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Monday, November 04, 2024

Links - 4th November 2024 (1 - Socialism)

Meme - "My momma said y'all only love seizing the means of production because establishing it would require consistent effort and personal sacrifice"

Meme - "I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years because I found out he was a communist"

Meme - "Communists Before:
Communists Now:

Nobody’s Hero: 9 Inconvenient Truths about Che Guevara - "1 – Retribution against the Former Cuban Regime Was Brutal... Remember, this is a man who said: “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.”... Guevara didn’t even bother to give the accused a fair trial. In his opinion, “judicial proof was unnecessary” when it came to executing members of the former regime...
2 – He Enjoyed Killing... He was even angry at the Soviet Union’s failure to attack America claiming that Cuba would have used the missiles...
3 – He Wasn’t a Guerrilla Mastermind
4 – He Helped Ruin Cuba’s Economy...   As bad as things were in Cuba during the 1950s, its economy actually worsened during the 1960s and thereafter... One of his former deputies said Guevara was: “ignorant of the most elementary economic principles.” Cuba was reliant on huge money transfers from Moscow and in return, the island nation became a beachhead for Soviet nuclear weaponry. By diverting resources to industries that ultimately failed, he helped destroy the Cuban economy. In just two years, he managed to halve the nation’s sugar harvest.
5 – He Didn’t Have a Medical Degree
6 – He Was Possibly a Racist... After the victorious Cuban Revolution in 1959, he said: “We’re going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing.” During his first journey through Latin America, he wrote that Africans had maintained their racial purity because of their “lack of affinity with bathing”; an ironic statement given his notoriously poor personal hygiene. He also said: “The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink.” His attitude is very similar to that of slaveholders in the United States.   Guevara also referred to Mexicans as “a band of illiterate Indians.”...
7 – He Hated Homosexuals... Cuba’s LGBT rights record was bad before the revolution, but under Castro and Guevara, concentration camps were created and filled with homosexuals, dissidents, Afro-Cuban priests and anyone else accused of crimes against the revolution. He helped set up the infamous camp Guanahacabibes camp in 1960. One of the reasons why gay men were placed in camps is because they were deemed ‘unfit to serve’ their mandatory time in the Cuban military.  Che referred to these groups of people as ‘scum.’ He herded homosexuals, priests, dissidents and other ‘undesirables’ into buses and trucks where they were taken to the camps. A significant number of prisoners never returned as they were beaten, tortured, raped and murdered. In the camp where homosexuals were sent, there was a sign which said ‘Work Will Make You Men.’ It is obviously influenced by the infamous ‘work will set you free’ slogan on Nazi Concentration Camps...
8 – He Was an Adulterer...   In his writings, it is clear that Che showed the same contempt for women as he did for blacks and homosexuals. He referred to a young girl he had sex with in Costa Rica as a ‘whore’ for example. In a way, it is amazing that he had such success with the opposite sex given his abominable personal hygiene. He was nicknamed ‘chancho’ (pig) by schoolmates because of his refusal to bathe. While in Bolivia, he wrote that he didn’t shower for six months...
9 – His Death was neither Brave nor Noble...
 Overall, the notion that Che Guevara was a champion of freedom is completely erroneous. He had no problem forcing the people of Cuba to work long hours for little or no pay. Che was also opposed to free speech, religion, the press, protest, and assembly. As soon as the new regime assumed power, Che was instrumental in crushing dissenting voices and ensuring Cuba remained under the iron yoke of a dictator."

