Pro-Israel Jewish billionaires caught secretly plotting to crackdown student protests : r/palestinenews - "arabs are literal semites. So coining it for only Jews is actually really odd to begin with"
"I know. Like a butterfly isn’t a fly or butter. So weird."
"You probably also think all lives matter is a non offensive phrase because all lives matter as well right. Or is there a history behind the phrase that gives it an alternative meaning?"
Of course, there's nothing wrong with the pro-Palestine billionaires funding the chaos and violence
Witeo on X - "The idea that someone holding the position that "Israel is committing a genocide" and that there is no room for debate makes someone a "fanatic" seems truly bizarre to me. I think people that deny the holocaust don't get to "make their case" - does that make me a "fanatic"?"
Carl on X - "The Holocaust and Gaza are at incredibly different scales. The Holocaust targeted and killed 2/3 of Europe’s Jews. Israel’s invasion of Gaza has killed 1.4% of the population, many of them militants. I’ll listen to an argument it is genocide, but you’ll have to work hard to make"
Russ Greene on X - "The Biden Administration gave $600M to “environmental justice” groups. Who are they? Well, $50M went to the Climate Justice Alliance. CJA pays for illegal anti-Israel protests, on the basis that “the path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine.”"
Daniel Bordman on X - "A telling scene as @Alessacanada, a former political refugee from socialist Venezuela who had been kidnapped by the regime, confronts the Communist organizers of the Intifada rally. They don’t know how to handle it and one of them says “we don’t talk to the Israeli side”"
Matt Lieberman on X - "When 80% of your campus grad students votes for an anti-Semitic strike, maybe it’s time for me to hang up research and stop training students. The very best I can come up with is that they are profoundly misinformed about the history and uninterested in learning more. Other attributions are much worse. Right now I don’t feel like having anything to do with UCLA."
Israel War Room on X - "Nearly 700 tunnel shafts have been identified in Rafah, with ~50 tunnels crossing into Egypt, revealed @DrGiladNoam at today's sham @CIJ_ICJ hearing. Those tunnels are used to smuggle weapons to Hamas and can be used to smuggle senior terrorists and/or hostages out of Gaza."
Shaiel Ben-Ephraim on X - "It is time we had a frank conversation about Egypt and Hamas. For many years, we were told that Cairo was hostile to the terrorist organization because of their links to the Muslim Brotherhood. I think we can now fairly say the relationship is much more complicated than that. Egypt has propped up Hamas for years by allowing supply lines to go through it. 50 tunnels could not go through the border without Al-Sisi and his regime knowing about it. Also keep in mind that Israeli intelligence believes that most arms for Hamas are brought in through the Rafah Crossing, which is under Egyptian supervision. In addition, their threats to torpedo the peace agreement if Israel goes into Rafah no longer seem to be just about refugees leaving Gaza. It also pertains to finding the tunnels and the extent of Egyptian cooperation with Hamas. In addition, it appears their resistance was part of an attempt to keep Hamas in power. I don't have all the answers to why Egypt is supporting Hamas, but this is my guess:
1) They have a modus vivendi with Hamas. They ask that Hamas not intervene in Egyptian politics and not undermine control in Sinai. In return, they turn a blind eye to the tunnels and arms going in.
2) They are getting kickbacks from Hamas and possibly Iran and Qatar in return. Egypt has serious economic and debt problems and could desperately use a source of income.
3) Egypt is rife with antisemitism, and they will lose no sleep over helping its enemies."
Ihab Hassan on X - "Polish artist Igor Dobrowolski stands alone outside Auschwitz concentration camp holding a sign that reads, "Israel is committing genocide in Gaza." As a Palestinian, I don't understand why Western activists feel the need to show solidarity with our cause by protesting at Holocaust memorials or concentration camps. These places are intended to commemorate the victims of the most tragic event in history, not to serve as sites for political protests."
Haviv Rettig Gur on X - "The connection to the Holocaust isn’t marginal, it’s essential. It’s why millions of Europeans who didn’t bat an eyelash at Assad’s massacre of 600,000 souls suddenly discovered their voice on Gaza. It wasn’t about the suffering of the Gazans. It was about the Jews, who could at long last be knocked off their moral pedestal. In Gaza’s “genocide,” Europe is finally exonerated."
