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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Links - 11th June 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

Robin DiAngelo's nice racism - "You could be forgiven for thinking Robin DiAngelo’s latest effort, Nice Racism, is a mea culpa. Especially given the subtitle: How progressive white people perpetuate racial harm.  This must be some kind of self-lacerating, super-self-reflective memoir, surely?  After all, DiAngelo certainly seems nice enough... thanks to her obsession with race, which, as a writer and diversity trainer, she’s peddled in boardrooms and in the media, she’s probably done a fair bit to ‘perpetuate racial harm’... race, for DiAngelo, is just as all-determining as it was for say, Arthur de Gobineau, or some other 19th-century scientific racist. It’s just she says ‘systemic’ rather than ‘biological’, ‘structural’ rather than ‘ancestral’.  This really is how DiAngelo sees the world. Always and only through the lens of race. As she boasts in Nice Racism, her racialising worldview is ‘operating continuously, transforming who is in my life, who I connect with, what I see, what I care about, what I talk about, what I read about, what I buy, how I work, what I am willing to feel, what I can bear witness to, what discomfort I can withstand, and what risks I am willing to take’...   DiAngelo’s particular target is actually her target market – namely, progressive white people, who ‘might even call themselves “woke”’. Like a fire-and-brimstone preacher, she is berating the converted, those, that is, who buy her books, and no doubt pay for her training. Think of Nice Racism as drumming up trade.  The basic contention of Nice Racism is this: progressive white people are refusing to acknowledge that they’re still racist... it’s never enough, not for DiAngelo, who has books to market, and diversity-training courses to sell. ‘Never consider your learning finished’, she writes. ‘Continually participate in every racial-justice education forum you can (conferences, workshops, talks).’ Contact details below... It makes for an eye-scratchingly repetitive read... there’s the whole group of progressive white people who remain silent rather than risk speaking over the ‘Black and Indigenous Person of Colour’ addressing them. This, as DiAngelo explains, is a classic case of white silence as violence.  On and on this goes. Progressive white people can’t do right for doing wrong. Even a BIPOC person lecturing a progressive white audience on racism becomes sinister for DiAngelo. ‘I saw a metaphor for colonialism’, she writes. ‘The group was in essence saying, “we’ll observe you and seek to understand you. In doing so, we’ll relax while you work. [And] you’ll provide us with the fruits of your labour”.’ This was a lecture, not indentured labour.   Such passages are at least entertaining in their wilful reduction of absolutely everything to racism. But there’s not enough of them to keep the eyes open. Too much of Nice Racism reads like academic jargon attached to an air compressor. At points you wonder whether DiAngelo wrote it at all, or had some sort of critical-race-theory AI do it for her"

Woke Olympics – Anti-racist Racist Club - "Recently, two viral incidents dominated national discourse. One was the viral video of a Ngee Ann Polytechnic lecturer harassing an interracial couple... PA used a wedding photo of a Malay couple without their permission for a Hari Raya decoration. What many saw as a clear-cut case of privacy infringement quickly spiralled into debates about whether PA’s mistake amounted to racism.  In these two cases, anti-racist and woke activists mindlessly echoed catchy anti-racism slogans online to bulldoze through anyone who disagreed with their diagnosis of the incidents, even attacking reasonable people who were also upset with racism. Minorities themselves were not spared. Lacking self-awareness, being obnoxious and unbearable, these ‘woketivists’ ironically sow more division and conflict than their movement can ever resolve. While others were celebrating and affirming interracial relationships in the face of bigotry, the woketivists were performing mental gymnastics to ‘problematize’ interracial relationships. Despite proclaiming themselves to be anti-racists, they ended up throwing up arguments that accused interracial couples of racism, just like the racist lecturer did... Woketivists claim to represent and stand for the ‘oppressed’ and ‘marginalised’. However, some of the responses to the recent PA incident expose their hypocrisy. As the debate over whether the PA incident amounts to racism raged on, some guilt-stricken Chinese wokes who felt the answer was clear cut even accused other Malays themselves of ‘internalised racism’. Much like Puan Hannah, anyone who doesn’t fit into their narrow view of things can be labelled as racist. Even the victims of racism themselves."
From 2021

Amy Biehl - Wikipedia - "Amy Elizabeth Biehl (April 26, 1967 – August 25, 1993) was a Fulbright Scholar and American graduate of Stanford University and an anti-Apartheid activist in South Africa who was murdered by a black mob shouting anti-white slurs at her in Cape Town... In 1998, all were pardoned by South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, when they stated that their actions had been politically motivated. Biehl's family supported the release of the men"