History of Chile - Wikipedia - "the KGB and the Cuban Intelligence Directorate launched a campaign known as Operation TOUCAN. For instance, in 1976, the New York Times published 66 articles on human rights abuses in Chile and only 4 on Cambodia, where the communist Khmer Rouge killed some 1.5 million people of 7.5 million people in the country."
LiorLefineder on X - "In the 70s the KGB seemed to have successfully duped the NYT and other journalists to focus on human rights violations in Chile rather than on the Khmur Rouge.
"the KGB forged a letter tying the CIA to an assassination campaign by Chile's DINA and many journalists, including columnist Jack Anderson of the New York Times, used this information in their news stories"
"The KGB forged letters from Manuel Contreras, DINA's director, to Pinochet, which were accepted as genuine by the newspaper and other major news outlets in the West""

Some millennials aren’t saving for retirement because they don’t think capitalism will exist by then - "“I just blew all my savings on a nine-month road trip on the assumption that something is going to change drastically in the next few years”... “If I don’t die in the revolution I imagine I’ll be living in an intentional community,” Malloy said. “Either because we have no other options or because we’re trying to have as much autonomy as possible so we can keep doing [political organizing] work. I don’t count on ‘the work’ being finished enough to chill out in our lifetime,” she added... “When I'm at retirement age, around 2050, I think it's possible we'll have seen a breakdown of modern society,” Schwartzman told Salon. “I do see it as a real possibility that nuclear holocaust or environmental apocalypse will make money completely meaningless, and that reinforces my approach of living in the now. If I can find my way to saving, or creating a lot of wealth, I’ll use it to buy land and build toward self-sufficiency as a way to hopefully protect myself against the various unpleasant futures that I can see ahead of us.”"
This suggests that there is a relationship between support for socialism and poor life choices

Russell T. Warne 🇺🇸🇨🇱🇮🇱 on X - "Educational testing was banned in the USSR in 1936 because it revealed that individual differences still existed in a socialist educ system. "Repression of the problematic cases was considered to be a better solution than education" (p. 199)"
A psychology for pedagogy: intelligence testing in USSR in the 1920s
Clearly, they needed another generation of reeducation and social engineering to stamp out the filth of the bourgeoisie

Meme - *Graph of SUPPLY and DEMAND intersecting to give a price*

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "In polling results that should surprise no one, support for socialism among college students appears to be generally inversely related to the usefulness of one's major — and likely pay upon graduation.  (Philosophy grads tend to do well, but only after completion of grad school.)"

