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Saturday, May 04, 2024

Links - 4th May 2024 (1 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023: College Campuses)

Iranian professor makes chilling prediction about American college students after pro-Palestine rioting: 'These are our people' - "An Iranian academic claims pro-Palestine protesters that have taken over American universities would support Iran in a war with the US. Tehran University Professor Foad Izadi who was educated in America, declared 'these are our people' in an interview with Iranian state TV station IRIB Ofogh on April 26. He said Iran's brutal Islamic dictatorship, which he he claimed to be part of, was cheering on the protests from coast to coast in the US... Izadi also claimed in the interview, translated and posted online by the Middle East Research Institute, that Iran had Hezbollah-like militant cells hiding in the US... Izadi claimed Iran it could do more damage to the US with an armed militant group than it did in Lebanon, where Hezbollah has caused chaos for decades. 'Personally, I think that the potential to repeat in the US what Iran did in Lebanon is much higher,' he said. 'Our Hezbollah-style groups in America are much larger than what we have in Lebanon. 'American is the Great Satan and our main enemy, but we have hope in these areas.'"

NYPD ripped down Palestinian flag at City College and hoisted Old Glory - as cops arrest pro-Palestinian protesters who smashed their way into Columbia University building - "New York City cops ripped down a Palestine flag that had been hoisted above City College and replaced it with the American flag, after officers arrested nearly 300 people in a night of chaos on campuses throughout the city... 173 people were arrested from City College, in Harlem, while 119 were arrested at Columbia on charges of trespassing, criminal mischief and burglary. Hundreds of officers stormed Columbia, with officers going through an upstairs window of Hamilton Hall, after students barricaded themselves inside. Protestors, many of whom covered their faces with masks or keffiyehs, were then marched out unmasked and loaded onto three awaiting NYPD buses. Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday morning, Mayor Eric Adams berated the schools for allowing the flying of the flag... Adams said that one person identified by authorities was 'married to someone that was arrested for terrorism' but would not elaborate further when questioned. During a press conference, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban showed off one of the chains used to secure Hamilton Hall, saying it explained why it was necessary for police to storm the building. In a statement released on Wednesday afternoon directed at the University community, President Shafik praised the NYPD. Shafik said: 'Early Tuesday morning, tensions on our campus rose to new heights when a small group of protestors broke into Hamilton Hall, barricaded themselves inside, and occupied it throughout the day... As the buses left the scene crowds that had gathered to watch cheered as the protestors were finally led away from the university. The NYPD said that those who occupied Hamilton Hall would be charged with third-degree burglary, criminal mischief and trespassing. Those who had been camped out on the lawn at the university meanwhile would face trespassing and disorderly conduct charges... Pictures and video taken of the aftermath show the hall's trashed interior strewn with activists' belongings. Pictures show how chairs and desks had been turned upside down to become makeshift barriers inside Hamilton Hall. The cost of damage to the building is likely to total thousands of dollars. The occupation followed weeks of unrest at Columbia, which began with the establishment of the encampment on April 17."
We are still told that left wingers don't hate their countries
Given how radical many of the students are, blaming this all on "outside agitators" is just a way to save face
More "censorship" of "pro-Palestinian" "speech"!

