When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, June 19, 2023

Links - 19th June 2023 (1 - Women)

Meme - "You tried your best but, too much teeth. The uber is outside"

Meme - "I hate online dating. I wish guys just approached me."

Meme - "When a girl has "I love to travel” in her bio but you know she doesn't have a job. *intimacy with old man*"

Meme - Women's Rights News: "hannah @gulickhannah: i hate ranting to my boyfriend because he'll use sound logic and reasoning and i'm really just looking for someone to be just as overdramatic about the situation as i am"
When feminists admit women are irrational and just like drama

Meme - "When he's talking goals and success but all I wanna hear him talk about is how hot he thinks I am"

Aussie teacher gave heartbroken teen shoulder to cry on - and illicit sex | Toronto Sun - "Monique Ooms, 31, pleaded guilty to four counts of sexual penetration of a child under her supervision and care in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley County Court... But her lawyer doesn’t believe she deserves jail because she has already endured “public shame” and the loss of her job.  The judge agreed and she was spared what could have been 10 years in prison because of her “mental fragility.”... For his part, when questioned by detectives, the boy assured police the pair were “just friends.” Then, he called Ooms, instructing her to delete their exchanges.  And he refused to testify against Ooms. His mother, however, read a victim impact statement claiming she was worried for her son’s future and the emotional wreckage the affair wrought on the whole family. Her lawyer said that Ooms has no criminal history and had been of good character and accepted that her actions were grievous. In addition, the teacher has PTSD and borderline personality disorder."

Women try getting kicked in the balls - YouTube - "A group of female volunteers take part in a new experiment to answer an age old question... Is childbirth more painful than getting kicked in the balls? Tune in this week and find out"

Often decried, polygyny may sometimes have advantages - "the practice of sharing a husband may, in some circumstances, lead to greater health and wealth for women and their children... polygynous households often had better access to food and healthier children. Polygynous households also owned more cattle and farmed more land than monogamous households. These findings support evolutionary anthropological accounts of marriage indicating that polygyny can be in a woman's strategic interest when women depend on men for resources...   The United Nations states that polygyny contravenes a woman's right to equality with men and can have such serious emotional and financial consequences for her and her dependents that such marriages ought to be discouraged and prohibited.  However, the researchers highlight the importance of local context in studying the health implications of cultural practices, and suggest that in some settings, prohibiting polygyny could be disadvantageous to women by restricting their marriage options.   "The issue is not the number of partners," Borgerhoff Mulder said. "Women should be assured the autonomy to make the decisions they want"""
It's as if female hypergamy is a new discovery
Of course polygyny being disadvantageous to most men is no problem

Jay Ingram: Newly-single man slams unfaithful Gold Coast women who flirt with him on Instagram - "A newly-single man has unleashed on 'already taken' women he says are 'sliding into his DMs' and sending flirty messages on Instagram.   Jay Ingram, 33, from the Gold Coast, said he was 'shocked' to find many of the women he had been exchanging flirtatious messages with were 'already in a committed relationship' in a rant posted to his Instagram story."

Moment concertgoer lets out 'full body orgasm' while listening to Tchaikovsky's symphony performance - "All eyes were transfixed on an orchestra performing Tchaikovsky's Fifth symphony in Los Angeles on Friday when a concertgoer suddenly let out a 'full body orgasm'.  The loud scream is said to have suddenly erupted from the balcony at the Walt Disney Concert Hall where there was a packed crowd... An audio clip of the moment- where someone is heard screaming out during a quiet period in the performance - has gone viral on social media... Lukas Burton, a Silver Lake resident and music agent, enjoyed the loud scream from the audience member and said it was 'wonderfully timed' to a 'romantic swell' in the symphony.   He said: 'One can’t know exactly what happened, but it seemed very clear from the sound that it was an expression of pure physical joy... He described the outburst during the orchestra performance as 'rather wonderful and refreshing'.   Burton added: 'There was a sort of gasp in the audience. But I think everyone felt that was a rather lovely expression of somebody who was so transported by the music that it had some kind of effect on them physically or, dare I say, even sexually.'... one user wrote: I was there. This is not what happened. The poor woman had a breakdown of some sort. Speaking to Elim after the concert (we are friends since out time together at U of M) and we were all worried it was a medical emergency. Please have more respect.'  But Fiennes hit back, saying he had eight other friends attending who 'all had reached a similar conclusion.'  He added: 'She remained for the rest of the show, Her demeanour was in evidence. My corroborated take is merely an observation. Respect maintained.'"