What Millennials Should Know About the Soviet Union - "The admiration of young people for communist leaders is slightly down from last year, according to the annual report on U.S. attitudes toward socialism, which was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. Joseph Stalin saw the greatest fall in popularity, from 12 percent of millennials reporting a favorable impression of him down to 6 percent. However, a horrifying 23 percent of Americans between ages 21 and 29 believe that Stalin was a “hero.” Also, 32 percent of millennials hold a favorable view of Karl Marx, slightly down from 34 percent last year.  This drop in popularity is comforting, but only slightly. Chances are you have friends who still idealize socialism, communism, and the men who enforced these ideologies with an iron hand. But what they probably don’t realize is the awful truth about these utopian visions of a better world...  Many university students today share his fear of exploitation, rail against “the one percent” and the “privileged,” and desire a class-free society.  “I wonder what Karl Marx would have made of [the factory workers I met],” said Leslie T. Chang in her TED talk, The Voices of China’s Workers. She continued: “His view of the world persists, [as does] our tendency to see the workers as faceless masses, to imagine that we can know what they’re really thinking… Certainly, the factory conditions are really tough, and it’s nothing you or I would want to do, but from their perspective, where they’re coming from is much worse.”  Chang notes that since China’s economic liberalization, factory work has allowed hundreds of millions of Chinese workers to escape rural poverty to become middle class, and that most factory workers go on to start their own small businesses. They work in factories willingly because the alternative is grinding rural poverty.  Marx and his followers, sadly, did not realize that capitalism-driven industrialization ultimately creates widespread prosperity, and they ended up hurting the very workers they aimed to help. Thanks in part to the factories that Marx detested, the United Kingdom’s average income was three times higher when he died than when he was born.   After communists seized power in Russia a century ago, in the name of equality, anyone who was too well-off had to be identified and punished. Those with specialized knowledge, such as engineers, or those who had “non-labor income” were suspect.  In the Russian countryside, any farmer who produced enough food to sell as surplus, as opposed to any farmer who produced only enough for his family, was labeled a “kulak”—a class enemy, engaged in the alleged crime of enrichment through trade. Any farmer who hired help, who owned a creamery or other machine, or who rented out agricultural equipment, was also labeled a “kulak.” The kulaks’ poorer neighbors were encouraged to take away their homes and steel their possessions... Millions of “class enemies,” political dissenters, and other unfortunate victims were sent to work in the Gulag, the forced-labor-camp system created under Lenin and greatly expanded under Stalin. Anyone who tried to escape was summarily executed. Those close to Stalin were not exempt, and more than a third of leading camp executioners ended up as prisoners in the camps themselves.  In some camps, prisoners mined radioactive material without adequate protection and died of radiation poisoning. In others, frostbitten prisoners chopped timber and dragged the logs back to camp barefoot in the winter. In others still, prisoners labored to produce food on collective farms while they themselves were allowed only meager rations. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “It is estimated that the combination of very long working hours, harsh climatic and other working conditions, inadequate food, and summary executions killed off at least 10 percent of the Gulag’s total prisoner population each year.”   The slave labor of the camps helped sustain the ruling class of the allegedly classless Soviet regime as the economy collapsed. Agricultural productivity plummeted following the removal of the kulaks and the collectivization of the farms. As millions starved to death, some resorting to cannibalism to survive, Stalin forbade use of the words famine, hunger, or starvation. Even doctors dared not diagnose a starving patient’s condition accurately. Stalin blamed the clear failures of his centrally planned system on deliberate sabotage and undermining of the economy by disloyal elements. He claimed that hidden enemies were everywhere and used that as an excuse to send more and more people to death and to the labor camps... By imprisoning or murdering many of the most productive people, while simultaneously eliminating market incentives for productivity by collectivizing industries and banning competition, communists brought about far deeper and more widespread poverty than under capitalism. (Capitalism, in fact, has helped bring world poverty to an all-time low.)  Research suggests that the number of unnatural deaths wrought by communism may be upward of eighty million—a number so high that the violence of Tsarist Russia, the Spanish Inquisition, and “Bloody” Mary’s English counterreformation pale in comparison. Today, seven out of ten Americans underestimate the number of lives that communism extinguished. Perhaps that explains part of communism’s continued appeal. But if your friends could travel back in time to the Stalin era, they would see that literal class warfare benefits no one except opportunistic tyrants like Stalin.  And they would see that he was no hero."

Visegrád 24 on X - "BREAKING: The Maduro regime has just taken one of the leaders of the opposition to jail. Maria Oropeza's decided to do a livestream as the police were breaking down her gate. She wanted the world to see. Via @ANIABELLO_R"
Damn US sanctions!

How A Failed Socialist Utopia Made Dallas The City It Is Today - "This is not a ghost story.  But it’s a story about the ghost of a dream – a French dream – to build a colony for Frenchman fleeing political and economic upheaval that began in Paris and swept across Europe in the late 1840s.  “And this was also around the same time as the French philosophers who were espousing a kind of Democratic Socialism, wherein they could establish colonies somewhere else and have their own community where they could be self-sufficient,” says Paula Bosse, who writes for the Dallas history blog Flashback Dallas. “And a lot of these people went to the United States.”...   It was the wild West – and that’s exactly what La Réunion founder Victor Considérant wanted. He was a prominent Democratic Socialist, who fled France in 1852 in search of a new life for himself: ardent critics of capitalism, proponents of direct democracy and despondent political émigrés."
"People can't even get their 3rd roommate to wash a dish but they'll swear by socialism"

Keith Weiner on X - "Capitalism is about creating value. Socialism is about taking value."

Earth Liberation Studio on X - “Disrupt every facet of capitalist production.”
When things become more expensive, blame "corporate greed" for inflation

When did this weird pronoun trend start? I feel embarrassed listening to this character dialogue in Jedi Survivor... : r/KotakuInAction - "War is Peace"
"Considering that 1984 was a critique of socialism written by a socialist, it's certainly apt in 2024.  To me, the place that this is MOST noticeable is the "economics" subreddit, of all places.  Basically, economics is hardly an exact science, but we figured out the basics a long time ago. But if you took a visit to the economics sub, you will CONSTANTLY see people posting things that are lifted straight out of Das Kapital.  I'm in my 50s, and the only "logical" explanation for this, is simply that the teachings of Das Kapital somehow migrated from the "Philosophy" and "Political Science" schools, to economics schools. Which is utterly absurd; it's the equivalent of a medical school teaching a student how to do lobotomies in 2024.  IE: we already figured this shit out a long time ago. Das Kapital was a cute little text, very influential, and failed every single time it was tried."
Or, left wingers just take over spaces, including online ones

