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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Links - 30th April 2024 (1 - Diversity)

Viola Davis defends controversial ‘Woman King’ amid boycott - "Viola Davis won’t hear any slander against her new movie, “The Woman King.”  The star and producer of the female war epic has responded to critics and the recent #BoycottWomanKing movement.  Users across social media have been calling for fans to not buy a ticket to the film.  They believe that the film is historically inaccurate and glorifies the role that the African kingdom — the Dahomey — had in the slave trade in the 19th century."
Celebrating slavery and being historically inaccurate are good if it helps "diversity" or feminism

The Woman King Director Gina Prince-Bythewood Will 'Never Get Over' Oscar Snub: 'It Speaks to Such a Bigger Issue'
Entitlement is good when you're BIPOC

Meme - irena pereira @aneri: "Just wait until they notice that none of our starting characters in our alpha build are white males. None. Out of 6. Have at it. Again I will say representation matters - and I don't know how many games have lacked female characters, or created gameplay penalties for being a female character. Or created vertex shading on white skin to represent people of color. Games should represent... Representation matters. Inclusivity is not the same as racism. Enjoy hating on me for today. I'll go back to making games."
"Diversity" and "representation" are about erasing white men, even if they are a disproportionately large share of your customer base
Weird. We're told that feminism is about equality, and women want equality, not revenge

Unleashed Games Founder And CEO Irena Pereira Brags About Excluding White Male Characters From Alpha Build Of Upcoming Game 'Haven' - "she told one gamer to not play her game based on his user name.  She wrote, “Would I want someone who refers to themselves as ‘Shitman’ playing our game? *checks notes* Nope. So, please don’t. :) Look at us, doing great things before 10am EST.” Not only would Pereira double down on her racism and sexism, but she also faced criticism for publicly claiming, “Two women sharing intimate stories about getting our periods in the Game Developers Conference ’24 merch store is the state of the game industry. #thisiswhatagamedevlookslike.”  When asked if her original post was parody, she made it clear it was not, “Fully serious. It’s nice to have other women in this industry – and to be vulnerable and real with them in a way that we can’t be with the majority of devs. This GDC was the most female powered of any of my past GDCs. I am 100 here for this.”... Pereira continued to use her sex as a shield, “People make video games. People sometimes talk about human things. Shocking, I know. Making video games for over 25 years with predominantly male coworkers, it was a notable moment I shared that has now somehow sparked a lot of male rage.”"

Meme - Irena pereira @aneri: "Two women sharing intimate stories about getting our periods in the #GDC24 merch store is the state of the game industry. #thisiswhatagamedeviookslike"
BlabberingCollector @Blabberingc: "This is a parody, right?"
irena pereira @aneti: "Fully serious. It's nice to have other women in this industry - and to be vulnerable and real with them in a way that we can't be with the majority of devs. This GDC was the most female powered of any of my past GDCs. I am 100% here for this."
"Shouldn't the GDC be talking about, I dunno.. gaming? Instead of periods and screaming at the sky?"

Meme - Toby Turner @TobyTurner: "former Blizzard dev: 'let's remove all the races that banned slavery' (maybe that's why she's no longer at blizzard"
Meme - LearningTheLaw @Mangalawyer: "Video Game CEOs are saying the part out loud. Notice she didn't say white females? This is not funny anymore man, it's actually quite concerning."
TheQuartering on X - "Former blizzard developer bragging her new game features no white male characters. Hey, that's totally fine but since "representation matters" I am told, I guess I just don't see myself in this game so I won't be buying it."
Steph Anie on X - "Preaching about the importance of inclusivity while, at the same time happily acknowledging that you knowingly EXCLUDED a certain demographic of people is not a good look🤭"

Vara Dark on X - "Bragging about your racism isn’t a good look. Imagine if someone replaced white with black in that sentence. It would be just as awful. 🤢"
Grromasz on X - "There's a difference between "Our game features a tight sisterhood" vs "Our game has no white males, suck it guys!". The tweet is seeping with malice."

Meme - RichardRatBoy @RichardRatBoy1: "Romeo and Juliet: Tom Holland is supposed to kill himself because he can't have her"

Libs of TikTok on X - "WOW. One of Canada’s top medical schools @QueensUHealth  has announced they will discriminate against White people.  They have a special program called QuARMS which is an “Accelerated Route to Medical School” and the qualifications are you must be Black or Indigenous.  White people have to go through medical school the regular way."

