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Saturday, November 09, 2024

Links - 9th November 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

The Heretical Liberal 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈 on X - "I remember rolling my eyes when I first heard the term "woke mind virus", thinking it was a bit melodramatic. But what else can you call this? This woman:
- blocked her son's puberty
-pumped him full of estrogen
-has a micropenis due to the PB's
- has absolutely no sexual function and never has
And after all this, when he inevitably becomes suicidal at 20 (because of course he did) rather than show an ounce of self reflection and even consider for one second the possibility that it's because of all the physical, mental,emotional and spiritual damage she's inflicted upon him, she thinks the REAL problem is they haven't castrated him fast enough 🤦🏼‍♂️  it's like drinking alcohol throughout your pregnancy and then when the baby is born with severe birth defects, saying "oh no, if only I had drank more!"  This woke shit is a fucking malignant cancer, it fries otherwise normal ppls brains, it destroys the natural protective instinct parents have for their children and causes them to keep doubling down as they inflict more and more harm on their children.  This is fucking insane."
Meme - "I have no clue what to do, daughter can't get the bottom surgery and is becoming suicidal.
Hello, I have always been in support of my transgender daughter. When she was still a boy, and started expressing a want to be a girl, I did everything right. Therapists, then puberty blockers, everything. Now she is 20 and everything is falling apart. We had to hold off on the body surgery because of costs, but now finally had enough and went got several consults. All have said the same thing. The puberty blockers have left her with a micro penis. She has to get part of her vagina made with her colon. Well one of her friends had that surgery, and even years later it smells fairly colon like. Obviously my daughter is now distraught. She is in counseling, but is becoming worse and worse in her mental state and I am frantic. On top of this, she has never had any sexual function. NO urges, no erections, even when she tried masturbation to see if she could stimulate herself... nothing. The doctors say this may not change even after the surgery. Her dating life is dismal as well. We knew it would be hard. But its impossible. The one man who was with her for a while, soon just became frustrated by her lack of sexual anything and broke it off. I don't know what to do? A friend suggested I post here for advice. Please help me help my child!"
Left wingers like to mock conservatives for having no empathy, but when they have empathy for aborted fetuses and children who are transitioned, they are mocked for having it and told that they should mind their own business. Caring about other people is only good when it advances the left wing agenda

Jesse Singal on X - "Didn't realize that activists are seeking to enshrine in the New York State Constitution, via a bllot initiative, the belief that there is no tension between biological sex and gender identity"
Of course, we know the left love trans people more than women, so we know who will end up losing rights

