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Monday, April 29, 2024

Links - 29th April 2024 (2 - Trans Mania: JK Rowling)

Meme - *Sorting Hat* "MALE"

Cloaked Figure: "DEGENDORS!"
JK Rowling: "Terfecto Obliteratum!"
Degendor: "SKREEEEEEE"

Meme - J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "Deeply amused by those telling me I've lost their admiration due to the disrespect I show violent, duplicitous rapists. I shall file your lost admiration carefully in the box where I keep my missing fucks."

Meme - "So you are saying you regret a decision you made to permanently alter your body when you were younger?"
Dani @ashatteredyouth: "Harry potter was my childhood. I loved it so much I sleeved out my whole arm around 2012. Im honestly embarassed about it now. Fuck jk rowling, fuck your terf game, and fuck your excuses "allies""

Meme - J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "This is the bottom line of every single activist I’ve ever engaged with on this issue, but rarely have I seen it stated so honestly. ‘Why can’t you just believe, it’s so weird you care, why make this complicated, just accept the slogan.’"
"That's a whole lotta words and quite frankly I'm not fucking reading all that. I just wanted to say that it's weirder to do all this instead of just believing that trans women are women. Seriously, at this point which sounds more insane to the average person?"
JK Rowling: "You've asked me several questions on this thread and accused me of avoiding answering, so here goes. I believe a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produces large gametes. It's irrelevant whether or not her gametes have ever been fertilised, whether or not..."
"So ONLY equipment makes one woman? That seems a very narrow view of what makes a person a woman. What if you have female equipment but never have children..are you still a woman? Is it JUST having the equipment or must you use it? What if you have both sets of equipment?"
Victoria Smith @glosswitch: "Cannot believe I read all of Andrea Long Chu's sodding book when the other side gets to respond to one tweet with "I'm not fucking reading all that""
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "I read Long Chu, Serrano, Tobia, Dawson, Butler, Fausto-Sterling, plus innumerable blogs and articles by the trans-identified and genderists, and I'm still told daily to educate myself by people who insist avocado trees prove a woman can have a penis."
The parallels with religion are clear

Devon Eriksen on X - "It's been kind of amusing, from a distance, to watch @jk_rowling  melt down over men in dresses invading women's private spaces.   She still doesn't get it.   She doesn't understand that first they came for the men. Only then, much later, did they come for the women.   She doesn't understand that "transwomen" are simply doing to women what feminists did to men decades earlier.   First feminists demanded inclusion in men's private, unisex environments. Then they demanded that those spaces be changed to suit them. Then they demanded that no male-only space exist, anywhere.   And the cosmic irony of all of this is that this is a large part of the reason why "transwomen" exist in the first place.   Boys raised without any spaces or groups for boys. Raised without any acknowledgement, or accommodation, for the sex-specific needs of boys. Boys raised solely by women, in environments designed for girls, treated as defective girls, medicated into insensibility with modified methamphetamine if they dare to act like boys. And then told, from an age far too young for psychological self-defense, that men are responsible for all the world's ills, and girls are wonderful and can do no wrong, and can do everything they can do, backwards and in heels.   And still Rowling is surprised when some of them grow up wanting to be girls, and move into the women-only spaces, which were never abolished when the men-only spaces were?   She was smart enough to write a really good series of children's books, but not smart enough to understand the high-order consequences of her own ideology.  It's so incredibly, mind-bendingly delicious to watch. This feminist apocalypse is the result of a chain of events that feminists themselves set in motion, using the same tactics and arguments against them that they used against men.
They are being punished not only for their sins, but by their sins.
This would all be great except for the niggling little detail that not all women are feminists. There are a great many women who never went along with the insanity, but are nevertheless being hit just as hard by the effects.   That's not so funny.   Worse yet, men have very little incentive to lift a finger to help them, since almost no one, man or woman, did a thing for them when they were little boys being attacked from every angle by adult feminists.   If you make women into a privileged class...  If you make women's preferences into your society's moral standards...  If you tilt the playing field for the express purpose of making women exceed men in every measure of health, wealth, and social respect...  If you strip your society's art and culture of any image or aspect of positive masculinity...  Then men will grow up wanting to be women."

Meme - J.K. Rowling: "Then I can only conclude that the overwhelming majority of women I encounter, online and off, are thoroughly indecent."
"You don't speak for decent women."

Meme - JK Rowling: "Yep. I'm still amazed all three of our kids chose to gestate inside me, because I thought it was 50/50 they'd come to term inside one of Neil's testicles. By coincidence, my father never gave birth out of his balls, either. Random luck or ancestral curse? I doubt we'll ever know."
"Theres no real importance of biological sex since most people haven't karotyped their chromosomes."

