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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Links - 20th June 2023 (2 - Trans Mania)

Kambree on Twitter - "Normal healthy adults do not get angry they can't talk to 4-9-year-olds about sex. Perverts and predators do."

Meme - *Military guy with gun*
*Trans woman and Trans Man laugh*
"I wish I had one"


Meme - "I feel like I only match with other trans girls
I get that t4t is a thing but idk, it's been like a year of exclusively matching with trans women on dating apps and it makes me feel weird. Like occasionally I do technically match with cis women but they don't really count imo because they either seem to wanna hook up or they just never actually respond or hold a real conversation. I've found only trans folks are serious about relationships and I hate to say it makes me feel bad....idk like it makes me feel like 'only my kind" find me attractive and I hate thinking that. Anyone else have similar experience with apps as a trans wonan?"

Meme - "heyy :)"
"tryna get that pussy pounded?"
"I'm trans"
"my bad
tryna get that ass pounded?"

Meme - straight person: "i don't want to date a trans person."
lgbtq: "NOOO!!! don't want to YOU HAVE TO, TRANSPHOBEI"
*super straight person*
Not all sexualities are valid after all

Woke Father's Tweets Accidentally EXPOSE An Awful Truth - YouTube - "The trans day of visibility. This was supposed to be a time to focus on trans people, celebrate trans people, talk about the bravery and beauty of trans people. In other words it was a day just like every other day. Our experience with the trans day of visibility is like Bill Murray's experience with Groundhog Day. It repeats forever. Nothing changes. It never ends. Indeed there's never been a group as fractionally tiny as the trans population and yet so visible. There's never been a community so small and yet so accommodated by society for the sake of trans people. We've changed the English language, thrown out the rules of grammar, passed laws, effectively abolished women's sports, tossed biological science into the wood chipper. Come to think of it there has never been a population of any size, majority or minority, that's been given those sorts of considerations. Most of all we've never seen such a concerted and effective effort to purposefully increase the size of a particular population. There are 10 times as many trans-identifying people in generation z as there are in older generations and that figure is no accident... I've never known a young boy who likes getting his hair. I didn't like getting haircut when I was a young boy... the boy enjoyed the film the Jungle Book. Again my own sons can relate. I liked the Jungle Book too when I was a kid. But he was especially fascinated with the scene where Baloo the bear wears a hula skirt and dances around. Well what child isn't fascinated with a dancing bear and a hula skirt? Now even if it were possible for a male child to in some sense be a girl, which it's not, how could any of this be sufficient evidence to support that conclusion? This doesn't pass the smell test... [this is] a normal boy who has normal boy-like interests. Yes the boy said that he's a girl with a penis but he only said that after his mother told him that some girls have penises...  What a coincidence. Kids are highly suggestible. They have underdeveloped brains. They have an underdeveloped sense of the world. In reality they can't distinguish between fact and fiction. A child at five can't be meaningfully accused of telling a lie because he doesn't fully understand the difference between a lie and the truth...  Jesse doesn't have a grasp on this basic fact of child psychology or has chosen to ignore it...  he also goes into detail about the herculean efforts needed to protect his boy's parentally imposed delusions... There was one brief moment of clarity, lucidity. Jessie wrote quote anyway she told us her new name Grace. Actually she initially said Greece but we figured out what she meant... that is indeed the job of a child, of a parent I should say. Children say many things and often don't know what the words that they're using actually mean. They make claims that aren't true and that they don't know... they express desires that are not really their desires. They say things all the time that begin with I want and a parent has to say no, you don't really want that. You think you do but you don't. It's your job as a parent to use your maturity and wisdom to guide your child. Lead them, not be led by them. Jesse heard his quote daughter say that quote she wanted to be called Greece. Well Jesse knew that Greece is a ridiculous name. Surely he can't actually want that name and even if he does it's for his own good that you guide him to a different name because he doesn't understand the significance of a name... I mean you'll notice that you very rarely hear about a trans child who chooses their own name and is now referred to as dragon ninja or giant pirate or something like that. It's odd isn't it all these all these uh all these young kids who choose their own names quote unquote they always end up with trendy sounding names. They never end up with the kind of name that you would expect a five-year-old to choose... but if you won't let the child choose any name they want why would you let your children choose whatever gender they want...  well because they see their children as political statements and fashion accessories. That's the truth. They don't see their kids as kids. They don't see their kids as human beings. Jesse was quite excited to talk about his trans daughter on his podcast but he can't very well brag about a kid named Greece no he needs his son to be a girl named Grace. That's much more palatable to him, Jesse. That is more useful to him and this is all really about him isn't it?"
Of course, TRAs will still claim they don't have equal rights and people are saying they literally don't exist
Twitter thread

