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Friday, November 08, 2024

Links - 8th November 2024 (2 - Diversity [including Toronto Metropolitan University Racial Quota])

TMU’s new medical school aims to welcome students from underrepresented communities - The Globe and Mail - "Toronto Metropolitan University’s new medical school will have three targeted admission pathways aimed at addressing the underrepresentation of certain groups in the medical profession... It will have specialized admission consideration for Black students, for Indigenous students and for students from what it describes as equity-deserving groups. The third category is broad, and includes those who’ve grown up in poverty or in the child welfare system, who have a disability or chronic health condition, who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ or belong to a racialized group.  Dr. Dominick Shelton, assistant dean of admissions at TMU School of Medicine, said he expects about 75 per cent of incoming students will be admitted on one of those three pathways. His hope is that by better reflecting the makeup of a diverse community they will be better able to serve its health care needs... It has become relatively common in recent years for medical schools to create specialized pathways for certain underrepresented groups. All Ontario medical schools have programs to encourage the admission of Indigenous students, and the University of Saskatchewan has up to 20 seats for Indigenous applicants. At the University of Toronto, a program promotes the candidacy of students who identify as Black, although it has no specific quota. There are also programs across the country that prioritize applicants from rural areas, francophones and members of the Canadian Forces. Admission requirements for TMU’s medical school are designed to eliminate relatively few candidates. There are no course prerequisites, applicants can hold any type of four-year undergraduate degree with a minimum grade point average of 3.3, roughly equivalent to a B-plus. The Medical College Admission Test, a standardized exam used by many medical schools, will not be used in the selection process. Applicants will also be asked to answer a handful of questions that TMU says align with its mission and vision. One is about how an applicant’s lived experience prepared them for a career in medicine, one is about leadership with respect to advocating for marginalized groups and one is about the candidate’s connection to Brampton and Peel Region and their interest in practising in a culturally diverse community. Brampton is described by TMU as a microcosm of the Canada of the future. More than 53 per cent of its 650,000 residents were born abroad, with nearly 95,000 having immigrated between 2011 and 2021... “There’s going to be very much a focus on equity, even within the curriculum, to be able to better serve the community,” Dr. Shelton said."
One cope is that this is not racist because they're not taking unqualified black people off the street, and that those who think this is bad are the real racists, and that if you criticise "DEI", you mean to use the n word. By this logic, if a less qualified (but still qualified) white person was admitted into the program over a more qualified black person, this wouldn't be racist either
Another cope was that because some people were citing the Western Standard, this was fake news, even though this was literally on the university website, because if a news source not approved by the left says the world is round, that means it's flat
Is it racist for the university formerly known as Ryerson to invoke white replacement by saying Canada will become Indian in future?

Opinion: A hard diversity quota for medical-school admissions is a terrible, counterproductive idea - The Globe and Mail - "The unintended consequences are obvious: Canadian patients will start Googling their physician’s educational background and wonder if the resident doctor performing their next procedure was one of the TMU students who got into med school with an art-history degree, a 3.3 GPA and a compelling personal essay. Indeed, the school’s quota system will inevitably condemn all of its graduates to public skepticism about their qualifications and capabilities, even if the physicians TMU produces are in fact very capable, qualified and skilled. It’s a bias of the school’s own making that it will have to fight to counter, and probably lose anyway. The rigour of medical school, along with subsequent residency requirements and/or various certification exams, will likely weed out students who truly can’t cut it as physicians. But that should serve as little consolation when our province is desperate for doctors, and also swimming in debt. There is an enormously high financial burden borne by the province in educating prospective doctors, and each slot occupied by a student who, for whatever reason, doesn’t end up practising represents a colossal waste of time and money. That’s why med-school admissions requirements are typically so rigorous: Schools and governments want to be relatively sure that the students they invest so much time and money in will actually work as physicians. TMU’s experiment with its new law school, which doesn’t require a minimum LSAT score or GPA for admission, hasn’t worked out tremendously well so far. Its students signed a letter shortly after Oct. 7 that effectively blamed Israel for the Hamas attack, and some later tried to explain away their support by saying they didn’t read the letter closely before adding their names (which indicates a sloppiness and incuriosity unbefitting of prospective lawyers). Some big law firms have opted to overlook TMU students for summer positions.  But a crop of potentially bad lawyers doesn’t present the same moral, social and economic quandaries as does a crop of potentially ill-equipped doctors in a province with a critical doctor shortage, as well as an extremely limited number of medical-school slots. Doctors make life-and-death decisions every day, and they are expected to maintain their education throughout the course of their careers. That’s why we want them to be the very best learners, problem-solvers and critical thinkers our society can produce."
Wasting money on social justice when there's a shortage of doctors is good, because the left wing agenda is key