Meme - Renson Seow: "When society rewards and panders to those who play the race card*, society shouldn't be surprised if more people then choose to play the race card.
Ps: those who think that this accusation has any shred of truth need to compare the probability of the staff wanting to give race-preferential waffles when a sale is a sale, vs this whole thing more likely being just a minor misunderstanding, but given media airtime due to attaching the race card.
(* "playing the race card" being an accusation of racism prior to ruling out more probable causes)" MOTHERSHIP.SG: "Malay woman says PrimaDeli staff 'racist' for saying no more waffles but selling last piece to Chinese man behind her"

Windsor teacher recorded scolding Muslim students over Pride Flag raising absences - "A teacher at a Windsor public school has been caught on tape telling students she was "disgusted" some Muslim students were absent for the school's Pride Flag raising last month.  During a 15-minute recording, which was obtained by the website True North, the teacher is heard asking students how many had come to school the day before for the flag raising before saying, "We as a staff at Northwood were incredibly hurt by the statement you made yesterday."...  "You need to understand how hurt and disappointed we are by your actions and take that home to your parents because they're the ones who made you stay home."  "It was an incredible show of hatred," the teacher tells the class. "It was hatred towards a community of people, and it was incredibly disgusting to have witnessed. I do not want to be a part of this school."  The teacher then tells the class, "The whole staff feels the same way. The board of education feels the exact same way."  Some students in the class object to the teacher's characterization of the incident and are heard defending their religion and their parents' choice to keep them home."
Edmonton teacher berates Muslim students for skipping Pride - "An Edmonton school board says it’s taking action after audio of a teacher berating Muslim students for skipping Pride month events was shared online.  In the recording posted to social media Monday, an unidentified teacher at Londonderry School can be heard telling students who decided to go to the mall that they didn’t respect Pride events.  “‘I’m going to show my opinion by hanging out at the mall,’” the teacher can be heard saying. “But meanwhile all of those kids who are involved… they’re here when we did Ramadan… and they’re showing respect to the class for your religion, right. For your beliefs. It goes two ways.  “If you want to be respected for who you are, if you don’t want to suffer prejudice for your religion, your colour of skin, your whatever, then you better give it back to people who are different than you. That’s how it works. It’s an exchange.”  The teacher goes on to say Pride events in Canada are important especially given the situation in other parts of the world... "You don’t belong here and I mean it.” Edmonton Public Schools says it’s taking action against the teacher but wouldn’t specify what, claiming privacy concerns.  EPSB adds it continues to tout diversity and discussion about inclusion, acceptance and kindness.  In a statement, the National Council of Canadian Muslims called the teacher’s comments deeply Islamophobic, inappropriate and harassing."
Once again, "inclusivity" excludes, and the reality of the slippery slope means a gesture of inclusion has become compulsory
Who is more important to the left? Muslims or LGBTs?

Phil Magness on X - "On a related note to today's discussion, Karl Popper spent a fair bit of time in the 1970s working his way through Adorno & Habermas. His conclusion? Critical theory is a pile of word games and pretentious nonsense."
Popper to Aron: letter on Adorno and Habermas - "I can only say that when I read either Adorno or Habermas, I feel as if lunatics were speaking.  I have translated some of their German sentences into simple German. It turns out to be either trivial or tautological or sheer pretentious nonsense. I completely fail to see why Habermas is reputed to have “talent”. I do not think that he was born less intelligent than other people; but he certainly did not have the good sense to resist the influence of a pretentious, lying, and intelligence destroying University education.  Sociology is in a bad way — even here in England. There seems to be an interesting law: bad and pretentious language drives out good and simple language. And once human language is destroyed, we shall return to the beasts."

Diana S. Fleischman on X - "The Guardian: Why does the racist idea persist that Black people have thicker skin than White people?
Meanwhile: Black people have thicker skin than White people."
Diana S. Fleischman on X - "Correction: Black people have stronger skin barrier strength than White people, more and more compact stratum corneum layers and greater dermal-epidermal junction length. The thickness of the dermis and epidermis are not significantly different."

