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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Links - 23rd May 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Mayo Clinic argues it has legal right to punish professors for voicing unpopular opinions - "The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine is asking a judge to dismiss three of five claims lodged by a professor suing the school, arguing it has no legal and contractual obligation to protect its faculty’s academic freedom and freedom of speech.  The clinic argues in court documents its academic freedom policy is not a binding contract with Dr. Michael Joyner, the plaintiff and longtime professor of anesthesiology. The clinic states the policy “expressly reserves to Mayo the right to regulate employees’ speech and conduct.”  On Monday, Third District Court Judge Kathy Wallace heard oral arguments from attorneys representing the clinic and Joyner, who sued the institution last November after the college punished him for sharing his contrarian views with the media on controversial topics such as COVID-19 treatments and testosterone’s effects on athletic performance. He had also criticized the NIH, which provides the Mayo Clinic with hundreds of millions of dollars annually...   “Mayo’s motion contends that it can violate these promises … whenever it wants,” Miller told the judge. “Dr. Joyner is tenured, and the policies at issue are part of his tenured contract with Mayo, like other policies the Minnesota courts have found binding.”  According to court documents, Joyner has worked at the college for 36 years. Last year, he was given a one-week unpaid suspension and told to stop media interviews by his bosses...   Miller countered that Mayo claimed Joyner’s appointment was “akin to tenure” and adopted its written academic freedom policy when it was convenient for tax breaks that would come with classification as an educational institution, but refused to uphold it concerning Joyner’s case.
Muzzling scientists is good when it helps the left wing agenda. Maybe the next step will be censoring scientists by getting them de-credentialed

Benjamin Ryan on X - "According to the @ACLU: “An appeals court blocked a West Virginia law banning transgender girls from playing on teams consistent with their gender identity, finding the law violates Title IX and the U.S. Constitution.”"


Meme - Gay Army: "I named you because you didn't have a voice. now that you are in public school it's for teachers to tell the world who you are. accept your kids for who they really are, not for who you want them to be!!"
Someone couldn't tell that this was an edit

Meme - "The Y may be silent... TYRANNY ... but it's still there!"

Meme - Ryu: *TRANS RIGHTS*
Keywords: Men's privileges

Meme - "Redditor levels of retardation
Noooo you better not make the Fallout tv series "woke'
Fallout 0% caring about transphobes and hiring trans actor Xelia Mendes-Jones to play trans character Dane:"
Weird. The left keeps claiming woke is about empathy

Meme - Ken M. Jugan: "Tyler Jenkins: John Cena butt ass naked at a prestigious award show on national tv but yall trip about kids seeing drag queens. Go to h3ll
"He actually wasn't completely naked ."
"Y'all think it's ok for pornography magazines to be in schools ??!!"
"Imagine if John cena showed up to an elementary school like that. cops would be called so fast"
"Lgbt will use litterally anything to make a case why they should target children, always children."
"Umm, it's the people advocating for porn for school children that also put on and endorse Hollywood shows like this. Liberals making stuff up and then getting mad they can't molest it"
"Both are deviant behaviors"
"This isn't a ceremony directed at children tho? Sooo...?"
"Show me posts saying people thought kids should see that"
"I love how the left loves to ignore the elephant in the room while simultaneously promoting false equivalence"
"I'm failing to see how a large award show for adults is the same as letting a grown as man exercise his fetishes with a small group of children."
"If you support pedophiles grooming kids just come out and say so."
"Not naked, not the same thing. Liberals making stuff up and then getting mad they can't molest it"

Meme - "trans people when you refuse to play pretend with them *sad Kermit the Frog looking out of window on a rainy day* *Kermit dead by hanging* *Laughing Kermit with rifle*"

Meme - "41% of trans people when you refuse to play pretend with them *sad Kermit the Frog looking out of window on a rainy day* *Kermit dead by hanging*"

Meme - "Im no matchmaker, but hear me out... *Elliot Page* *Dylan Mulvaney*"

Meme - "1) Wait for it to get better
2) Wait for it to get better
3) Wait for it to get better
4) Wait for it to get better
5) Take estrogen
6) It didn't get better
7) deadname. HE was good man, a good brother, and a good son. rest in peace"

