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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Links - 24th June 2023 (2 - Trans Mania)

Transgender Developer Releases Anti-"Gender Fascist” Game ‘Terfenstein 3D’ To “Draw A Comparison Between Gender Critics And Nazi Germany” - "Openly admitting the game is designed to “draw a comparison between gender critics and nazi Germany,” all enemies appear to be female or priests, or guard-dogs. Banners and other decorations in the environment are adorned with a Nazi-style XX symbol, while blood splatters against the walls... Other games by Moen include Trans Agent X, a “casual sci-fi action-adventure bullet-hell.” After the “gender wars,” trans people leave Earth to their own planet, and “Earth being completely devoid of trans people could not survive because of it and annihilated themselves.” Players revisit the ruined Earth and face ghostly “cisgender” foes, as they seek an artifact.  All enemies depict “a narrative fragment of the ‘treatment’ transgender people in norway suffered from rikshospitalet,” such as being denied treatment. Sure enough, enemies seem to ask the sort of probing question doctors would ask someone who wants to transition."
For all TRAs go on about claiming that they are the victims of violence, they are the true violent ones (e.g. always fantasising about punching TERFs - and sometimes actually doing that)

Emma Webb on Twitter - "Why is using the changing room/bathroom that makes you feel safe and comfortable existentially important if you’re a trans person but irrelevant if you’re a woman?"

🦎Laura | Funk⭐️God on Twitter - "Trans rights are pharma rights."

'Woke' Singer Sam Smith Gets Creepy Tattoo of Young Naked Boy, In Heels - "‘Woke’ singer Sam Smith recently got a tattoo of a naked underage boy wearing high heels, staring at himself through a full-length mirror."

Trans woman is cleared of flashing penis at YMCA because she's too FAT for genitals to be visible - "A judge ruled that a transgender woman could not have indecently exposed her penis in a YMCA female changing room after agreeing with her claim that she's too fat for it to be visible.   Darren Glines, who now goes by Rachel, was found not guilty of three counts of indecent exposure at the facility in Xenia, Ohio.  Judge David McNamee cleared Glines after agreeing that the size of her belly meant it would be impossible for anyone to see her penis... Xenia City Council President Williams Urshcel said that one of the women who filed a complaint was allegedly informed by an employee at the YMCA that Glines identifies as a woman so she 'shouldn't be disturbed by this.'... A YMCA employee was called to testify at the trial, telling the court that she had to get a restraining order against Glines after she assaulted her. Kateisha Young told Reduxx that Glines grabbed her genitals after they had gone out to coffee... The incident at the YMCA in Xena is just one of many that have hit the group's facilities across the US.  Julie Jaman, 80, was banned from a YMCA pool after she demanded a transgender employee leave the women's locker room."

Meme - "You cant mutilate children or dance half naked in front of them anymore."

Meme - "My name is Jona Mendez and I was Chief of Disguise at the CIA. With women, you have a broader range of what you can do. You also have one extra step: you can turn a woman into a man.
I would mention that it's almost impossible to turn a man into a woman
*Pictures of MTFs*"
Transphobic WIRED interview from 2018. Shocking!

Meme - "I'm happy. My top and bottom are done. I've had FFS. I've had laser treatments. I got hair implants. I work out enough that I'm finally getting the slender, feminine body I've always wanted. I'm married. We have money and live comfortably. Life is finally great. My husband is a dermatologist. His partner at his practice is older, in his late 50s. Last night, we went to his house for a Super Bowl party. He and his wife have a 23-year-old daughter who recently graduated from college. She's working full time, but living at home. I irrationally hate this girl. I mean, not in the way most women hate other women, like admiring her proportions, wishing they were mine, that kind of thing. It's almost like, "I fucking hate you because you got the life I always wanted." It's not a pass thing. She got the life I always wanted. The princess bedroom. The prom dress. Seeing her is such a trigger for me. Like I said, my physical transformation is done. I'm usually pretty happy. My life is great. But when I see this girl I get so angry, and it's a mix of what I said above and these overwhelming desires just to have angry, passionate sex with her. I love football, but I couldn't even enjoy the game. When I got home, I cried in the shower for about half an hour. God. Please tell me I'm not the only one."
MTFs hate women so much