Meme - "Black Men With No Fathers *Gangsters*
White Men With No Fathers *Dylan Mulvaney*"

Meme - The Amazing Atheist @amazingatheist: "Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks"
As Richard Dawkins noted, the retreat of Christianity has opened the way to worse things
Addendum: JK Rowling: "Say what you like about gender identity ideology, you can't deny it's attracted some of the world's greatest thinkers."

Meme - "The men's room makes me uncomfortable because I'm "trans""
"So you want to go in the ladies room and make all the real women uncomfortable?"
"They should just accept--"
"That you're selfish?"

Meme - "Crazy how all non-binary chicks are either 1s or 0s"

Gabrielle Clark on Twitter - "HELLO NEW FOLLOWERS! I’m Gabrielle Clark. You can call me Gabs. My daughter believed that she was a boy. She was captured by the trans cult. I created a program to pull her out of gender ideology. Now I help other people parent their children into desistance.  Please share my website so I can help as many people as possible.  Thank you so very much!"
Affirming Reality on Twitter - "Affirming Reality is a program developed by Gabrielle Clark to help people parent their children into desistance. A step by step process designed to guide parents on how to engage their trans identifying kids. For information, please visit the website at http://affirmingreality.com"

Free speech in peril as trans row engulfs Oxford University - "Oxford dons have warned students that freedom of speech is at risk as a trans row engulfs the university.  More than 40 academics - including Prof Richard Dawkins, the evolutionary biologist, and Prof Nigel Biggar, the theologian - have intervened in support of a planned appearance at the Oxford Union by Prof Kathleen Stock, a leading feminist... In the biggest row to erupt at the university since Rhodes Must Fall, students have tried to cancel Prof Stock’s talk - claiming that she is transphobic for her view that it is fiction to claim “transwomen are women”.  It comes amid a spate of free speech rows at universities featuring speakers with gender-critical views - including attempts by the University of Bristol to ban the public from a feminist society talk and activists at the University of Edinburgh preventing a screening of a women’s rights documentary. The letter from the Oxford dons is one of the most significant interventions by academics in recent controversies over free speech on campus.  They say they possess “a range of different political beliefs, Left and Right”, but are united in their belief that “universities exist, among other things, to promote free inquiry and the disinterested pursuit of the truth by means of reasoned argument”.  The letter adds: “Professor Stock believes that biological sex in humans is real and socially salient, a view which until recently would have been so commonplace as to hardly merit asserting.  “Whether or not one agrees with Professor Stock’s views, there is no plausible and attractive ideal of academic freedom, or of free speech more generally, which would condemn their expression as outside the bounds of permissible discourse.”... The row escalated last week when Oxford’s Student Union (SU) voted to sever ties with the 200-year-old debating society, accusing it of having a “toxic culture of bullying and harassment”.   The move would prevent the Union from having a stall at the freshers’ fair, which is an important source of membership sign-ups that fund the debating society... Resorting to “coercion and financial threats when unable to secure one’s preferred outcome in debate would represent a profound failure to live up to” ideals such as the disinterested pursuit of truth... The academics have been backed by Claire Coutinho, the education minister.  She said: “Student debaters shouldn’t be punished for encouraging the free exchange of ideas.  “Our newly passed Freedom of Speech Act will make sure that universities promote free speech and that those who have their free speech rights unlawfully restricted on campus can seek redress.”... Prof Stock, 50, is a former philosophy professor who resigned from her post at Sussex University in 2021 after a campaign of intimidation by trans rights activists."

