Europe CNY 2012
Day 11, Part 2 - 29th January - Pérouges, Lyon

Salt storehouse

Chocolatier closed till 7th February (inclusive).
Happily they are: "Protector of chocolate. Pure cocoa butter. I certify that my chocolate doesn't contain any vegetable fat other than cocoa butter"
Hmm, does that mean you can put animal fat in it?
I then had a lunch break since I was waiting for the museum to open.

Menu of an affordable place
I stayed away assiduously from the quenelle this time

Chicken filet with fresh thyme sauce
It was so-so, just tasting right (quite salty, and with little depth).
I was treated to one of the most heavenly sounds ever:
The crackling of crusty bread
It was both warm and crusty. I actually ordered a salad but it was lucky it didn't come, as the main dish was a large portion. A pity that the chicken sauce wasn't that good.
The crackling of crusty bread (redux)

"It is scientifically proven that those who leave tips are better "blows" than "others"
Sincerely, the Brothers Bogdanoff"
I'm trying to figure out if "coups" is a sexual reference.

"Here, give in to your desires"

"Sirs... Forget your pretentions for a moment!!! Advance a step. Thank you for moving forward - The management"

"PS: Those who tremble or don't see well or who have a bad view (?), sit down! Thanks again"
I didn't notice any admonitions in the female cubicle, so I told the 2 male staff members at the counter (the girl was not there) about hover pissing.

Barred garden

This parking looked dangerous to me

"Wine Cellar of St Vincent"

Rue des Contreforts and hide and seek
There was a statue in Place de la Halle of St George, but I can't find it.
Most shops in the village were closed, and not just for lunch. So was:

The museum!!! I'd gotten the wrong info: it was closed for winter (luckily one waitress told me it had the same owner as the Ostellerie so I could go ask). Actually it would only open in Easter. I was tempted to slam the knocker.

On building dating from 1396

Room prices at the Hostellerie. I've always wanted to sleep in a poster bed!


"For a galette hit the window pane"

I think I took this because the metaled road was hurting my feet

Silly sheep

"Field of the Signet Ring" (?!)

Village on a hill
Sheep in Field below Pérouges

Deceptively ordinary from below

Apparently this is a toll road

Carrefour - modernity isn't very far away!

Retirement home!

"Shave us in the direction of the fur"
These were lottery ticket
Annoyingly at 1416 the next train was at 1618. I'd missed the train by about 30 mins. So I walked around the deserted town of Meximieux (it was a Sunday).
Fun facts from Wikipedia: "Meximieux is one of the 17 French cities to be awarded with the medal of resistance (Médaille de la Résistance). The French resistants of Meximieux fought with the allies in an outstanding collaboration with the U.S. army. This resulted in the victory against a German counter offensive on Meximieux the 1 and 2 September 1944. U.S. Army General, Michael S. Davison, became an honorary citizen of Meximieux."


Pirated Nespresso capsules: 25 cents for Capsul'in vs 33 for Nespresso

Church, PRC girl and mother who were also stranded by the train

War memorial

Memorial to dead Americans and the American army (and the "Forces françaises combattantes de l'interieur" - I don't know how they are different from the Resistance)

General de Gaulle's speech, which is everywhere.

To civilian casualties

Deserted street
I love churches the most in winter. Because it is relatively warm inside.

Virgin, Child

The power of a tealight:
"That the candle that I have just lit
Be a sign of my presence
You know well
That I would not know how to say it
All of that which is in my heart"

"Christian movement of retirees. Unity in diversity *2 white people*"
"*fundraiser for women who are not going to have that abortion*"

On the special program for women against abortion




Colourful cross

Stained glass

Tree without leaves in Place de Bonay


Insuring your heritage

"Listen to your wants, not your words. Phytalgic. Alleviation of sensitive joints"

Another deserted street

"Guaranteed refreshment
Happiness for all
For those who stay young - Coke
Rebels - Coke Zero
And the wisest - Coke Light"

"With TER, you must also pay your way. It's normal, no?"
Anti-train-fraud poster. Apparently it costs 14 million Euros a year in the Rhône-Alpes region alone.
Even the regional train I took back to Lyon had a power socket. Ahh, 21st century conveniences!

Hostel door: "Think about turning off [the light] on exiting and of leaving this place CLEAN!"
Okay, I'll think about it!
At night I went out to meet someone, who gave me a walking tour.

Lion in Place de la Basoche (Square of the Paris lawyers). The pink building hosts the miniatures museum.

"Hot wine"

Basilica from Cathedral square


Bridges on the Rhone. For some reason I was reminded of Salzburg - I think it was the bridges, the hill and the river.

Hill view

Loge du changer. Now an event space
It's also called "Temple du changer" ("Temple" because it was Protestant)

"Chicken fried"

Town Hall


2 of the muses

Painted wall. Apparently this is a local speciality
More: The Murals of Lyon - France Today

OMG Opera House. They did a Cathay, retaining the old facade and building a modern monstrosity behind.

Stock Exchange

"Windows [with goods] not on sale"

After I left my friend, and managed to find a place that was still open.


Lyon Salad - with lots of bacon! Poached egg with a mustardly dressing.
Sadly the bread's crustiness was as far gone as Sarkozy's 2007 promises, i.e. none in retrospect (i.e it was lousy). I probably shouldn't have chosen a place in the tourist area (near the cathedral) but it had the highest concentration of restaurants and it was getting late - I went in at 10pm after a 2.5hr walking tour, and other parts of the city sold normal food (e.g. kebabs, pizza, pan-Chinese food, bars).

Hot Lyon sausage in a winey sauce. This was not bad though a bit too winey for me - I prefer a more delicate touch. It was very healthy with steamed vegetables (they tasted very healthy too).

Crêpe Poire Belle-Hélène: this was one of the most expensive ones (there was no surcharge)
At first I thought this was a Nutella (or a substitute spread) crêpe but I found a pear inside.

Ridiculous hostel excuse for laundry protectionism. I'm sure the Lyonnais hang stuff outside their windows to dry!
Luckily I downloaded French dictionaries so I could look up words like "pillow case".
Clothing which is black and shiny and so looks like a garbage bag is... unfortunate
I've used 4 Canon cameras (3 at this point). While the picture quality is great all share one problem: for the past 9 years the battery meter had always been inaccurate. It'd be full for a long time, then claim to be half full for a few shots and then drop to the danger zone and kaput after slightly more than a few shots. Both AA and proprietary battery models had this problem.