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Friday, June 14, 2024

Links - 14th June 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Liam Neeson Criticized For Killing 31 Innocent Human Traffickers Just To Get Back One Hostage | Babylon Bee - ""We are absolutely disgusted by this rampage of violence against innocent human traffickers trying to make a living," said U.S. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "One measly little hostage is no excuse for Neeson's horrific actions."  According to sources, Neeson began hunting down the human traffickers after they kidnapped his daughter to sell as a sex slave. "Terrorists violently taking his daughter to rape is simply no justification for violence," said British politician Jeremy Corbyn. "We called for an immediate cease-fire when Neeson began his genocidal campaign, and demanded he instead spend the next year negotiating with the traffickers while they raped his daughter. Moreover, we condemn in the strongest possible terms Neeson's failure to give food and electricity to the people holding his daughter hostage. His behavior has no place in civilized society." Despite the hostage rescue operation being successful, several international bodies, including the United Nations, castigated Neeson for the collateral damage he caused. "He should have shot the terrorists in the legs," said U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres. "We have issued an immediate arrest warrant for Neeson, and vow to hold him accountable for his totally unnecessary use of violence against poor, helpless terrorists. Just because they are holding your daughter hostage does not give you the right to resort to violence.""

Anthony's answer to If Israel does not allow Palestinian workers to return to work in Israel, what is that going to do to the economy and stability of the Palestinian Authority? - Quora - "Imagine you lived in a semi-detached house. Your next-door neighbour was a waste of space. But you felt sorry for him.  You let him use your electricity, gas and water all for free. You gave him a job where you paid him significant wages, way more than he would get anywhere else.  One day that neighbour came next door at 5am and raped and killed your daughter. Then after your neighbour did that, he went into the front garden laughing and cheering what he had just done. Then to add insult to injury he started making up lies about you saying he only raped and killed your daughter as you were brutally oppressing him and he was in fact the victim in this scenario…  Tell me, seriously, would you ever give a single shit about helping that neighbour ever again? What if that neighbour started screaming you must help me I am human. I need your free shit and work money you were giving me. What then. Would you help him….  The Palestinians have ruined any chance of working in Israel again.  Luckily Gaza has a 10-mile land border with Egypt. They can go and try and get work and receive help from the Egyptians if they can. But strangely enough, the Egyptian Muslims hate the Gazans even more than the Jews do."

‏Let’s talk about the differences between Israeli society and Palestinian society - YouTube - "I have a lot to say about the lies of the Palestinians and about the history of the conflict, but let's talk about the main difference between Israeli society and Palestinian Society. Israel wants to free Israeli children and women who were kidnapped from their homes, and young Israelis who were dancing at a party. The Palestinians want to free terrorists, who killed Israeli civilians. That is the difference between Israeli Society, a democratic Society that cherishes life, and Palestinian society, an Islamistic society that cherishes death. Their words, not mine. If you don't get that, you are as smart as a pro Palestinian students at Colombia University"

Doug Hensley's answer to Why doesn't Israel agree to open the borders of Gaza for them to receive food, medicine and other necessities? - Quora - "Hamas operatives just raided a hospital and took all their fuel and anything else they wanted. UNWRA tweeted a complaint, then retracted it. (At gunpoint, no doubt).  All necessities sent into Gaza will either be consumed on the spot under the watchful eyes of armed men NOT answerable to Hamas, or they will be requisitioned by Hamas.  But Egypt controls the Rafah crossing. It is up to Egypt what do do at that crossing.  The US didn’t open up the front line along the Rhine for Germany to receive food, medicine, and other necessities while preparing to once and for all overthrow Hitler. Ya think?"

"Let Me FINISH My Sentence!" Julia Hartley-Brewer CLASHES With Palestine MP Over Hamas Assassination - YouTube
Petition calls on TV host to resign after 'Islamophobic' comments - "the presenter came under fire and was labelled ‘unprofessional and rude’ during an interview with Palestinian MP Dr Mustafa Barghouti."
Muslims are bigger victims than women, especially white women, so it is good for the former to interrupt the latter. Which is why the left, which usually champion men over women, slammed her, even though he refused to answer her question and deployed whataboutism. Of course, it doesn't help that she condemned Islamist terrorism, since the left supports Hamas
Journalists are supposed to be neutral, yet he kept trying to get her to make declarations. OTOH, he is a government representative, yet he was so cagey