Oxford University dons back trans students’ call to cancel gender-critical academic Kathleen Stock - "More than 100 Oxford academics have signed a letter supporting students in opposing a talk by Prof Kathleen Stock, the gender-critical feminist... She was invited to speak by the Oxford Union, a fee-paying private members club which the Students Union (SU) had tried to ban from its freshers’ fair over claims of a “toxic culture of bullying”.  The decision was reversed after the university reminded the SU’s trustees of its free speech policy, and the SU had said its actions were not related to Prof Stock’s appearance. However, the letter - signed after the SU saga - states Prof Stock’s appearance would not be “an open discussion or balanced debate” and states “trans students should not be made to debate their existence”.  The letter also insists “disinviting someone is not preventing them from speaking”, after supporters of Prof Stock said she had been de-platformed. In response to the letter’s claims, the feminist academic said she was not debating the existence of trans students, and was instead “discussing how the demands of a radical group of trans activists - many of whom are not trans - affect other people”... Prof Max Van Kleek, who was among signatories, said it was “critical” to support trans students to counter the “increased hostility, violence, and discrimination” they are faced with.  “The trans movement are not enemies of free speech; they have every right to protest speakers who frame them as anything but our full, valid, equals.”  The dons’ letter concludes: “Debate is essential for a vibrant democracy, and we champion it. But what the discourse needs now is more civil conversations and less bad-faith argumentation."
TRA gaslighting is that pushing back on the TRA agenda is denying their existence
If you disagree with TRAs, you must be arguing in bad faith


Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "NEW: A psychiatrist working with Texas Children's Hospital's child sex-change program explains how he circumvents "parental rights" concerns by telling families that if they do not affirm their child's "preferred name and pronouns," they will increase "the risk of suicide.""

RNC Research on Twitter - "Karine Jean-Pierre laments states that limit "gender-affirming care"/"gender transition treatments" for minors: "These are our kids. They belong to all of us.""
The left is anti-family after all

Meme - female is not a feeling @radkimseokjin: "call a trans woman man and he'll prove to you right away he is one"

Outrage over WHO advice on sexuality for infants - "The World Health Organisation (WHO) is under pressure to withdraw guidance for schools recommending that toddlers “ask questions about sexuality” and “explore gender identities”.  The guidance says that “sexuality education starts from birth” and is described as a “framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists”... The advice proposes that four-to-six year olds should be taught to “talk about sexual matters” and “consolidate their gender identity”. It recommends that children under the age of four should be told they have “the right to ask questions about sexuality” and “the right to explore gender identities”.  The WHO guidance also says that children aged four and under should be taught about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation”.  These topics are described as the “minimal standards that need to be covered by sexuality education”."
Clearly grooming, indoctrination and sexualisation are just far right conspiracy theories

