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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Links - 13th June 2024 (2 - Feminism)

Teen, 16, admits committing sexual offences against 6 underage girls - "A then 13-year-old boy, who committed a sexual offence against a girl in early 2021, went on to target five more victims in separate instances until late 2022.  The six underage girls, whom he committed the offences against, were between 12 and 14 years old at the time."
Patriarchy means an underaged boy having sex with girls the same age or older than him is a sexual offender, and the girls are victims

Infanticide convictions upheld for Meredith Borowiec, who dropped 3 babies in dumpster - "Meredith Borowiec admitted to throwing her three newborns in a dumpster outside her home in 2008, 2009 and 2010, respectively. Two died while the third was rescued. She was originally charged with second-degree murder but was eventually convicted on two counts of the lesser charge of infanticide.  Infanticide is defined by the Criminal Code as a "wilful act or omission" that causes the death of a newborn if at the time the mother has a "disturbed mind" because "she is not fully recovered from the effects of giving birth to the child" or "the effect of lactation."... Kim Pate, executive director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies, praised the high court's decision to preserve the infanticide law.  "There are many examples of situations where men get the benefit of the doubt in situations involving violence against women, like provocation, that sort of thing," she said.  "This is the only situation where there's a defence that actually benefits women only. And so, given the reality that it's very rarely used, and when it is used it's used in legitimate circumstances, we would certainly see this as a favourable decision."... In 2010, Borowiec was arrested after police and paramedics found her sitting on her front steps, watching as first responders investigated a baby found alive in the dumpster outside a housing complex.    Ian Turnbull, Borowiec's longtime boyfriend, was on his way home from work when he heard the baby crying. He jumped into the dumpster, pulled out the hours-old newborn and later learned the child was his own... Canada's laws were enacted by Parliament with "little legal policy analysis and no debate on the validity of the underlying medical assumptions about the effects of childbirth on women""
I like how the infanticide law being open to abuse is a good thing because it benefits women, and the "expert" ignores how it is well known that women get off easier in the criminal justice system than men
Apparently it's not sexist to say that childbirth and breastfeeding can make women (and only women) irrational.

Studying’s too bourgeois for these entitled clowns, but who doesn’t love a protest, right? - "Garrick vote on Tuesday. Will the infamous thespian men’s club allow women in? John Simpson, Stephen Fry and Sting (lol) have all said they will leave if members reject them. To which I say: just what did these clowns think they were getting into? They must have been vaguely aware of the nature of the club before they joined it. It’s not exactly a secret that it only allows men. But even if they hadn’t been aware — if they were, say, too busy playing the lute/doing yoga/giving “their” Hamlet — how long did it take them to work out that they hardly ever saw any women? At what point did it dawn on these utter geniuses that what they’d signed up for wasn’t, actually, a gorgeous, progressive, politically ambrosial, sexy, perfectly inclusive club? My hunch is that John Simpson etc did know, didn’t care and had zero interest in supporting women, right up until it looked bad for them. Even now, some of them seem to think it’s someone else’s fault. The club’s chairman was told last week that all the bad feeling had “jeopardised” their relations with “female colleagues”. Yeah, that’s right: they can’t see what’s in front of them, but it’s the humourless, lemon-sucking, hectoring “female artists, co-producers, authors” who have now stood up and spoilt their fun. How about simply having principles, and sticking up for them? Honestly, lads, it’s easier."

Libs of TikTok on X - "UNREAL. Boys Scouts of America just announced they’re changing their name to “Scouting America” to be inclusive and welcoming of everyone 🤡"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "One thing about the argument that there "must be women's spaces" is that - outside of prisons and such - it's a lot harder to make if we refuse to accept that there should be a ton of spaces for men (and members of one religion, age clade, etc).  If your teenage daughter can demand to go on a two-person tent woodland camping trip, with her bf and 4 other Eagle Scouts, it gets pretttty hard to argue that Curves must remain a gym for ladies."
William Aronstein on X - "This appears to be less a reaction to changing mores, than an attempt to change existing customs. I think it is also part of elite society's antipathy to masculinity in general."
It's not hard, because power relations means never having to say you're sorry
Comment (elsewhere): "The attack on boy scouts is primarily an attack on male-only spaces.   Men must forever be forced to have their speech and behavior moderated by feminine sensibilities so that they do not ever become a threat to the leftist regime.  Therefore male-only spaces everywhere must be abolished."

