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Friday, May 24, 2024

Links - 24th May 2024 (1 - Women)

Meme - "Keep your man's balls empty. *deflated basketballs* So he won't bounce on you and try to go score elsewhere. the more you know"

Meme - "Lesbians who hate men after hitting their girlfriend for the first time
I get it now."

Meme - "Am I wrong in divorcing my wife because sex didnt improve after I took up more chores and childcare?
About a year ago I talked to my wife about our declining sex life, she is a SAHM and I admit that I was not very involved and she did most of childcare and household duties. I worked a lot sometimes 18hrs a day so I didnt have the energy. I tried to do more chores but in a week I realized that its not sustainable. My job was good on paper, I earned a lot BUT there was no point killing myself in a bad job and not see my kids grow up. I found another job, a nice 9-5 with less pressure BUT very steep pay cut. I was earning 50 percent less so we downsized our house and created a tighter budget. I am now taking up a substantial chunk of childcare and I have streamlined chores planning so there is lot of free time left. But sex didnt improve. There were lot of empty promises so I finally pushed for a answer. I asked her why is she not putting effort. She said she resents me for taking a lower paying job. She cant afford getting her nails done at her favorite shop, she has to live in a smaller house etc etc. Honestly I dont regret taking a lower paying job, I am in better mental and physical health so I wont go back to my old career. I realized that she was just bullshitting me, she never tried to improve the situation. She just made excuses. So she wont fuck me before because I worked a lot and I didnt have time and she wont fuck me now because I have more time but I am not working a lot to earn more money. I have decided on divorce. I dont think this marriage is salvageable."
So much for the nonsense advice that feminists love to give

My Husband Convinced Me to Have a Baby, but I Chose to Be a Single Mom - "my life hasn't turned out how I expected it to. At 37, I wanted to be running a successful business, happily married, and traveling in my spare time. Instead, I'm a single mother to a two-year-old, divorced, jobless, and living in my childhood home. I'm so broke that I've had to let strangers live in the house we bought because I can't afford to pay utilities or the mortgage... In just over a year, I had become a mom, left my husband, and lost my dream job"
Weird. We're told no one chooses to be a single mum


Mom, 31, VERY candidly reveals how her vaginal childbirth made sex MORE pleasurable than ever before: 'My son stretched me out and made it a comfortable size!' - "A mother has very candidly revealed how giving birth to her son 'stretched' her vagina out and made sex more pleasurable than ever before.  Lucie Fink, 31, a popular YouTube star and podcast host based in New York City, recently lifted a lid on how childbirth changed her body for the better during a recent episode of her online show, The Real Stuff.  She dished on how the transformation helped make intimacy with her husband, Mike Morris, even more enjoyable. The content creator explained that she used to feel 'burning' during her husband's 'first entry' when they would have sex - but since welcoming her son Milo in November 2021, intercourse is no longer painful for her. She added that she was 'so grateful' her baby 'stretched her out' and made it more 'comfortable.'"
We keep being told it's a myth that childbirth makes women looser

Meme - "When she sees how big your horror movie collection is *6 shocked women (from porn)*"

Meme - "I'll consider it. How tall are you?"
"Yikes. Bold"
"This person is unavailable on Messenger"

Dick Feitz's answer to Do happily married husbands cheat? - Quora - "Yes, sometimes. I know a minister that had an affair lasting over two years with his secretary. He said the sex was the greats he had ever experienced. Later. When the secretary broke it up and told the wife, the wife wanted to know why this happened. She was hurt, angry, but was one to want ber husband to stay. This is what she found out later from another lady in the church, and these are the words she told the wife. “ You set yourself up for this. Do you remember the women's meeting when the subject turned to cheating husband's? The wife thought about it, yes she remembered. Do you remember what you said that night as each woman said their statements,? You said “ well, if any woman is desperate enough to want my husband she can just take him” . His secretary was with him more than you were and she got divorced and went after your man. “Remember, he may be a great man of God but given enough time and enough temptations he will eventually give in.” long story short, they worked it out, still together 50 years later."

