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Thursday, May 02, 2024

Links - 2nd May 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

'Playing the race card' accusation is racist, judge rules - "Suggesting someone is 'playing the race card' if they complain about how they have been treated at work is racist, an employment tribunal has ruled. Implying that an ethnic minority colleague is raising bigotry without foundation is an act of of discrimination itself, a judgment concluded. This is because it is 'inconceivable' a white person would face the same accusation, the tribunal said, describing the comment as 'irrefutably connected' with race. The ruling came in the case of British Army musician Dwight Pile-Grey who successfully sued the Ministry of Defence for race discrimination, harassment and victimisation. The Lance Sergeant, a black Rastafarian French Horn player in the Grenadier Guards, took legal action after he was denied entry to his barracks while wearing civilian clothes by a guard who did not believe at first he was a soldier. When LSgt Pile-Grey complained that the Lance Corporal wouldn't have treated him that way if he had been white, he was accused of 'playing the race card' by both the guard and his superior officer who alleged he was turning the incident 'into a racial thing'... The tribunal was told that while off duty and after attending a medical appointment he was stopped by a guard on duty - identified in the judgment only as Lance Corporal Stott - from returning to the barracks. He was asked for ID but didn't have it on him at the time... LSgt Pile-Grey was forcibly removed from the guardroom and an 'aggressive' altercation ensued."
Clearly, no one ever plays the race card, and no one can ever play the race card. Thoughtcrime must be seriously punished
The solution seems to be for white people to do the 'inconceivable' and to point out they are being racially discriminated against (which we have hard data to prove)

Meme - "So it turns out that it's reversible "
"[27f] got rid of my blue hair, took out my nose ring and lost 25lbs!!"

Meme - JuicyJuuce @JuicyJuuce: "hey real quick, shoot me a source that says 50% of US GDP is spent on military"
Jimmi @Jimmiwanderer: "There are like a million TikToks on this, I'm not your preschool teacher"
clifton burrow @burrow_cli67462: "Jimmi, be honest: have you read a single book in the past twelve months"
Jinmmi @Jimmiwanderer: "No I have ADHD. Way to be ableist"

Meme - The Rabbit Hole @TheRabbitHole84: "Every side has its fair share of noble lies
Both Sides Deny Inconvenient Truths
--IQ deniers
--Heritability deniers
--Sex difference deniers
--Evolution deniers
~-Stereotype accuracy deniers
--Evolution deniers
--War crimes deniers
--Climate change deniers"
Charles Murray @charlesmurray: "Now attach estimated percentages of the cultural elite (operationalized as journalists/commentators in the MSM, writers, entertainers, and university faculty members) that fall into each of these categories. "Fair share" is not quite the right way to characterize the relative cultural importance of left and right deniers."

Thread by @waitmanb on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "🧵 On Those Classic Cultural Twitter Accounts  Someone on here questioned why I would say that accounts like the one below are dog whistles for white supremacy.  Well, ok. Let's do this. This account has over a million followers and posts seemingly innocuous images of admittedly BEAUTIFUL buildings.  Of course, 99% of them are...er...the creations of white Europeans located in Europe. Much of the genre of their account is lamenting the supposed loss of a world that generated these artistic genres and buildings. This kind of nostalgia may seem innocent but the critique of the modern as degenerate has a rich history in far-right extremism and white supremacy which includes but is certainly not limited to the Nazi idea of literally degenerate art. The account frequently posts images of religious (Christian) buildings, which, of course, by itself doesn't mean anything, but, does begin to suggest a trad christian connection. The account (which is anonymous) also seems to be a fan of the new alt-right trend of "classical education" which is a reaction to DEI and return to reading only classics in western, Christian thought. The point here is that so-called "classical" art and architecture has become for the extreme right and white supremacists a kind of coded language for expressing extremist ideas about race and culture... what about the Culture Critic? Well, for the moment, they are anonymous...which raises several red flags for an account that is so popular and posts seemingly innocuous stuff.  Why be anonymous? Hmmm... (There is an anti-communist bent throughout Culture Critic's account that is noteworthy btw)... The account is certainly careful in its posts and replies to avoid anything that might be seen as overtly racist or white supremacist"
If you like (White) tradition and beauty, and you criticise Communism, you're a fascist
Clearly, if you're not pro-smoking, you're a fascist because Hitler was against smoking and promoted physical health
Everyone's identity must be public so left wingers can ruin their lives antifa, who need to disguise themselves
"Dog whistles" are a way for the left to put words into the mouths of people they disagree with

