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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Links - 30th April 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

James Lindsay, full varsity on X - "Biden declares Easter a "trans day of visibility." This fits perfectly if you actually read the Woke literature and accept that the Democratic Party is completely captured. See Freire explaining that the true Easter is the rebirth into critical consciousness. Woke is a cult."

Philip Melanchthon Wegmann on X - ""I didn’t do that," Biden said when asked about proclaiming Easter Sunday 'trans day of visibility." Asked about Speaker Johnson's claim otherwise, the president replied, "he’s thoroughly uninformed.""
Quan Wick on X- "Either his staff is speaking for him, which is a problem, or he doesnt remember what he said yesterday, which is an even bigger problem"

Miles Smith IV on X - ""The trans announcement isnt tied to Easter" says the White House trans announcement with an Easter Bunny in the logo."

Thread by @jarvis_best on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "A lot of people are upset with Biden for declaring Easter to be Trans Day of Visibility, but to be fair, the date of was selected only because the LGBCalendar was already rather full.  The Trans Day of Visibility is March 31. Do not confuse this with the Trans Day of Remembrance, which is November 20. We must also take care to honor Transgender Parent Day (Nov 6) Trans Awareness Week (Nov 13-19) and International Pronoun Day (Oct 20).  Trans is distinct from drag. International Drag Day is July 16. But not everyone even HAS a gender to trans. Agender Pride Day is May 19. Intersex Awareness Day is Oct 26.  You can come out as any of these on National Coming Out Day, which is October 11. Omnisexual Visibility Day is July 6 so mark your calendar for that. Bisexual Awareness Week ends on September 22 but jumps right into Bisexual Visibility Day which is September 23. July 14 is International Non-Binary Day right in the middle of Non-Binary Awareness Week (July 11-17).  My personal favorite is Gay Uncle Day, August 14. Aromantic folkx cannot be easily categorized because there are a lot of different TYPES of Aromantic people. Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week is Feb 20-26.  Asexuality is not the same as Aromanticism, so it gets its own day, which is April 6. Speaking of April, we can’t forget the ladies! International Lesbian Visibility Day is April 26. Harvey Milk Day is May 22, and Stonewall Riots Day is June 28. Pansexuality is widely misunderstood so it gets a few days - Pansexuality and Panromantic Visibility Day is May 24, but don’t forget Pansexual Pride Day, which is December 8.  Spirit Day is October 21 but I can’t remember what that’s for. A lot of people confuse Pride Month (June) with LGBT History Month (October). We must observe both though, as well as Bisexual Health Awareness Month (March), and Trans Awareness Month (November). Human Rights Day is December 10 and World AIDS Day December 1. Don’t confuse either of these with HIV Survivors Day, which is June 5. May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. You should also not be hateful on March 1, which is Zero Discrimination Day.  Discrimination is DEFINITELY not OK on the International Day of Silence, which is April 22. So in sum, while Christians might be bent out of shape about Biden taking over Easter, you see that his hands were tied.  To be frank, Christians were being a bit greedy demanding two days - Easter and Christmas - to celebrate their guy. You’re not really leaving enough days on the calendar for the powerless and marginalized folks who never get enough attention."
You can't run away from trans people because elites keep shoving them in front of everyone's faces, but of course they need even more representation and visibility

Gad Saad on X - "My inside sources have told me that @joebiden  will shortly be announcing that July 4th will officially be known as Islamic Day of Remembrance and Peace.   On a related note, @justintrudeau  will shortly announce that July 1 will soon become Transgender Indigenous Day of Carbon Tax."

Meme - "After Trans Visibility day is over, do they just disappear?"

