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Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Links - 1st May 2024 (1 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Israel-Hamas War: Federal leaders condemn comments made at Ottawa pro-Palestinian rally - ""October 7 is proof that we are almost free," the person on the megaphone is heard saying.  "Long live October 7, long live the resistance, long live the intifada, long live every form of resistance.""
More suppression of "pro-Palestinian" speech!

Protest on Parliament Hill in Ottawa openly cheers for Hamas attacks | Toronto Sun - "Lest you think this was one errant speaker at an event attended by thousands, that’s not the case. In video after video posted by those supportive of the protests, they made it clear, they support Hamas, and they don’t want Jews in the Middle East. “196 days and our resistance is still standing strong,” one of the protest organizers bellowed through the official sound system on Saturday... There has been no breathless reporting by our national television networks on these horrific statements, cheers and chants. Compare this to the breathless coverage of a lone Confederate flag on the outskirts of the Freedom Convoy protests in 2022. The entire protest movement was painted with the Nazi brush by the media and the political class for a flag that never made it to the main protest. The so-called protesters in Ottawa this weekend didn’t just say that they approved of Oct. 7 and that they supported the resistance, they also claimed Jews should get out of Israel. In a chant that has become a fan favourite at these pro-Hamas hate-filled rallies, the crowd, led by a speaker on a microphone, chanted out that Jews have no connection to the Middle East and should just go back to Europe.  It’s bizarre, it’s not historically accurate and it’s obviously hate-filled, but it’s now common in the streets of Canada... These protests are consistently filled with people who openly cheer for Hamas, who wear pins or clothing glorifying Hamas spokesman Abu Obaida, who engage in the most vile anti-Semitism.  That surely requires more than a post on social media."
If "resistance" is so good, why do they demand a ceasefire? Of course, a ceasefire just means that Israel can't defend itself while its enemies can continue to attack it

Oli London on X - "Group of Yale students form a human chain to BLOCK a Jewish student from entering the University. The chilling act of antisemitism echoes 1939, when Nazi’s blocked Jewish students from entering Vienna University- simply because they were Jews."

They Were Assaulted on Campus for Being Jews - "At Yale, Sahar Tartak was stabbed in the eye. At Columbia, Jonathan Lederer’s Israeli flag was burned and he was hit in the face.
For a second, imagine that black students at Columbia were taunted: Go back to Africa. Or imagine that a gay student was surrounded by homophobic protesters and hit with a stick at Yale University. Or imagine if a campus imam told Muslim students that they ought to head home for Ramadan because campus public safety could not guarantee their security.  There would be relentless fury from our media and condemnation from our politicians.  Just remember the righteous—and rightful—outrage over the white supremacist “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, where neo-Nazis chanted “The Jews will not replace us.”   This weekend at Columbia and Yale, student demonstrators did all of the above—only it was directed at Jews. They told Columbia students to “go back to Poland.” A Jewish woman at Yale was assaulted with a Palestinian flag. And an Orthodox rabbi at Columbia told students to go home for their safety.  Demonstrators on these campuses shouted more chic versions of “Jews will not replace us.” At Columbia they screamed: “Say it loud and say it clear, we don’t want no Zionists here.”... These campus activists are not simply “pro-Palestine” protesters. They are people who are openly celebrating Hamas and physically intimidating identifiably Jewish students who came near. We are publishing the accounts of two of those students—Sahar Tartak and Jonathan Lederer—today."

Jonas Du on X - ""Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10...100…1000…10,000...The 7th of October is going to be every day for you."  Protestors screamed this at two Jewish @Columbia  students right outside campus gates tonight"

Meme - Brianna Wu @BriannaWu: "Classes are not canceled because of “pro-Palestinian” protests. No one reasonable has any issue with two-state and no one has an issue with opposing Netanyahu.   It’s because privileged, pro-terrorist nutjobs are advocating the genocide of Jews, and there’s every possibility someone will be killed."
"Safety concerns at Columbia. All classes at the lvy League school will be virtual today as tensions on campus remain high ahead of Passover following pro-Palestinian protests"

Shai Davidai on X - "Earlier today, @Columbia University refused to let me onto campus. Why? Because they cannot protect my safety as a Jewish professor. This is 1938."

