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Monday, August 22, 2022

Links - 22nd August 2022 (2 - San Francisco)

Michelle Tandler on Twitter - "Astounding numbers just dropped from the San Francisco Board of Education. See "ready for high school" vs "chronically absent" and graduation rate."

San Francisco police to stop releasing suspect mug shots in effort to prevent racial bias - "Police in San Francisco will stop releasing mug shots of most people who have been arrested, a change that Chief Bill Scott described as a groundbreaking attempt to curb implicit bias in policing... Under the directive, which went into effect Wednesday, the department will not release booking photos unless it is imperative to warn the public of danger or to seek help in finding a suspect or victim, including at-risk persons...   Booking photos do have benefits, Snyder said.  They can allow the public to see evidence of potential police abuse if it shows someone has been “bruised or battered in some way,” he said. Moreover, a uniform release of booking photos is less likely to raise the issue of racial bias than a selective order that allows authorities to pick and choose which photos are released.  “I am completely sympathetic to the issue of implicit bias,” Snyder said. “But I am hesitant to endorse a clampdown on the release of information.”"
"Reality is often disappointing. That is, it was. Now, reality can be whatever I want"
The police can just release white people's photos to pretend that white people are responsible for all the crime

San Francisco May Rename Schools Named After Washington, Lincoln And Others - "School board president Gabriela López called it "an opportunity for our students to learn about the history of our school's [sic] names, including the potential new ones."  "This resolution came to the school board in the wake of the attacks in Charlottesville, and we are working alongside the rest of the country to dismantle symbols of racism and white supremacy culture"...   The school board passed a resolution in May 2018 to change names if the person "engaged in the subjugation and enslavement of human beings; or who oppressed women, inhibiting societal progress; or whose actions led to genocide; or who otherwise significantly diminished the opportunities of those amongst us to the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  Among schools the panel recommended be renamed are those named for former President Herbert Hoover, naturalist John Muir, Revolutionary War figure Paul Revere and author Robert Louis Stevenson. Former President James Monroe is also on the list, who is known to have held enslaved people, as did Washington and Jefferson.  Lincoln, known for his legacy of emancipation, is included "because of the Civil War president's treatment of American Indians, which included a mass hanging after an uprising"...   Feinstein, the longtime Democratic senator, is included "because as mayor in 1984 she replaced a vandalized Confederate flag that was part of a long-standing flag display in front of City Hall," The Associated Press reported. "When the flag was pulled down a second time, she did not replace it.""

Notable & Quotable: The Unwoke Abe Lincoln - WSJ - "Lincoln, like the presidents before him and most after, did not show through policy or rhetoric that Black lives ever mattered to them outside of human capital and as casualties of wealth building"
Quoted as schools should not be named after Abraham Lincoln because "black lives didn't matter to him"

S.F. might change 44 school names, renouncing Washington, Lincoln and even Dianne Feinstein - "panelist Mariposa Villaluna urged the committee to include Thomas Edison Elementary School on the list to change, saying he euthanized animals, including Topsy the elephant, according to a video of the meeting.  “He euthanized them without scientific research,” Villaluna said. “It wasn’t like hamsters in a cage, you know what I mean.”  The committee, however, said that didn’t meet the criteria.  “Long live Topsy,” Villaluna said after the decision."

Report: San Francisco School Enrollment Plunges as Mostly White Families Flee District - "The drop in enrollment could lead to a loss in state funding of about $20 million"
Since liberals want to ban school vouchers since they take money away from public schools, they should be for banning moving too

San Francisco School Board Rescinds Controversial School Renaming Plan - "President Abraham Lincoln, whose legacy is defined by the emancipation of Black slaves, was included on the list because of a decision to allow the execution of 38 Santee Sioux who were found guilty of raping and murdering white settlers. But, critics say, the panel did not take into account that the state of Minnesota would have executed 300 Santee Sioux had Lincoln not intervened on their behalf and commuted their sentences, sparing all but the 38 who were hanged... "the board committee mistakenly assumed that Alamo Elementary School was named for the Texas battle and not for the Spanish word for 'poplar tree'; and they cited incorrect history about Revolutionary War figure Paul Revere trying to steal land from the Penobscot people of Maine — the 1779 Penobscot Expedition he took part in was actually an unsuccessful battle with the British who had landed in Penobscot territory and 'captured' it a month earlier.""
These are the same people who claim they want to "teach accurate history" (what they are pretending Critical Race Theory is)

