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Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Links - 5th November 2024 (1 - Migrants)

Dr. Maalouf ‏ on X - "Muslim men in Germany: "When Muslims become the majority, we will take over Germany by force. German laws will be replaced by Sharia law. If the Germans stand against us, we will attack them. Christians and Jews will have to convert or leave.” They mean every word they say!"

Meme - "Immigrant crime in Finland became a topic of public debate in the 1990s-early 21st century period with the arrivals of Somalis in Finland.
Sexual offences per nationality in 2017
Afghanistan 138.12 per 10,000
Iraq 133.86 per 10,000
Syria 41.59 per 10,000
Turkey 40.78 per 10,000
Sweden 28.69 per 10,000
Somalia 28.46 per 10,000"

iamyesyouareno on X - "The Viking begins to hate. "My son has been robbed 3 times. Twice by Somalis, once by Arabs. He's marked for life." "If I had a daughter I would follow her with a loaded shotgun." “I can’t find words to express my disgust with this government, they’ve betrayed our country.”"

Geiger Capital on X - "Bernie Sanders on illegal immigration: (2015) "Open borders? No. That's a Koch brothers proposal... which says, essentially, there is no United States. They would love to bring in people from all over the world to work for $2/hour. It would make everyone in America poorer.""

Skilled, educated and washing dishes: how Italy squanders migrant talent - "Marilyn Nabor, an experienced high school mathematics teacher in the Philippines, moved to Italy 14 years ago with high hopes of honing her craft in the country of Galileo and Fibonacci. Now aged 49, she works as a housekeeper in Rome, counting cobwebs and crockery, and has abandoned hope of returning to her former calling. "This country does not recognise our diploma or curriculum from the Philippines," she said. "I cannot get professional work." Even gaining qualifications in Italy didn't help Abhishek, a 26-year-old migrant from India who got a master's degree in mechanical engineering at Turin's Polytechnic University last year. Abhishek, who declined to give his surname, said he was rejected for a string of jobs because his rudimentary Italian was deemed inadequate. He has now found work as an engineer in the Netherlands, where he can get by with English. Such stories bring home an uncomfortable truth: there are scant prospects in Italy for foreign-born workers, however qualified they are, due to a combination of factors including a strict cap on work permits and a high citizenship bar. In contrast to much of the West, it's rare to see migrants working as doctors, engineers, teachers or in any other skilled professions - raising red flags for a country with a chronically stagnant economy and an aging and rapidly shrinking population. Last month the European Union's statistics agency Eurostat said just over 67% of non-EU workers in Italy are over-qualified, meaning that they are stuck in medium- or low-skilled jobs despite having university-level education. That compared with an EU average of about 40%. Only Greece did worse in the 27-member bloc, while France and Germany were between 30-35%. Italy, which is also contending with an exodus of skilled nationals to stronger economies, needs qualified immigrants to fill growing skilled labour shortages, many economists say. Unlike in much of northern Europe, English is not widely used in the workplace, despite being a global lingua franca... Italian gross domestic product has barely grown since the start of the century, after adjustment for inflation, and its labour productivity rose by just 0.4% per year between 1995 and 2021, less than a third of the EU average, Eurostat data shows... Most professional guilds are only open to Italian citizens, and have rigid requirements based on academic record, work experience or entrance exam...  "Italian bureaucracy is very complex and difficult to interpret."... For non-EU migrants committed to forging a life in Italy, the road to citizenship is longer and tougher than most Western European nations, requiring them to be at least 18 and a legal resident in the country for 10 years before they can apply.

Danish PM Says Migration Is Europe's Top Issue After Ukraine : r/europe - "in 2020, Germany got 1.19m people, 643.000 of them were non EU, among them 122k were Asylum seeker and 30.000 Skilled worker. I dont have data on amount of refugees. EU is open is refugees and asylum seekers but extremely strict with skilled workers. Whenever Politicians talks about stricker immigration policies only thing they do making harder to move legally, raising requirements to be skilled worker."
"Yes 100%. There are so many highly skilled workers that would kill to live and work in Germany/ Europe. The process is grueling and almost impossible. By these numbers above alone you are bringing in more dependents taking from the system (4x more to be exact) than people contributing to the system.  It would be good to see net flows but it’s obvious politicians have failed the average European.  Btw- I say this as a highly skilled immigrant in the EU"