Opinion: A hard diversity quota for medical-school admissions is a terrible, counterproductive idea : r/canada - "I remember seeing a study that the lifetime economic impact of a good doctor vs a median doctor was in the several millions.  If you allow substandard doctors, who will invariably only serve people forced to rely on them, you are impoverishing the already disadvantaged. Meritocracy protects the underclass."
"Not to mention that the range of competency in doctors will ensure that poorer neighborhoods get the shit doctors and rich neighborhoods get the smart doctors, further intensifying the disparities between affluent and poor communities."
"Proponents will just imply that it's racist to say people accepted to med school based on a combination of race and qualifications make substandard doctors vs people accepted based on qualifications and ignoring race."

Opinion: A hard diversity quota for medical-school admissions is a terrible, counterproductive idea : r/canada - "We NEED more doctors from various backgrounds. Look at women's health studies."
"Women are already greatly overrepresented in medical school and have been for some time.  SE Asians and Chinese students are vastly overrepresented in med school (women in particular), but this policy doesn't address that either. Rural physicians and healthcare workers are in incredibly short supply, and many rural communities are in desperate need of doctors. Should we restrict acceptance of urban applicants in favor of rural applicants? Why not focus on bringing g those demographics back in line? Where does it start and end?  The thing is, this policy doesn't address diversity or representation. It just holds seats for two specific racial groups. Applicants are also able to self-identify as a member of those groups with no proof of heritage according to the programs stated DEI policies. I honestly hope students who have the highest grades, and most impressive qualifications use the self Identifying policy to get around this insane and self-defeating policy.  This isn't the 1800s. People of all backgrounds are able to apply to med school, and their are many robust bursaries and scholarships available for BIPOC applicants. I genuinely hope BIPOC communities take advantage of those financial supports to help make med school more accessible to them, but I do not think they should be given preferential treatment for acceptance into med school.  I'm so sick of this argument. My doctor has very little culturally or racially in common with me... who cares?!! She still provides me with absolutely excellent care. Should I stop seeing her and insist on having a white, male doctor with a rural Christian heritage because, according to policies like this, a shared racial or cultural background "provides better healthcare outcomes". Hell no.  That's such a bigoted way of thinking, and it says a lot about how broken our education and medical system is, that we would even consider, let alone implement policies like this... We should be looking for the best. We don't have the training resources to mess around with ridiculous social engineering policies in regards to healthcare."

Ford government pushback on race-driven admissions is welcome - "Toronto Metropolitan University’s new medical school admissions policy has taken race discrimination to a new level: straight white males will not be eligible for 75 per cent of its seats. These will be reserved for Indigenous, Black, 2SLGBTQ+ and other equity-deserving students for whom admissions criteria will be relaxed. The new medical school has been hailed by university president Mohamed Lachemi as an initiative that will “disrupt and drive change within the health-care system,” and by medical school dean Teresa Chan as one that “will provide a supportive and inclusive process” for equity-deserving groups... Governments can and should withhold funding from institutions that do not comply with the principle of non-discrimination. The Ontario government’s approach should be followed across the country. The first principle is non-discrimination as set out in Section 15(1). Affirmative action permitted by 15(2) should be strictly interpreted so as not to unduly interfere with that principle."
Destroying a system counts as disruption and change too

Josh Dehaas on X - "Even more disturbing than the fact that TMU has put a quota on SWMs and dropped standards for everyone else is the fact that students will need to make statements showing fealty to the woke equity ideology. Only true believers & liars get to be doctors. Your tax dollars at work."