Zeek Arkham 🇺🇸 on X - "Dear Black folks,
A story about Japanese people, based in Japan, with Japanese-speaking actors, is probably not going to have a whole lot of Black folks running around.  Listen… I’m a huge fan of Afro Samurai. If they ever make a live-action one, I’d love to be in it, but this ain’t it.  This is why people hate DEI. It turns certain folks into whiny crybabies.  Remember when y’all cheered because Black Panther had nothing but Black folks in it? Keep that same energy.
Clearly an Oreo with internalised white supremacy

AmyLouWho on X - "Try watching some Thor. How many black and Asians would realistically be in Asgard? Just saying. A Norwegian mythology has a ton of diversity, whereas Wakanda had none. No Scandinavian representation at all🤷‍♀️"
micrometer on X - "Diversity only goes one way"

JL on X - "@ZeekArkham They simultaneously complain about Resident Evil 5 being set in Africa and having African zombies."
Black Zombie Lives Matter: Resident Evil 5 is "Too Racist to Remake" - YouTube - "IGN's Newest Video "The Resident Evil Game That Can't Be Remade" is an unnecessary trip down memory lane of games journalists' obsession with trying to claim that Resident Evil 5 is a Racist game because there are Black Zombies in Africa. IGN even went as far as to claim that Resident Evil 5 Remake should not even be a thing unless they completely rewrite the game from the ground up for a modern gaming audience in a "post BLM world". Not only did IGN originally give their RE5 review a score of 9/10, they even admitted back in 2009 that they "didn't find Resident Evil 5 to have an overtly racist feel" but now in 2024 they are once again digging up an old woke argument to score political brownie points and prove how virtuous they are. This video is a complete joke and goes to show you that the type of people who find games like Resident Evil 5 to be "racist" are usually the most racist ones themselves."
Grievance mongers are never satisfied

Whitney Alese on X - "Just so we are clear:
and now DEI are just replacements for the N Word."
Jay’V on X - "Why must black people identify with these terms?"

Meme - Carl Gerhard Busch: "I'm a senior manager for a large organisation. I'm a hiring manager and before that I was a union shop steward for over a decade. My degree is in Professional Management and I won professional awards while obtaining it. In short, I've likely forgotten more about DEI than whoever the fuck Jay Lieras is, has ever known. It sucks! Wanna see a case of it in action? Research Furlong v The Chief Constable of Cheshire Police; and remember, it might only be one case, but these were NPCC approved recruitment processes. That means 43 individual forces across the entire country, doing the same illegal shit, to thousands of applicants daily, all in the name of precious DEI. OP doesn't know his arse from his elbow."
Clearly, DEI is just what conservatives use as the modern "nigger"

UT-Austin defunds all DEI programs, reportedly fires 60 DEI employees - "funding used to support DEI across campus prior to SB 17’s effective date will be redeployed to support teaching and research... The new law also bans “ideological oaths,” or DEI statements, for hiring and enrollment... The groups’ letter said they will ‘continue to accumulate information to address what we believe to be potential attacks on First Amendment Freedoms.'”"
Using university money for teaching and research. What a waste of money! And clearly not requiring staff to swear political oaths means you're not a decent human being
If you don't let public funds be used to promote a political agenda, this violates the First Amendment

Meme - Memology 101 @NewsM101: "On the left, you have the screenwriter of 2 of the Batman Arkham games, writer of the 90's Batman series, and co-creator of Harley Queen.   On the right, you have 2 writers of Suicide Squad: KTJL, one of them being the CEO of Sweet Baby Inc.  It all makes sense now."
Peter Pischke-Friendly Neighborhood Journo on X - "I was going to dunk on this but if you look up the IMBD, the op is correct most of the credits are first or second-time writers & all have written on projects primarily featuring stories about brave POCs I'd link but X punishes that; so go to IMDB"
Clearly, DEI doesn't mean unqualified people get jobs, since you just need to be sufficiently qualified

Meme - Grummz @Grummz: "Former Sweet Baby Inc. dev claims it was all misinformation. Claims she doesn't hate white people. Immediately get's called out by ex-friend and co-dev on her Validate game. Sweet Baby Inc. is full of racists. Nobody in MSM reports this. I feel really bad for the artist. Imagine getting your work altered to carry a hate message against your wishes."
Negron The Malevolent...: "Dani, you used to be a very good friend to me. But you have stopped taking accountability and being careful with how you navigate public online spaces. That is to say, you are not careful with your wording and how you go about spreading a certain message. I don't believe it is true when you say you want your team to be safe. You have failed to do so with us, your first group. You put "fuck white people" on the graphic of the character I designed and it put many to all of us in jeopardy. I was being stalked and would have episodes-"
Disparu @disparutoo: "Interesting wording "you have stopped being careful about how you go around spreading a certain message" He doesn't take issue with the message. Just that people have decided they don't need to keep the mask one when pushing it."