Meme - Kamala: "As an effort to help people in #Ukraine during the #Ukrainelnvasion I will be having a sale on my onlyfans at 50% off for everyone in Ukraine!"

Meme - Grace @gracecamille_: "Question for the ladies- do you check your man's phone?? would he let you??? i explained to my man early on that in order to trust him i would be doing random daily phone checks. happy 3 weeks baby"
"3 weeks? guess he still hasn't check yours"
Grace @gracecamille_: "why in the world would let him look through my phone?? he trusts me and also respects my privacy.. otherwise we would not be together"

Personal trainer finds church-going wife 'cheating on him' with homeless man [Video] - "CCTV shows Eduardo Alves walk up to a parked car and peek through the windscreen, only to see his partner inside with another man... The wife, a churchgoer, later told a friend she had received a 'message from God' to 'help' the rough sleeper."

Kiaraakitty gets stopped by cops for 'having her boobs out' while livestreaming in Seoul - "The clip, which appeared to have been a short snippet of a longer nine-hour livestream, showed Kiaraa walking along the streets of Seoul dressed in a laced top, a fur coat and a skirt along with a rabbit headband, when she was approached by two cops.  The officers, one of whom was female, spoke to her in Korean, to which she responded with: "I don't speak Korean."  Both parties seemed to struggle with the language barrier, as Kiaraa tried to reason with the authorities by saying that she was on her way to a cosplay party... Kiaraa claimed that someone had reported her to the police for "having my boobs out". In a series of videos subsequently uploaded by a YouTube channel known as Darren Wang, the video continues with Kiara conversing with the translator, who told her that someone had reported her for being in underwear, to which she said she was "waring a lace top with a very thick fur coat"...   "Of course it's some jealous b****es who complained about my t**s," she talked to her audience after the incident. "Like shut the hell up and let me make my money."...   Many netizens took to the comments to condemn Kiaraa's actions, accusing her of "destroying Singapore's reputation", while others took issue with her for not following the laws in another country...   According to the Statutes of the Republic of Korea, "obscene exposure" refers to "any person who embarrasses or offends other people by excessively exposing his or her naked body or exposing any part of his or her body which ought to be hidden, in, or within the view of, a public places". Kiaraa is no stranger to controversy.  Just earlier this year, Kiaraa had her Twitch account banned for apparently "breaking sexual content guidelines", which would have been the fourth time her account had been suspended.  Although the official reason for the ban was never disclosed, netizens suspected that it could be due to a livestream she did in Taiwan on Jan 22, in which she did squats with her back facing the camera.  She was donning a pink bra and wearing pink leggings in the video.  According to its website, Twitch has an attire policy which prohibits creators from being fully or partially nude, and where the "visible outline of genitals, even when covered," is also not allowed.   In addition, Twitch does not allow the streaming of "sexually suggestive content"."
When you admit you profit off sexualising yourself
Addendum: Supposedly she was kicked out of South Korea too

How bra-zen: Taiwanese influencer barred from Louvre Museum for wearing this outfit - "You know how Europeans are generally perceived to be more open-minded and liberal compared to Asians?   Well, not if you ask influencer Iris Hsieh from Taiwan.  On a recent trip to Paris, Hsieh shared that she was allegedly driven away by the local police when she visited the Louvre Museum all because of her "bra top", she cited.   Hsieh a former nurse, is now an influencer on live-streaming platforms and YouTube with over 123,000 followers on her Instagram account where she mainly posts pictures showcasing her voluptuous figure in provocative poses.  On Nov 3, Hsieh shared pictures on Instagram, updating that she's visiting Paris.  In the post, Hsieh was seen in a sheer lacy bra posing in front of the Louvre Museum where she expressed disappointment for not being able to take more of those pictures as she was stopped by local police due to her outfit."