Just ignore Sarah Jama's keffiyeh. Next she'll be wearing a turban - "Given the modern left’s fixation on intersectionality, one might imagine that it’d be near impossible for a female, Black, disabled politician to get thrown out of an NDP caucus. But Sarah Jama somehow managed the task. In 2021, two years before becoming the MPP for Hamilton Centre, Jama likened Zionists to Nazis, and claimed that Israel was killing people all over the world, including right here in Canada. When asked about this bizarre outburst, Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles meekly explained that, hey, we *all* find ourselves in situations “where maybe we didn’t use the right choice of words,” right? And besides, that was the old Jama — the one who wrote for a communist magazine and got arrested at a political demonstration. Surely, she’d be cleaning up her act now that she sat in Ontario’s legislature. Not so much. Just months later, Jama retweeted a post praising a convicted terrorist as a “martyr for freedom.” This time, Stiles rebuked Jama publicly, and the rookie MPP deactivated her Twitter profile. Alas, she couldn’t stay quit, and her account soon popped back up.  Then came the Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023, which inspired Jama to excoriate Israel (on NDP letterhead, no less) for all its nasty “settler colonialism.” She seemed unbothered by the fact that, just three days earlier, more than 1,000 Jews had been massacred by terrorists.  It says something about how desperate Stiles was to keep this intersectional triple threat within the NDP fold that Jama’s Dipper career didn’t end then and there. It was only two weeks later, with Jama still refusing to delete her offensive statement (even pinning it to the top of her Twitter feed at one point), that Stiles cut bait and kicked the rookie MP out of caucus. The NDP might have known this was how things would end. As a photogenic presence at Hamilton-area protests, Jama had become a minor celebrity in local progressive circles. But she also relished the opportunity to make those in power (such as party leaders, apparently) feel “uncomfortable” through acts of “disruption.” Some of the attention-getting stunts in which she participated included painting “defund the police” on Hamilton’s Main Street and leaving a coffin in front of the mayor’s home. Hamilton Spectator editors never seemed to tire of publishing her picture. I’m guessing her short NDP career at Queen’s Park proved dull by comparison. Getting turfed by your party would be a career setback for most politicians. But for Jama, who seems more interested in the activist limelight than angling for committee assignments, it was arguably a plus. Now sitting as an Independent MPP, and so freed of adult oversight, she’s found herself enjoying the best of both worlds — earning a six-figure salary from Ontario’s own “settler-colonial” government while co-opting the legislature as an activist backdrop, all without schlepping any coffins. To bring the cameras out, she merely had to don a keffiyeh — in defiance of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, who’d deemed it “an overt political statement.”... like many of her fellow activists (including those making an odious nuisance of themselves on campuses across North America), Jama never wore the thing until after October 7. And she was admirably forthright about her motivations: “This is a political issue, my job is to be political, and so I will continue to wear this garment.”... One reason I’m wary of any kind of keffiyeh ban is that we’re just coming out of a period of progressive social panic in Canada, during which even the mildest articulation of conservative viewpoints, or display of traditional Canadian symbols, was denounced as a “dog whistle” for white supremacy or some such. (To take one particularly ludicrous example: Recall that in 2022, an “anti-racist” group got a six-figure grant from Justin Trudeau’s government so it could author a report denouncing the Red Ensign flag — Canada’s national symbol until about 60 years ago — as a coded endorsement of white supremacism.)"
Oddly, all the pearl clutching articles about her being kicked out of the NDP and the provincial legislature don't mention all this important context. Spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation is only bad when it threatens the left wing agenda
Left wingers like to accuse those they disagree with of being insincere in not caring about issues before they become pertinent, but they always hop onto the latest bandwagon themselves. Once again, projection is typical of SJWs

Meme - "He's probably thinking about other women..."
"how come gaza always runs out of everything except rockets?"

Joe on X - "The problem with calling Israel’s attack on Gaza a genocide is that it makes most every war between nation states with significant civilian casualties a genocide. Including defensive wars. Was Dresden a genocide? Hiroshima? Bombing of London by the Luftwaffe? And so on.  It’s one thing to despise a particular war or battle or raid due to their being too many civilian causalities. We can discuss that with every war—including Gaza. That doesn’t make any of those wars genocides. Stop cheapening the concept."

Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 on X - "Palestinian civilians cheered on the kidnapping of 19 year old Naama Levy— her pants stained with blood from rape, her heels sliced open to prevent her from running, her hands tied behind her back so she could not resist. Today is her 225th day in Gaza."
wanye on X - "In order to believe that the combatants on each side are morally equivalent, you have to imagine IDF soldiers parading a girl they’ve just gang raped through the streets of Tel Aviv as crowds gather to cheer them on.  It’s incomprehensible and every American teenager chanting, “free Palestine” knows it, which means they’re all cowards and moral degenerates."
wanye on X - "The biggest lie that gets told about the American left, about modern-day communists, is that their heart is in the right place, they’re just mistaken. No, these are resentful, selfish, cretinous moral degenerates."

Anti-Israel groups call for 'worldwide escalation' with 'intifada in every capital'

Colby Cosh: Courts can't save pro-Palestinian MPP Sarah Jama from parliamentary exile - "In the moment it looked like appalling wormbrained opportunism even to her NDP colleagues, who soon ushered her out of their caucus . The day after Jama’s offending tweet, she apologized and found the strength to write “To be clear, I unequivocally condemn terrorism by Hamas on thousands of Israeli civilians.” Despite the new-found clarity (which was mixed with denials of the use of sexual violence by Hamas), the legislative assembly voted on Oct. 18 to censure Jama and to authorize the Speaker not to recognize her on the floor. She is still now condemned to invisibility in debates of the full assembly, although she is allowed to participate in committees and vote. This led her to launch a lawsuit against the Speaker seeking judicial review of his decision to allow a vote on the censure motion. Despite the patent improbability of her cause, she found lawyers willing to go looking for unknown holes in the ancient constitutional axiom of parliamentary privilege . It turns out that the rules protecting a legislature’s right to regulate its proceedings are pretty thoroughly copper-bottomed . The Superior Court decision is mostly a repetitive recitation of quotes to this effect from earlier rulings and authorities; one feels it could have been a great deal shorter. It’s established black-letter law that an assembly can penalize a member for outside acts or deeds: “The legislature … has the power to impose rules and sanctions pertaining to conduct that occurs outside their chambers.” And while a court can potentially decide that some actions of a legislature (and a speaker acting on its behalf) are not shielded circumstantially by privilege, the regulation of debate is the innermost core of that privilege. It’s the substantive central reason it has been recognized and upheld against all comers for 300 years. Jama’s expensive and famous human rights lawyers know all this, and they did not recoil from wasting a court’s time and resources in a partisan cause. This is approved behaviour in their social circle and they will wear their cataclysmic defeat on the constitutional merits as a badge of heroism. As a matter of mere sincerity, one hopes they were honest with their client about the inane hopelessness of her suit, and that she was capable, as a legislator, of understanding it."

Video: Ireland 'refuses to accept' violence as it recognises Palestinian state
Of course, what they mean is that they refuse to accept Israeli violence, even in self defence. Palestinian violence is good though.

Jewish girl pulled out of Burlington high school over antisemitism - "An Ontario mother has pulled her Jewish daughter out of high school fearing she is no longer safe, saying the school is allowing and encouraging pro-Palestinian activists to display and promote threatening antisemitic messages.  “I live in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, and my child is not in school because she’s Jewish. That’s insane,” said Anissa Hersh, after withdrawing her daughter from Burlington Central High School... They said it started with students making antisemitic comments to her daughter and to her friends about her being a Jew. There were student walkouts about Gaza. One day, a van pulled up beside her on school property and people inside started yelling that everyone needs to rise up and free Palestine, they said.  “But this is not anything that I would have pulled my daughter out of school for; I wasn’t happy about it, and we always contacted the school, and the inaction of the school is infamous,” said Hersh. The breaking point came last Thursday. Her daughter had artwork included in a school exhibit and Hersh went to see it, she said. In the school auditorium there was an “Arts & Culture” event. The main event seemed like a Gaza protest.  “They had a huge booth, and it was labeled Palestine. There was a map: the state of Israel was relabeled as Palestine with the Palestinian colours on it; (there was) information such as Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine, Bethlehem is in Palestine. So literally a cultural day that is erasing Jewish history and rewriting history to suit a particular narrative,” Hersh said.  The school permitted students to wear T-shirts and jewelry depicting the eradication of Israel, mother and daughter said.  “When I approached the administration — they were in the room — they told me to calm down because they were just kids.  “Jews are the only minority marginalized group that gets to be told by other people what is and what isn’t offensive. No other group would be told to calm down and to relax. “When the teachers said those things — calm down, it’s not a big deal — the students are emboldened and start saying things like ‘there is no Israel there is only Palestine.’ So don’t tell me that that’s not inappropriate, or calling for the destruction of the state of Israel. The denial of the state of Israel is being endorsed by these teachers and the administration.”"