Whataboutism is good when it pushes the left wing agenda
Meme - Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 @DrewPavlou: "When Hamas militants beheaded that Thai migrant worker on Oct 7 while shouting YAHOOD (Jew) they were focusing on ZIONISM, not anti-Semitism. This is because they changed the words on the magic sheet of paper before carrying out the largest single day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust."
Kat Abu: "Come on Random Guy, you're better than this. Biden doesn't need some dude putting words in his mouth and Hamas changed its charter 7 years ago to rectify the antisemitism and focus on Zionism, so we don't need to get into hypotheticals or extrapolate into imaginary scenarios."
UN Blames 'Fog of War' for Overcounting of Gazan Child Deaths - "In mid-March, the U.N. Children's Fund stated that 13,450 children had been killed in Gaza, citing figures from the Hamas-run Gazan Health Ministry. Catherine Russell, the director of UNICEF, said in a television interview on March 17 that those numbers were "staggering" and "really shocking." "We haven't seen that rate of death among children in almost any other conflict in the world," Russell claimed at the time. The statistic was cited frequently in the international press, leading to accusations that Israel had committed war crimes, including targeting babies and children intentionally. Even Hamas has since admitted that those numbers turn out to be off by at least 40%. The United Nations revised its numbers last week, without providing an explanation. "When it comes to Israel, it's clear that the U.N.'s goal is not accuracy, but rather to immediately seize on any report, no matter how unsubstantiated or even manifestly false, in order to portray Israel as malevolent," Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, told JNS. "The right thing for the U.N. to do now would be to admit that their casualty count in Gaza is a complete failure," Neuer added... "It's outrageous that only seven months later, the U.N. is questioning the Hamas-supplied casualty numbers," he said. In early April, the Gaza Health Ministry said it had "incomplete data" for 11,371 of the 33,091 Palestinian fatalities it claimed to have documented at the time. The ministry later said it did not have names for more than 10,000 of the Gazans it claimed were killed in the war. The ministry has not revealed publicly how it compiles its published information. No independent media exists in Gaza to try to verify it. "For reporting Gaza deaths, there is no method and no standard of proof," Neuer told JNS. "All the U.N. does is parrot figures supplied by Hamas, which is laundered and legitimized by the U.N. as the neutral-sounding 'Gaza Ministry of Health,' or 'Government Media Office,' when in fact both are run by the Hamas terrorist organization." "Now that the U.N. has suddenly reduced some of the figures by half, they've essentially admitted to have been feeding the media and the world completely false numbers," he said... Hamas reported on certain days in the first months of the war that more women and children were killed than the total number of all fatalities."
Analyzing the underlying causes of the food crisis in Gaza - "A new policy brief by IIASA Postdoctoral Research Fellow Rotem Zelingher explores the root causes of the food crisis in the Gaza Strip, highlighting that chronic food insecurity in the region pre-dated the war and stems from a multiplicity of governance-related factors. The outbreak of conflict has further exacerbated the pre-existing vulnerabilities, making the situation even more dire. As part of her research, Zelingher investigated the complex interconnectedness of factors contributing to the current situation. She traced the market trends back to 2007, the pivotal year when the State of Palestine was divided into two entities: the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The analysis uncovered major disparities with regard to the prices of staple foods. The study shows that both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank heavily rely on bread as a staple food, making them particularly vulnerable to food price fluctuations and disruptions in supply chains. Research uncovered that the West Bank displayed efforts to stabilize food prices, resulting in growing stability in price trends over time, possibly due to effective government-led food security initiatives. In contrast, the Gaza Strip experienced erratic fluctuations in prices of all staple foods, especially rice and sugar, highlighting a potential contrast in governance approaches. It is evident that the fluctuation of bread prices in the Gaza Strip was more closely linked to global wheat prices than to local security crises. This disparity suggests underlying governance differences and raises questions about the efficacy of the implemented food-security strategies in the Gaza Strip. Inconsistency in pricing in the Gaza Strip continues to be exacerbated by purported corruption and suppression of dissenting views by Gazan authorities. In addition, the policy brief highlights that observer reports by the United Nations, USAID, and other organizations have alleged exploitation by Gazan government officials of humanitarian aid intended for civilians, including seizing control of food aid. Similar reports have been made regarding fuel and electricity supplies, as well as financial aid, which could further complicate the situation."
Damn Zionists!
Richard Hanania on X - "Israel invited the PA to help run the Rafah crossing. They don’t want to because they’ll be killed by Hamas. How does this ever get solved? What will make the PA or Arab states ever be able to operate in Gaza? There is no realistic solution other than Israeli or Hamas victory."