San Francisco’s Ridiculous Renaming Spree - The Atlantic - "This holier-than-thou crusade is typical for San Francisco, which in recent years has traded in its freak flag to march under the banner of brain-dead political correctness. Aside from providing invaluable ammunition to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and the more than 70 million Trump supporters whose most extreme caricatures of liberals have now been confirmed, renaming the schools is likely to cost the already deeply indebted district millions of dollars, and will not help a single disadvantaged student or actually advance the cause of racial justice. The nation’s reckoning about its racist past might have positive aspects, but exercises in Maoist “constructive self-criticism” are not among them. The School Names Advisory Committee was created in 2018 by the San Francisco Board of Education. Although the committee of community members and school-board staff was supposed to “engage the larger San Francisco community in a sustained discussion regarding public school names,” no such engagement ever took place. The “blue-ribbon panel” did its own “research” (using that term lightly) and issued its own rulings. In keeping with the incorruptible, Robespierre-like spirit of our revolutionary times, the committee decreed that one sin (being a colonizer or slave owner, using an “inappropriate” word, and so on) was all that was required to send a figure to the guillotine. Once that decision was made, the severed heads rolled into the gutter of history. Since Washington was a slave owner and, in the words of the committee, “the majority of [Lincoln’s] policies proved detrimental” to Native peoples, the leader who won America’s war of independence and the one who saved the union and issued the Emancipation Proclamation were dispatched without further discussion. The decision to rename Abraham Lincoln High took five seconds; George Washington took 12. The decision process was a joke. The committee’s research seems to have consisted mostly of cursory Google searches, and the sources cited were primarily Wikipedia entries or similar. Historians were not consulted. Embarrassing errors of interpretation were made, as well as rudimentary factual errors. Robert Louis Stevenson, perhaps the most beloved literary figure in the city’s history, was canceled because in a poem titled “Foreign Children” in his famous collection A Child’s Garden of Verses, he used the rhyming word Japanee for Japanese... The committee also failed to consistently apply its one-strike-and-you’re-out rule. When one member questioned whether Malcolm X Academy should be renamed in light of the fact that Malcolm was once a pimp, and therefore subjugated women, the committee decided that his later career redeemed his earlier missteps. Yet no such exceptions were made for Lincoln, Jefferson, and others on the list.  In its rush to sweep historical evildoers off the stage, the committee erased much of San Francisco and California’s Hispanic heritage. Not just Father Junípero Serra, the spiritual head of Spain’s colonizing expedition, but also José Ortega, who as a member of the Portolá expedition discovered San Francisco Bay, and other Spanish- and Mexican-era figures, had their names removed from schools because they engaged in or were associated with actions that harmed Native Americans. No one disputes that every colonizing group in California, from the Spanish to the Mexicans to the Americans (who engaged in actual genocide), had a dreadful record with Native peoples. But for all its supposed ethnic sensitivity, the committee seems not to have been concerned about removing Latin figures. Mythical entities also fell under the fatal gaze of the Purity Police. El Dorado Elementary, named after a fantastical kingdom whose fame circulated among Spanish explorers in the early 16th century and whose Goldfinger-like ruler was allegedly ceremonially covered by his subjects with gold dust, also made the list. Citing the death of Native peoples that resulted from the Gold Rush, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that a committee member said, “I don’t think the concept of greed and lust for gold is a concept we want our children to be given”—an idealistic, if possibly futile, position in a city whose median household income exceeds $100,000... It defended its crusade as part of America’s racial reckoning. As the committee chair, the first-grade teacher Jeremiah Jeffries, said, “This is important work. We’re in the middle of a reckoning as a country and a nation. We need to do our part.”