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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The fire is still raging at Minishorts:

emme: "Singaporeans brag because they forgot they couldn’t afford to pay us more than 4 cents for fresh water, when even sugus has gone up from 5 cents to 10 cents each. They also forgot that their country is so small they don’t even have a single state other than the whole country itself in contrast to our 14 states so their people being so shallow and narrow minded can only think from one mindset. They also forgot they had to steal soil from Johor to tambak their own land. They forgot that their artists are apparently not known here and the ones who are actually making it big are making it big here instead of there. M Nasir don’t even want to stay in Singapore. they forgot the lands they can afford to but is in malaysia. they forgot that when most Malaysians voted for the demolishing of the Johor-Singapore link, most singaporeans begged against -much like adik2 merayu kepada abang2. They forgot they actually move their aerials to get better receptions of our tv stations. we don’t even want to watch their station. they forgot that even PCK wants fame in Malaysia. Who wants to go to Singapore for fame? they forgot that their tallest form of a hill is not much taller than a cow dung hill that they had to name it “Mount” Faber to redeem its nonexistent height. they forgot that they come to Johor on weekends to stock pile on groceries and food delicacies. they forgot many things really because they needed constant reassurance that they’re better off than us. Insecure is the best word to describe them. Best of all, they forgot that they had to drink sewage recycled water because they couldn’t afford to pay more than 4 cents for fresh water. Next time any Singaporean tells you how he feels high class being in Malaysia because the rest of the world here seem low class, and how they whine about Malaysia this and that, just give them an imaginary pat on their back and smile because deep down you know they’re nursing their wounded pride because they had to drink from their own pee. Its akin to giving way to four year olds who give tantrums. deep down you know they’re so pathetic and that the only way for them to feel better is to say something bad about others not like them, and never will be like them. Pity singaporeans, a lot of the things they don’t have that they’re trying to take it out on us. the only image they established by acting like some big shots here in Malsyia is “jakun”. But of course, they wouldn’t know that because their definition of high class means to drink from pee recycled water. eww… pity."

I sent the above to He Who Must Not Be Named, and ironically he replied, "THANK you for at least citing someone who posts with something (approaching) sanity", even though the above extract proves my point, really, about the insecurity of the Malaysian Chinese (so what does that tell you?)

Jiekai and I accosted him yesterday, and pressed him as to why so many Malaysian Chinese work/study in Singapore but not vice versa if they hate the place so. After much fudging and waffling, he finally claimed blandly that it was the money and only the money that drew them, but huffily protested that they don't become as nasty as the Singaporean Chinese (allegedly).

To our ears, this didn't sound very satisfactory, but it probably comes the closest to a rational and reasonable explanation of their mentality which is sympathetic to their cause. One still wonders what to think of those who leave the Garden of Eden so readily to descend into Purgatory and suckle at the teat of Mammon.
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