Richard Hanania on X - "Absolutely must read thread. The US plan is Israel leaves, Hamas remains in power, but somehow Hamas leaves later by some way no one can explain. Imagine if we let al-Qaida govern a state after 9/11. Unthinkable. The Biden team is shamefully playing politics here."
The US aims to wrap up Gaza war. How does that square with its goal of toppling Hamas?
Richard Hanania on X - "To stop a large scale Rafah invasion, Biden is offering intelligence help in finding Hamas leaders. Wait a minute. So the US had knowledge of the whereabouts of Hamas leaders that it wasn't sharing before? And then it complains about a lack of precise targeting? Unbelievable."
Richard Hanania on X - "NYT: “in Hamas’s calculus, the deaths of many Palestinian civilians — who do not have access to Hamas’s subterranean tunnels — were the necessary cost.” I haven’t seen a single opponent of the war think about the incentives created by their preferred policies."
Richard Hanania on X - "NYT: “Israeli and U.S. intelligence officers say that Mr. Sinwar’s strategy is to keep the war going for as long as it takes to shred Israel’s international reputation and to damage its relationship with its primary ally” In other words, the strategy of Hamas is leftists."
Yahya Sinwar Helped Start the War in Gaza. Now He’s Key to Its Endgame. - The New York Times - "As an architect of the Oct. 7 attacks, Mr. Sinwar masterminded a strategy that he knew would provoke a ferocious Israeli response... American and Israeli intelligence agencies have spent months assessing Mr. Sinwar’s motivations, according to people briefed on the intelligence. Analysts in both the United States and Israel believe that Mr. Sinwar is primarily motivated by a desire to take revenge on Israel and weaken it. The well-being of the Palestinian people or the establishment of a Palestinian state, the intelligence analysts say, appears to be secondary... If Mr. Netanyahu has been accused of dragging out the fighting for personal benefit, so, too, has his archenemy, Mr. Sinwar... As Israel faced intense pressure to avoid launching an operation in Rafah, Hamas fired rockets last Sunday from Rafah toward a nearby border crossing, killing four Israeli soldiers. If this was a gambit by Hamas, it appeared to pay off: Israel began an operation this past week on the fringes of Rafah, and against that backdrop President Biden made his strongest criticism of Israeli policy since the war began. Mr. Biden said he would halt some future arms shipments if the Israeli military began a full-scale invasion of the city’s urban core."
Randa Abdel-Fattah on X - "I'm an ARC Future Fellow in Sociology, multi-award winning author of 14 books, former lawyer, an Australian Muslim Palestinian Egyptian intimately connected with grassroots community- and yet in the past 7 months I have had a mere 1 invitation for an interview across all platforms of our national broadcaster. That was @abcnews in October 2023. Since then nothing. ABC radio- zero invites ABC Q&A- I have not been invited back onto the program since May 2021 and not for want of my name being pitched. There has only been 1 other Palestinian guest, @iamthenas , and he has only been invited once despite the fact Gaza has been a topic in multiple episodes. This is deliberate, calculated censorship and erasure. There is no question about my qualifications to speak on what is happening, on my scholarly expertise and lived experience. I can run circles around the people on this episode of Insiders for example. This is anti-Palestinian racism in its purest form. It is racial segregation by our national broadcaster which platforms Anglo guests to offer their ideologically loaded opinions whilst Palestinian experts are excluded and deliberately ignored. That I am not surprised by the ABC's institutional racism (hello @antoinette_news ) is not the point of this tweet. My point is that we will keep on writing the record of the ABC's role as handmaiden to genocide. We will keep on recording this history of racial segregation and the names of the people who make the decisions and the bystanders who chose silence over principled journalism. So ABC, are you brave enough to invite me?"
Ari Paul ⛓️ on X - "I thought you weren’t invited back because you were caught fabricating a bunch of false claims?"
Green Goblin on X - "Golly, that’s a lot of words for “plz plz plz can I be on tv???”"
Moshe Y Bernstein (玉梦舍) on X - "Have you considered that they're just not that into you?"
Subtruth on X - "So your claim is... Because only one media establishment has invited you to speak on their program, that has equivalence to direct censorship... If this is the calibre of your argumentation, replete with narcissism I think perhaps the media might have acted with rare judgement."