... This debacle is just the latest example of “progressive” cultural censorship in a city once renowned as a bastion of free speech. Our purgative program began in 2018, when an 1894 statue titled Early Days was removed from a cluster of statues near city hall called the Pioneer Monument, at the behest of the city’s Indigenous activists... The city’s art establishment remained silent as the statue was hauled away: The bloody 2017 riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee made it anathema on the left to question the destruction of monuments deemed objectionable by groups deemed to have standing. But the fact that Early Days was taken down without much opposition meant that the beliefs underlying the decision to remove such monuments, the issue of who gets to determine their fate, the implications of removing them, and the possible alternatives to removal were never seriously discussed. As the renaming debacle demonstrates, such a discussion is urgently needed. Those who demand the removal of art like Early Days, or insist that schools named after objectionable figures must be renamed, are acting on the assumption either that the continued presence of these works and names in the public sphere constitutes an official endorsement of a racist, colonialist, or otherwise objectionable message, or that the messages they send are so hurtful that they must be erased. Both assumptions are weak... Can people really be hurt by a message sent by a historic statue, arriving like ancient light from a star in a distant galaxy? And if they are, should their feelings take precedence over all others’? Who has standing in this debate? At what point is a monument’s historical value, as a record of the beliefs and sometimes bigotries of its time, more important than the hurtful message it allegedly sends? The left, or at least the woke left, largely dismisses such questions. It has embraced a kind of maximum-semiotic approach to cultural artifacts, in which historical context and intent are irrelevant and all that matters is the free-floating message sent by a cultural object. This anything-can-be-offensive stance is combined with an identity-politics-driven, victim-centered ideology that makes people of color and historically oppressed groups the arbiters of whether a cultural object stays or goes. (Hey, it’s so much easier than actually working to improve their lot.) And their rulings cannot be appealed. The don’t-know-whether-to-laugh-or-cry consequences of such an approach were displayed in 2019, when the San Francisco school board decided to paint over two WPA-era Victor Arnautoff murals at Washington High School on the grounds that they were racially insensitive. The first of the two frescoes, part of a 13-mural composition titled The Life of Washington, depicted Black enslaved people at Mount Vernon; the second showed white settlers stepping over a dead Native American on their way west. The board decided to destroy the murals because a few students and parents complained that the images were hurtful. But Arnautoff intended that those images tell the unvarnished truth about Washington and his age. Arnautoff, a Communist, wanted to show that the revered Father of Our Country was a slave owner, and that the westward expansion of the United States was achieved by slaughtering its first inhabitants. The insistence that the images be destroyed (this demand was later downgraded to painted over) was tantamount to declaring that any work of art that depicts a subject that might hurt someone’s feelings, even if the artist had the most subversive and radical intention, can legitimately be censored... As a student of both the Spanish and Mexican eras and the horrors visited upon the state’s Native peoples, I always looked closely at Early Days as I walked past it, and I found it an oddly fascinating work. It reflected the backward beliefs of its time—which in itself made it a worthy object of study—but it also struck me that it was far from purely celebratory"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Protesters bring down statue of Francis Scott Key - "The statue of Francis Scott Key, who is known for writing "The Star-Spangled Banner" but was a slave owner, was toppled by protesters in San Francisco during demonstrations against racial injustice."
First, they came for the Confederate Generals...

