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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Links - 22nd May 2024 (2 - X-Men '97 and Wokeness)

X-Men '97 Now Worst Performing Marvel Series On Disney+: Worse Than Ms. Marvel, What If - "the less than well-received Paramount+ Halo series made the Nielsen charts while X-Men ’97 was nowhere to be found... If you go by the social media reactions (assuming they are real), X-Men ’97 is the best Marvel project since Spider-Man: No Way Home and Avengers: Endgame. I think the ratings are really low due to multiple factors which includes a lot of people are not watching Disney+, it’s an animated series and not live-action (though 23 million watched the original), and it shows how damaged both the Disney and Marvel brands have become as a result of the previous years’ worth of content that has destroyed both Marvel and Star Wars. Doubt me? Then why is Disney pulling back on both brands?"

X-Men '97 Viewership Low: Possibly Unsuccessful - "It might also suggest how badly the Marvel brand has been damaged from the past five years worth of questionable content suggesting fans have bailed on Disney and Marvel (again, how’d it work out for The Marvels?).   It’s even likely Disney told Samba TV not to report any numbers"

Meme - "so what's your job? Being a minority?"
"don't forget, gay, too..."

Keywords: Villainise

Meme - y'all heights @xfrce: "stan lee just died :((((("
y'all heights @xfrce: "Real talk, stan lee was racist, homophobic, and was accused of sexual harassment multiple times. he was creepy and underhanded. that doesn't mean he deserved the elder abuse he got, or that he deserved to die. but i'm not wasting any time mourning that bitch."
Does this mean the X-Men were never woke?

X-Men ’97 Supervising Producer Charley Feldman Declares “Kyle Rittenhouse Is A F-ing Murderer” Following His Acquittal - "Though her attempt to paint the legality of self-defense in the U.S. as an element of white supremacy is outright absurd, especially given how said self-defense laws allowed for Andrew ‘A.J.’ Coffee IV, a black man, to be acquitted of similar charges that same day, it comes as no surprise given their own social media history, which reveals a genuine belief in popular critical social justice narratives... their most egregious take on the subject of violence and white supremacy came on December 14th, 2012, when they described how their own paranoia had led them to come “to a point where every time I pass a 20 something lone white male I feel the need to ask them to please not shoot people- just in case.”"

'X-Men the Animated Series' Fans Should Ignore Disney's 'X-Men '97' - "Many original voice actors, like Cal Dodd, Lenore Zann, and George Buza, will return for X-Men ’97, reprising their roles as Wolverine, Rogue, and Beast, respectively. The debut trailer indicates that the series will follow the events of X-Men: The Animated Series‘ finale, where Professor X departs Earth, leaving his X-Men team... While the X-Men being “woke” is a fairly easy argument for Disney apologists and Marvel shill sites to dismiss, the more concerning revelations about the upcoming series has to do with the people creating the show, and their politics are perhaps some of the most deranged and divisive as as any Marvel project to date. For example, X-Men ‘97 head writer Beau DeMayo, who has suggested that the upcoming Disney+ revival of the classic Marvel cartoon will focus on “today’s world” woven into its story and told  The Direct that “knowing what we know now… how would this show look like, in today’s world, with everything that has changed, and everything that hasn’t changed, sadly—in our world? That is where I believe my focus has been, as a storyteller, has really been that.”     While these comments seem sensible on the surface, they don’t seem to indicate that the X-Men comics have dealt with political issues for decades, and not always in a way that would make today’s intolerant woke activists comfortable. DeMayo certainly has his own political viewpoints that might creep into the show. Here is one of the show’s supervising producers Jake Castorena’s social media posts, which was retweeted and actually pinned by Beau DeMayo (now deleted). Do posts like these instill confidence in the direction of the show for nostalgic fans? To be fair, that’s actually a fairly normal thing to retweet if you voted for Joe Biden. It’s actually nothing when compared to X-Men ’97 supervising producer Charley Feldman’s social media, which borders on derangement. In September 2020, Feldman tweeted, “Donald Trump cannot condemn white supremacists because he is a white supremacist...” three times like she was chanting it for some reason. And her TDS didn’t end there. But Feldman’s politics extend far beyond President Trump. She’s also quite enraged at the immigration and customs enforcement arm of America’s law enforcement. While neither of these political views should necessarily impact her work on X-Men ’97, the following series of tweets indicate that there may be a very heavy push towards radical DEI, anti-whiteness, or what is frequently referred to as “wokeness” topics in her work on X-Men ’97.  Feldman also retweeted Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch who posted, “To any creative at Disney TV, Feature, Publishing or Streaming: please mercilessly spam your execs with ‘there’s room for everyone under the rainbow’ next time they tell you to ‘please revise’ your LGBTQ+ character for ‘not being Disney appropriate.’” I saw this video yesterday by Diversity & Comics’ Richard Meyer downplaying the accusations that the show will be woke. Richard seems to think all the chatter about Wolverine potentially having a bromance with a non-binary character were overblown. I think there’s a good chance that Richard was not aware of this X-Men ’97 supervising producer’s tweets expressing a desire to see romances between Sam Wilson and the Winter Soldier, Finn and Poe from Disney’s Star Wars trilogy, the two male characters from Luca, and the two main male characters from Cartoon Network’s Infinity Train... Dataracer has shared even more concerning tweets if you really want to see them all... There’s no way Disney will revive certain elements like Wolverine’s conversion to Christianity, much less treat the original series with any respect. Therefore there is no reason for me to watch these deranged children treat one of my favorite old cartoons as a skin suit for their woke activism. Thankfully, the X-Men department at Disney doesn’t mind if we don’t watch. So this is a win-win."