Meme - Jack @unfelled_: "American liberalism in its current form is a death cult. Its most ardent belligerents are dysgenics, gays, minorities, and spinsters. This coalition offers no aspiration for the future. No organic growth. The only way the cult grows is to flood America with the 3rd world." Ulysses the Revengeft: "What an evil mentality. Also, unironically "what do you notice?""
elizabeth handgun @On...: "what exactly is bad about falling birth rates"
Cathy Reisenwitz: "There's nothing infants can do for the US that immigrants can't do better and more quickly"

Meme - Jonatan Pallesen @jonatanpallesen: "Amusing title from the Economist, "It's complicated", for a graph that clearly, unambiguously shows that non-Western immigrants to Denmark are fiscally net negative.  Immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa are even fiscally negative in prime working age!
The main reason for the negative economic impact of the Middle Eastern immigrants is that a large proportion of them do not work (more than half!), and instead collect social welfare.  Higher expenses to deal with the higher crime rates is another reason."

Thread by @AndrewHammel1 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - ""90% of young doctors are foreigners, and 75% of them don't speak adequate German". A German doctor pseuodnym "Bernd Ahrens" gives a frank, anonymous interview. Like so many other German institutions, the health-care system here is quietly collapsing.  There aren't enough places in German medical schools, and the best students often leave Germany because conditions here are dire -- earning potential is low, funding is scarce, and the bureaucracy is stifling. So Germany is dependent on foreign doctors. But of course the most talented foreign doctors are not going to Germany. So Germany imports anyone from countries like Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Bulgaria, and Romania. Technically they're supposed to speak German at at least C1 and they're supposed to prove their foreign credential is equivalent to a German medical degree, but hospitals desperately need warm bodies so these standards are fudged. As a result, the senior doctor says, 90% of new hires are foreign, and 75% don't speak sufficient German to do their jobs properly.
Ahrens notes one case in which a cancer survivor complained of lower back pain -- a clear sigh of metastases -- but the foreign doctor never grasped that the patient was telling him that he had previously had cancer surgery. The doctor sent him home, the problem got worse, and the patient was nearly paralyzed by a tumor. Mistakes and misunderstandings like this are constant, and the supervising physicians who are German have to step in and fix mistakes and mediate conflicts.
This is a huge extra burden, so nobody wants the top jobs anymore; the Chief Medical Officer position at the Ahrens' hospital has been vacant for a year. Ahrens has been offered top spots at other German hospitals but has refused.  When he points to the problems caused by unqualified foreign doctors with poor German, he is often accused of being right wing or a xenophobe. Yet everyone who's been treated at a German hospital -- including me -- has encountered the problem first-hand.
The background problem, of course, is that Germany is becoming steadily poorer. You could attract more Germans and good foreigners to the profession with higher salaries, but there's simply not enough money, and that's not going to change anytime soon. Asked for comment, German politicians and licensing agencies dribble pablum about how all doctors must have "suitable qualifications" and that foreign doctors are "filling a crucial need". In other words, the sort of thing they say about all problems until something goes horribly wrong."

wanye on X - "One thing I think about with respect to mass immigration is how quickly norms can fall. Does literally anybody think the Japanese practice of leaving unlocked bicycles out overnight would survive a large increase in immigration to that country? I mean, really, does literally even one person honestly believe that? And if you're Japanese, how are you supposed to think about valuing that in comparison to the economic benefits of immigration? It's a serious question: what is that worth? I don't actually know how to put a number on it."

CoolBlue on X - "Campaign Biden in 2020: I promise to reverse all of trumps secure border policies.
President Biden 2021: I just reversed all of trumps secure border policies.
Campaign Biden 2024: Why won’t the Republican house help me secure the border.
The Democrat party is America last."

