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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Links - 20th June 2023 (1 - Masculinity)

Meme - *Out of shape man* *In shape man* "Thanks for bullying me guys, it actually works."

Meme - "One time I was at the gym shitposting, and got in a very heated argument with this dude y'know the usual he's calling me a manlet shill and stuff. He eventually asked me to show body, and then I asked him to show his and neither of us showed bodies so we both thought the other person was a LARPer. Anyway as I'm getting ready to leave, I see a guy sitting down the bench and holy shit. I look at his phone and there he is posting a reply to me. We actually became best friends."

The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society - "Social commentators, journalists, academics, scientists and young men themselves have all spotted the trend: among men of about 15 to 30 years old, ever-increasing numbers are checking out of society altogether, giving up on women, sex and relationships and retreating into pornography, sexual fetishes, chemical addictions, video games and, in some cases, boorish lad culture, all of which insulate them from a hostile, debilitating social environment created, some argue, by the modern feminist movement.  You can hardly blame them. Cruelly derided as man-children and crybabies for objecting to absurdly unfair conditions in college, bars, clubs and beyond, men are damned if they do and damned if they don’t: ridiculed as basement-dwellers for avoiding aggressive, demanding women with unrealistic expectations, or called rapists and misogynists merely for expressing sexual interest... academics such as Camille Paglia have been warning for years that “rape drives” on campus put women at greater risk, if anything.  Women today are schooled in victimhood, taught to be aggressively vulnerable and convinced that the slightest of perceived infractions, approaches or clumsy misunderstandings represents “assault,” “abuse” or “harassment.” That may work in the safe confines of campus, where men can have their academic careers destroyed on the mere say-so of a female student.  But, according to Paglia, when that women goes out into the real world without the safety net of college rape committees, she is left totally unprepared for the sometimes violent reality of male sexuality. And the panics and fear-mongering are serving men even more poorly. All in all, education is becoming a miserable experience for boys... what happened to those boys who, in 2001, were falling behind girls at school, were less likely to go to college, were being given drugs they did not need and whose self-esteem and confidence issues haven’t just been ignored, but have been actively ridiculed by the feminist Establishment that has such a stranglehold on teaching unions and Left-leaning political parties?  In short: they grew up, dysfunctional, under-served by society, deeply miserable and, in many cases, entirely unable to relate to the opposite sex... “For the past, at least, 25 years, I’ve been told to do more and more to keep a woman. But nobody’s told me what they’re doing to keep me.  “I can tell you as a heterosexual married male in management, who didn’t drop out of society, the message from the chicks is: ‘It’s not just preferable that you should fuck off, but imperative. You must pay for everything and make everything work; but you yourself and your preferences and needs can fuck off and die.'”... Men say the gap between what women say and what they do has never been wider. Men are constantly told they should be delicate, sensitive fellow travellers on the feminist path. But the same women who say they want a nice, unthreatening boyfriend go home and swoon over simple-minded, giant-chested, testosterone-saturated hunks in Game of Thrones. Men know this, and, for some, this giant inconsistency makes the whole game look too much like hard work. Why bother trying to work out what a woman wants, when you can play sports, masturbate or just play video games from the comfort of your bedroom?... Unlike modern feminists, who are driving a wedge between the sexes, Men’s Rights Activists “actually seem to want sexual equality,” he says. But men’s studies authors and male academics are constantly tip-toeing around and making sure they don’t appear too radical. Their feminine counterparts have no such forbearance, of course, with what he calls “hipster feminists,” such as the Guardian‘s Jessica Valenti parading around in t-shirts that read: “I BATHE IN MALE TEARS.”  “I’m a critic of feminism,” says Donovan. “But I would never walk around wearing a shirt that says, “I MAKE WOMEN CRY.” I’d just look like a jerk and a bully.”"
From 2014. The trends just held up, and they are labelled as lonely (while single women are supposedly empowered)