AG on X - "On the students arrested at Columbia: “A Post deep-dive into the backgrounds of the protesters shows many list multimillion-dollar mansions as their home addresses, according to arrest records, and come from wealthy and powerful families.”"
Thread by @daniela127 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "If you are a rich white woman, the easiest thing you can do to be accepted in the cool social justice circles is to listen to NPR, read prestige media, "listen to and learn from Black women," internalize those opinions, & start espousing them. I know because I was this woman. It's really very easy to do. I did it for years - it was fun, mostly subconscious, & most of the time not even that nefarious. I learned a lot about a lot of topics. I can still talk good social justice talk, and sometimes do it to my husband because it annoys him 😂 I stopped being like this around August 2020 because I saw how harmful the liberal groupthink on covid was, especially to children. But until that point, adopting progressive talking points was harmless and carried social credit - I would be accepted by the "cool girls." Of course, once you stop just blindly parroting the progressive talking points, you are quickly kicked out of the cool kids club. As I learned in August 2020, and as many progressive Jews learned in October 2023. But I digress. Back to these girls. These rich, privileged girls have adopted the social justice cause du jour - hating Israel - as a way to shed their privileged white girl status & be accepted by their social justice cool kid peers. It's really that simple. This is all performative to them. This is about rich white girls wanting to feel like they have the right opinions and will be accepted by the right people. Last year it was BLM and Defund. This year it's Free Palestine. Next year who knows. It also explains why so many of the protesters are women. Women are a) more likely to be disdained for being white & privileged; & b) more likely to seek social acceptance. Thus, women are more likely to seek to adopt a different persona as a way of gaining acceptance."

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "If Hitler had completed the extermination of the Ashkenazim, she and other members of her family wouldn't even be alive today. But she's cool with that.  There's ethnic self-loathing, then there's whatever this particularly vicious variant is. Ethnic self-genocide?"
Kate Emerson @KateEmerson88: "So, i am a Jew. I am Ashkenazi, as are most Jews around the world and many in Israel itself. And all can think tonight is that Hitler's only mistake was stopping too soon. Pity, that. I will likely go for this post but so be it. I have to say it. It is all i can think of now."
This level of commitment to self-hatred is impressive. I remember reading about how a truly committed Nazi would want to exterminate Jews even if he himself were Jewish. This is just the flip side

Pro-Israel Advocates Weaponize “Safety” on College Campuses - "Writing as a professor and a Jew, with a profound commitment to my students’ safety and well-being, I see an imperative for them to learn to distinguish between genuine threat and paranoia — that their judgments of the world be grounded and attentive to the workings of power, propaganda, and ideology... As Joseph Howley, a classics professor at Columbia who has been perturbed by the treatment of pro-Palestine protest on campus, told me, “Treating feelings of fear and discomfort seriously does not mean reifying them.”  Howley, who is also Jewish, noted that, by the same logic, we would not want to validate the fear felt by a white student, conditioned under racist assumptions, who called the police because they felt afraid in the presence of a Black student...   When the Hillel student group at the New School in New York City, where I teach, invited a lieutenant from the Israeli military to come speak on campus in early March, I was among several colleagues who signed a letter to our administration, requesting the planned event be canceled.  Among the reasons listed was that many students, above all Palestinians, would feel “utterly unsafe” to have an active-duty Israeli soldier on campus. This, I thought, was true, but a weak argument; the students might feel unsafe, but they would not be unsafe... we must — without presuming answers in advance — interrogate whether structures of oppression and violence are normalized and upheld in our educational institutions through these choices. The decisions will be imperfect and contested, but at least they will be based on more than feelings."
I like how the author glosses over anti-Semitism (including violence)
Is it racist when black students call the police (or more likely, campus authorities) because they feel afraid in the presence of a white student?
I like the author's hypocrisy in opposing the Israeli speaker
Going on about "structures of oppression and violence" means anyone the left approves of is good, and anyone the left disapproves of is bad
Yet another example of an anti-Israel Jew in the US. Too bad for the anti-Semitic right

Pro-Israel Advocates Are Weaponizing “Safety” on College Campuses : r/Foodforthought - "The weaponization of therapeutic language and safety culture has been happening for over a decade. Interesting people are just noticing this now."
Only the left gets to weaponize "safety"

German police shut down pro-Palestinian conference - "Police said they feared that one of the speakers at the conference would repeat the kind of antisemitic remarks he has made in the past.  The speaker, who appeared by video link, was named by organizers as Salman Abu Sitta.  He was the author of a January essay that expressed understanding for the Hamas militants who carried out the deadly October 7 raid in Israel that sparked the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.  Hamas is classified as a terrorist organization by Israel, the EU, the US and several other Western countries."

