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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Links - 25th May 2024 (2 - Women [including Taylor Swift])

Meme - Man in bed: "Punish me!"
Woman in bikini: "Alexa, play Taylor Swift"

Meme - "TOOL Breakup Song
I know the pieces fit
'cause I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering,
fundamental differing
Pure intention juxtaposed
will set two lover's souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes
testing our communication
The light that fueled our fire then
has burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end
crippling our communication
Taylor Swift Breakup Song
We are never ever, ever getting back together
We are never ever, ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends,
talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever, ever, ever
getting back together
Like, ever"

Meme - emily @emilykmay: "the thing about taylor swift is that she so perfectly encapsulates through her lyrics, the interior lives of women. It's why we all can't stop listening. We're all saying, "wait you felt that way? we were all feeling this way?" do men have someone like that?"
metal.txt @metaltxt: "we do, yeah
The boys are back in town
The boys are back in town
I said, the boys are back in town
The boys are back in town"

"Taylor Swift did NOT deserve album of the year over SZA": Grammys accused of "white mediocrity" over album of the year pick
How to go from misogyny to anti-racism

Meme - "The Taylor Swift Al pictures have shaken me to my core
I don't think I'm being dramatic. But I've seriously been crying on-and-off at work all day. I just can't fathom how (SoMe) men are. SHE'S LITERALLY JUST SUPPORTING HER BOYFRIEND. And they think she deserves to be humiliated and made to feel subhuman????!!!!!! I thought I was gay because I'm so terrified of men. I still don't think I could be in a relationship with a man even if I am bi. Too many stories of girls' long-term boyfriends violating them. I deleted Tik Tok because that's where I've been seeing the most of it. I haven't actually seen the pics (besides her face in them :/) but just hearing about it... I can't do it. Also I deleted Instagram for good measure. I still have Snap to talk to my friends and post on my private. I will probably delete Reddit as well because there's a lot of stories that make me feel how I've described. l am so tired of feeling scared and degraded and helpless. We don't deserve this pain. Plus, setting the fact that it's terrifying for all women aside, poor Taylor, holy fuck... she is probably terrified to go to a Chiefs game again. She has already been assaulted in public too. I'm a very emotional person and I cannot stop crying about
Edit: Why are there so many fucking men here. This"
Is this "white fragility"?

My wife gets JEALOUS when I tip the Hooters waitresses more than $10 - she claims I'm flirting but I just want to be nice - "his spouse would become angry after he tipped in the double digits while they were dining out. He claimed that her behavior made him 'not want to take her anymore', adding that she often became 'passive aggressive' towards him... he explained that he was a server as a teen, so he understands how difficult the job can be... 'A few times when I tipped an extraordinary amount, my wife gets jealous. One time I tipped $70 on a $120 bill and my wife got really jealous because the waitress was pretty and she wrote “thank you so much” with a heart on it,' he said. He then noted that after the couple left, his wife began calling the waitress names and said, 'She’s not worth that amount of tip and that I should have tipped her a dollar because that’s what she looks like.'... One person said: 'I bet this guy hasn't thought for a second about asking his wife's input on the tip amount. It's her money too."
Of course, if someone said a woman had to consult her husband about tip amounts, he would be a misogynist

Khloé Kardashian photo shows how they're peddling an unhealthy lie to women - "Women, celebrities and otherwise, can post images so expertly enhanced, it’s impossible to discern what is real and what is not... Which makes Khloe Kardashian’s latest temper tantrum over a realistic and undoctored image of the star poolside that was “accidentally” posted so infuriating. Her team has used legal means to try to have the image wiped off the internet and Khloe put out an overwrought plea for understanding about why she’s just so hurt by the perfectly acceptable photo circulating. She wrote, “As someone who has struggled with body image her whole life, when someone takes a photo of you that isn’t flattering in bad lighting or doesn’t capture your body the way it is after working hard to get it to this point — and then shares it to the world — you should have every right to ask for it to not be shared — regardless of who you are . . . It’s almost unbearable living up to the impossible standards that the public have all set for me.” Give me a break. “Impossible standards” is what Khloe and her sisters Kim, Kourtney, Kylie and Kendall push every day, and profit from immensely. Does she really expect us to believe Kardashian and Jenner Instagram posts are the results of “good lighting,” rather than PhotoShop and airbrushing? That she doesn’t have an army of trainers, nutritionists and, yes, plastic surgeons to keep everything in line? Khloe Kardashian perpetuates a machine of unrealistic body image, and now we’re supposed to feel sorry that we got a glimpse of the real her? We’ve seen the bikini body behind the curtain. Here’s hoping it will help tear down the whole illusion."