Who's really behind the campus protests? Expensive tents, giant banners and adult agitators who have nothing to do with the schools where they're causing anarchy make expert think the uproar in America is a 'professional job' - "Organized encampments have appeared across the country's most respected universities after first showing up at Columbia in New York City. Violent clashes between protesters and police have followed at various schools including UCLA and the University of Texas at Austin. Many have pointed fingers at a company called Crowds on Demand, which provides paid protesters as a service, accusing it of hiring left-wing agitators to manufacture the movement... CEO Adam Swart denied that his company has any involvement with the protests, and has actually denied requests from both sides... While his company is not taking the jobs, Swart believes someone is, because as an expert on this type of operation, he recognizes the telltale signs pointing to big money behind a cause, like similar tents and expensive banners seen at Columbia University over the last week. 'I do, to be clear, think there is money behind the pro-Palestine protests - 100 percent. I'm just saying we're staying out of it,' he said. Swart said it's possible for tax-exempt advocacy organizations to not disclose their donors, and thus anyone could be funding their causes, opening the door to enemy foreign powers like China or Russia to sow discord in the US... The People's Forum, a tax-exempt advocacy group who often hosts propaganda events for the regimes of countries like Venezuela and Cuba, has been accused of being behind the Columbia protests. The Washington Free Beacon reports the group, which has received $12million from Goldman Sachs, may have provided materials for the so-called occupation of Hamilton Hall. Over 100 masked activists met at the group's Manhattan headquarters, a base for all kinds of leftist activism, to plan their moves on Monday, participating in breakout sessions that taught 'resistance' methods. There, People’s Forum executive director Manolo De Los Santos told the group to 'give Joe Biden a hot summer' and 'make it untenable for the politics of usual to take place in this country.' He then claimed 'Zionist' Columbia administrators 'want to be more like their masters in Israel.' Daniel DiMartino, a PhD student at Columbia and a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, told DailyMail.com The People's Forum is a group that aims to lobby for enemies of the US. 'The People's Forum is one of several foreign-funded organizations whose goal is to create havoc in America and defend tyrannical regimes like China's, Russia's, Cuba's and Venezuela's,' the Venezuela native said. 'I saw it firsthand when they hosted employees and officials from the Venezuelan socialist regime in 2022 in New York City. They don't care about human rights, not of Palestinians or Jews and certainly not of Venezuelans.' The New York Times reported last year that the Chinese Community Party was indirectly funding the People's Forum. Meanwhile New York mayor Eric Adams has warned that outside agitators have been instructing students as they took over Hamilton hall in Columbia... A video shown by the mayor shows Lisa Fithian, an infamous agitator at US protests for over half a century, showing protesters how to occupy a building. Adams called Fithian 'the nation's best-known protest consultant', noting she gets paid as much as $300 a day to run demonstrations and teach how to take over streets during protests. CNN has reported that at least half of demonstrators at Columbia are not affiliated with the university... ‘They were throwing water on the police, hurling insults, throwing water bottles, they were definitely provoking the cops to a confrontation,' he said... Most of the protests across the US campuses have been partly organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a campus group with more than 250 chapters across the country. SJP was founded by UC Berkeley lecturer Hatem Bazian, who has repeatedly justified terror attacks against Israel and Intifada (uprising) in the US. Just days after the October 7 attacks, Bazian shared a video titled: 'Here's why Hamas says its attack on Israel wasn't unprovoked.' The Detroit Free Press once quoted him as saying: 'The Day of Judgment will not happen until the trees and stones will say, "Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him."' Bazian also once apologized after sharing a cartoon of a stereotypical Orthodox Jewish man celebrating the murder and rape of Palestinians and another of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un wearing a kippah and demanding money from the U.S. The group has received millions from several charities with alleged links to Hamas, per a report by the think tank Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP). The ISGAP report asserts that SJP has become an effective and well-funded network for organizing protests around the country, but that its failure to register as a charity or formal organization left its funding sources and operations murky and unregulated. Hints of financial backing could be seen at the Columbia 'Gaza Solidarity Encampment', including students erecting several identical high-end tents costing hundreds of dollars each, and handing out free Dunkin' Donuts coffee, $12.50 sandwiches from Pret-a-Manger and $10 rotisserie chickens to participants. The nonprofits funding SJP include the Westchester People's Action Coalition (WESPAC), Tides, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), its parent organization Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP), and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). The ISGAP report said SJP had the closest financial links with WESPAC, which acts as a 'financial sponsor' for the organization, routing tax-free donations through its accounts to SJP chapters. The report said SJP also gets extensive organizational aid from American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), a nonprofit under investigation by the Virginia attorney general and accused of being a reincarnation of a charity found liable for funding Hamas."
Money supporting protests is only bad when it hurts the left wing agenda
Time for the left wingers to complain about police agents provocateurs and false flags, even though they openly celebrate violence and revolution