Meme - Haven Wilvich: "I realized something important today. I'm more woman than any TERF will ever be because I am an intentional woman whereas they are only incidental."
So much hate for real women

Korean Women's Spa Forced To Erase "Biological Women" From Policy After Human Rights Complaint From Trans-Identified Male - "In the complaint, Wilvich alleged his application to use the facilities at the spa had been rejected after staff told him that “transgender women without surgery are not welcome because it could make other customers and staff uncomfortable.”  The Olympus Spa, which has locations in Lynnwood and Tacoma, is a Korean-style health and wellness facility. The spa requires nudity in some of the areas, and, as such, has been reserved for female clientele.  The owner of the spa, Myoon Woon Lee, and the spa’s president, Sun Lee, are of Korean heritage and modeled the spa after the tradition of jjimjilbang. They are also Christian, and cited their faith as a reason why they did not wish to accommodate males in the facility... the WSHRC ruled that the spa had violated Washington anti-discrimination law, stating that the female-only policy “denies services to transgender women who have not had surgery … because their physical appearance is not ‘consistent’ with the traditional understanding of biological women.”  The spa disputed the veracity of Wilvich’s claims, asserting they had no documentation showing Wilvich had ever applied to enter the facility, and that no staff members could recall ever interacting with him.  But the WSHRC upheld their ruling, and offered the spa a Pre-Finding Settlement agreement to avoid prosecution.  The Pre-Finding Settlement required the spa to remove all references to “biological women” on their site, and provide staff with “inclusivity” training. In March of 2022, Olympus Spa sued Andreta Armstrong, the executive director of the Washington State Human Rights Commission, asserting that the actions taken against them violated their First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of association.  But a Washington District Court dismissed their lawsuit on Monday, upholding the ruling by the WSHRC and affirming that the measures taken to prevent the spa from having a female-only policy were lawful... Wilvich, born Caleb Richmond, identifies as a “non-binary transgender woman,” and currently purports to be a Project Coordinator at Fred Hutch in the HIV Vaccine Trials Network... Wilvich was featured on a Futurism podcast wherein he lauded the idea of trans-identified males being given uterus implants for the purposes of giving birth...   Olympus Spa is the third Korean spa in the United States to come into the crosshairs of the gender ideology debate over the past two years...   Wi Spa, a jjimjilbang-style establishment in Los Angeles, was the subject of viral attention after a video recorded by a female patron began circulating on social media. In the video, the woman confronts spa staff because of a nude male who was exposing himself in front of women and girls in the women’s changing room.  The incident was initially dismissed as a “transphobic” hoax by progressive commentators, but would later be verified by police who issued a warrant for the arrest of Darren Agee Merager, a registered sex offender. Merager was arrested in December of 2022."
Since he's non-binary he's not a woman anyway. Ironic

Meme - "Tatiana, 26
Flight Attendant
About me: Trans Girl if you don't like it swipe left. Dating Trans girls does NOT make a straight man "Gay"... I'm probably more woman than your ex... lol Grow tf up. My time is valuable Looking for a REAL RELATIONSHIP with a guy secure in himself. Don't swipe right if you can't respond, Keep it sweet"

Meme - "Only 90's kids will remember this
Select Gender

Meme - Ana Valens, Succubus: "I'll be fine. I am a white, cis-passing trans woman *ugly MTF*"

Meme - "They/Thems of the Universe
He-Them. The most confused them in the universe" *Fat man with blue hair and facial hair*

Trans lobby group Mermaids helped NHS plan treatment for children - "Susie Green, then chairman of the charity Mermaids, was part of a task group reviewing services at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation trans clinic... The Tavistock claimed that it did not have emails or minutes of meetings with Ms Green but after the information regulator threatened court action, it released more than 300 pages. They show that Ms Green had a direct line to Dr Polly Carmichael, Tavistock’s director, and demanded to be regarded as a professional so she could refer children for treatment when their GPs refused. Ms Green, who has no known formal medical training, held an advisory role on two of the studies that the clinic was involved in on the long-term effect of gender identity... Stephanie Davies-Arai, founder of Transgender Trend, said: “The Tavistock were really in thrall to these activists. They were ideologically captured.”   Ms Davies-Arai, who campaigns for evidence-based healthcare, said that she had first contacted the Tavistock in 2016 amid concerns about the treatment they were offering and was told that they would welcome her input as they were keen to hear from different voices.  However, when she emailed Dr Carmichael with concerns, she got no response."