Antillekt on X - "As a teenager growing up in Sweden, I had to withhold my opinions on male immigrants from the Middle East or Africa because you weren’t supposed to judge entire groups because of ethnicity. And especially the female feminist type wouldn’t allow any sort of discrimination whatsoever (since they also do not understand violence or the rules of engagement whatsoever). The reality was that whenever I was perhaps out at night and got threatened by an ethnic Swedish guy, there was always some kind of negotiation wether or not we were going to fight. Like “wtf are you looking at” means “do you want to fight?”, and everybody knew that. It might’ve been unpleasant but I was always able to negotiate myself out of the fight so I never had to. You just apologized and showed some kind of friendly/submissive behavior and they didn’t hurt you. And had it been a fight, it would’ve been over once it was clear either one of us was defeated.   The only time I was in a really bad situation was when I got surrounded by Arabs, because they weren’t interested in negotiating with me, they just wanted to beat the shit out of me. I managed to get out because one of them knew me a little and could calm down his friends. My friend got his scull literally cracked by some immigrants, without provocation or warning, for no reason.   So yeah there’s so much nuance when it comes to violence, and especially in a multicultural space where you don’t know the rules of engagement, you just don’t know if you’re fighting for your life or just until the first drop of blood. Unfortunately people who have never experienced violence will never get this."
Hank on X - "It's easier to dehumanize those of other races, especially when you're angry. This is an accepted fact by progressives when discussing the worst stories of white male violence or police brutality and so on. But that fact seems to evaporate when discussing other groups."
Antillekt on X - "Unfortunately it seems like if you’re deemed as having less power than your opponent, you’re in the right no matter what. Morals doesn’t exist to progressives, only power. And they view whites as top predators so white violence is never okay since it’s coming “from above”."

Meme - "I'm the only English speaker at my new job.. in the uk.. struggling to understand co workers & being hit on
 I'm not exaggerating - no one speaks English. The guy who hired me must have been outsourced or something.  I really struggled to get through the work day, and was getting told off for not understanding them (although I'm not sure what they were saying, just that I had made a mistake due to their tone and physically moving things)  I have no issue learning their language to get along with them, but no one told me the entire team does not speak any English so I couldn't have prepared for this.  Also, one of the team members started hitting on me (via text, i suspect he used google translate as he was unable to speak to me during work). Unfortunately part of being a woman in the workplace and it is my 2nd week so I don't really know how I'd tell anyone considering..Well.. they don't speak English.  I should clarify - this is not as if I have applied for a food place that caters to specific nationalities or a job where another language would usually be spoken. I have worked here before and had no issues.  I really don't want to be rude or offensive and I am willing to put in an effort to try to learn their language and understand but..I'm really dumbfounded how I am the only person on shift who can speak English in the UK. Not even broken English. Straight up nothing. I suspect the guy who hit on me used Google translate because he couldn't talk to me during the shift.  I really don't want to come across as rude with this post. I've just never faced this issue before and have no idea how to approach it. If it had have just been the language barrier I could have worked around it, but considering I'm being hit on and can't really report it to anyone.. help!"

Meme - "Make it make sense!
$5 billion tax-payer funded border wall *No*
$451 billion per year tax-payer funded housing & care of illegals *Yes*"

Meme - Gad Saad @GadSaad: "There are countless European cities that used to have very little crime including very few rapes and sexual assaults. But over the past two decades, many cities have seen an astounding exponential increase in criminality. Women throughout Europe feel unsafe. Does anyone know what happened? Is it due to climate change? MAGA extremists? White nationalists? Please explain using simple words so that I might follow."

i/o on X - "Lefty opposition to mass immigration wasn't uncommon decades ago. For example, some environmental groups used to publicly oppose it because they believed it would lead to overpopulation and overdevelopment, which would damage the environment and deplete natural resources."
Kamala Harris' father warned that immigration was bad for black workers - "Donald Harris, an emeritus professor at Stanford University, issued a warning against mass immigration of low-skilled workers in a 1988 treatise he co-authored titled “Black Economic Progress: An Agenda for the 1990s.”...   “Trends in international trade have moved against U.S. workers,” he wrote. “U.S. immigration laws have been modified in ways that increase the influx of low-skilled workers, who compete with native-born youths and low-skilled adult workers for low-skilled jobs. “This shift has been a particularly serious problem for blacks, who constitute a high proportion of the low-skilled adult workers,” according to the book.  Harris, a Marxist economist, lives just a two miles away from his daughter in Washington D.C., but the two rarely speak...   The book, published just two years after the 1986 immigrant amnesty law signed by then-President Ronald Reagan, is typical of far-left economic thinking on immigration.  Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was once a sharp critic of mass migration and blasted open borders as a “Koch brothers proposal.”  “It would make everybody in America poorer,” Sanders told lefty columnist Ezra Klein in 2015.   Vice President Harris has supported granting illegal aliens “pathways to citizenship” — and continues to make the idea a pillar of her 2024 presidential race.  The US Citizenship Act of 2021, which the Biden-Harris administration introduced on their first day in office, would have granted legal status to millions of illegal aliens currently living in the United States."