Most gender-confused children grow out of it, landmark 15-year study concludes - as critics say it shows being trans is usually just a phase for kids - "The majority of gender-confused children grow out of that feeling by the time they are fully grown adults, according to a long-term study. Researchers in the Netherlands tracked more than 2,700 children from age 11 to their mid-twenties, asking them every three years of feelings about their gender. Results showed at the start of the research, around one-in-10 children (11 percent) expressed 'gender non-contentedness' to varying degrees. But by age 25, just one-in-25 (4 percent) said they 'often' or 'sometimes' were discontent with their gender.  The researchers concluded: 'The results of the current study might help adolescents to realize that it is normal to have some doubts about one’s identity and one’s gender identity during this age period and that this is also relatively common.' It comes amid a massive boom in transgender children receiving drugs to change their gender in the US - as critics say doctors and parents are not challenging young people enough...  'This study provides even more reason to be skeptical towards aggressive steps to facilitate gender transition in childhood and adolescence.   'The fact that rates of satisfaction are lower even just a few years later suggests that for the vast majority of people, prudence and caution, rather than a rush towards permanent surgeries or hormone therapies, will be the best approach for teenagers struggling to make sense of the world and their place in it.   'As such, policies that prohibit gender transition for minors make a great deal of sense.'... females were more likely to report being unhappy with their gender and both increasing and decreasing 'non-contentedness' were associated with lower self-reported self worth, more behavioral problems and an increase in emotional struggles.   The authors said: 'Gender non-contentedness, while being relatively common during early adolescence, in general decreases with age and appears to be associated with a poorer self-concept and mental health throughout development.'...  'As anyone who has ever been a teenager knows, puberty and its aftereffects can be a confusing time of hormonal surges, physical changes, and social insecurity.   'It isn't surprising that the highest rates of being dissatisfied in one's body would peak during this time.'  Rates of gender dysphoria, a clinical diagnosis by a healthcare professional that differs from gender non contentedness, have soared in every US state except one since 2018 - with the average age of diagnosis trending younger. An analysis of insurance claims conducted by Komodo Health Inc found between 2017 and 2021, approximately 121,880 children aged six to 17 years old were diagnosed with the condition.     In 2021, 42,000 were given the diagnosis, a 70 percent increase from 2020.   And children under 18 years old now make up one-fifth of new diagnoses each year.   In the United States, 1.6million people ages 13 and older identify as transgender... the report also found the number of sex change surgeries being carried out each year is rising rapidly - climbing by up to 40 percent in some years... In The Netherlands, debate over the issue has ramped up as more Dutch experts have voiced their concerns over the potential adverse effects of puberty blockers and hormonal therapies for minors who wish to transition... Dr Jay Richards, director of the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family, told DailyMail.com: 'We’ve known for over a decade that most kids who experience distress with their sexed bodies resolve those feelings after they pass through natural puberty.   'Indeed, we can infer from the DSM 5 [2013] and other sources that as many as 88 percent of gender-dysphoric girls and as many as 98 percent of gender-dysphoric boys in previous generations desisted if allowed to go through natural puberty.   'These two facts make it clear why “gender-affirming care” on minors is such an outrage. It leads, in the end, to sterilization and in many cases to a complete loss of natural sexual function.   'There is no good evidence that this helps minors long term. Moreover, it medicalizes what could very well be temporary psychological symptoms.  'History will judge this medicalized “gender-affirming care” on minors as we now judge eugenics and lobotomies.'"
Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Trans kids know who they are!

Violent Transgender "Vampire" Convicted Of Sexually Assaulting Cognitively Disabled Teen Girl - "A serial sex offender has been convicted of assaulting a disabled teen girl in Wisconsin. Adam Hetke, who identifies as a female vampire named Sabrina, has a lengthy criminal history involving multiple sex offenses against women and outstanding charges related to a homicide.  Hetke, 35, was charged in July of 2021 with first-degree sexual assault by threatening the use of a dangerous weapon and second-degree sexual assault of a mentally ill victim. The assault occurred in Waukesha, and involved a 16-year-old cognitively disabled girl Hetke had met at a local gas station...   Hetke is a registered sex offender in the state of Wisconsin, dating back to a 2007 conviction for second degree sexual assault...   According to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry, Hetke goes by a number of aliases including: Sabrina, Morrigan, Black Dragon, White Chocolate, Katie, and Andre."