BBC Gaming Presenter Jules Hardy Calls For Current Sweet Baby Inc. Discourse To End With A "Final Purge" Of Ideological Opponents From The Medium

Mainstream Media Calls For "Final Purge" Of Gamers Opposing Sweet Baby Inc - YouTube - "you want to purge real gamers in fa-, in favor of activists who can't hang in a multiplayer Lobby without having a meltdown or who can't navigate a singleplayer game without yellow paint shiny Ledges and the characters telling them what to do where... of course when you classify violence and aggression and harassment and things like that when it comes from people like Jules they basically mean anyone fairly criticizing them while also claiming legitimate harassment campaigns like that one led by a Sweet Baby Inc employee doesn't fall under these categories but looking... with Kotaku recently there was a new order from management that was requiring Kotaku contributors to focus more on game guides than political news type stories and of course one of the Editor in Chiefs would resign in response to that"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "At the #AlQudsDay rally in Dearborn, Mich. on April 6, extremist Muslims chanted for the death of the U.S. Attendees of the rally are supporters of Iranian state-sponsored terrorism. I suppose this is the diversity Mayor @AHammoudMI celebrates in his city."

Mexico City residents angered by influx of Americans speaking English, gentrifying area: report
Klaus Arminius on X - "Brown immigrants living in America, a White nation, complaining about White people moving to small parts of their brown countries. These people are hypocrites. All their talks of diversity being a “strength” is an excuse to take White countries."
I, Literally on X - "They're complaining about infinitesimal numbers of white people moving to corners of their 90% brown countries. Could it be 10,000 whites? 50,000? Vanishingly small numbers compare to the hordes of non-whites invading America."
Prufrock 🧃 on X - "Reminder that White Flight is when White people move out of an area because black and brown people are making it worse, whereas gentrification is when White people move into a black and brown area and make it better"

Ian Miles Cheong on X - "16-year-old Kaylee Gain was the victim of bullying. She was not the aggressor. Now she’s awake and talking but is unable to walk and has no memory of the savage attack that put her in hospital with severe brain injuries.   Following the attack, her attacker bragged about it , describing what she did to Kaylee as “calculated” and said she should join MMA or the WWE. The assailant’s family members insist that she was the victim, despite her much larger size compared to Kaylee.  Also worth noting that Kaylee is one of a handful of white students in her school, which is 99% black. Don’t tell me that Kaylee, who is white and petite in build was somehow bullying a much larger black girl.  That doesn’t add up."
Bheath1976 on X - "Since the Judicial system just opened the door on this: Let's make this a thing in America and now file charges against the parents that allowed a child to beat Kaylee Gain into a coma. The door has now been opened to anyone who commits violent acts!!"

Kaylee Gain's school pushed DEI over safety, has 'enormous culpability' in teen's vicious beating: Mo. AG - "The Missouri high school near where teen Kaylee Gain was horrifically injured last week had an “enormous amount of culpability” in the incident because it promoted diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives over student safety, the state’s Republican attorney general claimed.  “I think the school has an enormous amount of culpability. Look at their statement; there’s no moral clarity there. They don’t mention the victim once,” AG Andrew Bailey told Newsmax’s “National Report” of the Hazelwood School District.  Kaylee Gain, 16, was just a few blocks from Hazelwood East High School when she and another girl got into a physical fight on March 8. The caught-on-camera brawl ended with Gain being pinned down and having her head slammed into the pavement multiple times, resulting in brain bleeding and a serious skull fracture...   “In August of 2021, it was announced that the school was requiring the uniformed police officers who were in the schools to take the school district’s DEI training and the police agencies refused. They declined to do so. So, the schools booted them off campus,” Bailey alleged.  “In other words, [the school] are more in favor of racial divisiveness than in having school resource officers on their campuses,” Bailey insisted.  “So, what role did this radical divisive DEI indoctrination program play in preventing a police officer from being present and detecting this and/or from causing the racial divisiveness that may have motivated this fight?” he added... "if you drill down and you watch the actual assault itself, you see an attacker who repeatedly bludgeons the victim’s head against the hard pavement, clearly intending to inflict serious physical injury"...   Hazelwood East High school serves over 1,200 students — about 98% of whom identify as minorities"

Report: Kaylee Gain’s High School Refuses To Give Records To Missouri Attorney General