Thread by @bourne_beth2345 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I wanted proof to show the world there was almost no stopping a trans-identified child from being medically "transitioned" at Kaiser Permanente once your child announced their trans 🏳️‍⚧️ identity. I wanted written records from the pediatricians in my town (Davis, CA) exactly what would be their protocol for medicalizing a child, and if there were any guardrails in place for parents like me who were not affirming.  In order to do this, I pretended my younger child, my 15-year-old son, was interested in starting up on estrogen so he could present as female. Unlike his sister, my son had never experienced any distress over "gender" and wasn't likely to ever see this correspondence between his new pediatrician and me.  Within 2 days, I received all the proof I needed to show how every pediatrician was completely captured by radical gender ideology and no child was safe under Kaiser's care. The responses get more shocking as I ask harder questions 🧵
Within 30 minutes, I hear back from my son's pediatrician. She says kids in Davis are often directly referred to the pediatric gender clinic, about an hour away in Oakland. I had already learned about the "Proud Clinic" with my daughter. This is a one-stop shop for transitioning kids with gender specialist counselors, fertility bank for storing sperm/eggs, and surgeons performing mastectomies "top surgery" on girls as young as 13. My next question is an easy one. "Could you tell me how you make the determination that a patient is 🏳️‍⚧️transgender?"  Dr. Heidt quickly answers: "Usually it is the patient telling me how they identify. Some people feel strongly that they are male or female, no matter their gender at birth." So it's the child who is actually diagnosing himself or herself as transgender based on their feelings??!!
I ask the doctor if she might be willing to caution my son about the health risks of starting estrogen, feminizing hormone therapy, since he's only 15 years old.  Not only does Dr. Heidt skirt the issue of answering my question about the health risks associated with a 15-year old boy on cross-sex hormones, but she now responds with a message that now includes my ex-husband.  She says: "I am here to speak with Nathan (my patient, not sure what they want to be called now) if they feel ready and want to talk with me and of course am happy to discuss with parents as well. "
I already knew the answer to this question since I had done my own undercover investigation where I pretended to be nonbinary, and my daughter's psychiatrist had warned me about a patient (13-year "nonbinary" girl) of hers that was prescribed testosterone on the first visit. But I still asked it: "Could you tell me the minimum number of sessions with a mental health evaluator before XXX (my son) could be prescribed estrogen? " Dr. Heidt answers there is no "set number of sessions as every patient is different." She says not to worry, Kaiser isn't putting kids on wrong-sex hormones if they've only been thinking about it for a month or two as this would not be "consistent/persistent enough to meet the criteria." The criteria is 6 months. Insanity. 🚩🚩  She adds, "I know this can be very difficult as a parent but there are several excellent websites that you can check out." (all 3 are big TRA lobbying groups promoting the tran$ gender industry: TransParenting, Gender Spectrum, and Human Rights Campaign) 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Can children consent to being sterilized??  I decide to ask Dr. Heidt point-blank if she thinks my son is old enough at 15 to consent to taking life-altering drugs that could leave him sterilized.
My son's pediatrician acknowledges she can see in my son's records that his sister is "trans" and says parents need to consent. (What she doesn't say is that in California only one parent needs to consent and you will likely lose custody if you are the non-affirming parent holding the line.) 🚩🚩  She also says: "No one is going to force hormones on a child but rather offer support and affirmation for how a child is expressing themselves."
I pressed on and asked my son's pediatrician if there were any gender critical docs at Kaiser Davis. My friend in town had confided me in that there was a private group chat among her physician colleagues at Kaiser and a few docs had voiced their objection to being told to prescribe wrong-sex hormones to their patients - and instead were referring them to the new "gender affirming care" champion in the office, Dr. Yolanda Bakus. (The same doctor I met with for my undercover story where I pretended to be non-binary.)  ...and I can't help myself with this question "Could you recommend another doctor at Kaiser Davis for my son who is not an activist?" 😂😂🤣
And here it is, the proof. The Kaiser Permanente pediatricians will take no responsibility or blame for the destruction (cancer risks, sterility, irreversible genital surgeries, etc.) to your child. Dr. Heidt says:  "As I mentioned in my first email, the primary care provider (whether it's a pediatrician or family medicine doctor) really has little oversight in this sort of situation."
It's a big money $$$ generating pipeline for confused kids 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ as Kaiser is an HMO, so both the insurer and the provider. All of the Kaiser members are paying the shared cost of putting these kids on wrong sex hormones, needing fertility banks, providing cosmetic double mastectomies for teen girls, etc. It's the most horrific medical scandal of modern times.
My daughter grew out of her "trans-male" identity. She is proof that children should never be medicalized with puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and unnecessary double mastectomies."

Thread by @TwisterFilm on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "What motivates the Trans Lobby? Two images sum it all up. The first is of Robert Stoller the man who coined the term 'gender identity' and popularised the idea in the 1960s and 70s. Here he is in Papua New Guinea in 1979. Guess who took the photograph.👉
The photographer was Gilbert Herdt who spent the 1970s studying the Sambia tribe who ritually abused young boys. Herdt went on to publicly defend child abuse in the 1990s. His work was then quoted approvingly by @petertatchell in his own defence of paedophilia in 1997.
The other image that explains the trans lobby is this one. "Virginia" Prince set up FPE, the first trans organisation, in the 60s and has been credited with effectively founding the trans movement. He was a psychiatric patient of Robert Stoller's for 27 years. It was almost certainly from " Virginia" that Stoller developed his idea that men embraced a trans identity as revenge on women. Trans identification was, he said, a form of sexual perversion rooted in hate and fear of women. Prince despised women.
That's why Stoller travelled to Papua New Guinea. The Sambia warriors also viscerally despised women. He and Herdt would later theorise Sambia child abuse was a type of behaviour motivated by the same fear fo women that drove trans identification back in America.
If a trans activist tells you their lobby is progressive remind them of its founding fathers: Virginia Prince who hated women (and gays) and his psychiatrist who concluded trans identification was akin to child abuse. Under the surface pathology still drives the trans lobby."
This would explain why MTFs hate women so much

