, since they can then complain about the 2892393298 genders not getting equal representation in them

♥️ on Twitter - "“Calling yourself non-binary categorizes everyone into binary or non-binary, creating a binary system which makes you binary again.”
Wouldn’t it be better to say males and females can exhibit any personality traits and wear whatever they want — without needing new labels?"

Affirming Edits - Posts | Facebook - "Hi everyone, I wanted to let you know about my new venture, Affirming Edits: a photo editing service that specialises in editing childhood photographs to help them reflect a persons true self.  I know that there can be a lot of grief and pain surrounding childhood images. They can be painful to see but also painful to put away, so this is a way to save those cherished memories while also helping feelings of discomfort.  It might not be beneficial for everyone but I think it’s a really important service to have available, especially for those that may suffer from dysphoria. I have my own beautiful trans child myself so I understand the significance and complications that photos from the past can hold. My background is in family photography and the arts. I have multiple art degrees and awards including a PhD that focused on sincerity in visual media. Being able to help people reflect their sincere self is my heartfelt passion so I’m really excited to get this running on a more professional level and to be able to help those that would benefit from it."
"The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Study finds health risks for transgender women on hormone therapy - "Transgender women on hormone therapy may be at a higher risk for cardiovascular problems, such as stroke, blood clots and heart attack"
Damn transphobia!

Man Wins Game Of 'Guess Who?' By Having His Characters Keep Switching Genders | The Babylon Bee - "Rahim is a clever and cunning player, and managed to win by having his characters continue to switch genders throughout the game, leaving his opponent hopelessly confused as to which character was which.  "Is your character a girl?" the other player asked.  Rahim suppressed a snicker. "Yes. For now."  The game went on for some time, and his opponent got no closer to guessing Rahim's character card.  "What the heck? It's gotta be Sally!" his exasperated opponent said. "I've exhausted all the other options."  "Have you, though?" asked Rahim as he tented his fingers and let out a deep chuckle. "Have you considered that Sally might not be Sally anymore, my friend? Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Rahim was, of course, banned from the cafe for life, though, when he had his characters identify as different races, which are immutable and define your identity from the moment you are conceived."

Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs, 30 Percent of Young Christians Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows - "Thirty percent of Millennials identify as LGBTQ... The portion of the population that describes itself as gay has varied over the years, from 10 percent, based on research by Alfred Kinsey and widely promoted by the National Gay Task Force in 1977, to less than 6 percent in a recent Gallup poll. The pollster who worked on the new study, George Barna, attributes the unusually high number he found to social and news media coverage that makes it "safe and cool" for young Americans to identify as LGBTQ—whether or not it represents their actual sexual orientation. "It's a subset of a larger issue, that this is a generation where three out of four are searching for meaning. This is a group that doesn't have a reason to get out of bed in the morning," Barna says. "Therefore, the LGBTQ identity gives them comfort. A lot of this generation claim to be moving in that direction, but there's a big difference between claiming the identity and living the lifestyle."... Among Millennials, 30 percent identify as LGBTQ, more than three times that of the rest of the adult population, and when the researchers broke out the youngest of the group, ages 18-24 (which some call Gen Z), they found 39 percent called themselves LGBTQ... The results differed significantly from a February Gallup poll that showed just 5.6 percent of U.S. adults of all ages are not "heterosexual or straight," though that poll said that 7.6 percent of respondents refused to answer the question and another 5 percent said they had "no opinion" as to whether they are heterosexual or straight. The Gallup survey concluded that one in six Americans ages 18-23 were gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender... "It fits into the larger narrative. Millennials are a group that has trouble creating lasting, meaningful relationships," says Barna. "If their sense is that some of the people they want to be friends with — and a group they want to be accepted by — is LGBTQ, then they'll identify with them. It's about image, belonging and acceptance.""
Of course, liberals still mock the claim that their propaganda could convert anyone

🌊Pokémon: Battle FronTiKi🌊 on Twitter - "ALSO, the idea that gay men can’t and don’t like pussy, is rooted in misogyny and is gross as fuck. Vaginas aren’t inherently female, but gay men who are vehemently against them have their own gender biases that they need to work out"
Gay men get thrown under the trans bus too