Meme - Tea 🇨🇦 @Tea_O_CANADA: "If a white person where to make this statement they could be charged with a hate crime - these people are patting themselves on the back for it Could care less what my doctor looks like as long as they are qualified"
tmu_medicine: "Learn more about TMU's bold new approach to medical education and person- centred care. Listen to the latest episode of the award-winning podcast The Forefront: Ideas for cities hosted by Amanda Cupido: "When you see someone who looks like you... it makes difference." The Forefront Season 5 Episode 1: Shaping the future of medicine"

Evidence shows why TMU's race-based admissions policy will fail - "In an article in Econ Journal Watch, John A. Gentry of Missouri State University’s School of Defense and Strategic Studies outlines the effects of affirmative action and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies on the operational performance of 18 U.S. intelligence agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the Defence Intelligence Agency. Like other federal agencies, Gentry writes, the intelligence agencies have “been a setting of burgeoning DEI policies and programs, especially since 2011, designed to favour privileged demographic groups in hiring, promotions, awards and assignments.” What have been the results? First, while the intelligence community has historically emphasized apolitical public service, the introduction of DEI inserted political motivation into its procedures and activities. Second, teamwork was damaged because “the heavy-handed orthodoxy of DEI is causing significant self-censorship by government personnel who do not support the DEI agenda.” Third, numerous intelligence officers have said that DEI resulted in more tolerance of bad management and poor operational performance in the name of protecting diversity. This has damaged human intelligence collection. Intelligence analysis was likely negatively affected for similar reasons. Lastly, DEI-motivated activism reduced public confidence in intelligence agencies. “Politically driven advocates of DEI not only fail to understand that domestically demographic diversity does not improve the performance of foreign-focused intelligence services, they have significantly damaged the operational performance of the agencies,” Gentry concludes."

Meme - Carl Benjamin @Sargon_of_Akkad: "A lot of things the left does make more sense when you remember that they consider access to white people a human right."
Mack @kenzietuff: "One reason they're worried about school choice is integration. If you pay attention, a lot of the rhetoric is focused on White families leaving schools. They're very concerned with White families being able to escape "diversity." Diversity must be forced at all costs."

AF Post on X - "US Army removes diversity requirement for selecting high-level noncommissioned officers. Follow: @AFpost"
Weird. How come they don't know that diversity is how you get the best officers?!
Guess the risk of war has gone up

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "EXCLUSIVE: Northwestern Law Review published a special issue featuring only black women. But, according to material unearthed in a new lawsuit, the issue was rife with plagiarism. This is how DEI corrupts academic standards. 🧵"
Andrew Egger on X - "My pet theory is that all of academia is just riddled with plagiarism and other corner-cutting shoddiness, that it's basically the subprime mortgage market circa 2007, and the only person checking any of it is Chris Rufo because he's got this DEI axe to grind"
Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "Not really. We have noticed huge disparities by discipline, and by race and sex. In our research, black women in DEI fields exhibit, per capita, the highest concentration of plagiarism."
Dr. WTF on X - "I believe DEI is self selective for people who intend to shortcut hard work and merit in the first place. In other words they pick DEI and humanities because the intend on circumventing merit in the first place."

Meme - DEI 4 White Guys @DEI4WhiteGuys: "This is the greatest review and recommendation we’ve ever received.  Thank you @AsInTheJar sincerely. Your very existence motivates us."
mason @AsInTheJar: "I just discovered the account @DEI4WhiteGuys & I'm filled with a blinding hot rage. The whole premise is to try to undermine DEl using the language & process of DEI. They're fighting for the bigots. I've blocked them, but I may have found my nemesis."