The Sexodus, Part 2: Dishonest Feminist Panics Leave Male Sexuality In Crisis - "One of the remarkable things about recent high-profile skirmishes with feminists is how few mainstream heterosexual men have been involved. In the GamerGate video games controversy, opposition to “social justice warriors” and their attempts at censorship on Twitter has come from older gay men in public life and younger geeks, gamers and drop-outs; in the case of Matt Taylor, it was geeks and other women.  Straight young men simply don’t want to know any more. They’re not getting involved. Some women, too, horrified by what lesbianised third-wave feminism claims to do in their name, opt out of the argument. The absurd result is that geeks, queers and dykes are dominating the discussion about how men and women should interact. Jack Donovan, for example, is gay, as is your present correspondent. It’s as if gays are the only men left prepared to fight masculinity’s corner... What strikes a lot of women as strange is how rational and systematic so much of this decision-making is by men. Many young men literally perform a cost-benefit analysis and decide that women aren’t worth the hassle. It’s girls who lose out in this scenario: men don’t need the sustained emotional intimacy that comes with a fulfilling sexual relationship and can retreat into masturbatory pursuits, prostitution and one-night stands much more comfortably.  But that’s exactly what it is, from a male point of view: a rational opting out from education, work and marriage by men who have had enough, as a remarkable book by Dr Helen Smith called Men on Strike warned in July last year...   Some might call these statistical trends “female privilege.” Yet everywhere and at all times, say men’s rights advocates, the “lived experiences” and perceived oppression of women is given a hundred per cent of the airtime, in defiance of the reality that women haven’t just achieved parity with men but have overtaken them in almost every conceivable respect. What inequalities remain are the result of women’s choices, say respectable feminist academics such as Christina Hoff Sommers, not structural biases.  And yet men are constantly beaten up over bizarre invented concepts such as rape culture and patriarchal privilege. The bizarre but inevitable conclusion of all this is that women are fuelling their own unhappiness by driving men to consider them as sex objects and nothing more, because the thought of engaging in a relationship with a woman is horrifying, or too exhausting to contemplate... It’s not just video games and casual sex that young men are retreating into. They are also immersing themselves in fetishes that to their grandparents’ generation would resemble grounds for incarceration, and which drive them further away from the formerly fairer sex. Consider, for example, the example of furry culture and anthropomorphic animal sex fetishism, both of which are experiencing explosive growth, fuelled by the internet...   Gay emancipation, of course, may not have been a uniformly good thing for women...   Just a few decades ago, many of those men—at the risk of stereotyping, the most sensitive, artistic, attractive and highest-earning men; that is, perfect husband material—would have got married, had a few kids and led a double life to pursue their forbidden urges. They wouldn’t have bothered their wives for sex and they would have made great fathers.  But now they’re settling down with men, in many cases not having children at all. In other words, a healthy chunk of the most desirable men—men who no doubt would have cooed along approvingly to feminist exhortations—are now off the market, leaving even fewer eligible men in the dating pool.   (As a side note, here’s an argument you won’t read elsewhere: gay men test significantly higher, on average, for IQ, and we know that IQ is at least partially genetically determined. Gays don’t reproduce as much now they don’t have to keep up the pretence of straight relationships. In fact, surveys say they barely reproduce at all."
And this was before OnlyFans.