LittleMrsVirgo @Nyekim_: Fuck Kaylee tbh. Im tired of hearing about this shit. She shouldve kept her hands to herself.
Mike Baggz: The way she beat her ass, definetly black excellence
LYNN, @slxtforfemales: disrespectfully, fuck kaylee"

Meme - "I'm proud to be an Haradrim"
"Of course"
"I'm proud to be an Easterling"
"Right on"
"I'm proud to be a Gondorian"
"Fucking nazi"

RIP, Richard Bilkszto, a Toronto Educator Who Stood up to Woke Bullying—and Paid the Price
Carolyn Burjoski on X - "These "training" workshops are often toxic. Those who have endured these sessions know exactly why Richard suffered & why participants don't feel safe. Let's honour Richard's legacy by standing with people who are willing to speak up. @TDSB #WRDSB #OCDSB"
Steve Spisak on X - "I was in a four part session with the Kojo institute. I never spoke up. I saw Ms. Ojo tear into anyone who was white and asked a question. I can learn by watching not experiencing, so I realized questions that did not exactly match the narrative would be torn apart, viciously."

Meme - James Lindsay, full varsity @ConceptuaUames: "This is the state of things with laws attempting to ban DEl, etc. The demons just laugh and work around it because legislation will always be too clumsy to keep up with activism. Legislation needs to create smart rights to action. Meanwhile, stop hiring college graduates."
"We just passed a anti-dei law for universities. I work with universities and they are laughing at the bill because they figured out they can just not call their programs dei and they are working within the law. I work in education preparation with our universities and the indoctrination that our upcoming new teachers are facing is concerning. Be on the lookout for "trauma informed teaching""
Somechick @Somechick1787: "Do you know which state this screenshot is from?"
James Lindsay, full varsity @ConceptuaUames: "Utah."

Chris Brunet on X - "Now that Harvard is reversing course on ''holistic admissions'', it is worth holding accountable - or at least public shaming - the 16 expert economists who filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court attesting that Asian-American applicants have bad personalities:     Professor Susan Dynarsky (@dynarski )    Professor Harry Holzer (@HolzerHarry )    Professor Hilary Hoynes (@HilaryHoynes )     Professor Guido W. Imbens (@guido_imbens )    Professor Alan B. Krueger   Professor Helen F. Ladd   Professor David S. Lee   Professor Trevon D. Logan (@TrevonDLogan )    Professor Alexandre Mas (@AlexMasPton)    Professor Michael McPherson   Professor Jesse Rothstein (@rothstein_jesse )  Professor Cecilia Rouse (@CeciliaERouse )    Professor Robert M. Solow   Professor Lowell J. Taylor   Professor Sarah Turner (@turnersarahe )    Professor Douglas Webber (@dougwebberecon )   https://spia.princeton.edu/sites/default/"

Meme - NPC: "It doesn't matter what skin color hobbits and elves have, it's all make-belief, you nerd."
Normal person: "So if it doesn't matter, then you are cool with them all being white, right?"
NPC: *upset*
Clearly, it being make-believe means that the left can and must shove their agenda into everything

Claudine Gay will teach ‘reading and research’ in fall 2024 - "Harvard University’s former president who resigned after numerous plagiarism allegations is slated to teach a graduate level “Reading and Research” course this upcoming semester...   The leader of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni said the “circumstances” around both presidents and teaching “are quite different.”  “Although both of them disgraced themselves and higher education in their testimony to Congress, it was only Claudine Gay who will forever be under a cloud of academic misconduct,” President Michael Poliakoff said.  Plagiarism, Poliakoff said, whether committed by students or faculty “is such an egregious breach of ethics that the penalty for it is routinely long -term suspension or expulsion for students and termination for faculty.”  He questioned why Gay even rose to the presidency of Harvard, given her minimal academic work.   “Claudine Gay’s scholarly output is so slim as to raise the question of why she was ever elevated to such a level at Harvard,” Poliakoff said. “It seems utterly inappropriate for her to return to a tenured chair at Harvard, and for her to retain her outsize salary is an outrage to other citizens of the academy. The Harvard Corporation continues to bring shame upon itself.”"
Good luck to her students

