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Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Links - 6th November 2024 (1 - Women)

Meme - MAMA DRAMA: Marissa Clarke: "My baby daddy crashed at my place last night after a long trip to see our daughter at Uni. We shared a bed and he didn't even tried to uckf me. I know I told him not to try but still."
When a lady says no, she means...

Meme - @Ada_twits: "A guy asked me out last week and i told him "NO" I wanted him to try harder. Why didn't he try again?"
CHIEF BOY @tharferanmi: "Because you said No"

Meme - "My sister in public VS My sister at home *Barney vs Jurassic Park T-Rex*"

Meme - "Him: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met
Her: You just want to fuck me!
Him: Wow! and smart too"

Meme - "When you claim you want a nymphomaniac and you finally find one"
"Baby, I'm ready for your dick again"
"Oh my god, it's going to fall off"


Meme - "The chocolates are cos I love you. The flowers are cos I'm sorry.  The Tampax are cos I'm still not sure why I'm apologising so I guess you'll need these any day now."

Mack on X - "A married man will put up with a titanic amount of bullsh*t if you simply cook them meals and to be frank- sleep with them regularly. Many put up with it without those. The “putting up with” is ending and many are scrambling to stop that- be wary of those people."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "In my experience, female partners have more complex emotional needs, but it really is NOT hard to keep normal men happy - the old marriage-manual "food, sex, and a reasonable amount of respect" rule works about 99% of the time. And, hell: you can split the cooking if both people work.  Because of this, I, personally am fairly quick to leave the minority of relationships where I am not at least content. This usually implies either intentional effort in a negative direction ("I'll get him trained/raise his consciousness!") or the lack of any effort at all."

Richard Cooper on X - "Remove sex from a relationship, and you will discover that 90% of women have nothing to offer men in relationships. Conversely, remove money from a relationship, and you will learn that 90% of women won't see a reason to be in said relationship."
Abby Libby on X - "It's funny how you framed this. You could have said, "Remove sex and 90% of men won't see a reason to be in the relationship," but no. You had to frame both these generalities in a way that paints women as useless and bad rather than recognizing that men and women are differently motivated, and it's not a bad thing that women are motivated by security in relationships just like it's not a bad thing that men are motivated by sex."

Meme - "Triumph
The Triumph Seven Wonders of the Boob World
'Which boob are you?'
1. 'MICRONESIA' Smaller than the average boob, this pair of islands are definitely 'micro'. Triumph Magic Soft Padded Bra.
2. The 'HIMALAYAS' The Himalayas always stand to attention. Triumph Innocent Passion Underwired Bra.
3. 'AYERS ROCK' The boob type we all desire - not too big, not too small, and sacred to all that see it. Triumph Irresistible Curves Lightly Padded Balconette Bra
4. 'MOUNT EVEREST The biggest of the bunch, the Everest our largest (SS) (O) 100% real breast. Triumph Shape Sensation Minimiser Bra
5. The 'BEVERLY HILLS' We wont tell if you won't, let's face it there's always a fake pair in the bunch. Triumph Beautiful Floral Underwired Bra
6. The 'GRAND CANYON' Hung slightly lower than our previous breasts, the 'Grand Canyon' often needs a little 'support'... Triumph Daisy Desire Underwired Bra
7. The 'NORTH & SOUTH POLES' These breasts are far apart... Triumph Pure Desire Lightly Padded Balconette Bra"

Meme - "Why are you staring at my soup?" *cleavage*

Meme - "they wont. stop. growing. *woman exposing cleavage*"

Meme - *Game streamer exposing cleavage*
tuna3347: "Can you make Total War full screen I'm tryna see the battles not those honkers thanks"

Meme - "There is always room for improvement. *reasonably attractive woman* *reasonably attractive woman with sandwich*"

Meme - Samantha Angelina: "Hey.. heard ya don't like fat chicks.. let me give ya the run down. Us fat chicks aren't alive to please you and your needs. Neither are skinny chicks. Us fat chicks actually have disorders that maybe you should educate your dumbass self on and actually learn that we can't help being fat. Just like you can't help being fat and insecure. That's why you perfer skinny women huh? Because it helps you feel less insecure? Did I get that right? Men like YOU is what is wrong with society. Have fun being single ya loser."
"This person is unavailable on Messenger."
Men aren't allowed to have preferences

Meme - "Selling *peach* $1
Just tryna sell some *reasonably attractive woman*"

Bees 🐝 on X - "I think I speak for all women when I say: I’d rather a Chad violently beat me on a regular basis than engage romantically with an incel who treats me well"

