When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, June 19, 2023

Links - 19th June 2023 (2)

Meme - "Sex?"
"No wtf"
"No I'm asking your gender. Male or female"
"Oh sorry lmao. Female"
"Cool. Wanna fuck?"

Douglas Chow - "Finally caught ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ on the plane. I was so looking forward to it after reading about all the hype post academy award win. Accent that tried to be authentic was grating  and dialogue was bad. The Chinese and Cantonese sounded really off and unnatural. Hubby and wife spoke very different sounding Chinese  They got a high pitched Jackie Chan look-alike hubby that sounded like Mickey Mouse on helium. The acting was like a secondary school skit, the acting (or lack of it) campy, special effects sorely lacking in realism. And u had to sit through more then 2 hours of it to get the director's message that it's good to be kind and understanding and love. But if a production like this can win so many academy awards, it gives u hope that anything is possible. Well, almost. 😃"
This doesn't even get to how confusing and incoherent the plot is

Kenya chess: Male player dons disguise to compete as woman - "It was a bold gambit by the 25-year-old Kenyan chess player to disguise himself as a woman to compete in his country's female open chess tournament.  Dressed head to toe in a burka and wearing spectacles, Stanley Omondi had registered himself as Millicent Awour.  But Omondi's daring move was exposed as the organisers got suspicious by the unknown player's success.  In his defence, he later wrote in an apologetic letter seen by the BBC that he had "financial needs"... "We didn't have any suspicion at first, because wearing a hijab is normal," Wanjala told BBC Sport Africa.  "But along the way, we noticed he won against very strong players... and it will be unlikely to have a new person who has never played a tournament [being very strong]."  His footwear and the fact that Omondi did not speak added to concerns... Despite their reservations, officials allowed him to continue, afraid they might be accused of profiling because of the religious attire and only ejected him in the fourth round... Omondi is a known chess player, but Wanjala believes he thought his odds would be better in the women's category given the higher standard of play in the men's part of the tournament.  While Kenya's chess federation has dealt with cases of age cheating before, this type of fraud is a first of its kind."

Coleshill: Woman who moved next to busy A-road insists she's not stupid - "A grandmother who bought a house backing onto a busy dual carriageway then complained it was too noisy has insisted she isn’t stupid.  Jackie McCormack and her husband bought the £350,000 new-build ‘dream’ home after only viewing it at times when the road was relatively quiet.  When they moved in, they were shocked to find out the sound was ‘absolutely horrendous’.  She and her husband spoke out about the issue in the press, calling for a lower speed limit on the A-road, crash barriers to protect the garden, and speed cameras to improve the situation for them and their neighbours in Coleshil, Warwickshire."

'Singapore is the least judgemental place': Woman opens up about journey to becoming a citizen - "Yana Fry has lived in many places throughout her life, from Russia to Switzerland, the US to Singapore... Of all the places she's been to, it seems to her that people in Singapore are the least judgemental.  "Everywhere else, I would feel [like] a foreigner."... as the years added up, Singapore began feeling more like home, not least due to the warmth of the local people.  Yana noted how Singaporeans were "incredibly kind" to her from the start"
What alternate dimension is she living in?
Much of the rest of the interview is good, though, like pointing out that people look at making friends in terms of investment (e.g. if you're going to leave the country in a few years, they might not be interested), men are more resilient because they need to provide, that some women don't let men pursue their dreams because they are seen as providers, that people just want to earn a lot of money but their health or relationships suffer and how many apparently successful people are miserable in many areas of their life

Will she ever truly belong in Singapore? - YouTube
Comments: "She hits the nail when she says sometimes, Singaporeans are a little narrower in their thoughts than those out there. I felt that too.... going from Singapore to the U.S., I had to take some time to adjust to a wider mindset, and now, going back to Singapore, I am worried that I am needing to revert back to the narrower thoughts" " was born and grew up in Singapore. I suffered depression majorly when I came back to Singapore from US. I took nearly 10 years, not exaggerating, to get over leaving and not being in the US. I was down to a shell of myself when I first came back. After 10 years, I finally recovered mostly, as in could feel contentment again but still not fully and also part of why I recovered was I made plans to go back to US. 10 years later I also started a family in Singapore, had my children but I plan to bring my family back to US…get US passport for them. Maybe I’ll come back to Singapore to retire. Maybe not."
"Least judgemental? There are many passive-aggressive people in here who gossip a lot online, who are racists, just that you just won't see it in real life."