I thought I was a liberal mother, then my daughter came out as trans - "You’d be forgiven for thinking that I’d be happy to have a trans child – I am an openly bisexual, atheist, Left-wing arty-type with bright blue hair. I should be waving the Progress Pride flag. I certainly supported trans rights and considered myself an ally to a vulnerable group who, based on what I had read in the media, had always felt deeply unhappy with their bodies. Like any parent, I’d give anything to help my child be happy, confident and thriving.    But my husband and I quickly found that while our natural inclination to be open-minded and empathetic was well-received, our impulse to ask questions and receive satisfactory answers was not welcome among the agencies who position themselves as experts on this topic...  a poll published by the Civitas think tank showed one in ten 16 to 18-year-olds in England say they want to change gender, or have already done so. The authors warned sex education policies in schools could exploit vulnerable children – almost a third of the teenagers surveyed had been taught that a woman could have a penis. Alarmingly, almost all of Jo’s friends adopted a trans identity around the same time, strongly suggesting to us that social contagion was an issue. Her letter to us, in November 2020, was in her hand but the words didn’t sound like her own, and I feared she was repeating narratives she had seen on TikTok. Such a cruel ultimatum was so out of character for her; just a few months before she had excitedly and unabashedly told us that the girl she had a crush on was rumoured to be crushing on her too (she was, we took them bowling, it was adorable). We wondered what had led to these feelings of dysphoria when she had never shown any discomfort with her sex or body. My husband and I knew from media coverage that the correct thing to do was use requested pronouns and names and that the potential consequence of not doing so was the reportedly high trans suicide rate (we have since learnt this idea is misleading and potentially drives more suicides). Every agency and expert we turned to told us to “affirm” everything and question nothing – including the potential use of powerful hormonal drugs that could suppress our daughter’s adolescence and lead to irreparable damage to her body. Even social services told us we should not be talking about it... She found it almost impossible to describe her feelings – following her later diagnosis of autism, we learnt this is a common symptom. She told us she wanted a chest binder and just didn’t “feel like a girl”, but would become defensive and unresponsive when we tried to dig deeper... Despite all our support, her mental health worsened and during a trivial argument she blurted out that a few months previously she had taken an overdose of paracetamol, with the intention of ending her life. Distraught, we locked away meds and sharps and sought medical help. Our GP referred us to social services to see what support they could provide. A week later, a social worker was inspecting our home, interviewing us and, separately, our child. Her report arrived the next week, and as I read it, blood pounded in my ears. It stated that Jo was “a 13-year-old white British male who was born into a biologically female body”, with the directive “you do not need to discuss his gender identity at all”.   I’d made the mistake of telling the social worker that, although I use my child’s chosen name and pronouns, I didn’t want Jo to have irreversible medical interventions. Now the social worker knew who to blame for my child’s unhappiness. She said we should join trans support groups and re-educate ourselves via Mermaids.  I raged, I wept and finally I retreated, cowed by the double-pronged threat of losing my child if not to her own hand, then to care by the indoctrinated state. But I wasn’t beaten. I couldn’t be the only person with concerns.      I created secret, anonymous social media accounts to search for evidence about chest binding, puberty blockers and surgeries. Research was thin on the ground and solid evidence even thinner – when I asked questions, pointed out inconsistencies, I was labelled “transphobic” and a terf [trans-exclusionary radical feminist] and told to kill myself.  But I also found more terfs who, like me, were concerned about the impact deference to gender over sex was having on children, women and LGB people. Finally, I was able to find evidence and resources willing to view it with a critical eye. These brave women saved my sanity and inadvertently, my marriage, as I now had the evidence needed to open my husband’s eyes too. Our arguments became discussions of shared outrage and horror. I railed against the insanity. So it was that, as my husband drove us through a tunnel on a wet October evening I wound down my window and screamed to the wind “Transwomen are MEN!”. Our daughter is now confirmed autistic, has poor mental health, and suffered bullying for her same-sex attraction. These are all things I learnt are common features in teenage girls who experience rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), It seems far more likely Jo’s trans identity was a coping mechanism for a difficult period than that my child had somehow been “born in the wrong body”.  We tread on eggshells around Jo, who soon will be old enough to make her own decisions. I wish we could simply sit her down and explain we were wrong, we should never have affirmed her adopted identity, that these feelings of wrongness are common to adolescence and will likely pass. But I know such a direct approach would only drive her further away. Instead, we talk around the issue, by discussing the harms of porn, beauty standards and celebrating the amazing abilities of women.    There are signs it’s working"
Clearly, if 100% of 16-18 year olds say they are transgender, this will still not be evidence of grooming