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham Suggests Israel Drop Nuclear Bombs Over Gaza, Justifies Hiroshima Bombing - "“Why is it okay for America to drop two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end their existential threat war. Why was it okay to do that? I thought it was okay,” he continued, at times speaking over his host."
Even for the media, this is a bizarre way to put words into his mouth. Anyway terrorism supporters hate the US and think it was unjustified in dropping the nuclear bombs too
Richard Hanania on X - "Egypt, a dictatorship that is itself blockading Gaza, supports South Africa in its “genocide” suit against Israel. Positive development. Make it as clear as possible what a joke the entire international human rights community is. North Korea and Syria should join next."
Brandon Friedman on X - "The "non-military" way to get rid of Hamas is to undercut them by offering all Palestinians a viable alternative: Statehood, economic development and self-determination. Instead, Israel continually drives Gazans into the arms of Hamas, fueling this never-ending cycle of violence."
Richard Hanania on X - "This whole thing started because when the Palestinians got self-determination they voted for Hamas! Every poll shows they’d do so again or vote for people who are even worse. I don’t know what Palestinians would have to do to discredit this narrative."
Claire Lehmann on X - "A March poll found that if elections were to be held in Gaza or the West Bank today, Hamas would win"
Richard Hanania on X - "It’s all fantasy all the way down. Palestinians want to be part of a death cult, and then the world is supposed to protect them from the consequences of being a death cult."
We're still told that most Palestinians don't support terrorism
Richard Hanania on X - "Notice the evidence of Israeli mistreatment comes from Palestinians *they released*. They didn’t demand a trade or a geopolitical concessions. They didn’t take their women to rape and trade back. Even the criticisms of Israel show its moral superiority and why it must win."
David Andrew Jaffe's answer to What are the reasons Hamas thinks it can beat Israel? - Quora - "I don’t think they think they can beat Israel. I don’t think that’s their goal at all. They want to terrify and cause maximum damage. And they want to draw Israel into a battle that will lead to massive destruction to Palestinians, which will end up being a PR nightmare for Israel. So it’s not about “beating” Israel in the conventional sense. Hamas knows it can’t match up to Israel from a military perspective. So it tries to win the way it knows how. Through brutality and moral depravity. They can’t win an outright war. But they can ruin the lives of scores of people, cause terror throughout a nation, and use techniques that are evil beyond comprehension, such as human shields, that make them impossible to fight without insane amounts of casualties. They win how they can win. And when you toss of any shred of humanity from your soul, it’s a whole lot easier to accomplish what they’ve accomplished."
Tomer Shaul's answer to Israel collective punishment of Palestinians, whose only crime are to be borne in the Gaza Strip, is against international law and the Geneva convention. Why do Zionist keep saying Palestinians in Gaza are Hamas collectively as they voted in Hamas? - Quora - "in 1933, Adolf Hitler won the elections in Germany; Actually, his election wasn’t smooth, with him first becoming the Chancellor only as a result of complex political incidents, and then being elected again, gaining 43.9% of the votes (his best result in any election, and less than the 44.45% Hamas got in the 2006 elections which they won), in highly problematic elections where the SA and SS terrorized the supporters of other parties. Since then, he was a full-fledged dictator, oppressing any opposition. Yet, nobody thought to complain about “collective punishment of Germans” when this: Happened. Yes, not all Germans supported Hitler. Yes, by the time of WW2, Hitler was a dictator and ordinary Germans couldn’t simply vote him out. And yet, it is clear for all of us that the actions of Hitler and Nazi Germany were the responsibility of the German nation, who, as a collective, justly faced the consequences. I am sorry, but in the realm of geopolitics, there is no magical world in which there is perfect selective justice for everyone. Nations make decisions, and their members face the consequences of those decisions, even though not every single individual from the nation is responsible for the decision. This is how the world works."