Meme - Jack Anory #FBPE #ClimateChange: "no one's been arrested for jokes. Now shut up and sit down."
Count Dankula @CountDankulaTV: "Here is me literally being arrested and dragged out of my house for a joke I made. You fuckers honestly live in your little own world."

CatGirl Kulak 😻😿 (Anarchonomicon) on X - "Never forget that every single leftist 100% knows that they're lying.  In every instance they KNOW that they're playing the merited impossibility game, where its not happening, unless someone shows up who can prove that it's happening, then its a good thing that its happening.  Ever notice they never have to stop and think "Oh wow, really I did not expect that... This is new information. You're telling me this for the first time. I have to think about that"   It's because they already KNOW that it's happening so when you prove it's happening it doesn't surprise them, they just wanted to waste your time and gaslight onlookers."
Benn Fleming on X - "I must respectfully disagree. My ex was a true believer. For the first year of that relationship, I thought she was just repeating buzzwords to get a masters degree. But as I got to know her better and the mask slipped, I realized she believes 100%. Which is even scarier."
Right-wing Blackbird on X - ""They don't give double mastectomies to healthy 15 year olds!"
"OK but it's only a few."
"OK but that's what medical science says is best for them."
"I don't want to discuss this, you're a bigot.""
On left wing "this is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Meme - *Animorphs* "THAT ISN'T HAPPENING"

Keep Pride Nude - "I assert that these anti-sex, anti-kink complaints are not only wrong but also racist and bad for children. In what follows, I tour through a series of legal arguments about the risks and rewards of public sex before considering how these arguments dovetail with historical concerns about the overpolicing and hypersexualizing of Black communities... I believe queerness is anchored in “political resistance to hegemonic ideas of how humans ought to be.” Leather chaps and nipple clamps and boys kissing boys and girls kissing girls—even on an otherwise unexceptional Bank of America float—model modes of living and loving that many kids and teenagers attending Pride have never seen, or have just seen online, and only as pornography (not that there is anything ipso facto wrong with pornography, but the more models of queerness, the better). When parents or people ventriloquizing parents oppose public indecency at Pride on the grounds that it may upset children, the opposite is more likely the case: their children might like it, and that upsets the parents, not the children. What is the presumptive harm if a child happens upon a guy sporting a chest harness, or sees an adult’s butt cheeks, or even an adult’s genitals or breasts? Would such children necessarily feel violated, or might adults be feeling violated on their behalf? Might the child be as likely to respond with curiosity?   The “problem” with gay sex or kink in public, like the “problem” of early twentieth-century young Black women carving slices of pleasure and intimacy out of brutal city life, is that it models how to have gay sex, or how to be kinky, or how to squeeze fun (or a living) out of socially mandated misery. For an antiracist, democratically hedonic, and more just future, we ought to celebrate kink, butts, and boobs at Pride. And we should do so especially for those kids whose opportunities and curiosities are stifled by racist violence, economic inequality, or their heterosexual nuclear family."
From 2021. We still get people denying that kids are exposed to nudity and sexual content at Pride
Why do the left keep wanting to sexualise children?

