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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Links - 19th May 2024 (1 - Masculinity)

Rob Henderson on X - "People are slowly realizing they held the wrong mental model of young men. The wrong mental model says that young men are natural risk-seekers and will naturally want to approach (and possibly harass) women. Now people are learning that most young men's default factory setting is apathy and not giving a fuck. Most guys won't willingly take risks or approach women unless they are encouraged and incentivized in some way.   The false mental model says young men are naturally predatory and must be disciplined into compliance. The real story is young men are naturally lazy and need a reason to do anything.   Other cultures (and ours up until 10 minutes ago) understood that mature masculinity is largely artificially induced through culture. Mature men do not naturally emerge like butterflies from their boyish cocoons. Rather, they must be carefully encouraged, nurtured, counseled, and prodded into taking the actions necessary to achieve mature manhood."

Meme - emily @emilykmay: "the thing about taylor swift is that she so perfectly encapsulates through her lyrics, the interior lives of women. It's why we all can't stop listening. We're all saying, "wait you felt that way? we were all feeling this way?" do men have someone like that?"
Aragorn: "I bid you stand Men of the West!"

pubby on X: - "If you’re a dude is it gay to suck a strap worn by a transmasc but it was made from the mold of a trans woman’s cock?"

Meme - Ryanne @ryanneashleigh: "tik tok really be out here saving lives. they have this former secret service agent giving advice on how not to get abducted. & he said "men never ask for help if a man asks you for help you need to run""
Lots of people were taking this seriously. But of course misandry isn't real

Historic Vids on X - "After turning 35, men must make a decision; to either get really into World War 2 history, or really into smoking various meats"

Meme - "Toxic Masculinity? 43% of boys are raised by single mothers. 78% of teachers are female. So, close to 50% of boys have 100% feminine influence at home and 80% feminine influence at school. Toxic masculinity isn't the problem. The lack of masculinity is."

Meme - sam @GasStationGOTH: "toxic masculinity is so sexy"
Thulean Perspective (MYFAROG): "You mean, like, "normal politeness" and normal "courtesy towards women"?"
sam @GasStationGOTH: "no like wife beating"

Study Shows Very Masculine Men Are More Likely To Be Happy And Married - "There’s an overwhelming sentiment in the mainstream media that men should find a balance between masculinity and femininity. That for too long, men have been expected to uphold unrealistic standards of traditional masculinity that are harmful to men and society as a whole.   The media insists that if only men could learn to embrace their feminine side, the world would be a better place. But what does the data say about the correlation between masculinity and quality of life? In spite of the war on masculine men, data collected in the March 2021 U.S. Adult Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes survey and interpreted by the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) explores the supposed masculinity problem and concludes that men are better off embracing their masculine nature. Men who consider themselves “masculine” or “very masculine” report “more stable and resourced life outcomes, including higher income and education, a healthier weight, greater religiosity, and increased general happiness and life satisfaction.” But is the success of the very masculine man at the expense of women? Well, when it comes to romantic relationships, that doesn’t appear to be the case.   Increased masculinity is positively associated with romantic success. Very masculine men are more likely to be married, feel loved in their marriage, and be always faithful to their romantic partners. Very masculine men also put more effort into relationship building. They’re more likely to find joy in sacrificing for those they love, agree that love is worth fighting for, and believe that others see them as giving, loving, and affectionate. So far, masculinity sounds pretty good. So why exactly are we discouraging masculinity in men?  There’s a push for men to act more like women – physically and emotionally – and supposedly a rejection of this agenda is an indicator of misogyny or toxic masculinity. Traditional masculinity marked by strength and stoicism is suddenly a bad thing. But what if it is the qualities of strength and stoicism don’t make men bad or toxic, but rather happier and better lovers?... Physical strength paired with emotional strength is what makes a strong, masculine man... very masculine men are more likely to seek emotional closeness with their partners"

Young men are accomplishing less than ever before. Experts point to 'male malaise.'
This can't possibly be linked to society hating and having contempt for them