🇮🇱 Mrs. Sunrise 💚🤍💜 on X - "I agree wholeheartedly. The difficulty w the Scouts is that, as 2 totally unique programs, Girl Scouts got more and more woke/lefty & shallow as years went on while Boy Scouts stayed cool and interesting and outdoorsy. My daughter does not want  to earn a fashion sense badge, but a knot tying expert badge could be cool.  Plus, there is name recognition for the titles.  They should have just set up a Girls' Branch of the same organization.  The loss of boy & men spaces is a problem for everyone IMO."
C/SAR Diver 🇺🇸🐻⚔ on X - "All the effeminate men now lead Scouts. They basically do. The girls in scouts have to be in their own patrols. They meet as a troop function, but split off into patrols. The Explorers have been doing this for years."
RarifiedGem on X - "Cried and asked to never go back after my first Girl Scouts day. I assumed it was the same as Boy Scouts. Instead we made smores and bracelets. Yawn 🥱 😫"

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "Kate J. Sim works for Google as a child safety strategist. She believes opposing is racist."
Dr. KS @katejsim: "do not be swayed by karens and their crocodile imperial feminism against rape. it plays right into long tradition of yt women weaponizing femininity/motherhood to discipline/punish men of color. Emmett Till, Vincent Chen, Rassenschande --all in the name of white sexuality"

Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 on X - "Muslim students at Solihull Sixth Form College have begun to pray outside the college in a protest against female students having equal access to a multi-faith prayer room. They have accused the Sixth Form of having an “intolerance towards segregation”. Multiculturalism…"
Prayer room row erupts at Solihull Sixth Form college – 5Pillars - "Muslim students felt compelled to pray Jummah prayers outside in the cold and rain amid a prayer room dispute at Solihull Sixth Form College. Students claim the college is “interfering” in Islamic faith matters, including trying to stop gender segregation in the multi-faith prayer room. Speaking to 5Pillars, a former student explained how the college’s stance is making prayer for Muslim impossible at the college – forcing students outside."
Time to blame whitey
What an interesting way to "force" Muslim students outside

The Nice Guy Penalty: Agreeableness Costs Men (but not women) 26% of Their Wages - "Do nice guys really finish last?  Unfortunately, a 2011 study investigating the joint effects of agreeableness and gender on income seems to suggest they do... agreeableness so strongly associated with femininity that even those implementing diversity initiatives perpetuate this stereotype, claiming that hiring and promoting women will help create a culture of cooperation and compassion... modern societal pressure on men to be less competitive, aggressive, or self-centred may not serve them well. Men are being encouraged to reject hegemonic masculinity, but are penalised in the workplace when they do, sending mixed and conflicting messages. "
Feminists love to bitch about how women are penalised for being assertive, but they always pretend that the flip side doesn't exist, because only things that hurt women are problems

Meme - *Kids scared of rabbit*
some dude"

Nearly half of Britons say women's equality has gone far enough - "Nearly one in two Britons (47%) say that when it comes to giving women equal rights with men, things have gone far enough in Great Britain – a notable increase on the 38% who said the same last year, and a stark increase in the proportion who felt this way as recently as 2019 (29%). The increase means that, for the first time, Britons are now more likely than Americans (40%), to agree women’s equality has gone far enough... around half (47%) agree that we have gone so far in promoting women’s equality that we are discriminating against men... While 66% of people in Great Britain agree that women won’t achieve equality in their country unless men take actions to support women’s rights too (including 65% of men and 68% of women), the term ‘feminist’ remains challenging for a large share of Britons, with only two in five (43%) identifying with the term – an increase of 8ppts compared to 2019. This rises to 49% among women."

Gen Z, Millennials think women’s rights have gone too far - "[In Australia,] 52 percent of Gen Z and 53 percent of Millennials agree that “we have gone so far in promoting women’s equality that we are discriminating against men”. This is compared to 46 percent of Gen X and 40 percent of Baby Boomers."
There's a clear dose-response effect by age. This suggests that the younger crowd openly sees the excesses of feminism, whereas the older crowd is rosy eyed, imagining that feminism is still what it once was