Student protesters at McGill encampment determined to stay after judge rejects injunction - "McGill and the students requesting the injunction raised concerns about behaviour they described as antisemitic. On Tuesday, the university shared a video with CBC News that shows protesters chanting "all the Zionists are racist, all the Zionists are the terrorists," as well as "go back to Europe.""
Weird. I thought it was racist to tell immigrants to go back home. Much less people who were born in a place, or indigenous people. But this is left wing logic, after all

William Watson: So much for universities' 'quiet and still air of delightful studies' - "Chiselled into the entryway to McLennan Library at McGill University, not far from where pro-Palestinian demonstrators have literally set up camp — 75 tents worth by Tuesday — is an inscription from Milton: In the quiet and still air of delightful studies. (“Milton who?” the 21st-century student asks. John Milton, DWEM, that is: dead white European male. Check him out in the Wikipedia entry on freedom of speech, which he kind of invented.) With bullhorns and chants blaring, the air isn’t as still or quiet as it used to be. The full quote is: “Beholding the bright countenance of truth in the quiet and still air of delightful studies.” Truth, usually written “truth,” is a maligned concept in the universities these days. Truth is no longer bright but murky and relative. We all supposedly have our own truth, though in giving voice to it we often forget this multiplicity and insist our opponents accept our version — and be secularly damned if they don’t. Above another McGill doorway, the law faculty’s, the inscription is: “Audi alteram partem,” Latin for “Hear the other side,” which is what courts do and which is a key part of working toward truth. Of course, McGill’s law professors have now unionized so presumably they will be replacing that with “Workers of the world unite!” or “Free the academic wage slaves!” or some such. In any case, taking care to hear the other side is not something many of us do these days... For many years now universities have abandoned pure reflection and Milton’s delightful studies to presume to tell society how it should be behaving — outside advice many segments of society quite reasonably resent. Universities’ record at self-government is nowhere near as sterling as all the brainpower involved should have produced. “University disciplinary procedures” is almost an oxymoron. In my years teaching, profs who reported students for plagiarism or other forms of cheating were never told how cases were resolved — privacy concerns, you understand — though faculties produced summary reports every year end. Punishment always seemed insubstantial to me. The one exception was where alleged sexual offences were concerned and hearings typically devolved not to “He said, she said” but to “She said, he presumably lied in response.” The term “sexual assault” is used, unhelpfully, to cover a wide range of offences. Those that aren’t merely “micro-aggressions” and innocuous should be and are crimes. Universities should not be prosecuting crimes. That’s what the police and courts are for. They have strict rules they actually follow about hearing the other side... Protesters/campers who say they won’t leave until the university does this or that — in this case divest from “complicity” in “genocide” — are engaged in extortion, not expression... Henry David Thoreau actually spent a night in jail before writing Civil Disobedience. Martin Luther King wrote one of his most famous messages from inside a real Birmingham jail. People who practice their civil disobedience only if assured there will be no sanctions against them aren’t really to be taken seriously."

Biden finally condemns pro-Palestinian agitators 'destroying' college campuses but won't send in the National Guard: 'There's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos' - "Officers ripped apart an umbrella one activist tried to use as a shield while the crowd chanted 'peaceful protest.' 'Leave the campus, this is a f*****g school. This is a f*****g school, what are you doing, this is a school, we f*****g learn. I got to learn about public health,' one protester shouted... A top Jewish group on Columbia's campus reported that Jewish students were being told to 'go back to Poland' and 'stop killing children' by pro-Palestinian demonstrators."
Apparently "learning" involves illegally occupation and anti-Semitism
"Anti-Zionism" means all Jews are collectively responsible for what Israel supposedly does. But if you hold Muslims collectively responsible for Islamist terrorism, that is Islamophobia, of course