Cleo on X - "Bonafide female here. While there’s some truth re socialization influencing the interests we develop, “women in stem” has been a celebrated and trending topic for a couple of decades. Girls are actively encouraged to explore the sciences, be the Barbie they want to be, etc. The OP seems to be of the age that would have been actively encouraged to pursue tech interests, and her credentials signal decent intellectual competence.   The discourse here is about a broader curiosity that organically drives independent knowledge seeking and general knowledge retention for which there seems to be a gender delta. It can’t all be socialization."
Linnea Lueken on X - "I like how she ignored your measured (and correct) reply. Also female, also STEM, there was never a moment in my life where I was not actively encouraged by public schools and culture to pursue STEM. The only pushback I ever got was when I indicated an interest in art/writing."

Bachman on X - "39% of Puerto Ricans claim to have a disability"
Clearly this is due to racism and colonialism

Meme - J.D. Haltigan, PhD 🏒👨‍💻 @JDHaltigan: "The image reflects with remarkable clarity the underlying emotional dysregulation, negative emotionality, & antisociality of the activisits. As Searle noted in 1972: "A sizeable  percentage of the revolutionary extremists I have dealt with have been clinically ill; and this is not my lay judgement, but is based on discussions I have had about them with university psychiatrists, and on the medical histories of some of them. In situations of social instability people who are themselves messed up psychologically can attain positions of great prestige and prominence.""
End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "I thought it was satire but turns out this is a real image of LGBTQ activists storming the Utah Capitol to stop HB-257"
"Trans joy is power" *masked activists*

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "White liberals refusing to "believe the science" on race differences in intelligence: As a group, they rate blacks as more intelligent than whites.   There's literally no scientific evidence to support this belief. The mean cognitive advantage of US whites over blacks has been firmly established, and is officially accepted by the American Psychological Association."
Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "But wait, the denial gets even more bizarre: White liberals now also believe that white people are more violent than blacks.
Fact check: In the year in which white liberals expressed this opinion, blacks committed murder at a rate 11 times higher than non-Hispanic whites."

Meme - Left winger: "Love wins"
*happy heterosexual family with 2 kids, church and American flag*
Left winger: *stunned*

Meme - Melissa Chen @MsMelChen: "DiAngelo’s life must be so devoid of joy, a life where smiles are interpreted to be an offensive, deceptive symbol of racism, because such a view just reinforces how much she’s failing to make everyone as miserable as herself."
"STOP SMILING SO MUCH: "I have heard Black people talk about the awkwardness of white people 'over-smiling.' A friend described going to Whole Foods and feeling exhausted by the pressure to validate all of the over-solicitous white people making a point of smiling at her when she just wanted to get her errands done and get home. She understood that the act was meant to convey acceptance and approval, but what it actually conveyed to her was a way for white people to maintain moral integrity in the face of racial anxiety. Over-smiling allows white people to mask an anti-Blackness that is foundational to our very existence as white. Our fleeting benevolence has no relation to how Black people are actually undermined in white spaces. Some Black friends have told me that they prefer open hostility to niceness. They understand open hostility and can protect themselves as needed. But the deception of niceness adds a confusing layer that makes it difficult to decipher trustworthy allyship from disingenuous white liberalism. Niceness masks controversy and suppresses difference."-Robin DiAngelo, Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm (2021)"

Meme - wanye @wanyeburkett: "I think increasingly we're going to see debates that go in circles in exactly this way:
* Social trust falls
* People respond in the obvious ways (more individualistic, more insular, less open)
* This causes social trust to fall even more
* Progressives confuse cause and effect"
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones: "School choice is the wrong term here because what is the choice for the families who want to stay in the public schools that are now being forced to close because the governor is handing public money to private schools. This hyper-individualism is destroying the democratic fabric of our society."
POLITICO @politico: "School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close."