Meme - "Y'all be eating p***y on your knees or do you lay on your stomach like a sniper"
"Sniper. One leg hiked up, arms wrapped around her thighs tight for the recoil"

Meme - "Why are men only nice to u for 3 weeks lol"
"that's the end of the free trial"

Meme - "r/strippers
'Is it fair for me to not want my bf going to strip clubs even tho I'm a dancer?'
'Tell him that we have strippers at home'"

Meme - *Starting off as I Bet He's Thinking About Other Women*
"Her: He's probably thinking about the mortgage, utility bills, taxes, grocery bills, medical bills..."
*Hugs him*

Meme - "When your girl trying to be cute and crawl up to you like this *breasts hanging down in an exaggerated way*"

Meme - "Steph, 32
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I'm not here for a fling.
Where have all the nice boys gone""
She didn't get memo nice guys are creeps

Meme - "Jordan, 19
"Tinder needs a filter:
- no ugly guys
- not too short
- sexy voice
- tan
- strong and muscles and abs
- not too much of a douche
And if you're uglier then your tinder profile. I'm gonna stop talking to you"

Meme - "Olivia 41
Stepping back into the dating world after 18 years of marriage feels like embarking on a thrilling adventure! I'm eager to rediscover myself, explore new hobbies and embrace my newfound freedom!"

Meme - "how it started: Marrying him to make this Colonizer's kids brown , this one is for you Mexico
how it's going: *Woman with blonde haired, blue eyed baby*"

Meme - "Single moms flirting: "Yeah I have three kids, but I wish they were yours""

Meme - Lola Christina: "I see no reason on earth why a man should be a gynaecologist"
Memes That Will Help You Clean Up Your Friends List: "Interesting thought, female obgyn retire on average at age 42 and start a family, leaving only males in the field"
Another explanation for the gender pay gap

Meme - "Cassie"
"Have fun golfing (again)... please pick up dinner on your way home!"
"You got it Abby. Baby. Oooh boy here we go"

Meme - "*Household Chores*
When a man does them: "Stop celebrating it. It's the least any functional adult should do."
When a woman does them:
"It's unpaid work""

Catholic Herald on X - "Women priests activists disrupt papal Mass"
Seamus (FreedomToons) on X - ">woman becomes a "priest"
>immediately starts interrupting the pope"

Mack on X - "Real post I just saw in a mom group: “My husband was texting another woman explicitly. When I caught him he said he’d repeatedly told me his needs for years and I said no every time so he went elsewhere.”
Entire comment section: “He is gaslighting you, it isn’t your fault.”"

Jarvis on X - "Hahahahahaha Caitlin Clark has been battered this year with flagrant fouls designed to injure her, and a journo politely asked a player about one of those fouls and in response the WNBA players union released a hysterical statement demanding the journo be fired."
Mark Schipper on X - "And not just any journalist, one of the major female journalists of her generation, and a woman w/a career-long reputation for professionalism and integrity. The WNBA is the most women's league ever. They're going to police those tones, force that conformity, and ruin some reputations to get what they want."
The Man From Dystopia on X - "The WNBA is confirming stereotypes about how women handle competition."
Baxter Bentley on X - "WNBA needs to cancel all games until they can find players who can behave with some modicum of professionalism. If it is unwilling to do this, we should ban basketball. No athletic commission should sanction games with players who perpetrate & defend their racist violence."

Meme - balicia2186: "Only time I can capture a picture of this child. nooo mom I don't want any pictures!!! lol *woman exposing cleavage*"

Meme - hoe_math @ItIsHoeMath: ""Women choose the best men" is the same mistake in thinking that causes people to say "it's a doggy-dog world" or something common is a "diamond dozen."  The human mind tries to fill information gaps with what seems like the most likely missing pieces, then goes on believing it as if it was a fact.  The truth is that the female sex drive is optimized to select for stone-age tribal warrior types because we have recently spent a large amount of evolutionary time in situations that favored the survival of those men and their offspring.  In modern times, these choices are dysgenic and degrading to the gene pool. The average woman is more excited by a stupid brute (bad boy) than by an upstanding citizen with a promising future (good guy), assuming that he cannot emulate brutishness.  I learned in my 20s to emulate brutishness. It transformed my life and overturned my worldview. I built what I call "bad boy points" on my Zones map.  Assuming that culture and technology continue trending as they have been for 70 years or so, we now face two possible futures: either high-IQ men can learn to brute up and excite women, or dumb brutes will dominate reproduction and humanity will rot into an ugly, violent mess of struggling tribes, just like how we used to live before the dawn of agriculture.  If you are smart and you struggle with women, step 1 is to lift weights. Get swole, and the pieces will start to fit.  It turns out that your grandpa was right about a whole lot, and doing man things does in fact make you more of a man."
very moisturized @verymoisturized: "Most of the women claiming they want IQcels are lying. They would in all probability prefer someone dumber, based strictly on a visceral response."
Chris Williamson @ChrisWillx: "Adolescents with an IQ of 130 were 3-5 times less likely to have had intercourse than those with average IQ...boys with an IQ that would qualify for intellectual disability (60) were still more likely to have had sex than those with a very high IQ (130)."