Police arrest 14 at Gaza solidarity rail blockade in Vancouver
If you don't let "pro-Palestinian" supporters shut down the world, that is "censorship" and "fascism"

Two Ottawa mothers express fear for their children’s safety amid rising antisemitism - "she advised her 11-year-old daughter to no longer leave the house with her Star of David visible after a schoolmate told her a few months ago she has to end her life because of her heritage. “She said… ‘one boy told me a lot of Jews have to die and I have to (commit) suicide because I’m a Jew’”... After moving to Canada and starting a family, she says she never imagined her children would experience the adversity that she did in Russia for being Jewish... her son recently confided in her husband that an older child on his school bus had “asked everyone Jewish to raise their hand.” “And my son told his father that he knew not to raise his hand because the kid sounded mean”... The response to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel has sparked a dramatic surge of antisemitism across Canada... A 15-year-old was arrested on terrorism allegations in December 2023 for what the RCMP said was a plot toward the Jewish community in Ottawa."
Clearly just "anti-Zionism"

Tens of thousands march in London to call for release of hostages - "Under the banner “United we bring them home,” the peaceful rally garnered some 40,000 participants, according to organizers, making it the largest pro-Israel gathering in the UK since war erupted in Gaza after the terror onslaught. There were no reports of violence or arrests at the march, which set out from Central London’s Lincoln’s Inn Fields and ended at Whitehall, accompanied by police guard. Supporters waved Israeli flags and held placards with photos of the hostages... British Jews say they have been subject to verbal abuse by some pro-Palestinian supporters since October 7, and there have been recorded incidents of physical violence as well."
Clearly, the reason why there're reports of violence and arrests at "pro-Palestinian" events but not pro-Israel ones is the nefarious machinations of 'Zionists'

Palestinian student 'full of joy' after Oct 7 attack faces deportation - "Dana Abuqamar, 19, a law student at Manchester University, had her visa to stay in the UK revoked in December after she was filmed just a day after the Hamas terrorist attack saying she was “really full of joy” and “proud that Palestinian resistance has come to this point”.  Suella Braverman and Robert Jenrick, the home secretary and immigration minister at the time, ruled that her presence in the UK was “not conducive to the public good” and revoked her visa, meaning she had no right to remain.  Ms Abuqamar is, however, understood to be fighting the decision on the basis that rescinding her student visa has “violated her human rights” on the “baseless” accusation that she is a “risk to public safety”... Ms Abuqamar confirmed she was appealing the decision and said her remarks in October, which were publicly condemned by policing minister Chris Philp, had been misrepresented. She told Middle East Eye: “My words were taken out of context and they were framed as me supporting harm to innocent civilians, which is completely false and completely untrue... Ms Abuqamar was speaking to Sky News in Manchester when she praised the assault on Israel.  She said: “We are full of pride. We are really, really full of joy [at] what has happened.... We are proud that Palestinian resistance has come to this point.”  However, after widespread condemnations, including from Chris Philp, the policing minister, she claimed her comments had been misrepresented, and later told BBC: “The death of any innocent civilian should not be condoned ever and we don’t condone it at all.”"
It's only a "dog whistle" if misrepresenting it helps the left wing agenda. But when you openly celebrate left-supported terrorists killing civilians, your words must have been taken out of context

Elder of Ziyon 🇮🇱 on X - "Fun fact: Gaza has the largest transgender community in the Middle East with as many as 15,000 men identifying as women and children. (seen on Reddit)"

Meme - "Starting a war and losing it doesn't make you the victim *Palestinian bulldozer tearing down fence*"
This describes the Arab-Israeli conflict too - the Arabs keep declaring war on Israel and then playing the victim

Trudeau to give 5,000 visas to Palestinian refugees for resettlement in Canada - "the Trudeau Liberals revealed that they had decided to quintuple the number of visas they would be issuing to people in Gaza with family members in Canada. A total of 5,000 temporary resident visas will be granted to those fleeing the war-torn territory, far more than the original 1,000 announced in December."
When you want to bring in more anti-Semitism and terrorism for votes

Open Source Intel on X - "BODIES FOUND IN UNRWA BUILDING. The IDF released videos and images showing the entrance to a Hxmas tunnel system where the bodies of four hostages—Ron Benjamin, Amit Buskila, Itzhak Gelerenter, and Shani Louk—were found last Friday. Israeli officials reported that the tunnel entrance was inside a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) building."