Country Comparison - Hofstede Insights - "Singapore, with a score of 20 is a collectivistic society. This means that the “We” is important, people belong to in-groups (families, clans or organisations) who look after each other in exchange for loyalty. Here we can also see the second key principle of the Confucian teaching: The family is the prototype of all social organizations. A person is not primarily an individual; rather, he or she is a member of a family. Children should learn to restrain themselves, to overcome their individuality so as to maintain the harmony in the family. Harmony is found when everybody saves face in the sense of dignity, self-respect, and prestige. Social relations should be conducted in such a way that everybody’s face is saved. Paying respect to someone is called giving face... The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the score on Uncertainty Avoidance.  Singapore scores 8 on this dimension and thus scores very low on this dimension. In Singapore people abide to many rules not because they have need for structure but because of high PDI."

Man who stole $24 from gas station in China avoided cops by living in a cave for 14 years - "A man who robbed a gas station of 156 yuan (approximately $24) in 2009 has allegedly been living like a hermit in a remote cave for around 14 years to evade the authorities.  The man, identified as Liu Moufu of China's Hubei province, robbed a local establishment in the city of Enshi along with his brother-in-law and another accomplice. According to some local reports, they also stole two mobile phones and a miner's lamp. After spending 60 yuan (approximately $8.60) on food and some fireworks, they reportedly split the remaining amount among themselves, with each person getting 32 yuan (approximately $4.60). Immediately after the crew went their separate ways, the authorities located Liu’s two accomplices and arrested them.  Liu, who was in his late 30s at the time, looked for a place to hide after hearing about the arrests... As a fugitive, Liu allegedly managed to survive by hunting and scavenging for food. He also reportedly admitted to stealing vegetables and meat from his old village and occasionally meeting up with his family members. To protect himself from wild animals, Liu lived with several stray dogs... He did, however, miss important family events, including his father's funeral and his son's wedding."

Coach who duped 2 underaged girls into having sex with him gets 31 years' jail, caning for rape - "A sports coach got a 12-year-old girl to send him her nude photographs, which he later used to dupe her into engaging in various sexual acts with him by creating a fictitious persona he called the "China man".  Leonard Kannan, 47, told the girl that the "China man" had found his mobile phone containing her photos and had threatened to leak them unless she complied with his demands for more nude photos and sex videos.  Kannan also manipulated the victim into getting her best friend to fall for the same ruse. He tricked both girls into having threesomes with him and got them to perform sexual acts on each other. He even got the first victim to rope in a boy from her school to engage in sex acts with her.  Prosecutors told the High Court on Tuesday (May 25) that the two girls "found themselves helplessly entangled in the accused's diabolical web as his sex slaves for a period of three years"."

A kiss is not a kiss. In some cultures it’s just gross, researchers find. - The Washington Post - "Researchers have discovered kissing helps you choose the right mate and helps you live longer... Researchers at the University of Nevada and Indiana University found fewer than half of the world’s cultures kiss in a romantic way. Although many societies consider kissing to be a romantic or erotic activity, others have gone as far as to call it “gross” and ask why anyone would “share their dinner.”  The researchers studied 168 cultures over the past year and found evidence of romantic kissing in 77 societies, or 46 percent, but none in 91 others... The researchers found romantic kissing to be the norm in the Middle East, with the practice established in 10 out of 10 cultures studied. In Asia, 73 percent enjoyed romantic kissing; in Europe, 70 percent; and in North America, 55 percent. No smoochers were found in Central America.  “No ethnographer working with Sub-Saharan Africa, New Guinea, or Amazonian foragers or horticulturalists reported having witnessed any occasion in which their study populations engaged in a romantic-sexual kiss”... “Moreover, there is a strong correlation between the frequency of the romantic-sexual kiss and a society’s relative social complexity: The more socially complex the culture, the higher frequency of romantic-sexual kissing.”  Indeed, necking can be traced to primates. Chimpanzees and bonobos are known for kissing on the lips. Bonobos use tongue. But such gestures are a way for them to reconcile — not a form of foreplay... Across Europe, a peck on the cheek is a common cultural greeting; one on the lips is indeed a romantic gesture. In India, Bangladesh and Thailand, it’s a private practice. Still, some societies do not consider kissing romantic at all.  The Oceanic kiss, for example, involves passing open mouths over each other — without actual contact... It’s not that these cultures aren’t sexual, the researchers said, but that the kiss is not seen as a sexual expression. For instance, some consider smelling a partner’s face to be sexual because it allows them to learn more about each other. “The Aka pygmies talk about their ‘night’s work,” researcher Volsche told news.com.au. “This is the euphemism they use for sexual contact. They admit that it is enjoyable, the main purpose is to conceive a child. Where we in the West may brag about the quality of foreplay or the length of an individual interaction, the Aka focus on how many times in a night they ‘worked.'”  So even though the kiss may, in fact, be an evolutionary adaptation, it doesn’t appear to be a cross-cultural one"
According to a BBC video, more clothes = more kissing and hunter-gatherers don't kiss (except the Inuit), but I can't find a source

