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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Links - 22nd May 2024 (1 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Tim Brennan's answer to What is your stance on Israel's occupation of Palestine and its treatment of Palestinian people? - Quora - "We need to stop looking at October 7th as an aberration. I am not a racist but I am a culturalist and I am sick of the Palestinians. I'm a lifelong student of History and I have not done an in-depth study of Palestinian terrorism but I'm well aware of many of its highlights. Can we start with the assassination of Robert Kennedy by sirhan sirhan. His stated reason was Kennedy's support for Israel. Robert Kennedy brother of JFK that was a national trauma. He was the leading Democratic candidate for president but instead we got Nixon. I remember the massacre at the 72 Olympics. I remember when they tried to kill the entire Jordanian royal family. I don't remember every hijacking there are too many it's well over a hundred. I do remember them beating a marine to death who was on leave. This after the plane crew had hid his documentation which I think got some of them killed. I remember Leon klinghoffer and American who happened to be Jewish and was elderly in a wheelchair. Terrorist assholes took his Mediterranean cruise ship and when they found him they wheeled him off the deck wheelchair and all to his death. I am aware of many of the terrorist attacks they have committed in Egypt. I have come to realize that Egypt and Jordan won The six Day war by ridding themselves of the Palestinians.  Today what I find galling necessitating the gloves coming off. There are actual protests on us soil in favor of terrorists who slaughtered civilians committed Mass rape displayed the dead naked bodies of their rape victims so they could be spat on kidnapped hundreds more to be used as human Shields. The straw that breaks the camel's back is that this same organization raped and murdered Americans and are currently holding Americans as human Shields. Fuck them. To make it even worse fellow Americans. Truly just kids themselves are being threatened and intimidated in their pursuit of an education by these terrorist supporting assholes. In the 50s when this happened to black students Eisenhower sent the 101st airborne to escort these students to their classes. You will not intimidate Americans in America"

Is Gaza still occupied? - "A staple claim of Palestinian supporters is that Israel’s occupation of Gaza did not end with the military withdrawal and the accompanying uprooting of nearly 10,000 Jewish residents. The Goldstone Report relied on this argument, and it is widely echoed by international lawyers and the press. This view has never had much to recommend it. Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations provides that a “territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.” Similarly, the Geneva Conventions, even in the broadest interpretation urged by the International Committee of the Red Cross, require that ground forces exercise “control within” the territory. Moreover, an occupying power must be able to provide all governmental functions – to run things inside the occupied territory, not simply patrol the borders. Yet the de facto government of Hamas rules Gaza without Israeli intervention. The argument for occupation has been that since Israel maintains “absolute authority over Gaza’s airspace and territorial sea [it is] manifestly exercising governmental authority in these areas,” in the words of Prof. Iain Scobbie. Others claim that border control amounts to “effective control” of the interior. But prior blockades, like that of Cuba by president John F. Kennedy, were never considered occupations. Moreover, border controls are typical along every international frontier, even among the friendliest of nations. Nor does Israel control all of Gaza’s borders. While Egypt had chosen to keep its border with Gaza largely closed, this had nothing to do with Israel... The recent UN Security Council resolution authorizing force against Libya provides an excellent experiment in whether the legal arguments widely made about Israel are also applied in parallel cases. In March, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1973 in response to Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s violent crackdown on anti-government rebels. The resolution authorized military action, delineated a no-fly zone across all of Libya, froze Libyan assets, and authorized the extensive use of force against Libyan troops. Yet Resolution 1793 specifically rules out any “occupation” of Libyan territory. This was not stray language. The prohibition of occupation has helped secure the support of several skeptical nations. At the Council meeting, Lebanon’s delegate stressed that the resolution would not result in the occupation of “even an inch” of Libyan territory. SO WE now have confirmation from the Council that a broad embargo, no-fly zone and months of constant aerial bombardment do not constitute an “occupation.” Certainly these activities have considerable effect on Libya, and “control” much of what happens there. Obviously Israel’s much less comprehensive and invasive measures against Gaza do not constitute an occupation by this standard... The obviousness of the above principles when applied anywhere but to Israel should give pause to those who think that even a full withdrawal to pre-1967 lines will lead to Israel’s international legitimacy, or preclude the fabrication of new pretextual claims."
From 2011. The terrorism supporters love to take reference from the UN, and pretend that Israel is bad because it is violating international law. Oops