Meme - Dr Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson: "Reminder: Who is a hero to @theJagmeetSingh ?"
Jagmeet Singh @theJagmeetSingh: "He saw a country wracked by poverty, illiteracy & disease. So he lead a revolution that uplifted the lives of millions. RIP #FidelCastro *Fidel Castro*"

Capitalism Can’t Overcome The Laws Of Physics - "You can’t have infinite growth on a finite planet. That should be a commonplace idea. And that inevitably means facing up to the necessity of putting an end to capitalism in favor of an economic system of rationality, sustainability and equity for all the world’s peoples... Various “Green New Deal” programs have been floated in recent years, generally revolving around a massive buildout of renewable-energy infrastructure and strengthening the social safety net. On their own, there is no rational argument that such programs, should they materialize, would not provide some benefits. But how transformative are such programs?... Problems like global warming and other aspects of the world environmental crisis can only be solved on a global level through democratic control of the economy, not by individual consumer choices or by national governments... the managers of corporations are answerable to private owners and shareholders, not to society... Once again, Rosa Luxemburg’s thesis that either socialism or barbarism is our future stares us in the face."
Left wingers don't believe in the power of innovation. Ironic, given that they always bash the status quo and conservatives for being "afraid" of change
As usual, they have no grasp of cost-benefit analysis (the net cost of doing too much to combat climate change exceeds the net cost of doing nothing). And of course pushing the revolution is the most important bit: "democratic control of the economy" is shorthand for (quasi-)communism
Given that socialism is worse for the environment, this is rich

Meme - Richard Hanania @RichardHanania: "“Instead of no washing machines, you can wait in line to use a washing machine while a homeless man masturbates next to you.”   Well when you put it that way…"
Usagi Yojimbo @Sljm8D: "What people think degrowth looks like:
- No washing machines
- No restaurants
- No car
- No phone
What degrowth actually looks like:
- Public high-efficiency laundromats
- Public cafeterias
- Public transit
- Public communications networks on durable devices"

Alec Stapp on X - "The sales pitch for degrowth is that you have to eat in a cafeteria"
James Clark 📈📉¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on X - ""Why are you so stressed out? We're not trying to take your washing machine away from you, we're trying to take everything away from you.""

Jeremiah Johnson 🌐 on X - "There is absolutely nothing stopping degrowthers from living this way today. But you will notice precisely zero of them have organized communal cafeterias. Nobody's washing their clothes by hand. This is fan fiction. It's LARPing for leftist academics who outgrew ren faires."

Meme - "Here I am, crawling through barbed wire so that I can escape the evils of free market capitalism. Said no one ever."

Existential Comics (find me on bluesky) on X - "Under communism, you wouldn't have a boss who you have to obey or starve. You'd sort of think this alone would be enough to convince absolutely everyone to become a communist in like 12 seconds, but apparently not??"
Hilarious. He's a never-ending source of bad takes

Meme - "Karl Marx explaining his class struggle theories to his maid, Helene Demuth, after *raping* and impregnating her"

Meme - ">incels think they are entitle to sex
>commies think they're entitled to other people's money
Are commies just economic incels?"