Why Japanese Used Mini Trucks Are Popular in USA - "Japanese mini trucks are the opposite of luxurious vehicles. Where American pickups are designed to be comfortable, spacious, and come with the latest tech, mini trucks aren’t. Manufacturers deliberately kept the design simple... Where pickups used to be designed for cargo, they’re now often used by families and for suburban commutes. Mini trucks on the other hand have stayed true to their roots, and are still all about functionality. Therefore, they’re bought by businesses, not really individual consumers... Kei truck manufacturers design them to be affordable. Even a brand new Kei truck will put you out thousands of dollars less than an American pickup.  This makes them an affordable investment for businesses. They’re cheap to buy, so even brand new businesses can invest in a few of them at once... Whether bought first or second hand, it’s not just the purchase price that’s cheap. Mini trucks are super cheap to run.  Their small engines and lightweight bodies help them achieve very good miles to the gallon. Even a second-hand, lightweight American pickup can’t compete with their rates... The biggest advantage of simple design is simple maintenance.  Kei trucks, especially the older models popular in the US, are products of big-name manufacturers. That means their parts are easily accessible and affordable across the country... The small frame of a Kei truck, almost impossible to find in American pickups, makes it a more versatile machine. In day-to-day business usage, it is easier to drive and park.
Of course, many Americans get upset when you point our their "trucks" aren't used for truck stuff the vast majority of the time

States Banned Japanese Imports For No Good Reason And The People Are Fighting Back - "In November 2021, I located the source of this madness, and it was the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA). This is a non-governmental non-profit lobbying organization composed of motor vehicle and law enforcement administrators and executives from all 50 states. Canada, Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and Washington D.C. get representation in the AAMVA as well."

Meme - "Like i was saying, the Circus is just one of my careers. The real money comes from frosted flakes *2 tigers in jacuuzi*"

Meme - "After 3 days of eating in England I now understand why Gordon Ramsay is so fuckin angry all the time."
"The beauty of their women and taste of their food made the Brits the best sailors in the world."

Meme - "r/interestingasfuck
92 out of the top 500 Reddit subs are controlled by just 4 people.......
Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/interestingasfuck
Locked post. New comments cannot be posted."
Reddit does moderation differently, and it’s ignited a war - "The list hit the big time when a Redditor named rootin-tootin_putin posted it to r/ThatsInsane, r/mildlyinfuriating and r/interestingasfuck. "I saw a link to it somewhere," rootin-tootin_putin told me, "which caught my attention due to negative run-ins with mods before." Those three subreddits have almost 9 million subscribers among them. The post promptly went viral — at one point it was among the most popular posts on Reddit.  Rootin-tootin_putin's post was quickly removed, without much explanation, and they got a notice they'd been banned from a subreddit. But rootin-tootin_putin wasn't banned from the places they'd posted. (Yet.) They were banned from r/comedyheaven, a subreddit "which I hadn't posted in or referenced in months." One of the sub's moderators? Cyxie. Soon after, rootin-tootin_putin faced other bans and was eventually suspended from Reddit altogether.  That was May 12, which was approximately when things went haywire. A pattern took hold: The list gets posted and then deleted — sometimes because it doesn't follow subreddit rules, other times because it causes uncivil conversations, or for no stated reason at all — and then gets posted somewhere else. The dispute, both about the post itself and the way the post has been handled all over Reddit, has turned into a brawl between the platform's users and its moderators."
No wonder reddit is a leftist echo chamber