Michelle Tandler ⚖️ on Twitter - "Today SF School Board will vote to shut down our top academic high school amidst allegations that it's racist. I believe this is destruction out of envy and spite. Students are 82% POC and 35% in poverty. All will lose their rigorous academic environment. Sad day for SF."

Stunning photo shows woman hanging out of car window wielding AK-47 in San Francisco - "The picture was captured in San Francisco, during what the San Francisco Police Department Traffic Safety team called “an illegal exhibition of speed event”.

Chris Zeoli on Twitter - "Just had an estranged man pull a knife on me in a side street in San Francisco🔪 Luckily was able to dodge him and run away. Called the police who quickly arrived and left without more than 3 minutes of investigating. No attempt to detain the aggressor. This is San Francisco…"

San Francisco's school board is wasting time on ridiculous debates as students remain home - "A gay dad volunteers for one of eight open slots on a parent committee that advises the school board. All of the 10 current members are straight moms. Three are white. Three are Latina. Two are Black. One is Tongan. They all want the dad to join them.  The seven school board members talk for two hours about whether the dad brings enough diversity. Yes, he’d be the only man. And the only LGBTQ representative. But he’d be the fourth white person in a district where 15% of students are white.  The gay dad never utters a single word. The board members do not ask the dad a single question before declining to approve him for the committee. They say they’ll consider allowing him to volunteer if he comes back with a slate of more diverse candidates, ideally including an Arab parent, a Native American parent, a Vietnamese parent and a Chinese parent who doesn’t speak English.  Was this an episode of “Portlandia,” the TV satire about liberalism gone to ludicrous extremes? No, it was just another Tuesday night at the San Francisco Board of Education, a group that would provide great entertainment if the consequences weren’t so serious...   Knowing his face was beamed live across the city on Zoom, Brenzel kept a neutral expression as the board discussed his race, gender and sexual orientation — and whether they were a worthy mix for the Parent Advisory Council.  “I thought maybe somebody would ask me a question. Like, ‘Hey, Seth, why do you want to be a member of the PAC?’ Or, ‘Hey, Seth, can you tell me about your volunteering in the district?’” he said. “None of that happened.”...   Seems like a top-notch candidate for a volunteer position. Especially since, as PAC coordinator Michelle Jacques-Menegaz explained, recruiting parents during the pandemic has been next to impossible. She’s asked the school board repeatedly to help her find parents from underrepresented backgrounds, and they haven’t...   She acknowledged that the meetings need to be better structured and that the board needs to be clearer that safely opening schools is its top priority.  That has not always been evident over the past year. There was the stripping of 44 names — including Abraham Lincoln and Dianne Feinstein — from schools, an important pursuit in general that became an international punch line with the revelation that the volunteer committee leaned on Wikipedia for research and made blatant mistakes.  Then came a crucial discussion about racism at Lowell High, known as a feeder school for top universities, and whether to drop the merit-based admissions system in favor of a lottery. The board approved the change Tuesday, but only after limiting opponents to 30 minutes, while giving supporters far more time — an apparent violation of the Brown Act, which dictates how government meetings must be run.  Before the vote, Collins blasted high school journalists at The Lowell on Twitter for sharing a petition to keep the current admissions system, and for not covering a racist incident at the school. Neither accusation was true. Collins apologized, but never explained why she was publicly slamming teenagers in the first place."
Liberals judge you based on your identity, not your worth

California judge trashes lawsuit from board member who was fired over anti-Asian tweets - "A federal judge has junked the lawsuit that former San Francisco school board vice president Alison Collins filed in March against the school district and five of her colleagues who voted to strip her of her board position.
The case: Collins alleged that the school district and her colleagues violated her right to free speech when they voted to remove her from board committees and her vice presidency position over tweets she posted in 2016"
Ironic. Liberals usually claim that hate speech is not protected

Meme - "Walgreens closing 5 San Francisco stores due to 'organized retail crime'"
"Walgreens had insurance and so do all these other stores. Let more theft happen I say. The crooks are robbing the crooks."
"bro literally the people getting by working there gets affected more than the corpo does Imao"
"all these massive retail chains could absorb this cost without blinking and see almost zero effect on the bottom line. They are just using it as a convenient excuse to tighten the belt."

Walgreens closing 5 San Francisco stores due to 'organized retail crime' - ""Retail theft across our San Francisco stores has continued to increase in the past few months to five times our chain average. During this time to help combat this issue, we increased our investments in security measures in stores across the city to 46 times our chain average in an effort to provide a safe environment"... though the store on Mission Street had added an off-duty police officer as store security in recent months, it was "too little, too late for this store." He said he has been in touch with Walgreens and that the shoplifting was having an impact on the company's bottom line, as well as impacting the safety of its employees and customers... The rampant shoplifting was often brazen and carried out in broad daylight — that month Inside Edition was filming a segment about the increase in crime in the drugstore when they caught a man jumping over the front counter to do that very thing... Walgreens has closed at least 10 stores in the city since the beginning of 2019."
People respond to incentives

‘Out of control’: Organized crime drives S.F. shoplifting, closing 17 Walgreens in five years

Meme - Antonio Garcia Martinez: "Every item in this SF Walgreens is under lock and key. There's practically nothing you can buy without having to call an associate to unlock something. I've never been in a country that lives this way."
"Except sunblock"