First-Grade Teacher's "Pursu[ing] Her Own Transgender Agenda Outside the Curriculum" May Violate Constitutional Parental Rights - "'the parents allege that their children's first-grade teacher pursued her own transgender agenda outside the curriculum, which included: (1) instructing the children in her first-grade class that their parents might be wrong about their children's gender; (2) telling a student that the child could dress like a different gender and be like the teacher's transgender child (who was also in first grade in a different school); (3) telling a student that she, the teacher, would never lie (implying that the parents may lie about their child's gender identity); and (4) instructing students not to tell their parents about the transgender discussions. The teacher allegedly targeted the children's own gender identity and their parents' beliefs about the gender identity of their own children.  When the parents complained, the school district supported the teacher and allegedly adopted a policy (the "de facto policy") that the teacher's conduct could continue in the future without notice to the parents or the opportunity to opt their children out of that kind of agenda (despite providing broad parental notice and opt out rights for other topics). At this stage of the case, these averments must be accepted as true and construed in the light most favorable to Plaintiffs.  The defendants do not challenge the averments about the existence of the de facto policy. Instead, citing Parker v. Hurley (1st Cir. 2008), a decision from the First Circuit Court of Appeals, they argue that in a public school, parents have no constitutional right to notice or to opt their children out of any kind of instruction, regardless of the content of that instruction, the age of the children, or whether the instruction is part of the published school curriculum...       The defendants' argument is contrary to Third Circuit Court of Appeals precedent, which recognizes that a public school's actions may conflict with parents' fundamental constitutional rights and when conflicts occur on matters of the greatest importance, the parents' rights prevail unless the public school can demonstrate a compelling interest for its actions. C.N. v. Ridgewood Bd. Of Educ. (3d Cir. 2005); Gruenke v. Seip (3d Cir. 2000). The court adheres to its original decision that the parents' constitutional rights at issue here (forming the identity of their young children) are matters of the greatest importance...   See Ricard v. USD 475 Geary Cnty., KS Sch. Bd. (D. Kan. 2022) ("It is difficult to envision why a school would even claim—much less how a school could establish—a generalized interest in withholding or concealing from the parents of minor children, information fundamental to a child's identity, personhood, and mental and emotional well-being such as their preferred name and pronouns.").'"
When a school admits that their agenda is to indoctrinate children in gender ideology

Elliot Page Retroactively Awarded 17 Oscars For Amazingly Convincing Portrayals Of Women | Babylon Bee

Two Australian Women Told They Broke The Law After Criticizing Trans-Identified Male Breastfeeding Child - "two women in Australian have received notices from Twitter informing them they have broken Australian law after tweeting about a trans-identified male who has been breastfeeding a child.  Jasmine Sussex and Standing For Women Queensland (SFWQ) were both contacted by Twitter on May 16, with the platform informing the two accounts that specific content they had posted would be censored to Australian users in order to comply with Australian law.   Twitter sent two emails to each user, the first explaining that the platform had received “official correspondence” from a “government entity or law enforcement agency” which had claimed that their content had violated Australian law. A second email was sent shortly after to each user advising them that the content was going to be withheld in Australia. Sussex had one tweet withheld, while SFWQ had five tweets censored in total. All of the content referred to an Australian trans-identified male who sparked backlash last year after publicly declaring he had induced lactation and was breastfeeding his own biological son...   “I was appalled that it was claimed to be in violation of Australian law to criticize what I and most Australians consider to be a cruel and medically dangerous experiment on newborn babies”... Sussex was removed from the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) after 18 years of membership... While the notices sent by Twitter did not specify which government or law enforcement agency had demanded the censorship, Sussex says she “strongly suspects” it was the office of the eSafety Commissioner.  The Commissioner is an arm of the Australian government dedicated to combatting “cyber abuse,” but has recently come under widespread criticism for using its power to censor media outlets, websites, and individuals at the behest of trans activists.   Earlier this month, Reduxx was contacted by the eSafety Commissioner and advised to censor or delete an article naming trans activist Riley Dennis as having been the subject of complaint after allegedly injuring female players during a women’s football game. After the article was released, the eSafety Commissioner contacted Twitter and advised them to withhold the content in compliance with Australian law... “I see that women are silenced all the time now for speaking out about the wrongs of child abuse. Child abuse seems to have been totally normalized these days,” Whiston says...   “I’m pregnant again, and it has made me lose faith in the institutions that I will likely use again, especially the Australian Breastfeeding Association. It makes me wonder how on earth I can trust the people who are meant to provide ethical care and safeguards to mothers and babies, if they advocate for men to use babies as props for men’s sexual fetishes, and silence the women who speak out about how wrong this all is.”  Sussex shares the sentiment, adding from her expertise as a breastfeeding counselor that men attempting to breastfeed babies is “biologically and psychologically dangerous” for all involved.  “Men who covet female physiology in this way are, in my opinion, either suffering from a serious delusion or sexually motivated by the idea of themselves as lactating women,” Sussex says. “There is no evidence that drug-induced secretions from a male nipple are in any way equivalent to mother’s milk. It is more likely the secretions are akin to galactorea, which occurs when abnormal levels of prolactin are released from the pituitary gland in females who aren’t pregnant or males with disease.”"