Aragorn: Healthy Masculinity on Screen - YouTube - "Aragorn led many great military triumphs years before he met Frodo and the other Hobbits but this is not something that the hobbits know. To them and to us, the audience, he is ostensibly a keeper of the land. His day job is not to close ranks and destroy the enemy but to preserve, scout and protect a threatened environment. It's fair to say that he is more Shepherd than Soldier. Why is this important in terms of masculinity? Because it means that the man who will be a great leader of men who the first instinct to preserve, and not to destroy. It's a situation in which power will be wielded for good and not violence for violence sake... There is an interpretation of stoicism in the modern world which suggests that to be a stoic is to show no emotion, and arguably even to feel no emotion. This is a notion which if taken seriously in fact leads to psychopathy rather than stoicism.  In his book The obstacle is the way Stoic philosopher Ryan Holliday outlines what a more appropriate approach to stoicism would be, saying, No one said you aren't allowed to feel. Take a moment to cry if necessary. Cast aside false masculinity. Real strength lies in domestication of one's emotions, not in pretending that they don't exist.  And control of his emotions is exactly what Aragorn displays at Gandalf's death. As we can see other than Frodo Aragorn is the one who takes the longest moment In the initial aftermath to process what has happened. He is the one who is most struck by it emotionally...  he takes a moment to feel, but doesn't let emotion get in the way of making a vital call...  courage is not a lack of fear but acting in spite of it... Aragon constantly recognizes his shortcomings. He is full of humility...  and yet in spite of this fear, he pushes through. He knows that if he does not stand up, no other man will...  there's an absurd notion in modern culture that men who are interested in poetry and literature are lacking in masculinity. Like modern interpretations of stoicism this stems from a belief that poetry, language and song are so heavily intertwined with exploring one's emotions and that doing this is an unmasculine thing to do"
The actual quote is "no one said anything about not feeling it. No one said you can’t ever cry. Forget “manliness.” If you need to take a moment, by all means, go ahead. Real strength lies in the control or, as Nassim Taleb put it, the domestication of one’s emotions, not in pretending they don’t exist"

Meme - evangelinelillyofficial: "Why are we only applauding masculinity in women and villainizing it in men? And why are we only applauding femininity in men and debasing it in women? Why can't we just allow for all of it? Why do we feel the need to vilify a man wearing shit-kicker boots, driving a pick-up truck who's not afraid to punch someone in the face, but if they were a woman, they would be the epitome of cool? Why is a man who loves make-up, cries easily and stays at home to tend to the domestic responsibilities valiant, but a woman who does the same is pathetic? I think the truly revolutionary act is as old as time: "Do not judge." - Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, etc. Let each be who they are and let us teach grace and charity above all things. These overarching ideas are far simpler and more effective than trying to juggle the minutia of judgement. They are ideas that protect us all from the excesses of each persons vices while still allowing the expression of their self. Grace and charity are cornerstones of a thriving society and should not be abandoned. We need them like we need democracy, justice and peace. And, without them, we can't have democracy, justice or peace. "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity." -St. Augustine of Hippo"

Sex Worker Confirms That "Red Pill Alpha Males" Hire Women To Pose For Photos And Pretend To Like Them - "When Ben's tweet went viral, Twitter user @takeheartmonica shared a screenshot of a comment from a woman @ivy_wylder. Ivy shared some insider information that didn't exactly surprise many people. Apparently, many of the red pill manosphere guys actually hire women to hang out with them, pose in pictures with them, and pretend to like them. She wasn't talking about Ben in particular or his tweet, but @takeheartmonica thought Ivy's comment was certainly relevant to the conversation.  "I said this in another comment but I just want to point out that the guys behind these accounts hire us (sex workers) to hang out with them and take pictures lmao," Ivy wrote. "Last summer I was on a boat with 4 other women and the guys who booked it took selfies and Snapchats with us all day, which ended up on one guys 'alpha male' account where he was like 'these women flock to me.' Sir we were there because you paid us to sit in a on a rented boat with you."  She also said that these red pill men would often rant about how young women are the only ones worth spending time with, but apparently they didn't even realize that many of the women they had hired were much older than they thought.  "That guy also went on weird rants about women's age and was like 'look at all these 20 year old girls I hang out with, not like those HAGS over 25,'" Ivy continued. "Reader, half the women on that boat were over 30, and that dung beetle and ALL his followers literally could not tell. They have no f*cking clue. In the strip club they regularly ask 32 year old strippers with kids if they're in school because they think we're 21. They cannot tell. It doesn't matter how much they screech that they can.""