Australian National University protesters declare ‘unconditional support’ for Hamas - "Student organisers of an anti-Israel protest camp at the Australian National University have declared that Hamas “deserve our unconditional support” while saying they “do not condemn” the October 7 terror attacks... Two of the organisers, Beatrice Tucker and Luke Harrison, spoke to ABC Radio Canberra on Tuesday when Drive host Ross Solly repeatedly pressed them to condemn Hamas, which is formally listed as a terrorist organisation by the Australian government... “I will not condemn what Hamas did,” Ms Tucker said. “We must be unconditional but we must be critical also.”... Solly asked whether the organisers had any concerns about “how you might be making Jewish students feel on campus”.  Mr Harrison replied that he was a Jewish student and “the organisation of this encampment has been so focused on making it a safe space for everyone, including Jewish students”... In a statement on Wednesday, Mr Harrison said “in the moment” he “did not give sufficient thought to the question the journalist had raised”.  “On further reflection I withdraw my statement and wish to say the following,” he said.  “I think it’s important I clarify my comments of yesterday. The issues are complex and difficult and I want to make clear that I condemn what happened on October 7 and endorse the SRC statement from March 2024.”"
We'll still be told that no one supports Hamas, and that no one supports terrorism
As usual, "critical" means "critical theory"
Another anti-Israel Jew

Anti-Semitic tensions at ANU: Jewish Students allege abuse - "One pro-Israel protester told The Canberra Times that she heard people saying "f--k the Jews"...  "To make matters worse, this encampment exists directly in front of a student residence, Fenner Hall, making it impossible for students living there to escape the protests - it is not only where they study, but their home."  Members of the Jewish students' society said they felt betrayed by the ANU students' union "who endorse the encampment, despite the anti-Semitic messages being sent from many of the protesters"... the Jewish students said that at least one pro-Palestine protester confronted them and made out-and-out virulently anti-Semitic remarks."
ANU investigating reports of Nazi salute, death threats against Jewish students on campus as pro-Palestine encampment continues
Weird. I thought this never happens

Sabiha Khan on X - "Moments ago Zionists through a backpack full of mice into the #UCLA encampment. Mice appear to have been injected with something. School admin is not protecting students. @SanaSaeed @PplsCityCouncil @AJEnglish @CAIRNational @abierkhatib @SuppressedNws @BTnewsroom @ACatWithNews"
mirax on X - "Stupid mfing hamasniks were all for rats being released into fastfood restaurants as "protests" a hot second ago. Now squealing about biological warfare."
UK Man Arrested For Releasing Live Rats In McDonald's In Pro-Palestine Protest - "A man has been arrested in the United Kingdom for allegedly releasing live mice into a number of McDonald's restaurants in Birmingham. According to The Guardian, the 32-year-old was detained over the incidents in what appear to be protests related to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Police said that they are still investigating the three separate incidents in the region where live rats were thrown into the fast food venues, and were also looking for a second man, 30-year-old Billal Hussain.   A video going viral on social media showed a man with what appears to be a Palestinian flag draped around his head. In the clip, he is seen carrying the rodents from the boot of his car into the McDonald's and tipping them on the floor, in front of customers."