Germany’s Anti-Palestine Crackdown Has Reached ‘a New Low’ - "Wieland Hobart, chair of Jewish Voice said: “The anti-Muslim incitement you get these days, it’s hard not to see echoes of antisemitic incitement at different times, with scapegoating and saying they are harmful for our society.”"
Ironic. If you denounce Islamism you're Islamophobic. But if you denounce Zionism you're not anti-Semitic. No surprise terrorism supporters have double standards
Of course, the left want hate speech laws and repression against their opponents (e.g. banning the AfD), then get upset when they are affected by the same
Naturally, the article doesn't mention that at least one terrorism supporter was going to be speaking, or the rise in anti-Semitism, not even to contextualise what happened. Another admission that being "pro-Palestine" means supporting terrorism

Yashar Ali 🐘 on X - "Google has fired 28 employees who staged in sit-in which was protesting the company’s $1.2 billion cloud contract with Israeli government.   Nine employees were also arrested.   In a note sent to employees the company says: “If you're one of the few who are tempted to think we're going to overlook conduct that violates our policies, think again.”  Googlers,  You may have seen reports of protests at some of our offices yesterday. Unfortunately, a number of employees brought the event into our buildings in New York and Sunnyvale. They took over office spaces, defaced our property, and physically impeded the work of other Googlers.   Their behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive, and made coworkers feel threatened. We placed employees involved under investigation and cut their access to our systems. Those who refused to leave were arrested by law enforcement and removed from our offices.  Following investigation, today we terminated the employment of twenty-eight employees found to be involved. We will continue to investigate and take action as needed.  Behavior like this has no place in our workplace and we will not tolerate it. It clearly violates multiple policies that all employees must adhere to - including our Code of Conduct and Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Standards of Conduct, and Workplace Concerns.  We are a place of business and every Googler is expected to read our policies and apply them to how they conduct themselves and communicate in our workplace. The overwhelming majority of our employees do the right thing. If you're one of the few who are tempted to think we're going to overlook conduct that violates our policies, think again. The company takes this extremely seriously, and we will continue to apply our longstanding policies to take action against disruptive behavior — up to and including termination.  You should expect to hear more from leaders about standards of behavior and discourse in the workplace."
The terrorism supporters were very upset that other terrorism supporters weren't allowed to terrorise their colleagues and company
The left only support "safety" and "respect" when it pushes the left wing agenda

Google tells staff not to 'debate politics' after firing workers who protested Israel contract : r/technology - "Google: Don’t discuss politics.  Also Google: BLM, pride month, HR explicitly promoting relocation to pro-choice states, massive donations  In reality, everyone is entitled to share Google’s opinion, which is made up on the fly to make money."
"Came here to say the same. Mention a union to Google and watch tunes change."
"Google created an environment for their employees to get political (and fire anyone who shared opposing opinions) and now act shocked that they've groomed an entire corporate structure of activists.  Something about chickens and coming home to roost."
The perils of hiring left wingers

Uri Pilichowski on X - "I have done some research on the true numbers in Gaza.  Originally, the Hamas run Gaza Health Ministry published that 32,000 Gazan Palestinians had been killed by Israeli forces. Of these, they claimed that 78% were women and children, and none were combatants or members of Hamas. Israel countered that 12,000 Palestinians they killed were combatants and/or members of Hamas. That leaves 20,000 Gazan Palestinian non-combatants as having been killed by Israel.  A little over a week ago, Hamas announced that over 11,000 people originally reported killed by Israeli forces couldn’t be accounted for – meaning, and this is the consensus in the global community, they were never killed. This means that 21,000 Palestinians were killed, 12,000 of whom were terrorists. That leaves 9,000 Gazan Palestinian non-combatants as having been killed by Israel.  Here’s an odd fact no one seems to be reporting. In the normal course of life, 4,000 people would’ve died over the past six months in Gaza. Hamas reports ALL deaths in Gaza as war related and killed by Israel, even those of natural means. That leaves 5,000 Gazan Palestinian non-combatants as having been killed by Israel.  Another factor not being counted is the number of Gazan Palestinians killed by Hamas rockets falling short and killing their own people. It’ll be impossible to ever calculate how many people were killed in this way, but it won’t be a small number of victims.  It is my conclusion that less than 5,000 Palestinian Gazans have been killed by force in this war; some by Israeli forces, and some by Hamas forces.  The attached screenshot is of Gazans at the beach in Deir el-Balah, central Gaza Strip, today, April 17, 2024. Credit: @imshin  and #TheGazaYouDontSee"

Shai Davidai on X - "Professor Joseph Massad of @Columbia  wrote on October 8 that the massacre of Jews was awesome.   For two decades he has been indoctrinating students to hate Jews and Israel.   Two weeks ago, he was front and center at an UNAUTHORIZED pro-Hamas and pro-Islamic Jihad protest.   President Shafik's response?   "He has been spoken to"  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?"