Meme - "Katherine, 34
I'm a single mom with a 17 years old I live with my parents and I take care of my mom I been though alot in relationship with people. I hate when man lie and cheat on me I'm 33 years old if you in a relationship I I don't want to be the side woman I'm not gay or a lesbian I'm into man frfr I like black man I don't drive never learned how to I have a ex -boyfriend living with me"

Meme - *Milhouse from the Simpsons on bench with busty woman and looking at her breasts*

Meme - "If you saw the Battledroid first... you are a Star Wars fan *busty woman*"

Meme - Rap Game Edward Bernays @Edwar...: "Still can't comprehend how this dude has a successful podcast where he brings on 6 cute college girls every episode and then just asks them why they're dumb whores" *Brian Atlas from whatever podcast*

Meme - Colleen @Coll3enG: "There should be an app where you can rent a middle aged man to go with you anytime you have to take your car to get serviced so that way they don't make up stuff for u to pay for"
"Used to be called "a husband" back in olden days"

Meme - "I told her I wasn't cheating but she kept accusing me, so she manifested it"

Meme - Woman: "Honey, can you give me some money?"
Man: "No, not today... I have a headache..."

"Meme - Black Woman 1: "I'm really tired, I can't stay with him"
Black Woman 2: "Honey divorce him immediately, you deserve better"
Black Woman 1: "No , I'm talking about my boss"
Black Woman 2: "it's OK be strong for your future"

Meme - Man: "I want to become celibate"
Woman: "Wait- are you breaking up with me?"
Man: "No I'm telling you I want to get married"

Meme - Blueblur @Blueblur2023: "Lack of physically attractive and feminine women, leading to an overabundance of insufferable ones, is to blame for decline in marriage rates, study suggests.  Doesn’t sound nice, does it, Sarah?""
"Lack of 'economically-attractive' men to blame for decline in marriage rates, study suggests. Authors say many young men have 'little to bring to the marriage bargain'. Sarah Young"

Meme - Guy: "Hey beautiful"
Girl: "hii :)"
Girl thinking: "omg hes cute maybe he wants to date and i'll finally be able to say i have a bf"
Guy: "lol u send?"

Meme - "When you agree to a MMF threesome, but you both cum early so ya'll are just sitting there like" *Road to El Dorado - Tulio and Miguel*

I am on X - "99% of women underestimate the power of making their husband a meal and delivering it to him in a sundress."

Meme - "Bitches be like I need a guy with a big dick and money. No you need a tighter pussy and a fucking job..."

Meme - "AITAH for reluctantly agreeing to an open relationship with my girlfriend and hooking up with her very attractive friend
Didn't really want an open relationship but I love my girlfriend and didn't want to lose her. The first week she hooked up with a few guys and it made me really sad. Ran into her friend at Trader Joe's and she asked me how everything was going. Somehow she knew about our arrangement and wanted to know if I'd been on any dates. When I told her I'd been struggling with the whole thing she became really sympathetic and we ended up going for drinks/hooking up. My girlfriend is pissed at me and says I've betrayed her for doing this. I'm so confused, AITAH?"

Meme - "The Experiences of Men and Women on Tinder. Women match with 36% of those they like while men match with less than 2%
Male - 1% Like % match. 52% Like, but no match. 47% Pass
Female - 1.8% Like & match. 3.2% Like, but no match. 95% pass"

Meme - Restored Auto LLC: "Just a reminder that Single Mom Saturday is coming on May 11th. If you're a single mom, stop by Restored Auto LLC for a free... See more
Restored. Saturday, May 11th 8:00 am to 2:00 pm"
"Women live life on easy mode"

Meme - Karen Orlena @karenorlena: "My 20 year transformation ❤️ I always had a vision of how I wanted to look and feel, I just didn't know it was possible before. Too many other voices telling me what I should and shouldn't do. Life is too short to live unhappy so I made big changes and chose to love myself first. I was 23 on the left. I'm 43 on the right. To thine own self be true.  #plasticsurgery #Barbie #transformation #tuesdaymotivations #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #bikini #ifbbpro"
*cute nerdy girl* *busty, overdone woman*

Meme - RAW EGG NATIONALIST: "However bad you may think things are in your life right now, just remember you're not Anita Sarkeesian staging a wedding-themed 40th birthday party at which she didn't actually get married."
anitasarkeesian: "I did not get married! But I did have a wedding-themed birthday in Stockholm this summer! It's was goofy and silly and fun. We had a bachelor party rehearsal dinner, ceremony, and reception all in one! People dressed up in the best costumes from brides, divorce lawyer, drunk uncle, and a ring bear! Massive thanks to everyone who helped me pull it off which was a lot of people! And everyone who traveled from different continents and countries to party with me! Group photo by @ninalaviva Most of the other photos by @julieeelogan"

Meme - *Woman playing with Wii controller*
Man: "Oh, now your arm doesn't get tired"

Meme - Julia Marie: "When girls say "all guys ever want is sex from me and I hate it." Tell them You have no hobbies, no talents, no wisdom, no legitimate interests beyond your personal vanity, no original thoughts on politics, society, philosophy, or anything else. All you talk about is random celebrity dudes you have crushes on, your exes, and other shit that revolves around men or getting a man while sharing the most generic memes imaginable. What the fuck else is there to want from such a vapid shell of a person? Your only redeeming quality is that you can lay still and take a dick. Why are you surprised?"

