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Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Links - 1st May 2024 (2)

Raymond de Souza: Auschwitz and Russia's selective memory of the Second World War - "Only visitors to Auschwitz who have been there many times tend to visit the secondary exhibitions, the national pavilions that are housed on the site. The primary exhibitions, detailing the Shoah, are overwhelming in their own right, and so very few visit the pavilions showing how what ended at Auschwitz played out in other countries. The pavilions are curated by the various countries in consultation with the Auschwitz museum authorities, so they reflect how different countries view their own role in the war and in the Holocaust. For example, the Polish pavilion is organized around the theme “The Struggle and Martyrdom of the Polish Nation 1939-1945.” The idea is clear; Poland was the first victim of the Nazi war machine and struggled mightily against it. The rebuke to those who consider occupied Poland an ally of Nazi Germany is intended and explicit. Among all the national pavilions, the Russian is an exception. Its theme: “Tragedy. Valour. Liberation.” The first gets less attention than the latter two. The Russian pavilion commemorates the Russian Jews who perished in the Holocaust, but the focus really is on two other aspects of Auschwitz: the beginning and the end. Auschwitz began, before it became an extermination camp for Jews, as a prison for Russian prisoners of war captured by Germany. And it ended with its liberation by the Soviet Red Army in January 1945, as it drove the Nazis westward out of eastern Europe. The pavilion is a reminder that the Second World War looked very different through Soviet eyes. The communist deal with the devil, to carve up Poland between Berlin and Moscow, is of course overlooked. The focus instead is on how the Soviet Union bore the brunt of the war after Hitler turned on Stalin. The Soviets took the heaviest casualties by far, and while Canadians might look to Juno Beach and D-Day as the turning point in the war, the Soviet view is that Nazis were truly defeated on the “Eastern Front” in what Stalin called “The Great Patriotic War.” The Russian pavilion at Auschwitz therefore salutes the “valour” of the Red Army, and the visitor finds it oddly celebratory upon entering. The heavy focus is on the Soviet liberation and those first on the scene are given pride of place. The emphasis is not on the tragedy but the liberation... “Putin is knowingly spreading historical lies,” Duda told Israeli television this week, arguing instead that it was the Soviet-Nazi non-aggression pact of 1939 that prepared the way for war."

Dolly the sheep didn’t develop premature arthritis after all – and that’s good news for cloning - "Dolly the sheep was just six and a half years old when she died, over half the age most sheep live to. Yet despite her relative youth, she was also thought to be suffering from osteoarthritis, a disease usually found in much older sheep. Dolly was the first animal to be cloned from a fully grown adult, and some speculated that this meant her biological age (how old her DNA was) was effectively older than her chronological age (how long she had been alive).  Evidence that Dolly’s DNA was indeed older than that of similarly aged non-cloned sheep, and her diagnosis with early onset osteoarthritis at the age of five and a half seemed to confirm this.  But my colleagues and I have published new research that reveals Dolly, and other clones born around that time, showed no abnormal pattern of osteoarthritis after all. This is important because it means it should be possible to reprogram adult cells to be used for cloning without carrying over the legacy of ageing from the original organism. In short, clones may be like brand new organisms rather than copies of old ones."