Meme - "'Eavier Metal
CerberusXt Figurines
Newest mini in my trans pride project where I paint one mini of each of the Warhammer universe factions using a color scheme inspired by the trans pride flag. Today, the Death Guard representative : a lovely Plague Marine ! You can find the rest of the serie (10 other factions) on my instagram @cerberusxt_figurines"

Why I raised my child gender neutral - "At the time, I worried about the ramifications of socially experimenting on a generation of children via this wholesale pink-and blue-ification. A decade later, I wonder whether this may have backfired. At Alora’s high school, they and their crew are constantly changing names, genders, and preferred pronouns. They’re as fluid as febrile quark-gluon-plasma."
The myth of the slippery slope strikes again

Meme - Lady Quinn and the Tramp @Capt...: "Bitch, you wish you could pull this off. *Mannish MTF*"

Meme - "Dear Maybelline: Why would I want to wear make-up that makes me look like a man? See ya *Dylan Mulvaney*"

Meme - "as soon as @kprschools (or anyone else) says keep our little secret from mommy and daddy," you're going to lose 90% of the population"
All Staff
Jamila Maliha, Superintendent, Student Achievement; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
May 30, 2023
RE: Pride Month
The month of June is designated as Pride Month. KPR students, staff and school 'communities come together this month to celebrate, uplift and empower the voices of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. This month and beyond, we embrace opportunities to promote acceptance and equality, show our support, and continue listening and learning from one another to ensure our words, actions and spaces support inclusion for all! In accordance with Policy B-1.9 Flag Display all schools are asked to fly the Pride flag through the month of June for Pride Month. The flag raising will take place June 1 at am at the board office. Pride Month learning opportunities for schools, as welll as. various employee groups, will be forthcoming, including community-based and provincial events, and film screenings. As we celebrate Pride Month, we would like to take this opportunity to share important reminders about student privacy. All students have a right to privacy. Unless specifically directed by the student, schools must keep a student's trans* identity confidential. Therefore, school staff should not disclose a student's gender identity to others unless there is a specific "need to know' (e.g., to fulfil a specific accommodation request) or if the student has given permission to share. 'Some trans* or gender diverse students are not open about their identity at home for safety or other reasons. A school should never disclose a student's gender identity to the student's without the student's explicit prior consent. This is regardless of age or grade, even in elementary."

Student arrested at Catholic school after saying there are two genders | Toronto Sun - "In the name of diversity, a Catholic school in Renfrew suspended a student and had him arrested for saying there are only two genders. Josh Alexander was suspended last November over comments made about gender in class and told he couldn’t return to class until he recanted... he made comments during a class discussion on gender.  “It was about male students using female washrooms, gender dysphoria and male breastfeeding. Everyone was sharing their opinions on it, any student who wanted to was participating, including the teacher,” Alexander said.  “I said there were only two genders, and you were born either a male or a female, and that got me into trouble. And then I said that gender doesn’t trump biology.” Those statements, in line with Catholic teaching, were what got him suspended from school.  A lawyer representing Alexander said that the school won’t let him attend classes again until he agrees “not to use the ‘dead name’ of any transgender student and agreed to exclude himself from his two afternoon classes because those classes are attended by two transgender students who disapprove of Josh’s religious beliefs.”   Alexander told National Post that he’s never dead named another student, meaning using their original name before transitioning. As for trans students disapproving of Alexander’s religious beliefs, maybe they want to reflect on the fact that they are attending a Catholic school, or at least one that calls itself a Catholic school.  This incident shows why it might be time to finally say goodbye to Ontario’s publicly funded Catholic school system. There’s nothing Catholic about it, they adhere to the same secular gospel as all of our other public institutions, and it is beyond saving...   Anyone who looks into Alexander’s social media presence will see that he is a political activist. He’s pro-life, and he favours a red ball cap that reads “Save Canada” on the front. He’s even been photographed at protests against the Trudeau government on Parliament Hill... This young man is being denied an education for having a different view than those in power."
Why can't the trans students exclude themselves from the classes? This is rich
This doesn't stop the liberals from calling Catholic schools hives of bigotry because they won't raise the Pride flag
Liberals only praise politically-engaged youth when they push the liberal agenda