i/o on X - "91% of those convicted of rape in the Spanish region of Catalonia are not native-born Spaniards."
El 91 % % de los condenados en Cataluña por violaciones son extranjeros
Visegrád 24 on X - "BREAKING: 91.67% of the people imprisoned in the Spanish region of Catalonia for rape are foreign citizens despite only making up 17% of the region’s total population. The figure has been released by the Spanish Ministry of Justice 🇪🇸"
Clear proof of how biased the Spanish legal system is against refugees

Meme - "Map of Sex Tourism In Eastern Europe
Destination Countries for Sex Tourists: *Baltics, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia*
Source Countries for Sex Tourists: *UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Finland, Germany, Austria, Italy*
Countries currently unaffected by East European Sex Tourism
Routes of Low Cost Airlines: *From Source to Destination countries*"

Meme - H. Pearl Davis @pearlythingz: "1. Get married
2. Have 2 children
3. Stop sleeping with the husband
4. Cheat on husband.
5. Claim “emotional abuse” and leak out of context calls, texts, and conversations.
6. Ruin the man’s reputation in the town, city, or online.
7. Play victim while filing for child support, alimony, and his assets.
8. Play the “poor single mother card”
9. Tell the kids how evil the father is and give him little custody.
10. Ruin his reputation in any way you can.
I've seen it too many times"

Jailed Iraqi goat herder is a parable of Britain’s broken asylum system - "With its gentle promenade looking out onto the glinting Irish Sea, Aberystwyth feels perhaps as far from northern Iraq as it is possible to get.  It was here that Hawre Ahmed found himself last year, having fled a life of poverty and violence in his home country.  A goat herder by trade and so illiterate that he had his name tattooed on his forearm, Ahmed suffered under the years of Isis occupation and his father had earlier been killed during the Iraq war.  The 35-year-old came to Britain, in the words of his barrister, “to seek a better life”.  Yet Ahmed’s tenure in Aberystwyth lasted all of five days after he was arrested for dealing Class A drugs – evidence, many have said, of Britain’s “broken” immigration system. Following a string of convictions in recent weeks, details have emerged of how the one-time shepherd formed part of a gang of organised criminals – many of whom had been granted asylum in the UK – who flooded the university town with nearly half a million pounds in narcotics as part of a “sophisticated” county lines-style operation run out of Birmingham and Swansea. Some smuggled themselves across Europe in lorries; others across the English Channel... Aberystwyth residents have told The Telegraph how the atmosphere on their quiet streets has changed in recent years, and how drug dealing has become “prolific” and “blatant”.  An employee of a sweet shop located close to one of the gang’s safe houses in the town centre spoke of intimidating encounters with people wandering in “off their face”, having taken drugs in plain sight on the street.  Others described suffering a “terrifying” burglary, likely motivated by drug addiction. Judge Geraint Walters, who sentenced the gang last month, said the trade was a “blight” on the seaside town.  “It’s definitely increasing,” said one of the couples who was burgled this week – and too intimidated to give their names.  It was heard in court how the gang set up multiple front businesses for their nefarious trade: barber shops, car washes and others.  They also took control of several properties in the town, including one on the principal shopping street and another nestled amid the bustling parade of pubs opposite the train station. Another flat was located behind student accommodation on the beach front.  When police raided, they found weapons such as knives and air guns among the piles of drugs and cash. They even found an axe hanging from a coat hook... On two consecutive days in June last year, police intercepted vehicles carrying drugs worth tens of thousands... the ease with which refugees – allowed into the UK on the basis of fleeing hardship or persecution – have been able to adopt this lucrative model has raised disturbing questions. In the words of Judge Walters as he sentenced 12 of the gang to prison in a single sitting, it was “particularly sad” that one of the ring leaders had been given leave to remain but had chosen to repay the UK with serious criminal conduct.  In particular, the stories of low-level criminals like Ahmed are a parable of how Britain’s saturated immigration system provides easy cannon fodder for sophisticated criminal bosses.  The Kurdish man was, the court heard, living in Newcastle before being pulled to West Wales to work as a street-level dealer.  Although not all of the details of Ahmed’s immigration journey are known, it was heard in court that he travelled to Iraq last year to get married and then was allowed to return to the UK... Fay Yoemans, 54, runs a cake boutique in the small Market Hall shopping arcade near to the town’s castle.   “It’s very blatant now,” she said. “You see people gathering, waiting, then someone comes up on a bike and after a few minutes they all disperse.”  “I’ve been in this shop for the last 10 years and in the last two or three it’s got a lot worse.”... nearly 400,000 legal migrants who have moved to the UK since 2021 have done so without a criminal records check... senior law enforcement officials have warned that the explosion in the number of barber shops is due in part to their use as front organisations by criminal gangs for the drugs trade and other forms of illegality.  Gangs of Kurdish origin, as well as Albanian, have been named as particularly associated with the use of barber shops as criminal fronts. There has been a 50 per cent rise in the number of barbershops in the UK since 2018.  The UK received merely 79,000 asylum applications in the 12 months to June 2023, a 19 per cent increase on the year before, according to government data.  The current number is higher than at the peak of the European migrant crisis in 2016.  The Conservatives’ Rwanda repatriation deal was one of the key planks of its policy to curb illegal entry into the UK, notably via small boats in the Channel. However Labour has scrapped the scheme and is poised to grant more than 60,000 people asylum in the next year."