Meme - Uplift Trans Voices 2: "I'm gonna own up to this because I'm not gonna make the person I hurt do it. Someone had a hot take about my Jesus is Communist' post. I didn't agree and tried to explain it while also saying they shouldn't take everything on fb seriously. I spoke down to them. I found out after blocking that they're POC. As a wte person it is not my place to speak down to a person of color even if I disagree with them. I was in the wrong with how I handled it. They came at me aggressively and instead of taking the time to think I fired back, which is something I'm used to doing to other wte admins who step out of line, except this admin is not Caucasian. So obviously I apologize. And I highly recommend following this person because they have a very small following. Nikko Campan you don't have to accept my apology, I realize I was wrong and I ask you leave the comments up for accountability's sake so my followers can see how I messed up. And I ask my followers to please follow Nikko"
Ah yes, the circular firing squad of the left. "Minorities" are saints

Instagram: "I'm Canadian" Viral Video Explained - "Digital Marketing and Business Coach Karla Joy Treadway is going viral on Instagram with her video highlighting the political climate of Canada... she cheerfully introduces herself as ‘Hi, I am Canadian’ and shares various current events related to the country’s drug laws, Online Streaming Act, Assistant Dying Policy, treatment and condition of Press, Journalism, and more. Treadway begins the video by sharing that it might be difficult to get all the necessary nutrients in Canada but you can receive 2.5 grams of hard drugs. This refers to the government’s temporary legalization of hard drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, MDMA, and opioids in small degrees... She continues the video by sharing the government’s policies towards independent media outlets and journalists. She also mentions that the government is considering taking down podcasts and Netflix shows that are against national sentiments... Karla Joy Treadway further includes a viral Tweet from 2023 where a Canadian citizen shared how they received dozens of calls from Assisted Dying Help but couldn’t get an appointment to meet health care professionals...   Treadway lastly talks about the country’s plan to continue producing non-renewable energy in the upcoming years. She attaches a statistics report from 2012 mentioning that 47% of Canadian households use natural gas as their main heating fuel."

Meme - "I'm so sick of OLD WHITE MEN telling us how to think! *Derrida, Foucault, Edward Said, Lyotard, Marx, Lacan*"

Brianna Wu on X - "Honest question: Why do you think it’s easier to have a conversation with a Republican who I disagree with on 90% of public policy than someone on the left with whom I disagree on 5% of public policy?  Why are they able to have a conversation like adults?   Moderate Republicans aren’t the one sending me death threats."
Ah yes, the circular firing squad of the left

Jim Banks on X - "Columbia’s school of social work orientation glossary defines “Ashkenormativity” as a “system of oppression that favors white Jewish folx.” The radical Left has turned our universities into hotbeds for antisemitism."

Bill Maher's 'Pedophiles in Hollywood' Remarks Go Viral - "Comedian Bill Maher's "Kid 'N Prey" segment on Friday went viral on social media after he criticized the child entertainment industry.  On Friday's episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher reacted to the recently released documentary Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV, which exposed the sexual abuse and hostile work environment that child actors faced at the hands of adults at Nickelodeon... Maher said he was "grossed out" by the revelations in the documentary, adding that "it didn't just expose a dangerous workplace. It also exposed hypocrisy." He said that when Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis "was saying the exact same thing about kids and creepy stuff at Disney—that liberals now find intolerable at Nickelodeon—he was dismissed as a hick and a bigot, but why would a kid's content factory like Disney be all that different than the one at Nickelodeon?"... The comedian also mentioned Disney child stars Alyson Stoner, who said in a 2021 People magazine op-ed that she "narrowly survived the toddler-to-trainwreck pipeline," and Cole Sprouse, who told The New York Times in 2022 that the young actresses on the Disney Channel were "heavily sexualized."  "DeSantis wasn't wrong, but we're so tribal now the left will overlook child f***ing, if the guy from the wrong party calls it out," Maher said on his show... "Wokeness is not an extension of liberalism anymore. It's more often taking something so far that it becomes the opposite," the comedian said. "At a certain point, inclusion becomes promotion. And contrary to current progressive dogma, children aren't miniature adults wise beyond their years, their morons."  He continued: "They're gullible morons who will believe anything and just want to please grownups and they don't have any frame of reference. So, they normalize whatever's happening. That's why endlessly talking about gender to six-year-olds isn't just inappropriate—it's what the law would call entrapment.""
Clearly, left wing grooming is a myth, because the left isn't trying to sexualise kids