Meme - tricky-pockets: "so, did I ever tell you guys about the time my roommate accidentally simulated gender dysphoria in VR?
too bad, i’m posting it anyway  My roommate is a cis man who sometimes makes lady characters in video games because why not? So when he started a new VR game and made a lady character, he didn’t think anything of it.  But then he heard the NPCs talking about him with fem pronouns. He got miss/ma’am’d - and indeed, milady’d. This had never bothered him in non-VR games, but in VR it’s much easier to feel like you are actually in the room. They’re not talking about the avatar you control; they’re talking about you. They’re looking at you.  Then he happened across a mirror. He saw his pretty lady character instead of his internal picture of what his body looks like. He moved and saw his avatar’s body move in sync.  And it was so unsettling that he started over with a new character. He asked if that was what dysphoria was like. I told him “yeah, that’s def in the ballpark” and he was floored, like, “HOLY SHIT, how does anyone deal?”  And sometimes I wish I could shove people into a VR headset and give them that experience.
also yes, of course I tried the game with a male character. I went straight for the mirror and it sounds silly but I was honestly awe-stricken and almost cried. Yet another “yep, definitely trans” moment."

Meme - Wolverine: "Why's she cryin'?"
Jubilee: "The Trans Industrial Complex wants.to cut off her huevos, and she doesn't want to"
Wolverine: "Not cuttin' 'em off is transphobic, bub."

Meme - Victoria Galloway" *T-shirt with words in trans colours: 'you will have to go through me'"
Joe Johnston: "single mom of four, you've been ran through enough"

Meme - "Actually a pretty perfect depiction of how commie mind fucking words"
Phase #1: Sometimes I wish I were a girl
Phase #2: I am a girl
Phase #3: Death to Capitalism"
"it's because when they have done everything they can to change their body and are still unsatisfied, they need a bigger conspiracy/scapegoat to blame their discontent on and the biggest one is the most unsolvable: capitalism"

WomenAreReal on X - "Notes from the Bay Area:   My son’s biology class was learning how to make a “pedigree” which is a chart that tracks the inheritance of a trait through family generations. Females are circles and males are squares. After explaining the whole chart the teacher is like “I meant to say ‘female’ and ‘male’ actually refer to your gender identity so you need to mark ‘AFAB’ and ‘AMAB’ where appropriate. Also nonbinary people are represented as diamonds.”  My son told me all this laughing at the absolute absurdity of it all since the chart is literally about genetics and has nothing to do with one’s gender. He said he feels like taking high school biology in the US is like studying history in the Soviet Union (perhaps a bit of an exaggeration but he is 17).  But it seems the teacher was following what is now best practices in the field of genetic counseling and recommended by the National Society of Genetic Counselors. Can anyone confirm this? @SwipeWright  @zaelefty  @wesyang    Here is a paper laying out the “inclusive chart” where the authors state, “Understanding an individual's gender identity is just as medically important to providing genetic counseling as understanding an individual's sex.”   Really?!? How?  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgc4.1621  I also tracked down the recommendations of the National Science Teachers Association which are even crazier and apparently not followed in my son’s class.  https://nsta.org/science-teache"
MKLiberty650 on X - "My son had to answer a question in biology by saying that both sex and gender are a spectrum. He knew that if he didn't select that answer he would be marked wrong. Also Bay Area."
Trust the Science!
Weird. I thought sex and gender were different, and only ignorant people didn't know that, but left wingers and TRAs were experts in knowing that

Gender Identity Inclusive Pedigree Chart for High School Biology | NSTA - "Identifying individuals solely on the basis of their sex at birth does not acknowledge and respect students whose gender identity does not correspond with their designated sex at birth... Science teachers have an opportunity and obligation to acknowledge and respect their bisexiual, transsexual, and intersex students by employing a modified inclusive pedigree chart... By using an inclusive pedigree chart when teaching genetic inheritance, science teachers can serve to better support gender identity equality in their classes and schools."