Michael P Gibson on X - "On July 21, 1969, The New York Times published the reactions of intellectuals and artists to the Moon landing. Can't help but laugh... Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose--Hatred of progress, adventure, & achievement. Same dung thrown at @elonmusk every launch.
Pablo Picasso: "It means nothing to me."
Charles Evers, Mayor of Fayette, Mississippi: "America needs to look at the Earth, not at space. Before one more dollar is spent on outer space, we must make sure that not one child here on Earth goes to the dinner table with no food on it."
Saul Alinsky: "I wish to Christ they'd take the South Vietnamese Government and stick them in the capsule. Send them to the moon one way. That's the only way to get rid of them since they won't take dough and go to Switzerland. We'll have to fight a war of independence to free ourselves from the Vietnamese."
Louis Mumford: "A symbolic act of war!...It is no accident that the climactic moon landing coincides with cutbacks in education, the bankruptcy in hospital services, the closing of libraries and museums, and the mounting defilement of the urban and natural environment, to say nothing of many other evidences of gross social failure and human deterioration."
Reinhold Niebuhr: "The chief reason for assessing the significance of the moon landing negatively, even while the paeons of triumph are sung, is that this tremendous technological achievement represents a defective sense of human values, and of a sense of priorities of our technical culture. The same technology that gave us this triumph has created many of our problems."
David Riesman: "The possibility of nuclear destruction has made a greater difference in my life than space exploration is likely to make."
Jesse Jackson: "How can this nation swell and stagger with technological pride when it has a spiritual will so crippled, when it is so weak, so wicked, so blinded and misdirected in its priorities?"
Robert Jay Lifton: "The moon landing epitomizes the more general awe and helplessness we feel before our own tools and techniques.""
The left hate success, economic growth and achievement. And they mock conservatives for being afraid of change. Ironic
Ironically, when it comes to pushing their grievance mongering agenda they claim people can care about more than one thing at once (and they also claim that you can only look into genetic differences between groups once you eliminate all discrimination, i.e. never)

South African Man Abducted, Hands Amputated in Suspected Muti Attack - "A 30-year-old walking during the early hours of the morning in Vosman, near Witbank, was attacked by six unidentified assailants on March 20th. The man had his hands and feet bound, and was told by his attackers that they planned to kill him. Instead, the attackers took the victim into a bush, amputated both of the victims hands, and took off with his body parts, leaving him to die... Muti, also known as umuthi in Zulu, is an alternative word for medicine in some localities but colloquially refers to witchcraft. Muti is characterized by the use of body parts in rituals to bring protection or strength to an individual or tribe. Oftentimes, victims are healthy young males, or the strongest warrior from a rival tribe.   ‘Muti murders’ involve the ritual killing of an individual for the use of the victims body parts in creating ‘magical medicine.’ As stated by Harriet Ngubane, a South African Anthropologist, “in a definable part of southern African medical practice … ethics permit a practitioner to recommend in certain special cases a ritual killing.”  “Ritual homicide [carries] very high professional fees … The inyanga [expert] who prescribes a muti homicide … arrives at his advice … within the … worldview of African traditional medicine.”   However, with ritual killing now illegal in South Africa, attacks on individuals which stop short of murder but involve the amputation of limbs has increased.   An academic investigation into ‘Violent Hand Amputation and Replantation in South Africa’ conducted by Wendy Young, Pragashnie Govender, and Deshini Naidoo, claims that in 2001, almost 2500 individuals were caught with body parts in their possession. This highlights just how ingrained the practice of ritual killing is in the nation...   The practice of muti is particularly prevalent in Mpumalanga, with three doctors and a nurse suspended from Bernice Samuel Hospital in 2021 after an infant admitted with diarrhea had her hand amputated"
Damn colonialism, apartheid and white supremacy!
Ritual killing used to be legal. Thanks whitey!

Football news: Peru player called Osama Vinladen, brother is Saddam Hussein - "we bet emerging Peruvian footballer Osama VinLaden Jimenez Lopez (v is pronounced b in Spanish) wishes his old man picked a different world figure to salute with his name.  The 18-year-old made global headlines this week after signing with a new club in the second division of his nation’s football league.  In a radio interview Osama explained it was his father’s decision to name him after the former al-Qaeda leader – and that his brother didn’t escape either.  “My brother’s name is Saddam Hussein and my father wanted to name the third child George Bush, but it was a girl,” he said. ”When Osama bin Laden knocked down the Twin Towers, the name was in the news and I was born (a year later) on October 7, 2002... “There is a person called Hitler also in Peru. Jesus saved the world and there are Jesuses who do harm. Because there is an Osama who killed people, I don’t think there has to be a law about the name. It draws a lot of attention, from what I see.”"