Labour council threatens to impose £2,500 fine on pensioner, 68, who stuck gender critical posters on her OWN front door - "A pensioner has been threatened with a hefty fine by council bureaucrats over gender-critical posters she fixed to her front door.  Una-Jane Winfield, 68, was handed a Community Protection Notice (CPN) after complaints she was displaying 'transphobic' and 'graphic' posters.  She faces prosecution and a £2,500 fine by Labour-run Hammersmith and Fulham Council over the small images and letters on the entrance to her west London home. The posters include an A4 photograph of a women with the scars from breast removal surgery, similar to images which have been used in mainstream advertising campaigns. It is alongside an advert for the book Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality by Helen Joyce.  The door also has an image from documentary film Adult Human Female and an anonymous handwritten letter supporting Ms Winfield's gender-critical views... Ms Winfield said she believed she was singled out in what constituted a political attack for supporting women's rights. She added: 'The police came to have a look at my door on two separate occasions. 'Thankfully they understood that expression of gender-critical views is protected under the law. But the council has ignored the police.  'In a letter I was told my 'persistent and continuing conduct' was having a 'detrimental effect on the public and the LGBT community'. I've become pretty well-known for my campaigning and have never had an issue with the council until now.  'From 2012 to 2019 I had posters up trying to save Charing Cross Hospital. I've also pinned up messages objecting to local planning applications. The complaints about this display are clearly political.  'The poster is a very powerful image of girls whose bodies have been irreversibly changed by having surgery to remove their breasts.  'At some point, they have been told this would somehow change their sex. That logic doesn't bear scrutiny, such a change is impossible.'  Ms Winfield said she felt 'a duty to speak' out on the debate around trans rights and women's rights but the council had attempted to gag her from expressing her opinions. Hammersmith and Fulham Council has previously boasted of plans to be 'the most inclusive borough in the country'.  The authority's equality, diversity and inclusion policy states it measures performance using Stonewall's Workplace Index. Stonewall has been accused of using its rankings to lobby for trans rights, rewarding companies with higher ratings.  Ms Winfield claimed the council had set a double standard and inclusivity drives risked marginalising women and those who believed in biological sex.  She added: 'I've had around a dozen people knocking on my door to chat about the issues and most have been in agreement with me.'... A Hammersmith and Fulham Council spokesman said: 'We have received eight complaints about these provocative and graphic posters featuring nudity prominently displayed on a very busy public section of walkway in plain view."
Ironic. By TRA logic, biological women who transition become men. Displays of men's bare chests should be uncontroversial. So the Labour Council is being transphobic by claiming that transmen are women. Plus, nudity per se is not illegal in the UK