Meme - "***, 20
5 miles away
Active 10 minutes ago
About: Half-Filipino, Half-German. Physics major. I like laughing, dogs, lots of food, beer, outdoor activities, and adventures. My fairy tale prince is somebody who is tall, nice, and is willing to be roofied and anally penetrated by the second date. I can be a handful, topped with sarcasm and sprinkles of bullshit."

Meme - "Jayne 29
Lives in ***
less than a mile away
Festivals Travel Writer Vegetarian Grab a drink
Unemployed, single mom in the middle of a messy divorce. Will probably cry after letting you finger bang me in the car. I love cats, camping, beer, and making horrible life decisions. I had a c-section, my vagina is fine."

Meme - Woman: "Did I do something wrong? Send me a video of you jerking off and moaning"
Third person: "Imagine having such little self esteem that you need even more attention when you're already on a date"
Fourth person: "girl being a pick me isn't cute"
Fifth person: "girl shut up"

The Fertility Gap And Women's Happiness - "Across the globe, and especially in the developed world and the United States, fertility rates have fallen below the levels that women say they want. I've made this point many times, and in many ways, and have argued that this is a bad sign for society: a world where people systematically fail to experience the family life they desire is likely to be a less happy world... Women whose ideal fertility matches their achieved fertility are the most likely to report being very happy, and the least likely to report being not too happy. Both having more kids than desired and having fewer kids than desired are associated with a lower likelihood of being very happy; having more kids than desired is associated with considerably more unhappiness as well... Recent research has shown that while parents of young children used to be less happy than other people, nowadays that gap has vanished. And while some critics have suggested that these findings are due to poor controls for the composition of childless households, the actual explanation is far simpler. Research on a massive database of developed- country survey respondents shows that children are indeed associated with significantly higher happiness throughout a parent's life, once you control for financial difficulties. Moreover, if the sample is restricted to a parent's own children in households where the parents of that child remain together, the happiness effects are particularly large and durable. In other words: if you and your spouse stick together and have babies, and if you are able to avoid financial distress, those kids do indeed make people a lot happier. Those are big "ifs," but they point to the fact that it is not kids that makes people unhappy, it's the cost of kids. This helps explain why women who overshoot their fertility ideals are more unhappy than women who undershoot. It's not that those moms dislike their above-ideals children! It's that children are associated with greater financial distress, and financial distress causes unhappiness."

The Global Fertility Gap - "Most women around the world, even most women in countries outside of Europe and North America, are more likely to undershoot than overshoot their fertility ideals... Because much of the "population establishment" (as represented by the government and nongovernment organizations that organize conferences, coordinate donor money, and advise policymakers) operates from the mistaken assumption that most women have more kids than they want, they tend to give one-sided advice. When international NGOs talk about supporting women's empowerment, or committing resources to family planning, or enhancing women's sense of agency over their reproduction, they inevitably mean just one thing: helping women avoid unintended pregnancies. And, to be clear, that is valuable work. But it isn't enough."

Meme - "Lauren, 19
I'm a bundle of joy until you stop giving me your dick, at which I will tenderly caress your balls as you weep in front of me, and when I finally put the cork screw into your eye you will truly understand that if you don't give me the attention I deserve I will massacre you in a pool of your own blood and urine, and then move onto your whole family, and any work colleagues of yours, not pets though cause that would be wrong :)"

Meme - *Is this a butterfly meme*

Meme - "Watching straight girls in the comments say "these would be so cute if those two weren't broken" is about to put me in the hospital *8 long multi-coloured nails with 2 short ones*"