The Mocking Jay on X - "Good analogy. Marxism-Leninism was correct because it was scientific, and it was scientific so it was correct, because it said so, so it was, QED."
waffle on X - "Unfortunately this sort of thing means technology will falter at best, but most likely regress. We are entering a new dark age. This is what it must have felt like for those living in the 400s."
If you accommodate and glorify mental illness, you get more of it

A Biologist Explains Why Sex Is Binary - WSJ - "The transgender movement has left many intelligent Americans confused about sex. Asked to define the word “woman” during her Supreme Court confirmation hearings last year, Ketanji Brown Jackson demurred, saying “I’m not a biologist.” I am a biologist, and I’m here to help... Chase Strangio of the American Civil Liberties Union frequently claims that the binary concept of sex is a recent invention “exclusively for the purposes of excluding trans people from legal protections.” Scottish politician Maggie Chapman asserted in December that her rejection of the “binary and immutable” nature of sex was her motivation for pursuing “comprehensive gender recognition for nonbinary people in Scotland.” (“Nonbinary” people are those who “identify” as neither male nor female.) When biologists claim that sex is binary, we mean something straightforward: There are only two sexes. This is true throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. An organism’s sex is defined by the type of gamete (sperm or ova) it has the function of producing. Males have the function of producing sperm, or small gametes; females, ova, or large ones. Because there is no third gamete type, there are only two sexes. Sex is binary. Intersex people, whose genitalia appear ambiguous or mixed, don’t undermine the sex binary. Many gender ideologues, however, falsely claim the existence of intersex conditions renders the categories “male” and “female” arbitrary and meaningless... In reality, the existence of borderline cases no more raises questions about everyone else’s sex than the existence of dawn and dusk casts doubt on day and night. For the vast majority of people, their sex is obvious. And our society isn’t experiencing a sudden dramatic surge in people born with ambiguous genitalia. We are experiencing a surge in people who are unambiguously one sex claiming to “identify” as the opposite sex or as something other than male or female. Gender ideology seeks to portray sex as so incomprehensibly complex and multivariable that our traditional practice of classifying people as simply either male or female is grossly outdated and should be abandoned for a revolutionary concept of “gender identity.”... But “intersex” and “transgender” mean entirely different things. Intersex people have rare developmental conditions that result in apparent sex ambiguity. Most transgender people aren’t sexually ambiguous at all but merely “identify” as something other than their biological sex. Once you’re conscious of this distinction, you will begin to notice gender ideologues attempting to steer discussions away from whether men who identify as women should be allowed to compete in female sports toward prominent intersex athletes like South African runner Caster Semenya. Why? Because so long as they’ve got you on your heels making difficult judgment calls on a slew of complex intersex conditions, they’ve succeeded in drawing your attention away from easy calls on unquestionably male athletes like 2022 NCAA Division I women’s swimming and diving champion Lia Thomas. They shift the focus to intersex to distract from transgender. Acknowledging the existence of rare difficult cases doesn’t weaken the position or arguments against allowing males in female sports, prisons, restrooms and other female-only spaces. In fact, it’s a much stronger approach because it makes a crucial distinction that the ideologues are at pains to obscure... the problem of intersex athletes in female sports is less pressing than that of males in female sports, and there seem to be no current concerns arising from intersex people using female spaces. It should be up to individual organizations to decide which criteria or cut-offs should be used to keep female spaces safe and, in the context of sports, safe and fair. It is imperative, however, that such policies be rooted in properties of bodies, not “identity.” Identity alone is irrelevant to issues of fairness and safety. Ideologues are wrong to insist that the biology of sex is so complex as to defy all categorization. They’re also wrong to represent the sex binary in an overly simplistic way. The biology of sex isn’t quite as simple as common sense, but common sense will get you a long way in understanding it."
Weird. We keep being told that sex and gender are different, and that only ignorant people don't know that