EXCLUSIVE: Iconic Target Store on Mission St to Close Amid Shoplifting Tidal Wave - "after Walgreens announced that five additional outlets in San Francisco would be closing on top of the 17 that already have been shuttered since 2019, the company claimed that changes in both the law and prosecutor attitudes had made it impossible to run a profitable business in the city.  Mayor London Breed challenged that narrative. She attributed the closings to demographic shifts and the Chronicle dutifully reported that “the five stores slated to close had fewer than two recorded shoplifting incidents a month on average since 2018” (while acknowledging that few stores bother to report a crime that now routinely goes unpunished). Everyone who has stood in line at a drmugstore and watched thieves shove hundreds of dollars of items down their pants knew that Breed was mistaken at best or lying at worst. Now, in a Globe exclusive, San Francisco Police Department officers revealed that the iconic Target on Mission Street between Third and Fourth Streets will be shutting its doors before the end of the year.  “This store loses $25,000 a day to shoplifting,” an SFPD officer told the Globe in lengthy, taped interviews conducted this week. “That’s $25,000 that walks out the door on average between 9 and 6 every day.”...   Asked if the presence of armed, uniformed police officers had any deterrent effect on thieves, one officer was blunt in his assessment.  “They don’t care. There’s no consequences. Literally zero consequences. I’ve kicked out… I’ve been here since 9 AM today. I probably have already kicked out eight or nine people and I’ve recovered a thousand dollars worth of stuff alone off of that. Whether we kick them out, tell them they can’t come back, whether I put them in handcuffs and take them down to the county jail—there is no difference. Because they will not be prosecuted by the district attorney. Therefore, there is nothing documented that they can’t come back here. You know, they get no time in jail to think about what they did, right? There is zero consequence. And that’s why in this store the same exact people come in every other day and in the city the same couple percent of people are the same people committing all the car break-ins, all the robberies and all the shootings, any aggravated assaults right in town where there’s more street people, people fighting. It’s all the same exact people, and there are zero consequences. Therefore you take them to jail they get out of jail. They do it again. It’s a big circle.” Target has already taken measures to decrease the catastrophic shrinkage. In July, the retailer cited an “‘alarming rise’ in thefts at its San Francisco stores” and cut its hours. The Mission St. store had been open from 8 am to 10 pm and is now open only from 9 am to 6 pm. One officer told the Globe the new hours inconvenienced hard-working San Franciscans who struggle to buy their diapers and Diet Cokes before 6 pm... according to this officer, the Mission Street Target will also be closed by the end of the year despite having solid revenue, because they cannot get the shoplifting under control. “In San Francisco, the only reason why they haven’t closed. They want to have it here, right, and this is the biggest one in San Francisco.”  In addition to the limited hours, the retail giant has taken other measures. The Mission Street store locks not just those items that have become commonplace at high-theft areas throughout San Fran such as Tylenol and razors. But also, in a first for California Globe, Tide and other heavy, large laundry detergents were also behind lock and key. Vitamins, false eyelashes, Nicorette, skin creams, Lego, water bottles, hairdryers and even bulky low-priced items like body wash all are protected by sophisticated anti-theft equipment. Even the “fancy” toothpaste. All of which, of course, raises costs for the honest hard-working shoppers and slows the checkout process for all. It also means an embarrassing quest to find a customer service person who now needs to be told of a shopper’s smelliness, dry skin and frizzy hair. Still, they steal. Earlier this week, a reporter from the Globe spotted a man shoving food down his pants without a worry in the world. And even when items are not exactly removed from the store, they’re still stolen. When the Globe reporter went to buy Fig Newtons, every single package on the shelves had been opened and had several delicious cookies removed. A display of Hershey’s Kisses had been magically transformed into a “grab a free handful” situation by the industrious residents of SOMA... “Our chief of police actually came in a couple of months ago and did the same thing you did. He literally was like shocked that everything was locked up and he didn’t understand why and that’s kind of a little naïve on his end, but the same thing. And one worker went up to him and was almost like tearing up and she was like, ‘If you don’t have officers here tomorrow, I’m not coming to work.’ We’re here for the theft, sort of, but our main objective in essence is to protect the employees, because all the people that come in. The security guards tell these people all day long, ‘Get out, get out, get out.’ And what do they do? They flip them off or berate them or want to bite them or hit him – anything. So that in essence was more of our responsibility. We get a lot of the product back that’s stolen, but it’s impossible to catch everybody, especially when they are concealing it in bags. They go out all day, there are four fire exits here, they go right onto the street, right? And it’s hard when security can’t touch them. They can’t touch them. They can’t grab your arm and say ‘Hey, put that back.’ They’d be fired, there would be a lawsuit.”... the store on Mission St. already has some of the highest labor and security costs in the entire chain."