Why 'sex assigned at birth' is problematic and unscientific (aka "Sex and gender: The medical establishment’s reluctance to speak honestly about biological reality") - "The American Medical Association says that the word “sex” — as in male or female — is problematic and outdated; we should all now use the “more precise” phrase “sex assigned at birth.” The American Psychological Association concurs: Terms like “birth sex” and “natal sex” are “disparaging” and misleadingly “imply that sex is an immutable characteristic.” The American Academy of Pediatrics is on board too: “sex,” it declares, is “an assignment that is made at birth.” And now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urge us to say “assigned male/female at birth” or “designated male/female at birth” instead of “biologically male/female” or “genetically male/female.” Advocates defend this lexical revision, both on purported scientific grounds and because the traditional terminology of male and female is said to undermine “inclusivity” and “equity.” But these justifications do not hold water. And the medical associations’ newspeak twists simple scientific facts beyond recognition.  Nearly all animals, as well as many plants, reproduce sexually. In all sexually reproducing species this occurs by combining a large gamete, called an ovum — or egg — with a small gamete, called a sperm. Though some hermaphrodite plants and animals produce both ova and sperm, there are no mammalian species that do. In mammals, each individual produces only one kind of gamete. Those individuals that produce (relatively few) ova are called female; those that produce (large numbers of) sperm are called male. Whether a mammal embryo develops into a male or a female is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes: XX for females, XY for males. In short, sex in all animals is defined by gamete size; sex in all mammals is determined by sex chromosomes; and there are two and only two sexes: male and female. All this is, of course, hardly news: It has been known for over a century, and it is basic stuff from any half-decent high school course in biology. For sure, quirks of mutation or prenatal development may leave some individuals unable to produce viable gametes at all. But an infertile individual with a Y chromosome is still male, just as a one-legged person remains a full member of our bipedal species. Much is speciously made of the fact that a very few humans are born with chromosomal patterns other than XX and XY. The most common, Klinefelter syndrome with XXY chromosomes, occurs in about 0.1 percent of live births; these individuals are anatomically male, though often infertile. Some extremely rare conditions, such as de la Chapelle syndrome (0.003 percent) and Swyer syndrome (0.0005 percent), arguably fall outside the standard male/female classification. Even so, the sexual divide is an exceedingly clear binary, as binary as any distinction you can find in biology... A baby’s name is assigned at birth; no one doubts that. But a baby’s sex is not “assigned”; it is determined at conception and is then observed at birth, first by examination of the external genital organs and then, in cases of doubt, by chromosomal analysis. Of course, any observation can be erroneous, and in rare cases the sex reported on the birth certificate is inaccurate and needs to be subsequently corrected. But the fallibility of observation does not change the fact that what is being observed — a person’s sex — is an objective biological reality, just like their blood group or fingerprint pattern, not something that is “assigned.” The medical associations’ pronouncements are social constructionism gone amok. Sex is a fundamental feature of the human species; it is a key variable in psychology, sociology, and public policy. Worldwide, men commit the vast majority of homicides; women are far more likely than men to be single parents. While these distinctions are statistical, not absolute, they matter. Our public discourse becomes impoverished and distorted if we are unable to speak and write straightforwardly about sex. And nowhere is this loss clearer than in medicine. For decades, feminists have protested against the neglect of sex as a variable in medical diagnosis and treatment, and the tacit assumption that women’s bodies react similarly to men’s bodies. Two years ago, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet finally acknowledged this criticism, but the editors apparently could not bring themselves to use the word “women.” Instead the journal’s cover proclaimed: “Historically, the anatomy and physiology of bodies with vaginas have been neglected.” But now even this double-edged concession may be lost, as the denial of biological sex threatens to undermine the training of future doctors... Protecting transgender people from discrimination and harassment does not require pretending that sex is merely “assigned.”  It is never justified to distort the facts in the service of a social or political cause, no matter how just. If the cause is truly just, then it can be defended in full acceptance of the facts about the real world.  And when an organization that proclaims itself scientific distorts the scientific facts in the service of a social cause, it undermines not only its own credibility but that of science generally. How can the public be expected to trust the medical establishment’s declarations on other controversial issues, such as vaccines — issues on which the medical consensus is indeed correct — when it has so visibly and blatantly misstated the facts about something so simple as sex?"
Weird how all the professional organisations didn't get the memo that sex and gender are different and anyway who thinks they're the same is ignorant
All the TRAs are going to accuse Richard Dawkins of not understanding "advanced biology"

NHS to discourage 'social transitioning' of gender questioning children - "Health chiefs say 'social transitioning' should be no longer be viewed as a 'neutral act' due to the significant effects it may have on a child's psychology... NHS England's draft approach calls on clinicians to recognise most cases of 'gender incongruence' in children are just a phase."
From Affirmation to Caution: The U.K.’s new approach to treating gender dysphoric youth - "Recent research shows social transition seems to increase the likelihood of medicalization later... What will it take for the U.S. to follow the U.K.’s lead? Our healthcare system is so different that it’s a difficult question to answer. Countries with socialized medicine have no financial incentive to continue this kind of care, while in the U.S., the gender surgery market is “expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.23% from 2022 to 2030,” per one market research company. More than twenty-five American medical associations (which are not nonpartisan) have endorsed the affirmative approach the U.K. has now rejected. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, which creates standards of care for “gender diverse” people, have refused to do the kinds of systematic evidence reviews that the U.K., Sweden, Finland and the state of Florida have all done, which led to policy changes. Each came to the same conclusion: the quality of evidence was so low that these medical interventions couldn’t be deemed medically necessary. Here, we tout the same evidence as showing life-saving benefits, not uncertainty."
From 2022