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "Two years ago, I made some of the same arguments that Maher is making—he even uses the Disney clip from my exclusive reporting, without attribution—and the centrists and center-left liberals were screaming about it. Curious to see if they call Maher the same names now."
Left wingers have been slamming Maher for a while now, so

Bill Maher Rails against Gender Ideology for Children: ‘Entrapment’ - "“And if you think some of that isn’t going on with gender in schools, you’re not watching enough Tik Tok videos,” he said in an apparent reference to Libs of TikTok, the viral X account that regularly posts left-wing teachers’ own admissions of indoctrinating their students. “There’s a certain kind of activist these days who wants to take heterosexuality and lump it in with patriarchy and sexism and racism and tell kids: ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if you were anything but that?'”  Maher showed his audience an array of children’s books that have blatant LGBT themes, such as Sparkle Boy and Payden’s Pronoun Party. Disney has also exposed itself for activism in recent years, with a director of Disney television animation admitting to the company’s “not at all secret gay agenda.”  “That also seems to be the theme of a lot of kids books these days,” Maher said. “Maybe we should think about giving kids a break from our culture wars for a minute, or at least until the election is over.”"

Benjamin Ryan on X - "Transfeminine jurist Florece Ashley says in this interview, republished in @SciAm: "The idea of epistemological violence is that it's wrong to interpret data in a way that punches down on marginalized people. We should try to interpret the data in a way that's compatible with their inclusion and well-being, if that's an equally good interpretation. We shouldn't be cherry-picking the data to support prejudice and biased points." @ButNotTheCity https://openmindmag.org/articles/q-a-h... Florence Ashely is the author of a recent paper called "Genderfucking as a Critical Legal Methodology"."
Facts are racist and discriminatory, so they need to be "properly interpreted" to fit the left wing agenda. Clearly data scientists got fired during BLM because they "misinterpreted" the data, and there is no chilling effect or political pressure at all

'Jeopardy!' in absurd territory with dumbest controversy ever - "A white man who innocently played the iconic TV quiz show has found himself on the wrong side of the torches and pitchforks wielded by a joyless mob.  An online tempest was unleashed against three-time “Jeopardy!” winner Kelly Donohue, a 35-year-old state bank examiner from Massachusetts. In addition to loopy messages of disgust, more than 500 people, and counting, identifying themselves as former “Jeopardy!” eggheads demanded an apology from Donohue and show producers for the alleged “white power” symbol the contestant supposedly flashed on TV — a claim that even Snopes, tracker of digital hoaxes and all manner of malfeasance, deemed “False.” It never happened. But why ruin a good thought-crime scandal with pesky facts?  In a petition posted to Medium, purported ex-quiz contestants — people I thought possessed at least average intelligence — accused Donohue of expressing solidarity with white supremacy by putting his thumb and forefinger together in an “OK” gesture, with three fingers extended, and tapping his chest, palm-first. A bewildered Donohue claims he was only signaling that he’d won three games."
From 2021