Doom Pill Pagliacci, Esq. on Twitter - "1 in 50 male prisoners identify as transgender versus 1 in 4,500 for the general population. So either self-ID is a disaster or transwomen are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime. :) which is it :) pick :)

Meme - "As a male actor, Eliot Page should give up leading roles to fight against systemic mysoginy"
NPC: "No he's transgender that's diff-"
NPC: *upset*

What Many Transgender Activists Don't Want You to Know: and why you should know it anyway - "Currently the predominant cultural understanding of male-to-female transsexualism is that all male-to-female (MtF) transsexuals are, essentially, women trapped in men's bodies. This understanding has little scientific basis, however, and is inconsistent with clinical observations. Ray Blanchard has shown that there are two distinct subtypes of MtF transsexuals. Members of one subtype, homosexual transsexuals, are best understood as a type of homosexual male. The other subtype, autogynephilic transsexuals, are motivated by the erotic desire to become women. The persistence of the predominant cultural understanding, while explicable, is damaging to science and to many transsexuals."

Meme - Josh @JJM_1994 - "Maybe we should just eliminate LGB and accept people are just trans. It's unfair to push them into believing being gay is natural or right when clearly they're just confused by their gender. Nothing to do with sexuality"
Meme - Josh - "No being gay is an unnatural pressures response from society to stop people being trans. They're forced into that role because it's more acceptable."
Meme - Josh 1994 - "No society is forcing them to be homosexual. They're really trans and just think they're happy because society has said it's okay to be gay even though it's not the real authentic them"
The LGB taking up the T was a strategic mistake

Meme - Lady Gaga @ladygaga: "say something positive about the Igbtq+"
Meghan Trainor @Meghan_Trainor: "hiv tests"

Meme - Caelestis: "You're not "less white" for being marginalized. You're still just as white as the next white person. Stop acting like you don't wield power over BIPOC because you are marginalized in some way. "Oh, I'm trans and disabled. How could I oppress a cis abled-bodied Black man?""
Ahh intersectionality!

, on Twitter - "If you have they/them in your bio I will not argue with you, I’m clearly outnumbered"

Meme - Asteroid: "Imagine if white sex offenders were allowed to identify as black and their crime recorded as if it had been committed by a black man. Imagine the, justified, outrage. But we are allowing sex offenders to identify as women and we applaud it as 'inclusive'. They are male crimes."

Meme - "6 months on therapy, felt cute"
"I sometimes post real pictures of girls on trans subreddits to get trannies to kill themselves"

Julesy on Twitter - "put trans people in reboots of old things if for no other reason than it apparently retroactively ruins the childhoods of shitty people and thats pretty funny"
When the agenda comes out

Meme - "I am proud of who I am! *Suicide*"
This comic got zucced on Facebook and stonetoss.com went down after it was published

Libs of Tik Tok on Twitter - "2 teachers at a California school reportedly coached a 12 year old into a trans identity behind her parents back. The school also changed her name and pronouns without informing the parents... The school reportedly called the parents in for a meeting where they informed them that their daughter is trans. The teacher then proceeded to call CPS on them when they didn’t use the “correct” name and pronouns... The teachers coaxed her to join an “equality club” which was really a disguise for a GSA club.  These teachers were recorded at an event in November bragging about how they disguise the name of the LGBT club so they can indoctrinate kids without any obstacles
So much for this being another "far right" "myth" and the right thing to do being to "support" "trans" kids