Meme - "THE WOMAN WHO CAN COMMAND ME HASN'T BEEN BORN YET. *Muscular man with knife and steak*
4 YEARS LATER. *Man in tutu with little girl*"

Testosterone is associated with cooperation during intergroup competition by enhancing parochial altruism - "The steroid hormone testosterone is widely associated with negative behavioral effects, such as aggression or dominance. However, recent studies applying economic exchange tasks revealed conflicting results. While some point to a prosocial effect of testosterone by increasing altruistic behavior, others report that testosterone promotes antisocial tendencies. Taking into account additional factors such as parochial altruism (i.e., ingroup favoritism and outgroup hostility) might help to explain this contradiction. First evidence for a link between testosterone and parochial altruism comes from recently reported data of male soccer fans playing the ultimatum game. In this study high levels of endogenous testosterone predicted increased altruistic punishment during outgroup interactions and at the same time heightened ingroup generosity. Here, we report findings of another experimental task, the prisoner's dilemma, applied in the same context to examine the role of testosterone on parochial tendencies in terms of cooperation. In this task, 50 male soccer fans were asked to decide whether or not they wanted to cooperate with partners marked as either fans of the subject's own favorite team (ingroup) or fans of other teams (outgroups). Our results show that high testosterone levels were associated with increased ingroup cooperation during intergroup competition. In addition, subjects displaying a high degree of parochialism during intergroup competition had significantly higher levels of testosterone than subjects who did not differentiate much between the different groups. In sum, the present data demonstrate that the behavioral effects of testosterone are not limited to aggressive and selfish tendencies but may imply prosocial aspects depending on the context. By this means, our results support the previously reported findings on testosterone-dependent intergroup bias and indicate that this social hormone might be an important factor driving parochial altruism."

Feminist Sarah Anderson attacks masculinity : mramemes
"This is incredible! I love how in the adaptation his armor never breaks. Perfectly highlights that even when men are broken inside, we can't afford to let the world see."

Meme - "Masculinity Is TOUGH and STRONG!"
"It's Okay to talK About Your Feelings"
"Jeez, You Don't Know How Good That Is to Hear!"
"I Can't Find Work, So My Wife Left Me and Took the Kids"
"I haven't Seen My Sons in Three Years. Also, I'm Homeless"
"I Think About Killing Myself All the Time"
"HELP! This Freak Is an INCEL! He'll Kill Us All!"
The only emotions men are allowed to feel are shame and disgust for being male

Kids were fighting in school. Dads began patrolling campus, and the violence stopped. - The Washington Post - "About six dads are assigned to each shift, and they strategically scatter around the campus, covering all central areas. Beyond surveilling the students to ensure everyone is well-behaved, “we give high fives and share encouraging words,” La’Fitte said. “And we also crack dad jokes, of course.”With the dads around, “the kids feel safe,” he said. “You can just see the love.” With the dads around, “the kids feel safe,” he said. “You can just see the love.”"
"Almost like """Toxic Masculinity""" is a product of gynocentrism and a lack of male influence."

