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Sunday, June 18, 2023

Links - 18th June 2023 (1 - Trans Mania: Drag)

Many transgender activists ‘aren’t actually trans’ - YouTube - "but if blackface is bad why isn't it also bad if you're a man dressing up in drag? In fact in Britain an academic has been sacked for saying that this woman face is also wrong... I mentioned the show RuPaul down under because it actually had the bizarre sight of one contestant having to apologize for once performing in blackface painting himself black and is apologizing while standing there with other contestants performing in woman face...
As we know the most litigious virulent of all of the activists that are woke which is sort of ironic considering that a lot of trans activists aren't actually trans, they tend to be sort of cisgender allies looking for virtue points... it's really frustrating to me because drag, it used to be just about kind of fun and entertainment and parody. But now it's become so sort of dreary and and political. But what's sort of doubly unfair about this is that this academic was a cultural studies lecturer and she was using this this point um as part of a really legitimate class discussion... [this] just shows how feminism has been just completely chomped up by the intersectional trans lobby... I am astounded continually Andrew that all these feminists that claim to be about combating negative stereotypes of women aren't more opposed to drag which technically is men portraying a negative stereotype of women"

Queerty on Twitter - "Looney Tunes celebrated the beginning of Pride Month with Bugs serving up looks from various decades of his hilarious gender bending."
Hans Fiene 🦬 on Twitter - "See in those days cross-dressing was funny because nobody pretended men dressing as women was anything other than ridiculous. Furthermore, we laughed at Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd because they were too self-blinded to see the absurdity of fake femininity. So, you know. Lotta Sams and Fudds these days."
Ironically, today it's transphobic to laugh at drag

Meme - DC_Draino @DC_Draino: "Why do we never see women dressed as men demanding to dance in front of kids? Why is it all men dressed as women wanting to dance in front of kids?"


illuminatibot on Twitter - "I wonder why drag queens never want to read to people in old age homes."
So many liberals were insisting that drag queens read to the elderly all the time, and insisted that there were lots of articles on that. Almost none of them provided any sources, just mocking me for being unable to Google, when I pointed out that I was unable to find any examples. One or two provided sources, but as I expected they weren't actually of drag queens reading to old people - they were of drag queens doing other activities in nursing homes like playing Bingo or performing for the residents. And yet when I pointed out that this wasn't reading, they all got upset. Cognitive dissonance/motivated reasoning is fascinating, when playing Bingo or dancing are considered reading

Millbury Drag Queen Urinates In Pants After Being Caught By Pedo Poachers Attempting To Have Sex With 14 Year Old Boy In Leominster - "It’s been a while since we’ve heard from the Predator Poachers of Massachusetts, but several people sent us their latest catch out of Leominster named Justin Eillert that had a twist – he urinated in his pants immediately upon being confronted. They also made him call his Mom and tell her that he was there to have sex with an imaginary boy who turned out to be a Puerto Rican man from Leominster."
Trans Predator CAUGHT on Camera Trying To Meet a 9, 6, & 1 Year Old! Alex Rosen Gives Details! - YouTube - "Earlier this year Alex Rosen of Predator Poachers lead a sting on a suspected Trans predator that goes by Sophia [Westfall]. Over the time of the operation Alex and his team were able to get Sophia talking in conversations about doing terrible things that include minors at ages 9,6, & even 1 year old. The things shows in the conversations are what many would expect to lead to some sort of immediate arrest due to potential immediate danger to children as well as infants. After the sting was conducted and the suspected predator was caught in person showing up to meet the children, the cops declined to do anything. The predator was and continues to be free. Chrissie Mayr & Alex cover the entire controversy & sting in this conversation... but hopefully the rule of law will return and this danger will be put behind bars after the police do an investigation and the court does it's job."
Liberals keep sharing the meme about how "to catch a predator" never had any drag queens. Quite apart from how they could've been drag queens while off their day jobs, that show aired when liberals weren't obsessed with forcing kids to watch drag, so of course there wouldn't have been as many drag queen child sex offenders then