Meme - "“Well-Behaved Women.”
There is a quote that floats around in a group of feminist circles… “Well-behaved women seldom make history.”
“It is often wrongly attributed to various superstars and historical figures.”...
But it actually comes from Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, a lady most people have probably never heard of. Which is very apt. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich is a Pulitzer prize-winning historian, author, & educator. A Midwife’s Tale. A lot of her work has been dedicated to telling the stories of quiet, ordinary people. The quote in question comes from an academic paper about pious Puritan women. Many people interpret it to mean that in order to make a difference, you must be loud, aggressive, or antagonistic. But it was merely a statement of fact: the quiet & compliant rarely get attention or credit for their accomplishments. Ulrich was not saying that well-behaved women are weak…But rather that there are women everywhere, affecting and changing the course of society, you just don’t see them all in the news. Ulrich has said she doesn’t mind that her words have been used so widely, and with different meaning. She even wrote a book about it. But I think it’s a disservice to ignore the original intent. The sentence is so powerful precisely because it touches on multiple truths in varied and subtle ways. I believe there is a place for both the loud and the quiet. I don’t think either can get very far without the other. Because I’m not outgoing or famous, I often feel powerless, even ashamed, for not being able to do more. until I remember that what’s really important is not to waste the talents that I have, or the sphere of influence that I’ve been given, and give support to all those changing the world around me. Because it is together that we create history"

Meme - Eowyn: "I will fight in battle and slay the Witch-King"
Daddy's Girl: "What a feminist icon"
Eowyn: "No longer will I compete with men. I will become a housewife and start gardening"
Daddy's Girl/Soyjak: *Upset*

Do Women Run Countries Differently Than Men Do? - The Atlantic - "Margot Wallström took office as Sweden’s foreign minister in 2014, declaring she would pursue a “feminist foreign policy.” She’s now held the post for two years, and it’s still not entirely clear what she meant. While it’s true that an entire school of feminist international-relations theory has developed since the 1980s, the field remains contested, and largely untested in the realm of policy. You could surmise from Wallström’s term, as she herself stated, that a “feminist foreign policy” would promote women’s rights around the world, but what would it say, for example, about the logic of preventive war? Would it prioritize free trade and open borders, or emphasize protecting workers from competition? Would it generate a new way of dealing with unsecured nuclear material in the former Soviet Union?... Scholars as well as public figures have suggested that a world run by women would, fundamentally, be a more peaceful and equal one... One recent working paper, by Oeindrila Dube of University of Chicago and S.P. Harish of New York University, found that in Europe between the 15th and 20th centuries, queens were more likely to participate in interstate conflicts than kings were. In 20th-century electoral democracies, as Pinker and Fukuyama both noted, female leaders have indeed waged war. Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, and Chandrika Kumaratunga may well have been personally compassionate, yet thousands of soldiers killed and were killed on their orders. In Hillary Clinton, the United States may get its first female president this year. But she was a champion of violent intervention in Libya as secretary of state; if she becomes president, there’s every reason to think she would continue, and perhaps escalate, America’s war on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.  Given the sparse and contradictory evidence, then, it’s difficult to say how countries led by women might behave differently than those led by men... Valerie Hudson of Texas A&M University, along with her coauthors, has shown that “the best predictor of a state’s peacefulness is how its women are treated,” which could suggest that, to the extent women are more likely to prioritize the treatment of other women around the world (as both Wallström and Clinton have), they may also be contributing to peace... expectations like these may hurt women in the end. In the United States, for example, the Pew Research Center last year found that adult respondents, by a margin of 34 percent to 9 percent, thought female politicians were better than male ones at compromise; 34 percent thought women were more honest and ethical, versus 3 percent who thought men were.  Yet female leaders, like any leaders, will sometimes make rash decisions, sometimes lie, sometimes behave unethically. They’ll default on international loan payments like Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, get ensnared in corruption investigations like Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff, or, like Australia’s Julia Gillard, get ousted by their own parties."
From 2016. Modern democracies are more peaceful, so the omitted variable bias is obvious