Steve McGuire on X - "This piece really highlights the ugliness of DEI:  The author complains that six of seven new Harvard leaders are white, but then also that “four of these new appointments are Jewish.”  “The prevalence of new white leaders comes at a time when Harvard is under intense pressure — first by the conservative right…and then by Jewish students, alumni, and donors.”  The piece goes on to say that “some faculty have suggested that the elevation of Jewish leaders is a way to appease vocal donors and alumni.”"
Harvard University leadership is so white, post Claudine Gay ousting

TEDx Brags UK School Replaced Holocaust Books to Decolonize Curriculum (aka "U.K. 'De-Colonialism' Activist Brags That Her School Replaced a Book on the Holocaust") - "A Muslim woman affiliated with a U.K. high school is going viral for bragging about “decolonizing” the curriculum by replacing “controversial” books, including ones about the Holocaust.  “We refined the English curriculum to provide students with a more representative approach to the literature they studied,” announced the speaker during her TEDx talk, in which she advocated that society “rethink” the “very foundations of our education system.” She then bragged how Nottingham Girls’ High School, where she worked, “replaced controversial books by white male authors, such as ‘Of Mice and Men’ and ‘The Boy in The Striped Pajamas,’ with “pieces of literature that celebrates a diverse array of authors and themes.”  “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” is a fictional story about the young son of a Nazi commandant whose family lives outside the Auschwitz death camp during the Holocaust. The child, ignorant to the genocide happening next door, and to his father’s complicity in it, stumbles across the camp’s fence, where he befriends a Jewish child imprisoned on the other side. You’d think the DEI cult would align with that touching message of unity and understanding, but NOPE. Virtue signaling progressives want the book “canceled” because its author is not Jewish. In the name of “anti-racism,” you can only write about a historical event if you’re a member of the demographic that was oppressed by it.  But now, some Leftists want to minimize Holocaust education entirely, because they think the 6 million Jews who were murdered were too white...   After lecturing the audience that we all need to “adapt” to her forced re-education, the speaker ended by quoting philosopher George Santanyana’s famous warning “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” But before she could even bring herself to recite his line, she apologized that she was “ironically” about to quote another white man, lamenting how she “struggled to find an equally popular and relevant quote” by a “woman of color.”"
William Clouston SDP on X - "Glee in removing John Steinbeck from the curriculum - because he is a ‘white male author’ - reveals both backwardness and anti-western prejudice."
Removing books on the Holocaust is only bad when it threatens the left wing agenda

Brianna Wu on X - "Call me crazy, but I’m a feminist and I don’t think removing John Steinbeck from schools for being a white man is going to further anyone’s civil rights. Building a culture of mutual respect works. Inverting the hierarchy of oppression does not."

Thread by @DEI4WhiteGuys on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "A how-to guide on making your company’s DEI department self destruct 🧵
1. Search your company’s name and the word “diversity”. In this example, we’ll use Home Depot.
2. Scroll through their DEI page and find their employee network groups. They’ll likely have one for Black, Asian, Latino, Indigenous, LGBT, Disabled, Women, Seniors, and Veterans.  Home Depot calls them Associate Resource Groups. corporate.homedepot.com/page/associate…
3. Find out who your company’s chief diversity or people officer is, and get their email. You can find it in your company’s directory or LinkedIn.  Derek Bottoms is the Chief Diversity Officer of Home Depot
4. Using their own DEI language, email your chief diversity officer from your company email and ask if there is an approved process, standard, or procedure to create an employee network group, and that you’d like to create one for people of European descent or who identify as White.
5. Here’s an example to Derek Bottoms, Home Depot’s Chief Diversity Officer:
Mr. Bottoms,  I recently learned that Home Depot has Associate Resource Groups (ARGs) which promote our culture of inclusion, support diversity, and help drive employee engagement through fostering professional development, raising cultural awareness, celebrating diversity, and offering community outreach opportunities.  As far as heritage ARGs are concerned, I saw that we have an ARG for African American, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian American associates.  I would like to contribute and help increase the diversity of the ARG program, and promote Home Depot’s culture of inclusion by creating an ARG that includes, represents, celebrates, fosters professional development, raises cultural awareness, and offers community outreach opportunities for my heritage: Americans of European descent and/or who identify as White.  Is there an approved process, standard, or procedure for creating a new ARG?  Thank you for your time.
6. This template can be used for virtually every major corporation in America. They’re all set up the same way in compliance with ESG scoring.
7. The purpose of this is three fold:
1 - Getting representation for White people that’s afforded to every other group on the basis of race.
2 - Having them tell you no or retaliating against you for requesting the same thing they offer to every other group based on race, which gives you standing to sue.
3 - They cut off their nose to spite their face and end their DEI programs, because they would rather do away with it all than afford the same privileges to White people as a collective.
8. If they allow you to try to create one (believing you can’t on your own), we at @DEI4WhiteGuys can help you through the process of complying with their standards and procedures.  If they deny you or retaliate against you, we can help connect you with pro bono lawyers who are in the anti-DEI space.
9. We are not a law firm, we don’t give legal advice, we won’t ask for your info or for your employer’s info unless you want to share it, but we will also not ask you to do something we haven’t already done ourselves (and are still employed).
DEI departments are expecting individual White people to complain about DEI policies, but they never envisioned we’d collectivize and ask for equal treatment.  This is the safest way to fight for White advocacy and protect yourself in the process."