FIRE president Greg Lukianoff on how to determine when protest goes too far - "at Yale University, police officers arrested dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters who set up an encampment on school grounds, one of a growing number of organized demonstrations on college campuses across America. While the protests are ostensibly aimed at supporting Palestinian civilians amidst the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, there have been numerous reported instances of protesters engaging in the intimidation and harassment of Jewish students and faculty...
Since October 7th we’ve definitely seen a combination of clearly protected speech by pro-Palestinian students—speech that we’ve proudly defended because we are a nonpartisan organization; we will always defend people regardless of the content of their speech—but we’ve also seen an awful lot of assault, we’ve seen a lot of shout-downs, we’ve seen a lot of vandalism, and we’ve seen a lot of unprotected speech. It’s been accelerating for several months now.  Probably one of the worst places for this phenomenon has been Columbia University in New York City. What happened over the weekend, with the crackdown on the encampments that they had there, was interesting from a free speech standpoint, partially because you don’t have a First Amendment or free speech right to camp out on campus grounds. You have a protest right. But generally, every school in the country has rules that basically say, “No, you can’t camp here. You can’t turn this into your own encampment.” They just haven’t been enforcing them. So Columbia, to a degree, is paying the price for not actually fairly enforcing their rules, going far back.   Now, do I think that in the course of this, there are students engaged in protected speech who are getting in trouble? I have very little doubt that there are. And we want to know about those cases. But we’ve also seen, particularly at Columbia, examples of assault. Certainly examples of students being blocked and surrounded. Also, students engaging in things that, by pretty much any definition, would count as discriminatory harassment, which is a severe, persistent, and pervasive patterns of behaviour that a reasonable person would understand is discriminatory. And that’s something that we’ve seen, unfortunately, all over the country.  Now at Yale, we even know the student who was stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag, and she had to go to the hospital for it. That obviously isn’t protected. I think that there was a chance for a lot of these schools to prevent a lot of this from escalating by simply, fairly, and evenly enforcing their rules from the very beginning. But in a lot of cases, they simply didn’t. One thing that readers really need to understand is that if you care about free speech on campus, you need to know that last year was the biggest year for deplatforming in recorded history, that we know of, on American college campuses. Deplatforming includes getting speakers disinvited and shout-downs. Yet this year, 2024, is going to blow 2023 out of the water, even just from shout-downs. And that has overwhelmingly come from pro-Palestinian students. Some of them have engaged in violence, including at Berkeley where they chased off an IDF speaker, for example, several weeks ago.   I sometimes see people arguing as if violence is just an extreme form of free speech. I always have to correct them like, “No, violence is the antithesis of what freedom of speech is for.”...  Students engaging in violence against their fellow students should be expelled. They deserve due process, but they should also be prosecuted because this is this has been getting out of hand for months now... I don’t think you have to really draw a line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism. What you have to ask yourself is, is it discriminatory harassment? Is it a threat? Regardless of what line that falls under. So if you’re surrounding students and threatening them, for example, then it doesn’t matter if you’re calling out Israel or calling out Jews, it’s not protected. And nor should it be.  I think that’s one of the things that American law really gets right. It’s something that we call “the bedrock principle” in the United States, which is you can’t ban speech simply because it’s offensive. But you can ban patterns of behaviour that are discriminatory, for example, or you can ban speech that actually would place a reasonable person in fear of bodily harm or death. So we try to get out of evaluating the offensiveness of the expression and into a reasonable understanding of the behaviour. This is a way to not have to make judgments on whether or not we think one kind of speech is more offensive than the other, which of course, is always a culturally laden evaluation to make. That is difficult in a genuinely multicultural society... In terms of what state schools can do, actually, the government is required to be involved to protect freedom of speech on campus because the First Amendment applies to students’ free speech as well as professors’ free speech. I think they’ve been kind of falling down on the job on this. I think that universities that had speech codes that were unconstitutional, that’s something that the government never should have tolerated in the first place. I think when there are violent shout-downs, that’s something that the government should not be tolerating. I think that the government has really dropped the ball, in a lot of cases, on defending free speech on campus for decades now, and actually, in many cases, have passed regulations that made the issue worse... the very first thing we recommend in the section on higher education is to have a lot fewer jobs in the United States that require a bachelor’s degree. We’ve created an incredibly expensive system. I mean, I know someone who is just realizing that it is probably going to cost their kid $95,000 a year to go to one of these schools. This has been putting Americans in huge debt. We need to really rethink how we do a lot of these things"
Of course, the left wing "answer" to college costs is for the taxpayer to pay, because education supposedly benefits society (having lots of radical terrorism supporters around apparently helps society)