Do As We Say, Not As We Do - "It was reported that at least one of Ze’evi’s assassins succeeded in fleeing to Ramallah with the help of the Palestinian Authority. In the absence of Arafat arresting terrorists and assassins in his midst, Israel’s actions are in compliance with the Oslo Accords which require that “Both sides shall take all measures necessary in order to prevent acts of terrorism.” Further, Article XIII states that “Israel shall have the overriding responsibility for security for the purpose of protecting Israelis and confronting the threat of terrorism.”"
From 2001. Terrorism supporters like to accuse Israel of violating Oslo. But they always ignore this bit and claim that Israel is "occupying" Palestine

Biocoder's answer to Why didn't Israel just give all of Gaza and the West Bank to the PLO, instead of controlling parts of it per how the Oslo Accords were defined? - Quora - "Parts of the West Bank are an international zone with international religious sites that Muslims have culturally appropriated and have gatekept Christians and Jews and other religions from going to those holy sites.  I thought we were against cultural appropriation, or is that a rule that only white/white passing people are held to?  No world organization should be fine with turning Israel/Palestine into just Palestine, which is what the Roman Empire named the area that Israel/Palestine is in, into an Islamic state where Christians and Jews and other non-Islamic people get kicked out to elsewhere for not being Muslim or not being the right sect of Islam, just like the other countries in the Middle East that have a tendency to kick or force people out for being the wrong religion or sect of a religion."

Izyaslav Koza's answer to Why didn't Israel just give all of Gaza and the West Bank to the PLO, instead of controlling parts of it per how the Oslo Accords were defined? - Quora - "This is where we have to really understand the “Native American” argument.  Despite how it sounds the Native Americans weren’t a monolith and had a country and government. They fought each other fought the white man and allied with the white man against each other.  The PLO is a nice name etc but in no way does it represent all the competing tribal and religiously factional interests of none Israeli inhabitants of said region,  That is what people don’t get. The checkpoints exist not just to protect Israelis but Palestinians from each other (or the more extremist ones who routinely kill their supposed “own people”).  That’s why Israel controls water ,taxes etc. if it didn’t “Palestinians” would be able to use it against one another.  How do I know? What happened in Gaza in 2005 when Israel pulled out?  “civil” (although I’d argue calling it that suggests a monolith of people that didn’t exist).  There are reasons that go beyond the mainstream narrative 🤷‍♂️"

Bob Hinds's answer to Why didn't Israel just give all of Gaza and the West Bank to the PLO, instead of controlling parts of it per how the Oslo Accords were defined? - Quora - "I’ll hazard a guess on this. Considering that Israel tried to give Gaza to the PLO in 2005, which led to Hamas taking over the Gazan political system and then preparing to launch genocide against Israel nearly 20 years later, Israel are naturally wary of repeating an action and expecting a different outcome. In fact, some have said that doing this is akin to mental illness.  It’s strange that so many in the West apparently share this illness."

Suzan Quitaz on X - "A recent report released by @NGOmonitor  found that many of the Pro-Palestine activists in Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) are not Jewish, but “a major component of JVP’s strategy is exploiting the ‘Jewish’ label to deflect evidence of blatant antisemitism within anti-Israel campaigns.”"
The NGO Network Orchestrating Antisemitic Incitement on American Campuses » ngomonitor

Meme - SchoolBondWolifie @BondWolfie: "TFW you forgot to log into your anti-zionist jew account @HatemBazian"
Dr. Hatem Bazian @HatemBazian: ".@jaketapper, your reporting on Rashida Tlaib's Nakba 75 event was racist and anti-Palestinian. As Jews who believe in human rights and justice, we demand you do better."
The CIA and Mossad need to take lessons from Hatem Bazian