The teacher was accused of having an illicit relationship with 48/50 parents of the class, every father thought he was the only one - "a female primary school teacher in China was “revealed” of having an affair with many parents of students at the same time, causing anger in public opinion.  Local media reported that the incident happened in Guangzhou city, in Guangdong province, China. A female teacher surnamed Qin was accused of deliberately seducing, flirting and inviting many fathers of students. While there were 50 students in the class, teacher Qin had an affair with 48 of them.  According to photos circulating on social media, Ms. Qin is a young teacher who has just graduated from school and has been working for a few years. Miss Qin has a very beautiful appearance with a pure face, white skin, long and straight black hair, looks very lovely, not inferior to hot girls online...   It is worth mentioning that before the incident was revealed, all these fathers did not know about the other, always thought they were the only “true” love of teacher Qin, so they wholeheartedly treated and pampered them. love her. Ms. Qin also knows how to organize and manage her time so that she can date these 48 fathers without being suspicious of the rest. She even has a small notebook detailing her lovers.  Not only interfering with other people’s family happiness, teacher Qin also often pleads and entices fathers to buy gifts or give her money."
Xiangxiang lost! The female teacher turned into a master of time management, promiscuously cheating on 48 male parents "received 880,000 red envelopes on Valentine's Day" - "Some people claim that Mr. Qin even has a “small book”, which records in detail the “length”, “size”, “time of use” and “number of times of use” of each parent."

Sex workers among big losers at Grand National as they're forced to offer discount rides - "Escorts working the usually profitable event failed to romp home with their usual winnings as they have had to slash rates by more than 500% to attract hard-up clients.  Others even offered their services free as long as they could be guaranteed 20% of winnings from their partners – saying they would only have sex once they had the cut in their hands...   “By the time their transport and time is taken out, these girls aren’t doing much better than minimum wage.  “It means they’re also accepting potentially dangerous clients they’d have previously been able to turn down.  “There are of course some who will have get lucky with rich men winning big, but that’s not really the norm in the world of sex work now.”  One website boasting of offering the “finest fillies” around Aintree had girls listed at £120 for a half-day’s service – which would have cost at least £650 around 2018.  The same year, some vice girls claimed to have raked in up to £5,000 after multiple rolls in the hay on the same day."

Meme - "When you mag dump $35 worth of ammo into the mugger to keep him from stealing the $20 bill in your wallet
It's not about the money, it's about sending a message."

Meme - "Drone view of ancient ruins? A well-detailed miniature? Nope, it's a dirty motherboard."

Meme - "Rush hour in Japan. *mascots going through fare gate*"

More people are picking up takeout orders themselves to save money and dodge high Uber Eats and DoorDash delivery fees - "High delivery fees appear to be prompting some people to stop ordering on the likes of Uber Eats and Doordash and collect their food instead... The cost of food away from home, which includes the likes of restaurants, fast-food chains, workplace canteens, and food trucks, has risen by 8.6% over the past 12 months, per data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. In comparison, total prices across the Consumer Product Index, which as well as food includes apparel, energy costs, and rent, increased by just 4.9% over the same period."

Meme - "DoorDash Uncensored
Daniel OBrien: Gotta teach these people lesson
Your Customer: OrrisaP
"Hey do you plan on leaving a tip? It doesnt show you paid in advance. Do you want ur food or not?
Meme: Don't go broke trying to look RICH... ***ct your wage"
"This order doesn't show you tipped. No tip no trip"
"oh i wouldnt be leaving one now so please feel free to cancel"
The entitled DoorDash drivers strike again

Meme - "Genghis Khan had sex with so many women; it's estimated that one in every 200 men alive today are directly related to him."
"Was he black. he definitely looking real black on this statue"
"Historically, the original people in Asia were of melanated people. It's documented."

Meme - "The Black Rhinoceros spends a majority of its adult life alone and mates only once every 2-3 years. Today I learned I had a lot in common with the Black Rhinoceros."