Meme - Jesse Singal @jessesingal: "I'm confused as to how trans people or member of any other group can know the answer to an empirical question without conducting research on it?"
Few trans youths report regretting gender-affirming care, study finds - The Washington Post - "“I wish we didn’t need research like this, but we do,” said Chris Barcelos, an associate professor of women’s gender sexuality studies at the University of Massachusetts at Boston, who was not involved in the recent study. “It’s important that there is more data to support a thing that trans people … know, which is that there’s a really low rate of regret and really high rates of satisfaction with gender-affirming care for young people.”"
Left wingers Know things, and empirical evidence doesn't matter. A "myth" is a fact that left wingers hate, after all
Of course the media neglects to mention the problems with the "research" TRAs love to cite (the high sampling bias in this study they're citing, for example), and doesn't fact check the claims (like it being hard to get "gender affirming care", which Barcelos claims wrongly)

Meme - "If your vag needs a manual, it's probably not a vag. *MTF holding "The New Vagina Manual"*"

Thread by @The_Kyle_Mann on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The new Mass Effect board game has pronouns on its character sheets. The designer called anyone who complained about it a "manbaby". I'll be returning my copy, and I rated it a 1 on BGG.  I was then immediately kicked off the website I've been a member of since 2012 because of my religious beliefs that differ from the extremist gender ideology of the designer. Why the bigotry and exclusion, @BoardGameGeek?  Gatekeep your hobbies. Keep the woke extremists out. They will ruin your hobby in the name of "inclusion" and then kick you out and tell you you aren't welcome. My review even expressed a desire for more inclusion and diversity and they still kicked me off the site :( This also reminded me that a few years a go I replied to a BGG thread where someone said she was offended by the gendered nature of the term "dudes on a map" (referring to games with, you know, primarily male soldiers on a map, like Risk or Axis and Allies).  My comments were deleted and I was told by the admins that I was not allowed to disagree with the poster, no matter how polite I was."

Trannymaniacs full song - YouTube - "It's time for Trannymaniacs
They're disgusting to the max
They wear skirts instead of slacks
They're Trannymanaiacs
Come join them on the discord server pronouns "she" and "her"
Soon enough they rope and they will change to "was" and "were"

They insist you call them "mam" though they look just like a "sir"
Adam's apple
Wide clavicle
Futa connoisseur
They are the Trannymaniacs
There's an axe-wound in their pants
They just can't accept the facts
They're looney to the max
They're Trannymaniacs
They say "Age is just a number", whenever they are found
Grooming minors on the internet or on the playground
They wait in women's restrooms when no one is around
Then they pop out
And whip it out
And swing it all around
They are the Trannymaniacs
They think they're cute but make me yak
No they can't transition back
But they're calling you the quack
They're trannymany
Totally insaney
Fucked up in the brainy
Those are the facts"
BitChute Mirror

Colin Wright on X - "In this 2024 peer-reviewed paper in @jqtsie , the authors (both queer and trans) attempt to "queer" research and the traditional purpose of the academy so that it prioritizes "queer and trans joy, thriving, and life."  How do they do this? By utilizing "divination dialogues," which are "conversations that take place during and following a divinatory practice such as tarot reading, as a liberatory politic of community building and co-theorization on how to actualize our own futures in a colonial, neoliberal academy."  Through these "divination dialogues," the authors claim to have come up with "four ways that queer and trans academics can infuse our queerness into the academy as a reclamation of our space. The authors end the paper with a "Concluding Call to Action," which invites readers "to join our community, to allow us to celebrate in your abundance, to uplift you in your chrysalistic process of becoming" and to "be queerer, dream queerer, think more queerly, and embody all of the special elements of yourself in all that you do.""
Three Card Spread: Theorizing Queer and Trans Futurity for Tenure-Track Faculty Through Divination Dialogues

Meme - "Humans have two arms"
"UMMM WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO ARE BORN WITH ONE OR EVEN THREE ARMS?! Because this happens sometimes that means how arms you have is a spectrum and humans actually have an infinite number of arms. My self-identity of having six.arms is now valid."

Meme - Wesley Yang @wesyang: "Making Vance weird is inseparable from the project of making Levine normal. If Levine is normal then Vance really is weird and vice versa.   The Administration worked tirelessly to enact this agenda for all four years."
"Biden Officials Pushed to Remove Age Limits for Trans Surgery, Documents Show. Newly released emails from an influential group issuing transgender medical guidelines indicate that U.S. health officials lobbied to remove age minimums for surgery in minors because of concerns over political fallout."