Meme - "How movies portray samurai opinions between guns and swords"
"An elegant weapon, from a more civilized age"
"Real life samurai the second they were introduced to firearms *Bugs Bunny firing pistol nonchalantly*

Post | LinkedIn - "Boss: "We can't afford the pay rise he wants."
HR Manager: "Then we should pay it."
"What?! Why?" asked Boss.
Hr Manager replied:
"If we can't afford his increase, we can't afford to advertise, interview, hire, pay and train his replacement.
It costs less to keep staff than replace them. Invest in your employees."

Meme - "This guy makes fake book covers and reads in public with them
"Ass Eating Made Simple"
"Slut-Shaming Your Baby"
"joy of cooking meth"
""101 Penis-lengthening tips you can do at home, the office, or on the go"

Couple fights to rid Toronto home of heritage status - "A couple in an affluent midtown Toronto neighbourhood is asking the city to remove the heritage designation from their century home because they say the original owner was racist. The two-and-a-half storey, 9,000-square foot house in the Yonge and St. Clair area, was built in 1906 for Stapleton Pitt Caldecott, a former Toronto Board of Trade president who was opposed to immigration... "Stapleton Caldecott would've been appalled by us living in the house he commissioned," Mahesan told the March 28 meeting of the Toronto Preservation Board (TPB). The couple, who identifies as mixed-race, told the board they only discovered their home was a designated heritage property last year, when they began looking into modifying the house's steep stairway from the sidewalk. Because of that heritage designation, they learned, they'd need to get permission from the city before making any major changes to the property. The couple applied to the board iin January to have that designation repealed on the grounds that it was approved by the city in haste in 2018. They say a closer look would have revealed its original owner held views that should have excluded it from preservation. The city doesn't currently have a policy that would bar buildings owned by such individuals from gaining heritage status... A city staff report to the TPB concluded the home's designation had little to do with its association with Caldecott. Instead, the report says the home is worth preserving because it was designed by prominent Toronto architect Eden Smith and because of the unique structural qualities he brought to the building... Adam Wynne, a board member and chair of the Toronto and East York Community Preservation Panel, told CBC Toronto his own research shows that Caldecott only lived in the house for a few months before he died in 1907... while Caldecott believed immigrants should be assimilated into the mainstream society of the day, Akladios told CBC Toronto, "I don't call him a racist in my report. It's perhaps their (the homeowners') view...I don't call him a racist." Instead of repealing the heritage designation bylaw, the board voted to remove all references to Caldecott from city documents that explain the house's significance. Mahesan told the board that's not good enough. He said simply removing references to Caldecott amounts to "putting our thumbs over that part of history." "The only appropriate remedy is to repeal the bylaw" that gave the home its heritage designation in the first place, he said... Wynne told CBC Toronto he's never heard of a property owner who wanted the heritage designation removed from their property on the grounds that the original owner allegedly held racist views... Earle told CBC Toronto she's upset with the board's decision, calling it "a smack in the face." "How would I know that a city like Toronto has a preservation society which intends to celebrate racism more than the people living in the homes?" she asked. "How is that something an average homeowner is supposed to know?"... Earle said she intends to pursue the couple's goal of having the heritage designation removed from the house. Their lawyer raised the possibility of taking the matter to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, if necessary. As for whether the couple is looking to renovate or demolish the house, Earle told CBC Toronto they're not looking to have the designation removed "as a tactic." "I have no plans of developing this house or changing this house," she told CBC Toronto. "My issue is that I've done great work in this city and yet still I have to be racialized by living in a house that is celebrating something so anti everything that my husband and I are.""