Opinion | A Person’s Sex Is Not Assigned - The New York Times (aka "The Problem With Saying ‘Sex Assigned at Birth’") - "As you may have noticed, “sex” is out, and “sex assigned at birth” is in... This trend began around a decade ago, part of an increasing emphasis in society on emotional comfort and insulation from offense — what some have called “safetyism.” “Sex” is now often seen as a biased or insensitive word because it may fail to reflect how people identify themselves... “sex assigned at birth” can confuse people and creates doubt about a biological fact when there shouldn’t be any. Nor is the phrase called for because our traditional understanding of sex needs correcting — it doesn’t.  This matters because sex matters. Sex is a fundamental biological feature with significant consequences for our species, so there are costs to encouraging misconceptions about it.  Sex matters for health, safety and social policy and interacts in complicated ways with culture. Women are nearly twice as likely as men to experience harmful side effects from drugs, a problem that may be ameliorated by reducing drug doses for females. Males, meanwhile, are more likely to die from Covid-19 and cancer, and commit the vast majority of homicides and sexual assaults. We aren’t suggesting that “assigned sex” will increase the death toll. However, terminology about important matters should be as clear as possible. More generally, the interaction between sex and human culture is crucial to understanding psychological and physical differences between boys and girls, men and women. We cannot have such understanding unless we know what sex is, which means having the linguistic tools necessary to discuss it. The Associated Press cautions journalists that describing women as “female” may be objectionable because “it can be seen as emphasizing biology,” but sometimes biology is highly relevant. The heated debate about transgender women participating in female sports is an example; whatever view one takes on the matter, biologically driven athletic differences between the sexes are real. When influential organizations and individuals promote “sex assigned at birth,” they are encouraging a culture in which citizens can be shamed for using words like “sex,” “male” and “female” that are familiar to everyone in society, as well as necessary to discuss the implications of sex. This is not the usual kind of censoriousness, which discourages the public endorsement of certain opinions. It is more subtle, repressing the very vocabulary needed to discuss the opinions in the first place... “sex assigned at birth”— unlike “larger-bodied”— is very misleading. Saying that someone was “assigned female at birth” suggests that the person’s sex is at best a matter of educated guesswork. “Assigned” can connote arbitrariness — as in “assigned classroom seating” — and so “sex assigned at birth” can also suggest that there is no objective reality behind “male” and “female,” no biological categories to which the words refer. Contrary to what we might assume, avoiding “sex” doesn’t serve the cause of inclusivity: not speaking plainly about males and females is patronizing. We sometimes sugarcoat the biological facts for children, but competent adults deserve straight talk. Nor are circumlocutions needed to secure personal protections and rights, including transgender rights. In the Supreme Court’s Bostock v. Clayton County decision in 2020, which outlawed workplace discrimination against gay and transgender people, Justice Neil Gorsuch used “sex,” not “sex assigned at birth.”  A more radical proponent of “assigned sex” will object that the very idea of sex as a biological fact is suspect. According to this view — associated with the French philosopher Michel Foucault and, more recently, the American philosopher Judith Butler — sex is somehow a cultural production, the result of labeling babies male or female. “Sex assigned at birth” should therefore be preferred over “sex,” not because it is more polite, but because it is more accurate.  This position tacitly assumes that humans are exempt from the natural order. If only! Alas, we are animals. Sexed organisms were present on Earth at least a billion years ago, and males and females would have been around even if humans had never evolved. Sex is not in any sense the result of linguistic ceremonies in the delivery room or other cultural practices... Another downside of “assigned sex” is that it biases the conversation away from established biological facts and infuses it with a sociopolitical agenda, which only serves to intensify social and political divisions. We need shared language that can help us clearly state opinions and develop the best policies on medical, social and legal issues. That shared language is the starting point for mutual understanding and democratic deliberation, even if strong disagreement remains. What can be done? The ascendance of “sex assigned at birth” is not an example of unhurried and organic linguistic change. As recently as 2012 The New York Times reported on the new fashion for gender-reveal parties, “during which expectant parents share the moment they discover their baby’s sex.” In the intervening decade, sex has gone from being “discovered” to “assigned” because so many authorities insisted on the new usage. In the face of organic change, resistance is usually futile. Fortunately, a trend that is imposed top-down is often easier to reverse."
Clearly, being an evolutionary biologist means one doesn't know anything about biology, and should defer to gender theorists!

Nicola Sturgeon warns of 'push back' on women's rights and misogyny 'on the rise again'
J.K. Rowling on X - "'Whale hate and harpooning are on the rise,' warns Captain Ahab."
Feminists need women to be in trouble, because that's how they get political power. So this might be another explanation for why most have embraced trans mania

Prisha 🦎 on X - "I miss my breasts. It doesn't ever stop, it just gets more or less intense at times. I'm afraid of my pain and what I might face when my son is there and I can't feel him."