Parent Says Daughter Was ‘Coached’ on LGBTQ Identity at California School - "Parents outraged over school staff who allegedly disguised the names of Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs at a California middle school are planning to voice their concerns at a school board meeting this week in Salinas.  Jessica Konen has alleged that school staff indoctrinated her then 12-year-old daughter in an LGBTQ club disguised as an “Equality Club.” She told The Epoch Times she plans to speak at the Dec. 15 meeting at Spreckels Union School District (SUSD) during public comments.   Two teachers at Buena Vista Middle School in Salinas were recorded coaching other teachers to conceal the nature of LGTBQ clubs from parents at a sold-out California Teachers Association conference held in Palm Springs, California, from Oct. 29 to Oct. 31. The CTA event was billed as the “2021 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference, Beyond the Binary: Identity & Imagining Possibilities.  The teachers led a workshop called “How we run a ‘GSA’ in Conservative Communities,” and described the obstacles that they face as activist teachers to conceal the activities of GSA clubs from parents...   Konen claims that one of the teachers coaxed her daughter to join a lunch-hour “Equality Club” and began affirming her daughter as transgender.  Near the end of sixth grade, Konen’s daughter told her she might be bisexual, and by the middle of the seventh grade, Konen was called to the school for a meeting with her daughter, a teacher, and the school principal. The teacher told Konen her daughter was “trans fluid.”   “I sat across the table, and I was crying. I was trying to absorb everything.”  “They kept looking at me angrily because I kept saying ‘she,’ and that it was going to take me time to time to process everything,” she said. “I was very confused. … I was very upset. I was blindsided—completely blindsided.”  The teacher accused Konen of not being “emotionally supportive” of her daughter, who was to be called by a new name and male pronouns and would be using the unisex restroom at school.  “I felt she completely coached my child,” Konen said.  Konen said she was hurt that her daughter had not come to her first and the teacher acted in mean-spirited “smirking” way towards her...   Within a few days of the meeting, the King City Police Department showed up at her door and told her that there had been a complaint made to Child Protective Services (CPS). The police questioned her two children and asked them if they wanted to be removed from the home... CPS dropped the case and did not demand she call her daughter by masculine pronouns as her teacher had insisted. Throughout the school year, Konen was afraid to ask questions about her daughter or her school activities, fearing that CPS could take her children away. After several meetings with the teachers, Konen discovered the school knew her daughter had searched online for information about suicide, but never told her about it, she said...   Her daughter, now 14, left Buena Vista and is now attending a new school where she’s using her female birth name and feminine pronouns.  Konen asked her daughter if she was sure and told her it was okay if she wanted to use the male name and pronouns her teachers had used at Buena Vista, but according to Konen, her daughter responded, “Mom, they’re not good people.”...   “Things are better. She’s in a different school, different surroundings. Nobody is really pressuring her,” Konen said...   He said parents are unaware of what’s being taught to their children by teachers.  “What goes on in the schools? What’s the criteria that’s being taught? I mean, the things that are being taught in school kind of made it through the cracks”... Another mom of a gender dysphoric daughter who goes by the pseudonym Charlotte Jacobs told The Epoch Times the Konens’ case is not uncommon and is almost the same as hers.  “It’s happening across the state in California. It happened to me,” Jacobs said. “When I spoke with the school administration where my daughter was attending school about the name change, a few days later CPS was at my doorstep.”  Calling the police or CPS is a way to pressure parents to follow certain gender ideology...   Cheryl Duffus, whose children attended Buena Vista Middle School, has repeatedly complained to the school over the last six years and warned that LGBTQ activism in the classrooms and on the school grounds had escalated beyond acceptable levels...   Mike Lipe, whose children attended Buena Vista before he chose a homeschooling option, opposes sexual education of any kind in public schools.  He told The Epoch Times the SUSD school board and administration has become “radicalized.”  The board and administration assured Lipe in July that “there was no type of comprehensive sexual education going on at the school except in the eighth grade for a few short days once a year,” he said.  “So, this pretty much leads me to believe that they’re dishonest”"
Clear proof teachers are not indoctrinating their students