Meme lenny_frog Instagram: "I'm going to rip your vocal cords out and laugh as you try to scream. I'm going to break all your fingers so you can't be a transphobic freak on any social. I will cut your torso open and break all your ribs then pull your lungs out and put bird seed food on them and just watch the birds peck at your lungs. No matter how hard you scream no one will hear you. I will have a cage of rats on your head and hear the top so the rats eat into your brain. Fucking slag, if I see you irl it's on sight"
What a victimised minority subject to violence and needing more protection. Of course, left wing logic is that the violence of the "oppressed" cannot be compared to the violence of the "oppressor"

Meme - 🙏🌧🌍 @godblesstoto: "Quick explanation: She’s a straight woman who thinks she’s a gay man, so she doesn’t want to sleep with another woman who thinks she’s a gay man because as a straight woman she doesn’t like fannies."
TransHomophobia @TransHomophobes: "Not having sex with trans people because they’re not the sex you’re attracted to is transphobic, unless you’re trans."
max127 @slushielee: "i'm a gay trans guy & sex matters to me. thinking about dating a trans guy with the same parts as me makes me super uncomfortable, so no. but obviously i agree with the second half of this tweet. i mean, i'm also closeted & am dating a cis man so there's that."
Taeyong best boy and Reprod...: "I dont get it. If you are gay how dating someone with the same body parts as you makes you uncomfortable?"
max127 @slushielee: "i'm gay, i like men. i'm attracted to cis men because they have a penis. not saying trans men aren't men, cause hello i'm one. but being with someone who has the same parts as me would make me uncomfortable."

Meme - The Eternal Penellope @SteampunkPenny: "Helped get a trans sister out of a very terrible situation tonight. Everyone is ok and she is getting some much needed food and rest. Nights like this remind me of why we are here and why it's so important. *MTFs [?] in car with rifles and tactical gear*"

President Biden on X - "Women in sports continue to push new boundaries and inspire us all. But right now we're seeing that even if you're the best, women are not paid their fair share. It’s time that we give our daughters the same opportunities as our sons and ensure women are paid what they deserve."
Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸 on X - "Women in sports get paid fair. They get paid fair everywhere in the U.S. based on the quality of the work they do and demand for it. However, women’s sports are under attack by gender ideology. Men who pretend to be women are cheating and ruining women’s sports. See below."

Prisha 🦎 on X - "Transition ruins lives. It ruined mine.  Transition ruined my health. Transition destroyed my endocrine system. Transition ruined my liver. Transition made me think I was infertile. Transition took away and incinerated my healthy breasts - and transition stole food from my baby. Transition gave me a high risk and very difficult pregnancy. Transition risks the health of my son.   Transition ruined my beauty. Transition took away the natural texture of my hair, and anything normal about the hair growth on my body. Transition ruined my insulin production and pancreas and took away my ability to control my weight and my body. Transition put me in chronic pain. Transition made me into someone who needs daily medication. Transition keeps me on a medical leash.   Transition ruined many of my relationships. Transition ruined my ability to trust medical professionals. Transition made it harder to reach out for medical help. Transition broke my parents' hearts.   Transition ruined my sexuality. Transition ruined sex itself. Transition ruined my ability to have normal sexual intimacy.   Transition ruined my opportunities. I can't do as much because of the pain and frequent need for help and assistance. Transition maked it harder to explain myself, and why I look the way I do, and why I'm legally a man with a manly name when interacting with such customer service workers and etc."