Alexander on X - "Dating apps may undermine the “positive illusions” we have about ourselves.  In research on attractiveness, we see an effect where people consistently rate themselves above average regardless of their own “objective” (ratings received by others) attractiveness. This is called a positive illusion.  Positive illusions about the self are preserving of mental health. We can’t go through life with a lot of negative beliefs about the self (even if they are true). It impacts affect negatively and probably self-efficacy as well.  Until relatively recently (with dating apps) we didn’t have a robust system of feedback that would tell you your mate value. It was really easy to go through life with no good measure of how attractive or desirable you were. If you got one date in two years, or had a new girlfriend every month, you probably just assumed that your dating experience was normative.  You probably thought you were close to average (or a little better) no matter how successful or unsuccessful you were.  Even if you got frequent feedback on your looks (people telling you: “you’re tall, handsome, broad-shouldered”) you never knew how frequent your feedback was relative to feedback other people received, nor did you know how authentic their praise was.  Dating apps changed that and created an environment where any man can immediately see how desirable he is to a large pool of women. If you upload your pictures to Tinder and receive zero matches then you are going to have a really hard time maintaining the positive illusion that you are a 6. Turns out your mate value is low, no matter what you thought about yourself previously, and now you have to grapple with that dissonance.  Men seem to be more concerned with their physical appearance now than I remember as a younger man. I think this is connected to the dating app environment. Men are experiencing what women have experienced: the knowledge that your looks are way at the top as far as what makes you a valuable mate and thus driving a strong pressure to look good. Male beauty standards are pretty rough (a lot of what makes men physically attractive is hard to change).  The reactions I received from men in response to the survey where women rated red pill influencers was more emotional even than the feminist reaction to the survey we ran asking if sex with a sleeping person was assault. Men really do not want to be rated by women. Their entire self-image can be blasted into the dirt by 300 women calling them a 2 out of 7. It’s a terrible infohazard to know how others see you. I imagine this is even more the case if you are already sensitive to rejection from women, or alternatively if you have constructed a self-image where you are a “high value male.”"

Meme - "I saw a post once that said "most men recieve their first flowers at their funeral" and since that lve made sure to give the men in my life flowers at random times. I once read a post that said "if you compliment a man on his shirt, he will wear it for a week straight" and i started to compliment men (only when i mean it) everything from "i like your hair" to "you look good" and i can see the change in my friends confidence! It is such a small thing, and it makes such a difference"

Rachel Wilson on X - "I’m lying awake, wondering how many men never achieved their potential greatness because their single mom and female school teachers told them to be nice, have empathy, and believe all women."

Meme - gen @gsnivxa: "how are men so good at hiding all the stressful things going on in their lives???"
"Lmaooooooo we not even hiding it. It's just nobody gives a fuck"

Chris Williamson on X - "“Never be vulnerable in front of your girlfriend” is common manosphere advice.  The guy I was talking to is more alpha than pretty much every other human that’s ever existed, and yet he told me a story of how he sobbed on the bathroom floor in his girlfriend’s arms when the pressure got too much for him.  Then he got up, dusted himself off and went out to dominate his challenges and become a world champion.  Here’s the thing, hiding your vulnerability from the world doesn’t make you any less vulnerable, it just makes you less honest.  You don’t change the way you feel by hiding your feelings from the world.  Limits on speech are just limits on sincerity.  If you believe that being vulnerable makes you a pussy, how do you arrive at the conclusion that feeling vulnerable and ALSO not being able to open up about it somehow makes you less of a pussy?  If your concern is that your partner will lose respect for you if she sees you being vulnerable then one of two things is true:
1. Your partner is incapable of having an emotionally open, mature relationship and it’s a massive red flag.
2. Your masculinity fundamentally rests on such a fragile foundation that a single display of vulnerability is sufficient to push it over the edge.
Your internal fear is that you’re so inherently unlikeable that you’re one wrong move away from being friendzoned? That doesn’t sound very high value.  Is it possible that if you have such a low opinion of women and think they can’t be trusted to help when you’re vulnerable, then women are going to sense that in you and respond appropriately?  If you ARE weak then showing weakness is not a signal of high value.  The goal is to be so strong that you’re able to truly open up about your difficulties before you get back on the arena floor and crush the competition all over again.  Larping as a strong stoic guy is not the same as actually being one and if the only way your partner can respect you is if you lie about what’s happening inside yourself, you’re heading toward disaster.  The most popular stories are always when a hero encounters challenges, overcomes them and triumphs in the end.  Transcending and including your emotions as a man is much more heroic to me than pretending they don’t exist.  Maybe I’m wrong.  Maybe every woman’s sex drive immediately scurries away the second any man opens up, but if that IS true, something tells me it only happens when she fundamentally doesn’t respect that man in the first place.  Being strong > appearing strong."