Wokesplaining to Men. Yes, stereotypical masculinity should... - "Norms of masculine behavior have varied hugely from culture to culture and era to era, mostly for reasons that have nothing to do with feminism. In the 18th- and 19th-century Europe and America, male friends routinely exchanged affectionate letters that, in our time, cause rampant speculation about their sexuality. Men also wore make-up (until the Victorian era) and cried at plays. In many cultures around the world today, men kiss each other with no sexual connotations. In many other cultures, homoerotic behavior among teenage and young adult males has been considered normal. The normal level of paternal involvement in child-rearing has run the gamut from nearly non-existent to deeply involved.  And so on. It makes a lot of sense that when women’s roles and beliefs about what it means to be a woman have changed dramatically, beliefs about what it means to be a man would change as well. I believe that until this decade’s Great Awokening, that change has been mostly positive. I also don’t see why women shouldn’t be a part of the conversation about evolving male norms, though admittedly it is odd to have women among the “Voices of the New Masculinity.” Men and women — straight men and women, at least— are interdependent. Long before modern feminism, whenever and wherever women have had some degree of freedom, their expectations indisputably helped shape social and cultural norms for men. That’s hardly controversial... speaking of woke comedians, there’s also the famous Hannah Gadsby, who proposes “a thought experiment: What if you, the men, looked to traditional feminine traits and tried incorporating them into your masculinity?” This is hardly revolutionary, but what’s different about Gadsby’s advice to men to “be more ladylike” is that it’s infused with contempt... A female celebrity who has more status and power than at least 99 percent of men telling men to imagine not being powerful. (What is it they say about clueless privilege? And what was it Freeman said about preaching to the converted and being off-putting and judgmental?) This basically sums up GQ’s “New Masculinity” project... The truth is that there are millions of men who have for a long time, without any fanfare, incorporated positive, traditionally feminine traits and behaviors into their lives. (Some one-third of American adults who act as caregivers to a disabled parent are men, but those are things you won’t find in GQ’s “New Masculinity” issue.) And the irony is that while GQ purports to challenge traditional stereotypes of what a real man is, it offers a collection of progressive stereotypes about what actual men and masculinity are like: Men have the power. Men lack empathy. Men are abusive to women. A real conversation about men and masculinity would include facts and ideas that don’t fit the woke-feminist paradigm. Are women always put-upon victims in “problematic” male/female sexual dynamics? Do traditional pressures on men come from women as well as from macho culture? Are there areas in which men have less power? Do men face gender-based barriers and biases of their own? No, empathy and care are not emasculating. Now, if only the people preaching a “new masculinity” showed some actual empathy for men."

Stop tagging me to fight your arguments for you. — mister-christmas: veraxplus: theglowpt2: ... - "straight men trying to make Serious war dramas and accidentally making incredibly tender homoerotic cinema is the funniest thing"
"Can you imagine being so fucking disgustingly touch-starved and sex-saturated that any amount of fraternal camaraderie instantly signals “they are gays, they are in a homosexual relationship” to your ghoulish, porn-addled brain?"
"I’m almost certain this kind of shit is where the “straight men don’t have deep friendships or deep feelings” nonsense comes from. Because when we do show any modicum of intimacy you dregs immediately shout “THEY’RE GAY!” at the top your lungs like a bunch of holloring yahoos."
give me my romeo — im-the-princess-now: veraxplus: theglowpt2: ... - "Dont you hate it how people are always like, “let men be friends! Let men have emotions!” But as soon as they do it’s this horeshit?"

Meme - "Hey you know [male historical figures that had a close friendship]? I bet they were BONING each other. This is definitely wholesome (uwu) and totally not a creepy hypersexual way to see the world and male friendship"

What C. S. Lewis Says About Friendship - "Lewis then dismisses the argument that all Friendship is disguised homosexuality:
Those who cannot conceive Friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a Friend. The rest of us know that though we can have erotic love and friendship for the same person yet in some ways nothing is less like a Friendship than a love-affair. Lovers are always talking to one another about their love; Friends hardly ever about their Friendship. Lovers are normally face to face, absorbed in each other; Friends, side by side, absorbed in some common interest. Above all, Eros (while it lasts) is necessarily between two only. But two, far from being the necessary number for Friendship, is not even the best. Lewis argues that, in Friendship, we see more of a person when more of us see him or her:
Hence true Friendship is the least jealous of loves. Two friends delight to be joined by a third, and three by a fourth, if only the newcomer is qualified to become a real friend…. In this, Friendship exhibits a glorious ‘nearness by resemblance’ to Heaven itself where the very multitude of the blessed (which no man can number) increases the fruition which each has of God. For every soul, seeing Him in her own way, doubtless communicates that unique vision to all the rest."