Women more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors with more attractive partners - "women report a greater tendency to engage in risky sexual behaviors with more attractive partners, and when they use their own sexuality as a means of mate retention... Sexual risk-taking is a common phenomenon, with women reporting greater willingness to risk pregnancy with physically attractive men, and men who show commitment, good financial prospects, as well as moderate to high social status... Women who were more socially dominant were more likely to engage in conception-risking behaviors and “would be less upset by an unintended pregnancy.”... Women of higher religiosity, those who took fewer social risks, and those with partners of higher masculinity were more likely to carry an intended pregnancy to term. And despite all participants indicating that they were not intending to become pregnant in their current relationship, 119 of 204 participants reported engaging in at least one behavior that increased their risk of becoming pregnant at the time of their last sexual encounter. Additionally, fertility status did not predict initiating sex, sexual risk-taking, or relationship satisfaction"

I graduated with honors -- trolls say my grad pics make me look 'dumb as hell' - "In celebration of earning a degree from the University of Arizona this month, one freakishly flexible scholar tossed on a pair of see-through platform heels and a red thong to pose in an upside-down split on a stripper pole that she stationed on the main yard of the campus.   Responding to an explicitly-worded Twitter query about serving fierceness in “an academic way,” a redheaded recent grad, known online as Rachel Davenpole, tweeted, “Like this,” alongside frames from her NSFW photoshoot...   The backlash was reminiscent of the virtual vitriol received by a Florida A&M student who posed nude in her graduation flicks last spring. "

Woman who sent man 159,000 texts after a single date thinks jury will force them to marry - "An Arizona woman who allegedly sent 159,000 text messages to a man and broke into his home after they went on a single date believes a jury will find her innocent.   Jacqueline Ades was found mentally incompetent to stand trial in March. But she wants a jury to hear her case, believing they will even order her to marry the man... She sent him threatening text messages including one that read: 'I'd make sushi outta ur kidneys n chopsticks outta ur hand bones (sic)'.   Another one read: 'Oh what would I do w ur blood! Id wanna bathe in it'... She claimed that the pair met on Luxy, an online dating service that calls itself the 'best luxury millionaire matchmaker dating app'.   Luxy can only be accessed by those who earn more than $200,000 or if they are voted in by other members based on their attractiveness... In April 2018, the man - who was out of the country - called police and said surveillance video showed that Ades was inside his home.   Officers found Ades taking a bath in his home. When officers asked why she was there, she began referring to scientific equations.   'I guess that I made up a whole scenario in my head where I live here, so I came here and pretended that's what was happening,' she told them. Officers also found a large butcher knife in her car at the time.      After she failed to appear to multiple court hearings, Ades was arrested the following month.  On the way to prison, she told officers: 'He said to me, "Go away" for the last 16 months. And I couldn't, because the more I loved him, the more I learned [about] the secrets of the universe.'  Ades also told the Republic that she had been abducted by Walt Disney, who she said is a member of the Illuminati with his own spaceship.   'Does that sound crazy? It sounds like I'm crazy,' she said. 'My mom says, "They're going to put you back in Rule 11 court if you go around telling people." But this is a true story - I'm not lying.'"

Sylvester Stallone’s daughter says dates don’t return after meeting 'scary' dad - "Sylvester Stallone's daughter has revealed that her dates don't return after meeting her dad because he is "so scary."... Stalones three daughters Sophia, 26, Sistine, 24, and Scarlet, 20 explained that they face a few obstacles as their dad is known as a "tough guy."  Sophie said: Well, we’re single, so," and Sylvester joked: "I’m hoping they turn out to be spinsters"

Fit gran 'banned from dating app for being too hot' – after bedding 720 lovers - "Andrea Sunshine is open about her sex life after previously admitting to bedding 720 people since her divorce...   The 50-something bodybuilder said: "I just want my account back."... she fears not having the account would lose all her contacts."

'Women should get surgery to look hot – I've had 20 ops on boobs, bum and even teeth' - "Surprisingly enough, by Venezuelan standards, Aleira was relatively late in having plastic surgery. In the South American country, it is common to be given a boob job as a 15th birthday present.  She gushed: "Only the strongest and most beautiful women are willing to go under the knife in the name of perfection."   Her most famous asset is her 20-inch waist, which she achieved by wearing a Victorian corset for 23 hours a day for seven years.  The effects of the corset have left scars on her body.  Aleira's ribs have been crushed inwards by the force of the Victorian instrument.  Although it's not something the model regrets.  "The hourglass body is the image of the perfect woman," she concluded."