The Unreality of Columbia’s ‘Liberated Zone’ - The Atlantic - "word goes out, tent to tent, student protester to student protester—a viral warning: Intruders have entered the “liberated zone,” that swath of manicured grass where hundreds of students and their supporters at what they fancy as the People’s University for Palestine sit around tents and conduct workshops about demilitarizing education and fighting settler colonialism and genocide. In this liberated zone, normally known as South Lawn West on the Columbia University quad, unsympathetic outsiders are treated as a danger.  “Attention, everyone! We have Zionists who have entered the camp!” a protest leader calls out. His head is wrapped in a white-and-black keffiyeh. “We are going to create a human chain where I’m standing so that they do not pass this point and infringe on our privacy.” Privacy struck me as a peculiar goal for an outdoor protest at a prominent university. But it’s been a strange seven-month journey from Hamas’s horrific slaughter of Israelis—the original breach of a cease-fire—to the liberated zone on the Columbia campus and similar standing protests at other elite universities. What I witnessed seemed less likely to persuade than to give collective voice to righteous anger. A genuine sympathy for the suffering of Gazans mixed with a fervor and a politics that could border on the oppressive. Dozens stand and echo the leader’s commands in unison, word for word. “So that we can push them out of the camp, one step forward! Another step forward!” The protesters lock arms and step toward the interlopers, who as it happens are three fellow Columbia students, who are Jewish and pro-Israel.  Jessica Schwalb, a Columbia junior, is one of those labeled an intruder. In truth, she does not much fear violence—“They’re Columbia students, too nerdy and too worried about their futures to hurt us,” she tells me—as she is taken aback by the sight of fellow students chanting like automatons... As the war has raged on and the death toll has grown, protest rallies on American campuses have morphed into a campaign of ever grander and more elaborate ambitions: From “Cease-fire now” to the categorical claim that Israel is guilty of genocide and war crimes to demands that Columbia divest from Israeli companies and any American company selling arms to the Jewish state. Many protesters argue that, from the river to the sea, the settler-colonialist state must simply disappear. To inquire, as I did at Columbia, what would happen to Israelis living under a theocratic fascist movement such as Hamas is to ask the wrong question. A young female protester, who asked not to be identified for fear of retribution, responded: “Maybe Israelis need to check their privilege.” Of late, at least one rabbi has suggested that Jewish students depart the campus for their own safety. Columbia President Minouche Shafik acknowledged in a statement earlier today that at her university there “have been too many examples of intimidating and harassing behavior.” To avoid trouble, she advised classes to go virtual today, and said, “Our preference is that students who do not live on campus will not come to campus.” Tensions have in fact kept ratcheting up. Last week, Shafik called in the New York City police force to clear an earlier iteration of the tent city and to arrest students for trespassing. The university suspended more than 100 of these protesters, accusing them, according to the Columbia Spectator, of “disruptive behavior, violation of law, violation of University policy, failure to comply, vandalism or damage to property, and unauthorized access or egress.” Even some Jewish students and faculty unsympathetic to the protesters say the president’s move was an accelerant to the crisis, producing misdemeanor martyrs to the pro-Palestinian cause. A large group of faculty members walked out this afternoon to express their opposition to the arrests and suspensions. As for the encampment itself, it has an intifada-meets-Woodstock quality at times. Dance clubs offer interpretive performances; there are drummers and other musicians, and obscure poets reading obscure poems. Some tents break out by identity groups: “Lesbians Against Genocide,” “Hindus for Intifada.” Banners demand the release of all Palestinian prisoners. Small Palestinian flags, embroidered with the names of Palestinian leaders killed in Gaza, are planted in the grass. During my nine-hour visit, talking with student protesters proved tricky. Upon entering the zone, I was instructed to listen as a gatekeeper read community guidelines that included not talking with people not authorized to be inside—a category that seemed to include anyone of differing opinions... As I toured the liberated zone, I found most protesters distinctly nonliberated when it came to talking with a reporter... “We are not anti-Jewish, not at all,” Saliba said... an email went out from a lesbian organization, LionLez, stating that Zionists were not allowed at a group event. A subsequent email from the club’s president noted: “White Jewish people are today and always have been the oppressors of all brown people,” and “when I say the Holocaust wasn’t special, I mean that.”... after she said in class that “Jewish lives matter,” others complained that her Zionist beliefs were hostile. She ended up dropping the course. This said, the students I interviewed told me that physical violence has been rare on campus. There have been reports of shoves, but not much more. The atmosphere on the streets around the campus, on Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue, is more forbidding. There the protesters are not students but sectarians of various sorts, and the cacophonous chants are calls for revolution and promises to burn Tel Aviv to the ground. Late Sunday night, I saw two cars circling on Amsterdam as the men inside rolled down their windows and shouted “Yahud, Yahud”—Arabic for “Jew, Jew”—“fuck you!”... When he describes the encampment, it sounds like Shangri-la. “It’s 100 percent love for human beings and very beautiful; I came here for my mental health,” he said.  He claims no hatred for Israel, although he suggested that the “genocidal goliath” will of course have to disappear or merge into an Arab-majority state. He said he does not endorse violence, even as he likened the October 7 attacks to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising during World War II... He was labeled an anti-Semite and remains deeply pained by that. He advised me to look up what he said and judge for myself. So I did, right on the spot.  Shortly after October 7, he posted this on X: “Zionists are straight Babylon swine. Zionism is beyond a mental illness; it’s a genocidal disease.”  A bit harsh, maybe? I asked him. He shook his head."
Good luck if you say that suspending white supremacist students is a mistake, or worse, protest it
Naturally, the terrorism supporters protest the killing of terrorists
Of course, if you call Islamist terrorists "swine", the left will be on you for "Islamophobia"