The NYC Mayor’s Race Is a Warning for Progressives - The Atlantic - "just as Stringer was gaining momentum in late April, a former unpaid worker accused him of sexual misconduct. The allegation—despite several clear inconsistencies—caused him to hemorrhage progressive endorsers, many of whom have been vocal advocates for women critics of sexual harassment in the political sphere. A second woman came forward earlier this month to accuse Stringer of “sexual harassment and making unwanted advances” when she worked at a bar he operated nearly 30 years ago. Stringer vehemently denied the first accusation and dismissed the second as part of “a long-ago chapter in my life from the early 1990s” that “was all a bit of a mess.”... One would-be beneficiary of Stringer’s demise, Dianne Morales, was similarly unable to live up to progressive standards... Morales is a nonprofit executive and relative newcomer to electoral politics in the city. She has attracted attention in large part thanks to having the most aggressively progressive platform—and rhetorical style—of anyone in the race. Although the policy section on her campaign site is thinner than those of many rivals, Morales has unabashedly called for defunding the New York Police Department and describes her priorities as “dignity” and “solidarity.” After the first Stringer accuser came forward, Morales responded with lefty buzzwords.  “It’s a really unfortunate moment in this race,” Morales said in an interview. “As a survivor myself, who’s got a femme-led team, many of whom are also survivors, we’ve all been triggered.”  Although progressive language helped Morales at first, she found that same sort of language used against her when her staffers attempted to unionize, following allegations of abusive behavior, long hours, and low pay. Morales, who would be the city’s first Afro-Latina mayor, responded in part by firing four staffers involved with the effort. A Twitter account run by the organizers focused on the race and gender of the people who were ousted.  “Black women were harmed, pass it on,” they wrote.  Morales staffers and volunteers ultimately staged protests against their own candidate. They lit sage and incense outside her office and urged her to donate $1 million from her campaign coffers to mutual-aid groups, a decidedly unrealistic demand that would almost certainly violate city campaign-finance law. On Wednesday, Morales responded by firing more than 50 members of her team, leaving her with a skeleton crew. A campaign that was already a long shot had definitively imploded.  Democratic strategists around the country watched the spectacle of young workers marching on their own office, and some saw it as a clear indicator of the dangers of trying to bring Generation Z into the fold of grueling campaign work. One veteran Democratic operative who has worked on presidential campaigns articulated these fears to me via text message. “It seems like many of these kids would be shocked and upset at just normal boring office jobs and the expectations there. And campaigns are so much harder than that,” wrote the operative, who requested anonymity because of professional concerns.  Morales’s situation raised the possibility that young progressives are unwilling to make the sort of labor commitments necessary to actually elect a progressive."
From 2021. Alleged sexual misconduct is bad and disqualifying, unless it hurts the left wing agenda
Maybe the moral of the story is that left wing ideology doesn't work in the real world

Young people are taught to hate Canada. Mandatory service could fix that - "What significant things do schools celebrate? British Columbia has an entire “inclusive calendar guide” for K-12. The guide is thirty pages long and lists 193 days, months, and seasons to recognize various holidays, heritages, and minority rights. Of those, five commemorate historical figures in Canada: Louis Riel, Queen Victoria, St Jean Baptiste, the Famous Five, and Lincoln Alexander. You read that right. Five. Out of 193. What does get recognized? Sikh holidays number at least a dozen, the LGBTQ+ community gets an entire season plus many days, and every month is someone’s heritage month. It’s a wonder teachers have time to give lessons with all this celebrating. Kids are fed a culture of division from their earliest days. Schools supposedly advocate inclusivity, but what they practice is segregation. Everyone must be labeled, put in a box. You belong to this race, this faith, this sexuality, this victimized group. You are this first, second and third, and then, somewhere along the line, presumably, you are a Canadian. The subtext is, if you don’t have a box, you’re not special. No one’s going to care much about you. No one’s going to give you your day. Just a basic Canadian? What is that, anyway?"

Meme - Carl @HistoryBoomer: "Oh my. Reacher is about a big guy with minimal acting skills who beats bad guys up. That's it! She thinks it's about whiteness? Come on! His Season One partner is black!  And people tell me woke* isn't real. (*obsessively seeing things through the lens of oppression and identity)"
"The White-Power Fantasy of Reacher. By Angelica Jade Bastin, a New York and Vulture critic covering film and pop culture
But swiftly after starting the series I realized there was something more complex about Reacher, a glaringly white fantasy that can’t help but crack under the weight of its conservative values. This isn’t merely hackneyed wallpaper TV; it’s uncanny fiction that exemplifies just how intensely Hollywood has returned to whiteness after years of feigning interest in diversity broadly and Blackness with a particular extricative zeal. Watching Reacher isn’t easygoing; it’s like watching a frightening manifestation of the free-falling American empire on a loop... through any domain. The story avoids the specific, focused, noxious undertow of racism that powered the first season in favor of something more diffused. Which isn’t to say Reacher season two avoids its white fantasy. It remains centered on a surface-level critique of military and governmental malfeasance that in fact argues for the worth of these systems when men like Reacher are given free reign to dole out their idea of justice inside them or for them. In this way, Reacher is the most insidious example of television that fronts as wallpaper TV but is fueled by and fully displays toxic beliefs about power and America. Indeed, my mother found it to be fluffy entertainment, because that’s how it wants to be seen. A trifle whose poison goes down as smooth as expensive whiskey. Blackness may no longer be allowed to have its cool edge in Hollywood, but whiteness still has use for it."
Vulture @vulture: "Have you watched 'Reacher'? Vulture's Angelica Jade Bastin finally gave in to the streaming juggernaut earlier this year, expecting wallpaper TV at its tamest. She found a white-power fantasy instead."