Meme - "Meet our New Artist of the Month: Male Soprano Elijah McCormack! Though he often sings countertenor roles, Elijah McCormack isn't a countertenor. As a transgender man, his mature singing voice never deepened. He is a soprano. "I considered taking testosterone, and I chose not to. I've made peace with the fact that I'm not necessarily going to pass as male all or even most of the time...I just made my peace with validating myself.""
I have to say, at least it's novel that now it's women taking jobs from men

Meme - Liberal: "Happy Day of Trans Rememberance, my guy!"
Liberal: "Happy Asexual Awareness Week!"
Normal person: "Hey Merry Christmas!"
Liberal: *upset*

Thread by @SwipeWright on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "In 2020, California changed insurance language on double mastectomies for gender dysphoric females from "cosmetic" to "reconstructive" to remove age limits for the surgery.  Normal breasts were reclassified as "abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects." "As such, in an individual diagnosed with gender dysphoria, who is born with female characteristics and identifies as male, the presence of a female chest is an abnormal body structure caused by gender dysphoria...""

The Case for Coed Sports - The Atlantic - "it’s becoming more common for these lines to blur, especially as Gen Zers are more likely than members of previous generations to reject a strict gender binary altogether. Maintaining this binary in youth sports reinforces the idea that boys are inherently bigger, faster, and stronger than girls in a competitive setting—a notion that’s been challenged by scientists for years. Decades of research have shown that sex is far more complex than we may think. And though sex differences in sports show advantages for men, researchers today still don’t know how much of this to attribute to biological difference versus the lack of support provided to women athletes to reach their highest potential. “Science is increasingly showing how sex is dynamic; it has multiple aspects and also shifts; for example, social experiences can actually change levels of sex-related hormones like testosterone in our bodies in a second-to-second and month-to-month way!” Sari van Anders, the research chair in social neuroendocrinology at Queen’s University, in Ontario, told me by email. She said that this complexity means it doesn’t make sense to separate sports by sex in order to protect women athletes from getting hurt... One recent small study in Norway found no innate sex difference when it came to youth-soccer players’ technical skills. The researchers hypothesized that the gap they did find between girls and boys was likely due to socialization, not biology.
Amazing. One cope I read (elsewhere) was that sports were segregated in the first place because men didn't want to lose to women
Tellingly, the article spends a majority of space going on about safety, when the problem is really fairness
I used to spout this line to mock liberal tabula rasa delusions, but the slippery slope has slipped faster than I could ever have foreseen

The Progressive Delusion of Co-Ed Sports - "Last year at New Jersey’s Meet of Champions—the end of the season race bringing together the best runners in the state—Angelina Perez did something astonishing. She ran the hilly 5k course at Holmdel in 17:09. She beat the second-place finisher by 26 seconds, which is an eternity.  How fast was Perez? She was the fastest New Jersey girl on the course ever—and they’ve been running this race at Holmdel since long before I ran there in high school.  Perez is an absolute stud athlete.  And if she had run in the boys race, would you like to know where she would have finished?  98th.  The fastest Jersey girl to ever run Holmdel would have been 98th in an average year for the boys... No amount of “support” given to female athletes would change that. And the reality is that there would be even less support for girls, because there would be so few of them, as opposed to the current situation, in which girls cross-country is thriving... Serena Williams is, as we’ve discussed, the best woman to ever play tennis. It’s not even an argument. She won 23 majors and a total of 73 WTA tournaments.  Here’s how many majors she would have won if she’d played on a co-ed tour:  Zero.  Here’s how many professional tournaments she would have won if she’d played on a co-ed tour:  Zero.
'    “For me, men’s tennis and women’s tennis are completely, almost, two separate sports,” Serena Williams said.      “If I were to play Andy Murray, I would lose 6-0, 6-0 in five to six minutes, maybe 10 minutes. No, it’s true. It’s a completely different sport. The men are a lot faster and they serve harder, they hit harder, it’s just a different game.”'...
What we have here are two competing ideas about inclusivity.  The Atlantic author, Mertens, looks at edge cases in sports and sees people being unfairly excluded: Many boys in Europe play field hockey, she asks—so why should a boy in New York not be allowed to play field hockey, too?  Her solution is to create inclusivity for these edge cases. We might call this the progressive view of inclusivity.  One hallmark of the drive for progressive inclusivity is that it constructs alternate realities to explain away inequities. Are boys faster and stronger than girls? No. Or if they are, it’s only because of the patriarchy... The traditional view of inclusivity goes something like this: We want as many people as possible to have the ability to participate. But in order to achieve this goal, we have to set up arbitrary segregations: boys and girls teams; JV and Varsity; heavyweight and lightweight.  The creation of arbitrary segregations will, from time to time, lead to edge cases where a handful of individuals are excluded.  This is unfair and unfortunate. And if accommodations can reasonably be made, then they should. But if an accommodation can’t be made? Then that’s too bad.  The traditional view of inclusivity aspires to be inclusive, but realizes that in order to include many more people, some small number of people may be excluded. And that while this is regrettable, it’s the best we can do."