NPC: *upset*
Comment (elsewhere): "There's a good example of this in the third episode of the animated series.  Magneto is 100% a personification of wokeness. Magneto attempts to break Beast out of jail, and Beast refuses to go due to his belief in what's effectively traditional western morality.  That's it. That's what X-Men is supposed to be. Two sets of the same "disadvantaged" group using two different kinds of ideologies.  The bad guys conform to the emotionalism and destructive nature of leftism, and the good guys follow the traditional western moral philosophy."

'X-Men '97' Alters Storm's Design From Original 'X-Men: The Animated Series' - "The series’ showrunner Beau DeMayo previously revealed the the story of the entire series was being informed by his experience as a black, gay man."

Meme - "Me spreading the agenda *Jubilee from X-Men: The Animated Series and fireworks*

Meme - Rogue:
2024: "close but still uni-boob"
1992: "female anatomy"

Meme - *Rogue with shapely butt*
*Rogue drains Captain Marvel*
*Rogue with no butt*

Meme - X-Men: The Animated Series Rogue: "UM... REALLY SUGAH?"
*X-Men '97 Rogue without the skintight outfit, with smaller breasts and with less of a figure*

Meme - "Old vs New Rogue*
"I swear on Charles Xavier's grave Disney will pay."

Meme - *Rogue on bed caressing photo*
*Sentinel butt*


Meme - "'X-Men '97' Showrunner Confirms Disney Plus Series Will Portray Morph As "Nonbinary""
"People who think they are a fictional gender when a fictional (and mutated) character has that same fake gender: 'Omg this means I'm valid'"

Meme - "Hey morph, why don't ya meet me in the shower I got a surprise for ya!"
"Logan? Are you in here?"
"April fools, bub, this is an intervention we're having you committed for your your mental disorder"

X-Men 97 Creator on Beau DeMayo Morph Nonbinary Backlash Original Show - "“For me, the word ‘nonbinary’ is the same as the word ‘shapeshifter,’” Houston says. “Every character that can change from one gender to another, or from human to animal, that’s just another word for ‘shapeshifter’ for me.”...   “Did we teach you people nothing? Were you not watching?” Julia Lewald says. “Did we not figure out how to be nice to each other and how to get along? It’s very odd to feel like we are still dealing with the same issues that we were dealing with 30 years ago. It’s painful.”"
Since humans can't be shapeshifters, that means non-binary people are not valid
Clearly there's nothing wrong with weaponised "empathy", and you need to give in to everything people demand on that pretext
Comments (elsewhere):
"Damn, all the werewolves and vampires are now non-binary. Just waiting for the non-Cis Multi-spirit Frankenstein story..."
"So Mystique isn’t a strong independent woman? Mystique is an “other” now? One less strong female mutant!"
"Sigh. Shapeshifting is a DISGUISE, not an identity. Mystique can turn into a man, but she really identifies as a woman. These people do not get this."