Leaked Audio Reveals How California Teachers Recruit Kids Into LGBTQ Clubs - "A leaked audio recording reveals two teachers at a recent California Teachers Association (CTA) conference mocking parents over their concerns about homosexual and transgender indoctrination at school...   “It was horrifying to listen to not just one teacher but really all of the teachers in all of these seminars, excoriating parents”... the teachers “mocked” parents for their concerns, and suggested they know better than parents about what’s best for their children.  “They laughed at the parents”... the conference in Palm Springs appeared to include teachers showing other teachers how to undermine the authority of parents and school administrators and conceal activities related to gender inclusion and sexual orientation from them.  Teachers at the conference also suggested that parents who refuse to call their child by pronouns of the child’s choosing should be arrested and charged with child abuse...   The three classes Murphy attended were designed to recruit middle school students to GSA clubs, she said.  “The overarching theme of the classes that I attended were California teachers instructing other teachers on how to sneak in the LGBTQ+ curriculum in a manner that does not alert parents”... The teachers bragged about spying on students’ online searches and activity as well as eavesdropping on their conversations to identify and recruit sixth-grade students into these LGBTQ clubs whose membership rolls are kept hidden from parents."

How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids - "Middle school kids, apparently, did not have endless interest in sitting around with their teachers during lunch discussing their sexual orientations and gender identities. “So we started to brainstorm at the end of the 2020 school year, what are we going to do? We got to see some kids in-person at the end of last year, not many but a few. So we started to try and identify kids. When we were doing our virtual learning – we totally stalked what they were doing on Google, when they weren’t doing school work. One of them was googling ‘Trans Day of Visibility.’ And we’re like, ‘Check.’ We’re going to invite that kid when we get back on campus. Whenever they follow the Google Doodle links or whatever, right, we make note of those kids and the things that they bring up with each other in chats or email or whatever,” Baraki can be heard to say. Beyond electronic surveillance of kids’ internet use, “we use our observations of kids in the classroom—conversations that we hear—to personally invite students. Because that’s really the way we kinda get the bodies in the door. Right? They need sort of a little bit of an invitation,” Baraki says in the clip... I have no reason to believe that these activist educators are part of the gay or transgender communities themselves. For decades, gay Americans lived under the shadow of a vicious calumny that—if granted full inclusion in society—they would ‘recruit’ children. This was, and remains, a lie—one that was used to justify bigotry, even violence. But taking advantage of Americans’ current desire for LGBTQ inclusiveness, California’s largest teachers’ union seems, perversely, to have perceived the opportunity to coach teachers in student-recruiting tactics."
Whether the teachers are part of those communities is irrelevant. I don't think parents care if it's LGBTs themselves who are indoctrinating kids - they just care about the indoctrination

Meme - "the doctor not giving me my birth bc my file says i'm male and she hasn't figured out i'm trans and very much can get pregnant"
Totally not a mental illness

Meme - Trans: "Sorry Cis-Chud! I'm a lesbian! I know this breaks your little toxic male heart, but not everyone wants to fuck you!"
Male: "Uh...ok."
Female: "Sorry. I'm not interested."

Ashley St. Clair 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Your child is not trans because he put on a dress or tried on makeup. My little brother used to eat grass as a kid but my mom didn’t call him a cow and send him to the slaughterhouse. She told him to cut the shit & stop eating grass. Be better parents!"

Meme - "USA/ UK trans *muscular men impersonating Powerpuff Girls*
some Asian dude with make up -*Powerpuff Girls*"

Meme - "What trans girls think they look like: What they actually look like:"

Meme - "I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. I found this attached to the door of a designated girls' dressing room in the theatre section of my high school. Had to email my guidance counselor about it. I'll keep you guys up to date but wtf man
"afab (assigned female at birth) only""
Trains get validated when offended, so they get upset over everything

Nominalgender | LGBTA Wiki | Fandom - "Nominalgender is a gender where the person’s gender is so much just them that no one else can even experience it. Most nominalgender people will define their gender as a mashup between other genders of a certain kind (like beegender, angelgender, etc) but it’s not a multiple gender, it is one. Even if someone else described their gender using the exact same terms, it wouldn’t be the same, because it wouldn’t be their gender, and therefore would be different. Most nominalgender people will use their name in the word, for example a person named Ash might call themself ashgender or ashnominalgender."