They criticized Israel. StopAntisemitism’s Twitter upended their lives. - The Washington Post - "Dani Marzouca was in bed trying to sleep when the phone started buzzing. An organization dedicated to publicly rebuking critics of Israel had posted on X a clip of Marzouca declaring that “radical solidarity with Palestine means … not apologizing for Hamas.”... Activists have long used the internet to publicize comments they find offensive, and such pressure campaigns have been central to movements like #MeToo and Black Lives Matter... Joan Donovan, an expert in digital activism and an assistant professor at Boston University, argued that the group’s efforts are a form of doxing — the practice of posting personal information online to encourage harassment — which in turn chills debate.  “When the mob is the judge, jury and executioner, we all end up suffering,” Donovan added... StopAntisemitism has flagged people for a variety of statements the organization considers antisemitic, including a college instructor who called Israelis “pigs”... Celine Khalife, a 25-year-old therapist, says StopAntisemitism shut down her career just as it was getting started. A video posted by StopAntisemitism shows the Palestinian American tearing down a poster of Israeli hostages. She said Israel kidnapped its own citizens, a false conspiracy theory... She said she removed the poster because it contained the phrase “Hamas terrorists” — propaganda, she argues, meant to minimize the Palestinian struggle
This article is a splendid example of false claims that anti-Semitism is being weaponised, and terrorism supporters pretending that supporting terrorism is the same thing as criticising Israel (not to mention hate speech and spreading misinformation, which the left are normally against)
Weird. I thought the left was for "accountability culture". Many have justified doxxing "fascists"

AG on X - "This a pattern with The Washington Post, which clearly indicates intent:"
AG on X - "The pro-Hamas propagandists over at WaPo claim that educators were suspended over their “pro-Palestinian views” Scroll down in the article and you find out that “pro-Palestinian” to @NicoleAsbury = atrocity denial and support for open anti-Semitism."
AG on X - "What did you get fired for? “I was just criticizing Israel!” How did you do that? “Just ripped down some posters of children being held hostage, harassed some Jews on campus, wrote Zionists deserve to be killed, and posted a video about how Hitler was right. The usual…”"

Anti-Israel protester arrested for ‘ceasefire’ graffiti, says he didn't know vandalism was illegal - "Kyle Turner, 30, boldly claimed that he “sincerely didn't know graffiti in the subway was an arrestable offense”"
More censorship of pro-Palestinian speech!

Why I Resigned From the DC Abortion Fund - "I resigned from my dream job at the DC Abortion Fund (DCAF). In the four months since my resignation, the organization seemed to have grown emboldened not just to demand fealty to a progressive litmus test over the war in Gaza, but to use DCAF’s resources, time, and reputation to push out individuals who do not share their perspective, most recently and explicitly signing on to a campaign to call the Jewish musician Matisyahu—known for his peace anthem “One Day”—a “white Zionist” racist. While I wish I could be surprised by this, I’m not. This is the same pattern I experienced at the DC Abortion Fund that led to my resignation... After the tragic events in Israel on Oct. 7, everything changed for the Jewish community and for me. While it was well-known that I was the only Jewish staff member—I staffed all events and fundraisers hosted by the Jewish community—not one person from the staff or board reached out to me in the wake of the rape, murder, and kidnapping of 1,200 Israeli men, women, and children. Their silence mirrored the devastating silence many Jews experienced after Oct. 7.  On Oct. 9, with no mention of the terrible events from two days prior, DCAF’s communications team posted an Indigenous People’s Day Instagram post calling for “land back” and a “Free Palestine.”... the communications team proposed a series of Instagram slides for my review. The “Gaza Carousel,” as the draft was titled, felt deeply one-sided for a reproductive health organization that had not publicly acknowledged the rapes and other atrocities of Oct. 7. Instead, the post focused on the so-called “U.S.-funded genocide” in Gaza and only mentioned the hostages in a single bullet on the final slide. As the former executive director of a national sexual violence prevention program, I could not fathom how if choosing to speak about the war, my colleagues could willfully ignore the devastating violations of reproductive justice that happened to Israelis on Oct. 7... I maintained in that meeting—and until the end of my tenure there—that DCAF did not have the expertise in Middle East policy to weigh in on the war. DCAF had never before issued a statement on international events or foreign policy and I felt we should use the fund’s limited capacity to remain focused on the core mission of providing abortion funding. The board chair agreed that the post should not go up. It didn’t, but my decision to go directly to the chair set in motion a division within the staff that would devolve until my departure... I made the point that if a similar situation had occurred with another minority group, it would be perfectly reasonable for them to consult a supervisor, but I was told that this was “different.” I was told that “everyone knows when something is racist,” but that the language used in this post was up for debate, as if I, the only Jewish voice on staff, should not be qualified to decide for myself what was or could be deemed offensive to a Jewish person... it was explained to me, often by people with no direct connection to the land or its people, that I needed to understand “context.” At the same time, other abortion funds and reproductive health organizations began issuing statements about what was happening in Gaza. These statements contained much of the same offensive nomenclature as DCAF’s draft and some, like ARC-Southeast’s letter, went further, calling Zionism—the belief that Israel simply has a right to exist—“a contradiction to Reproductive Justice.”... the DCAF Instagram feed featured graphics from The Washington Post about deaths in Gaza with commentary overlaid, specifically that “collective punishment is the tool of fascists” and that what was happening in Gaza was “a prime and top-of-mind example of said collective punishment.” I immediately flagged this for the communications team and asked if perhaps the content was posted inadvertently since it violated the norms we had established in the meeting the previous day... Jews are not asking progressive movements, causes, or individuals to condone or celebrate Israel’s response to Oct. 7. We are not asking for them to identify solely with our suffering"