DA: Mother of infants found dead in freezer will not face charges - "The medical examiner’s office had no way of knowing for certain whether the babies — two boys and two girls — were born alive, Suffolk District Attorney Kevin Hayden said... Investigators learned that the apartment was owned and occupied by Alexis Aldamir, 69, who likely began living there as early as April 1982, according to the DA’s office. Officials located Aldamir in a residential health care facility and obtained a DNA sample through a court order, concluding that Aldamir was the mother of all four babies.   The investigation also pointed police to a man who had died in 2011 and was likely the babies’ father; a DNA test confirmed his paternity, according to the press release. Aldamir had another baby girl with the same man in April 1982 and gave that child up for adoption."

Meme - "I get slightly depressed every time I see an Older guy with a younger woman, is that normal?
(33f Annapolis, MD)
I know this isn't a rational feeling, but whenever I see a guy in his 30s or so dating a woman that is significantly younger +5 years or so I get upset.  Dating for me as I have gotten older has gotten a lot more difficult. In my 20s there were a lot of guys I could see myself dating. As I have gotten older, the pool of guys that don't have children/have a steady job/looking for a relationship is just so slim.  You see a guy that checks all of your boxes, only to find out he only dates women in their 20s :(. I just get a tinge of jealousy, being like hey GIVE ME A SHOT. I don't know if its insane, just my late night rant. Good night okcupid."

Meme - Mtimande @Apz_Ngwenya: "Some guy in my lecture just offered me his jacket cause I was shivering...I would have taken the jacket if he was cute"
Yeah, whatever. @keith_a_Trip: "Maybe the cute ones would have offered if they thought you were also cute."

Meme - HowlingMutant @Howlingmutant0: "The ancient Romans knew you could lose yourself in pussy, wind up coming out the other side effeminate and weird. We can see modern examples of this in guys like Drake and Prince. You have to keep the pussy at an arms length, you have to be a little scared of it"
Talking into the Void @letslearn97: "how did you become so wise?"
HowlingMutant @Howlingmutant0: "I get ZERO pussy"

Meme - "I'm 5'8 brother"
"You are taller than me. 5'7"
"See that's where I fucked up. If I was an inch shorter I'd be a short king and be able to get a girlfriend. But 5'8 is right in that gray area of average, so I stay single af"
"Ooof tragedy. Just lie dog. Say you're a short king"
"If men can lie being 6'. You can lie being a short king"

Meme - "AITAH for getting it elsewhere since my wife didn't want to have sex any more?
 A few months ago I posted for relationship advice on another sub. Basically my wife has decided unilaterally that we are done having sex. She found out that she cannot have kids due to a choice she made before we met. And kids, apparently, are the only reason she was willing to have sex.  I love my wife and I enjoy being intimate with her. But it was making our marriage untenable after two years of this. So I posted for advice. I got a lot of great support and suggestions about how to talk to my wife. I tried a lot of it. I started going for counseling for myself as well.  But no matter how I approached her about our situation she would not try and see it from my point of view. Every discussion would end with her crying and screaming in my face that I am trying to emotionally manipulate her. I then wrote her a letter outlining my feelings and asking her to come with me for counseling, to seek it for herself, perhaps to go see a doctor. I was kind and loving in the letter. The last thing I wanted to do was set her off. I worked on the wording with my counselor to make sure I wasn't saying anything aggressive that could be misinterpreted.  She read the letter. Then she scrawled across it with her red sharpie. "Go get it elsewhere because you are not getting it from me". Then she walked out. I sat there for about an hour doing nothing. Then I told myself that was what I was going to do.  We are both fairly successful in our jobs, I'm not super attractive but I'm fit and a good talker. It took a while but I met someone. We started out as just friends but it became physical. I made sure she knew I was married. She is not interested in a relationship so I guess I am a safe option for her.  My wife found out because I did not try and hide it. She was crying when I got home one night. When I came in she asked if I was going to leave her. I said no. She asked if I was cheating on her and I said I was getting sex elsewhere. She said that was cheating and I did not disagree. I asked her what she wanted to do. She said I had to stop. I asked her if we were going to start having sex. She said I was an irrational asshole if I thought that she would have sex with me after I cheated. I went to my desk and pulled out a photocopy of the letter I wrote with her answer in it.  I went to have a shower and go to my room to sleep. When I woke up she was sitting on the couch waiting to talk.  She said that she reread the letter and that she realized she had not before. She assumed it was just a letter begging for sex. She said she would go for counseling alone and with me. All I had to do was stop having sex elsewhere.  I said I would be willing to pause my friendship until we saw a counselor. And that if I saw progress in our relationship I would break it off. She said she would not agree to counseling without me leaving the other woman.  It almost turned into a fight so I just went for my run. Before I left I asked her what would compel her to go to counseling if I stopped having sex elsewhere. When I got back she still did not have an answer. She couldn't even say that our relationship was worth saving.  I don't want a divorce. But I am willing to leave over this. I am 28 I am not going the rest of my life without sex. She refuses to see my side."