If You Want a Marriage of Equals, Then Date as Equals - The Atlantic - "Heterosexual women of a progressive bent often say they want equal partnerships with men. But dating is a different story entirely. The women I interviewed for a research project and book expected men to ask for, plan, and pay for dates; initiate sex; confirm the exclusivity of a relationship; and propose marriage. After setting all of those precedents, these women then wanted a marriage in which they shared the financial responsibilities, housework, and child care relatively equally. Almost none of my interviewees saw these dating practices as a threat to their feminist credentials or to their desire for egalitarian marriages. But they were wrong... I noticed a glaring disconnect between the straight women’s views on marriage and their thoughts on dating. Once these women were married, it was difficult to right the ship, so to speak. The same gender stereotypes that they adopted while dating played out in their long-term partnerships.  Three-quarters of Millennials in America support gender equality at work and home and agree that the ideal marriage is an equitable one. Consequently, I expected the young women I interviewed to epitomize feminist liberation. Yet, when they thought of equality among men and women, they focused more on professional opportunities than interpersonal dynamics... “It’s a deal breaker if a man doesn’t pay for a date,” one woman, aged 29, told me. A 31-year-old said that if a man doesn’t pay, “they just probably don’t like you very much.” A lot of men, they assumed, were looking for nothing more than a quick hookup, so some of these dating rituals were tests to see whether the man was truly interested in a commitment. A third woman, also 31, told me, “I feel like men need to feel like they are in control, and if you ask them out, you end up looking desperate and it’s a turnoff to them.” On dates, the women talked about acting demure, and allowing men to do more of the talking. Women, they said, were more attractive to men when they appeared unattainable, so women preferred for the men to follow up after a date. None of the women considered proposing marriage; that was the man’s job. “I know it feels counterintuitive … I’m a feminist,” the first woman said. “But I like to have a guy be chivalrous.”"
Feminism is not about gender equality, but women's interests

High school boys in Canada are wearing skirts to school to protest sexist dress codes - ""It's also to attack dress codes that are deemed sexist and degrading for people who wear skirts, and all parts of a uniform that could be seen as non-egalitarian," Colin Renaud, a student at Villa Maria, told the Montreal Gazette... Students also made the argument that policies requiring skirts to be a maximum of 10 centimetres above the knee are sexist in unfair, especially since there are no equivalent restrictions on the clothing generally worn by boys... at Collège Nouvelles Frontières, 100 male students showed up to class wearing skirts to fight against the double standard in school dress codes."
From 2020. This was more of the typical ignorant feminist outrage and contortions for grievance mongering. Even if you ignore the complex and gendered social context of schoolgirls' provocative dressing, the language they were protesting was gender-neutral (ergo the tortured language to complain about it). And it's not like there're no dress codes which disproportionately affect boys. For example, this 2018 dress code from Pontiac High School forbids hats, hoods and bandanas indoors, and regulates the length of shorts (and applies to staff too), and this 2017 dress code from Ste-Foy Elementary School also regulates shorts and shirts, as well as banning low hanging pants, hats and hoods

Meme - Apsana Begum MP @ApsanaBeg...: "Today we came together as politicians, lawyers and activists to call for an end to the male-only Garrick Club"
Readers added context: "Aspana Begum's local mosque does not permit men and women sharing the same space for prayer. The womens pray room is on a separate floor, and only accessed via a sep..."

Richard Hanania on X - "Chinese and Indian parents are more likely to pick male embryos when doing IVF, but white parents pick girls 70% of the time. Other cultures preferring boys is treated as a great injustice, but the white American preference for females is not."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "This is an interesting example of what @Empty_America  calls "neo-values:" upper-middle class Americans try so hard never to be seen as biased in any traditional way that their combined choices create staggering bias in the other direction.   Because no men in the IVF class would EVAH be so gauche as to tell their wives they would prefer to pay for a first-born son, only 30% of babies born this way are apparently male."

Parenting: This is illegal in most of the world. In America, new parents are embracing it. - "Old debates around sex selection focused on the wish for sons. Today in America, that preference is often reversed. One study found that white parents having a first child picked female embryos 70 percent of the time.* (Parents of Indian and Chinese descent were more likely to pick boys.) Anecdotes back this up, with message boards filled with moms dreaming of a “mini me.” A 2010 study showed that American adoptive parents were 30 percent more likely to prefer girls than boys and were willing to pay $16,000 more in finalization costs to ensure a daughter. (Agencies have since stopped sharing those costs, after criticism of the differential pricing across gender and race.) Close looks at demographic data suggest that families with daughters tend to have fewer subsequent children than do families with sons, indicating a sense that a daughter is what makes a family complete...   Grace, a 31-year-old who works in human resources (I’m referring to her by her middle name), told me, “When I think about having a child that’s a boy, it’s almost a repulsion, like, Oh my God, no.”... What’s so bad about boys? “Toxic masculinity,” said many women I spoke to, even those who were, sadly, already boy moms...   She has also seen seemingly open-minded parents who—after investing time, money, and pain into selecting their child’s sex—are devastated after their kid comes out as trans. “As a parent, your role is to accept the child you have. Not to mold them into someone that you want them to be: That’s narcissism,” she said. Kerwin did have a daughter—but her daughter has totally defied her expectations. “My boys were much sweeter,” she told me."
Proof that in the USA, Patriarchy reigns supreme and that white people are the most sexist (against women) of all!