Ontario NDP urges legal protections for drag shows - "The bill would allow the attorney general to temporarily designate addresses — such as where a show is taking place — as community safety zones, and anti-LGBTQ harassment, intimidation and hate speech within 100 metres would be subject to a $25,000 fine."
Meme - "It's like a gay autistic fellowship of the ring"
Freedom of speech only applies to liberals

Meme - Melissa Chen @MsMelChen: "We have the China-Russia-lran axis strengthening and Saudi shifting to Yuan and reinviting Assad to the Arab League. Meanwhile our media is consumed by a political show trial and its aesthetics are failing to convey the seriousness of the moment we are in"

Students urged to wear 'full-blown drag' for school’s Pride day - "Parents and MPs have reacted with fury after a secondary school urged children as young as 11 to wear “full-blown drag” for Pride day.  New Mills School, in the Peak District in Derbyshire, has sparked a warning from a leading MP over its “Drag ‘n’ Rainbows” themed non-uniform day on June 16, to mark June being global Pride month... Thomas Robertson, a senior leader in New Mills’s science department, with the backing of the headteacher Heather Watts, insisted that “drag is an art form that is fundamental to the LGBT+ community that challenges the norm as a celebration and as a form of protest”... “Please note facts and figures around homophobic bullying will be shared as will suicide data.”  One insider at the school told the Telegraph: “Last year involved non-uniform and a few cup cakes, but this year it’s in a whole different league. They are making drag the central theme which, I feel, is quite controversial. Drag is a highly sexualised parody of women; fine on the stage, not fine in schools.” But Tracy Shaw, from the parents’ group Safe Schools Alliance UK, said: “We are not sure where to start with this school’s celebration of Pride. Drag is a form of adult entertainment largely performed by men and its suitability for children is widely contested.  “We are extremely concerned that a drag queen has been invited to talk to children about suicide. There are strict guidelines in place for discussing suicide and no-one without specific and rigorous safeguarding and mental health training should be talking to children about the topic.  “Once again safeguarding has gone out of the window as the school appears to be more interested in demonstrating how ‘inclusive’ they are rather than thinking about what inclusivity means.”"
Liberals still claim Pride is needed even when the whole establishment supports it. The more power they get, them more they claim they're oppressed. But feminists do the same thing, so

Meme - Drag Queen with megaphone, Pride cape, Pride sign, pink hair etc: "Stop pushing your beliefs on me" *to man giving out Bible*

Meme - Fight the Patriarchy: "It's not about drag shows any more than it was about water fountains."
Billy Schwartz: "Nobody is outlawing drag shows. They are just saying you can't have them where kids may be in attendance, and *that's* the problem?!"
The obsession with showing kids drag shows only started a few years ago. Yet we're still told that slippery slope is a myth

Kelsey Meta Boren who mentored drag queen, 11, sentenced for child sex crimes - "A former Oregon elementary school teacher and mentor of an 11-year-old drag queen was sentenced to 11 months in jail after being convicted of nearly a dozen felony child abuse crimes.  Kelsey Meta Boren, 31, pleaded guilty to 11 counts of encouraging child sexual abuse in the first degree last month after she was busted for uploading child porn online, the Lane County Sheriff’s Office said.  Boren, who worked for the Fern Ridge School District before the allegations surfaced last year, was also pictured in an Instagram post prior to her arrest with an 11-year-old drag queen, who she claims to have mentored as a “drag mom.”  The term refers to when an older drag queen mentors a young performer, but the child’s family denies Boren played such a role.   Boren and the young drag queen, who goes by the stage name Vanellope MacPherson DuPont, were set to perform last October at the Old Nick’s Pub, in Eugene, a Victorian-themed gothic bar named after Satan... The arrest, along with news of a child drag queen performing at the bar, spurred protests outside Old Nick’s, which ultimately led to the kid not performing.  Old Nick’s condemned the protests as “bigotry”"
More examples of drag queens involved with child sex crimes for liberals to pretend do not exist. One claimed that "A single instance of something occuring is called an outlier, and is statistically thrown out", but I posted 2 examples of drag queens involved in child sex abuse (and there're quite a few more, so).