I never promised you the moon . . . - "Out of the 30 astro-marriages— spanning from the first American launched into space in 1961 to the moon landing in 1969 — only seven couples would stay married."

Men are freaked out by sexually aggressive women - "there are a couple of potential explanations for this. One thought is that guys associate sexually aggressive women with cheating women. In other words, they fear that sex bombs may also be time bombs — whose minutes of fidelity are ticking down. The other theory stems from men getting squirmy over role reversals between the two genders. “A woman’s desire might be associated with assertiveness, domination and other traits that are considered as less feminine,” the paper’s authors maintain. “Hence, a woman’s high levels of sexual desire at the beginning of romantic relationships might be confusing for men, raising worries and doubts about mate suitability.” Modest sexual desire combined with a tendency to nurture are characteristics that made women more appealing to men who participated in the study. Conversely, women showed increased comfort levels when guys amped up the carnality. The study maintains that this is because men, in that case, are doing what’s expected of them, and such behavior reduces anxiety in women"

Husband claims wife attacked him over open jar of garlic - "Raffaele Agovino has filed a $5 million lawsuit accusing his wife of battering and bruising him — all because he griped about an open jar of garlic in the fridge. The 59-year-old real-estate developer claims in court papers that his estranged wife, Lidia, snapped in April 2015 after he “noticed the presence of garlic” in the icebox at home and told her it “had been left open.” Lidia Agovino, 56, began “yelling, screaming, and/or harassing” Raffaele, and when he tried to walk away, she attacked him with a wine glass"
Clearly, it's his fault for triggering her

Meme - "Women signing a petition to release violent criminals after saying how they don't feel safe walking alone at night *black woman with huge pen writing on small piece of paper*"

Meme - Alexis Raynes: "How does one create a virus that only affects men? Asking for a school project?"
Douglas S Caprette: "Make one that only invades prostate cells."
Ariel Imrie: "'Cept Doug, I know that you know that some women have prostates."
Weird. We keep being told that men should be lucky that women want equality, not revenge

Meme - *Sexy woman in game*
Women: "These are unrealistic beauty stanclarcs"
*Sexy man in game*
Women: "Yeah, he's so fucking hot"

Meme - "Wedding dress never used
*White/Latina woman in mirror, with mixed black baby with her*"

Meme - Woman: "Tits or ass?"
Man: "Personality"
Woman: "That's incredibly ableist of you! Some of us have personality disorders. Learn to appreciate a nice pair of titties"