J.K. Rowling on X - "That thing only evil, nasty bigots claim happens, and that never, ever happens, has happened. Again."
Paedophile secretly filmed women in public toilet and sexually assaulted tourist on Durham city bridge - "A paedophile who filmed women in public toilets and sexually assaulted a tourist on a bridge has been locked up.  Kurtis Mawson was spotted inside female toilets near the Odeon at Millburngate shopping centre in Durham city. The 22-year-old was inside a closed cubicle and was standing on the toilet looking into the next cubicle... Liam O'Brien, prosecuting, told the court how Mawson was still inside the toilet cubicle when police arrived and an officer asked if anybody was in there. In an attempt to conceal his identity, Mawson put on a high pitched voice and answering "Yeah".  The prosecutor said one of the officers climbed on top of a toilet to continue a conversation with him. He said: "When challenged with what he is doing in a women's toilet he said: 'Just chilling'. He then said he was there as he identified as female."  When police arrested him, they found him in possession of a mobile phone and a digital camera. He had recorded material of women using the toilet."
You're not allowed to challenge trans self-identification, but of course, convicted criminals can never be true trans people

Thread by @jk_rowling on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Scotland's Hate Crime Act comes into effect today. Women gain no additional protections, of course, but well-known trans activist Beth Douglas, darling of prominent Scottish politicians, falls within a protected category. Phew! Lovely Scottish lass and convicted double rapist Isla Bryson found her true authentic female self shortly before she was due to be sentenced. Misgendering is hate, so respect Isla’s pronouns, please. Love the leggings! Fragile flower Katie Dolatowski, 6'5", was rightly sent to a women's prison in Scotland after conviction. This ensured she was protected from violent, predatory men (unlike the 10-year-old girl Katie sexually assaulted in a women's public bathroom.) Samantha Norris was cleared of exposing her penis to two 11-year-old girls. Hooray! Unfortunately she was then convicted for possession of 16,000 images of children being raped and sexually assaulted. Be that as it may, Sam’s still a lady to me! Scottish woman and butcher Amy George abducted an 11-year-old girl while dressed in female clothing. No idea why this was mentioned in court – of course she was wearing women’s clothing, she's a woman! Amy took the girl home and sexually abused her over a 27-hour period.
But most women aren’t axe-toters or sex offenders, so let’s talk role models! Guilia Valentino (in red) wanted to play on the women's team 'because of sisterhood, validation and political visibility'. Naturally, she was given some boring cis girl’s place. Yay for inclusion! Mridul Wadhwa, head of a Scottish rape crisis centre, says, ‘sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well.’ She has no gender recognition certificate, but was still appointed to a job advertised for women only. Time to be ‘challenged on your prejudices’, rape victims! Munroe Bergdorf isn’t just a pretty face! Public campaigner for a children’s charity until safeguarding concerns were raised, she was appointed UN Women’s first ever UK champion. ‘What makes a woman “a woman” has no definitive answer,’ says Munroe. Great choice, UN Women!  Katie Neeves has been appointed as the UN Women UK delegate. She switched from straight man to lesbian at the age of 48 and, in a leaked 2022 webinar, described how she used to enjoy stealing and wearing her sister’s underwear. A truly relatable representative! Last, but least, TV’s India Willoughby proves we women can call a black broadcaster a ‘nasty bitch’ who ‘wouldn’t be anywhere without woke’, dub lesbians men, insult the looks of a female Olympic swimmer, ‘joke’ about kidnapping feminists, and STILL get airtime! What a gal!
🎉🌼🌸April Fools! 🌸🌼🎉  Only kidding. Obviously, the people mentioned in the above tweets aren't women at all, but men, every last one of them.
In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls. The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women's and girls’ single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women’s jobs, honours and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men, and the reality and immutability of biological sex.  For several years now, Scottish women have been pressured by their government and members of the police force to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears, repudiate biological facts and embrace a neo-religious concept of gender that is unprovable and untestable. The re-definition of 'woman' to include every man who declares himself one has already had serious consequences for women's and girls’ rights and safety in Scotland, with the strongest impact felt, as ever, by the most vulnerable, including female prisoners and rape survivors.  It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls’ rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man. Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.
I'm currently out of the country, but if what I've written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.  If you agree with the views set out in this tweet, please retweet it.  #ArrestMe #AprilFools #HateCrimeActScotland
Wow. @IndiaWilloughby calling everyone on the list a sex offender, excluding only himself, was the twist I didn't see coming."

The Rabbit Hole on X - "“JK Rowling could be arrested in Scotland for making a series of posts misgendering transgender women, under a newly-enacted hate crime law, a politician in the UK has warned.” The trans stuff is concerning for two major reasons:
1) Targeting of children
2) Free Speech Infringements
Hate Crime legislation is merely a socially acceptable way to brand censorship. Now that reality is on the chopping block, maybe people will wake up."

JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal, police say - ""I hope every woman in Scotland who wishes to speak up for the reality and importance of biological sex will be reassured by this announcement, and I trust that all women - irrespective of profile or financial means - will be treated equally under the law.  "If they go after any woman for simply calling a man a man, I'll repeat that woman's words and they can charge us both at once."... Prime Minister Rishi Sunak earlier backed Ms Rowling's stance stating the UK had a proud tradition of free speech."

Online Troll Forced To Apologize To JK Rowling After Author Threatens Legal Action (2023) - "An online troll was forced to apologize to J.K. Rowling after the author threatened legal action over a since-deleted tweet that likened her to a “Nazi.” Twitter user JJ Welles, who describes himself as a drag queen and jazz hands enthusiast in his bio, apologized to Rowling on Monday after the author threatened legal action in Dec. 2022."
Meme (2024) - JJ Welles @jjwelles_: "I think *that* woman should do the world a favour and take a nice hot bath... with a plugged in electrical appliance of her choosing."
Konoslav 🔺 on X - "It's very strange how these activists who call for tolerance are incredibly prone to violence. Weird..."
He quickly got suspended on X. This is why the left hate Elon Musk so much

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