Meme - Daniel Swindell: "Hatem Bazian is a co-founder and Professor of Islamic Law and Theology at Zaytuna College, which is a Muslim Liberal Arts College in the United States. Bazian is famous for his public calls for intifadas and violence against Jews.  Apparently, he has two twitter accounts, and on one of his accounts he pretends to be a Jewish person. Bazian pretends to be a Jewish person, so that he can post lies about Israel and pretend that it is coming from a Jewish person so it won't look anti-semitic.   Now, I know what you are thinking, you are thinking that when Zaytuna College discovers that one of their professors created a fake an account where he pretends to be a Jewish person so he can spread lies about Jews, then they are going to fire him. Now, I know that is what you are thinking, but it turns out you would be wrong.  The reality is that they won't care, and they won't do anything. Nothing will happen."
A Jewish Resistance @AJwshResistance: "So it turns out the anti-Zionist Jewish Voice For Peace org is actually run by NON-JEWISH Hamas affiliated Hatem Bazian…!?  He thought he was logged into the JVP Twitter account when he replied to @jaketapper  pretending to be a Jew…"
Indeed, nothing happened, one year on

Uncovering the Real Voice of Jewish Voice for Peace - "As a writer who delves deep into the online world of hate groups, I pull no punches. I’m a hardcore liberal, but I play no favorites. Antisemitism is the equal opportunity hatred. It permeates factions both left and right. I know my stuff. When I see something antisemitic, I call it out, no matter what source. That gets me noticed.  There are two comparable times when virulent antisemites pushed back at me. The first was few years ago, in an online hate group’s assessment of my writing. The second was this past January, from a seemingly opposite source: a local peace organization after I questioned their upcoming forum hosting the anti-Zionist advocacy group Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP).  The hate group and the peace organization had a lot in common. They both loathed me for the same reasons. Both claimed that I distorted facts. Both claimed I chose them as a carefully selected target. Both claimed I was outright lying. And both accused me of being a stealth soldier for some ominous Jewish confederation to ply its agenda-driven talking points. I have lifelong passion for fighting antisemites. My book Swastika Nation: Fritz Kuhn and the Rise and Fall of the German-American Bund is a comprehensive exposé of 1930s American Nazis. I’ve spent years studying and writing about the commonalities between historic and modern Jew-haters. I’ve been interviewed numerous times across many platforms, and I give speeches and participate in panel discussions at colleges, universities, museums, community organizations, history conferences, and more. In my judgment, JVP is an antisemitic hate group operating under the guise of anti-Zionist/pro-Palestinian Jewish advocacy...   In community forums, JVP members position themselves as reasoned thinkers with compelling reasons to oppose Zionism. That’s their public face. Off stage it’s quite different. JVP uses Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to spread malicious antisemitism. They falsify Jewish history, holidays, and solemn observations, claiming our faith and heritage are really components of an international Zionist conspiracy. JVP propaganda stands on the edge of Holocaust denial. My deep dive into JVP’s social media revealed a much different story from what you’d think would be an authentic Jewish voice for peace... They use the same vernacular of other online hate groups. Four thousand years of Jewish history is dismissed by JVP as a “false Zionist narrative.” Slavery in Egypt. Babylonian destruction of the first temple. Jewish exile from Jerusalem. Roman conquests. Hellenist conquests. Destruction of the Second Temple. The Crusades. Jews expelled from England, France, Spain. Mass murder of Jews throughout medieval Europe. Russian pogroms and the Holocaust. All of this, JVP asserts, is part of that “mythical pattern of Jewish history.” Israel uses the “fabricated secular holiday” of Yom HaShoah to perpetrate the government’s “false Zionist narrative that the Holocaust justifies the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.” Exploitation of the Holocaust for nefarious means is an antisemitic trope. But JVP doesn’t see it that way. As the Twitter thread unfolds, we learn that Yom HaShoah is part of a master plan by Israel’s leaders to “secularize and modernize Passover's oppression-to-freedom story.”...   Then there’s JVP’s modern twist on the ancient blood libel, via a meme posted in June 2022 on the organization’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram feeds...   Screenshots taken by the ADL and other watchdog organizations were made public, exposing this hate meme to the world outside of JVP’s social media bubble. The caricature was seen for what it really was: dissemination of hate speech by an experienced social media team. The meme remained on JVP’s various feeds for a few days, then vanished. It was if it never existed. But nothing really disappears from social media platforms. JVP’s blood libel message is still out there and easily found... members of the peace group told us that they had worked with JVP many times. They told us that we were slandering an upstanding anti-Zionist organization. We were told that our concerns were groundless. We were told by people who are not Jewish that our Jewish voices don’t matter.   On the morning of January 27, JVP tweeted “On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, we mourn the Jewish, Romani, disabled, and queer people murdered in the Nazi genocides. We draw strength from their resistance as we fight antisemitism, racism, fascism, xenophobia, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia in our own era.” Coming from JVP, these sentiments felt disingenuous at the very least. Unlike Yom HaShoah, JVP did not call International Holocaust Remembrance Day a “fabricated secular holiday.” There was no mention of any “false Zionist narrative that the Holocaust justifies the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians” That evening, a Palestinian terrorist killed seven Jews and wounded ten more at a Jerusalem synagogue. Within hours, JVP posted a second January 27th tweet: “The Israeli government’s domination and oppression of Palestinians is the root cause of each of these senseless, tragic deaths” JVP said, “Jewish tradition commands action in the face of grave injustice and the time to rise in solidarity with the Palestinians is now.” Not a single mention of the seven Israeli Jews murdered by a Palestinian terrorist, nor the ten who were wounded."