Meme - "Romance display at my local Barnes & Nobles. I probably laughed too loud.
Dude, Where's My Shirt?"

19-Year-Old Serial Killer Lured Online 'Coomers' With Promise Of Sex And Stabbed Them To Death - "  The 19-year-old, named only as Sarah M due to Germany’s strict privacy laws, idolised American serial killers Richard Ramirez and Ted Bundy and hung posters of both on her bedroom wall. After buying a hunting knife in May last year, Sarah set up a fake dating profile using the name Domina Cherry and started hunting ‘coomers’... Sarah had read that the serial killer record was 218 – 250 kills (Harold Shipman) and wanted to beat it, so yeah, not even close given she apparently only managed one kill. She barely even managed that too; her victim overpowered her and eventually passed away in hospital 3 weeks later. Not to mention baiting herself up by texting her friend everything she was about to do. Her serial killer idols would not be proud, and neither are the non-serial killers among us. RIP Zeyed E. 12 years feels like a travesty for a cold-blooded murder, ‘coomer’ or not."

Meme - "POV: You are a guy in Paraguay in 1870 *Girls in Class Looking Back*"

Meme - Harleen Kaur @KaurazyGirl: "I'm 5'3 y'all, and 5'7 in heels, I mean just in case any of you is imagining how I'd look standing next to you."
Kamlesh Damale @Ka...: "I'm 6'6 ,13 inches taller than you"
Harleen Kaur @KaurazyGirl: "What am I supposed to do with this information???"
Kamlesh Damale: "Then what I supposed to do your twite. I mean why are you asking us to imagine"

'Distracting' gym outfit: Woman questions her choice in leggings - "A California-based creator claimed on TikTok that she was “dress-coded” at the all-female fitness center she belonged to.  Kerry Rose Schwartz, 37, alleged that the owner of the gym told her the leggings she was wearing made the other patrons “uncomfortable.”...   The owner allegedly told Schwartz that “more than one” other gym-goer came up to them and described Schwartz’s outfit as “distracting” and “offensive.”"
Clearly the fault of the patriarchy!

Meme - "8 year old me pointing to the purple lightsaber under my mom's bed after she said she doesn't like Star Wars:
What the fuck is that?? *Full metal jacket drill sergeant*"

Meme - "For a generation that can't "find a good man" You ladies sure are pregnant a lot."

Meme - "One of my girls could get back with their shitty ex 110 times and you best believe I will be wipe their tears always every. single. time. Can't stand those people who make their friends feel bad for talking about or being upset over something multiple times"
Women are allergic to accountability, and they're enabled by other women

Work-shy 'trophy husband' lives off three wives' income and spends all day 'thinking' - "A self-described "trophy husband" who isn't employed is waited on hand and foot by his three wives - after they've been at work all day.  Dad-of-two Nick Davis doesn't work as "the King doesn't move around much", yet spins it to claim the "Queens" in his life have all the power.  All three of his wives, April, Danielle and Jennifer, have full-time jobs, while Nick doesn't contribute financially to his family because he is 'studying' all day.  Nick barely lifts a finger because his wives don't want him to deal with the stress of cooking, cleaning or even driving... While the wives are at work, Nick spends his time "reading, learning and deciphering" - something one of the wives claims they simply could never do themselves...   Nick, 39, who had been interested in polygamy for over 15 years, claims his interest was really stirred when he met first wife April.  He met April, 38, while attending college in 2008, then they welcomed Jennifer, 25, into the marriage almost nine years later.  It was actually April who introduced Jennifer, who was just 19-years-old at the time, to Nick because they needed another woman to meet his "needs".  "Nick's a lot to handle. Let's just say that... in a lot of ways," explains April. "Nick is a lot to handle in the bed."...   The women don't date each other and are only in a sexual relationship with Nick, but do all sleep in the same bed as he likes to be sandwiched by them.   Nick explains he likes to be "snuggled up in the middle" of his wives in bed but sex always occurs in a different area of the home with each wife... While all four are cuddling in bed the morning after, Nick cries: "Is someone going to make me food or what?"  When the three of them start cooking, Nick sits at the table reading a book about 'biogenesis', the principle that living organisms are produced only from other living organisms."