The Match Maker - "On Thursday night, Sept. 20, 1973, 50 million Americans, fatigued by Vietnam and Watergate, tuned in to see whether a woman could defeat a man on a tennis court. Dubbed "The Battle of the Sexes," the match pitted Billie Jean King, the 29-year-old champion of that summer's Wimbledon and a crusader for the women's liberation movement, against Bobby Riggs, the 55-year-old gambler, hustler and long-ago tennis champ who had willingly become America's bespectacled caricature of male chauvinism... Bobby Riggs owed the gangsters more than $100,000 from lost sports bets, and he had a plan to pay it back... Mulloy says Riggs urged a millionaire friend named Jack Dreyfus not to bet on him against King. "Prior to the match, Jack Dreyfus had called him and said he wants to make a bet, how do you feel, where should I get odds," Mulloy recalls. "Bobby says, 'Don't bet on me.' That made me believe he was going to tank it."... NEARLY 40 YEARS later, "The Battle of the Sexes" is one of the most iconic sporting events in American history. The match's value is especially cherished by tennis people because it proved the game, like King, was a trailblazer for society. King planted a flag for women's equality. Gradually, America followed...  they watched a new documentary film that will air Sept. 10 on PBS that salutes King's victory. Afterward, Martina Hingis, a Hall of Fame inductee who wasn't alive in 1973, appeared awestruck by what she had just seen on the big screen. "This was bigger than anything, probably anyone can go through … so, congratulations," Hingis told King. "I mean -- amazing."  In attendance were the aging male members of tennis' old guard, who applauded for King. None of these men knew about Hal Shaw's allegations, and only a few knew about Bobby Riggs' mob friends. Still, the men remarked among themselves that there wasn't a single word in the film about the belief by some that Bobby Riggs' had thrown the match for a big payday. Across nearly 40 years, some of the men who knew Riggs best have wondered: Was "The Battle of the Sexes" nothing more than a cultural con job?... Tennis great Gene Mako, who died in June, had insisted for years that Riggs had thrown the match. "You have to know Bobby," Mako told author Tom LeCompte in the 2003 Riggs biography, "The Last Sure Thing." Mako believed Riggs was so vain that his play was just awful enough to demonstrate to smart tennis people that he had tanked the match."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - ".@Oxfam, a British anti-poverty charity, posted a pride cartoon that featured hateful characters. One of the characters is based on JK Rowling for her view that #trans women are not women. People have been speculating who the other characters are, with some speculating I inspired the slit-eyed East Asian character"