Jamie Sarkonak: Zealous DEI commissars threaten integrity of Canada's medical profession - "some Canadian medical schools begin internalizing DEI in their student bodies before admissions are even decided. Following the death of George Floyd in the United States in 2020, for example, Queen’s University dean (and exiled Liberal MP) Jane Philpott limited the school’s accelerated-track admission pathway to Black and Indigenous students only, setting aside 10 per cent of her med school’s seats for those groups. “Our faculty aims to become a leader in Canada in cultural safety, anti-racism, anti-colonialism and anti-oppression in health professions education,” Philpott stated at the time. Now, Queen’s is planning to overhaul med school admissions to make it even more equitable. The term “anti-racism” usually doesn’t mean “being against racism,” but often instead amounts to “redirecting racism to level the playing field,” as characterized by notable anti-racist Ibram X. Kendi. “Anti-colonial” medicine, meanwhile, is rather oxymoronic, since the health professions, and modern medicine, are products of colonialism. There is no such thing as a pre-contact doctor, as that would require institutions for formal scholarly training and regulation — developments unique to the Old World. Nevertheless, med schools are increasingly taking it upon themselves to carry out DEI. The University of Calgary created a special admissions pathway for Black students, entitling applicants to have their admissions essays evaluated by non-white assessors. McGill , the University of Alberta and Dalhousie have all done the same. Similar routes are offered for Indigenous students. Not only is it toxic to assume that students will only be judged fairly by, or benefit from the positive bias of, a panel of their own race, it’s unfair not to extend the same process to everyone else. There is no Asian admission panel, or white admission panel. This is about providing unequal procedural advantages to certain people purely on the basis of their ancestry. By doing this, the schools are encouraging future professionals to do the same. The professorial side isn’t much better off, as med schools have their very own DEI committees that create administrative roles (read: promotion fuel) for academics with a penchant for identity Marxism. Physician-academics who believe in “white immunity,” the notion that Caucasians are “inoculated” against racial oppression, or complain that the term “chief” is problematically colonial, get an easy pathway into faculty governance by simply playing DEI hall monitor. The profs don’t escape the quota system, either. Funding sources like the Canada Research Chairs Program are beholden to strict racial and gender requirements, resulting in postings that explicitly exclude white men. The University of British Columbia’s current search for a spinal cord rehabilitation scholar isn’t open to white men, nor is the U of A’s opening for a clinician-scientist in medicine . Beyond that, whole medical schools have transparently committed themselves to activism, abandoning the pursuit of truth for a mission of identity-based handicapping. See the University of Toronto’s Temerty School of Medicine, which “is committed to the principles of allyship, with the acknowledgment that people in positions of privilege must be willing to align themselves in solidarity with marginalized groups.” The school has offered faculty seminars on social justice praxis and teaches a five-step coping mechanism for handling microaggressions. Identity politics don’t go away in the real world. Niche doctor groups demand that queer and trans-specific training are made mandatory in doctor education. Their ideas are mainstreamed in scholarly publishing: periodicals like the Canadian Medical Journal of Health even cover “greysexuality,” queer theory’s attempt at granting minority status to those “experiencing sexual attraction rarely or under specific circumstances.” Far-fetched ideas become best practices at the behest of professional associations like the Canadian Pediatric Society, which holds the “affirmation” model to be the standard of care for children who identify as transgender, despite acknowledging that cross-sex dysmorphia often goes away at puberty.Identity politics don’t go away in the real world. Niche doctor groups demand that queer and trans-specific training are made mandatory in doctor education. Their ideas are mainstreamed in scholarly publishing: periodicals like the Canadian Medical Journal of Health even cover “greysexuality,” queer theory’s attempt at granting minority status to those “experiencing sexual attraction rarely or under specific circumstances.” Far-fetched ideas become best practices at the behest of professional associations like the Canadian Pediatric Society, which holds the “affirmation” model to be the standard of care for children who identify as transgender, despite acknowledging that cross-sex dysmorphia often goes away at puberty. It’s even directly embedded into provincial health authorities. Alberta Health Services (AHS) developed an extensive DEI bureaucracy of practitioners, councils and committees, an “anti-racism advisory group,” as well as identity-based employee clubs (formally titled “workforce resource groups”)... It doesn’t take much for the diversity committees of the last decade to metastasize and start infusing oppressor-oppressed struggle logic into every rung of the org chart. Upstream from medicine is public health, which has also turned DEI from policy sideshow into policy centrepiece in recent years, particularly in B.C. and at the federal level. The next place DEI intends to colonize is the foundational set of themes that underpin physician training in Canada, the CanMEDS framework... Wondering where all this goes? Look to New Zealand, a fellow British colony that has taken to reconciling with extreme self-flagellatory policies. In 2023, some of the island nation’s hospitals began prioritizing Indigenous Māori and Pacific patients on elective surgery wait lists on the basis of race. “It’s ethically challenging to treat anyone based on race, it’s their medical condition that must establish the urgency of the treatment,” one anonymous doctor told the New Zealand Herald."

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