Meme - Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze: "Trump - "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
NY Times yesterday -"
"At Columbia, the Protests Continued, With Dancing and Pizza. Will more stringent tactics subdue protests? Or fuel them?"

Meme - Joe Gabriel Simonson @SaysSimonson: "The dynamic the left enjoys is "we will break the law, make you miserable, and laugh about it because we know that Democrats won't ever arrest us. But if you dare touch us, we're going to scream bloody murder.""
Aaron Sibarium @aaronsibarium: "Their strategy is to gather in such large numbers and with such coordination that dispersing them requires force-then to claim the mantel of victimhood when force is inevitably used."
Jessica Schwalb on X - "Update: Columbia’s pro-Palestine protestors will break up into platoons to defend the encampment in the event of arrests. “WILL YOU BE READY TO TURN UP FOR YOUR COMRADES?”"

Thread by @feelsdesperate on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "University leadership is disgraceful and cowardly.  For years they cheered on the derangements because they saw an opportunity to protect and legitimize themselves ideologically.  In doing so, they abrogated commitments to core institutional missions and values. Now it’s blowing up in their faces because they’ve staked their credibility on being Good People yet have no ‘answer’ for Gaza.  If they had more character and were better people they would have never agreed to the demand that disciplinary knowledge production and pedagogy be subservient to activist manias and ideological policing in the first place.  But it’s too late. They’ve degraded their institutions and the time they thought they bought themselves with their cynical dealmaking has run out."

Meme - Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze: "Hey, they built a wall."
Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.today @JordanSchachtel: "It really is one massive LARP. Filthy communists."
"Welcome to the Liberated Zone! Make sure to talk to one of us before entering :)"

Meme - Daniel Di Martino 🇺🇸🇻🇪 @DanielDiMartino: "What's the immigration process at the liberated zone? Are there ideological tests? Or does it have open borders?"
Peter Hague PhD @peterrhague: "Left anarchism reinvents borders and police almost instantly. Right anarchism tends to likewise discover taxation from first principles."

