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Saturday, November 09, 2024

Agatha All Along and Loki and Wokeness

Someone mocked the "Get Woke, Go Broke" slogan, claiming that Agatha All Along and Loki got 82% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Ignoring the problems with RT scores, how they aren't the same things as ratings, the myriad of counter-examples (e.g. Bud Light) and the issue of straw stereotypes (which, of course, are never applied to claims like "racism stops black people from getting ahead"), we can look at empirical evidence about whether Agatha All Along and Loki are considered woke.

Cosmic Book News is a website that often critiques wokeness in the media.

Google has 28 pages of search results for "site:cosmicbook.news woke", with similar results omitted.

When you search for "site:cosmicbook.news woke loki", only one item in the first two pages of search results is an article about Loki being woke, "Loki Now Gender Fluid In The MCU".

Interestingly, when you search for "site:cosmicbook.news woke agatha", nothing in the first two pages of search results is an article about Agatha being woke.

As a control, let us see what Cosmic Book News says about She-Hulk.

When you search for "site:cosmicbook.news woke "she hulk"", in contrast *seven* items in the *first* page of search results are articles talking about how woke She-Hulk is.

So we can see that complaints about Loki and Agatha being woke are/were minimal.

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