Anglo-Saxon Protestant 🇦🇺 on X - "DEI in any type of media is purposely being used to influence the way certain people see others from "marginalized" communities.  One example comes from the 1990's - Will and Grace - placing homosexuality on a pedestal in a sitcom. (see excerpt of writers' opinions on the show, below).  When people state that they want "representation" in certain media, or how "diversity" can make something improve, what they really want to do is bring a certain group of people to the forefront, to influence the way the viewer / partaker in the medium views those from the community they "represent," to be more "tolerable" of those from that specific community.  And, Hollywood is at the forefront of this psychological trick.  Such is the way with social media, creating rules against discrimination of individuals based on gender, race, sexuality, etc."

Rawle Nyanzi on X - "Several people have asked: why does ‘diverse’ content spark backlash now when it didn’t before?  I think it comes down to one thing: removal.
In the past, inclusionary moves didn’t try to clear out the previously enjoyed things. Kim Possible did not replace James Bond, she was just another secret agent you could watch alongside James Bond. In video games, serious action girls existed alongside miniskirted vixens, and everyone was fine with that. Avatar: The Last Airbender existed alongside Teen Titans. The Hunger Games existed alongside Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.  But now, the priority seems to be not addition, but subtraction.
It’s not enough to have a new Jedi; you have to remove the old ones. It’s not enough to have a female super-spy; you have to remove James Bond. It’s not enough to have serious action girls in your video game; you have to cover up or delete the vixens. It’s not enough to have new video games with modern sensibilities; you have to remove the old ones, or censor them in re-releases. It’s not enough to have new novels that fit modern ideological priorities; you have to censor the old ones.  That’s the chief difference between then and now when it comes to inclusionary work. New Thing was treated as something cool you could watch, in addition to what you already liked; there was no sense that Old Thing was bad and had to be erased from existence.
And thus, inclusionary work has an unfair stigma attached to it. Because works with badass female protags have been used to replace or denounce well-liked male heroes, or characters get race- and/or gender-swapped to get rid of the “problematic” old version, having any female protag, or any non-white protag becomes an uphill battle that doesn’t need to happen. The cultural context has shifted due to all the attacks on classic works in the name of inclusion.  Which sucks, because I enjoy writing female characters — not because of some inclusionary mission, but because of taste. It did not need to be this way, and there is very little I can do to change that. All I could do is find people who can appreciate what I do, even if it’s not a broad audience."
The left will continue to pretend that conservatives just don't want to see black people, gay people, women etc in the media, and that representation is woke, even though there have been so many examples in the past that no one complained about - because this is the key point: the woke want to destroy the old order