80 people stormed a Nordstrom store in flash mob-style robbery - "The suspects assaulted two Nordstrom workers and pepper sprayed another"

Target shortens hours in San Francisco due to ‘alarming rise’ in shoplifting - "Target Corp. has temporarily shortened operating hours at its five San Francisco store locations due to concerns surrounding a sharp increase in incidents of theft."... Target’s response comes after a brazen shoplifter at a Walgreens WBA, +1.55% location in San Francisco was caught on video filling a trash bag with merchandise and then riding a bike out of the store. There’s also video this week of a group running out of a Neiman Marcus department store in San Francisco with apparently stolen goods in hand. Rachel Michelin,  president and chief executive of the California Retailers Association, said such incidents have been a problem for some time. “The issue of organized retail crime, particularly in San Francisco but statewide, has been an issue for years,” she said. “California is kind of a hot spot for retail theft.”...   Retailers have tried adding private security guards, who are meant to “observe and report” rather than confront shoplifters, Michelin told MarketWatch. Other retailers have simply shuttered stores...   Small businesses that rely on the foot traffic generated by mass retailers are also impacted by these crimes, Michelin said.  “National retailers can absorb some of this,” she said because they have e-commerce operations.  “When you start seeing stores limit their hours, that has a ripple effect on small businesses.”"
Next, grievance mongers will claim that this is "racist"

San Francisco Mayor takes $3.75 million from police, giving to black businesses instead - "Between November 2019 and November 2020 there were: 42% more burglaries, 34% more cars being stolen, and 39% more arsons San Francisco. In the wake of the pandemic, people are fleeing to Florida to get away from cities like this."

San Francisco to Launch Pilot Program Paying People Not to Commit Gun Crimes - "San Francisco is launching a pilot program in October that effectively pays people $300 a month not to commit gun crimes.  The goal of the program is to reduce gun violence across the city...   The Human Rights Commission says the idea has shown to be a cost-effective way to reduce gun crimes in other cities. Oakland and Richmond have similar anti-violence programs.  The payments come in the form of gift cards, and the spending habits are tracked.  This program, the Dream Keeper Fellowship, focuses on neighborhoods disproportionally affected by violence to help improve public safety. At risk participants would go through an interview process, assessments and then become public safety ambassadors.  For all that, they'll be paid a few hundred dollars a month.  Critics have blasted the program, dubbing it cash for criminals, and said they are effectively paying people not to shoot other people."

San Francisco wants high-tech trash cans to block off human scavengers - "The city of San Francisco is searching for new public trash cans to ward off trash scavengers — and local officials are considering shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars on high-tech prototypes that will cost up to $20,000 each"

San Francisco property owners banned from parking car on it - "A San Francisco couple that parked their car for decades on a paved part of their property in front of their home has been banned from doing so unless they want to risk steep fines... Dan Sider, the city’s planning chief, said a decades-old city code to preserve neighborhood aesthetics prohibits residents from amassing cars in their yards... The Craines tried to find a photo showing the space had been long used for parking. A blurry aerial shot from the 1930s wasn’t clear enough for planning officials and a 34-year-old photo the couple provided was deemed too recent. The city ended up tossing the fines after the couple agreed to stop parking on the pavement. If the Craines build a cover for the paved property or a garage, officials said they can resume parking on it — in compliance with city code."

California Eatery Says Kicking Out Cops for 'Safe Space' Was a Mistake - "The owner of the San Francisco restaurant which kicked three uniformed police officers out to create a “safe space” for other diners apologized for the action. He went on to label it as a “mistake.”  Joseph Zira, the owner of Hilda and Jesse restaurant in San Francisco’s North Beach area, apologized on Sunday for the actions taken by his staff and managers... Zira’s apology came two days after the staff of the restaurant posted on Instagram an announcement that they asked three uniformed police officers to leave their restaurant after the sidearms police are required to wear made them feel “uncomfortable,” Breitbart News reported. They declared the restaurant to be a “safe space.”...   Rachel Sillcocks, the restaurant’s co-owner previously responded by standing by the decision. “The fact that they were in uniform with multiple weapons on them made our staff uncomfortable, and potentially other guests”... The action to expel the officers on Friday comes amid a spiking crime wave in San Francisco and other Bay Area communities where organized criminal groups raid and loot retail establishments.  High-end businesses in the city’s Union Square area boarded up after a string of “mass looting” events rocked the region"

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