Jonathan Kay on X - "A Canadian social-justice hero for our time: Former reality TV star Roxanne Earle (AKA “Luxurious Roxy”) enraged to learn that her 9,000-sq-foot $5m+ Toronto home was owned, a century ago, by someone whose political views have become unfashionable"

Now seven in ten Scots want to see the back of 'divisive' Humza - "Seven in ten Scots want Humza Yousaf and his cabinet out of office after ‘years of division and decline’, a new poll has revealed. An overwhelming majority of Scots believe that a ‘fresh team of leaders’ is needed – while only a third think the SNP deserves to be re-elected... Nearly half – 46 per cent – wanted a new government at Holyrood as they did not think the SNP deserved re-election... Only 12 per cent thought the present leadership should stay while 70 per cent believed it should be replaced. And fewer than 30 per cent agreed that ‘competent’ was an accurate way to describe the Scottish Government, whilst 46 per cent said they did not agree. On specific policy areas, there have also been declines in how the public view the SNP’s handling of the NHS, education and living standards since Mr Yousaf took over as First Minister in March last year. More than half (56 per cent) now believe the Scottish Government is doing a bad job at improving the NHS... Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy said: ‘This damning poll shows Scots know the SNP’s independence obsession has been to the neglect of key public services. ‘Humza Yousaf and his colleagues have had their eye off the ball and have failed to tackle Scotland’s real priorities, with their constant push to break up the UK.’"
The Scottish are all racist!

Researcher on finding cheap flights: 'You can't beat the system' - "Compared to airlines like Lufthansa or Finnair, low cost airlines like Ryanair or EasyJet often have a simpler system: The prices are increasing, the closer the flight is, but it's not that massive. What they make money on is what is called in the industry: ancillaries. Seat selection, luggage, priority-boarding. All these small things, they make you pay for in addition to the tickets. What we know is, that low cost airlines make roughly 60% of their profit by selling such ancillaries. Which is crazy: They make more money on selling additional things than on selling the ticket. And that changes the aim of the booking system: They want to use the pricing to fill the plane with as many persons as possible, in order to sell to them such additional things... You can't beat the system. So I don’t use my knowledge so much. I just know for sure that it is better to book early. That is definitely the best thing to do if you want cheap prices. Beyond that: The calculation that the systems perform, especially the forecasting of different kind of passenger flows, and how they optimize all that across the complex networks, makes it impossible to have a booking strategy as a customer.  So yes, I do what probably everyone does: I look at flight search-engines like Google Flights and try to book as early as possible."

“A Terrifying & Edible Beauty,” Gaudi’s La Sagrada Familia - "Salvadore Dali referred to La Sagrada’s “terrifying and edible beauty.” Art historian Nikolaus Pevsner likened its growth to “sugar loaves and anthills.” Time Magazine found it “sensual, spiritual, whimsical, exuberant!” While George Orwell called it “one of the most hideous buildings in the world.”"

Claim 'Welcome to Scotland' slogan cost $162,972 is Mostly False - "In response to a question on the cost of the slogan in the Scottish Parliament, the tourism minister Linda Fabiani said: “No money was used to develop the ‘Welcome to Scotland’ message”.  The main cost of the new campaign was “design, printing and installation” of advertising which was placed at airports around Scotland. The minister confirmed this cost £125,000 from existing budgets."

Billy: "..."
Man: "IT'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT" *Man alone on bench*

Guard goose - Wikipedia - "The guard goose is a domestic goose that is used as a guard animal both on farms and in other situations. Geese are considered to have excellent eyesight and to be "watchful and inquisitive", with strong territorial instincts. Goose attacks on humans are commonly reported... At times, park rangers have killed entire flocks of aggressive geese. Canada geese in Cincinnati parks have been responsible for knocking people down and breaking their bones, and called "spitting, hissing, biting attack missiles". The same aggressive, territorial behavior can be utilized in the guard capacity. Geese are intelligent enough to discern unusual people or sounds from usual stimuli. Their loud honking will alert humans when the geese are alarmed. Guard geese have been used throughout history, and in modern times"

The Incognito Mode Myth Has Fully Unraveled | WIRED - "If you still hold any notion that Google Chrome’s “Incognito mode” is a good way to protect your privacy online, now’s a good time to stop.  Google has agreed to delete “billions of data records” the company collected while users browsed the web using Incognito mode"