America's elites want a racial apocalypse - "The same media that hypes anti-Asian violence by whites usually ignores that by other ‘people of colour’. When the perpetrator is a Muslim jihadi, as was the case in Colorado, coverage has been less, even if the body count was twice as high. The ‘people of colour’ solidarity that bleeds over the pages of mainstream media has little room for nuance. It tends to ignore the fact that many Asians, and many Hispanics, oppose such things as quotas to selective high schools and colleges...   Racialism also holds short-term political benefits for Democratic politicians. Every Republican move now made – defending the Senate filibuster or challenges to electoral laws – has morphed into a ‘return to Jim Crow’. A discussion of controls, whether at the voting booth or the border, is immediately labelled as racist. Anyone suggesting otherwise risks being sent into the digital gulag by the dominant oligarchy. The experience of the past 50 years shows, consistently, that civil disorders reduce investment in core cities, and lead companies to invest elsewhere. South Los Angeles is worse off, relative to the rest of the region, than in 1965. Research reveals riots have had this effect in much of the US. After last summer, many downtowns, notably Minneapolis and Portland, have suffered enormous setbacks in terms of business activity.   Businesses generally are loath to invest in places where violence lurks, and law enforcement seems unequal to the task of controlling it. One friend, himself a minority, had a medical warehouse in central Minneapolis that was burned down in the riots. He says the company has plans to rebuild – in suburban Atlanta or in Florida. ‘We can’t afford to destroy the economy’, warns Jamil Ford, who, with his church, tried to protect businesses last spring. ‘These are all the ones who can drive things after the fires happen.’   Already struggling with the pandemic, urban centres have been the hardest hit of America’s geographies in terms of employment losses. One recent survey found that today barely 10 per cent of corporate executives would consider investment in a big city; the vast majority are now opting for suburban and small-city locations... The vast majority of all races, noted a 2018 survey, reject the political correctness increasingly embraced by the billionaire class as well as corporate HR departments. Indeed, the most extreme people on racial issues are not Blacks and Hispanics but radicalised whites, whose Antifa shock troops well represent the lunatic fringe...   These populations are also voting with their feet and moving to red America. In a newly released report, the fastest growth in minority populations are occurring in the south, intermountain west and parts of the Great Plains. Demographer Wendell Cox also notes they are leaving the big progressive cities seeking lower house prices, more opportunities, and, yes, also lower taxes. As minorities move to these places, buy homes, and start businesses, they may tend to become more conservative in their values... It’s also time to ditch the West Side Story of repressed urban minorities. The suburbs, not the cities, now dominate the non-white experience in America. In the 50 largest US metropolitan areas, 44 per cent of residents live in racially and ethnically diverse suburbs, ranging from 20 to 60 per cent non-white"

Meme - Muslim Man: "You just hate Islam, you're Islamophobic"
Normal person: "Yes"
Left wingers: "We love Islam"
Muslim Man: "That's great. Now follow me to the roof tops"

Jake on X - "The “De Mau Mau” gang terrorized the Chicago area in 1972: They murdered at least nine Whites - Including with home-invasions that drew comparisons to the Manson Family murders. 🧵/20"
eigenrobot on X - "the interesting thing about the 70s in America is that they were so fucked up that you'll never learn about all of the insane things that went on, and you can keep stumbling across fresh new horrors your whole life"
wanye on X - "Liberals are right that history isn't fully taught, but they're not, uh, always thinking of the same things I am. An honest account of "white flight," for example, would include a discussion of the dramatic increase in urban crime amidst a backdrop of several grisly high-profile racially-motivated murders, riots, and political violence.  But you were probably taught, as I was, that racism was the primary motivating factor. This is one of the most consequential developments of the last century, one that completely remade American cities, and the way it's taught to kids is full of cartoonish lies. This really shouldn't be viewed in a partisan context. No honest or decent sociologist would allow for such a simplistic monocausal explanation in any other context. It's embarrassing pablum for mass consumption, not something to be believed by anybody who fancies themselves an intellectual."