CreaTV | THE CREATORVERSE on X - "Identity, gender and racial politics used to be cleverly intertwined to capture reality in a fictional format. Now it is hamfisted and exaggerated to no end, not to mention body positivity used as a means to make characters ugly, instead of being artistic expressions."
Scarebro 💀 🦴 on X - "It's also a stigma that won't be shaken off for 10 to 20 years. They did it to themselves They decided to purposefully degrade an already mediocre product by injecting it with "woke" or "DEI" and then called the audience bigots for not embracing it."
Kinetic Zen on X - "That's largely correct, but it's not just subtraction -- it's a cowardly, arrogant attempt by insecure modern writers to push the wholesale subversion of existing characters & their legacies. Luke in TLJ was the Typhoid Mary of this trend. It's all about control & messaging."
Aaron D. Schneider on X - "I think you hit the nail on the head but go a step further. The removal is a play for consolidation of power. If there is a variety of things to enjoy they are that much harder to control, and for our current overlords that is unacceptable. Can't have us thinking for ourselves."
Dave Guy 🐻🇦🇺 on X - "That's half of it, the other half is that they're spending so much effort on the preaching that the art suffers. It's gotten so bad that if you see a "diverse" cast it's almost a warning sign that the product will be terrible."
Alvin De Cruz on X - "It was palatable back then to have inclusion and diversity as part of the package, rather than be the forefront of what you're selling."
Sir Dammed on X - "In addition to everything you said, which I wholeheartedly agree with btw (the people who champion "inclusion" are deconstructionists who view gaming as we know it as "problematic" and therefore wish to change it)... It's also largely about the *intentions* and *motivations* behind diversity/inclusion. When diversity is natural and the product of a creative vision, that shows and is obvious. The same is true in reverse: when diversity is *not* natural, and is rather the product of some equity initiative (which inherently makes diversity a box to be ticked)... that shows and is very obvious. It comes across as hollow and superficial, and often leads to an inferior story and product."
James Kelly on X - "In addition to the intentional erasure of the old heros these new leads seem to be stand-ins for the cultural and political message of the far left. These "characters" have no character, there's nothing to them deeper than their ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender."
Joe Wheeler on X - "Makes sense most people don't want legacy characters and IPs that have been established for years to be used as a springboard to promote something that most don't recognize or respect as a likely successor. It often reeks of entitlement both narratively and in advertising."

Andres Aray on X - "Very well put 👏 I would also add that while before there were great Female (Samus, Chell, The Bride) and Diverse (Alan Scott, Northstar, Midnighter) characters, they were still greatly written and presented, with compelling elements. Now they are just checking boxes for quotas."
Rawle Nyanzi on X - "The new stuff tends to be written out of spite."
Nathan Abrahams on X - "Spite is an apt descriptor. "We've made your favorite character totally different. Does that annoy you? Good. That was the point.""
💪💪Seed Oil Aficionado💪💪 on X - "Well said, 100% correct, and follow. There's a reason that Samus, Ripley, Sara Connor and the like are still held as action heroes. They were well written, fleshed out characters with strength and weaknesses, that just happened to be women. And they rock."

Aurondarklord - FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! on X - "It's also the rank hypocrisy. The "bigoted when YOU do it, righteous when I do it" attitude of the people behind this. They'll say shit like Batman should be black, then send you death threats if you even joke about making Black Panther white. Race swaps used to go both ways."
Rawle Nyanzi on X - "The hypocrisy is a flex, a way to say that they can lie to you and you can’t do anything about it."

Meme - Joseph Massey @jmasseypoet: "Some people have asked what I mean by DEI infecting the literary world. This poem, published in Poetry magazine a few years ago, is a great example. Poetry magazine used to be one of the most well-respected poetry magazines in the world, but now it is a crap factory."
"My baby first birthday
my mother had two vaginas
one to birth me and one to keep me
inside the first one I had two names
my given name and my other given name
my twat had a name too
it was forgotten because the climate changed
the climate changed because of God
we as a society
stopped naming our twats
the old ways make way
for some way of being again
in this world where we bury the old
inside their baby bodies
this way when we wake up from our dead sleep
we shall be little bright stars
dead to the world and dead to the love
our teeny tiny gods created
their cunts hugging so tenderly at the moment of creation
that I think this world was truly made for us
still we won’t live forever
we won’t know how to tell the others
who will have surely lived like we lived
inside the total darkness of their mothers too
where it doesn’t matter what we know and what we do not"

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