Stan Lee And Chris Claremont Did Not Intend X-Men To Be Woke - "With the news about X-Men ’97 turning Morph into a non-binary propaganda piece, the internet’s been set ablaze with arguments over whether the X-Men were always intended to be woke... The civil rights allegory was never a part of the original script, but the civil rights allegory became talking points for Marvel during the 1980s and 1990s during Chris Claremont’s tenure on the book. Stan Lee did not create the characters like this, and Magneto to “not be a villain” even though he eventually said, “[I] did not think of Magneto as a bad guy. He was just trying to strike back at the people who were so bigoted and racist. He was trying to defend mutants, and because society was not treating them fairly, he decided to teach society a lesson. He was a danger of course, but I never thought of him as a villain.” Stan Lee designed Magneto as the leader of a group that called themselves The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in the original run. Stan Lee’s later words are a retcon, trying to make some kind of public relations out of the X-Men once the book became wildly popular under Chris Claremont’s tenure. Magneto had nothing to do with Malcolm X, but the character and Professor X were actually framed after Jewish leaders David Ben-Gurion and Menachem Begin.  Chris Claremont modeled the X-Men in a United Nations-style world where the characters came from all over the globe, working together from different backgrounds and cultures, as was a progressive dream in the 1980s. It closely modeled Star Trek, where characters would have their cultures and yet be able to do more together. This was evident in making a character a Russian like Colossus and a German priest like Nightcrawler, among many others. As usual, the idea that the X-Men were about black civil rights was very much overstated. However, it wasn’t about exploring deviant sexualities for either Stan Lee or Chris Claremont. That, like everything else, came much later, and the wokeites rewrote the history to try to make it part of some LGBTQ movement when a book that was very much geared toward underage readers was never focused on such matters.   Chris Claremont himself confirmed this when he was speaking at an LGBTQ-themed convention in 2012 called Flame Con.  Here, while trying to court and appeal to the rainbow flag audience, he told the attendees he didn’t always intend for the X-Men to be a stand-in for the LGBTQ community, but, he said, “You know there’s a space between every panel. You can go wherever you want. And who am I to get in the way?”  This is clearly stating this whole deviant sexualized lifestyle was not ever considered part of the equation. Fans will go where they want with their thoughts, and he’s not going to judge them for it, but Chris Claremont did not intend for the X-Men to be woke. As Morph gets rewritten as non-binary, this is a completely new phenomenon by the new cult in Hollywood trying to convert everyone—including kids—into these lifestyles. Wokeism is a religion, and they consider anyone who disagrees with heretics. This is why people like Stan Lee and Chris Claremont were so careful when around these groups to tiptoe around these subjects, but none of these characters were ever meant to be gay from the beginning, let alone even further down the path of mental illness."

X-Men ’97’s Morph actor doesn’t want a season 2 hook-up with Wolverine - "“My natural speaking voice doesn’t sound all that different from Ron’s original portrayal,” Karliak tells Polygon, “[and Morph] has a new look, he’s changing... Why don’t we just sit him in this grounded space"... Karliak, who identifies as genderqueer, was pleased at the change... "Morph is on a gender journey that will unfold as time passes and he goes through the eras of terminology that we’ve lived through already.”... “As the comic relief of the show, I think he’s burying a lot of things,” Karliak says. “Having him say less was actually the smarter way to go for somebody who’s internalizing a lot.”... “He’s a superhero who’s got some trauma, he’s got friends, he’s showing up, he’s doing the thing,” Karliak says. “He probably would like to have a significant other at some point""
Even the voice actor, who is "genderqueer", calls him he/him

Let's listen to the man himself | Stan Lee on X-men - YouTube - "I was just originally trying to get an interesting group of characters with interesting powers and I thought it would make it twice as interesting if the public really didn't like them that much. And um if they had a worry about their reception by the outside world. Little by little I be, I began getting mail saying how great it is that I'm doing these stories about bigotry and the evils of of bigotry and so forth and race hatred, and I guess I was doing that but I was doing it subconsciously that wasn't the main purpose"...
"The best literature of course is going to have people say hey this may be similar to that okay. And it's often times in your own mind and there's nothing wrong with that"...
"The X-Men enjoyed its um reincarnation on film, there was a lot of talk about how this was really the story of homophobia"
"yeah, that's absolutely right"
"and that was not, what your, wasn't part of the original blueprint"
"no, it was the furthest thing from my mind"
This won't stop the woke from lying about how the X-Men were always woke

Marvel Studios Fires X-Men '97 Creator Beau DeMayo

According to Jeff Sneider, Beau DeMayo was fired, in part, due to being "Difficult to work with". John Rocha has heard less than savory things about him as well. Sneider will share more info in his newsletter tonight. : r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers

Meme - "Wolverine sleeps with women 100 years younger than him, he's a hero. My Dad sleeps with Rogue and he's an old pervert. That doesn't seem fair."

Meme - Rogue and Magneto: "Sorry, we were using the Danger room"
Gambit: "For training, right?"
Rogue and Magneto:
Gambit: "For training, right?"

X-Men '97' Writers May Apologize for Friends of Humanity Whitewashing - "the Friends of Humanity, an anti-mutant group that the X-Men are dealing with, is an all-white group in the new cartoon. In the comics and the early 1990s cartoon, the Friends of Humanity were composed of non-mutants of all colors. This was an important detail, as it showed that anti-mutant sentiment was not limited to any one race or ethnicity. However, in the new Disney+ cartoon, the Friends of Humanity are primarily all white people. This change is troubling, as it suggests that the writers are projecting hate towards Caucasians."

Meme - Madelyne Pryor to Cyclops: "He has your eyes"
*laser beams shooting from eyes*
*hospital staff screaming* Meme - *Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor with Nathan Summers*
Mr Sinister: "Scotty doesn't know! Scotty doesn't know! Scotty doesn't know!"

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