Oxfam has unwittingly exposed the folly of trans extremism - "Oxfam International appears to have learned a harsh lesson about the dangers of adopting extreme transgender ideology. It has apologised for “the offence caused” by a cartoon, now deleted, which was heavily criticised for its depiction of a middle-aged woman with a face twisted with hatred and adorned with a badge reading TERF. Although the charity denies that it was meant to be an unflattering nod to the author JK Rowling, it was deeply insulting to feminists and other common-sense critics who refuse to bow at the altar of gender extremism... I believe that there is a deep rooted misogyny that has infected the entire international organisation. Recently I interviewed a woman who was hounded out of her job at Oxfam in the UK, for nothing more, it would appear, than questioning why JK Rowling was described as a transphobic bigot, and for objecting to the suggestion that her books should not be on sale in any of its charity shops. Other women who have worked for the organisation, both in the UK and overseas, have approached me and told me similar stories of feeling their jobs were under threat after expressing what many people would regard as common sense views. Surely some supporters of the charity will now be reconsidering their donations. The work that Oxfam was set up to do, to relieve the terrible effects of poverty, is in direct opposition to the way that women are being threatened with their jobs for simply standing up for their own rights. Women and girls are always at the sharp end of the effects of war, famine and other types of hardships that Oxfam is supposed to help relieve, and yet it would appear that the charity has scant respect for women if they dare to express feminist views."

🇺🇸Travis🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Happening Now: Trans actor “Elliot” page says “he” was attacked by someone in very liberal Los Angeles. Apparently the person said “I’m going to fucking gay bash you.” In 2019 as Ellen Page she went on TV and blamed Trump and Mike Pence’s public stances on trans and gay rights for what happened to Jussie Smollett.  She received a standing ovation.    Does anyone believe this nonsense?"

Associated Press Forbids References to Transgender Ideology - "The Associated Press recently released new guidelines suppressing the very concept of transgenderism as an ideology that can be debated, while forcing that ideology on reporters in the name of promoting good journalism...   In a classic example of “1984”-style doublethink, good journalists are required to abide by transgender ideology, while denying that such an ideology exists...   While the document acknowledges that gender—not sex—is a “social construct,” the use of the phrase “sex assigned at birth” implies that biological sex is also socially constructed, rather than a central reality of humanity that enables people to reproduce...   The update parrots pro-transgender claims that are hotly debated in the medical community. The document states that children can take “puberty blockers,” which it describes as “fully reversible prescription medication that pauses sexual maturation.” It does not note that the Food and Drug Administration has not approved drugs such as Lupron for that purpose, nor that authorities use Lupron to chemically castrate sex offenders.  It also fails to mention that many doctors have raised alarms about “gender-affirming care,” or that European countries are moving to restrict it for children. The AP guide accuses “opponents of youth transgender medical treatment” of citing “widely discredited research,” failing to note that many of the studies pro-transgender activists use to endorse experimental interventions have themselves been discredited. For example, doctors have condemned as “fatally flawed” a recent study claiming to show improvements from cross-sex hormones.  Perhaps most horrifically, the much-touted Dutch study that first gave credence to the idea of transgender medical interventions ultimately involved a male subject who died from an infection after surgeons tried to use some of his digestive tract to construct a false vagina...   The document urges journalists to “avoid terms like biological sex, along with biological male and biological female, which opponents of transgender rights sometimes use to refer to transgender women and transgender men, respectively.” AP argues that such terms are “redundant because sex is inherently biological.” Yet opponents of transgenderism use “biological” to emphasize the truth of biology against the very ideology AP insists journalists never mention.  In a few instances, the AP guide rightly discourages obnoxious or outdated terms like “tranny” and “transgendered.” It also urges journalists to avoid the terms “trans-exclusionary radical feminist” or the acronym “TERF,” to refer to critics of transgenderism.  However, the guidelines also discourage reporters from using “gender-critical” to describe those who oppose transgenderism, even though many advocates have consciously embraced that term...   The Associated Press style guide has long urged journalists to adopt a person’s preferred pronouns, regardless of biological sex, but the guide also forbids journalists from referring to “preferred or chosen pronouns,” instead using phrases such as “the pronouns they use, whose pronouns are, who uses the pronouns.”  When it comes to sports, the new AP entry urges journalists to avoid “phrasing that misgenders people or implies doubt, such as former men’s swimmer or currently competes as a woman.”  Journalists should not even imply doubt, much less actually express it.   God forbid they actually use a specific term to discuss this ideology, rather than merely adopting it wholesale."
Weird. The AP didn't get the memo that sex and gender are different

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