Report: Brooklyn School Gives ‘Drag Queen in Training’ Stickers to 4-Year-Old Kids at Story Hour Event - "A report on social media has indicated that a Brooklyn school was handing out “drag queen in training” stickers to four-year-old children following a showing of story hour...   While the Twitter post alleged that these stickers were passed out at a private school, public schools are regularly hosting story hour events as well.  A class for first-grade children at the Maurice Sendak Community School in PS 118 reportedly held a showing of story hour on Feb. 24. Previously, the events were being held primarily in public libraries, but now these perverse displays are moving into the classroom as well."

Gay Drag Queen Admits That Story Hour Events Expose Kids to Lifestyle of 'Nudity, Sex and Drugs' - "A homosexual drag queen is speaking out against “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, claiming it is inappropriate to expose children to the lascivious lifestyle associated with these flamboyant cross-dressers.  “What in the hell has a drag queen ever done to make you have so much respect for them, and admire them so much?” said drag queen Kitty Demure, who operates out of San Bernardino, CA. “Other than put on make-up and jump on the floor and writhe around and do sexual things on stage?” “I have absolutely no idea why you would want that to influence your child. Would you want a stripper or a porn-star to influence your child? It makes no sense at all,” Demure added.  Demure admitted that the drag queen lifestyle is far from wholesome, and typically involves illicit sex and drug use. Individuals who participate this raunchy culture are courting intimate access to children at public libraries and other venues. “A drag queen performs in a night club for adults. There is a lot of filth that goes on, a lot of sexual stuff that goes on, and backstage, there’s a lot of nudity, sex and drugs. Ok? So, I don’t think that this is an avenue you would want your child to explore... Demure believes that events like drag queen story hour hurt the LGBT community by allowing perverts and creeps running a glorified grooming operation to represent them to the public.  “Honestly, you’re not doing the gay community any favors. In fact, you’re hurting us. We have already had a reputation for being pedophiles, and being perverts, and being deviants. We don’t need you to bring your children around”... Drag queen story hour events have already been shown to be administered by sex offenders with a history of preying on children. Drag queens have been seen exposing their genitals to children, teaching kids how to twerk, encouraging children to grind on their bodies, and stripping in front of kids at library settings. More drag queens and members of the LGBT community need to come out against this degeneracy, or they will be seen as being complicit in the mainstreaming of pedophilia.”

Jasmine('s boobs hurt) on Twitter - "Tr*nsphobes: "When archaeologists dig up your skeleton, they will find a man"
Uh no, when archaeologists dig up my skeleton, they will find the blood curse I laid on my grave that will slowly drive them all to madness then death. They'll also find that I had bad posture."
No surprise that it believes in magic too

Meme - "Mushrooms have over 20,000 sexes
fish can change their sex
invertebrates are both male and female
gynandromorphic animals are female on one side of their bodies an male on the othersome male and female animals are indistinguishable
if we are unnaturel, then so is nature"
Chimpanzees kill each other. Therefore murder is good
Comments: "Fun fact: Hyenas are distinguishable. Female hyenas have a psyedo penis that's typically larfer than the males."
"So they want to compare themself to a animal"

Meme - "Let's face it: The only reason transition therapies haven't been 100% perfected (from a "passing" point of view) is because the research is being deliberately suppressed and the money is going into developing new low-priority elective surgeries for rich people instead"
"Two words: uterine transplants.
I'm dead convinced the reason cis people don't have viable uterine transplants yet is because they desperately don't want trans women to be able to get them and they're worried about that as a knock-on effect.
Like, yeah, it's a big complicated system that takes up a lot of the body. And its presence isn't necessary for the continuation of one's own life. Buuuut... You know it plays in."
"Also tbh think part of the reason we don't have something like indwelling HRT pumps (or even ovarian transplants) is because it would do a lot to reduce medical practitioners' power over trans women"

Meme - "Well it happened. Context: I'm an archaeology student. Pre watching a lecture vid before a tutorial next week and the professor actually said we couldn't presume a bronze age skeleton was male despite having a male fucking skeleton coz he might have identified as female. Anyone know when the next trip to Mars leaves?"

