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Monday, November 04, 2024

Indigenous American Bloodshed

Will Tanner on X

Happy Columbus Day!

Today, we must reject the Marxist lie that the "Indigenous People" across whom Columbus came were peaceful and living in harmony until he found them

They were bloodthirsty; Columbus helped bring an end to one of the most evil civilizations of all time

Remember, the Aztecs and Incas, the empires the Spain Columbus served destroyed, were like the Phoenicians and Canaanites but far worse

Instead of sacrificing a few children to their demonic gods, as Baal worshippers did, they sacrificed tens of thousands of men, women, and children

In fact, during the re-consecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, they killed 80,400 people, ripping the beating hearts out of their chests

The Spaniards who followed Columbus found that and were horrified by it

These weren't soft men; they were raised in the Reconquista's final stage, grinding fighting of sieges, ambushes and battles that saw slavery, bloodshed, and atrocities on a massive scale

But the New World horrified them. The cannibalism Columbus found, the mass human sacrifice of the Aztecs, the child sacrifice of the Incas, all of it was, to them, demonic and sickening

Cortes himself was horrified it, and saw his conquest of the Aztecs as necessary to extirpate a great evil. He wrote, in a letter back home:

"They have another custom, horrible, and abominable, and deserving punishment, and which we have never before seen in any other place, and it is this, that, as often as they have anything to ask of their idols, in order that their petition may be more acceptable, they take many boys or girls, and even grown men and women, and in the presence of those idols they open their breasts, while they are alive, and take out the hearts and entrails, and burn the said entrails and hearts before the idols, offering that smoke in sacrifice to them. Some of us who have seen this say that it is the most terrible and frightful thing to behold that has ever been seen. So frequently, and so often do these Indians do this, according to our information, and partly by what we have seen in the short time we are in this country, that no year passes in which they do not kill and sacrifice fifty souls in each mosque; and this is practiced, and held as customary, from the Isle of Cozumel to the country in which we are now settled. Your Majesties may rest assured that, according to the size of the land, which to us seems very considerable, and the many mosques which they have, there is no year, as far as we have until now discovered and seen, when they do not kill and sacrifice in this manner some three or four thousand souls. Now let Your Royal Highnesses consider if they ought not to prevent so great an evil and crime, and certainly God, Our Lord, will be well pleased, if, through the command of Your Royal Highnesses, these peoples should be initiated and instructed in our Very Holy Catholic Faith . . ."

Similarly, Bernal Diaz, who served under Cortes, in The Conquest of New Spain, wrote:

"The dismal drum of Huichilobos sounded again, accompanied by conches, horns and trumpet-like instruments. It was a terrifying sound, and when we looked at the tall cue from which it came we saw our comrades who had been captured in Cortes’ defeat being dragged up the steps to be sacrificed. When they had hauled them up to a small platform in front of the shrine where they kept their accursed idols, we saw them put plumes on the heads of many of them; and they made them dance with a sort of fan in front of Huichilobos. Then after they had danced, the papas laid them down on their backs on some narrow stones of sacrifice and, cutting open their chests, drew out their palpitating hearts, which they offered to the idols before them… (The Conquest of New Spain, volume II, chapter 152).

"I must say that when I saw my comrades dragged up each day to the altar, and their chests struck open and their palpitating hearts drawn out, and when I saw the arms and legs of these sixty-two men cut off and eaten, I feared that one day or another they would do the same to me. Twice already they had laid hands on me to drag me off, but it pleased God that I should escape from their clutches. When I remembered their hideous deaths, and the proverb that the little pitcher goes many times to the fountain, and so on, I came to fear death more than ever in the past. (The Conquest of New Spain, volume II, chapter 156)."

So, seeing Aztec practices as demonic and evil, they stamped it out

Now, of course, the claim is that they were purely motivated by greed and only later justified their conquest of the Aztecs by pointing to the horrific rituals

That is untrue; the conquest and desperate fighting in which they engages, often alongside anti-Aztec Indian allies, was motivated in large part by religion and horror

Such is what Hugh Thomas, in Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes, and the Fall of Old Mexico explained, noting:

This repeated discovery of… human sacrifice concentrated the minds of the conquistadors… The Castilians in Mexico now realized the danger in which they would be if they were so unfortunate as to fall into the hands of the Mexica. This appreciation had a profoundly shocking effect, permanently souring relations with the Indians and causing the Castilians to adopt an unbending attitude in negotiations. Sacrifice was far from being merely a pretext for intervention. Aguilar (not the interpreter Aguilar), a member of the expedition, made this evident: “To my manner of thinking, there is no other kingdom on earth where such an offence and disservice has been rendered to Our Lord, nor where the devil has been so honoured.”

In stamping out that great evil, they did what there was a long tradition of in the West

The Bronze Age Greeks stamped out the neolithic sacrifice cults. The Baal-worshipping Canaanites were stamped out by the Israelites. The human-sacrificing Phoenician Carthaginians were destroyed by Rome, as were the "wicker man" Celts

Human sacrifice has long been the enemy of our civilization and tradition

And in stamping it out, the Conquistadors ended a great evil, human sacrifice on a scale previously unknown and probably unimaginable

They were only able to do so thanks to Columbus crossing the Atlantic, and so it is thanks to him that the sickening slaughter of the Aztecs, and similar horrors of lesser scale to the north and south, were stamped out for good

Yes, the Spanish Empire was flawed and cruel in many ways

But one must remember that Cortes walked into an unimaginable horror, and he ended that evil

The cultures destroyed by the West thanks to  weren't of peaceful hippies frolicking and singing; they were bloodthirsty mounds of sacrifice that were ended thanks to Columbus

So, happy Columbus Day!

If you're "indigenous," you can thank him that you're living in an air-conditioned building of steel rather than being sacrificed on a stone pyramid as some priest clad in feathers holds your beating heart above you

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