Pro-Palestine protesters occupy Israeli consulate in San Francisco, 70 detained
Storming government buildings is only bad when it threatens the left wing agenda

University of Michigan regent's law office vandalized with pro-Palestinian graffiti - "Pro-Palestinian graffiti spray-painted on the exterior of a Michigan law firm is being investigated as a hate crime, police in suburban Detroit said Monday. University of Michigan regent and attorney Jordan Acker called the vandalism “antisemitic” and said staff at the Goodman Acker law firm’s Southfield headquarters discovered it Monday morning. Splotches of red paint were left on the “Goodman Acker” sign above the building’s doors. “FREE PALESTINE” was spray-painted in black upon the building’s walls, while “DIVEST NOW” and “U-M KILLS” — a reference to the University of Michigan — were spray-painted in red upon at least one window and a sidewalk."

Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden's biggest donors - "President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him “Genocide Joe” — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists pushing hard for his reelection. The donors include some of the biggest names in Democratic circles: Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker, according to a POLITICO analysis... The trail of donations shows a series of blurred lines when it comes to liberal causes and Democratic politics. The money is sometimes, but not always, directed toward specific issues — even if it is, it contributes to an organization’s larger pool of funds, which could go toward opposing causes. Often, missions between the donors and nonprofits are aligned, but they also sometimes have different and — particularly when it comes to Gaza — conflicting agendas and tactics. And a small group of wealthy heavyweights are often playing an outsize role funding many of them... as protester tactics have grown more intense, like taking over university buildings and shouting antisemitic remarks, the groups behind them are now attracting criticism from prominent donors on the left. “Why [is the Rockefeller Fund] giving significant grants to Jewish Voice for Peace, [which] blamed the horrific Oct. 7 attacks on Israel and the United States rather than Hamas?” said Elisha Wiesel, a Democratic donor who chairs the Elie Wiesel Foundation, an organization that supports anti-genocide work... Some donors may use this moment to reevaluate where their money goes, something that Conlon, the Democratic bundler, acknowledged."
Big money funding protests and agenda-pushing is only a problem when it hurts the left wing agenda

Palestinian flag in B.C. classroom ‘forces politics’ on kids, mother says - "A Vancouver Jewish mother says she has been told a disciplinary process has begun after a teacher “repeatedly” put up Palestinian flags and symbols in the classroom. Merav Nider told Global News that she complained after her son’s Grade 7 teacher hung up a Palestinian flag in her son’s classroom. It was taken down but later replaced with a flag showing the outline of the state of Israel in red, green and black. Nider says the image is widely seen as a call for the destruction of Israel. After talking to the principal, she said that flag was also removed. “We’re doing a disservice to the kids by forcing politics on them when they’re not old enough to be able to handle it and make an informed decision about what side they take,” Nider said. “And therefore, it’s better if the schools just provide the kids with a safe learning environment where all kids are welcome.”... Nider’s experience is the latest in a string of similar instances reported by Jewish parents across B.C. In Burnaby, the school district apologized after 12-year-old kids were asked in an exam to weigh in on Israel’s right to exist. On Monday night, Global News reported that 11-year-old students were faced with similar material in Victoria."
Of course, left wingers will claim that the Palestinian flag is needed so students feel "safe" and "welcome"
Clearly, if you think teachers are trying to indoctrinate students, you are a far right conspiracy theorist who has fallen for misinformation

Vile video shows anti-Israel protester saying: 'I wish Hitler was still here, he would’ve wiped all you out' - "Horrifying video captured a vile anti-Israel protester telling Jews honoring hundreds of Israelis killed on Oct. 7 that he wished “Hitler was still here” because the Nazi leader would have “wiped all you out.”... On top of the hundreds of concert-goers killed at the festival, a United Nations envoy found in March there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that Hamas terrorists committed rape and “sexualized torture” during the horrifying assault in southern Israel."
More "pro-Palestinian" speech only Islamophobes oppose
This black guy must be a white supremacist!
It's amusing how all the terrorism supporters claim Israel has been found to commit genocide but claim there's no evidence that there was rape on Oct 7th. Their comprehension skills are really bad, which is why some of them support terrorism

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