Meme - "How they want men to be *Man in dress*
How we need men to be *Topless muscular man outdoors*"

Trans man weeps while explaining how much easier it was to make friends with women - "James Barnes, who was born female but transitioned to male eight years ago, works as a life coach to help others going through life changes. He recently opened up about the challenges he's faced since becoming a man - especially loneliness. Breaking down in tears, Barnes said: 'No one told me how lonely being a man is. 'I had closer friendships with random women I met in the bathroom at clubs before I transitioned because of how open women are, than I've had in my 8 years of transitioning because women are just so much more vulnerable and deep than men.  'We knew what depth felt like before we transitioned, we knew what it felt like to have people want to hug us, and have people want to talk to us, and have a community.   'And then you transition and you're just a guy walking down the street that people cross the street so they're not near you. And friendships are so much harder to build, and people are colder.'   Barnes, who is also a motivational speaker, said while holding back his tears, 'I also now understand why the suicide rate is so much higher with men, because this s**t is lonely.   'I am an emotionally matured man, I know how to build friendships, and it's still really really hard.'... 'I want to bring awareness that we have stripped men of being empathetic, vulnerable, and kind and yet, demean them for only knowing anger, aggression, and violence... Another person wrote: 'I feel for this person. But, if you're going to sit there and say all the criticisms of "white cis-gendered men" are valid, you probably shouldn't be surprised when they don't want to be friends with you afterwards.'... Another viewer on Instagram said: 'I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at the fact that I could have told you this free of charge.   'Been a man for 35 years. No one gives a st**. And every time I open social media of any kind someone is saying, men are useless, we don’t need men, men ain’t s**t, men should be arrested, men should die, and so on… I don’t know why you thought being a guy was a good idea but you better buckle up.   'It only gets worse as you get older. Hope you like the inside of your mind, because that’s where we go 90% of the time.'   Another person added: 'This is actually a very powerful video. A woman tries to become a man but then discovers the profound isolation that many men in modern society experience.   'Truly a tragic tale, but so much is revealed about our culture. None of it good.'"

Watch: Woman who "transitioned to man" sobs after realizing how lonely and difficult it is to be a dude ... "Nobody told me" - "This video is incredibly tragic and sad.  A woman who bought into the feminist lie that men have it made at the top of their "Patriarchy" and that their lives are filled with all sorts of privileges. Then, after irreversible hormones and surgeries, getting to the point where she looked like a man, she discovered that being "trans" and being a "man" isn't all the rainbows and lollipops she thought it would be... While she may be right that being a man can be lonely and that it's difficult to make friends, the reality is that most men are constitutionally able to handle being alone much better than women. We are built that way.  This woman did not know the different psychological reality of being a man because she's always been a woman."