Central Pa. drag queen, activist charged with 25 counts of child pornography: police - "Brice Williams, a local drag queen who counseled LGBT youth in Harrisburg, has been charged with downloading photos and videos of child pornography"

Parents livid over California school's 'mandatory' drag show - "Parents in Elk Grove, California, are livid after a high school assembly featured a drag show that the parents say was inappropriate — and mandatory for students to attend.  The show was performed by Pleasant Grove High School’s LGBTQ group as part of a multicultural assembly held at the high school...   A video from the assembly shows a student opening the performance by saying, “Our performance is for our community in Oklahoma, Idaho, Florida, Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kansas, Alabama and Tennessee, who are actively being targeted,” an apparent reference to Republican-led states placing restrictions on LGBTQ-themed books in schools and drag shows in general.  Angry parents vented to local media and members of the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Education.  “I’ve been a part of this district since 1983, and in 30 years, I have never felt betrayal like I felt on Friday,” a parent named Amy said at a Board of Education meeting Tuesday.  Amy said her child was “mortified” and texted her from inside the “mandatory” assembly. Several other parents showed up at the board meeting and expressed anger that they were not notified of the performance beforehand.  “It’s despicable that this performance took place at all, but if you’re going to insist to have it, you must absolutely clearly communicate with parents and students in advance,” a parent named Heidi said. “My daughter felt so uncomfortable.”... In Elk Grove, no one who spoke at the Tuesday board meeting was supportive of the drag show."
People claim that it's fake news that the government is forcing kids to attend drag shows
There're so many bigots, even in California

Keywords: kids forced drag queen, children compulsory drag queen

A Public School District Took Middle Schoolers to a Drag Show Without Telling Their Parents - "On January 19, the City of Columbia, Missouri held its annual Columbia Values Diversity breakfast, an event that celebrates the civil rights legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. This year, it ventured into new territory by concluding with a drag show in which adult attendees—as is common in these performances—tossed dollar bills at lip-syncing dancers.  But in addition to the public school officials, administrators, religious leaders, business people, and leaders of non-profits in attendance were 30 students who were bussed to the event by their public schools. And the schools had failed to inform their parents that their children would witness a drag show...  permission slips for the field trip only made passing reference to what would take place, noting that "traditionally there are songs, performances, and a food item."... Parents asking that in the future they be clearly notified of any drag performance beforehand so they can choose whether or not their child should attend were by and large dismissed, with the school district denying they did anything wrong. In his letter to the Governor, Superintendent Yearwood claimed that the school district did seek sufficient parental consent and therefore could not be held accountable. His letter never explicitly acknowledged that a drag performance took place, nor did he acknowledge that the Chief Communications Officer for the school district as well as a school board member were on the planning committee for the event... A non-religious parent trusts that the school won't bus their child to a Bible study. A Muslim parent expects their child won't be shuttled to a Christian worship service. An atheist parent trusts their child won't be forced to pray in homeroom.  A parent's right to consent is rooted in a fundamental truth: Long after a superintendent leaves his post, a parent will continue to love, care for, and support her child. A school's horizon on a child's life is brief. A parent's horizon is for a lifetime... This is not a radical concept. People on the political Right and Left understand this. On the right, former United States Attorney General William Barr argued that "in a pluralistic society like ours" we must nurture "the freedom of each group to pursue their faith and distinctive way of life," while also "fostering the ties that bind us together into genuine broader community."  The only way to do this is by building bridges of mutual trust, which reject any group's attempt to ideologically coerce a different group—be it through public education or otherwise.  Likewise, while defending his choice to legalize gay marriage in Maryland, former Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley wrote, "We are a people of many different religions and many different faiths. The only way forward in a pluralistic society of diverse faiths such as ours is to have laws that protect and respect the freedom of all, equally.""
Presumably the cope about this not being forcing drag on students will be that there was an opt out option - ignoring the fact that parents weren't informed about what was going to happen, but anyhow, schools forcing drag on kids is no longer an "outlier"
The Nashville shooting was dismissed as an outlier too, but Alec McKinney's Colorado shooting was a thing too. So all 3 cases - drag queens being involved in child sex crimes, the government forcing drag on kids and trans school shooters - have more than one example and are not "outliers"

Keywords: kids forced drag queen, children compulsory drag queen Meme - "Why Don't Drag Queens volunteer to read to these fine gentlemen? *prisoners*"

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