REVEALED: George Soros is PAYING left-wing activists to head up camp outs at colleges across America - as huge wads of cash they're getting are shared - "Multiple leaders of the anti-Israel protests at college campuses across the nation have been revealed to be paid fellows of George Soros-connected groups.  Three of the major figures in the pro-Palestine encampments in universities are fellows at the Soros-funded US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, the New York Post reports.  USCPR 'community-based' fellows are paid up to $7,800 for their labor, while 'campus-based' fellows are given between $2,880 and $3,660 for spending eight hours a week organizing 'campaigns led by Palestinian organizations.' The organization instructs its fellows to 'rise up' and spark 'revolution,' while specifically telling them to reject 'reform.'... Tensions continue to escalate at the Columbia, where hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters are demanding that the institution divest from companies with ties to Israel.  So far, more than 100 demonstrators have been arrested at the 'Gaza Solidarity Encampment', which is comprised of a coalition of 116 groups under the umbrella organization Columbia University Apartheid Divest.  Several of the groups in the coalition have received backing from left wing donors, including one group currently under investigation for allegedly fundraising for terrorist organizations.  One of the key players in the coalition is Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which the Gazette reports came out in support of the October 7 attack which killed 1,200 Israelis. SJP receives funding from American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), according to the Anti Defamation League, which describes AMP as holding 'extreme anti-Israel views'.  Last year, Virginia's Attorney General Jason Miyares announced his office was investigating AMP over allegations they may have been fundraising for terrorist organizations.  SJP is also an offshoot of the Westchester People's Action Coalition which supports Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, the Green New Deal, and other left-wing initiatives... Another central player in the encampment is Jewish Voice for Peace, which has received millions from various donors including George Soros's Open Society Network.  Since  2016 the group has netted at least $650,000 from Soros-backed organizations.  Other donors have included the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, whose director, Nicholas Burns, resigned in 2017 over its support for JVP... Columbia canceled in-person classes, dozens of protesters were arrested at New York University and Yale, and the gates to Harvard Yard were closed to the public Monday as some of the most prestigious U.S. universities sought to defuse campus tensions over Israel's war with Hamas... The coalition began the sit in following Columbia president Minouche Shafik's testimony before Congress about anti-Semitism on campus.   The stunt entered its seventh day today and has already seen billionaire donors including Robert Kraft pull their funding and earned condemnation from the White House."
Damn Jews! All working in unison to advance Israel's interests!
Of course, the right wing anti-Semites simultaneously hate on Soros for pushing the left wing agenda
News of paid protesters is only a problem when it hurts the left wing agenda

Meme - The Daily Beast @thedailybeast: "When Isra Hirsi, the daughter of U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, joined several of her classmates in a pro-Palestinian campus protest known as the Gaza encampment, she had no idea she would end up suspended, homeless, and left without food within a matter of days."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Important context: Isra Hisri may not have expected repercussions when initially joining the protest, but was given advance warning of pending suspension, arrest, and eviction from campus housing. She had with plenty of time to avoid these consequences and chose to accept them."

MIA on X - "If you ignored the anti-White narrative on college campuses for years or actively wrote it into the curriculum, why should I care what you have to say about antisemitism on college campuses now?  If you let BLM rioters burn working class Americans’ businesses to the ground, why should I care about the anti-Israel protesters marching through those same streets tonight?  Our ruling class didn’t expect these college kids to turn against them like this, they thought their anger would be limited to local cops and White people. Now that it’s reached the top, they want sympathy from the very White people that they’ve been vilifying for years.  Nope, you get none from me. I could care less that these protesters oppose Israel’s actions. Maybe I don’t agree with their tactics, but I also don’t agree with my tax dollars funding Israel’s wars. I’m over it."

Kathryn Paisner on X - "I wonder how campus officials & media would respond to pro-life students engaging in a 6-month activism campaign, using the same tactics that pro-Palestinian students have used, that started with a celebration of a terrorist attack on a Planned Parenthood."

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