Gender Disappointment in 2024 is Almost Always About Boys - "In 2024, we have to pay lip service to the idea that “of course my son might like dolls and my daughter might like monster trucks,” but I do think boys are generally, on average, more likely to gravitate toward some things and the same goes with girls. Even in my super-progressive circle, where everyone says they raise their kids gender-neutral, I’ve noticed that all the girls in my son’s class love the movie Frozen, even if they also like dinosuars, and almost all the boys in his class love superheroes, even if they also play with baby dolls... I can’t help but notice that all the positive traits that used to be associated with boys are now considered gender neutral (strong, capable, intelligent, ambitious), while most of the positive traits that used to be associated with girls are still associated with girls (nurturing, empathetic, detail-oriented, polite). Meanwhile, boys have been assigned plenty of negative traits: they will embody “toxic masculinity.” They will be difficult. They won’t be kind. They’ll grow up to be obnoxious frat bros. They’ll be violent. Many of the women who express these concerns, paradoxically, are progressives who claim to believe that there are no innate differences between men and women. Perhaps they’re concerned that the negative traits associated with boys will emerge because of “society,” but to be honest, I’m not really buying it. I think they do believe in some differences, and there’s cognitive dissonance when belief in those differences collides with paying lip service to the idea that men and women are interchangeable and the insistence that all gender preferences are morally repugnant... would I always carry a tiny nugget of sadness that I never got to do “girl things” with my kids?  Of course, I didn’t want to express that feeling because every time I did, people would insist that my kids might turn out to be trans or nonbinary"
I like how you need to be trans or nonbinary to do "girl things". This is modern day progressive thought

Wilfred Reilly on X - "When I referred to the modern West as a "gynocratic" society, this is a good example of what I meant: concerns over 'toxic masculinity' and the like have reached such a peak that only 30% of IVF embryos selected on the basis of sex are boys, and most openly-expressed dissatisfaction about child gender relates to males."

Meme - Lo-Ping, but gayer @PandasA...: "Women lecturing anyone on accountability is like a fish lecturing people on how to fly a helicopter."
Atheist Girl @iamAtheistGirl: "Boys will be Boys held accountable for their fucking actions."
Seamus (FreedomToons) on X - "In real life I have literally only ever heard the phrase "boys will be boys" used to refer to harmless mischief, but for whatever reason people online think its an official legal defense for rapists and murderers"
Isaac on X - "I always thought it meant rough housing and playing in the mud.."
Passably Affable on X - "Right... things like playing with fireworks. I've never EVER heard anyone say this about real criminal misconduct."
This is another of those zombie feminist "facts"

Meme - "Female Share of Bachelor's Degrees by Major, 1971 to 2017
*Rising across period, becoming more than 50% in the majority of disciplines*"
Damn patriarchy! Clearly we must obsess over Engineering and Computer Science being about 20% female, but Health Professions, Public Administration and Education being over 80% female is nothing to worry about. We can't rest until women are a majority in all majors!

Cancel Culture is Girl Culture - "Feminists around the world are lobbying intensively to enact so-called “hate speech” laws. But gender activists never mention that women typically are the perpetrators of online harassment, and men more likely to be the targets.  Numerous studies document the fact that women are more likely to support restrictions on free speech. Psychologist Cory Clark concludes, “Across decades, topics, and studies, women are more censorious than men” (1). The most aggressive form of censorship, often referred to as “cancel culture,” typically is perpetrated by women... UN Women is a leading proponent of hate speech laws. But a review of the UN Women reports about online harassment (4, 5, 6) reveals they are factually dishonest, for three reasons:
1.    The Pew Research Center reveals that among persons under 30 years of age, 43% of men, compared to 38% of women, have experienced online harassment (7). But UN Women never acknowledges this fact.
2.    UN Women does not highlight the fact that women are more likely the persons to engage in the harassment.
3.    UN Women illogically concludes that women are “disproportionately” affected by online harassment."
On the myth that men are the ones harassing women online and that it's a huge injustice and gender-based violence

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