Men are lonely. I'm lonely. And there's nothing we can do about it. - "I never thought I could learn something about masculinity from a trans man but then I did. I mean, I always thought trans men were new to being men so what could they know about being a man that I didn’t already know? But I was wrong — being new in any space means you have fresh eyes on it that may allow you to notice things that others will have grown accustomed to. Also, someone who has transitioned may have a perspective on masculinity that I would never think of. I say that to say, a trans man helped me see something about masculinity.  A video came up on my TikTok showing a man in tears. His name is James, and his video, which he also posted on Instagram, went super viral. James is a trans man, and he goes by @thetranscoach on TikTok and IG... “Male friendships aren’t as deep. Before my transition, guys used to open up to me about all sorts of fears, frustrations, and feelings. Now, they would keep it superficial.”"
Male privilege was so wonderful, it cried. It needs to be educated
Of course, a common answer is to say men are inadequate

Predictors of University Men's Number of Sexual Partners - "We examined the role of personality (e.g., hypermasculinity, sensation seeking) and physical individual differences (testosterone, physical attractiveness) in predicting university men's (N = 215) number of sexual partners. Significant zero-order correlations occurred between number of sexual partners and sensation seeking, hypermasculinity, physical attractiveness, and testosterone. In addition, multiple regression analysis revealed significant increases in prediction with an additive combination of these individual differences, and some of these individual differences (e.g., sensation seeking) contributed unique variation to the prediction of the number of sexual partners. Finally, principal components analysis revealed a common personality factor labeled Disinhibition that may partly underlie the relationship between some of these individual differences and the number of sexual partners. The results are discussed in relation to recent personality research and recent evolutionary theories of human sexual variation."

Dr Jordan B Peterson - ""It's okay to be a man". It's not okay; It's necessary. You look around cities and see all these buildings go up. These men, they're doing impossible things. They're working on the sewers; they're up on the power lines in the storms and the rain. They work themselves to death (often literally). The gratitude for that is sorely lacking, especially among the people who should be most grateful: the social justice bent who are among the most protected and privileged people the world has ever produced. They take everything they have for granted, failing to understand that there's a massive infrastructure of unbelievably hard-working, solidly labouring working-class men breaking themselves in half regularly, making sure that everything that always breaks works. A little gratitude for that is in order."

MemeD - Trad Girl: "I can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic!"
Doomer Girl: "Do men even have feelings?"
"I distanced myself from my boyfriend because he cried in front of me"

Meme - "r/relationship_advice
I distanced myself from my boyfriend because he cried in front of me.
I have been dating my boyfriend for 8 months now. I am the type of woman who looks into dating a tall, muscular and white or tan guys who treats me nicely, gives me the attention I need, and makes me feel safe around him. My boyfriend fits all these traits, or at least I thought so. Almost a month ago, my boyfriend cried in front of me for the first time. The reason for this was because his mother had to go to the hospital urgently as she was feeling really sick (she's fine now don't worry). I am not saying it's not normal to cry when something bad happens to your loved ones, but seeing him break down and cry ruined the image I had of him and I'll confess that this made me distance myself from him. My boyfriend realized that I am acting cold with him and has asked me numerous times if he did anything wrong. I still didn't confess to him, and I really don't want this relationship to end, but if this feeling persists, I might have to open up to him and end things. I honestly don't know what to do."
This doesn't stop feminists from claiming men need to open up, be more in touch with their emotions etc

Meme - Jumbo Hotdog: "You have to be masculine, but not overly masculine that it's toxic. And you can never say you want to be manly. You have to say that you embrace your feminine side which is just as powerful... but you still have to be manly. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's pitiful. You have to be a boss, but you must never tell a woman what to do. You have to make the decisions but you also have to listen to what women want, which they don't know, before you make a decision that will always be wrong. You're supposed to make time for your wife and kids or you're a cold and distant father, but not so much time that it hurts your career, or you're a failure of a provider. You have to be unselfish and think of others, but you can't be too selfless or people will see you as weak. You have to tolerate women's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of being whiny and told to man up. You have to be chivalrous but not so much that it's chauvinistic. You have to be kind to women but not so kind that you're creepy or boring. You're supposed to be strong and confident for women, but not so strong and confident that they feel oppressed or that you make other men angry at you. You have to be romantic and spontaneous but not naive and cringeworthy. You have to take the initiative and make a move without being told to, unless of course your attention is unwanted. Always be grateful for your privilege and feel passively aware that being a man is easier than being a woman. Remember that this is the 21st century and it is time to think of women as equals but also remember that women are oppressed and dis-empowered, so do not think of them as equals. You have to never be too weak or too strong, never be too kind or too cruel, never be afraid or cocky, never be too quiet or too loud. And you must never, ever complain. Because you are a man, everything is easy for you and everything that goes wrong is your fault."
It's literally impossible to be a man, but if they complain they're misogynists, while Barbie becomes a smash hit