Gad Saad on X - "As we've recently learned from Western governments and Western universities, if you see Jews being hounded in their places of business, Jewish students and professors harassed, congregants at synagogues being insulted outside, please, please, please, let's redouble our efforts to combat Islamophobia."

Meme - Richard Hanania @RichardHanania: "Right-wing antisemitism is right now confined to internet losers.  On the left, antisemitism is at the top of major institutions and has reached the broader masses.   The oppressor-oppressed framework naturally leads to hostility to Israel. RW antisemites should join the left."

Meme - Jonah Goldberg @JonahDispatch: ""What it said were Palestinian militants." Question: Who else could the IDF have a "a two-week battle" with? I mean if they weren't militants, why would it take two weeks? If they weren't Palestinians, shouldn't the NYT be chasing down that story?"
"Israeli Troops Withdraw From Al-Shifa Hospital After Raid. The military left destruction in and around the hospital complex in Gaza after a two-week battle with what it said were Palestinian militants."

Woman threatens Bakersfield City Council by saying 'We'll murder you.' - "A woman was removed and arrested from a Bakersfield City Council meeting after threatening members by saying, "We'll murder you."  The threat, made by Riddhi Patel, happened in the Wednesday night meeting. During public comment, Patel said she felt she and others were being targeted with things like metal detectors, which were recently added as part of new security measures.  She went on to voice frustration over some of the council members, then said, "We'll see you at your house, we'll murder you," before walking away from the podium."
Why are the Zionists censoring pro-Palestinian speech?

constans on X - "At some point we need to look into how “activism” became a professional outlet for people with poor impulse control who wanted to lash out at people."a>

AG on X - "This anti-Israel protestor rants about how the security at the meeting is unnecessary and just meant to intimidate right before she threatens to murder the Bakersfield City Council members in their homes. She is now facing 16 felony charges."
Clearly, the security was why she was forced to make her death threats. It's the council's fault for agitating her!

Scott G on X - "We’re going to need to allow some room for a lot of young people to snap out of it in the coming years. Some punishment is deserved here, but a vindictive pile-on may only add to their sense of alienation and oppression. A bit of grace could go a long way."
Hugh on X - "People had Harvard admissions rescinded over intemperate group chat messages made at the age of 15."
Dave - 🇺🇸 on X - "Yeah, remember that girl who sang along to a rap song? Some guy at her school held that recording for years, only releasing it when it would do the most damage to her. Ugh."
Plus, Riddhi Patel is 28, past even that pop psychology threshold of 25 when the brain supposedly stops developing

Meme - Oli London @OliLondonTV: "Associated Press photographer who participated in the October 7th attack on Israel and took photo of the mutilated body of Shani Louk wins prestigious journalism award.   Hamas journalist Ali Mahmud's won the RJI Awards ‘Team Picture of the Year’ for his picture of the German-Israeli woman’s body in the back of a pickup truck as Hamas terrorists stood on her near-naked body.   The Associated Press and the RJI Awards did not blur the young woman’s body in the photo.   The photographer accompanied the terrorists as they slaughtered 364 people at the Nova Music Festival.   The award was handed to the photographer by the Ronald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute.   Sources: RJI, Jewish Chronicle, Arise Israel"

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