Thread by @SixBrownChicks on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Q1. My soon-to-be ex husband is a MONSTER and he took my girls from me. I’m a gambler and I owed some bad people more than $26,000 so I sold my husband’s classic car to the highest bidder. (The car sale wiped my debt clean.) His great-grandfather gave him that car; it appeared in two Hollywood movies. It was a full week before my husband noticed someone “stole” it out of our garage. (Ironically, I stopped the insurance payments last year and I’ve been pocketing the money). When my husband realized there was no insurance, he became a different man around me and his attitude hurt our marriage. I prayed and forgave myself for selling his car. But my gambling debt hurts ME too; I never have enough money and I currently owe $8,000+ in NEW gambling debt. Instead of getting a third part-time job to help me, my husband filed for divorce and my teen girls went with him. This will be my first Mother’s Day without my girls. 😭He turned my girls against me; they’ve blocked me from their socials and they never call. How do I reconnect with them? #GoodMom4Ever #SBCCHAT ...
Q3. I see red flags. 🚩🚩🚩Two years ago, I ate sushi off my boyfriend’s naked body (and did other things) for his birthday. I had red eyes for a week. The eye drops weren’t working—my boss sent me home cuz he thought I was high at work—so I broke down and went to the ER. My diagnosis: Ocular Syphilis. There was a report that several women from our state contracted the same illness from the SAME MAN. This is what bothered me; he’s MY boyfriend but the media report stated that there were other women (age 40-60) who also got the STI in their eyes. My boyfriend said the women lied on him and that his doctor told him he didn’t have syphilis. (I don’t want to know my STI status right now because I’m pregnant and emotionally unstable.) I still don’t know if I can trust him. What to do? #SBCCHAT...
Q4. I’ve been blessed to sing for as long as I can remember. To create music is a gift from God, selling it, and making it in the music business is demonic. I should’ve been successful; I agreed to do the foul sh!t that was asked of me. I slept w/ men and women, and I never said no because I was playing the game. A minor label signed me—but the best song writers never worked with me, and no one promoted me—so the label cancelled my contract after one song. Still, I was sleeping around at industry events because I was trying to make it big. That was a decade ago. I’ve found God and I’m ready to make some real-life inspirational Gospel for bad girls. The execs I knew before—those who are still alive—have said it’s hard to market me as a gospel artist with the homemade s3x tapes of me floating around. I think being an EX-industry wh*re builds my credibility, and shows spiritual growth so I’m going for it. However, I fear that my husband and church family may find out about my wild past and disown me. What to do? #SBCCHAT
Q5. My wife and I moved to Florida for us to grow her business in a new market. I came down a month early to finalize things (my wife stayed behind to close on the house) so I brought my SideChick with me. SideChick can s*ck and f*ck, but she’s horrible at everything else. I DESPISE her long convos where she begs me to leave my wife. I was so close to leaving her stranded at a rest stop. Post-nut clarity; I realized that my SideChick was not worth my marriage. I told SideChick that I loved my wife and she’s wasting her time with me. SideChick unlocked my phone and took pics of us nude in bed (while I slept) and sent them to my wife. She sent a CashApp to herself and several of her friends. She drained my account. Then she left. I woke up to a text from my wife: “I got the pics. You should stay there in the bed you made.” I’m so confused; why is my ex-SideChick angry after I finally told her the truth? Why is my wife leaving me AFTER I decided to be faithful? She moved me out here and now she’s not joining me. How to fix this mess? I’m stranded and BROKE. #SBCCHAT
Q6. My 86-year-old, physically fit, always horny, sugar daddy promised me Mercedes, but we are stuck in a loop. The loop: We go to dinner, back to my place, 😔👅😔he spends the night and the next day he takes me to a car dealership. We browse the lot, the dealership runs his credit, and before he signs the contract, the salesman tells him about a better deal at a different location. My elderly lover slips him a tip and we leave the dealership empty handed. We went to 3 dealerships, until the final one sent us right back to the first dealership. I asked to speak to the finance manager because I felt they didn’t WANT to sell us a car. Manager said: “Miss, his credit is bad and he doesn’t have the money. He tips us because we don’t embarrass him in front of you.” Also, “You’re the Wednesday girlfriend. He brings a different woman here on Fridays.” I’m tired. It’s too much s3x going on for me to still be in an Uber. But I’m leaving with something; should I hang around until he dies? He’s obese, has asthma and high blood pressure. He’s also taking those get-hard pills. I’d hate to leave and then that Friday b!tch gets a car. Or money. Advice. #SBCCHAT"