Why teen girl who became a trans man is now a woman again - "doctors began administering testosterone treatment when she was only 15...   After her surgery, Prisha said, she was lured to Florida to live with a group of people she online who told her she was unsafe living with her conservative, Chrisian family.  “When trans adults told me that there was gonna be a trans genocide in a few years and that conservatives wanted to kill us,” she explained. “I could not distinguish reality from fiction.”  Prisha lived with her online friends for three years, until having a positive experience while in therapy for her other mental health issues.  “I felt a tremendous amount of relief — and realized the transition didn’t help the underlying issues,” she said. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, I could have gotten this feeling and stopped being suicidal without mutilating my body.’”...   Prisha suffers vocal cord pain and severe vaginal atrophy from the testosterone treatment. She also, she said, lost part of her nipples after they were grafted back on during her mastectomy. Because of her mastectomy she will never be able to breastfeed, and Prisha doesn’t even know whether she is still fertile"
Recently, a TRA claimed to me that the only thing kids are allowed to do is social transitioning. I was amused, since the TRA cope usually is that no bottom surgeries are performed on minors (when they absolutely are), but this one was going so far as to pretend that even hormones and puberty blockers were off limits. When I presented lots of evidence, it suddenly pivoted and claimed that was only for celebrities (even though I provided insurance statistics, it zoomed in to the Jazz Jennings example and ignored all the other data), that it had taken ages for it to get top surgery at 31, and that trans people had always existed. I then presented it with 3 non celebrities who got the go ahead for hormones/double mastectomies after 1-2 sessions

Woman who had double mastectomy shares 'regret' of transitioning - "Sam, who has decided not to share her full name, decided to de-transition after starting the process.  Now aged 26, her treatment began when she decided to save up for private therapy sessions for her gender dysphoria to avoid what could have been two and a half years of waiting for an NHS appointment.  After self-diagnosing as a trans man and having two hour-long consultations, she was given the go-ahead to start taking testosterone and have both of her breasts removed."

Gender transition: Jay Langadinos sues psychiatrist for professional negligence - "The first time Sydney woman Jay Langadinos saw psychiatrist Dr Patrick Toohey...  Toohey agreed Langadinos suffered from gender dysphoria – a misalignment between a person’s sex and gender identity – and found she was suitable for hormone therapy, in this case testosterone, which encourages the development of male secondary sexual characteristics.  Langadinos saw Toohey a second time in February 2012. Now she was eager to have her breasts surgically removed. Toohey allegedly found “no contraindication” for her to undergo a bilateral mastectomy. She had the operation in April.  The following month, Langadinos was back again, this time to discuss her wish to have her womb removed. Again, Toohey reported he could not see “any psychiatric contraindication to proceeding with hysterectomy as part of gender transition”. Langadinos underwent the surgery in November, less than seven months after her mastectomy."

Beth Bourne on X - "Notes from Davis, CA: Here is my son's textbook for general Bio. Why would we lie to kids about human chromosomes and sex determination?
Savvas, Experience Biology, 2020
· p. 244 "The biochemical, physiological, and anatomical features associated with "males" and "females" are turning out to be more complicated than previously thought, with many genes involved in their development. Because of the complexity of the process, many variations exist. Some individuals are born with intermediate sexual ("intersex") characteristics, or even anatomical features that do not match an individual's sense of their own gender ("transgender" individuals). Sex determination is an active area of research that should yield a more sophisticated understanding in years to come."
· p. 243 The Chromosomal Basis of Sex "Although sex has traditionally been described as pair of binary categories, we are coming to understand that sex classifications may be less distinct. Here, we use the term sex to mean the classification into a group with a shared set of anatomical and physiological traits. (The term gender, previously used as a synonym of sex, is now more often used to refer to an individual's own cultural experience of identifying as male, female, or otherwise.) In this sense, sex is determined largely by chromosomes."
How did this gender identity ideology get into our kids' biology textbooks? Any ideas?...
Here is my daughter's AP Biology textbook.   (My daughter, along with many other quirky, gifted, creative-type girls, started identifying as "trans" in 8th grade.)  My daughter was taught that newborn babies are assigned a biological sex that reflect the genitals present at birth and 1/100 individuals are intersex.   She also learned that a "transgender person experiences a mismatch between their gender identity and their assigned sex."  Many of the trans-identifying kids at her high school (around 8% of the student population)  are intellectually-mature but socially-immature and black and white thinkers.
Dr. Michael Laidlaw, a board certified endocrinologist from Rocklin, CA was kind enough to write a letter to the  @DJUSD  school board trustees on my behalf asking them to not adopt these new biology textbooks.   This was May 2022.  I have so much gratitude for Dr. Laidlaw and other docs like  @JuliaMasonMD1  and  @will_malone  that were willing to risk their professional careers to sound the alarms."

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