My Brief Spell as an Activist - "I knew a few social justice campaigners in high school. They were advocates, they liked to remind the rest of us, and they were endowed with holy outrage and an acute awareness of inequality and a passion for tolerance that never quite translated into actual kindness. They wore t-shirts that bore slogans like “The Future Is Female,” they crusaded against “oppressive” dress codes, and they confronted a patriarchal grading system. They were practised in the art of derailing conversation with accusations of heteronormativity or cultural appropriation. The battles they won (“We can wear tube tops now!”) were triumphs of resistance, while those they lost only accentuated the ubiquity of the inequity du jour. No matter how petty and irrational their grievances became, these students eluded criticism from peers, teachers, and administrators alike. Nobody wanted to take them on. After all, who wanted to argue with the pursuit of justice?...  The autism diagnosis had finally persuaded my parents and doctors that these goals were unattainable, and led me to the neurodiversity movement. There, I encountered the unexpected and exhilarating notion that autism was not a disorder to be treated, but a way of being to celebrate... I could have stopped there, contenting myself with just enough disability theory to accept my own skills and limitations before moving on to other pursuits. But I didn’t. Maybe it was simply teenage self-absorption, motivated by narcissism. Maybe it had to do with the environment—Stanford’s obsession with “centering the marginalized” and “calling out the privileged.” Or maybe it was the memories of doctors who blamed me for my illness, medications prescribed against my will, the ensuing nightmares that left me dazed and sleepless, the panting, heaving animal fear that still rises in me whenever I hear sirens. For whatever reason, I continued to embrace increasingly radical iterations of the neurodiversity paradigm. I soon stumbled across the social model of disability, according to which, individuals are disabled not by medical conditions or specific diseases, but by a society that refuses to accommodate them. This theory neatly accounted for every painful experience of my past with just one word: ableism... This was my first intoxicating taste of empowerment born from victimhood. I was vindicated; exuberant. None of it had been my fault. All my doubts and self-hatred and guilt could be laid to rest. I had been the victim not only of circumstance and misfortune, but of oppression. The problem was simple, the solution equally so. I didn’t have to change—society did.  At the time, my new outlook seemed eminently rational, not to mention gratifying. I didn’t recognize that I had too much emotional stake in the game to perceive things objectively. The implicit dichotomy underlying the social model, which divides the world into victims and perpetrators of ableism, gave me a binary choice. I could notice the ways in which I was privileged, assigning myself to the dominant group, or I could continue to concentrate on my misfortunes, convincing myself that I was innocent and helpless. I would play a constant game of sorting the world into good and bad, dominant and dominated, oppressor and oppressed. I would drift further and further from objectivity. I would grow obsessed with the injustice I saw all around me. And I would label myself the victim every time. I quickly learned to identify even the smallest traces of ableism in my surroundings. The personal was political, so I didn’t worry too much about poverty, abuse, or any of the other serious challenges disabled people face. Instead, I zeroed in on the minutiae: the word “stupid,” a building without elevators, an offensive headline on BuzzFeed. During my rhetorics class’s field trip to an art gallery, I scrutinized the building for evidence of ableism, triumphantly noting that the flashing lights in the exhibit may have triggered a seizure in a person with epilepsy. I don’t remember any of my other observations of the exhibit, nor do I recall the in-class discussion that followed. I was looking for injustice and I found it. QED. Occasionally, I felt myself gravitating toward truth. I would read an article by an autistic person who did want to be cured or I would hear an argument in favor of behavioral treatment or I would realize, if only for a split second, that I am actually higher-functioning than many other autistics. And then I would recoil, frantically drowning my doubt in excuses and accusations... Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words could force me to challenge my most dearly held beliefs and cope with the fact that I might be wrong—and that would be too much to bear... I saw a world dominated by an inescapable, sinister force that posed a threat to the very wellbeing of every disabled person, including me. As ominous as this tableau appears, it was also incredibly seductive. Who wouldn’t want to be the hero working to defeat such unthinkable evil? Living in fight mode was electrifying. Zealotry imbued my life with intensity, every moment brimming with vivid symbolism and apocalyptic meaning. I was on fire, and at the same time, I was fragile. I never would have admitted it, but I think that beneath all the slogans and bravado, I knew how precarious my worldview really was, how quickly it would collapse under scrutiny or rigorous analysis. To ward off the ever-present threat of reason, I hid behind an ever-growing sense of defiant helplessness. I continued to extend my repertoire of victimhood, learning to soak up other people’s indignation and to nurture borrowed resentment. I had built my identity on the paradoxical symbiosis of empowerment and inability. My victimhood absolved me of agency and therefore, blame. Everything was someone else’s fault... I could no longer ignore the fact that my obsession with justice hadn’t made me a good advocate; it had made me unbearable. My prolonged and pointless exercise in hubris had left me exhausted and miserable... There is nothing less unique than a teenage girl insisting that no one else in the entire world understands her. The more determined I was to resist inequality, the more I conformed, ceding my emotional stability to strangers on the Internet and uncritically parroting neurodiversity doctrine. Over recent months, in moving away from autism advocacy, I’ve rediscovered my sense of self. I am unafraid to speak my mind and stray from the crowd. I can be alone without feeling lonely. It certainly doesn’t take victimhood for me to know who I am, and I would rather demonstrate my character through action than stifle it with slogans."

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