Thread by @SixBrownChicks on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Q1. I’m Karl, I’m 48, married to a 34-year-old woman for 2 years. My kink is f—-king s3x workers at the end of their shifts. I love to smell other men on them; being their last client of the night makes me feel like the conquerer I am. (I give ‘em the knockout 🥜 ). A few allow me to hit naturally (no condom). I KNOW I have an STI, and I know I’ve given it to my wife. She hasn’t approached me about it, and that means she’s guilty of sleeping with somebody else. We’ve been on fire for a month and she hasn’t mentioned it. How to confront her cheating ass? #SBCCHAT
Q2. I’m dealing with a bipolar man and it makes me sick. First, he dated me for 2 months and he opened his home to me and my 3 kids. We moved out of my mom’s house and into his townhome. I registered my kids in his school district. He gave me a spare room to braid hair and earn money. We had a fun and loving vibe. I know he loves me and adores my kids. BUT, I made one mistake, and he threw us all out. (My side-dude stopped by to get his braids done and to borrow some money. I also gave him a quick BJ. I did not know there was a camera in my braiding room, or I wouldn’t have slipped up like that.) I apologized, but Mr. Bipolar switched up on me and threw me & the kids and all our things in the front yard. I took what I could fit into the Uber. I can’t believe how he snapped and turned on us like that. What relationship red flags did I miss? I’m so scared to be vulnerable with a man again. Advice. #SBCCHAT...
Q4. I bumped into my friend’s lover at her funeral (my friend had an accidental overdose). We chatted about my friend (briefly) and I offered to link with him for drinks. We’re a month into dating, and each time I see him, he wants to discuss my friend. “Did she ever mention me?” [I wasn’t that close to her, so no.] “Do you think she loved me?” [I dunno.] And the comment I blatantly ignore, “If she was still alive, you know I would’ve never entertained you, right?” [😒] He makes these stupid comments after s3x, while I’m naked in bed with him. I want to cuddle and discuss us. But before I can get comfy, he’s discussing my friend and putting me out his house. I asked him if he’d like to get married one day. Him: “The only woman I would’ve married has returned to God.” I want to settle down with this man but I can’t compete with my friend’s ghost. What to do? #SBCCHAT
Q5. My ex had my kids (ages 1 & 3) for the weekend because I had an appointment to get my body right for summer. The daycare called DCFS on me and put my kids out because they had lice and bedbug bites. DCFS put my kids in my ex’s custody while they investigated. I got my surgery and remained out of state for a few extra days to heal. TBH, I thought everything happened for a reason and I might as well reinvent myself as a child-free woman and live my best life. It’s been 5 weeks and my ex says his momma is tired of babysitting (they’re my kids not my ex’s kids). I feel like she might as well go all the way and adopt them. I’m only 28, I’m too young to raise 2 kids on my own anyway. (The kids’ bio dad is Polish and his family won’t accept them). I met a nice man and he doesn’t want kids so it’s all good for me. My main issue is that DCFS is chasing me down and my ex is calling me a deadbeat online. I’m not a deadbeat, I’m just MOVING ON from that single parenting lifestyle. Parents who have WALKED AWAY from your kids successfully, how did you do it? How do I escape DCFS? Help. #SBCCHAT
Q6. My friend Kaliyah introduced me to her cousin Juliette who was serving her last 7 months on a 4-year sentence. Juliette was the poor man’s Beyoncé. Tall, built, flawless skin with the cutest dimples. We became pen pals. I put money on her books. I started working out. She turned her life around and I was here to pick her up. At the same time, my babymomma was trying to move in with my son but I blocked that outright; sent them to her momma’s house. I made room for Juliette; she arrived, buff, hard, with a slash on her face that ran from her temple to her chin. She spits, cracks her knuckles, and she yanked my 🍆 so hard that I refused to perform. I overheard her on the phone telling a female inmate “you know you miss what this mouth do.” 😾 She steals from me. She pawns my things. I want her out of my house. But I’m afraid to tell her to leave. Help. #SBCCHAT"

Zarathustra on X - "Divorce lawyer: "I do divorces with people, the woman walks out with $200–$300 million dollars. He was an analyst at Goldman Sachs who built a hedge fund, sold it, and then used his trading algorithms to build it up to $500 million. She was hot. And slept with him. For a while. And then started sleeping with other people. And playing tennis. And having botox. And now she's going to get half. Do you know how insane that is? And it happens all the time."
Also note that at $500mm net worth, giving away half may not be a huge strain. But consider a far more common number: having to pay out half of $100K or $70K or $50K year is absolutely devastating, crippling even."
John Adams on X - "It took my dad 15 years to climb out of poverty after my mother wiped him out in their divorce. Every time we got to visit him, he'd sleep on the floor because all he could afford was a tiny one bedroom rental unit above a family's garage. Me and my sister would share the bed."

Meme - "Her: me If I'll you win a sex game against with you ave sex with you
Me after beating her at Russian Roulette:" *American Psycho man with woman's legs on shoulders meme*

Masculine Soul on X - "The best combination of hobbies to attract women: It's not lifting and MMA… It’s learning an instrument and a foreign language. Few talking about this."

Sofia Vergara Says Dating Is 'Hard' Over Age 50 - "Nearly one year after separating from Joe Manganiello, Sofía Vergara is opening up about dating as a single woman. “It’s already hard for a 50-something-year-old woman to find someone,” Vergara, 51, told People in a cover story published on Wednesday, May 1, noting that she would consider dating an actor again. “I’m not going to be picky about, ‘Oh, he can only be a doctor. Oh, he can only be an astronaut.’ No, I mean, I’m not that picky.”"