Meme - Black girl holding sign beside white guy: "I know I'm not cotton but will you pick me for prom"

Lana Rhoades shares scenes which led her to quit porn and call for it to be banned - ""This is going to show how naive I was but when I first got into porn I didn’t know I’d have to have sex," she revealed."
How stupid can someone (pretend to?) be?

Miss Katherine on X - "I don’t think that i’m an evil person, but the idea of a guy going in so much debt for me that he ends up killing himself because he can’t pay it off is incredibly hot to me Like, you’re literally ready to give up your entire life for me, just because you like me? YES PLEASE 🥵"

Meme - Everything Out Of Context @EverythingOOC: "U MUST MARRY ONE. AMBER HEARD. JADA PINKETT SMITH"
Perseus @Bloodofolympusv: "Amber heard, if I am gonna be abused, shamed, cucked and dominated let it be a 10/10 than Dhalsim from street fighter"

Meme - "As far as I know, no guy has ever held or voiced this opinion ever. It's only the women themselves that kick each other down."
RFH (Doc... @hollowearthterf: "Many of you don't understand that body positivity became a thing because in the 2000s you were considered disgustingly fat if you looked like this *Britney Spears*"

Meme - Carl Benjamin @Sargon_of_Akkad: "I don't believe it. Every lad's mag featured curvaceous women on the cover because that's what men actually want. Here's an example from 2000: *Kelly Brook*
I know that a lot of gay men and women told other women that Kate Moss was, for some reason, the height of fashion, but straight men did not have posters of Moss on their walls. Men had Pamela Anderson instead."

Intimacy: It's a trap! - FML - "Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML"

Lily Allen says 'nepo baby' is sexist because it is only used for women - "The term ‘nepo baby’ is sexist because only women get called it and men don’t, Lily Allen has suggested... “Also I think it’s something that is almost exclusively used for women, I don’t think I can even really name any male nepo babies."
The Nepotism Babies of Hollywood: A Definitive Taxonomy
I did a count of Vulture's listing, and from the start till Nepo Baby Graduates ("Once you’ve been around long enough or done enough iconic stuff on your own, no one cares who your parents were."), there were 34 men and 43 women. For those in the category "On the come up: Gen-Z nepo babies just getting started", there're 8 each from each sex and for those in " BOOKED AND BUSY: Second-generation stars more likely to be third-billed", there're 8 men and 13 women

Meme - "My daughter, you are now a woman. Do you choose the hard working man who will give you many children, protect you, and give you fulfillment? Or do you choose this army of beta orbiters, who will give you money and attention, until you start to get older, then they will move on to a younger girl, leaving you feeling empty and alone?"
*sticking tongue out with cleavage-baring top and choker, in front of Macbook*

I'm No Longer Embarrassed To Use One Guy To Get Over Another One - "by Amy Horton Oct 28, 2018"
I Tried To Rebound And It Just Made Me Miss My Ex More - "by Amy Horton Feb 3, 2019"

Meme - "kitchen appliances. $2,700 *selfie with woman in most prominent place*
"Photographing something you wart to show everyone
Males: Object
Females: Object, half-covered by her face"

Meme - "Being a straight man is tough"
"Why Ken?"
"Because you're forced to date your only natural parasite"
This is a response to the claim that women must date their only natural predator

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