"No one gives two flips that you say you're a woman. That's not the problem people have with you. The problem is your agenda.
- You want me fired from my job if I don't use the right pronoun of the 720 you just made up yesterday.
- If I disagree with your political opinion, or don't vote the way you want, then it's "violence against you".
- I've been oppressing you for thousands of years even though I was only born in 1981.
- Wearing a dress is all it takes for you to demand going into the women's locker room.
- You want masculinity to be medically recognized as "toxic" and a "potential mental illness".
- You want to teach my kids all this nonsense and make it where I can't withdraw them from school to avoid it.
Let everyone else live the way they want and nobody would even care what gender you think you are."

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "Sex offending rate of women: 3 per one million
Sex offending rate of men: 395 per million
Sex offending rates of transwomen: 1,916 per million"

Erin for Parental Rights on X - "🙌🏼 Starting the week with a big *WIN* for parental rights!
🙌🏼Parents in PA fought back when a first grade teacher taught their 6 & 7-year-olds that they might be born in the wrong body. With no opt-out for the lesson. 🙌
The judge ruled that this was a gross violation of their constitutional rights and parental authority.
How wild that teaching 6 & 7-year-olds about transgenderism in first grade history & civics — with no parent notification, opt-out or lesson transparency required — is now MANDATED in the state of Colorado. Parents here had better start suing!!! #parentalrights"
Wesley Yang on X - "Teaching a pseudo-mystical belief that people can be born in the wrong body and restored to their true selves by chemically castrating and cutting off healthy body parts as fact is a brazen violation of the Establishment clause and an assault on parental rights that must be purged from every public school without exception
"Unfortunately, state curricular standards in most Blue States mandate this grotesque assault on reason and reality.  It has to be stopped everywhere."

Decider on X - "When Elliot Page wanted their #TheUmbrellaAcademy character to come out as trans, showrunner Steve Blackman said via text, "oh my f**king God. Kill me now.""
If you don't shove the left wing agenda everywhere, you are a bad person

Robot: "HE'S A GUY, SHE'S A GIRL."
Trans people: "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!"

Women's football team claim they are victims of 'transphobic violence' after rival team's local councillor claimed they fielded 'two bearded guys who consider themselves women' - "Alex Alcaide Llanos and Nil Alcon Labella play for CE Europa B in a Catalan women's league and are still registered as female while undergoing medical transitions and are barred from men's football. After they started in the 3-1 win against Terrassa, with Alex scoring, a local councillor from the right-wing Vox party, Alicia Tomas, claimed they were 'two guys with beards who consider themselves women'. Alex has now been taking hormones for over five years, as per Beteve, an outlet that once interviewed the player. Europa have since hit back claiming their players are victims of 'transphobic violence' and have released a statement opposing 'aggression and fascism'... Europa then hit back, writing: 'In light of the violence perpetrated against two of the players from the women's reserve team, we at Club Esportiu Europa say no to transphobic and LGBTIphobic violence and to any type of violence.' 'Throughout its century-long history, our club has stood out for its values of sportsmanship, fair play and compliance with current sporting regulations. It also works and fights for the right of all people to live lives free from all forms of violence. Lives that deserve to be lived. 'Combating hate crimes and transphobic violence is a collective duty that challenges all of society. We therefore reiterate and say loudly that we remain firm. Against aggression and fascism, we say not one step back.' On Europa's website, the club displays rainbow flag colours next to a box which reads: 'We say no (to): fascism, machismo (defined as 'strong or aggressive masculine pride'), homophobia, racism.'... As the team's coordinator Nany Haces told El Debate in 2022: 'There is a huge gap between our first team and our second team (the youth team) and every year we lose 10 players who we cannot accommodate in the first team. 'It was necessary to set up a strong reserve team to compete and in a few years end up moving up a category. 'Alex is developing as a player, he has obvious technical shortcomings, he is a fast player, but we have four or five more like him. He is not the fastest.'"
Disagreement with the left wing agenda is "violence" and "aggression and fascism"
Weird. Does this mean the left is now supporting "men" playing in women's sports? I thought taking hormones made you the other gender

Saskatchewan teachers get degrading messages after change room complaint - "In his pledge, Moe said his first order of business if his party is re-elected would be instructing his education minister to ensure all school divisions abide by the change room policy. He has said the proposed rule is meant to support all students. NDP Leader Carla Beck has said such a policy would make vulnerable children more vulnerable and voters have more pressing issues on their minds, including smaller classrooms, better health care and being able to afford gas. Beck has promised to repeal the province's pronoun law if the NDP forms government. Moe used the notwithstanding clause last year to pass a law that requires parental consent if children under 16 change their names or pronouns at school."
Weird. Voters have more pressing issues on their minds, but she promised to repeal the pronoun law