Meme - "A six year old ready for marriage in the days of our Prophet. *busty adult woman*
A six year old nowadays *kid*"
Mohamed Ahmed: "OK delete this please"

Meme - "Stellar and Solar 21
Hi we're looking for a platonic sugar parent willing to help us out while we we're in a tough situation. Anyone interested please message

Meme - "THE RABBIT HOLE COSTS EXTRA. *Alice with tattoos*"

Meme - "If you bitches can only offer me pussy what you think I'm offering DICK
Can't give me no money I can't give you no money FLAT OUT
If I can't call when I need you don't call me when you need help with something"

Meme "Whilst not my cup of tea, those are some beautifully executed colours, and I love how it clearly matches their personality. I can also imagine this is low maintenance!"
Admin: "Please rethink including "your opinion" of this hairstyle. i specifically requested no negativity."
"hey; no negativity here. a lot of skill and experience is shown in that style. I can appreciate that."
Admin: "you still included your opinion of it not being your cup of tea. since you're arguing instead of listening, here's a mute."
Power tripping admins strike again

Meme - Steve Irwin: BE KIND TO ANIMALS
David Attenborough: BE KIND TO THE PLANET
Mister Rogers: BE KIND TO OTHERS
Conan the Barbarian: CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES"

Meme - *Clown surprises clown wife in bed with clown*
Wife: Honey! It's not what you think! *5 clowns crawl out of bed* It's much worse"

House for Sale in Indonesia - With Free Wife - "An advert for a house in Indonesia has gone viral online after the woman selling it offered to throw in an unusual extra feature for free - her hand in marriage.  The Internet ad reads for the most part like a regular house listing, saying that the single-storey property has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a parking space and a fish pond.  But it also proposes to buyers a "rare offer" - "when you buy this house, you can ask the owner to marry you", alongside a picture of Wina Lia, a 40-year-old widow and beauty salon owner, leaning against a car in front of the house... Lia told AFP she was "shocked at the reaction", as she had been overwhelmed by journalists coming to interview her, and even the police in the conservative, Muslim-majority country had been asking questions.  The police "came to verify the news as they consider it as an improper advertisement. But I explained to them that it was not my idea," she said.  The mother of two explained that she had asked a friend who was a property agent to help her find a buyer - and in the process a husband - but she had expected him to pass on the news to a limited number of people, not put an ad online.   "I told a friend of mine who also works as property agent that if there is a buyer who is a single man or a widower who wants to buy a house, and at the same time look for a wife, he can let me know as I'm also a widow," she said.  She added that there was only one potential buyer, who had visited on Wednesday, but refused to give further details."
Indonesia: Woman Who Offered to Marry House-Buyer Finds He Is Married | Time - "Perhaps it was always too good to be true. Indonesian homeowner Wina Lia, who offered to marry whoever agreed to purchase her house, has now discovered that the man of her dreams is in fact already married.  Redi Eko agreed to wed Wina as well as buy her home, and had admitted that he was once married, but another woman has since stepped forward, claiming she is still his legitimate wife...   Endang said she wouldn’t stop her husband from marrying Wina, as long as they get divorced first.  But she hopes Wina would reconsider her plan to marry Redi. “He gave me many promises before, from buying me a luxurious house, a car for my child and taking me for an umrah [minor pilgrimage to Mecca], but until now, nothing,” Endang said. “Since we married [in March 2014], he didn’t give me money apart from 300,00 rupiah [$23] for Eid al-Fitr and 10 million rupiah [$760] for the wedding.”"

People spew hate at me for being an LGBT Muslim - but I know they don't represent my community - ""I find the hate quite funny to be honest," says Hafsa Qureshi. As a loud and proud queer person of faith, Hafsa has developed thick skin to the daily barrage of abuse she receives from fellow Muslims on social media, simply for being herself.  "I find it so bizarre that people get so wound up," she says laughing. "People tell me I’m going to hell or accuse me of trying to change Islam - but I'm literally just one person from Birmingham, I have no power!"...   "Most Muslims I know love and support me - they might not march with us at Pride but they accept who I am, which is so important. The way I look at religion, in Islam we say we are 'one' people - and it's not a true community without all it's members, including queer Muslims."
Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

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