Zarathustra on X - "Lee Kuan Yew emphasizes the point that whatever immigration success America had in previous centuries owed to the fact that it was highly intelligent, highly resourceful, hard-working, high-agency, culturally compatible frontiersmen, explorers, entrepreneurs, etc.  Warns that if we keep getting “immigration of the fruit-pickers, you may not get very far”"
The left keeps celebrating the immigration of the fruit-pickers, so good luck

DogeDesigner on X - "The media has launched new propaganda against Elon Musk. Their claims are false. Elon Musk was legally permitted to work in the United States. He held a J-1 visa, which later transitioned to an H-1B."
~~datahazard~~ on X - "Even if true, what's the argument? - "If you don't care about super genius legal immigrant's brief lapse in visa status, you must fly 1,000,000 random inadmissible Haitians into Ohio""

𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚜 on X - "If we only received thicc latinas and petite asian women immigrants, liberal white women would form SS units overnight"

Small midwestern town 'overwhelmed' by 3,000 African migrants living tax-free - "TikTok is partly to blame for the sudden deluge. Mauritanians are finding their way to the town via a route posted on the app which flows from the Northwest African nation to Turkey, before looping through South America to the US... A tiny Ohio town is wrangling with a sudden influx of African refugees whose arrival has almost doubled the population over the past year. Close to Cincinnati, Lockland was home to 3,500 people in 2023, but local officials say it has since taken in more than 3,000 legal Mauritanian asylum seekers... Mason said the Biden administration's lax border policies urgently need amending otherwise immigration will continue to spiral out of control. The majority of the asylum seekers are entering legally. 'With the federal government's open border policy, these immigration population outbursts have been left for small villages like Lockland to have to deal with,' he said. 'If they're going to have an open border policy they're going to need a policy to direct these immigrants to communities that can withstand that kind of population outburst. 1.2 square mile village — it's unsustainable.' Mason added that many of the 3,000 Mauritanian migrants are not able to work - so they don't pay taxes. 'We're looking at, right now, at probably close to a $200,000 shortfall in our earnings income tax revenue,' he said. Doug Wehmeyer, who is both Lockland Village administrator and fire chief, said the influx of people has also placed a strain on the emergency services. He said call outs to the fire service have increased by 12 percent this year, with almost all the extra calls being made to complexes where the Mauritanians are being housed. This is partly because the migrants are being crammed into upwards of a dozen people inside around 200 units and cooking fires are frequent... It came without a triggering event — such as a natural disaster, coup or sudden economic collapse — suggesting the growing power of social media to reshape migration patterns... Many arrived in the 1990s as refugees after the Arab-led military government began expelling black citizens. Some who left say they're again fleeing state violence directed against black Mauritanians."
What did the people of Lockland expect? They should not have voted to invade Mauritania. Now all the poor black Mauritanians have landed in the most country in the world that murders blacks every day, and they will be subject to genocide

Lawsuit claims Chinese migrant 'exposed hundreds to rare TB strain' - "Louisiana is suing top American security officials after a Chinese migrant entered the state illegally and may have exposed hundreds to a deadly tuberculosis strain. The lawsuit specifically names Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and claims that 'through his official capacity' as security secretary he allegedly allowed the sick detainee to travel through Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities."
When open borders are more important than keeping the country safe

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