Meme - Skeptic Research Center Team @SkepResCenter: "This sort of academic absurdity has flown the coop of the ivory tower.   Just over 1 in 5 "very liberal" women say it is "true" that "men can get pregnant."  There is good news, though: outside of "very liberal" women, around 90%+ of Americans across the political spectrum understand that men cannot, in fact, get pregnant.   (see graph below)  For more sample and methodological details, see here: https://skeptic.com/research-cente"
"Men can get pregnant. % That Chose "True" (versus False) by Political Orientation and Sex Male"

"A Salary For Being Trans" : Trans Activists In Spain Prompt Outrage After Meeting With Politicians To Forward A "Transgender Pension" - "A prominent trans activist organization in Spain has put forward a proposal for legislation that would guarantee transgender people pensions upon reaching 65. The pensions would be issued regardless of whether the transgender applicant had ever paid into the pension throughout their life.  The proposal was put forward by Federation Platform for Trans Rights, who presented it last week to the parliamentary groups of the Congress of Deputies. The group, known colloquially as Plataforma Trans, was founded in 2015 “with the aim of uniting specifically trans collectives and entities and to fight for a new trans law that recognizes gender self-determination and depathologises trans identities.” During the meeting, all parties sent representatives except the right-wing Popular Party and Vox Party. Calling it the “Trans Memory Law,” the policy would grant people who identify as transgender a lifetime pension, along with priority access to public housing and housing assistance programs... The president of the Federation Platform, a trans-identified male named Mar Cambrollé, declared at the time that “the Franco dictatorship and post-Francoism violated the most fundamental rights of trans and gender-diverse people, who not only suffered the worst effects of Franco and post-Francoism with deprivation of freedom, but also suffered [exile].” Cambrollé claimed that trans-identified people were suffering from “extreme poverty” as a result of the legacy of Francisco Franco, a fascist leader who ruled Spain until 1975."

Transgender Muslim "Wannabe Firefighter" Requests Court Allow Him To Be Euthanized After Being Charged With Making Terroristic Threats - "A man who identifies as a Muslim woman is on trial after threatening to murder public safety officials in Jasper, Mississippi. Tanya Morgan, 64, has now demanded the court allow him to be euthanized... the situation first unfolded after Morgan was refused membership at the Rose Hill Volunteer Fire Department – something he attributed to discrimination on the grounds of his alleged Muslim faith. Enraged by the rejection, Morgan showed up to a June 4 meeting at the Jasper County Emergency Management office where he engaged in an altercation with firefighters.  After being asked to leave, Morgan made several frivolous 911 calls that culminated in him threatening to open fire into multiple county and city buildings. Morgan was arrested and taken to the Jasper County Jail. During his brief detention, Morgan claims he was “harassed … while I was naked and trying to take a shower” and was “dragged” and “locked up naked without my clothing or hijab.” He also claimed he was inappropriately photographed by a deputy who “appeared to have an erection.” Sheriff Randy Johnson has refuted the claims, noting video evidence exists to demonstrate the claims are false... Morgan has repeatedly asserted under oath that he is biologically female, despite ample evidence to the contrary. In one complaint he submitted to the Jasper County Court, Morgan wrote: “Instead of being a Muslim female, I’m being defamed and adjudicated as … a chick who cut her dick off or any other of the many homosexual slurs the Christian community of Mississippi embrace.”  During his August arraignment, the court asked him for his legal name – to which Morgan initially attempted to claim that he had a medical condition and was unable to speak.  After being questioned again by Judge Matthew Sullivan as to the name on his birth certificate, Morgan replied: “The name on my birth certificate is Matilda Jean Duffy.” But Sullivan, after reviewing some documentation, noted that Morgan appears to have previously been named “Matthew Duffy.” Morgan has also filed a bizarre request with the court to be allowed to go to Australia, Canada, Columbia, or Italy to be euthanized... Following the arraignment hearing, the reporter attempted to interview Morgan outside of the courtroom, but the scene quickly devolved into chaos as Morgan ran to the nearby Sheriff’s office to claim that the reporter had physically assaulted him. CCTV footage did not substantiate this claim."

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