Thread by @moorehn on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " I saw a TikTok from a young woman about how she paid $1000 to go to a yacht event in Monaco and people invited her to parties on some yachts "because I was dressed to impress...you can dress to show you bring value to the yacht."  And I don't know if anyone will tell her that cute dresses are not why young women are invited to yacht parties. She's getting cooked in the comments -- but only because other young women don't think the dress is cute, not because anyone is pointing out the obvious fact that inviting young women with no money onto yachts is the equivalent of "ladies night" at a bar. The young women -- in any dress -- are there to bring the old men in. I think this is what happens when young women are told that Old Money is an aesthetic you can buy through clothes, rather than a set of rigid and unspoken social codes that you instinctually understand.  It's also a result of the current nonsense that's been going around for years about "high-value women" or "high-value men" where "high-value" is a euphemism for how much money they have. There's no understanding that people are not their net worth. she ends up going down a narcissistic spiral of how her choice of a (mass-market) dress has marked her as worthy of being on a yacht, and that the key to being in "high-value spaces" is how women dress when in fact she -- like so many other young women -- was just chosen as sexual chum for shady rich sharks. Who, by the way, are experts at reading people's social class no matter what they're wearing.  Anyway this is an eternal game (the Audrey Tatou movie "Priceless" is about this milieu in Monaco) but one eternal truth is that young women should not be paying $1000 for a ticket to be taken advantage of by the kind of people who go to yacht events.
Here's the very basic dress and a hint of her behavior on the yacht, where she dances by stomping around and whipping her arms in the air like someone in a New Jersey bar (no offense to New Jersey bars!). The baseball cap was a welcome gift from the company selling yachts (which, again, wants young women there in the same way that car shows used to have young women) and she doesn't know not to wear it.
Naïveté is nothing new but I can foresee a lot of Zoomers getting scammed or taken advantage of because they don't know how to function away from their phones. People have agendas, bbs. Be careful out there. By the way, the dress also costs close to $1000. It's great for a garden party in Westchester, but is not a look for Monaco or yachts.  Another indicator of how young people brought up on TikToks about the "Old Money Aesthetic" and "high-value women" can't contextualize appropriate dressing or know that just because something is expensive doesn't mean it's appropriate in all social spaces.  It reminds me of the (great) movie Le Divorce, with Kate Hudson carrying her little red Kelly bag from her rich French lover to the grocery store and book readings, and he has to remind her that it has a certain place.
People make fun of fashion as a frivolous pursuit but the truth is that fashion is inextricably caught up with economics, finance, politics, class, social codes and social belonging, and so many people who think it's just about some fabric end up crashing head-first into that realization one way or another eventually. We didn't roast the men of Monaco here but they also deserve some scrutiny
I should also point out, out of fairness, that no one in Monaco is "old money" anyway. It's a young country and a tax haven, and it attracts those who like brash displays of wealth. Another reason the "Old Money Aesthetic" flops there. I think this is really smart and sums up the fundamental problem. No shame to anyone who is in sex work or "sugar daddy" situations, but telling thousands of regular TikTok followers to do these things to be "high-value" is fundamentally misleading them about what the point and the transaction is. It's also incredibly dangerous for young women, especially if they're alone as this creator was."

ZUBY: on X - "All of these women can find lots of guys who would date them and even commit to them, but the men they want to date don't want to commit to them. This is the summary of ALL of these videos."

Thread by @SarahTheHaider on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "This is one of those things guys have to intuit, because there isn’t much straightforwardness about it: Most straight women intensely punish displays of femininity in male partners.  They do not always say so, so as to be coherent with their politics. But also because that would defeat the purpose: Ideally one wants a man who is masculine, not merely performing masculinity. Women aren’t straightforward with their sexual preferences not because they like to mess with men (why would they want fewer options?), but because it is far more devastating for a female to choose the wrong partner than it is for a male.  They want accurate signals. The only workable advice for young men is: be clean, be fit, have interests, have functional knowledge, cultivate self-control and enjoy the resulting confidence. If then YOU want to paint your nails *for you*—do it!  Rockstars can do it because it is a flex—they are so confident in their ability to get women that they can counter-signal—they can do what they like.  Truly self-confident men can get this self-expressive freedom too. But you can’t fake your way into it."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "An important thing for guys to understand is that leftist and liberal women are simply lying about what they say they want in a man, for political reasons. Women now expect their guy to be nice to THEM, but any real polling - including what The Haider is linking here - shows that the percentage of women who really want "A non-dominant, non-warlike, male feminist who likes to play with gender and isn't too focused on money" is 0.00%.
I would actually bet that one of the biggest empirical predictors of inceldom is believing what women say.   "I always try to be the nice guy. I ask for consent before every kiss! I'd never dream of having sex if we've been drinking or partying!! I always let her take the lead!!! It doesn't WORK!!!"   Well, no shit, weirdo."

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