Meme - "My mom started an OnlyFans account. I have no idea why. It's not like we need the money. Dad was in the tech sector and made lots of investments before he passed so PG We're very financially stable. She posted about it for all the family and friends to see. I confronted her and based my arguments against her actions in Kant's Categorical Imperative. After half an hour she still wasn't understanding the concept and was just in tears that I wasn't being supportive. I told her alright look, imagine things in terms of universal actions. So you should consider whether the act of subscribing to your OnlyFans is something you'd want to see all men in the world undertake, i.e. me, your own son. Obviously this renders it immoral since it fails Kant's Categorical Imperative. Now she just thinks I'm trying to make an elaborate argument that justifies me subscribing to her OnlyFans because I'm a perv and she's starts crying whenever she sees me. She's threatened that I'll have to move out but think it's a bluff. I'm giving up on invoking the Categorical Imperative and need some other moral arguments. Unfortunately I've spent the last 7 years of my life pretty much exclusively reading Kant and secondary sources on Kant, so I don't really have a good grasp of non-Kantian morality. Any help would be appreciated."

Meme - Jerry Avenaim: "I just want you to believe in yourself as much as this woman believes in the buttons on her blouse."

🇬🇧 IM 🇬🇧 on X - "Just because a woman has stopped being promiscuous, doesn’t mean a man who realises she was promiscuous will treat her like she never was. To her, it’s an insult you expect her to do things she won’t do anymore. To him, it’s an insult you won’t do things for him you did for other men when you were younger and prettier. From the male perspective, the product got worse, but the price went up - and he recognises that for the bad deal that it is. So it’s good you want to change your life and stop messing up and be a better person. You just have to accept a lot of men aren’t willing to pay the price for your past mistakes by making you their responsibility now."

Meme - "Women go through these ...just to look good for us... They deserve all" *Gladiator stilettos*
YOUR DAD: "Bros they've said it countless times, that they don't dress for us."

Meme - White top: "Don't get horny around me, I'm an empath *busty woman with visible nipples*"

Meme - ""Women live every day in fear of being raped"
"What if we mass incarcerate criminals"
"Defund the police"
"What if we limit mass migration"
"Refugees welcome"
"What if men can't claim to be women and enter their spaces"
"Trans rights"
"Whats your solution?"

Inez Stepman ⚪️🔴⚪️ on X - "I see that once again the assumption is that men learn this from p*rn and not from previous sexual encounters and that it’s treated as an exclusively screwed up male trend, even as 50 Shades made a gazillion dollars from women."
Covfefe Anon on X - "After all these years, NYT finally finds a politically correct explanation for lagging female IQ and intellectual accomplishment ...brain damage from being choked during sex (seriously, the article is a pile of bad reasoning and ignorance)"
Richard Hanania on X - ""A male freshman said 'girls expected' to be choked and, even though he didn’t want to do it, refusing would make him seem like a 'simp.' And a senior in high school was angry that her friends called her 'vanilla' when she complained that her boyfriend had choked her.""
As usual, women have no agency when it threatens the feminist agenda

Cougar, 40, dates 18-year-olds because middle-aged men 'can't keep up' (Feb 2023) - "A West Midlands "cougar" aged 40 says she dates men as young as 18 - because middle-aged men "can't keep up". Shirley Rosemary Flynn started casually dating younger guys after finding that men her own age were "boring" and "didn't want to explore in the bedroom" in the same way she did."
'I'm too beautiful to get dates and jealous women won't be friends with me' (Apr 2024) - "Shirley Rosemary Flynn believes her beauty is getting in the way of her finding love. The 41-year-old model claims she can't get a date because men are scared off by her looks. Single Shirley hasn't been on a date for six years and despite arranging meet ups, she says potential suitors often cancel on her at the last minute"

Meme - "Doing a 12 hr shift really makes you side with the men that get upset when they come home to no food on the table"

Meme - Denise Frazier: "Stop asking stupid questions Every girl does this. I just got caught."
Whitney Williamson: "Are you the one that had sex with dog???"
"Wtf why"
"Why not"

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