The radical antisemitism of the JVP - "the official Twitter account of Jewish Voice for Peace Action (JVPA), the lobbying wing of the far-left organization Jewish Voice for Peace, claimed that the shared values of the United States and Israel are “super racist.”  Five days later, the JVPA retweeted a statement that “Zionists”—a thinly veiled dog whistle for “Jews”—“will happily burn down democracy everywhere.”... “Being pro-Israel in America also means being complicit in conservative efforts to sustain white supremacy, roll back reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights, and weaken democracy.”  These statements are part of a long history of antisemitic tropes that claim Jews are the source of the world’s misfortune and epitomize what a given society perceives to be ultimate evil.  Do not be fooled by its moniker. Jewish Voice for Peace does not advocate peace of any kind. Its goals are simple: Delegitimize the State of Israel and promote antisemitism... In Pittsburgh, where I am a student at the University of Pittsburgh, JVP in Oct. 2022 promoted a blatantly slanderous petition calling for “honest coverage of Israeli attacks on Palestinians from the NY Times.”  The petition in question demanded that The New York Times demonize Israel’s defensive actions in response to Palestinian terrorism committed by the “Lion’s Den” terror group. In 2021, JVP promoted the discredited “Deadly Exchange” conspiracy theory, which falsely claims that Israel trains American police officers to use violence against people of color.  The petition claimed, without evidence, that “U.S. police are using the tactics of occupying armies [Israel] on the people of this country.” In effect, the petition blamed Israel for the problem of police brutality and American racism. This is a classic example of JVP exploiting antisemitism by holding Jews responsible for America’s social problems. This not only harms Israel and Jews, but also the United States. The ADL proposed bringing Israeli and American law enforcement together because Israel has been dealing with the constant threat of terrorism since it was created. After 9/11, it became clear that the U.S. could benefit from Israel’s decades of counter-terrorism experience... JVP also attempts to negate the legitimacy of Israel and the Jewish connection to the land by defining Zionism as “a settler-colonial movement” To JVP, indigenous rights and self-determination apply to everyone except Jews.  Israel is and has always been the homeland of the Jews and the Jews have maintained their connection to it for centuries. They prayed toward Jerusalem. The Amidah prayer contains an entire verse dedicated to the return to Israel... This is why, when given the opportunity, the Jews returned to the land in a series of modern aliyot. Despite Arab violence against the Jews, the olim built a proto-state against all odds, and ultimately accepted the 1947 Partition Plan that would create a Jewish state alongside an Arab state. Arab leaders rejected the plan and launched a war on reborn Israel, preventing the establishment of the Arab state.  This rejectionism has not changed. Since 1947, all two-state solutions that have been proposed have been rejected by Palestinian and Arab leaders."