@ratlimit on X - "Imagine if there were only 1 brand of peanut butter, 1 brand of pasta sauce, etc. Rather than spend your time in the grocery wondering "Which brand shall I buy?", you'd have the mindspace to wonder: "What person shall I become?""
wanye on X - "One of the fundamental mistakes in framing made by all communists is this division of the world in to themselves and some distant "they," a mysterious other group of people who insist (in this case) that we have 50 kinds of pasta and peanut butter. But the peanut butter is being made by regular people who decided to make and sell a new kind of peanut butter. There is no "they."   One should always flip this worldview around and realize that what it's actually demanding is that regular people be required to ask the state permission to make peanut butter, permission that can and will be denied. Can you make peanut butter and sell it to your neighbors? No, that's not up to you. That's up to the state. This is all you need to understand in order to realize that communism isn't desirable, even in theory, whatever kinds of outcomes it might lead to."
Left wingers hate choice

Meme - "Victims of Communism *lots of dead bodies*
Victims of Capitalism: Beth DeBold @eliza_audacis: "My hotel room in London comes with a duck and like...I don't need a duck, but the card says "this duck is yours to take home and join you on your future travels" and yes I am fully aware that this is manipulative capitalism at its finest but I CAN'T JUST LEAVE EDWIN"

On Boiling Babies: Combating Bourgeois (And Dogmato-Revisionist) Myths about the Communist Party of Peru | by Black Like Mao | Medium - "The Communist Party of Peru did not “boil children alive”. I have seen nothing like this written anywhere. They did, apparently, use scalding water as a method of execution"

Meme - Tovarisch  @nwbtcw: "Electricity should be free.  "Heat should be free.  "Water should be free.  "Basic utilities should be publicly managed, guaranteed to all, and their quality shouldn't depend on your income  `\_(ツ)_/`"
Tim Vieyra: "This would be great for bitcoin miners"
Commies want everything to be free, because they don't understand how the real world works. They have a zero sum mentality, so they think someone making profit must be because someone else is being exploited

Basil🧡 on X - "Im sorry but Cuban officials going to China for advice and them saying "maybe try stopping being Communist" is the funniest thing ever"

‘China is not Cuba’s sugar daddy’: ties between communist nations weaken - "It is the only communist nation in the Americas, was the first in the western hemisphere to recognise the People’s Republic of China and is described by Beijing as “good brother, good comrade, good friend”.  But despite their shared political legacy — and what Washington says is a history of Chinese spying activity from Cuba — the island’s economic collapse has hurt commercial ties with China just as Beijing’s strategic rivalry intensifies with the Caribbean island’s arch-enemy, the US... the import of Chinese goods to Cuba fell from $1.7bn in 2017 to $1.1bn in 2022, the last year for which Cuban data is available.  The two countries do not release data on Chinese investment in Cuba, but Cuban economist Omar Everleny said it amounted to a “laughably small” proportion of the roughly $160bn Beijing invested in Latin America and the Caribbean between 2005 and 2020. Chinese companies involved with state-backed deals were owed large sums by the Cuban state, said people briefed on the debts. Major Chinese companies such as Huawei and Yutong “are owed hundreds of millions of dollars each”, said an overseas businessperson who trades with the island.  Scant raw materials and an unproductive economy leave the island with little to export to China, while imports have diminished in recent years as hardened US sanctions severely aggravated Havana’s chronic late-payment problems and dried-up credit lines.  Since the Covid-19 pandemic, sugar production on the island — once a critical industry — has plummeted to its lowest levels in more than a century: there is barely enough sugar to cover domestic requirements. That has resulted in the scrapping of a long-standing agreement to export an annual 400,000 tonnes of sugar to China. “China is not Cuba’s sugar daddy,” said Fulton Armstrong, former US national intelligence officer for Latin America. “It’s mostly a relationship of solidarity statements. It’s not a strategic relationship for either country.” Cuba today does not even feature among China’s top-tier allies in Latin America. Beijing has what it calls “comprehensive strategic partnerships” with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, all major commodity exporters, but not with Cuba.  China publicly supports Cuba’s right to choose its own path to economic development “in line with its national conditions”, but privately Chinese officials have long urged the Cuban leadership to shift from its vertically planned economy to something closer to the Chinese model, according to economists and diplomats briefed on the situation.  Chinese officials have been perplexed and frustrated at the Cuban leadership’s unwillingness to decisively implement a market-oriented reform programme despite the glaring dysfunction of the status quo, the people said."
Why are Chinese officials so ignorant?! Don't they know that US sanctions are the only reason for all of Cuba's ills?!


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