Meme - "Tell me the truth..l'm..I'm ready. to hear it."
"It's LGB since being trans isn't a sexuality"

Meme - Shantilly @shantilly_t: "Trans people can tell when you're just using our pronouns to be polite but still very obviously see us as the gender we were assigned at birth."
So don't bother

Cooking with Trans People of Colour cookbook is a true taste of Toronto — and offers much-needed representation | The Star
This is not a joke

Judge rules that Loudoun County teen engaged in 'non-consensual sex' with female student in school bathroom | The Post Millennial - "A Virginia court ruled on Monday that a biological male student who had been accused of raping a girl in the girls' bathroom of a Loudoun County, Virg. school "engaged in nonconsensual sex."... The girl's father, Scott Smith, was arrested following a June 22 Loudoun County school board meeting where he spoke out against the school board due to their inaction on the alleged rape of his daughter.  It was later revealed by investigative reporting from The Daily Wire that Smith was fighting for justice for his daughter after she was raped by a biologically male student who was using the girls' bathroom under the school's policy that students can use the facilities according to their expressed gender as opposed to their biological sex. The biologically male student was allegedly wearing a skirt and claimed to be gender fluid. Smith is still seeking legal action against the school board since the National School Boards Association (NSBA) used him as an example of parents whose behavior is similar to that of domestic terrorists.  The fallout from Loudoun County Public Schools this month was slow-rolling but included first an official statement saying people are obligated to report misconduct, followed by the revelation that incidents got "lost in the system," and finally with school board member Beth Barts announcing she was stepping down."
Weird. I thought this was a far right paranoid conspiracy theory

How do I get my parrot to stop saying my brother's deadname? : asktransgender

Meet the Gay Activists Who've Had Enough of Britain's Ultra-Woke Homophobes - "Are gay people allowed to meet and organise in defense of their interests? A hard yes, you might have thought. But some apparently disagree.  Witness the response to the London-based LGB Alliance, a newly created British group that asserts “the rights of lesbian, gay and bisexual people to define themselves as same-sex-attracted.” The group’s creation has sparked vitriol, not from the traditionalist Christians or social conservatives who might have opposed such groups in the 1980s or 1990s, but from the self-described progressive left... in acknowledging the reality of same-sex attraction, you are indirectly acknowledging the reality and importance of biological sex as a driver of attraction. You are also indirectly acknowledging that members of the opposite sex are not members of your dating pool—even if they tell you that they share your gender identity. Which means you have effectively pled guilty to that grave modern thoughtcrime, transphobia. If you are not on Twitter, have not set foot on a college campus in the last few years, and don’t read woke web sites such as Teen Vogue, where this sort of thing is taken very seriously, you may imagine that I am engaged in some kind of Swiftian send-up of identity politics gone amok. After all, just about every single person reading this knows quite well how sexual attraction works...   This is not an entirely new development. As gay-rights groups pivoted to become “trans-inclusive” in recent years, this de facto homophobia has emerged in plain sight. Rather than simply combat violence, bullying and discrimination against trans people, and press for better health care and representation for them—all noble and important goals—those groups have taken on an ideological mission. One might even call it quasi-spiritual: They have replaced biological sex with gender identity—an indefinable internal essence that one demonstrates outwardly by adherence to masculine or feminine stereotypes—throughout their literature and activism. Stonewall UK, for example, was set up in 1989 to fight Section 28 of the Local Government Act of 1988, which banned schools from “promoting homosexuality” and “pretended” (i.e., gay) “family relationships.” But that same group now defines gay and lesbian people as those who are “attracted to the same gender” (my emphasis), and that evidence of transphobia shall be taken to include “the denial/refusal to accept someone else’s gender identity.” The logical consequence of these distorted definitions is to define same-sex-attraction as bigotry... Trans activists also used a despicable tactic that now has become a common feature of these cultish campaigns: attempting to beggar those they disagree with...   Like many of us, Bailey saw parallels with the actions of an abusive spouse. “Just think about what this means LGB,” she Tweeted. “The T has said that this is a marriage that we cannot leave, even if the T becomes abusive. If we try to leave, we will be threatened. If we do manage to leave, we will be starved of cash.”"
TRAs hate super straight people too, so

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