Aviva Klompas on X - "They're finally saying what they mean. A keffiyeh-clad man speaking at a San Francisco City Council meeting claimed Palestinian children have been murdered by "people like this, right here" and he points to a group of Jews."

David Collier on X - "There is only one Jewish majority state. It is the size of a small country like Wales. It has 7 million Jews but offers freedom to all its citizens.  There are about 50 Muslim majority states - over 20 with Islam as the state religion and many of these are actively fighting Israel.  Several Muslim nations even openly threaten genocide against Jews and seek the total eradication of Israel.  There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world and just 15 million Jews.  (Over 100:1)  Most Muslim majority nations are despotic backwaters that provide little freedom for anyone and heavily persecute minority groups.   This is why the population of nations such as Algeria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya are all 96% + Muslim - they squeeze everyone else out.    Israel is a democracy  - and its Muslim population (20%) is the only free voting Muslim population in the entire MENA region.  The Muslim majority states used to have Jewish populations but chased almost all of them out. There were a million - most became refugees and most of these ended up in Israel.  Israel has given up land for peace on several occasions.  In two of these cases - Gaza and Lebanon - radical Islamic terrorists took the land the Israelis ceded - and turned them into terrorist enclaves full of rockets pointed at the Jewish state.   Israel defends itself against those that seek to destroy it and have always been willing to compromise. Many Islamic nations see ALL the land in the region as Islamic and have no interest in compromise.  There is not a single Palestinian political group that actually seeks peace.  Let's face it people in the world know what Islamic terrorism is - it isn't really about Gaza or Israel and has struck everywhere from the US to India and from Australia to Europe. There are 100s of radical Islamic terror groups each with their own twisted and extreme cause.  The schoolteacher from Bately who has been hiding for three years did not say anything about Israel. He is hiding because Islamists who now have real numbers in western countries are introducing blashpemy laws by stealth and threatening western democratic freedoms.  The threat they pose in the west has nothing to do with Israel - Israel is just an excuse.  Even today - although it is rarely in the news - Christians in some places in Africa are being wiped out by Islamic terror groups. Groups that are little different from Hamas or Islamic Jihad.  But hey everyone - let us pretend Israel is the problem."

Meme - Anakin: "FREE PALESTINE"
Worried Padme: "RIGHT?"

Mandate for Palestine and Memorandum by the British Government Relating to its Application to Transjordan. | Library of Congress - "After World War I, the Covenant of the League of Nations established a system by which the League was empowered to confer upon certain of the victorious powers mandates to administer territories formerly ruled by Germany or the Ottoman Empire. Mandated territories were to be governed on behalf of the League, until such time as they could become independent. On September 16, 1922, the Council of the League approved a mandate to Great Britain for Palestine, previously part of the Ottoman Empire. The mandate provided for the eventual creation of a Jewish state, as specified in Article 2: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of a Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion." Successive articles dealt with Jewish immigration, public administration, access to holy places and religious buildings, public health, commerce, and other matters. Appended to the mandate was a memorandum by the British government, also approved by the Council of the League, stating its understanding that the provisions of the mandate relating to the establishment of a Jewish national home and the promotion of Jewish immigration were not to apply to that portion of the mandated territory known as Transjordan, i.e., territory east of the Jordan River. The texts are in French and English, on facing pages. The mandate is in the archives of the League, which were transferred to the United Nations in 1946 and are housed at the UN office in Geneva. The archives were inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World register in 2010."
Terrorism supporters love to cite international law and the UN. But of course, the League of Nations calling for a state for the Jews in 1922 is meaningless and must be due to white European guilt over the Holocaust which was to happen 2 decades later

Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 on X - "Israeli-Canadian businessman Ziv Kiefer executed in cold blood in Egypt. Terror group "Vanguards of the Liberation" took credit for the attack and released this disturbing footage. "Shalom, this is for Gaza" the terrorist says before opening fire on him."

