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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

"People seem to enjoy things more when they know a lot of other people have been left out of the pleasure." - Russell Baker


Someone: "bet i'm sure one of the search engine referrals to your blog will be "narnia aslan slash fanfic""


Novel copyright protection:

""FADE": This is not a common method of CP, in fact I only have one game with it, Operation Flashpoint. This is a very complex system in that the game somehow detects when a CD has been copied (from what I have found, in a similar method to Safedisc) but doesn't stop the game from working. Over time, the game degrades, guns aren't as accurate, enemies are stronger, and things just "don't work right", but you can still play. This is very clever, as someone copying the game will have no immediate indication that something is wrong."


I have this theory about Bhangra music. I've a friend whose housemates and her like to laugh when they dance along to Bhangra. Other sources inform me that others also laugh when they listen to Bhangra. The reason they're laughing is because... they're racist!!!


One of the best justifications for genocide I've seen so far:

"When I read about Numbers 31, the whole chapter, it was about God commanding the Israelites to take vengeance on the Midianites. And in verse 15 the reason for killing the women was given. It's because they were the means to turn the Israelites from their God. There's also something about a Balaam which also needs reference to previous chapters to get an idea of what he did. I think this also is helpful setting the background of the context

In v17, if we understand it as it is without knowing the culture and background that may give us some foreknowledge of what sets apart virgins from the rest, it would seem cruel n unjustified that the rest be killed. so i think that there needs to be more context and background knowledge given and known first before using it as an irony to the title (which i take to imply an apparent contradiction between the standards of the god in question)

In Deuteronomy 20:13-17, as i was reading it, i read on to verse 18 and it says.
v18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshipping their gods and you will sin against the Lord your God.

And though it may seem very cruel in v13-17, when i came to v18, my attention was drawn to v18 and i'm forced to consider the 'otherwise' statement....

but anyway,..the thing is, i think given the title and the verses quoted, the apparent contradiction that is meant to be pointed out in this post is not brought out fairly because i think there needs to be sufficient attention to be paid in understanding the background and context of which the verses occur in."

In short, it's justified to commit genocide to retain the attentions of a people, rather than through any merits of your own.



I'm getting spam in the form of the "Bible Answers Monthly Newsletter". Wth.
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