Woman sends herself drinks 'from admirers' on first dates to show she has options - "Social media star Sofia Franklyn shared a video on TikTok which she captioned: "Men love some healthy competition.""

'It's the best sex of my life': Florist aged 62 plans New Year's naked swinger party visit - "A 62-year-old florist who wanted to ensure her New Year celebrations went with a bang was last night set to spend her night at a swingers' club.  Siobhan Burt, from Worcester Park, London, has been swinging for five years and made the decision to celebrate the end of the year with hundreds of naked revellers.  Siobhan said: "Swinging over New Year is so fun, everyone is in such high spirits.  "It depends what you're into, but for me swinging on New Year's Eve is much more fun than a traditional party.  "I don't dress up specially, though - it's either all clothes on or all clothes off."... The size 22 senior was encouraged to join by a friend and was initially self-conscious about her age and bigger figure - but messages from men soon came flooding in.  Siobhan said: "Before swinging, my life just felt boring. When a friend introduced me to a swinging website, I decided to be impulsive for once!  "There were men 20 years younger than me telling me how sexy and pretty I was - it was a huge confidence boost.  "Before long, I'd met up with a few suitors and had planned to go to a swinging party.""

'I caught my ex messaging other girls - so I got the ultimate revenge he'll never forget' - "A scorned woman who claims she caught her ex messaging other women savagely took revenge against him - by pouring glitter over everything he owns.  Jade Butters, 23, bought 82 tubes of glitter for £15 after deciding to teach her ex a lesson - and making sure he'd never forget her.  She then filmed herself sprinkling the glitter over his clothes and bed, and even putting it in his toothpaste.  The nursery nurse also sprinkled glitter into his washing powder, ensuring his clothes would remain glittery for many days to come."

'I spend £30K transforming from 'emo' to Barbie - my mum doesn't recognise me' - "Scarlett Gladwin, 26, from Essex, decided she was sick of "blending in" with her appearance and decided to ditch her dark hair and fair complexion for a "Barbie" look - but her friends and family worry she's gone too far"

'I'm plus-size but I'm still a threat to skinny girls - their boyfriends aren't safe with me' - "Holly Marston, 22, uses her TikTok account to dispel damaging stereotypes about plus-size women - including that "skinny" girls shouldn't think they're "safe" to leave their boyfriends with her"
When you don't understand that men are easy

'Sugar daddies paid for my diamonds and Porsche - now I coach other sugar babies' - "A young woman who boasts a wardrobe full of designer accessories says she loves having sugar daddies who spoil her.  Dash Priestly, 25, from Atlanta in the US, drives a Porsche and wears lavish diamond jewellery thanks to older men vying for her affections.  She refers to herself as a "show-off piece" older men like to wine and dine on expensive holidays and exclusive events - with no strings attached.  She explained: “As a sugar baby, you are arm candy. It is mostly older men who want company to attend dinners, holidays or even just to chat.  “A lot of people assume sex is involved, but this isn’t a factor whatsoever."... “I take great pride in teaching women on how to be a valuable woman. I want others to understand the depth of how to be successful sugar baby without giving away their body.  “Most of the time, the men just want companionship - they just want someone to speak to. I used to take the time to get to know their emotional side without being too nosey."  Describing her work as "an emotional game", she said she likes to find out what is missing in the lives of her sugar daddies, so she can help fill a gap... She added she uses the Life 360 app while out and about with sugar daddies, so her friends know her every move - and encourages other sugar babes to do the same thing"


Meme - "There's no such thing as the friend zone. Anyone who won't let you fuck isn't your friend"

Meme - "Would you like to buy a custom video just for you x"
"Of what?"
"Anything you want honey Just for 40$ xx"
"A cat driving a tractor"
"You said anything"

Meme - "When you're stressed about money and your main financial burden comes to comfort you *Woman hugging man*"

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