What to do if your employer expresses sympathy for Hamas - "Hamas has never been secretive about its goals or methods: “Driving the Jews into the sea” is central to its charter. Israelis have warned of this for years, while many on the left, with its bigotry of low expectations, leapt to Hamas’ defence. Hamas was not wrong in believing it could count on the credulous left. Toronto’s Mayor, Olivia Chow, issued a statement expressing moral equivalence and concern for Palestinian loss of life following the attacks, but after realizing her instincts had betrayed her, she deleted the tweet... despite the fact that the Canadian government and Public Safety Canada have designated Hamas as a terrorist group, George Achi, CBC’s director of journalistic standards and practices, told CBC journalists not to refer to Hamas as “terrorists” and to not state that Israel had vacated Gaza in 2005, when in fact it did... CUPE Local 3906, representing employees at McMaster University, issued immediate support for the Palestinian “resistance” in a tweet “liked” by CUPE’s president, Fred Hahn. What recourse do you have if you are a Jewish employee of the CBC, particularly one told to lie about what has gone on in the Middle East? Or an employee of any employer that declared sympathy for Hamas or even expressed moral equivalence? Or an employee of the many companies represented by CUPE? If you organize a protest against your employer or union’s conduct, you may be targeted. If you are a CUPE member, you can attempt to take over the union leadership, get sufficient members on its executive to change its policies or decertify the union at your place of employment. But that is very difficult since you must have 40 per cent of the employees sign a decertification petition within certain narrow dates and will be subject to the union’s bully boys. Rex Murphy and others can attest to the culture of the CBC and how difficult it is to take on that bastion of wokeism from the inside. None of this is practical. I therefore suggest other legal remedies for Jewish employees of companies or unions that sympathize with Hamas. Take the union or employer to the human rights commission. Argue that the union or employer’s conduct has created a poisoned work environment based on your religion, creed and race. There is no cost to do so and many lawyers will be delighted to assist you free of charge. Any retaliation for making such a complaint is directly prohibited by human rights legislation, even if you are ultimately unsuccessful in your primary claim. CUPE and the CBC, for example, would be aghast at the prospect that they might be called out for discrimination by the tribunal. That will provide you considerable leverage in the prescribed mediation. They also know enough to avoid being accused of retaliating against you, directly or indirectly, for filing such a complaint."
Meme - Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas: "This monument in Copenhagen commemorates Denmark’s rescue of its Jews during the Holocaust. It has been vandalized by people who believe that 6 million dead Jews wasn't enough."
Clearly, vandalising a Holocaust memorial is just "anti-Zionism". And if you are against vandalism of "Zionist" memorials, you are against free speech
#Blockout2024: Why followers are blocking global celebrities and their businesses on social media - "“I made a Google Doc of every celebrity that attended the Met Gala and now I’m going through and writing if they’ve been silent, or if they’ve been using their platform to speak up about the genocide in Gaza,” a TikTok user said in a video... The TikToker pointed out that while some celebrities like Zendaya had spoken out in the past, they hadn’t done so recently. They said Zendaya had shown support for Palestinians in October but had not commented further since then."
If you don't support terrorism all the time, you are a bad person
French police kill Algerian who set fire to Rouen synagogue
Islamophobia and suppression of pro-Palestinian speech! Time to crack down on the far right
Congressional staff 'hide faces and badges' during pro-Gaza walkout - "About half of the crowd dawned masks to protect their identities... Staffers refused to provide their names and which offices they worked for"
Some walkout
United Nations halves estimate of women and children killed in Gaza - "“The UN’s method of reporting deaths in Gaza is the complete opposite of what they do in other conflict situations,” Neuer said, pointing to the UN’s recent efforts in Ukraine where it has established “a defined methodology using individual records of civilian harm, where a standard of proof was met, namely, reasonable grounds to believe that the harm took place.” Neuer suggested the divergent approach is due to institutional anti-Israel bias plaguing the international community. “But when Israel can be blamed, it’s the complete opposite. For reporting Gaza deaths, there is no method, and no standard of proof. All the UN does is parrot figures supplied by Hamas, which is laundered and legitimized by the UN as the neutral-sounding ‘Gaza Ministry of Health,’ or ‘Government Media Office,’ when in fact both are run by the Hamas terrorist organization.” Neuer called the significant update, which was not announced, as an admission “essentially … to have been feeding the media and the world completely false numbers.” The UN Watch leader encouraged the body to take a page out of its own playbook used during the Syrian Civil War, “when the UN Human Rights Office announced it had stopped updating the death toll … because it could no longer verify the sources of information, acknowledging its inability to verify ‘source material’ from others.” The news comes a month after the Hamas-run Ministry of Health publicly disclosed that more than 10,000 previously reported fatalities had “incomplete data,” lacking basic biographical information such as their names. Such recent developments have cast serious doubts on earlier Hamas claims that 70 per cent of Palestinian casualties in the Israel-Hamas War were either women or children. According to the Times of Israel, the latest revision would bring the ratio of combatants to civilians killed in the conflict to nearly 1:1."