Meme - @joel_chen: "bout to kill a white bitch"
Meme - grandblackknight @grandblackknig1: "It's important to know that if you have white boi children that they are just as worthless as their white piggy dads. The sooner you see them as the enemy and teach them to serve the better for them and society"
Meme - "Critical race theory will provide black folk the manuscript to enslave white people. Can't wait!!!!!!!"
Meme - sap//TYE TYE DAY !! @suckinclits333: "Hope y'all got bail money cuz im finna kill a white bitch"
Meme - Futures toxic nephew @muulidge: "Yea so im about to kill a white bitch today....."
Meme - LAVISH @dimonelavish: "Ima be a cop so I can just kill all white kids , imma purge on they ass"
Meme - Nams @Ndim_Lo_McMag: "Fuck it, kill all white kids!"
Meme - Phozes @mphomontwedi: "I say let's kill all white kids cos they gon end up just like they parents."
Meme - gino @guatetalian: "Lord help me. I am about to choke a white bitch. I just got here cracker. Fall back"
Meme - Kang AOne @A1SinceDayNone: "we should enslave white women, and hold them hostage until the "man" let all our negro sisters go!"
Meme - Abel @ working n splat3 @demifiendz: "Its time to enslave white people"
Meme - gigi @GiGiWthaFijii: "She ain't lie. we needa turn them tables and enslave white people"
Meme - chuck @CRXy0: "Anti white Twitter exists, it's socially acceptable to be openly racist."
Ross D. Futbol @JutsuNoRoss: "That's right. Get fucked white boi"
Damn white supremacy and anti-blackness!

Meme - Kevin Bass PhD MS @kevinnbass: "20% of young professors think it is acceptable to use violence to stop a campus speech  40% to physically block students from attending a speech  60% to shout down a speaker to prevent their speaking  This is the next generation teaching our children at America’s universities"
Indoctrination in university is far right conspiracy theory misinformation

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "He's right of course. Intellectuals were never meant to be people with average SAT scores and degrees in Magazine Journalism from third-tier colleges. They were meant to be smart people who aren't seething racists and aren't afraid of debating people."
"The Atlantic. The Crisis of the Intellectuals. Traditional notions of the intellectual were never meant to include people who looked like me or who had a background like mine. By Ibram X. Kendi"

Meme - GnasherJew®גנאשר @GnasherJew: "We are pleased to say that we have received a report from @VictoriaPolice  that @NorCleor  (Khadra A Jama) does not live, & is not temporarily based in Melbourne. Nor was she based there on the 24th of May.  Therefore this note that she claimed was “pinned to her door in Melbourne” is a fake."
KJ @NorCleor: "I recently moved to Melbourne for work and live in a unit in the northern suburbs. I woke up this morning to this letter pinned to my front door. So much for having pleasant neighbours."
"Hey Muslim!  you moved in. We are a lot of Jewish family's live around here. We don't want you here but we can't..."
GnasherJew®גנאשר @GnasherJew: "As soon as we stated we knew the ID of @NorCleor  & would inform @victoriapolice  she protected her tweets.  We strongly believe that the note that was allegedly pinned to her door is inauthentic /  not genuine, but the police should investigate in any case..."

Politicizing Medicine is Dangerous - "Politicizing medicine is dangerous. Tens of thousands of people are dead because vaccines became politicized and people chose political identity over rationality. Yet instead of trying to depoliticize medicine, the AMA has doubled down and is going full woke. The AMA’s Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts is so over the top I thought at first it was satire from the BabylonBee. The guide, for example, recommends that instead of talking about poor health among low-income people that physicians should blame “landowners and large corporations” for “increasingly centralizing political and financial power wielded by a few” and limiting “prospects for good health and well-being for many groups.” Put aside that this is at best tendentious and at worst utterly fallacious and just imagine that you are a landowner or work for a large corporation (that’s most of us!). Would you trust a doctor spouting this rhetoric or might you feel that such a doctor doesn’t have your best interests at heart?... If the AMA really wants to do something for health equity they should stop trying to police language and instead support nurse practitioners, midwives, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals who want to expand their practices, lobby for more physicians and an end to the absurd residency bottleneck, and support greater hospital competition"
If you raise concerns about the left wing agenda, you are the bad person who is trying to politicise medicine, since all decent human beings agree with the left

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