Male Affection: A Photographic History Tour - "In my unending search for just the right vintage images for our articles, I have looked through thousands of photographs of men from the last century or so. One of the things that I have found most fascinating about many of these images, is the ease, familiarity, and intimacy, which men used to exhibit in photographs with their friends and compadres.  I shared a handful of these images in our very early post on the history of male friendship, but today I wanted to share almost 100 more in order to provide a more in-depth look into an important and highly interesting aspect of masculine history: the decline of male intimacy over the last century... From the Civil War through the 1920’s, it was very common for male friends to visit a photographer’s studio together to have a portrait done as a memento of their love and loyalty. Photographers would offer various backgrounds and props the men could choose from to use in the picture. Sometimes the men would act out scenes; sometimes they’d simply sit side-by-side; sometimes they’d sit on each other’s laps or hold hands. The men’s very comfortable and familiar poses and body language might make the men look like gay lovers to the modern eye — and they could very well have been — but that was not the message they were sending at the time. The photographer’s studio would have been at the center of town, well-known by everyone, and one’s neighbors would having been sitting in the waiting room just a few feet away. Because homosexuality, even if thought of as a practice rather than an identity, was not something publicly expressed, these men were not knowingly outing themselves in these shots; their poses were common, and simply reflected the intimacy and intensity of male friendships at the time — none of these photos would have caused their contemporaries to bat an eye... Sociologists have noticed that Millennial boys seem much more comfortable with showing affection for each other than their fathers did"
The "gay history" people will get very excited over all this "proof" that homosexuality has been erased

Meme - "gf treating me badly lately
>1 month ago
>have several really bad days in a row
>i vent to my gf, get a bit emotional
>she comforts me, we get on with our day
>our last normal day together
>her attitude toward me suddenly, irreparably changes from that point onward
>she talks down to me more
>questlons my judgement constantly
>cant seem to get her approval“ no matter what i do
>she always acting like my efforts are 'falling short“ or not up to her standards
I thought it was a meme that women view you as a subhuman beta male if you showed cried / showed emotion
how the fuck can i fix this? or is this the 'new normal' for our relationship??"

Meme - "Men who don't wear jackets in cold weather do so with the express intent of intimidating women and to make women feel like lesser beings. If you see a man who is not wearing a jacket when you're cold, then call him out his toxic masculinity and ego violence. #ToxicMasculinity"

Male suicide is at a 20-year high. Given that the world hates us, is anyone surprised? - "If you’re male, you’re the enemy. But if you’re female, you’re the future.  This is the narrative that’s been building steadily over the past few decades. And it’s no coincidence that male suicide has grown alongside it.  Years ago, back in the 1970s, the rates of male suicide were much lower. Simultaneously, the views of hardcore feminists only existed on the fringes of society. They did not have a huge effect on government policy or media narratives. They did not dominate news agendas or skew the reporting of global health pandemics, such as Covid-19... there are very few spaces where we can exist without endless criticism, ridicule and disrespect.  It’s this harsh reality, not “isolation” or “alcoholism” or being “less inclined to seek help,” which explains why so many men are giving up. Quite frankly, the war against them is exhausting. And it starts early...  Back in 2017, The Times newspaper ran a feature called “How to raise boys to be (decent) men,” which was full of advice on how to build “feminist” men who rejected maleness. Naturally, there was no equivalent guide for women. And this is precisely the problem.  See, women are deemed virtuous and inherently good, regardless of what they do in life. Even if they never achieve anything, they’re still valued by society. Their lives are given automatic, inherent worth. Merely existing makes them special.  Boys, on the other hand, only have value while they are young. As soon as they stop being children, they are judged on their utility as men – usually, this equates to how much money they can earn and provide; either to the state or to women.  Once men have been rendered useless, either by an employer or an ex-wife, they’re conditioned to feel their presence is of little worth."

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