NHS-funded clinic is promoting prostitution as a way for trans people to pay for their treatment - "Being a sex worker ‘can be useful and sometimes empowering’, according to a guide produced by CliniQ, a sexual counselling service for transgender people at King’s College Hospital in London. It adds: ‘It can help us pay for parts of our transition.’  The booklet by CliniQ, which is part-funded by King’s College NHS Trust and three London local authorities, also suggests that transgender men – people born in female bodies but transitioning to male – can hide the fact that they are trans when visiting gay sex parties. Entitled Cruising: A Trans Guy’s Guide To The Gay Sex Scene, it advises readers to circumvent men-only restrictions at gay saunas by only performing sex acts ‘without others seeing your genitals’. Experts warned doing so would be committing the crime of sex by deception. The pamphlet, which features crude sexual language including 22 uses of the words ‘f***’ and ‘f******’ in its 44 pages, focuses extensively on extreme sex acts, including sadomasochism and bondage.  ‘Sex in public spaces is legal, so long as other members of the public cannot see you,’ it states. ‘Or so long as it is unlikely someone will come across you having sex. For example, having sex in a quiet woodland, away from the road or path, late at night.’  Despite being targeted at pre-operative trans men – many of whom are in their late teens and early 20s – the booklet makes only a fleeting reference to pregnancy."

Stonewall on X - "Research suggests that children as young as 2 recognise their trans identity. Yet, many nurseries and schools teach a binary understanding of pre-assigned gender. LGBTQ-inclusive and affirming education is crucial for the wellbeing of all young people! 🌈"
Amazing, going after such young kids.

Thread by @berk_hamstead on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The myth of the "trans community".  The trans community is not a coherent community at all. It is an inexplicably broad demographic containing both vulnerable and dangerous people. Here's my attempt to classify the various groups. A 🧵
Trans children. An entirely coerced, mythical group of under 18s. These children cannot possibly understand nor consent to this, and shouldn't be affirmed. Tales of two year old trans children are absurd and dangerous. This is profound child abuse and must end immediately.
Straight trans ID'd girls. A demographic of teenage girls terrified by modern culture's toxic projection of womanhood. @HadleyFreeman has written compassionately about this cohort many times.
Young lesbians identifying as trans - teenage girls dealing with relentless homophobia and misogyny, mistaken in their belief that they can transition into heterosexuality. This is a very sad logic. Here's Dr Elizabeth Van Horn,Consultant Psychiatrist at the now closed GIDS admitting she's no idea where this huge demographic of young girls came from. A total dereliction of duty.
Gay men who are now trans. Activists insist that they're now straight women. These men are at risk of medical interventions that profoundly harm their fertility and sexual function, not to mention their chances of finding a partner.
Lesbians who identify as trans men. Women who have somehow concluded that they're simply too butch to be women. These women are equally at risk of medical interventions that would harm their fertility & sexual function, and can cause early menopause.
We now move on to the far more dangerous players in the "community".
The cross dresser. Typically a straight male, often married with children, doing it purely for sexual gratification. Those seeking to act it out in public, in stealth, like "Jennifer" here, are a danger to women and girls. These men relish invading women's spaces.
The male "lesbian". A straight homophobic predatory male who believes his trans status makes it acceptable to hound lesbians for sex.
The female "gay man". A straight homophobic woman who fantasises about sleeping with gay men. Activists can often be seen celebrating these women. This profoundly homophobic notion of sex-by-deception in gay saunas is endorsed and promoted by groups like @Clini_Q and people like @stephenwhittle
The child catcher. The straight cross dresser who seeks to encourage other people's children to transition via treatment now outlawed by @thecassreview. These people are a clear danger to children. What motivates these men to do this?
A variant of this is the absurd transwoman, who solely blames puberty for his bizarre appearance. This is then used to justify stunting the growth of children using puberty blockers. What exactly is he imagining here?
The opportunistic, predatory criminal. These people will exploit self ID loopholes promoted by @stonewalluk and @ScottishTrans in order to terrorise women. Those orgs will insist that even male rapists are women because self ID is sacrosanct in their ideology.
The non-binary. The most middle-class, meaningless gender identity. Typically this means a woman with short hair. To imply that these people are oppressed is absurd and offensive. This is the epitome of luxury beliefs. Predictably, @guardian made a video about them.
I struggle to comprehend how LGBTQ+ charities can possibly claim to represent the interests of such an utterly incoherent group. "Trans rights are human rights" is a vacuous slogan that shields some truly toxic groups. The cohorts in posts 2-7 contain men, women and children who have clearly been harmed by an ideology's malign influence on our institutions.  It's imperative that these people receive compassionate support from groups outside of the reckless trans movement."

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