When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Contravening my express orders and simple instructions to the contrary, and in spite of an undertaking on my part to review the issue tonight, The Associate aka He Who Must Not be Named aka mindgame aka nw.t. posted the the chat log in the previous post, proving many of my points about Malaysians. In the face of his blithe disobedience and wanton betrayal, he is thus deprived of the right of reply to this post (and definitely deserves much more). History will judge him by his perfidy.

Whereas I had more than half a mind to stop commenting on this stupid topic, being sick of it, but being roused to action by the aforementioned patriotic Malaysian throwing fuel on the fire and pissing me off even though I specifically told him not to,

Whereas individual preferences as to the country of residence differ,

Whereas the Economist Intelligence Unit is still able to rank 127 cities on their livability standards,

Whereas, thanks to inertia, people tend to prefer living in the places they grow up in,

Whereas it is unacceptable to claim that everything, everyone and everywhere is the same, and so lapse into a position of epistemological nihilism,

Whereas someone who has killed 10 people is definitely worse than someone who has killed but one,

Whereas one can address the question of why South Africa has the highest rape rate in the world, or call the person who brings up this fact rude, racist and/or stupid, cast aspersions on his character with vague assertions or change the topic, thereby conveniently avoiding the question,

Whereas mindless frothing just sadly proves the points that incited said frothing in the first place,

Whereas no one has got the point of the recent series of posts on Malaysia,

And whereas almost all the irate Malaysians flaming me in the comments boxes are incapable of logic trains more complex than variations on "fuck you lah",

Reasonable men can all agree that living in Somalia is preferable to living in the USA only if you are a Warlord or Islamic Terrorist (notwithstanding assassination attempts or your aspirin factory getting Tomahawk-ed). They can also agree that those who have never lived in either nation can make an informed choice about such a judgment.

On hard measures of living standards, Singapore trumps Malaysia in every category. Malaysia meanwhile triumphs in softer categories like food (arguable and argued) and having nicer people (as long as they don't try to cave in your skull with a parang, irate Malaysians flaming me in the comments boxes are incapable of logic trains more complex than variations on "fuck you lah" notwithstanding). Evidently, the hard factors seem to trump the soft ones, as the sheer number of Malaysians living (many as Permanent Residents or naturalised citizens to boot), working and studying here shows, and one cannot say that the reverse is true. So despite the much-talked-about merits of Malaysia, the invisible hand has spoken.

The main point, of course, is why Malaysians (inevitably only the Chinese) like to come up with silly reasons to justify their purported superiority, often scraping the bottom of the barrel for arguments, why they come up with more puerile and ridiculous playground insults, and why they resort to ad hominem attacks instead of addressing the other side's points (a weakness admirably less apparent, even if not totally non-existent, on the Singaporean side).

That a childish tone is often adopted by both sides is not in question (I won't bother disputing which side is worse in this aspect), but insults on the Malaysian side are more baseless, and sometimes even smell of desperation, while insults of the Malaysian side mock real weaknesses, even if caricatured.

Someone: anyways
it could be an indication
that the malaysians with brains are staying away from flaming you
cos they don't get riled up so easily

Ivan also points me to two posts by Xiaxue in which she too was assailed by frothing Malaysians after recounting her true experiences. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose. (Malaysia doesn't change)

Ivan: "forever bickering, and it seems a great deal of the assault is coming from the Malaysian's side
don't they have better things to do? like maybe try and raise their living standards and lower their crime rate?

Malaysians... eh... looking at their responses, it seems a great deal of them only know how to lash out at criticisms

well, I'm sure somebody will extrapolate and consider this a slur on ALL Malaysians and then be compelled to respond with a variant of "fuck you lah", thus further proving the statement"
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