Ashish Kumar Was a Top PSLE Scorer. Now, He’s a 31-Year-Old Retiree. - "With an e-reader and headphones in one hand, Ashish Xiangyi Kumar strolls into a cafe at Woodlands MRT station on a Friday morning... He has no plans to get married or find a partner, and he currently lives with his parents"
Financial Independence is easy when you leech off other people and have no liabilities

Meme - "Coworker got in trouble yesterday and showed up wearing this today
"Defund human resources"

Man confesses to murder over 1,600-year-old skull - "When detectives unearthed a woman's skull in a peat bog near his home, Peter Reyn-Bardt reportedly confessed to murdering his wife.  The skull turned out to be that of a woman who died about 1,600 years ago, a jury was told Monday.  A court in the northern English city of Chester trying Reyn-Bardt for the murder of his wife heard that experts dated the excavated skull to the year 410.  'The skull had been preserved in the peat bog for over 16 centuries and obviously has nothing to do with Malika Reyn-Bardt,' said prosecutor Martin Thomas.  'But the supreme irony is this: its discovery led directly to the arrest of the defendant and to his detailed confession,' Thomas said."

Andy Richter on X - "You know those Sex Houses, the little wooden houses with the hole for your dick that people hang in trees? Apparently those are for birds."

Meme - "The TSA guy said my toothpaste was too big. And took it. And I nodded solemnly and said "the world's a safer place now". And he laughed and gave it back"

Meme - Eudaimonia @EudaimoniaEsq: "This is not a parody account"
"Me: hey, don't eat poop
Leftist: erm, disgust response much?"
Allodoxa (S3r) @Allodoxaa: "Yes, actually, if you're morally judging someone for eating shit that reflects poorly on you, not them."

Meme - "Which fruit has the best p*ssy? Hi, I'm lan! Welcome to my 30 part documentary detailing my journey to discover the most powerful frussy on planet Earth!"

Meme - Capitalist: "Poors wouldn't be poor if they'd stop buying things and saved"
Man: "Okay, we won't buy things"
Capitalist: "Please buy things"
There were people mocking this, but evidently they've forgotten about the 14 Industries Experts Say The Millennial Age Group Is Killing
Keywords: Please spend

Millennials are to blame for sluggish economy: Raymond James report

Meme - *Wedding*
"We may no longer be swiping here. we will just leave this account here as a reminder that me and my wife met here. we hope that you will too. God bless.. - P&J"

Meme - "Boring western media: Israel palestine ukraine!!!
African media: 2 niggas kissing"
The Nairobi Times @NairobiTimess: "Two men caught on CCTV camera kissing in an elevator. Watch"

Meme - "It's a tired schtick done to the death by Malaysian standup who can't afford their own writers lah. Especially coming from someone who had a small cameo in a Marvel movie where almost every Chinese actor was hired with a role."
"Malaysian-born Ronny Chieng calls Singaporeans 'Karens'"

Meme - Black man to white man: "You dominated my race, made us become subservient to the society you now control"
White man: "Because we are superior"
White man:
Jewish man:

Meme - "books like dune
When The Side N*gga Catch Feelings"

Meme - "Saliva Chicken (Sichuan Chicken in Chili Oil) $8.99"

Meme - emilie_pasjolie: "Tu veux me ghost ? OK. Retiens bien une chose : Je suis pas GhostBuster je cours pas après les fantômes. Bisous"

TIL the United States ranks third in food quality and safety, behind Denmark and Canada. : todayilearned
Naturally, this got removed without any comment, probably because the left just hate the US. And there was a comment dismissing this because of supposed conflict of interest (an American food company provided some support for the research so supposedly they want to make the US look good because this benefits them), without giving any real reason to doubt the rankings (Weird how this "biased" source rates the US 29th for affordability and 31st for availability)


Meme - alice @hcsrih: "Just quit my job today"
"i quit"
"ok? lol you don't even do anything at work! "oh nooo we lost the worst employee in this branch! what will we do?" ImaooooOOOOOOOOOO"
"wtf :/"
"Anyways, why don't you text me back? Why did you ask me to pretend to be your boss? I miss you and the way you hold me and call me baby. Like why don't you"

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