ZUBY: on X - "The popular idea that millions of men are depressed primarily because they 'don't talk about their feelings enough' is nonsense. It's projecting a gynocentric model onto the male sex. Men get depressed when they lack purpose, usefulness, and power/status. Men need to be useful"
Using male standards to judge women is sexist. But men need to conform to female standards, or it's "toxic masculinity"

Meme - Lis @prkersmile: "i don't think people realise how much of a cultural reset it was to see Tom Holland, a young male actor to play SPIDER-MAN, doing the umbrella dance? this moment was the biggest fuck you to toxic masculinity. everyone and their gf was OBSESSED"
Weird. We keep being told that "toxic masculinity" doesn't mean masculinity is toxic. But it looks like rejecting masculinity is how you "fuck you" "toxic masculinity"

“Cast a female please, we need to stop the toxic masculinity of James Bond!”: Internet is Blasting MGM For Taking So Long to Cast a Female 007
When they admit they really hate masculinity, not "toxic masculinity"

Women love men who embrace 'babygirl' vibe — and ditch toxic masculinity

Meme - Orwell & Goode: "Nontoxic masculinity is to not be masculine"
Seven Signs that Your Man’s Masculinity Is Nontoxic | The New Yorker - "1. He carries a tote bag that’s at once pro-environment, pro-feminism, and pro-reading.
2. When he goes into a sports bar to use the bathroom, he buys a glass of white wine to be polite.
3. He openly cries during Pixar movies—even the parts that aren’t sad, just beautiful.
4. He opens doors for women at work, but they’re metaphorical doors, like the ones that lead to promotions.
5. He laughs calmly when called a cuck. He laughs loudly when women are funny. He does not laugh when men are not.
6. He makes references to Kurt Vonnegut because he’s genuinely interested to hear other people’s opinions of Vonnegut’s work. He never makes references to David Foster Wallace.
7. He strictly follows all traffic laws when he plays Grand Theft Auto. His Sims world is a matriarchy. He does not have a Twitter account."

Allie Beth Stuckey on Twitter - "If masculinity were truly toxic, then kids growing up without dads would presumably be better off than those who have them. But, they're not: they tend to be more depressed, aggressive & criminal. Truth is: we need more masculinity in society, not less."

Meme - "Men have such a strange attachment to their dicks."
"Well. They're literally attached to us"
"Yall weird about it tho"
"If you had a dick you would be too"
"All your body parts are attached to you. Aint nobody out here being weird about their shoulder ya know?"
"The dick is directly related to sexual intimacy tho, and viability of of said dick often makes the difference between a partner that has value and one that does not. So, the dick has intrinsic value implied. Our manhood is directly correlated with whether or not we can please a woman. If vaginas did not exist, dicks wouldn't be so valuable. So by you having a vagina, you inadvertently create a booming dick marketplace. That's capitalism, baby."

Meme - Lovers' Guide @guideforlovers: "Masculinity is toxic until:
She can't open a jar
Her car breaks down
She wants to start a family
A cockroach is in the kitchen
She needs you to protect her
She wants you to build a house
She wants you to provide for her
She hears a weird sound at 3 am"

Meme - "9 yo You are such a well behaved kid
17 yo You are really mature for your age.
23 yo He is a bit boring.
30 yo That guy over there is really creepy"

Meme - The Yaboiposting: "The fact so many women are obsessed with seeing every male friendship as romantic just shows you very few women have ever had a healthy relationship with anymore, platonic or otherwise."
The New Yorker: "Frog and Toad are "of the same sex, and they love each other," the daughter of its author, Arnold Lobel, said. "It was quite ahead of its time in that respect."
"Frog and Toad": An Amphibious Celebration of Same-Sex Love"

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