Dalia Ziada - داليا زيادة on X - "What does the assassination of a Jewish businessman in Egypt tell us?
🗞️ Ziv Kipper, a Jewish businessman, was assassinated in #Egypt by a group of radicals, who claim to be doing this as part of their "fight against the Zionists and the agents of the Israeli Mossad who are living on the Egyptian land." (see their attached statement)  💡 Ziv kept a low profile as a businessman, but he is one of the most well-known traders of agricultural products. He owned factories "OK Group" in Alexandria and Behira cities, northern Egypt, close to the Mediterranean Sea, and he had been visiting Egypt often and staying for long periods since 2008.
⚔️ The radical group that announced responsibility for Ziv's assassination claims to be new. But, I think they are simply an offspring of radical Islamist groups such as Hamas, Hasm, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Salafists (who targeted me too when I condemned Hamas a few months ago). You can easily tell from the language and the paraphrasing that they are using in their statement.   👉 The new terrorist group is associating itself with the name of Mohamed Salah, the policeman who crossed the border between Egypt and Israel in June 2023 and killed Israeli soldiers. Sadly, the incident was widely celebrated by the Egyptian public and the state-supervised Egyptian media at that time. When I publicly condemned it, I received death threats.
👉 Sadly, this assassination will not be the last. This group will continue to target the Jewish people and anyone who sympathizes with Israel or condemns Hamas. The state authorities will not have much control over them.   🇪🇬 The Egyptian state has enabled such radical groups to lead public opinion in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre. Hamas created the momentum for them to return, but the Egyptian state enabled them by not siding with Israel in this war."
Richard Hanania on X - "Basic summary: Arab culture normalizes and celebrates murdering Jews just because they are Jews. Western pundits treat this whole thing as a conflict between moral equals, and ignore the most basic and important facts needed to understand the conflict."

Thread by @strxwmxn on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " A thread of video clips of senior Hamas officials boasting, among other things, that Palestinians are ready to sacrifice themselves in resistance against Israel.  🧵
Ali Baraka, on Palestinians wanting to martyr themselves more than Israelis love life.  Date: October 10, 2023
Khaled Meshaal on Palestinians willing to sacrifice millions of martyrs for resistance.  Date: October 19, 2023
Ghazi Hamad on the struggle for total annihilation of Israel.  Date: October 24, 2023
Ismail Haniyeh: We need the blood of women, children, and the elderly to raise the revolutionary spirit.  Date: October 26, 2023
Fathi Hammad: The Arab world must rise in resistance, just like Palestinian children, women, and the elderly.  Date: December 1, 2023
Marwan Abu Ras: Young Palestinian men nurtured in mosques are more ready to martyr themselves than Israelis are willing to live.  Date: December 1, 2023
Saleh al-Arouri: The entire Palestinian population supports resistance.  Date: December 2, 2023
Osama Hamdan: Palestinians should die for the Palestinian cause because Palestinians are dying anyway.  Date: December 25, 2023
Ismail Haniyeh: The people of Gaza represent both the defense and offense of resistance. Pretty much an open admission that ordinary Palestinians are used as human shields.  Date: January 9, 2024"
Damn Zionist murderers!
Terrorism supporters both cheer "resistance" and accuse Israel of "genocide" when Palestinians proclaim they want to die. As usual, minorities have no agency when it suits the left wing agenda

The Persian Jewess on X - "“Hey Google, How Many Jews Were Killed by Nazis?” vs. “Hey Google, what was the Nakba?” There is something ROTTEN at Google. 🎥 @TZuckerbrot #AntizionismIsAntisemitism"
2 blocks, a blanket and a couch. | Facebook - "Do you love asking Google questions? I do- up until now, when it was brought to my attention that information about the Holocaust has been erased. from Google.  How many Jews were killed by the Nazis, how many during WW2, who did Adolf Hitler try to kill, how many Jews were killed in the concentration camp, the holocaust?,  What was the Holocaust? The answer is always the same, Sorry, I don't understand. Ask about the Nakba and you get lots of information."

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