AUSTRALIA: Police Warn Woman Over Comments About Trans Activist As eSafety Commissioner Continues Censorship Rampage - "An Australian woman was reported to police after making posts on social media about a male who identifies as transgender participating in the women’s football league. Kirralie Smith was visited by New South Wales Police after speaking to media about Riley Dennis, a trans activist who had been the subject of mass complaint last month after reportedly injuring female players.  Police visited Smith on March 30 and handed her an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) requiring that she does not discuss or approach Dennis – despite the fact that Smith lives over 200 miles from Dennis. The AVO acts as an interim order that will stand until a hearing later this month, at which point the court will decide whether it is justified.  Smith, a spokeswoman with an organization established to combat gender ideology, has been a vocal critic regarding gender self-identification in sports... Included among the stipulations of the AVO lodged against Smith by Dennis are prohibitions against electronic harassment. As a result, her statements on social media have come under legal scrutiny and, in some cases, have been censored by an arm of the Australian government dedicated to combatting “cyber abuse.”...   Dennis was a popular trans activist YouTuber who amassed 113,000 subscribers on the platform. He has since stopped creating content but, during the height of his internet career, he received backlash for a controversial video in which he called “genital preferences” transphobic.  The video, titled Your Dating ‘Preferences’ Might Be Discriminatory and released in 2017, prompted outrage from lesbians who felt Dennis was attempting to guilt them into having sexual relationships with males.  In the video, Dennis, who identifies as a “transgender lesbian,” implied that sexual orientation is caused by societal prejudices and that it is discriminatory to exclude members of the opposite sex from your dating preferences if you are homosexual. Dennis deleted the video following widespread criticism.   In addition to Smith and Reduxx, pro-woman Reddit alternative Ovarit also received a censorship notice from the eSafety Commissioner. Ovarit posted the full contents of the email they had received to their platform. Amongst the grievances the eSafety Commissioner listed, Ovarit was warned because its users had “referred to Riley Dennis’ first name as ‘Rapey’ instead of “Riley” and have referred to her surname as ‘Penis’ instead of ‘Dennis.'”... The NSW NPL Banter administrator was also sent an email notification of an “investigation” that FNSW claims to have opened into posts and comments made on the page. It stated that, according to 2023 FNSW’s Social Media Policy, a member of the organization “must not make public or media comment (including via social media) which is detrimental to Football New South Wales, Football Australia, their commercial partners or to the interests of the game.”  The message specified two posts which depicted “a participant with a phallus photoshopped onto their body” alongside the word “unacceptable” as evidence to support the investigation. It was further stated that comments considered subject to removal include those which “criticize” Football NSW, members or participants, or its policies.  The page’s creator also told Reduxx that, despite several attempts to share the article naming Dennis as a man playing on a women’s team, such posts were repeatedly deleted.  “We had put the article up on our Facebook page and it was deleted three times – after we had successfully challenged its removal two times previously,” the administrator said."
To liberals, criticism is abuse and harassment

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